Redshift drift exploration for interacting dark energy Jia-Jia Geng,1 Yun-He Li,1 Jing-Fei Zhang,1 and Xin Zhang1,2,∗ 1Department of Physics, College of Sciences, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China 2Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100080, China BydetectingredshiftdriftinthespectraofLyman-αforestofdistantquasars,Sandage-Loeb(SL) test directly measures the expansion of the universe, covering the “redshift desert” of 2 (cid:46) z (cid:46) 5. Thus this method is definitely an important supplement to the other geometric measurements and will play a crucial role in cosmological constraints. In this paper, we quantify the ability of SL test signal by a CODEX-like spectrograph for constraining interacting dark energy. Four typical interacting dark energy models are considered: (i) Q = γHρ , (ii) Q = γHρ , (iii) Q = γH ρ , c de 0 c and (iv) Q=γH ρ . The results show that for all the considered interacting dark energy models, 0 de relative to the current joint SN+BAO+CMB+H observations, the constraints on Ω and H 5 0 m 0 would be improved by about 60% and 30–40%, while the constraints on w and γ would be slightly 1 improved, with a 30-yr observation of SL test. We also explore the impact of SL test on future 0 joint geometric observations. In this analysis, we take the model with Q = γHρ as an example, 2 c and simulate future SN and BAO data based on the space-based project WFIRST. We find that l in the future geometric constraints, the redshift drift observations would help break the geometric u degeneracies in a meaningful way, thus the measurement precisions of Ω , H , w, and γ could be J m 0 substantially improved using future probes. 7 2 I. INTRODUCTION ing redshift drift in the spectra of Lyman-α forest of dis- ] O tantquasars(QSOs). The39-meterEuropeanExtremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) in built was equipped with C Sinceinteractionsareubiquitousinnature,itisrather a high-resolution spectrograph called CODEX (COsmic . naturaltoimaginethatdarkenergymightdirectlyinter- h Dynamics Experiment), which was designed to achieve actwithcolddarkmatter. Actually, thatthereisnoany p this goal. Cosmological constraints with SL test have - direct interaction between dark energy and dark matter o is an additional, strong assumption. Currently, one of been studied by numerous works [5–13], some of which r simulated 240 or 150 quasars to be observed. However, the most important missions in the field of dark energy t s researchistoprovidepositive/negativeevidencefor(i.e., as pointed in Ref. [14], only about 30 quasars are bright a enough or lying at high enough redshift for the actual [ certify/falsify) the scenario of interacting dark energy in the light of observational data. Synthetically using the observation, based on a Monte Carlo simulation using a 2 telescope with a spectrograph like CODEX. Besides, as measurements of expansion history and growth of struc- v far as we know, in the most existing papers, the best- turetoconsistentlytestthescenarioisafairlyimportant 4 fitΛCDMmodeltocurrentdataischosenasthefiducial way. However,forthescenarioofinteractingdarkenergy, 7 model,basedonwhichSLtestdataaresimulated. Thus, 8 itisdifficulttofinelytestmodelsusingthemeasurements whentheseSLtestdataarefurthercombinedwithother 3 of growth of structure due to some complexness, such as actual data to constrain dark energy models, tension be- 0 the diversity of the construction of covariant 4-vector in- 