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Preview Reduced Complexity Sum-Product Algorithm for Decoding Network Codes and In-Network Function Computation

1 Reduced Complexity Sum-Product Algorithm for Decoding Network Codes and In-Network Function Computation Anindya Gupta and B. Sundar Rajan Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India Email: {anindya.g, bsrajan}@ece.iisc.ernet.in 6 1 0 Abstract—Whilethecapacity,feasibilityandmethodstoobtain b1 b2 [0,1] [1,0] n 2 pcordoceesdfourreneatnwdocrokmcopdleixnigtyprhoabvleemnostagraerwneelrlesdtumduiecdh,tahtteedneticoond.inIng b1 S b2 [0,1] S [1,0] this work, we pose the decoding problem at a sink node in a a V V J noveetwroarBkoaosleaanmseamrgirininaglizaendaupserotdhuecstumfu-npcrtoidonuct(M(SPPF))alpgroorbitlhemm 1 b1 b2 2 V2 V1 16 on a suitably constructed factor graph to perform iterative V3 [0,1] V [1,0] decoding. We use traceback to reduce the number of operations 3 b required for SP decoding at sink node with general demands 1 T] andobtainthenumberofoperationsrequiredfordecodingusing + [1,1] I SP algorithm with and without traceback. For sinks demanding b1 b2 b2 [0,1] [1,0] s. aidllenmtiefsysaagessu,ffiwceiednetficnoenfdaistitodnecfoodratbhileitysaomfea. Nneetxwt,orwkeccoodnesiadnedr V4 V4 c [ nthoedeins-dnoetnwootrdkemfuanncdtiothnecsoomurpcuetmateiossnagperso,bbluemtarwehoenrleyininttheeressitnekd b1+b2 b1+b2 [1,1] [1,1] 1 in computing a function of the messages. We present an MPF v formulation for function computation at the sink nodes in this TT T T TT 2 setting and use the SP algorithm to obtain the value of the 11 2 2 11 2 demanded function. The proposed method can be used for (a) (b) 1 both linear and nonlinear as well as scalar and vector codes 4 for both decoding of messages in a network coding problem Fig.1. Thebutterflynetwork:(a)Anetworkcodeand(b)itsglobalencoding 0 and computing linear and nonlinear functions in an in-network vectors. . function computation problem. 1 generatinga finitenumberofmessages,(x ,x ), andmultiple 1 2 0 IndexTerms—NetworkCoding,Decoding,Sum-ProductAlgo- sinks,eachdemandingallthesourcemessagesandtheencod- 6 rithm, Traceback, In-network Function Computation. ing operations at all nodes are linear. In general, there may 1 : be several source nodes, each generating a different number v I. INTRODUCTION of source messages, and several sink nodes, each demanding i X In contemporary communication networks, the nodes per- onlya subset, and notnecessarily all, of the source messages. r form only routing, i.e., they copy the data on incoming links Decoding at sink nodes with such general demandsis studied a to the outgoinglinks. In orderto transmitmessagesgenerated in this paper. simultaneously from multiple sources to multiple sinks the network may need to be used multiple times. This limits the A. Notations and Preliminaries throughput of the network and increases the time delay too. Networkcodingisknowntocircumventtheseproblems[1].In We represent a network by a finite directed acyclic graph networkcodingintermediatenodesinanetworkarepermitted N = (V,E), where V is the set of vertices or nodes and to perform coding operations, i.e., encode data received on E ⊆ V × V is the set of directed links or edges between the incoming links and then transmit it on the outgoing links nodes. All links are assumed to be error-free. Let F denote (each outgoing link can get differently encoded data), the a q-ary finite field. The set {1,2,...,n} is denoted by [n]. throughput of the network increases. Thus, network coding The network has J sources, Sj, j ∈ [J], and K sinks, subsumesrouting.Forexample,considerthebutterflynetwork Tk, k ∈ [K]. The source Sj generates ωj messages for all [1] of Fig. 1 wherein each link can carry one bit per link use, j ∈ [J]. Let ω = J ω be the total number of source j=1 j source node S generates bits b and b , and both sink nodes messages. The ω-tuple of source messages is denoted by 1 2 P T and T demand both source bits. With routing only, two x = (x ,x ,...,x ), where x ∈ F for all i ∈ [ω]. 1 2 [ω] 1 2 ω i uses of link V −V are required while with network coding By x = (x ,...,x )T we denote the column vector of 3 4 1 ω only one. the source messages. The demand of the kth sink node is This is an example of single-source multi-sink linear mul- denoted by D ⊆ [ω]. Given a set I = {i ...,i } ⊆ [ω], k 1 l ticast network coding, wherein there is a single source (S), let x = (x ,...,x ), i.e., x restricted to I. For disjoint I i1 il [ω] 2 subsets I and J of [ω], we do not differentiate between studied in [7] in which the authors considered the case of (x ,x )andx .Foramulti-variablebinary-valuedfunction LNCs. The problems associated with the proposed decoding I J I∪J f(x ,...,x ), the subset of Fω whose elements are mapped scheme in [7] are: 1 ω to 1 by f(x1,...,xω) is called its support and is denoted by • To constructthe factor graph,full knowledgeof network supt(f(x[ω]))andsuptI(f(x[ω]))denotesthe|I|-tuplesinthe topology is assumed at the sinks which is impractical if supportrestricted to I. A source message is denotedby edges thenetworktopologychanges.Fora particularsink node withoutanyoriginatingnodeandterminatingatasourcenode. (say T), the factor graph constructed will have ω+|E| Data on a link e∈E is denoted by ye. variable nodes and |E| + |In(T)| factor nodes, where A network code is a set of coding operations to be per- In(T) is the set of incoming edges at node T. formed at each node such that the requisite source messages • Completeknowledgeoflocalencodingmatrix[1]ofeach can be faithfully reproduced at the sink nodes. It can be node is assumed at the sinks which again is impractical specified using either local or global description [1]. The since local encoding matrix for differentnodes will have former specifies the data on a particular outgoing edge as differentdimensionsand hence variable number of over- a function of data on the incoming edges while the latter headbitswillberequiredtocommunicatetodownstream specifies the data on a particular outgoing edge as a function nodes which will incur huge overhead. of source messages. Throughout the paper we use global Wealsopointoutthatthemotivatingexamples,viz.,Examples description for our purposes. 