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Redshifted 21 cm Emission From the Pre-Reionization Era II. HII Regions Around Individual Quasars PDF

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Preview Redshifted 21 cm Emission From the Pre-Reionization Era II. HII Regions Around Individual Quasars

Redshifted 21 cm Emission From the Pre-Reionization Era II. H II Regions Around Individual Quasars Katharina Kohler, Nickolay Y. Gnedin CASA, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309, USA; kohlerk,[email protected] 5 0 Jordi Miralda-Escud´e 0 2 Department of Astronomy, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210; [email protected] n and a J 0 Peter A. Shaver 1 ESO, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, Garching, D-85748, Germany; [email protected] 2 v 6 8 ABSTRACT 0 1 We use cosmological simulations of reionization to predict the effect of large HII regions 0 around individual high-redshift quasars on the possible signal from the redshifted 21cm line of 5 0 neutralhydrogeninthepre-reionizationera. WeshowthattheseHIIregionsappearas“spectral / dips” in frequency space with equivalent widths in excess of 3mK MHz or depths in excess of h about1.5mK,andthattheyarebyfarthemostprominentcosmologicalsignalsintheredshifted p - HI distribution. o Thesespectraldipsareexpectedtobepresentinalmosteverylineofsight. Ifthespectraldips r t of a large enough sample of HII regions are well resolved in frequency space, the distribution of s linedepthandequivalentwidthinfrequencywithaknownobservingbeamsizecanbeusedtoinfer a : theHIIregionsizedistributionandthemeandifferenceinneutralhydrogendensitybetweenthe v HII regions( which maycontainself-shielded neutralgasclumps) and the surroundingmedium, i X providing a powerful test for models of reionization. r a Subject headings: cosmology: theory - cosmology: large-scale structure of universe - diffuse radiation - galaxies: formation - galaxies: intergalactic medium - radio lines: general 1. Introduction by discrete sources. The latter source of 21cm fluctuations was discussed in the pioneering work Theoreticalinterestinthe redshifted21cmline of Scott & Rees (1990), Madau, Meiksin, & Rees signalfromintergalactichydrogenbeforeanddur- (1997), and Tozzi et al. (2000), but has received ingthereionizationerahassurgedinrecentyears. only limited attention recently (Wyithe & Loeb Fluctuations in the 21cm signal can be generated 2004). by variations in the density, spin temperature, or However, ionized (HII) regions around high- ionized fraction of the intergalactic gas. These redshift quasarscan easily reachsizes comparable could arise from primordial density fluctuations, to the angular beams of future radio telescopes from spatial variations of the radiation intensity such as LOFAR and SKA. Thus, they could be near the wavelength of the Ly-α hydrogen line the most prominent features in the angular and (which affects the spin temperature), from other frequency distribution of the redshifted 21cm sig- radiation that can heat the gas, or from HII re- nal from the early universe, and the first features gions created during the process of reionization 1 to be measured observationally. the gas is followed in every cell as determined by In this paper we estimate the effects of these the local radiation intensity. large features on the possible cosmological sig- Inthisspecificprojectweuseamulti-resolution nal by using numerical simulations of reioniza- approachthatutilizesasmall-scalesimulationasa tion. This becomes feasible now as simulations “sub-cell” model for larger-scalesimulations. The of reionization reach the level of sophistication “sub-cell” model is implemented by using the so- and accuracy sufficient to model quantitatively called “clumping factors”, which account for the not only the small-scale details of reionization structure on scales too small to be resolved in a (Gnedin 2004), but also very large regions (up to large-scale simulation. The complete description ahorizonsize: Kohler,Gnedin,&Miralda-Escud´e ofourapproachandtheappropriatetestsarepre- 2004). The latter approach is used here, because sented in a separate paper (Kohler et al. 2004). quasars are relatively rare at high redshift, and Using the clumping factor formalism allows us sufficiently large computational volumes (several to increase the size of the simulation box to sev- hundred Mpc in size) must be used to include a eralhundredcomovingMpc,whilesimultaneously representative sample of quasars. accounting for the ionizing radiation transfer and We concentrate solely on the redshifted 21cm recombination rate in a gaseous