1. teraction, the large-scale gravity instability, and the lack tween the simulated SL data and other actual data may occur. This is inappropriate and may not give convinc- 0 of abundant, highly accurate data of growth of struc- ing conclusion on the impact of future SL test data on 5 ture. Although the progress has been made in this as- 1 pect since the parametrized post-Friedmann theoretical cosmological constraints. v: framework for interacting dark energy was proposed and To avoid inconsistency in data, in our previous i applied [1, 2], obstacle due to other factors still exists. work [15], we suggested that the best-fit model in study X Under such circumstance, in this work, we only consider to current actual data is chosen as the fiducial model in r to use the geometric measurements to constrain the in- simulating 30 mock SL test data. To give a typical ex- a teracting dark energy models; in particular, we focus on ample, we only focused on the dark energy model with the future redshift drift data. constant w (referred to as wCDM model). In our recent work [16], we extended the discussion to time-evolving As a purely geometric measurement, Sandage-Loeb dark energy model and explored the impact of SL test (SL) test will be crucial to probe the “redshift desert” (2 (cid:46) z (cid:46) 5) by directly measuring the expansion of data on dark energy constraints in the future geometric measurements. the universe. It was firstly proposed by Sandage [3] to directly measure the variation of redshift of distant ThoughinRef.[15],apreliminarySLtestanalysishas sources. Then Loeb [4] found a realistic way of detect- beenmadefortwosimpleinteractingdarkenergymodels, a synthetical analysis in depth in quantifying the impact of future redshift drift data on testing different types of interacting dark energy models is still absent. This pa- ∗Electronicaddress: [email protected] per will provide such an analysis. In this paper, we will 2 quantifytheconstrainingpoweroffutureSLtestdataon best-fit model is chosen to be the fiducial model in pro- different interacting dark energy models, and show how ducing the simulated mock SL test data. The obtained the SL test impacts on the parameter estimation. SL test data are thus well consistent with the current Forinteractingdarkenergymodels,theenergybalance data. Therefore, it is rather appropriate to combine the equations for dark energy and cold dark matter are mock SL test data with the current data for further con- straining the interacting dark energy models. We per- ρ˙de+3Hρde(1+w)=−Q, (1) formanMCMClikelihoodanalysis[17]toobtainO(106) samples for each model. For current data, the most typical geometric measure- ρ˙ +3Hρ =Q, (2) c c ments are chosen, i.e., the observations of SN, BAO, CMB, and H . For the SN data, the SNLS compila- where ρ and ρ are the background energy densities 0 de c tion [18] with a sample of 472 SNe is used. For the of dark energy and cold dark matter, respectively. The BAOdata,weconsiderther /D (z)measurementsfrom Hubble parameter H =a˙/a describes the expansion rate s V 6dFGS (z =0.1) [19], SDSS-DR7 (z =0.35) [20], SDSS- of the universe and the interacting term Q describes the DR9 (z = 0.57) [21], and WiggleZ (z = 0.44, 0.60, and energy transfer rate between dark energy and dark mat- 0.73)[22]surveys. FortheCMBdata, weusethePlanck ter densities. We consider four typical interacting dark distanceposteriorgivenbyRef.