1 and 4, given in [7] for which the proposed decoding Definition 1 (Global Description of a network code [1]): methodclaimstoexploitthenetworktopologyadmitsasimple An ω-dimensional network code on an acyclic network over routingsolution and no networkcoding is requiredto achieve a field F consists of |E| global encoding maps f˜ :Fω →F e maximumthroughput.Solvinga system oflinear equationsin for all e∈E, i.e., f˜(x)=y . e e Boolean variables is also studied in [8, Ch. 18]. Lete ,i=1,...,ω,betheincomingedgesatthesource,then i y =x . ei i B. Contributions and Organization When the intermediate nodes perform only linear encoding operations, the resulting network code is said to be a linear The contributions and organization of this paper are as network code (LNC). follows: Definition 2 (Global Description of an LNC [1]): An • In Section III-A, we pose the problem of decoding of ω-dimensional LNC on an acyclic network over a field F linear and nonlinear network codes as a marginalize a consists of |E| number of 1×ω global encoding vectors f product function problem (MPF) and construct a factor e for all e∈E such that f ·x=y . graph using the global description of network codes. e e The global encoding vectors for the incoming edges at the For a particular sink node, the constructed graph will source are standard basis vectors for the vector space Fω. have fewer vertices than in [7] and hence the number of Theglobalencodingvectorsofthe LNC forbutterflynetwork messages and operations performed will also be fewer. is given in Fig. 1(b). Unlike in [7], our scheme requires only the knowledge Hereafter we assume that the network is feasible, i.e., de- of global encoding maps/vectors of incoming edges at a mandsofallsinknodescanbemetusingnetworkcoding,and sinknodeandnottheentirenetworkstructureandcoding the global description of a network code (linear or nonlinear) operation performed at each node. isavailableatthesinknodes.Ifasinknodedemandsω′ (6ω) • In Section III-B, we utilize traceback [9] instead of source messages, it will have at least ω′ incomingedges. The running the multiple-vertex version of the SP algorithm decodingproblemistoreproducethedesiredsourcemessages which results in reduction in the number of opera- from the coded data received at the incoming edges. Thus, tions. Application and advantageof using traceback over decodingamounts to solving a set of at least ω′ simultaneous multiple-vertex SP algorithm for decoding at sinks with equations (linear or nonlinear) in ω unknowns for a specified general demand is demonstrated. setofω′unknowns.Hence,theglobaldescriptionofanetwork • We discuss the utility and the computational complex- code is more useful for decoding. ity of the proposed technique in Section IV. We give While decoding of nonlinear network codes has not been the number of semiring operations required to perform studied, the common technique used for decoding an LNC single- and all-vertex SP algorithm for a class of MPF formulticastnetworksisto performGaussianelimination[2], problem where we are interested not in the marginal [3], which requires O(ω3) operations, followed by backward function at a particular vertex but in the values of the substitution, which requires O(ω2) operations [4]. This is variables/arguments in the local domain of that vertex not recommendablewhen the number of equations (incoming that causes that marginal function to attain certain value coded messages) and/or variables (source messages) is very in the semiring, for example, maximum in a max-sum large. In such cases, iterative methods are used. Convergence or max-product semiring or minimum in a min-sum or andinitialguessaresomeissuesthatarisewhileusingiterative min-productsemiring.Wecallsuchproblemsasarg-MPF methods [5]. problemsandrefertotheapplicationoftheSPalgorithm We propose to use the sum-product (SP) algorithm to to such problems as the arg-SP algorithm. We show that perform iterative decoding at the sinks. A similar scheme for thenumberofsemiringoperationsrequiredinperforming decodingmulticastnetworkcodesusingfactor graphs[6] was single-vertex arg-SP algorithm with traceback is strictly 3 TABLEI NUMBEROFSEMIRINGOPERATIONS Sum-Product Algorithm arg-Sum-Product Algorithm Single-vertex P dzqz− P qe− P qv P dzqz− P qe− P qv+ qr −1 z∈Z e∈E v∈V z∈Z e∈E v∈V All-vertex P(4dz−5)qz + 2 P qw − 2 P qe P(4dz−5)qz +2 P qw −2 P qe + P qz −|Z| z∈Z w∈W e∈E z∈Z w∈W e∈E z∈Z Single-vertex with Not Applicable P dzqz− P qe+ P qw − |Z| Traceback z∈Z e∈E w∈W Note: V is the set of variable nodes, W is the set of factor nodes, Z = V ∪W, E is the set of edges, G = (Z,E) is the factor graph, r is the chosen root node in G, and ar =1 if r∈W and 0 otherwise. (See Section IV for a complete discussion.) less than that of