medium that is signal in the frequency domain, because, as has highly inhomogeneous on small scales. been shown before, foreground contamination is In our simulation of reionization, we add in- a severe limiting factor in observing the cosmo- dividual quasars as discrete, luminous sources of logical features in the angular domain on the sky ionizingradiationinadditiontotheemissionasso- (Di Matteo et al. 2002; Oh & Mack 2004; Gnedin ciated with star-formation. The luminosity distri- & Shaver 2004). Several recent papers have dis- bution of quasars added to the simulation is cho- cussed elegant and sophisticated approaches to sen from the model of Schirber & Bullock (2003). circumventing this contamination (Zaldarriaga, This model is consistent with all known observa- Furlanetto & Hernquist2004;He etal.2004;San- tionaldataontheevolutionofthequasarluminos- tos et al. 2004, Loeb & Zaldarriaga 2004), but ity function, including recent GOODS data (Cris- these approaches would require bigger telescopes tianietal.2004). Theimpactofquasarsonreion- than currently planned, so it is most likely that ization depends of course on the luminosity func- the first detections will be made in the frequency tion at very high redshift, z = 6, before reioniza- domain and attempts to de-contaminate the an- tionended,sowehavetoextrapolatetheSchirber gular signal will require follow-on observations. & Bullock model to redhifts higher than observed quasar redshifts, which introduces a substantial 2. Simulation uncertainty. Our goal, therefore, is to discuss a rangeofpossibilities,asprecisepredictionsarenot InordertomodelthespectralsignaturesofHII possible. The extrapolated luminosity function of regions in the early universe, we need to simulate quasars introduced in the simulation is shown in alargeenoughregionofspacethatincludesbright Figure 1 for z = 10; the finite box size causes quasars during the reionization era. Such quasars the discreteness effects observed at high luminos- aresparseathighredshift,sinceinthehierarchical ity end. Our simulation box includes quasars up structure formation paradigm they only form in to a luminosity of about 1012LSun at z = 10 (al- extreme over-densities at early times. though quasars this luminous are rare, and there- The simulation code we use is a modified ver- fore appear in only a few lines of sight). sionofthe“Softened-LagrangianHydrodynamics” In our simulation we include biasing of sources codedescribedinGnedin(2004),whichfollowsthe of ionizing and Ly-α radiation. Specifically, we evolution of dark matter and gas. The code in- assume that galaxies are biased with a bias factor cludes a model for star formation in regions of oftwo,while quasarsarebiasedwith abias factor dense gas that can cool, and for the emission of ofthree. In this workwe do notconsiderredshift- ionizing radiation from stars. Radiative transfer dependent bias factors. is fully included using the method described in The specific simulation used in this paper has Gnedin &Abel (2001),andthe ionizationstate of 2 Gnedin & Shaver 2004). For the redshift range that we consider in this paper (corresponding to frequencies largely above the FM bands), the atomic gas is heated above the CMB tempera- ture and produces an emission signal. Therefore, HII regions should produce dips in the spectrum because they contain less neutral hydrogen than their environment, so their emission is reduced compared to the regions around them. We shall generallyrefertotheseHIIregionfeaturesasdips. Note that these dips look like absorption features eventhoughtheyhavenothingtodowithabsorp- tion. The basic observable properties of the spectral Fig. 1.—Ouradoptedquasarluminosity function dipofanHIIregionareitswidthanddepth. The atz =10,as extrapolatedfromSchirberandBul- depthdependsontheionizationfraction,gasden- lock(2003). Thedash-dottedline showsthe lumi- sity, spin temperature, and also on the angular nosity of a typical quasar which is expected to be size of the HII region if this angular size is not ′ present in almost all 10 observational beams. resolvedbythebeamoftheradiotelescopethatis used (the angular size of a typical observable HII 1283 cells with an average comoving cell size of region is about 1.5−2arcmin). The width of the 2h−1Mpc. The box size of 256h−1Mpc allows us spectral dip in frequency space is determined by the radial extent of the ionized region (assuming to resolve individual HII regions around typical quasars at z ∼ 8 − 10, although it is still too that peculiar velocities are small compared to the Hubble expansion across the HII region). smalltoincludethebrightesthigh-redshiftquasars found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (Fan et In practice, the detected cosmological HII re- al. 2003). But since we are interested in typical gions will probably be smaller than the angular (rather than the rarest,most extreme)features in size of the radio beam. However, if the HII re- the redshifted 21cm signal, this simulation is suf- gions are resolved in frequency, their frequency ficient for our purpose. widthdeterminestheirsize. Thus,theaveragelin- ear (and angular) size for a sufficiently large sam- 3. 