[23]. Asdarkenergyonly energy models: (i) Q = γHρ , with which the model is c affectstheCMBthroughthecomovingangulardiameter called the IwCDM1 model, (ii) Q = γHρ , with which de distancetothedecouplingepoch(andthelate-timeISW themodeliscalledtheIwCDM2model,(iii)Q=γH ρ , 0 c effect), the distance information given by the CMB dis- with which the model is called the IwCDM3 model, and tance posterior is sufficient for the joint geometric con- (iv) Q = γH ρ , with which the model is called the 0 de straint on dark energy. We also use the direct measure- IwCDM4 model. Here γ is the dimensionless coupling ment result of the Hubble constant in the light of the parameter,andtheequation-of-stateparameterwiscon- cosmic distance ladder from the HST, H = 73.8±2.4 sidered to be a constant in this paper. 0 km s−1 Mpc−1 [24]. In fact, when the CODEX experiment is ready to de- Next, we briefly review how to simulate the SL test liver its redshift drift data, other future geometric mea- data. This method is just to directly measure the red- surementsdatawillalsobeavailable. Therefore,itseems shift variation of quasar Lyman-α absorption lines. The that a more meaningful issue is to ask what role the SL redshift variation is defined as a spectroscopic velocity testwillplayinparameterestimationforinteractingdark shift [4], energymodelsusingthefuturegeometricmeasurements. Toaddressthisissue,wealsosimulatethefutureSNand ∆z (cid:20) E(z)(cid:21) BAO data based on the long-term space-based project ∆v ≡ 1+z =H0∆to 1− 1+z , (3) WFIRST (Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope). It is quite common that program in built is changed or post- where∆t isthetimeintervalofobservation,andE(z)= o poned. Besides, because science and technology develop H(z)/H is given by specific dark energy models. 0 rapidly, it is hard to well and truly quantify the per- According to the Monte Carlo simulations, the un- centages of the parameter estimation by SL test data. certainty of ∆v expected by CODEX can be expressed We only take WFIRST as an example. Owing to the as [14] fact that it covers the redshift desert (2 (cid:46) z (cid:46) 5), SL testisavaluablesupplementarytoothergeometricmea- (cid:18)S/N(cid:19)−1(cid:18)N (cid:19)−1/2(cid:18)1+z (cid:19)x σ =1.35 QSO QSO cms−1, surements. Moreover, because of the different degener- ∆v 2370 30 5 acyorientationsofSLtestandothergeometricmeasure- (4) ments,itisverycrediblethatSLtestcaneffectivelybreak whereS/N isthesignal-to-noiseratiodefinedper0.0125 the strong degeneracy in other geometric measurements ˚A pixel, N is the number of observed quasars, z QSO QSO andgreatlyimprovethecorrespondingcosmologicalcon- representstheirredshift, andthelastexponentx=−1.7 straint results. It’s necessary to point out that this anal- for 2<z <4 and x=−0.9 for z >4. ysis does not mean the necessity of combining the data TosimulatetheSLtestdata, wefirstconstrainthein- from WFIRST and CODEX in the future, and that we teracting dark energy models by using the current data merelyexploretheabilityofredshiftdrifttobreakdegen- combination. The obtained best-fit parameters are sub- eracy in other geometric measurements and to improve stituted into Eq. (3) to get the central values of the SL the accuracy of cosmological constraints. testdata. WechooseN =30mockSLdatauniformly QSO distributed among six redshift bins of z ∈ [2,5] and QSO typically take ∆t = 30 yr in our analysis. The error o II. METHODOLOGY bars are computed from Eq. (4) with S/N =3000. In order to quantify the power of SL test in future Our procedure is as follows. Interacting