all-vertex SP algorithm (see Table I (multiplication or product), which satisfy the following ax- for a comparison). Hence, the decoding complexity of a ioms: networkcodeusingSPdecodingwithtracebackisstrictly 1) The operation “+” satisfies closure, associative, and less than that without using traceback. For sink nodes commutativeproperties;andthereexistsanelement“0” which demand all the source messages, the notion of (additive identity) such that r+0=r for all r ∈R. fast decodable network codes is defined and a sufficient 2) Theoperation“·”satisfiesclosure,associative,andcom- condition for the same is identified. mutative properties; and there exists an element “1” • InSectionV,weconsiderthein-networkfunctioncompu- (multiplicativeidentity)suchthatr·1=r forallr ∈R. tationproblemwhereinthesinknodesdemandafunction 3) The operation“·” distributes over“+”,i.e., r ·r +r · 1 2 1 of source messages. A network code for such a prob- r =r ·(r +r ) for all r ,r ,r ∈R 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 lem ensures computation of the value of the demanded Different semirings are used for different MPF problem, function at a sink node given the coded messages on its each with a different notion of “+” and “·”. Some examples incoming edges and not the reproduction of the values are listed below. oftheargumentsofthefunction.Thus,multiplemessage 1) Application of the SP algorithm to the discrete Fourier vectors may evaluate to the same incoming coded mes- transform yields the FFT algorithm; the semiring is the sages and the demanded function value. In Section V-B, set of complex numbers with the usual addition and we show that obtaining one such message vector can be multiplication [6], [10]. posed as an MPF problem and that obtaining it suffices 2) ML decoding of binary linear codes is also an MPF forcomputationofthedemandedfunction.Subsequently, problem and application of SP algorithm yields the wegiveamethodtoconstructafactorgraphforeachsink Gallager-Tanner-WibergdecodingalgorithmoveraTan- nodeandusetheSPalgorithmtosolvetheMPFproblem. nergraph;thesemiringisthesetofpositiverealnumbers We present a brief overview of the SP algorithm in Sec- with “min” as sum and “+” as product,called the min- tion II. Preliminaries of in-network function computation are sum semiring [6], [10]. The BCJR algorithm for decod- giveninSectionV-A.Weconcludethepaperwithadiscussion ing turbo codes and the LDPC deocodingalgorithm are on scope for further work in Section VI. some other applications of the SP algorithm. 3) ApplicationtotheMLsequenceestimation,forinstance II. THE SUM-PRODUCT ALGORITHMAND FACTOR indecodingconvolutionalcodes,yieldstheViterbialgo- GRAPHS rithm [10]; the semiring is again the min-sum semiring. Inthissection,wereviewthecomputationalproblemcalled 4) Recently, the GDL has been shown to reduce the ML the MPF problem and specify how SP algorithm can be decoding complexity of space-time block codes in [9]; usedtoefficientlysolvesuchproblems.Anequivalentmethod thesemiringapplicableisthemin-sumsemiringofcom- to efficiently solve MPF problems is given in [10] and is plexnumber.TheauthorsintroducedtracebackforGDL called the generalized distributive law (GDL) or the junc- and used it to further lower the number of operations. tion tree algorithm. The simplest example of SP algorithm Thus, the SP algorithm and the GDL subsume as special offering computational advantage is the distributive law on cases many well known algorithms. real numbers, a·(b+c) = a·b+a·c; the left hand side of the equation requires fewer operation than the right hand A. MPF Problems in the Boolean Semiring side. Generalization of addition and multiplication is what is exploitedbytheSP(orthejunctiontree)algorithmindifferent The Boolean semiring is the set {0,1} together with the MPF problems. The mathematical structure in which these usualBoolean operations∨ (OR) and ∧ (AND). We denote it operations are defined is known as the commutative semiring by R=({0,1},∨,∧). The elements 0 and 1 are the additive [10]. and multiplicative identities respectively. The MPF problem Definition 3: A commutative semiring is a set R, together definedforthissemiringisdescribedbelow.Letx ,x ,...,x 1 2 n with two binary operations “+” (addition or sum) and “·” be a collection of variables taking values in finite alphabets 4 A ,A ,...,A , respectively. For I = {i ,...,i } ⊆ [n], let The Boolean satisfiability problem is an example of the 1 2 n 1 k x = (x ,...,x ) and A = A × ... × A . Let S = MPF problem over the Boolean semiring [6]. Given a set of I i1 ik I i1 ik {S ,S ,...,S } be a family of M subsets of [n] such that M Booleanexpressionsinnvariables,aBooleansatisfiability 1 2 M for each j ∈ [M], there is a function h : A → R. These problem asks whether there exists an assignment of 0 or j Sj functionsare called the local functions, the set of variables in 1 to the variables such that all the expressions evaluate x iscalledthelocaldomainofh ,andA istheassociated to 1 simultaneously. For example, let h = x ∨ x and Sj j Sj 1 1 2 configuration space. The global function, g : A → R and h =x ∧(x ∨x )betwoBooleanexpressionsin4variables [n] 2 2 3 4 the marginal function, g :A →R, associated with a subset and the objective is to determine whether out of 16 (= 24) I I I of [n] are defined as follows: possible values of (x ,x ,x ,x ) there exists one for which 1 2 3 4 both h and h evaluate to 1. M 1 2 g(x ,x ,...,x )= h (x ) 1 2 n j Sj h(x1,x2,x3,x4)= h1(x1,x2)∧h2(x2,x3,x4). j=1 ^ (x1,x2,x3_,x4)∈{0,1}4 