21cm “Spectral Dips” due to Quasar ple of observed HII regions can be estimated (for HII Regions a given cosmological model) from the frequency data alone, and, taking into account the dilution We now investigate the characteristics of HII by the known radio beamsize, the actual average regions as they appear in the redshifted 21cm depth of the spectral dip can be inferred from the spectra from neutral hydrogen. The intergalactic measured dip depth. hydrogen can be observed in absorption or emis- In this paper, however, we do not investigate sion against the CMB, depending on whether the such a measurement any further, because it will spintemperatureislowerorhigherthantheCMB mostlikely require a largenumber ofindependent temperature. Althoughanabsorptionsignalisex- lines of sight. pectedwhentheearliestemissionofLy-αphotons The average depth of a spectral dip is related occurs (which couples the spin and kinetic tem- to the difference in the amount of neutral hydro- perature of hydrogen, bringing the spin tempera- gen present (on average) inside and outside an turebelowtheCMBtemperature;seeMadauetal. HII region. The observational determination of 1997), the 21 cm signal in our simulation quickly this quantity would introduce a new tool for test- turns into emission, as X-rays, far-ultraviolet ra- ing models of reionization. In the HII regions diation, and weak shocks from structure forma- the fraction of gas that is still atomic depends on tion heat the atomic gas to a temperature higher how much of the gas in collapsed, low-mass ha- thantheCMB(e.g.,Chen&Miralda-Escud´e2004; los remains self-shielded, and how much has been 3 ionized and evaporated from halos (e.g., Shapiro, tion of the horizon distance, so we simulate the Iliev, & Raga 2004), a process that is important line of sight on a fixed past light-cone instead of to determine the clumping factors of ionized gas. a fixedcosmictime, usingconsecutive outputfiles Outside the identified HII regions, the fraction at different timesteps of the simulation. We also of gas already ionized depends on the presence of accountforafiniteobservingbeamsizebyconvolv- hard photons and low-luminosity sources produc- ing the 21cm signal over a plane perpendicular to ing unresolved ionized regions. Determining the the line of sight with a Gaussian beam, with a dip depth distribution will requirea largenumber physical radius that varies over the line of sight of independent lines of sight, and the theoretical according to a fixed angular size of a radio beam interpretation will be complex. In the rest of this Θb. paper we focus on how spectral dips due to HII The starting redshift of our spectra is z = 13, regions can be identified. which corresponds to a frequency of 101MHz. In the absence of HII regions, the distribution Thisredshiftwaschosentoplacetheresultingfre- of brightness temperature of the redshifted 21cm quency in the range of next-generation radio ob- signal should be Gaussian, reflecting the imprints servatories. Weused450independentlinesofsight ofcosmicdensity fluctuations,whicharelinearon to accumulate sufficient statistics. the large scales that are most easily observable. After the synthetic spectrawerecreatedin this The HII regions add additional features in the way, we analyzed the brightness temperature dis- spectrum that are mainly caused by variations in tribution for signatures of HII regions. The pro- neutral fraction. Gaussian regions of lower emis- cess we followed for this analysis consists of the sion correspond to regions of lower density, but followingsteps. First, we fit the meansignalhTBi HIIregionsusuallyhavehigherthanaverageden- with a fourth-degree polynomial in order to re- sity and a dramatically lowered neutral fraction. move variations on a very wide frequency scale. This canbe usedfor distinguishing Gaussianfluc- Thisprocess,similartothecontinuumfittingused tuations fromthose causedby the ionizationfrom in the analysis of Ly-α forest spectra, is intended quasarsinthe simulation,butinrealobservations as an approximation to the removal of the com- we will have to