dark energy high-precisionjointgeometricconstraintsondarkenergy, models are first constrained by using the current joint we simulate future SN and BAO data based on the long- SN+BAO+CMB+H data, and then for each case the termspace-basedprojectWFIRSTusingthemethodpre- 0 3 sented in Ref. [25], and take the interacting dark energy model with Q=γHρ as an example. We simulate 2000 c future SNe distributed in 16 bins over the range z =0.1 to z = 1.7. The observables are apparent magnitudes 76 w C D M m =M+µ(z ),whereM representstheabsolutemagni- 74 i i tude, andµ(zi)isthedistancemodulus. Wealsoinclude 072 c u rre n t o n ly anadditional“nearsample”of500SNeatz ≈0.025. For H 70 c u rre n t + S L 3 0 -y r futureBAOdata,wesimulate10000mockBAOdatauni- 68 formlydistributedamong10redshiftbinsofz ∈[0.5, 2], 0.26 0.27 0.28 W 0.29 0.30 0.31 with each ∆zi centered on the grid zi. The observables m are expansion rate H(z) and comoving angular diameter 76 76 distancedco(z)=d (z)/(1+z). Fordetails,wealsorefer Iw C D M 2 (Q = gH r ) A L 74 74 de the reader to Ref. [16]. 072 072 H H 70 70 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 68 Iw C D M 1 (Q = gH r c) 68 0.26 0.27 0.28 W 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.26 0.27 0.28 W 0.29 0.30 0.31 m m First, we constrain the wCDM model and four typ- 76 76 ical interacting dark energy models from the current 74 Iw C D M 3 (Q = gH 0r c) 74 Iw C D M 4 (Q = gH 0r de) SN+BAO+CMB+H datacombination,andpresentthe detailed fit results in0Table I. From this table, one can H072 H072 clearly see that for wCDM model, w < −1 is preferred 70 70 at about the 1.8σ level, while w < −1 is preferred at 68 68 more than 2.2σ level for all the four interacting dark en- 0.26 0.27 0.28 W 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.26 0.27 0.28 W 0.29 0.30 0.31 m m ergy models. For the wCDM, IwCDM2, IwCDM3 and IwCDM4models,Ω h2 canbetightlyconstrained,anda c smaller value is preferred. But for the IwCDM1 model, FIG. 1: Constraints (68.3% and 95.4% CL) in the Ω – m Ω h2 cannot be well constrained, and a bigger value is H plane for wCDM, IwCDM1, IwCDM2, IwCDM3, and c 0 more favored in this case. The coupling γ is tightly IwCDM4 models with current only and current+SL 30-yr constrained in the IwCDM1 model, but its constraint data. is much weaker in the IwCDM2, IwCDM3 and IwCDM4 models. ForIwCDM1model,γ <0ispreferredatabout 2.1σ level, while γ < 0 is slightly favored at about 1.4σ fortheIwCDM3model, andby58.3%and43.3%forthe level for IwCDM2, IwCDM3 and IwCDM4 models. IwCDM4 model. Therefore, we can see that with a 30- Then we combine the simulated 30-yr SL test data yr observation of the SL test the geometric constraints with current data and show the constraint results in on dark energy would be improved enormously. For all Figs. 1–3. To give an intuitive comparison, the re- the considered interacting dark energy models, the con- sults from current only data are also presented. Fig- straints on Ωm and H0 would be improved, relative to ures 1 and 2 show the joint constraints on the wCDM, the current joint observations, by about 60% and 30– IwCDM1, IwCDM2, IwCDM3 and IwCDM4 models in 40%, with the SL 30-yr observation. the Ω –H and Ω –w planes, respectively. Figure 3 WealsodiscusstheimpactoftheSLtestdataoncon- m 0 m shows the joint constraints on the four interacting dark straining the equation of state w and the coupling γ. energymodelsintheΩ –γ plane. Inthesethreefigures, The SL 30-yr observation helps improve