and The function h evaluates to 1 if there exists one such as- g (x )= g(x ,x ,...,x ). (1) signment and 0 otherwise. The function h can be taken as I I 1 2 n the marginal function of the global function h (x ,x ) ∧ x[n]\I_∈A[n]\I 1 1 2 h (x ,x ,x ) associated with the set {x ,x ,x ,x }. The 2 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 If we are interested in the support of the marginal gI(xI), assignment,ifunique,thatsatisfiesalltheBooleanexpressions then the instance x∗I, if unique, of xI for which gI(x∗I) = 1 is supt h(x1,x2,x3,x4). If multiple assignments satisfy the is obtained as follows: expressions,thentheycanbecollectedinasetasstatedbefore. Thesetwocases,uniqueandnon-uniquesolutions,willarisein x∗ =suptg (x ), (2) I I I decodingnetworkcodesandin-networkfunctioncomputation and for J ⊆I, x∗ (if unique) can be obtained as follows: problems respectively. J Solving a system of M linear or polynomial equations in x∗ =suptg (x ). (3) J J I I n variables,say p1(x[n])=c1,p2(x[n])=c2,...,pM(x[n])= c overafinitefield,wherec ,...,c areconstants,canalso M 1 M Iftheinstancesofx obtainedusing(2)arenotunique,i.e.,the I be posed as an arg-MPF problem over the Boolean semiring supportcontains more than one I-tuple for which g evaluate I as follows: to 1, then all these can be collected in a set, say, B , where I M B = supt g (x ) ⊆ A . This is the arg-MPF problem for I I I I x∗ =supt δ(p (x ),c ), the Boolean semiring where an instance of some variables [n] i [n] i i=1 (arg) that causes a marginal function (MPF) to evaluate to ^ 1 is required. Other examples of arg-MPF problems include where δ is the Kronecker delta function defined as decoding of classical error-correcting codes, ML sequence 0, ifa6=b detectionusingViterbialgorithm,and ML decodingof space- δ(a,b)= time block codes in appropriate min-sum semirings; in all (1, ifa=b. these problem we are interested in obtaining the instance of The local functions are δ(p (x ),c ),...,δ(p (x ),c ). 1 [n] 1 M [n] M the variables that cause the marginal functions to evaluate to Compared to the MPF problems, the arg-MPF problems an element in the semiring which is the least when compared requires an additional step of obtaining the desired support to evaluations at other possible instances of the variables. set. Similarly,overtheBooleansemiring,theinstancesofasubset ofvariableswhichcausessomemarginalfunctiontotakevalue B. The SP Algorithm 0 or 1 may be of interest. When evaluation to 1 is required, we use (2) to obtain such instance(s). The SP algorithm is an efficient way of computing the Remark 1: For a binary-valued function f of n variables marginalfunctions(1),whichmayrequireO(A )operations [n] x1,...,xn such that xi ∈ Ai for all i ∈ [n], where Ais are if computed in a brute-force manner. It involves iteratively finite alphabets, finding a vector in its support, supt f(x ), passing messages along the edges of a factor graph, G = [n] and outputting OR of all the values it takes for different (V ∪ W,E), associated with the given MPF problem. Let instancesofinputvariables, f(x ),canbeseenas Z =V ∪W. The factor graphis a bipartite graph. Verticesin x[n]∈A[n] [n] the same operation with different outputs. If a table of values V are called variable nodes; one for each variable x for all i W of f for different instances of x is given, both go through i ∈ [n] (|V| = n) and are labeled x . The local domain and [n] i the values in the columns of functionvalues, and when a 1 is configurationspace associatedwith a variablenodewith label encounteredfor the first time, the former outputsthe instance x are {x } and A respectively. A variable node does not i i i of input variables and the latter outputs 1. Thus, both these have a local function. The vertices in W are called the factor operations require same number of comparison which is at nodes; one for each local function h (x ) for all j ∈ [M] j Sj most A −1. (|W| = M) and are labeled h . For a factor node with label [n] j Remark 2: The number of comparisons required in (3) is h , its local kernel is h (x ), local domain is x , i.e., the j j Sj Sj independent of J and is at most |A |−1. setofvariableswhichareitsarguments,andtheconfiguration I 5 spaceisA .Avariablenodex isconnectedtoafactornode and required supports can be computed using (2) or (3). As Sj i h iff x is an argument of h , i.e., i∈S . stated in Section II-A, if there are multiple instances of an j i j j Let N(x ) denote the set of factor nodes adjacent to the argument for which a marginal function evaluate to 1, then i variable node x , i.e., set of local functions with x as an they can be collected in a set. i i argument,andN(h )denotethesetofvariablenodesadjacent To obtain the correct value of the required marginal func- j to the factor node h , i.e., the local domain x of h . The tions, it is essential that the factor graphbe free of cycles[6]. j Sj j directedmessagepassedfromavariablenodexitoanadjacent If there are cycles, these may not be the correct values and factor node h and vice versa are as follows: the sets B and C may contain some undesired instances of j i j argumentsforwhichthemarginalstakevalue0,inadditionto µ (x )= µ (x ) (4) xi→hj i h′→xi i thesupportofthemarginals.Weusevariablestretching(refer h′∈N^(xi)\hj to[6,Sec.VI-BandC]foradetaileddescription)toeliminate cycles; this is explained below. Let G be a connected factor µ (x )= h (x ) µ (x′) graphwithcycles,N(x)betheneighborsofavariablenodex hj→xi i j Sj x′→hj xSj\i_∈ASj\i x′∈N^(hj)\xi inG,andletT