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Reevaluation of the systematic position of the genus Tonza Walker (Yponomeutoidea: family incertae sedis), based on Tonza citrorrhoa Meyrick, new to Japan PDF

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Preview Reevaluation of the systematic position of the genus Tonza Walker (Yponomeutoidea: family incertae sedis), based on Tonza citrorrhoa Meyrick, new to Japan

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteoipoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan uttma LepidopteSrcaience66(2)6:8-76,October2015 Reeyaluation of the systematic positio nof the genus 7bnza Walker (Yponomeutoid feaam:ily incert aseedis), based on lonza citrorrhoa Meyrick, new to Japan Shigek iKoBAyAsHIi) J,ae-Cheon SoHN2) and Yintak YaosHIM,Lsui) i) Entomologica lLaboratory ,Graduate Schoo lof Lif eand Environmenta lSciences ,Osaka Prefectur eUniversity, Sakai ,Osaka ,599-853 1Japan 2) Departmen oft Entomology Smithsonia nInstituti oNna,tion aMluseum of Natura ]Hi story, Washjngton, DC, U.S,A. Abstrac tThe previous lsuyggested association of 7bnza with Plutellid aies reevaluated. One congener, Tbnza citrorrhoa Meyrick, 1905, is newly recorded from Japan A.dul tmorpho]ogies of T citrorrhoa are describe dwith photograph sand illustrat ianodn sth,e wing venation and genita lstructures of 7bnza are describe dfbr the fir sttime. New diagnosti ccharacters are proposed for nmza and they include :antennae almost same lengt hof forewing; forewin gwith only three radia] plu sradial sector veins; in male genita] bioat,h uncal process eansd socii presen tin; female genitali al,amella antevaginalis strongly sclerotized .These generi ccharacters seem to bette rassociate 7bnza with Attevid raaether than Plutellidae. Key wordsAttevidae,genericassignrnent,genitalia,Plt{tella-group,Ryukyus,Yponomeutidae,wingvenatien. Introduction Plutellid saeensu Kyrki (199 0h)ad already been strongly Tbsphy eecW igaeelsn kuies nr 7t(bh1en z8wao 6rw4la ds):T ,ho reZi g igpneuanlrlueysU daceo msWpcarirlsikebseer di, n 1oPn8ll6yu4t et(lhtrleyiedpaee qpfhauymelisoltgiiee ownsinet hte(inide c .sfY tagpDuodmu.yngio dlma(eiluSedteo seoehtifd n aiele.nat1 9e9ab8 dL)w,y.hi ch2 0A1 N3cr)oeicre ernpetusrkpo oempnodrloekscu eeltadnro 111O ffsprreoocmime sS)Prai pfLuraaonmk aNA eauwnsdt rTGahuliiiwna ae;Zna ;, cTi MtcreavylrrlFihicociatki zM i(Me1eyy9rri0ic5ckk,, 1 ,911199301)53 y(Upn2of0n O11or)m otenuu tnmooaritpdh eonlolonygei,c aolf th ge rporuenv dis o puvl aspunhs tyhleo Sgcenyetth irsct oeutpd iiaelsi,dae. desc rib ethde wing venation o f T p"rel l aand com pared for Yponomeutoid eianclud e7dlonz fab rtheir analyses. it with the other two species only in the forewing In thi spaper T, cittvrrhoa is newly recorded firo mJapan, characters, The genitali aof Tbnza have not been and the wing venation and genita fleature osf the genus describe duntil now. In fact ,the plutell iasdsociation of 7bnla are