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Reed and Bush Warblers PDF

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reed and bush warblers This page intentionally left blank reed and bush warblers peter Kennerley and david pearson illustrated by brian small Christopher helm london published 2010 by Christopher helm, an imprint of a&C black publishers ltd, 36 soho square, london w1d 3QY Copyright © 2010 text by peter Kennerley and david pearson Copyright © 2010 artwork by brian small Copyright © 2010 photographs by named photographers the right of peter Kennerley and david pearson to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, designs and patents act 1988. isbn (print) 978-0-7136-6022-7 isbn (e-pub) 978-1-4081-2751-3 isbn (e-pdf) 978-1-4081-3401-6 a Cip catalogue record for this book is available from the british library all rights reserved. no part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – photographic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage or retrieval systems – without permission of the publishers. this book is produced using paper that is made from wood grown in managed sustainable forests. it is natural, renewable and recyclable. the logging and manufacturing processes conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. Commissioning editor: nigel redman project editor: Jim martin design by Julie dando at Fluke art printed in spain by GraphyCems 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Visit www.acblack.com/naturalhistory to find out more about our authors and their books. You will find extracts, author interviews and our blog, and you can sign up for newsletters to be the first to hear about our latest releases and special offers. CONTENTS plate page Foreword by professor philip round 9 aCKnowledGements 10 physical features and main habitat types of eurasia 12 pacific ocean showing location of major islands and island groups 13 provinces of China, india and pakistan 14 introduCtion 15 taxonomY, speCies inClusion and seQuenCe 17 Genus and speCies aCCounts 19 topoGraphY oF a bird, terminoloGY and GlossarY 25 miGration 28 moult strateGies 31 aGeinG 34 phYloGenetiC relationships as reVealed bY moleCular analYses by professor staffan bensch 35 oriGins, distribution and extinCtion oF AcrocephAlus in the paCiFiC oCean 41 maJor Contributors and sourCes 43 Colour plates 44 speCies aCCounts 129 Family lOCuSTEllidaE Genus Bradypterus 129 little rush warbler Bradypterus baboecala 1 129 white-winged swamp warbler Bradypterus carpalis 1 135 Grauer’s swamp warbler Bradypterus graueri 1 138 dja river warbler Bradypterus grandis 1 140 bamboo warbler Bradypterus alfredi 2 142 barratt’s warbler Bradypterus barratti 2 144 Knysna warbler Bradypterus sylvaticus 2 147 Cinnamon bracken warbler Bradypterus cinnamomeus 3 149 bangwa Forest warbler Bradypterus bangwaensis 3 152 evergreen Forest warbler Bradypterus lopezi 3, 4 154 spotted bush warbler Bradypterus thoracicus 5 159 baikal bush warbler Bradypterus davidi 5 165 long-billed bush warbler Bradypterus major 6 170 Chinese bush warbler Bradypterus tacsanowskius 6 173 brown bush warbler Bradypterus luteoventris 6 178 russet bush warbler Bradypterus mandelli 7 182 Javan bush warbler Bradypterus montis 7 187 timor bush warbler Bradypterus timorensis 7 190 benguet bush warbler Bradypterus seebohmi 7 192 taiwan bush warbler Bradypterus alishanensis 7 195 long-tailed bush warbler Bradypterus caudatus 8 199 Kinabalu bush warbler Bradypterus accentor 8 202 Chestnut-backed bush warbler Bradypterus castaneus 8 205 plate page Genus Elaphrornis 208 Ceylon bush warbler elaphrornis palliseri 8 208 Genus Locustella 211 savi’s warbler locustella luscinioides 9 211 river warbler locustella fluviatilis 9 219 Grasshopper warbler locustella naevia 10, 11 225 lanceolated warbler locustella lanceolata 11 235 pallas’s Grasshopper warbler locustella certhiola 12 245 middendorff’s Grasshopper warbler locustella ochotensis 13 258 styan’s Grasshopper warbler locustella pleskei 13 267 Gray’s Grasshopper warbler locustella