beaspanningtreeofG.Everyvariablenodex (5) isconnectedtoallthefactornodesinN(x)inGbutnotinT. In T,thereis a uniquepath fromeveryvariablenodex to the The messages are actually tables of values containing value factornodesinN(x),sinceitisatree.Foreachvariablex,add of the messages corresponding to different values of their x to the local domains of all the nodes in the aforementioned arguments. unique paths; this is referred to as stretching variable x. The Depending on the requirement, we may need to evaluate resulting factor graph with enlarged local domains is acyclic marginal(s) at only one, a few or all nodes in the factor and is denoted by G′. The SP algorithm applied to G′ will graph; the versions of SP algorithm applied to these cases give the exact marginal functions[6, Sec. VI-C]. If the factor are referred to as the single-vertex, multiple-vertex, and all- graph is not connected, then we find a spanning tree of each vertex SP algorithm respectively. In all these cases, all the connectedcomponentand performvariable stretching in each messagesareinitiallydirectedtoonenode,calledtheroot,i.e., of the trees. This method is exemplified below. all the edges are directed towards the root and the messages are passed along the direction of the edge. The algorithm x x ,x ,x starts at the leaf nodes (nodes with degree one) with these 1 1 2 3 nodes passing messages to the adjacent nodes. If a leaf node h1 {x1,x2,x3} h1 {x1,x2,x3} is a variable node, then the message value is 1 (the semiring x x 2 2 multiplicativeidentity) forall possible valuesthe variable can h {x1,x2, h {x1,x2, take, i.e. µ (x ) = 1 for all x ∈ A , where h (x ) 2 x ,x } 2 x ,x } xi→hj i i i j i x 3 6 x ,x 3 6 is the unique local function with x as an argument. If a 3 3 6 i leaf node is a factor node, then its local domain will contain h3 {x3,x4} h3 {x3,x4,x6} only one variable, say xi, and µhj→xi(xi) = hj(xi) for all x4 x4,x6 xi ∈ Ai. Once a vertex has received messages from all but h4 {x4,x5} h4 {x4,x5,x6} one of its neighbors, it computes its own message using (4) x x ,x 5 5 6 or (5), and passes it to the neighbor from which it has not yet received the message. This continues until the root has h5 {x5,x6} h5 {x5,x6} x x received messages on all its edges. Now the root computes 6 6 and passes the messages to its neighbors and the process (a) (b) continues with messages being passed on each edge in the opposite direction, i.e., away from the root. This message Fig.2. Variablestretching(a)Afactorgraphwithcyclesand(b)itsacyclic passing terminates when all the nodes at which marginals are versionafterstretching variables x2,x3,andx6 alongtheuniquepathfrom x2 toh1,x3 toh1,andx6 toh2 respectively inthefactortreeobtained by required to be computed have received messages from all its removingdashededges in(a). neighbors. After receiving messages from all its neighbors, a variablenodex computesitsmarginalfunctiong asfollows: i i A factor graph with cycles is given in Fig. 2(a) and a spanning tree is obtained by deleting the dashed edges. In g (x )= µ (x ), i i h′→xi i Fig. 2(a),N(x )={h ,h }, butx is notconnectedto h in h′∈^N(xi) thespanningtr2eeandh1enc2eisstretc2hedalongtheuniquep1ath and the value x∗i for which gi(xi)=1 is x2−h2−x1−h1 in Fig. 2(a) between x2 and h1 resulting in the addition of x to the local domain of variable node x∗ =suptg (x ). 2 i i i x (local domain of h already contains x ). Similarly, x is 1 2 2 3 The marginal function at a factor node hj can be computed added to the local domain of variable node x1 which lies in as follows: theuniquepathx3−h2−x1−h1 betweenx3 andh1,andx6 is addedtothelocaldomainsofx ,h ,x ,h ,andx whichlie g (x )=h (x ) µ (x′), 5 4 4 3 3 j Sj j Sj x′→hj ontheuniquepathx6−h5−x5−h4−x4−h3−x3−h2 from x′∈^N(hj) x6 to h2. The resulting factor graph is depicted in Fig. 2(b). 6 The local functions of the factor nodes remain the same attached[10]toobtainthejunctiontree(alocalfunction and the variable nodes are now labeled by the new enlarged or a variable node is attached to a node of the core iff local domains. In the new acyclic factor graph,we denote the its local domain is a subset of the local domain of the variable and factor nodes by v and w and their local domains said core node). Thus, the GDL always gives the exact by S andS respectively.TheSP algorithmon the modified solution of the MPF problems. v w graph proceed as before; message passing starts at the leaf 2) A factor graph is described by the local functions node and terminates when each node has received a message associated with the MPF problem. If it is acyclic, then from all its neighbors. The message passed from a variable theSPalgorithmgivestheexactsolution,ifnot,itgives node v to a factor node w in the new graph is anapproximatesolution[6].TheSPalgorithmisknown to perform well even if the factor graph has cycles, µ (x )= µ (x ), (6) v→w Sv∩Sw w′→v Sw′∩Sv for example, in the iterative decoding of LDPC and xSv\Sw_∈ASv\Sw w′∈N^(v)\w turbocodes.AsexplainedandexemplifiedinSectionII- and that passed from a factor node w to a variable node v is B, cycles in a factor graph can be eliminated by first obtainingaspanningtreeofthefactorgraphwithcycles µw→v(xSw∩Sv)= hw(xSw) µv′→w(xSv′∩Sw), (7) and then performing variable stretching [6, Sec. VI-C]. xSw\Sv_∈ASw\Sv v′∈N^(w)\v TheSPalgorithmappliedtothenewacyclicfactorgraph will yield the exact marginal functions. whereh isthelocalfunctionoffactornodew.Themarginal w function of a variable node v is g (x )= µ (x ), (8) A. Network Code Decoding as an MPF