describe dwith photographs and illustrations 7bnza has never been rigorously examined, Common fbr the firs ttime, In addition, we revise the definiti oofn (1990 m)entioned that 7bnza may prove to be related to the genus and discus ist staxonomic positi obnased on the Plutellid aael,though it has very reduced venation. morphological characters. Heppner (1992 )recorded Z citrorrhoa under the Plutellid fareom Tlatiwan, Materials and methods According to Kyrki (1984 )the Plutella-grou ipn the Specimens were collected by ligh ttrap in June 2014 in restricted sense is characterized by the male genitalia the Okinawa Is. and April 2015 in the Ybnaguni Is .in with `teguminal processes c'uryed, surrounding the tuba Okinawa Prefectur eJ,apan .For preparati oonf the male analis. These processe swere erroneously regarded as a and female genitali at,he abdomen was removed and gnathos by Dugdale et al. (1998 ()al ssoee Landry and boiled for 5 min in 10% aqueous KOH, These were Hebert ,2013) ,Kyrki (199 0f)urthe rmentioned that the stained with acetocarmine, All Japanes especimens were Plutellidaedifferfrom the Yponomeutidae by the depositedinthe EntomologicalLaboratory,Osaka fbllowin gcharacters: 1) ocelli present 2,) sternite ofA8 Prefectur Ueniversit (yOPU) [,form sfor genital imaainly not strongly sclerotized, 3) thoracic leg of larv anot long. follo wSohn & Nishida (20 11) and Nasu et al. (2011). Of the differenc eDsu,gdale et al. (1998 p)ointe dout that [[brm sfbr wing venation foIlo wWOotton (1979). in some plutelli dessp,ecially so-called "mega-plutellids" from the Southern Hemisphere ocelli are rudimentary or [[laxonomy absent. These species were later transferred to Genus7bnzaWalker Orthoteliin oafe Glyphipterigid aTeh.e monophyly of the 7bnz a Walk er 1864: 1011; Meyrick, 1905: 614; Meyrick, NII-Electronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteiidoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society ooff JJaapapnan Reevaluatio nof the systematic positi oofn 7bnza 69 1913 :146. inside valva. Vinculum U-shaped; saccus slender, IYpe species: Tbnzapurell aWalker 1,864, Aedeagus (Fi g2.D) straight, slender without cornuti. Diagnosis T.he yponomeutoid association of this genus Female genitali (aFi g2.E-F). Papilla eanales narrow. is substantiated by the presenc eof two autapomorphies Apophysis anteriori sand apophysis posterior islsender, for the superfamily: the presen cofe posterio erxpansions Sternit eVIII with hairy small humps on the distal of male pleuron VIII (Fi gI,I) and a transverse ridge margin; Lamella antevaginalis sclerotized, covering basal behind the anterior margin of sternum II (Fi gI,H) ,The half of sternite VIII. Ostium bursae small. Antrum diagnosti cfeature sof the genus include :antennae slender; inceptio nof ductus seminalis on the middle of slightly longe ror same lengt has forewing (Fi gI,A); corpus bursae C,orpus bursa gelobula rw,ithout a signum, forewing swith slightly