fasciolata 14 274 Japanese swamp warbler locustella pryeri 15 282 Family aCrOCEphalidaE Genus Acrocephalus 288 moustached warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon 15,16 289 sedge warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus 16 296 aquatic warbler Acrocephalus paludicola 16 302 streaked reed warbler Acrocephalus sorghophilus 17 307 black-browed reed warbler Acrocephalus bistrigiceps 17 311 manchurian reed warbler Acrocephalus tangorum 17 317 blunt-winged warbler Acrocephalus concinens 18 322 paddyfield warbler Acrocephalus agricola 18 329 blyth’s reed warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum 19 336 large-billed reed warbler Acrocephalus orinus 19 343 marsh warbler Acrocephalus palustris 19 347 eurasian reed warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus 20, 21 354 african reed warbler Acrocephalus baeticatus 21 364 Cape Verde warbler Acrocephalus brevipennis 21 369 lesser swamp warbler Acrocephalus gracilirostris 22 372 Greater swamp warbler Acrocephalus rufescens 23 377 madagascar swamp warbler Acrocephalus newtoni 23 382 seychelles warbler Acrocephalus sechellensis 23 385 rodrigues warbler Acrocephalus rodericanus 23 388 basra reed warbler Acrocephalus griseldis 24 391 Great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus 24 396 oriental reed warbler Acrocephalus orientalis 25 403 Clamorous reed warbler Acrocephalus stentoreus 26, 27 410 australian reed warbler Acrocephalus australis 27 422 millerbird Acrocephalus familiaris 28 428 Cook islands warbler Acrocephalus kerearako 28 431 pitcairn island warbler Acrocephalus vaughani 28 434 henderson island warbler Acrocephalus taiti 28 437 rimatara warbler Acrocephalus rimitarae 28 439 Kiritimati warbler Acrocephalus aequinoctialis 28 441 southern marquesan warbler Acrocephalus mendanae 29 444 northern marquesan warbler Acrocephalus percernis 29 444 tahiti warbler Acrocephalus caffer 29 449 tuamotu warbler Acrocephalus atyphus 30 453 nightingale warbler Acrocephalus luscinius 30 457 plate page Caroline islands warbler Acrocephalus syrinx 30 460 nauru warbler Acrocephalus rehsei 30 463 Genus Hippolais 465 icterine warbler hippolais icterina 31 465 melodious warbler hippolais polyglotta 31 471 olive-tree warbler hippolais olivetorum 31 476 upcher’s warbler hippolais languida 32 481 Genus Iduna 486 eastern olivaceous warbler Iduna pallida 32, 33 486 western olivaceous warbler Iduna opaca 32 494 sykes’s warbler Iduna rama 33 498 booted warbler Iduna caligata 33 503 dark-capped Yellow warbler Iduna natalensis 34 509 mountain Yellow warbler Iduna similis 34 514 Genus Phragamaticola 516 thick-billed warbler phragamaticola aedon 25 516 Genus Calamonastides 522 papyrus Yellow warbler calamonastides gracilirostris 34 522 Genus Nesillas 526 madagascar brush warbler Nesillas typica 35 526 lantz’s brush warbler Nesillas lantzii 35 530 Grande Comore brush warbler Nesillas brevicaudata 35 532 moheli brush warbler Nesillas mariae 35 534 aldabra brush warbler Nesillas aldabranus 35 536 Family CETTiidaE Genus Oligura 538 Chestnut-headed tesia oligura castaneocoronata 36 538 Genus Tesia 541 Grey-bellied tesia Tesia cyaniventer 36 541 slaty-bellied tesia Tesia olivea 36 544 Javan tesia Tesia superciliaris 36 547 russet-capped tesia Tesia everetti 36 549 Genus Urosphena 551 timor stubtail urosphena subulata 37 551 bornean stubtail urosphena whiteheadi 37 554 asian stubtail urosphena squameiceps 37 556 Genus Cettia 560 pale-footed bush warbler cettia pallidipes 37 560 sunda bush warbler cettia vulcania 38 565 aberrant bush warbler cettia flavolivacea 38 570 brownish-flanked bush warbler cettia fortipes 39 574 Yellow-bellied bush warbler cettia acanthizoides 39 580 hume’s bush warbler cettia brunnescens 39 584 Chestnut-crowned bush warbler cettia major 40 587 Grey-sided bush warbler cettia brunnifrons 40 591 manchurian bush warbler cettia canturians 41 595 Japanese bush warbler cettia diphone 41 600 luzon bush warbler cettia seebohmi 42 607 plate page palau bush warbler cettia annae 42 610 shade warbler cettia