Problem v Sv w′→v Sw′∩Sv w′∈^N(v) GivenanacyclicnetworkN =(V,E),thedemandsateach sink,D , k ∈[K]andasetofglobalencodingmaps,{f˜ :e∈ and that of a factor node w is k e E}, that satisfy all the sink demands, the objectives at a sink, gw(xSw)=hw(xSw) µx′→hw(x′). (9) say kth, is to find the instance of xDk that was generated by x′∈^N(hw) the source(s) using the data it receiveson its incomingedges, i.e., As before, the required supports can be computed using (2) or (3). x∗ =supt δ f˜(x ), y = suptg(k)(x ). (10) From (6)-(9), it can be inferred that the number of opera- Dk e [ω] e [ω] tionsrequiredto computemessagesandmarginalfunctionsin Dk e∈I^n(Tk)(cid:16) (cid:17) Dk the SP algorithm will be O(Az∗), where z∗ is the node with Here g(k) is the global function of the MPF problem at the the largest configuration space Az∗. kth sink. For an LNC, f˜e(x[ω])=fe·x. Thus,decodinganetworkcodehastheformofanarg-MPF III. DECODING NETWORK CODES USING THE SP problemover the Boolean semiring wherein we are interested ALGORITHM only in some coordinates(specified by Dk) of the ω-tuplesin the support set and not the value of the global function. Inthissection,weshowthatdecodinganetworkcodeisan arg-MPF problem over the Boolean semiring. We provide a Sincethesolutionx∗Dk isunique,individualcoordinatesj ∈ method to construct factor graph for decoding at a sink node Dk can be separately computed, i.e., using the SP algorithm. x∗ =supt g(k)(x ) Though the factor graph approach [6] and the junction j j j j tree approach [10] are equivalent formulations to solve MPF x_j∈F (11) problems, we prefer the former because of the difference in gj(k)(xj)= g(k)(x[ω]), the amountof preprocessingrequiredto obtaina junctiontree x[ω]\j_∈Fω−1 as argued below: where g(k)(x ) is a marginal function of the global function 1) The constructionofa junctiontree for an MPFproblem j j g(k). requires[10,Sec.IV]:(a)constructionofalocaldomain graph with weighted edges, (b) finding a maximum The factor graph for decoding at sink Tk,k ∈ [K] is weight spanning tree, (c) checking whether the sum constructed as follows: of edges weights of the obtained maximum weight 1) Install ω variable nodes, one for each source message. spanningtree is equalto M |S |−n, if yes then this Theseverticesarelabeledbytheircorrespondingsource j=1 i tree is a junction tree for the MPF problem, otherwise messages, x . The local kernel of these nodes are 1. i we proceed with (d) consPtruction of a moral graph, (e) 2) Install |In(T )| factor nodes and label them f˜,e ∈ k e obtaining its minimum complexity triangulation if it is In(T ).Theassociatedlocaldomainofeachsuchvertex k not already triangulated, (f) construction of the clique is the subset S ⊆ {x } of source messages that e [ω] graph of the triangulated moral graph, and (g) finding participate in that encoding map and the local function a spanning tree which leads to minimum computational is δ(f˜(x ), y ). e Se e cost. To the nodesof this clique tree, called core in [9], 3) A variable node is connected to a factor node iff the thelocalfunctionsandvariablesoftheMPFproblemare source message corresponding to that variable node 7 participates in the encoding map corresponding to the follows: said factor node. µ (x )= h (x ) µ (x ) General form of a factor graph and the same for the two z→r B z Sz u→z Su∩Sz sink nodes of the butterfly network are given in Fig. 3. _xA u∈N^(z)\r = λ (x ,x ), z A B x1 f˜e1 x1 fV1−T1δ(x1,yV1−T1) xA∈_F|Sz| where h (x ) is the local function if z is a factor node and z Sz x2 f˜e2 x2 fV4−T1δ(x1+x2,yV4−T1) aTshsuusm,ewditthotbraec1ebfaocrk,alnlexitShzer∈coFm|Spzu|taiftioznisofaµvra→riazb(xleSrn∩oSdze). nor that of marginal function g (x ) is needed for any (b) z Sz neighbor z of r. The traceback step is performed until the values of all the x1 fV4−T2 δ(x1+x2,yV4−T2) sourcemessagesareobtained.Thisisdonebyobtainingsource messagevaluesatachosenrootnoder,followedbytraceback x ω f˜e|In(T)| x2 fV2−T2 δ(x2,yV2−T2) osonoitns.nTehiigshbcaonrs,letahdentothceonnseiidgehrbabolres roefduncetiigohnboinrsnoufmrb,eranodf operations and is exemplified in Section III-C, Example 2. (a) (c) We now present how traceback is performed in decoding network codes at a sink which demands only a subset of Fig.3. (a)Generalformofafactorgraph.(b)FactorgraphsforT1 and(c) T2 of the butterfly network. Local function are given adjacent to the factor the source messages. Let D ⊂ [n] denote the demand of a nodes. sink node. If there exists a vertex with local domain same as or containing D, then all the desired source messages can As specified in Section II-B, the SP algorithm yields the be obtained by running single-vertex SP algorithm with this correct value of the source messages if the factor graph is a nodeas the root. If not, then assume that the single-vertexSP tree. If not, then the cycles in the factor graph are eliminated algorithm is run with a vertex, say r, as the root. Let z be a via variable stretching on a spanning tree of the factor graph. neighbor of r with local domain x partitioned as given in Messagesarecomputedusing(6) and(7), marginalsusing(8) Sz Fig. 4. and (9), and the desired supports using (2) or (3). D S B. Traceback z A C Since decoding network codes is an arg-MPF problem and B E not an MPF problem, we can use traceback [9] to reduce the F number of operations. G S We first demonstrate how traceback is used for decoding r at a sink which demands all the source messages. If there Fig.4. VenndiagramofthedemandsetD andlocal domainsofz andr. exists