protruding apex and tornus; Host plant sU.nknown. forewin gtermen oblique or concave; only two radial DistributioAnu.stralia(Queensla(nWda)lke1r8,64);Sri sector veins presen tR,s 1 on apex and Rs2 on termen (Fig. Lanka (Ha ntane()M eyrick1,905 );China (Tai wan) 1F) ;in the male genita ](iFai g2.A-D), uncus small with (Hep pne1r9,92);P apuaNew Guinea (Boug ainvIisl,l)e ava lpvaai r eolfon lgaoteng pwirtohc esesyseera sls; oscmiail lwi tshpi nelson ga ntde rpmlianat l earsiestianeg; (Meyric k1,913 ) ;Jap an (O kinaw aPrefecture : new fror nmiddle to base of valva. In the femal egenita l(iFaig, record),Remarks. 2E-F), lamella antevaginalis sclerotized, covering This genus is similar to Attev aWalker, 1854 sternite VIII; antrum slender; inceptio onf ductus (Attevid ian et)he male genital biuat differ sfrom the seminalis at the middle of corpus bursae. Iatte bry the lack of a pai rof sclerotized rods on the male Opbhrreaioyrgmodiin] nndyaae stctn ehtnde ,d eFihnrsgeo,cnartd ai.s lmp Pottrotuoihfb,o t on"cM sao:slncel.ieicns adloe,br s, oB leeoexxdttteeye.nndd i isnnPlggeanld epbsrieo ,mypeo owhnrHadret eatchdet, scGbteauerrnet nuddititiie.f kV fe ITe1, Ihfr9 iIr7sasn0o dgm( ettYnhhpuee sloa eadnietaso gtua mseblesyro uh tlasiavimci idiklnaanig ranet gh as)tec solfp eiArenocmutrlaiazoltelee dge zlepoaninmioeetp lasoflliaisa head ; third joi nltanceolat ene,arly as the second, antevaginalis, Antennae smooth, fu1 1as len gas for ewings. Abdomen Include sdpecies extending somewhat beyond the hind wings, Legs 7lonz paureUa Walker 1, 864 smooth, very slender 1 spurs very long ,Wings long ,Fore 7bnza citrorrhoa Meyrick 1,905 wings slightl yrounded at the tips ,slightly widening from 7lonz caatlicitra Meyrick ,1913 tobhlei qbuae,se htaor tdhle y cionnctaever.i oarngle ; exterior borde rslightly fonza citronr:hoa Meyrick, 1905 (Fig s1-2) Tiype T, p"rella:' 7bnza citrorrhoa Meyrick, 1905: 6141 Heppner, 1992: 74. Additiona dlescripti Hoena:d (Fi gI,D-E), Ocell iabsent. IYpe locali tSyr: iLanka (Hantane). Chaetosemata absent, Maxillary palpus small, Diagnesis .Accoding to Meyrick (1913 )th,is species 3-segmented .Labial palpus upcurved, 3-segmented. differ sfrom it stwo other congeners in the shape and Wing venation (Fi gI.F-G), Forewing veins (Fi gI,F), coloration of the forewing (sTabl 1e) .This species is Pterostigm aabsent; R from middle of cell to apex; Rsl superficially similar to some :crambid moths' (e,g. and Rs2 stalked, from end of cell to apex and Rs2 to Ancylolomia J'aponic aZeller ,1877) in the forewing termen, M stem vein indisti nCcutP, presen tH.indwing partter annd shape but can be easily distinguis fhreodm veins (Fi gI.G). Ml and M2 separated; M3+CuAl and the latt eirn having longe rantennae, more slender labial CuA2 branched, palpus ,and narrower hindwing, Abdomen, Tergum smooth without spiniform setae, Male Origin adlescripti o"8.n: 16 mm. Head white, loosely 8th abdominal segment (Fi gI,I )with a pair of