rely on the intrinsic properties of bined galactic and extragalactic foregrounds and spectraldips toseparateHIIregionsfromdensity the cosmological mean signal in an observation. fluctuations. In the next two sections we will use Next, we calculate the fluctuating signal as: our simulation to predict how such a separation can be made from the observational data. ∆TB =TB−hTBi, (1) 4. Analysis of Simulated Lines of Sight to obtainafluctuating signalwith zeromeanthat canbesearchedforHIIregiondips. Fortheanaly- We now discuss how we use the output at con- siswedisregardallpartsofthespectruminwhich secutive timesteps from the simulation described theemissionexceedsthemeansignal,whichcorre- in §2 to create synthetic spectra of redshifted spond to regions of high gas density that are part 21cm emission. These spectra reflect the large- of linear Gaussian fluctuations. We are then left scaledistributionofgasdensity,spintemperature, with a spectrum showing dips due to both Gaus- and hydrogen neutral fraction. The spin temper- sian fluctuations (corresponding to regions of low ature is computed self-consistently in the simu- gasdensity)andHIIregionsaroundbrightsources lation including the effects of Ly-α pumping and (correspondingtoregionsofverylowneutralfrac- collisions with electrons and neutral atoms (see tion compared to the averagemedium). Gnedin & Shaver 2004 for details). The pixel size in the spectra is set by the cell size of 2h−1Mpc, 5. Results which corresponds to a frequency range of about 0.2MHz at z ∼9. InFigure2weshowanexampleofatypicalline ofsightwiththe meansignalsubtracted. The top The synthetic spectra are created by casting a panel shows the brightness temperature fluctua- random line of sight through the simulation box. Oursimulatedlinesofsightspanasignificantfrac- tion∆TB versusν after subtractingthe meansig- nal. AsignificantfluctuationduetoanHIIregion 4 Fig. 3.— The auto-correlation function of the brightness temperature ∆TB as a function of FWHM frequency width δν. HII region around a typical high-redshift quasar expands in the already pre-heated gas, in which the spin temperature of the 21cm transitionis al- ready much higher than the CMB temperature, so the extra Ly-α radiation from the quasar does not leadto an increasein the emission. We would like to re-emphasize here that, since we are treat- Fig. 2.—Toppanel: the fluctuationinthebright- ingthe radiativetransferinfull3D,wedoinclude ness temperature ∆TB as a function of frequency the proximity effect of the increased Ly-α radia- in a 10′ beam with a 0.5MHz bandwidth. Also tion aroundquasars,but this effect, as our results shown are the 5σ sensitivity limits for a 1000hrs indicate, is not significant. integration time (Shaver et al. 1999). Bottom TodistinguishHIIregionsfromunder-densere- panel: the distribution of gas density (gray) and gions with low neutral hydrogen density, we now hydrogen neutral fraction (black) along the same lookatthedistributionofdensityandneutralfrac- line of sight. The HII region spectral feature can tion in the same frequency range in the data ob- be seen at ν =144MHz. tained from the simulation. The bottom panel in Figure 2 depicts the vari- at ν = 144MHz is easily identifiable in the spec- ations in these two parameters. The neutral frac- trum. Superimposed are the 5σ sensitivity limits tion shows a dip at ν = 144MHz, whereas the for an integration time of 1000hrs and a band- density shows a definite increase. Consequently width of 0.5MHz (we discuss our choice for the wecandeterminethatthisfluctuationresultsfrom bandwidth below). a high density region containing more ionized gas than the average. We expect to find quasars in Itisimportanttonoteherethatourresultsdif- high density regions since their population is bi- fer to a smalldegreefromthe predictions of Tozzi ased. Iftheradiationintensitywereapproximately etal.(2000)andWyithe&Loeb(2004)inthatwe uniform, we would expect to find lower densities do not observean increasein the redshifted 21cm of neutral gas in under-dense regions of the IGM, emission just outside the HII region. This is due becauseofthedecreasedrecombinationrate. Here to the fact that the main source of Ly-α radia- the high density and ionized fraction of the IGM tion that couples the gas kinetic temperature and allowustoconcludethatthespectraldipiscaused thespintemperatureofthe21cmtransitioninour by an HII region surrounding a bright quasar. simulationisnormalgalaxies. Since,inoursimula- tion,galaxiestypicallyformbeforethequasars,an The fluctuations in the brightness temperature on large scales are expected to be Gaussian, re- 5 Fig. 4.