a vertex whose local domain is the entire message set, then all the messages can be obtained by running single- Oncer hasreceivedallthemessages,themarginalfunction vertex SP algorithm with this node as the root. If not, then g (x ) is computed as follows: r Sr assumethatthesingle-vertexSPalgorithmisrunwithavertex, say r, as the root and the values x∗ , S ⊂ [ω], of some g (x )=h (x )µ (x ,x ) µ (x ). (13) Sr r r Sr r Sr z→r B F u→r Su∩Sr source messages have been ascertained. Now, partition the u∈N^(r)\z local domain of a neighboring node z, as x = x ∪x , where A = S \S and B = S ∩S . SinceSzx∗ isAknowBn, Since the network code ensures decoding of only (xB,xE), the value x∗ ozf xr for which gz(x ,rx )=1 isSralso known. and not (xF,xG), there exists a unique instance of Then x∗ caBn thenBbe obtained azs foAllowBs: (xB,xE), denoted by (x∗B,x∗E), and multiple instances of A (x ,x ), one of which is denoted by (x ,x ), such that F G F G x∗A =suptgz(xSz)=suptgz(xA,x∗B) gr(x∗B,x∗E,xF,xG)=1, i.e., =suptµ (x∗)λ (x ,x∗) b b r→z B z A B (x∗,x∗,x ,x )=suptg (x ,x ,x ,x ). =suptλ (x ,x∗), (12) Bb Eb F G r B E F G z A B By Remark 2, computation of (x∗,x∗,x ,x ) incurs no b b B E F G where additionaloperationsovercomputationofonly(x∗,x∗);both B E λ (x ,x )=h (x ) µ (x ) require at most q|Sr| − 1 comparisons. Tbhe bmessage to be z A B z Sz u→z Su∩Sz passed form r to z is u∈N^(z)\r is the partial marginal computed at z while passing the µr→z(xB,xF)= hr(xSr) µu→r(xSu∩Sr). (14) message µz→r(xB) to the root r; the two are related as (xE_,xG) u∈N^(r)\z 8 Since g (x∗,x∗,x ,x )=1, from (13) we have that required in the all-vertex SP algorithm and single-vertex SP r B E F G algorithm with traceback is derived in Section IV. h (x ) µ (x )=1 r Sbr b u→r Su∩Sr u∈N^(r)\z for x = (x∗,x∗,x ,x ), and consequently from (14), Sr B E F G µ (x∗,x )=1. C. Illustrations r→z B F Now at z, (x∗,x ) is computed as follows: A C b b We now present some examples illustrating use of the SP (x∗,xb)=suptg (x ,x∗,x ,x ) A C z A B C F algorithm to decode network codes. b =suptµ (x∗,x )λ (x ,x∗,x ,x ) r→z B F z A B C F Example 1: Consider the butterfly network of Fig.1. Here b =suptλz(xA,x∗B,xC,bxF), q =ω =2. The factor graphs for two sink nodes are given in b b Fig.3(b)and(c).Themessagespassedandstatecomputations where µ (x∗,x ) = 1 as argued above and λ (x ) is the partira→l zmesBsageF computed at z wbhile passingzmeSszsage for decoding at T1 are as follows: µ (x ,x ) to r; the two are related as follows: z→r B F b µ (x ,x )= h (x ) µ (x ) µx2→fV4−T1(x2)=1, z→r B F (xA_,xC) z Sz u∈N^(z)\r u→z Su∩Sz µfV1−T1→x1(x1)=δ(x1,yV1−T1), = λz(xSz). µfV4−T1→x1(x1)= δ(x1+x2,yV4−T1), (xA_,xC) _x2 As before, by Remark 2, computation of (x∗,x ) incurs µx1→fV4−T1(x1)=µfV1−T1,x1(x1), no additional operations over computation of oAnlyCx∗A; both gx1(x1)=µfV1−T1,x1(x1)µfV4−T1→x1(x1), reqTuhirisepatromceossstiqs|Ar|e+p|eCa|te−d1oncoomthpearrinseoingsh.bors of rb, followed µfV4−T1→x2(x2)= δ(x1+x2,yV4−T1)µfV1−T1→x1(x1), _x1 bthyenmeiegshsabgoerss oinf tnheeigdhebmoarsndofsert,haanvdesboeeonnduentteilrmvainlueeds. of all gx2(x2)=µfV4−T1,x2(x2), x∗ =suptg (x ), Thus, for a sink with a general demand set D ⊆ [ω], in 1 x1 1 the single-vertexSPalgorithmwith traceback,first thesingle- x∗2 =suptgx2(x2). vertex SP algorithm is used with some node (preferably one whoselocaldomainincludessomeofthedemandedmessages) Similar computations apply for T also. (cid:3) 2 as the root wherein all messages are directed towards it, its Inthefollowingexamplewepresentanetworkwithgeneral marginal function is computed, and then the support of the demands at sinks and employ the SP algorithm for decoding marginal.Inthetracebackstep,appropriatesupportsofpartial a vector nonlinear network code for it. We also demonstrate marginals, which were already computed while passing the the usefulness of traceback in saving computations of some messagestowardstheroot,ofsomemorenodesarecomputed; messages in the factor graph. thisinvolvesonlycomparisonoperations.Lettheroottogether Example 2: ConsiderthenetworkgiveninFig.5.Thesinks withthesetofnodesinvolvedinthetracebackstep,i.e.,nodes (nodes 37− 46) have general demands which are specified whose union of local domains contain the demand set, be below them. In [11], the authors showed that this network denoted by Z′. admits no linear solution over any field and gave a vector In the multiple-vertex SP algorithm, computing marginal nonlinear solution. The source messages x ,i ∈ [5] are 2-bit functions of nodes in Z′ is enough since their appropriate i binary words (q = 4, ω =5), + denotes addition in ring Z , support will satisfy the sink’s demands. As above, first the 4 ⊕ denotesthe bitwise XOR and the function t(·) reversesthe single-vertexSPalgorithmisused.Whentheroothasreceived order of the 2-bit input. all the messages, it passes messages to its neighbors and message passing continues until all other nodes in Z′ have Thefactorgraphsfornodes37,40,and43,denotedbyG37, received all the messages. After this, marginal functions of G40, and G43 respectively,are givenin Fig. 6. The 4-cyclein the nodes in Z′ is computed, and then appropriate support G40 is removed by deleting the dashed edge and stretching (only the intersection of local domain of the root and D) of variable x2 along the unique path P from x2 to the factor the marginal function is computed. node labeled by x1 + x2 + x3. Similarly, the two 6-cycles By Remark 2, computation of supports in both the single- in G43 are removed by deleting