coremata; rough-haired on crown but not tufte df,ace pale yellow. a pai rof pleura llobe selongate, lobate e,ach dorsa slide Palpi ,antennae, thorax ,and abdomen pale whitish- fusc dwith narrow, tapering tergum VIII, yellow .Forewing eslongate, narrow, terminally dilated, Mofa lleo ngg epnriotcael si(saFeis S,g 2o.Ac-i Diw)it.h TU eIngcouunsmg tioebnsroamleiltneal sweitthae, aT puabiar pccooosnitcnaavte e,sdl ;i wghrhiatttehl,eyr sw iinethbulai tqseue,er i,easp e txoof r nrpouuasn ld-p epfrouiosnmtceiod,nuse tnr t at,rneosurvnmeder-nse adopnberalnoloinscsgee, sswes etVaeak aeslsl ,yevotnaa e st( ceaFlnredmirio gtnp2ia.lzAlae )dtl .efe sl2ao r,niGgsanitnaegt h fwroi otsahm b ps bresanoetsvc.ee e rtaTslose me gi ssdudmwlaimeltelhn bstwtirertraihmsge uslndya,ae- rya kne bdfle ultvsoew icwemno;aseurn gs oi ;nnvmsei intnu esto;refm icc neobalslllt ,aa lacarn kedhaia sst hluod ffrefonxuatcseel spdvatet i wn aisptte ohxdw o apatrantdldseed NNIII-IE-leEcltieoncitcronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocg-eitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 70 S.KoBAYASHI et aL ilir '-m' --7. B tttti"' tvt"WWI:su".. t ti an. . "t '4ww'' f1 ,lza '- . tthtv"-pgtfl.`di' u- pl ' tr htt ' .1s Fig ,1. Generic characteristics of fonza citrorrhoa, A. Adult 9 (Okina wParef. J,apan). B. Adult (Kand yS,r iLanka )C.. Label sof B, D. Head (late vrieaw)l, E. Head (front view), E Forewing \.G. Hindwing \.H. Abdomina lsegment II-II eIf 8.I. 8th abdominal segment of 8, ventral view, Abbreviati ocno:s :coremata; ha :haustellum; lp: labi aplalpu sm;p: maxillary palpus p;l :pleur allobc; tr :transvers eridge; vn: venula; vt: vertex tuft. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteiidoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society oofJfap anJapan Reevaluat iofo nthe systernatic positio onf fonza 71 --. ...=;tu.--. "-.-!----==. =.-. D Fig ,2. Ihe genital ioaf 7bnia citrorrhoa. A. Left valva. B. Male genital liaat,er avliew. C. Ventra lview. D, Aedeagus, ventral view. E. Femal egenitali ave,ntral view. E Lateral view. Abbreviatien sa:a: apophysis anterioris ;an: antmm; ap: apophysis posterioris; cb: corpus bursa ed;b: ductu bsursa ed;s :ductu sseminalis; la: lamella antevaginalis; ob: ostium bursa es;a: saccus; so: socius; ta :tuba analis; tp: teguminal processes u;n: uncus. [[bble1 D,iagnosti cfeature osf fonza species based on shape and coloration of forewing. Shape speciesnarne Coloration Termen [[brnus 7bnza citrorrhoa more concave more prormnent yellow in middl earea T callicitra les sconcave lessprominent yello iwn dorsa larea Tpurelia oblique leastprominent speckled with grey scales NII-Electronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteiidoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society ooff JJaapapnan 72 S. KoBAyAsHI et al. tornus; cilia whitish, becoming pale yellowish lengt hof valva; some weak wrinkles presen ton basal posteriorl yw,ith a dark brownish postmedian