— The histogram of ∆TB for the normal- izedspectrumfromFigure2: noticethelongtailof the non-Gaussian contribution from HII regions. flectingthelarge-scalevariationsinthecosmicgas density and neutral fraction. However, on suffi- ciently smallscalesthe fluctuationsbecome corre- lated. Thus, unless the beam size of a radio tele- scope is small enough (less than about 1 arcmin) toresolveindividualHIIregionsaroundhighred- shift galaxies, one would expect the cosmologi- calsignalto become smoothonscalescomparable Fig. 5.— Top panel: in black is shown the distri- to the correlation length of high redshift galax- bution of equivalent widths and sizes of the spec- ies. Figure 3 shows the auto-correlationlength of tral dips from 450 lines of sight. The gray data the brightness temperature from the line of sight shows the same distribution for a pure Gaussian showninFig.2Thus,decreasingthebandwidthof distribution. Bottompanel: Asimilarplotbutfor observationtobelowabout0.5MHzwillnotresult equivalent width versus the depth of the spectral in measuring new information in the signalunless dip distribution. it also coincides with a decrease in the beam size (this is also apparent from Fig. 11 of Gnedin & fluctuations. Shaver2004). Intherestofthispaper,weassume afixedvalueof0.5MHzforthebandwidthforour We use a simple calculation of the equivalent fiducial beam size of 10′. width of each dip as a way to measure the dip depth. We integrate the area below the mean In addition to investigating individual spec- signal for each dip (i.e. a connected region with tra as shown above, we can use the variations of brightness temperature around the average to ∆TB < 0), and compile a distribution for all the dips of 450 different spectra. This distribution is look at the distribution of spectral dips statisti- showninFigure5byplottingtheequivalentwidth cally. Figure4showsahistogramofthedifference versusthedipwidthinfrequencyspace(measured in brightness temperature of the spectrum in Fig- as FWHM). As a comparison, we also show the ure 2. One can see the tail of the distribution same distribution for artificial lines of sight that on the negative ∆TB side that correspondto dips contain no HII regions, so that any dips are en- in the spectrum due to quasar HII regions. The tirelyduetoGaussianvariationsincosmicdensity. peak centered around ∆TB = 0 is mainly due to theGaussianfluctuations,butthelongtailonthe Itisclearthatthelargestequivalentwidthsand negative∆TB reaching∆TB =−4.5mKshowsthe depths correspondtoHIIregionsaroundquasars, significant contribution from regions that are due since the Gaussian density variations do not gen- to ionized regions and not from Gaussian density erate such large dips. The radial sizes, as shown 6 by ∆ν, of both samples are comparable,since the Gaussian density fluctuations also yield the wide dips seen in the spectra. However, the Gaussian fluctuationsaremuchshallower,ascanbeseenby the smaller values in the equivalent width. There is also a range of smaller equivalent widths that is not reached with purely Gaussian fluctuations. This could be due to faint quasars in the simula- tioncausingthe smallfeatures. Judgingfromthis graph, all spectral dips with equivalent width in excess of 3mKMHz or depth in excess of 1.5mK are caused by individual HII regions. We can also look at cumulative distributions of various parameters characterizing these spec- tral dips, which are shown in Figures 6, to de- termine which are due to Gaussian fluctuations comparedtotheonesduetoHIIregions. Thefig- ure shows distributions for the simulated fluctua- tionsinblackandcontrastsitwiththedistribution for pure Gaussian fluctuations in gray. From Fig- ure 6a it is again clear that all spectral dips with equivalentwidths inexcessofabout3mKMHz or depths inexcessof about1.5mK arecomingfrom high-redshift HII regions. The widths of the dips in frequency space, however, cannot be used to separate HII regions from linear Gaussian fluctu- ations. From these graphs we can infer that there isaboutaoneinthreechancetodetectanHIIre- gionwithequivalent width inexcess of3mKMHz ineachline ofsight, butnarrowerdeepdips (with depth in excess of 1.5mK) are present in almost any line of sight. The results shown in Figures 6 were obtained for a bandwidth of 0.5MHz, but as long as the bandwidthislessthanabout1MHz,spectraldips fromHIIregionsareresolved(ascanbeseenfrom Fig.5a),andthedistributionsofequivalentwidths and depths remain the same. 6. Discussion We have shown that by far the easiest to ob- serve features of the cosmological signal of red- Fig. 6.