parens 42 612 Fiji bush warbler cettia ruficapilla 42 614 tanimbar bush warbler cettia carolinae 42 617 bougainville bush warbler cettia haddeni 42 619 Cetti’s warbler cettia cetti 40 621 appendiCes 628 appendix 1: sources of original descriptions, type localities and synonyms 628 appendix 2: live wing lengths of selected palearctic migrant species 641 appendix 3: principal measurements from museum specimens 646 appendix 4: origins, migration status and moult strategies 656 appendix 5: Comparative field characters of similar species 659 appendix 6: scientific names of other bird species mentioned in the text 671 appendix 7: recent developments to 2010 672 biblioGraphY 676 index 708 FOREWORD as the authors state, bush warblers and their allies (the quintessential ‘little brown jobs’), with their subdued colouring and skulking habits, are not everyone’s cup of tea. For equally many though, this group are real ‘birdwatchers’ birds’. how so? birders love a challenge: first, you must find your bird; then you must obtain good enough views to identify it. on both counts reed and bush warblers are extraordinarily challenging; and some are hardly less difficult to identify in the hand than in the field. add to this the fascinating behaviour of many species – the brilliantly varied and mimetic song of the marsh warbler; the extraordinary promiscuity of the aquatic warbler’s mating system; or the magical ability of a wintering or passage lanceolated warbler, seemingly cornered in short grass or scrub, to melt away undetected—and you have a recipe for a lifetime’s obsession. my own fascination with this group began as a schoolboy with my first observations of migrant aquatic warblers at the edge of a Cornish reedbed. i learned the sublime joys of rising early to commune with these birds that were usually so hard to see, yet became active and cooperative immediately after dawn. Forward a decade or so to my first months in thailand, where i found the best way of observing the hitherto unseen author of excited chacking notes coming from the bushes was to discard binoculars (they didn’t focus close enough), kneel on the ground, and gently part and peer into the undergrowth. marveling at the small brown feathered creature running mouse- like over the ground, i made my first acquaintance with a baikal bush warbler. it goes without saying that reed and bush warblers are inadequately treated by existing field guides, which cannot give sufficient attention to geographical variation, and age and moult-related plumage variation among taxa. even some of the latest generation, otherwise generally very high quality books, have misled when it comes, for example, to the undertail-covert patterns of Bradypterus. up to now, observers have had to work out the best field marks for themselves, gradually gaining experience as they went along. sometimes it has seemed like one step back for every two steps forward as hypotheses were tested and either discarded or verified. but gradually, the pieces of the puzzle are being assembled. the authors of this work have brought their breadth and depth of field experience in the palaearctic and in both african and asian tropics, their acuity of observation, and their erudition to bear. this book is a giant step forward on what has gone before. it is much more than an essential toolkit for identification as even a rapid perusal of the scholarly yet readable introduction will reveal. this fine work seems certain to realise the authors’ goal of inspiring future research work on these warblers. philip round assistant professor, department of biology, mahidol university, bangkok, and regional representative, the wetland trust bangkok, october 2009 9

This detailed and comprehensive identification guide follows in the mould of Sylvia Warblers and Pipits and Wagtails. It primarily covers the genera Acrocephalus, Locustella, Cettia and Bradypterus, together with a few smaller related genera. To the uninitiated, these are the archetypal 'little brow
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