the constraints m the 68.3% and 95.4% CL posterior distribution contours on w by 24.4%, 20.5%, 14.6%, 10.9% and 13.1% for are shown. The data combinations used are the current thewCDM,IwCDM1,IwCDM2,IwCDM3andIwCDM4 only and the current+SL 30-yr combinations, and their models,respectively. TheSL30-yrobservationhelpsim- constraint results are shown with red and blue contours, prove the constraints on γ by 30.5%, 9.0%, 9.7% and respectively. Hereweuse“current”todenotethecurrent 8.8%fortheIwCDM1,IwCDM2,IwCDM3andIwCDM4 SN+BAO+CMB+H datacombinationfor convenience. models, respectively. Therefore, we find that among the 0 Onecanclearlyseethatthedegeneraciesarewellbroken fourinteractingdarkenergymodels,theIwCDM1model with the SL test data for all the models. is the best one in the sense that the constraint results The 1σ errors of the parameters w, γ, Ω , and H for could be improved by the SL test data. m 0 the five models with current only and current+SL 30-yr We have discussed the quantification of the impact data are given in Table II. With the 30-yr SL observa- of future SL test data on constraining interacting dark tion, the constraints on Ω and H will be improved, energy from current SN+BAO+CMB+H observations. m 0 0 respectively, by 81.4% and 64.6% for the wCDM model, The results show that future SL test data can effectively by 68.3% and 27.9% for the IwCDM1 model, by 58.0% breakthedegeneraciesinthecurrentdataforinteracting and 44.1% for the IwCDM2 model, by 58.3% and 44.7% darkenergymodelsandthuswillprovidefairlyimportant 4 TABLE I: Fit results for the wCDM, IwCDM1, IwCDM2, IwCDM3 and IwCDM4 models using the current CMB+BAO+SN+H data. 0 Parameter wCDM IwCDM1 IwCDM2 IwCDM3 IwCDM4 Ω h2 0.02218+0.00025 0.02229+0.00033 0.02232±0.00027 0.02231±0.00028 0.02230+0.00030 b −0.00029 −0.00024 −0.00026 Ω h2 0.1201+0.0020 0.1288+0.0070 0.1209+0.0019 0.1215+0.0020 0.1206+0.0021 c −0.0022 −0.0049 −0.0022 −0.0023 −0.0019 w −1.103±0.058 −1.136+0.062 −1.152+0.064 −1.156+0.070 −1.149+0.063 −0.055 −0.072 −0.060 −0.077 γ ... −0.0112+0.0054 −0.0284+0.0218 −0.0280+0.0194 −0.0299+0.0215 −0.0078 −0.0206 −0.0201 −0.0264 Ω 0.2844+0.0104 0.2849+0.0114 0.2834+0.0086 0.2825+0.0096 0.2822+0.0102 m −0.0093 −0.0085 −0.0114 −0.0100 −0.0095 H 70.74+1.26 72.81+1.87 71.09+1.39 71.34±1.33 71.15+1.27 0 −1.30 −1.67 −1.10 −1.25 TABLEII:ErrorsofparametersinthewCDM,IwCDM1,IwCDM2,IwCDM3andIwCDM4modelsforthefitstocurrentonly and current+SL 30-yr data. current only current + SL 30-yr Error wCDM IwCDM1 IwCDM2 IwCDM3 IwCDM4 wCDM IwCDM1 IwCDM2 IwCDM3 IwCDM4 σ(w) 0.082 0.083 0.096 0.092 0.099 0.062 0.066 0.082 0.082 0.086 σ(γ) − 0.0095 0.0300 0.0279 0.0340 − 0.0066 0.0273 0.0252 0.0310 σ(Ω ) 0.0140 0.0142 0.0143 0.0139 0.0139 0.0026 0.0045 0.0060 0.0058 0.0058 m σ(H ) 1.81 2.51 1.77 1.88 1.78 0.64 1.81 0.99 1.04 1.01 0 c u rre n t o n ly c u rre n t + S L 3 0 -y r 0 .0 4 0 .0 4 -0.9 w C D M 0 .0 2 Iw C D M 1 (Q = gH r c) 0 .0 2 Iw C D M 2 (Q = gH rde) -1.0 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 -1.1 -0 .0 2 -0 .0 2 w-1.2 c u rre n t o n ly g-0 .0 4 g -0 .0 4 c u rre n t + S L 3 0 -y r -1.3 -0 .0 6 -0 .0 6 -1.4 -0 .0 8 -0 .0 8 0.26 0.27 0.28 W 0.29 0.30 0.31 -0.9 m -0.9 -0 .100.2 6 0 .2 7 0 .2 8W 0 .2 9 0 .3 0 0 .3 1 -0 .100.2 6 0 .2 7 0 .2 8W 0 .2 9 0 .3 0 0 .3 1 -1.0 Iw C D M 1 (Q = gH r c) -1.0 Iw C D M 2 (Q = gH r de) 0 .0 4 m 0 .0 4 m -1.1 -1.1 0 .0 2 Iw C D M 3 (Q = gH 0r c) 0 .0 2 Iw C D M 4 (Q = gH 0r de) 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 w-1.2 w-1.2 -0 .0 2 -0 .0 2 -1.3 -1.3 g g -0 .0 4 -0 .0 4 -1.4 -1.4 0.26 0.27 0.28 W 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.26 0.27 0.28 W 0.29 0.30 0.31 -0 .0 6 -0 .0 6 m m -0.9 -0.9 -0 .0 8 -0 .0 8 -1.0 (c) Iw C D M 3 (Q = gH 0r c) -1.0 (d ) Iw C D M 4 (Q = gH 0r de) -0 .100.2 6 0 .2 7 0 .2 8W 0 .2 9 0 .3 0 0 .3 1 -0 .100.2 6 0 .2 7 0 .2 8W 0 .2 9 0 .3 0 0 .3 1 m m -1.1 -1.1 w-1.2 w-1.2 -1.3 -1.3 FIG.3: Constraints(68.3%and95.4%CL)intheΩm–γplane forIwCDM1,IwCDM2,IwCDM3,andIwCDM4modelswith -1.4 -1.4 0.26 0.27 0.28 W 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.26 0.27 0.28 W 0.29 0.30 0.31 current only and current+SL 30-yr data. m m FIG.2: Constraints(68.3%and95.4%CL)intheΩ –wplane supplement to the other observations. In the following, m for wCDM, IwCDM1, IwCDM2, IwCDM3, and IwCDM4 we will further explore what role the SL test will play models with current only and current+SL 30-yr data. in the future geometric constraints on interacting dark energy. We take the IwCDM1 model (with Q = γHρ ) c 5 w C D M fu tu re o n ly fu tu re + S L 3 0 -y r TABLEIII:ErrorsofparametersinthewCDMandIwCDM1 7 0 .8 0 -1 .0 9 models for the fits to future only and future+SL 30-yr data. 7 0 .7 5 -1 .1 0 future only future + SL 30-yr 0 w H Error wCDM IwCDM1 wCDM IwCDM1 7 0 .7 0 -1 .1 1 σ(w) 0.0083 0.0416 0.0067 0.0132 σ(γ) − 0.1119 − 0.0181 7 0 .6 5 -1 .1 2 0 .2 8 0 0 .2 8 2 0W.2 8 4 0 .2 8 6 0 .2 8 8 0 .2 8 0 0 .2 8 2 0W.2 8 4 0 .2 8 6 0 .2 8 8 σ(Ω ) 0.0021 0.0190 0.0016 0.0045 m m m σ(H ) 0.0296 0.0374 0.0286 0.0315 0 FIG. 4: Constraints (68.3% and 95.4% CL) in the Ω –H m 0 plane and in the Ω –w plane for wCDM model with future m that with the 30-yr SL observation, the constraints on only and future+SL 30-yr data. Ω and H will be improved by 23.8% and 3.4% for the m 0 wCDMmodel,andby76.3%and15.8%fortheIwCDM1 model. For the wCDM model, the constraints on w can Iw C D M 1 (Q = gH r ) fu tu re o n ly fu tu re + S L 3 0 -yr c be improved by 19.3%, with the SL 30-yr observation, 7 2 .9 0 -1 .0 5 while for the IwCDM1 model, the SL 30-yr observation 7 2 .8 6 -1 .0 9 helps improve the constraints on w and γ by 68.3% and 83.8%, respectively. 0 H7 2 .8 2 w-1 .1 3 Comparing Figs. 4 and 5, we find that in the fu- ture geometric constraints, the redshift drift observa- 7 2 .7 8 -1 .1 7 tion could not break the degeneracies for the wCDM model,butcouldefficientlybreakthedegeneraciesforthe 7 2 .7 4 -1 .2 1 0 .2 6 0 .2 8 W 0 .3 0 0 .3 2 0 .2 6 0 .2 8 W 0 .3 0 0 .3 2 IwCDM1 model. In the future geometric constraints, for m m theIwCDM1model,theSL30-yrobservationwouldhelp 0 .2 0.2 improvethemeasurementprecisionsofΩ , H , w andγ m 0 0 .1 0.1 by more than 75%, 15%, 65%, and 80%, respectively. The main purpose of this work is to investigate the g 0 .0 g 0.0 possible impact of future SL test data on existing ge- ometric measurements. In the future, in case ΛCDM -0 .1 -0.1 model is excluded, one important work is to constrain the coupling parameter γ, if we wish to find evidence for -0 .2 -0.2 0 .2 6 0 .2 8 W 0 .3 0 0 .3 2 -1.21 -1.17 -1.13 -1.09 -1.05 theexistenceofinteractionbetweendarksectors. There- m w fore, it is quite meaningful to investigate the impact of futureSLtestdataonparameterestimationforinteract- ing dark energy models. For all considered interacting FIG. 5: Constraints (68.3% and 95.4% CL) results for IwCDM1 model with future only and future+SL 30-yr data. wCDM models in this work, it is shown that SL test can effectivelybreaktheexistingparameterdegeneraciesand