— Top: The cumulative distribution of shifted 21cm emission from neutral hydrogen spectral dips per line of sight as the function of in the pre-reionization era are the spectral dips thedipwidth∆ν (measuredasFWFM-top), the due to individual HII regions from high-redshifts equivalentwidth(middle),andthedepth(bottom) quasars. The largest of these features can be eas- for the simulated spectra (black) and for purely ily distinguished from Gaussian fluctuations due Gaussian fluctuations (gray). to large-scalestructure: for example, we find that allspectraldipswithequivalentwidthinexcessof 7 3mKMHz or depth in excess of 1.5mK come ex- gas most likely is locked inside Lyman-limit sys- clusively from quasar HII regions (for a 0.5MHz tems, an important constraint can be put on the bandwidth). abundance of low mass objects. Thesedipsarenotrare-forouradoptedplausi- In conclusion, the spectral features predicted ble (albeit uncertain) extrapolation of the quasar in this paper - the spectral dips due to HII re- luminosity function, detectable dips are present gions around individual high-redshifts quasars - in almost every line of sight. This conclusion will be the most prominent signals in the red- may sound counterintuitive to the common wis- shifted 21cm line of neutral hydrogen from the dom that “high redshift quasars are rare”, but pre-reionizationera. Their spectralsharpnesswill we need to emphasize that the quasars that cre- easily distinguish them from the smoothly vary- atedetectableHIIregionsaremuchlessluminous ingcontinuumspectraoftheforegroundemissions, (and much more numerous) than, say, SLOAN andtheirstrengthshouldmakethemdetectablein ′ quasars. Besides, a 10 beam (for example) go- reasonableintegrationtimes with the new genera- ing from z = 6 to z = 12 (the onset of the FM tion of low frequency radio telescopes. radioband)containsasignificantvolumeofabout 500,000(h−1Mpc)3. According to our model of REFERENCES the quasarluminosityfunction,there isaboutone Chen, X., & Miralda-Escud´e, J., 2004, ApJ, 602, quasarwithinthisvolumewithbluerest-framelu- minosity of 2×1010LSun, and this luminosity is 1 sufficient for a typical quasarto create an HII re- Cristiani, S., et al. 2004, ApJ, 600, L119 gionthatcanbedistinguishedfromGaussianfluc- Di Matteo, T., Perna,R., Abel, T., & Rees, M. J. tuations due to large-scale structure. For a differ- 2002,ApJ, 564, 676 ent model of the quasar luminosity function, our Fan, X., at al. 2003,AJ, 125, 1649 results can be simply scaled with the abundance of quasars above this characteristic luminosity. Gnedin, N. Y. 2004, ApJ, 610, 9 Knowingthe shapesandsizesofthe ionizedre- Gnedin, N. Y., & Shaver, P. A. 2004, ApJ, 608, gions around quasars at high redshift could help 611 to determine better the physical processes near Gnedin, N. Y., Abel, T. 2001, NA, 6, 7, 437 super-massiveblackholesattheveryfirststagesof He,P.,Liu,J.,Feng,L.,Bi,H.,&Fang,L.2004, structureformationinthe universe. Inparticular, ApJ, 614, 6 if observed spectral dips in the redshifted 21cm emissioncanbeidentifiedwithspecificquasarsob- Kohler, K., Gnedin, N. Y., & Miralda-Escud´e, J. served in the infrared by, say, JWST, then a sig- 2004,in preparation nificant constraint can be placed on the lifetimes Loeb, A., & Zaldarriaga, M. 2004, PhRevL, 92, of quasars as a function of their luminosity. Such 211301 aconstraintisdifficulttoobtainusingothermeth- Madau,P., Meiksin, A., & Rees, M.J. 1997,ApJ, ods. 475, 429 The depth distribution of spectral dips caused by HII regions can put a constraint on the resid- Oh, P. S., & Mack, K. J. 2004, MNRAS, 346,871 ual neutral fraction inside HII regions. This neu- Santos, M. G., Cooray, A., Haiman, Z., Knox, L., tralfractionwouldlikelybelockedinhigh-density, & Ma, C. 2003, ApJ, 589, 756 self-shielded gas clumps in collapsed halos (ob- Scott, D., & Rees, M. J. 1990, MNRAS, 247, 510 servedasLymanlimitsystemsinultravioletspec- tra),whichplaythedominantrolefordetermining Shapiro, P. R., Iliev, I. T., & Raga, A. C. 2004, theclumpingfactorofionizedgasduringreioniza- MNRAS, 384, 753 tion. Shaver, P.A., Windhorst, R. A., Madau, P., & de Under the assumption that the distribution of Bruyn, A.G. 1999, ˚A, 345, 380-390 HIIregionsisstatisticallyisotropic,itwillbepos- Schirber, M., & Bullock, J. S. 2003, ApJS, 584, sible to put constraints on the residual neutral 110 fraction inside HII region, and, since this neutral 8 Tozzi, P., Madau, P., Meiksin, A., & Rees, M. J. 2000,ApJ, 528, 597 Wyithe, J. S. B., & Loeb, A. 2004, ApJ, 610, 117 Zaldarriaga, M., Furnaletto, S. R., & Hernquist, L. 2004, ApJ, 608, 622 This2-columnpreprintwaspreparedwiththeAASLATEX macrosv5.2. 9

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