dashed edges and stretching vertexwithtracebackandinthelaststepofthemultiple-vertex variablex3 alongpathsP1 andP2;forconvenience,nodesare SPalgorithmincursthesamecomputationalcost.Butthelatter numbered a-k in the acyclic factor graph. involves computation of additional messages (directed away We infer from G that the number of computations re- 43 fromroot) andmarginals(of nodesin Z′ other than the root). quired to reproduce all the source messages at V is only 43 Hence, the traceback step reduces the number of operations O(q3) instead of O(q5) (as brute-force decoding would have required in decoding a network code. We refer to the use required).The decodingprocess at V is performedby using 43 of single-vertex SP decoding followed by traceback as the single-vertex SP algorithm with node “i” in G as the root 43 reduced complexity SP decoding. Exact number of operations to compute x , x , and x followed by traceback to compute 3 4 5 9 x x x 1 2 3 1 2 3 x x 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ⊕x2 ⊕x3 x+2x+3 x)+3 x+5 x1 x2 x1 t( x4 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ⊕xx13 ⊕xx12⊕x3 xx+12 xx+13 xx+23 txx()+34 txx()+35 xx+45 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 x ,x x x x x x x ,x ,x ,x ,x x x x 1 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 Fig.5. ThenetworkN3 of[11]. x and x . The messages passed towards root are and 1 2 µ =µ (x ,x )=δ(t(x )+x ,y ), k→j j→i 3 5 3 5 35−43 µa→b =µb→c(x2,x3)=δ(x2+x3,y33−43), µc→d(x1,x3)= λc(x1,x2,x3). µ =µ (x ,x )= δ(x +x ,y )µ (x ,x ), _x2 c→d d→e 1 3 1 2 31−43 b→c 2 3 _x2 The number of semiring operations required to compute all µ =µ (x )= δ(x +x ,y )µ (x ,x ), e→f f→g 3 1 3 32−43 d→e 1 3 the messages passed and marginalscomputedare tabulated in _x1 Table II. and µ =µ (x ,x )=δ(t(x )+x ,y )µ (x ). g→h h→i 3 4 3 4 34−43 f→g 3 TABLEII Decoding of x , x , and x is performed at “i” by first com- SINGLE-VERTEXSPALGORITHMWITHTRACEBACK 3 4 5 puting the marginalfunction F using (2) and then computing No. of V No. of W i its support as follows: C1 µk→j, µj→i 0 0 Fi(x3,x4,x5)=δ(x4+x5,y36−43)µh→i(x3,x4)µj→i(x3,x5), C2 µa→b, µb→c 0 0 (x∗3,x∗4,x∗5)=suptFi(x3,x4,x5). C3 µc→d q3 q2(q−1) Since x∗ is known, x∗ and x∗ are computed using traceback C4 µd→e 0 0 3 1 2 at nodes “e” and “c” respectively as follows: C5 µe→f q2 q(q−1) x∗ =suptλ (x ,x∗) C6 µf→g 0 0 1 e 1 3 and C7 µg→h q2 0 C8 µh→i 0 0 x∗2 =suptλc(x∗1,x2,x∗3), C9 Fi(x3,x4,x5) 2q3 0 where the partial marginal λe(x1,x3) = δ(x1 + C10 (x∗3,x∗4,x∗5) 0 q3−1 x ,y )µ (x ,x ) was computed while passing th3e 32m−4e3ssagd→ee µ1 3(x ) and λ (x∗,x ,x∗) = C11 x∗1, x∗2 0 q−1 e→f 3 c 1 2 3 δ(x + x ,y )µ (x ,x ) was computed while 1 2 31−43 b→c 2 3 passing the message µ (x ,x ). In other words, c→d 1 3 When not using traceback, SP decoding is performed by µe→f(x3)= λe(x1,x3) computing messages µk→j, µj→i, µa→b, µb→c, µc→d, µd→e, _x1 µe→f,µf→g,µg→h,µh→i asbeforeandthenmessagesµi→h, 10 x1 x1 {x1,x2,x3} x1 +x2 x1 +x2 x x ⊕x c 3 G 1 3 x1 P1 x2 d x1,x3 x2,x3 b 37 e a x +x +x x +x x1 +x3 x2 +x3 x1 +x3 x2 +x3 1 2 3 1 2 P x3 x3 f x x x 3 1 2 t(x3)+x4 t(x3)+x5 t(x3)+x4 t(x3)+x5 g k x1 +x2 +x3 x1 +x2 P2 x4 x5 x3,x4 x3,x5 h i j x3 x1,x2 x2 x4 +x5 x4 +x5 G 43 {x3,x4,x5} G 40 Fig. 6. The factor graphs forsinks with vertex labels 37, 40 and 43 in network N3 of Fig. 5. Enlarged local domains after variable stretching are given adjacent tofactor nodes. TABLEIII µ ,µ ,µ ,µ ,andµ arecomputedasfollows: h→g g→f f→e e→d d→c MULTIPLE-VERTEXSPALGORITHM µ =µ (x ,x )= δ(x +x ,y )µ (x ,x ), No. of V No. of W i→h h→g 3 4 4 5 36−43 j→i 3 5 _x5 C12 µi→h q3 q2(q−1) µg→f =µf→e(x3)= δ(t(x3)+x4,y34−43)µh→g(x3,x4), C13 µh→g 0 0 _x4 C14 µg→f q2 q(q−1) and C15 µf→e 0 0 µ =µ (x ,x )=µ (x )δ(x +x ,y ). C16 µe→d q2 0 e→d d→c 1 3 f→e 3 1 3 32−43 C17 µd→c 0 0 At “i”, x∗3, x∗4, and x∗5 are obtained as given above, and C18 Fe(x1) q2 0 x and x are obtained at “e” and “c” respectively by first co1mputing2 the marginal functions and then their appropriate C19 x∗1 0 q2−1 supports using (3) as follows: C20 Fc(x2) q3 0 At “e” C21 x∗2 0 q3−1 F (x ,x )=δ(x +x ,y )µ (x ), e 1 3 1 3 32−43 f→e 3 x∗ =suptF (x ,x ), 1 e 1 3 IV. COMPLEXITY OFTHE SPALGORITHM x1 and at “c” We will now determine the number of semiring operations requiredtocomputethedesiredmarginalfunctionsinanMPF F (x ,x ,x )=δ(x +x ,y )µ (x ,x ), c 1 2 3 1 2 31−43 d→c 1 3 problemusingtheSPalgorithmandthedesiredsupportsinan x∗2 =suptFc(x1,x2,x3). arg-MPFproblemusingthearg-SPalgorithmwithandwithout x2 traceback in the Boolean semiring. The numberof semiringoperationsrequiredto computeaddi- In this section, by addition and multiplication we mean tional messages and marginals are tabulated in Table III. the Boolean OR and AND operations. By Remark 1, supt is Total numberof operations(ANDs and ORs) required with considered same as addition. Let G = (Z,E) = (V ∪W,E) traceback is 2C1+2C2 +C3 +...+C10 +2C11, which is be an acyclic factor graph with variable nodes V and factor 5q3+2q2+q−3=353operations,andthatwithouttraceback node W. The local domain of a node z is denoted by x , 6arqe22−C12+q−2C32+=C636+1..o.p+erCa1ti0o+nsC.1T2h+u.s.,.r+uCnn2i1n,gwshiincghleis-v9eqr3te+x dtheegrceaerdbiynadlit.yFoofriatns cegodnefigeu=rat(ioan,bs)pbaectewAeeSnznboydeqsz,aaannddSizbts, z SPalgorithmfollowedbytracebackstepaffordscomputational q = q = |A | and q = |A |. For every node advantage over the multiple-vertex version. (cid:3) ze∈Z,ad∩ebfine aS=a∩S1bif z ∈Wa\band 0Soath\Serbwise. z

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