line. area.Female Hwiitnhd wa ifnegws gwrhiet yissthr,ig utloawe;a rcdisl iaa pwehxit ey:'ellowish-ting eadnd depres gseino inotnsa lli aa(tFeria gla2n.Egl-eF.) ,O As tpiauim rbofu rssemai ecsilceunldaerr, Additional description :Adult (Fig ,IA-B), Wing H-shaped ,Antrum slender, slightly curved; ductu bsursae expanse 14,O mm, fbrewing lengt h7.0 mm (n=2 )He.ad as long as antrurn, tubular ;inceptio onf ductu sseminalis (Fi gI.D-E) white; firQn psal eyellow and vertex white, on the middle of corpus bursae .See the generic Maxillar ypalpu sochreous, 3-segmente Lda,bia lpalpus descripti ofnor other characters. ochreous to brown, upcurved, with lst segment one DistributionS.riLanka (Hantane()Meyrick19,05); fourt hlength of 2nd, 2nd segment as long as 3rd. China(Tai wan ()Hepp ner1,992) ;Japan(O kinawa Aannntuleantnedae wi1t.hl x d]aernk gbtrh oowfn f,aopircealw isengg ryn,eenltl odwairsk h bwrhoitwen. Prefe ctur nee:w re cord). Fore leg swith coxa white, femur and tibia pale yellow to Specimen esxamined. 12 (48 39 5exs) golden, epiphysis pale yellow ,dark brown apically; Adults: Japan: Ryukyus: Okinawa Prefecture :29, middle legs pale yellow ,two apical spurs white, dark Shiokawa, Motobu, 20. vL 2014, A. Miyano leg. S,K538, brown apically, tarsus dark brown apically: hind legs 539. 48195exs, Kubura-dake, Yonaguni Is. ,16. iv. white with coxa peppered with yel]ow scales, medial and 2015 (L ,T,) ,M, Kimura Ieg. S,K540-543, atphirceael dsaprukr sb rgoowln dbean n,ddasr. kF borroewwnin agp iacnaldly ,hi ntdawrisnusg : wiStehe Host plant sU.nknown. original description. Discussion Waaslbtiosannelggnkte ;dvc,eo nsRRattas ilflo rnffoor m(ol mFd mi e,diendn lddgeIi. Fnog-f Go afct)e lm,Fclie doltldrol eetcoow siotcfaon. scgw toiaRst;tsha 2; R,t sepMlntl ev aernaidnondss ; tR MisS2g2cma Sa1 i9men9mc2b ee)tr h.He oo wroifeg vitenharel , P d]neuost ceprlrilepivtdi ia(o oeuC7ns b,opnmuzmba lohianc s ,a1bt9ei9eo0n n; ptHrreeopavptenid edarse,d frem end of cell to termen; M3+CuAl and CuA2 stalked, convincing evidence supporting the plutel lasisdociation from end of cell to tornus; CuP weak, frQm base and of 7bnza .In the presen tstudy, we examined the adult rdeoarchsiungm.H idnodrwsianl garea; Al+2 from Sbca+seR tlo middle of cyhpaQrancotemresuto iofd s(TTbbnbzal e2as-nd3) .compared it with other with nine veins; along costa, reaching apex; Rs from base to apex; Ml from base Tbnza does not posses socelli on the head .This character ending at middle of termen; M2 from base ending at alone dispute sit sassociation with Plutellidae, tornus; M3+CuAi and CuA2 branche dC;uP from base Ypso]ophida ea,nd two glyphipterigi sdubfamilies, ending at middle of dorsum; Al+2 from bas eending at Glyphipteriginae and Acrolepiinae, The plutellid one third of dorsum; A3 from base ending at base of association of 7bnza is furthe rundermined by the dorsum. absence of the diagnosti ccharacters for the family M1a,l5ex l 8etnhg atb hdoomfi npalleur salelogmbenets, (Fi gI.I) ,Coremat aabout psprinoifpoormsed sbetyae K yonr ktih e( t1e9rg8a 4 an,1d9 9t0h)e . b7absnaz lsac alpeac okns tthhee aedeagus, two characters definin gYponomeutidae ,The Male genitali a(Fig ,2A-D), Uncus small, linguiform genital feature sof 7bnza exclude it sassociation with with a pair of long ,slender, weakly develope dprocesses. Argyresthiidae,Scythropiidae,Bedelliidae,Heliodinidae, Soci isemielliptical, 3/5 length of saccus, with long and Lyonetiidae, ts1dceailrrsemrgtioea ntdi,la1zel 1evsd2e,e.tVla aeol,lpo vensaldg i,ea(gshr F ttllihyo agncn2u,g Araav)esed desaa cgacuupsse.,x. wTTituehbg au dameninalsnieas slpewrteaaoekcl yeonss ptKirybreiksa ia en(dn1c ot9efa8 rcs 4h dia()eeptfoaisenrmeat dtAaittce uvo inlid na atmerah lwle eihtsyh)e,a dta,w notdh ect hhraeer daaucbctseeedrnsc :eh ti ohnfed aspiedxe; o fs mvaalll va ;d iag is ttoau ttp eJr -osche aseplso e negpacasrtrlei,oscine g sn faasrrrrioows,im n2g /fr3 oruvneodnmt r 1aal/t2 tfghoeeun nhidi tniadn l t7iaibnbandiz a aals b.pdIuor tsmiisn a,ihlno mwa elesvse,egmre ,nTntohteew osrVet hIycIh aIroaf ct t7ehrbasn ttz aha re esmh aonlwoet vferntoromm edniealarly bsaidsee toof 1va1lv2 a;of vaa lsvcal,er owtiitzhed t wnoa rrsopwini fpolrmate several similarities to those of Attevidae :e.g. the procesdseo srs;esvaerlal scattered sVpiinensc uflruommU 1-/s2 htao p1e1d3 i;nside pproessteenrci eo eorxfpa nusnicoanl p orfo mcaeless ep slanedu rsooc niViII Ian, dFu trhteh cfor r7,mbn ozfa awnidth o na narrow s ibdaes oafl vpallvaat.e and a slen der proce ssasc ,clusf3 bsyhaDreusg data lleeas tfiv( eg1e9n9er8ia) .l:fee.tahteure fsbr Attevida elisted lengt hof valva. Aedeagus (Fi g2.D) slender, about same et al. antennal scape without NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollogical  SSoociceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan Reevaluatio onf the systematic  poshion of Tonza 73     冨儒目OH    OU 十 ↓ 十 一 』口oQト 十 ↓ ご ・ 十 1 o・         十         冠  ・。 旨 O 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 十 「 十 匡o 』[O ℃ρ<已O唱  順の29∈     【邸日旨O屆     冩巨C口 で瑁℃ぢo」O・。N     肩目旨O口    琵εb口Ho 』=2Oσ(〕口Q蓐o    ゐ。←8」z。 ℃習[ Noお易    君£。口」o 君。。6缶・8 ℃=[oo」 り・りN    ゐ甥bぎ」。唱冨【o9 ⇔。。N     冩日昌Oq     罵冒δ口 ℃溜[ΦN2Qの0 璧三身目 鯛日o ・。o   B日島」N  卜く<IN 十 11   十     1 憙鵞。邸」    。 零< 信 お〉ω蒭も霧8 十 十 十 ←1 十 十1 十 十 十 十 十 ξOの゜。 自 ← ・。 Y 言 b葭o ちO.Z項。〉 。 、  り    の    い    り    姶   N   wn   い   寸   寸   い ρ ゜・ 互 鱗 『 。旨   鳴 ←−. (5.£  2亠 毳已bD 十 十 十1 十 十 11 十 十 q。°。 日 畠 。 ・己“ Σ<眉。・き臼.。 も°Φ身Qり θ 甸O口口O口     εのO日O     日のo日o    冩‘戯 舅産頃2口αδ98    罵召喟OO。≧っ       頃9      6日・。00  ‘甚置oδ巴口        ε珮汐     自弱?OあO      ヨO日。。O      ニちO日・。      ヨO日・ワO 最←萄8畠≧  章←口 。巴≧ 砦些〔m∀+m5d(羂o塁. £. 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Tentativ ereclassifiGation  of holarctic pterostigm aabsent  on the fbrewing;the abdominal  terga    Yponomeutoide(Laepidopter)a.1>θ∫α卸 ∫4.13:23−42. without  spiniform  setae ;and  the aedeagus  without  a Landry, J.−F., and  P D. N., Hebert,2013. Plutell aaustratiana Ias((u2c1nta09tap1p8eeo54rm. )eo)Wr.spritheHtiviehein psstgepdhlney e,  d rttfihheose( r c2 mtao0Phjv1uoe rme5A a)rot tfypft ttreeehoavvet piiPuonduras aemepe esa ord fttoa thlptseeho oveps  irAel n,etd baatHsyceee ekvKp niyptcd rwnefakoobefei.rr   M MNa   ees   yyurrmB(Lo,ii otYehmccpb,,.kk  ,i aE EdrKye.o,,v, pe,11n ataYl99teea01d・r5s3aH..u,   ibEDPdsyxelat os., uD廿c∫YtNroceA c iMAl.pil rtb1ciiia6rdtor:oa6),n a cle,o1 Nsofea4dp ..n eli Hsn.d oZdQ.v iep∂AarothK ne】eMnoyr,i osa1cakn;er dd3o1− 42 LT6d7e.,: ip4Hai3idm−roo6opn3tw,deabrt.aaa」c.r,ki tahbdeo mfianamlil y. scTlheiros tcihzaerda cstpeorts  daose sa  nneowt  oacuctuarpo mionr pThoynza . A       2an0d1 S1.aYipto oTn.o(medesu)t. Ao igdue. iaIdn  etKoo tmhaei L eFp, iYdoosphtieyra aosfu  YJ,a Npaasn. uP pY. putati vpelutel lgiednus, Stachyoti psossesse stwo pairs    162−184,]Foka iUniversit Pyres,s Kanagawa.(In Japanes)e of processe son the uncus  as well  as the teguminal Nieukerken, E, J, van , L. Kaila,1. J. Kitching, N. P. Kristens,en processe(sSohn,2014). This character  state appears    D,C. Lees, J. Minet, C. Mitter, M . Mutanen、,」、 C.Regier, T. similar to Tonza. Both genera, however, diffe rin the    」.Simonse,n N. Wahlber, gS, H, Yen, R. Zahiri, D. Adamski, shape  of the pleura llohes. Several morphological    J.Baixeras, D, Bartsc, hB、 A. Bengtsso, nJ. W, Brown, S.R. fOaleutrae rtnoabutsrie vreoevfsa  tTfiooannmsiz  lacmy lafeyaor rl hyTi odnn itzasta .p tAhue  t ifAetot sprtlmeuavt lifedal alam siaeis dsalo  cypitaortisaosnnisbf.leer          BEHpuascuthse−eimlan, n,i PnD G.,  eRJn. .t DDil.a −iHvPooiols,ll」eo.,  wCaD. y,e G AiPe. rlKiian,s ls,Rl Wi eH.sa ,tD0te.e  nKPsarcrihsnwhs,io lMlet,,  r. AAE.. must  however wait  until the imma加re stages of Tonzα    Kawahara, J. C. Koster, M , Kozlov, J, D, LafQn−taine, G. become known.    Lamas, J. F, Landr,y S.Lee, M . Nuss, K, T. Park, C, Penz, J. The Yponomeutoid faun aof the Orient aRelgion and  the       RSooltia, s, BG. C. M. S. cThamrmiadn,t nA, , SAc.h iDn. tWlamreriesnt,e , Jr.S C. W. eSlolhenr, , MR ..  AV.. S2o0u1t1h).eArtn hHoermoiusgphhe rien vaerne tpoor oyorfl y tkhen ofwanun(Na maasyu  ertev eaatl.,       LYeakpoivdloepvt, Ve r.L aVin. nZaoleou,tsu1h7i5n8, . aIndn Z Aha. nZgw iZc−kQ,(2E0d1,)1, .AnOirmdaelr species filli tnhge morphological  gaps between Tonza and    biodivers:iAtny outline of highe−rleve lclassification and Attevid.ae    survey  of taxonomic  richness . Zootaxa 3148:212−221, Sohn, J, C, and  K. Nishida,2011.Ataxonomic  review  of Acknowledgments    Eucalanti cBausk(Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae )with    descripti oofn ssix new  species. Zookays ll8:75−96. We express  our special thanks te Mrs A. Miyano (GifU) Sohn,」.−C., J, C, Regie, rC, Mitte, rD. Davis, J.−F. Landry, A. and  M . Kimura (Okinawa)for providin gmaterial  and    Zwick and  M . Cumrning,s2013、 A molecular  phylogeny of kind assistance . The firs atuthor (Kobayashi)wishes  to    Yponomeutoidea (lnsecta, LepidQptera, Ditrysi)aand  its express his cordial thanks to the members  of the    implicatio nfosr classification , hiogeography and  thc Entomologica lLaboratory(OPU )fbr their kind advice    evolution  ofhost plan tuse. PLoS O〈「E 8〔1):e55066 , and help. Sohn , J, C.,2014 . A taxonomic  review  of Stachyotis    (Lepidoptera:Yponomeutoidea:Plutellidae)with References    descript iofo na new species from China. Florida Entomot.    97(4):1588−1593. Co  on,1, F. B,,]990. Moths of Austral.i5a35pp. Melbourne WaIker, F,1864. List of the specimens  of lepidopter oiunssects    Universit Pyress, Carlto.n    in the collection  of the British Museum , Part XXIX Dugdale, J, S., N . P. Kristensen, G. S. Robinson and  M . J,    Tineit. ePsp.1011−1012. Britis Mhuseum . London. ,    Scoble,1998. The Yponmeutidae, In Kエistense nN. P (Ed,) Wbotton, R. J.,1979. Functio, nhomolog yand  terminology in    Lepidoptera, Moths and  Butterflie. sVol.1.Evolution,    inse cwitngs . Sys. tEntmol,4:81−93,    Systemati, cansd  Biogeography. Handbook of Zoo且ogy  4:    1正9−130,Waite dre gruyer, Berli.n Heppner,∫. B.,1992, Plute旦hdae. In Heppner, J. B.and  Inoue H. 摘 要    (ed ,):Checklist. Lepidoptera of Taiwan ,1(2),74,    Associatio nfor Tropica lLepidopter,a USA . 日本初記録のTonlaes (ス ガ上科,所属未定)の分類学的 Heppner, J. B.,2015. Pumatteva, a new  genus of Tropical 位置の再評価 (小林茂樹 ・Jae−Cheon SOHN ・吉安 裕)          Es(Loruetmhpieiansdtee ormnpotteh; srBArat, atzweiivtl, hii ds)na ,pteLehceei penisedw. ノf> brsuvobamfae m ni8ol(ryt1h)e:r 9nP−u1 m5Pa.etrtue vanidnae Tとoオnzーa属ス(トスラガリ上ア科地)域はか,らコ3ナ種ガが科記の載一さ属れたと小して型南のア蛾類ジアで Kyrki,」、,1984. The Yponomeutoidea:Areassessment of the ある.成虫は,開張15  内外で前翅は白色で灘 条が中    superfamily  and  it ssuprageneric  groups(Lepidopte)r.a 央・に走 り,周囲に黒点が散在する,3種は,前翅の翅頂の    Entomol, Scand,15:71−84, 形状で識別で きる.本属は,1900年初頭の記載以降,形態 一 NNI工I工-EEllecetcrotnirconic  LLiibrbarryary  Service TThhee  LLeeplpdiopdteorpoltoeglrcaollogical  SSooclceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 76 S.KOBAYAS田et at, に関する記載がなく,またコナガ科の他の属に比べ て翅脈 開張14.Omm .前翅は白色で翅中央に淡色条が走り,黒点 が著しく退化しており,その所属に疑問があっ た, が散在する.翅頂と後角部がが突出し翅縁の中央部はへ こ む,前翅のR脈は3本で縁紋を欠く.雄交尾器の ウンクス 2014,2 15年に沖縄県で灯火採集によりえられたツ トガに 一 は 対の細長い突起をもち,ソキウス とテグメンの突起は 似た斑紋をもつ 標本を詳細に観察した結果,口本初記録の 一 発達し,グナトスを欠く.バ ルバ は,中央に硬化した複数 本属の 種であるこ とが明らかになっ た.成虫の形態を詳 の突起をもつ ,雌交尾器のラメラ ・アンテバ ギナリス は, 細に記載し,本種の翅脈および本属の雌雄交尾器を初めて ・ 明らかにした.コナガ科を含むスガ上科の11科と成虫形態 強プスく硬・化ブルし,サエラメにラシグポナスをもトバたギなナい.リ幼ス生は発期達はせ不ず明,.灯コ火ル を比較した結果,本属は,コナガ科の共有形質を欠き,そ 一 で 度に複数個体が採集されてい る.和名は,翅形が船を の他の形質か らもコナガ科へ の所属には疑いがあり,むし 漕ぐ櫂の形に似ることにちなむ. ろ熱帯域に分布するアテバ ガ科Attevidaeに雄交尾器などの 分布:沖縄 (沖縄島,与那国島);台湾,ス リランカ.寄 特徴が似ていた.しかし,所属する科の決定には,幼虫, 蛹の形態を解明すること,南半球のス ガ上科相と比較し有 主植物 :不明 用な形質を探索する必要があり,今囘は科の扱い を保留し た. (Receive Adugus t6,2015. Accepte Sdeptembe 8r,2015) Tonza citrorrhoa  Meyric,k1905 エ グレカイハ ネガ (新称,新記録種)(Fig s1−2) 一 NNI工I工-EEllecetcrotnlrconic  LLlibrbarryary  Service

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