greatly improve the precisions of parameter estimation. as an example for this analysis and compare the result The results are consistent with the cases of the ΛCDM, with that of the wCDM model. As mentioned above, we wCDM, and w0waCDM models [15, 16]. By considering simulatefutureSNandBAOdatabasedontheWFIRST more models, we can conclude that the improvement of mission in this analysis. parameter estimation by SL test data is independent of the cosmological models in the background. This shows Figure 4 shows the joint constraints on the wCDM the importance of including SL test data in future cos- model in the Ω –H and Ω –w planes. Figure 5 shows m 0 m mological constraints. the joint constraints on the IwCDM1 model in the Ω – m H , Ω –w, Ω –γ, and w–γ planes, respectively. The 0 m m 68.3% and 95.4% CL posterior distribution contours are shown. The data combinations used are the future only IV. SUMMARY and the future + SL 30-yr combinations, and their con- straint results are shown with red and blue contours, re- In this paper, we have analyzed how the redshift drift spectively. The 1σ errors of the parameters w, γ, Ω , measurement (i.e. SL test signal) would impact on pa- m andH forthewCDMmodelandtheIwCDM1modelfor rameter estimation for the interacting dark energy mod- 0 theabovedatacombinationsaregiveninTableIII.Note els. BydetectingredshiftdriftinthespectraofLyman-α that here we use “future” to denote the data combina- forest of distant quasars, SL test directly measures the tion of future SN and BAO for convenience. It is shown expansion rate of the universe in the redshift range of 6 2 (cid:46) z (cid:46) 5, providing an important supplement to other future SN and BAO data based on the long-term space- probesindarkenergyconstraints. Weconsiderfourtyp- basedprojectWFIRST.WefoundthattheSLtestcould ical interacting dark energy models: (i) Q = γHρ , (ii) also play a crucial role in the future joint geometric con- c Q=γHρ , (iii) Q=γH ρ , and (iv) Q=γH ρ . straints,especiallyfortheconstraintsonwandγ. Taking de 0 c 0 de Followingourpreviousworks[15,16],inordertoguar- the interacting dark energy model with Q=γHρ as an c anteethatthesimulatedSLtestdataareconsistentwith example, the30-yrobservationofSLtestwouldhelpim- theothergeometricmeasurementdata,weusedthebest- prove the measurement precision of Ω , H , w and γ by m 0 fitting dark energy models constrained by the current more than 75%, 15%, 65%, and 80%, respectively. combined geometric measurement data as the fiducial models to produce the mock SL test data. WeshowedthattheSLtestdataareextremelyhelpful in breaking the existing parameter degeneracies. Com- Acknowledgments paredtothecurrentSN+BAO+CMB+H constraintre- 0 sults, the 30-yr observation of SL test could improve the constraintsforalltheconsideredinteractingdarkenergy ThisworkwassupportedbytheNationalNatural Sci- models on Ω and H by about 60% and 30–40%, while ence Foundation of China under Grant No. 11175042, m 0 theconstraintsonwandγ canbeonlyslightlyimproved. the Provincial Department of Education of Liaoning We also quantified the impact of SL test data on in- under Grant No. L2012087, and the Fundamental Re- teractingdarkenergyconstraintsinthefuturegeometric search Funds for the Central Universities under Grants measurements. To do this analysis, we simulated the No. N140505002, No. N140506002, andNo. N140504007. [1] Y. H. Li, J. F. Zhang and X. Zhang, Phys. Rev. D 90, (2014) [arXiv:1404.5407 [astro-ph.CO]]. 063005 (2014) [arXiv:1404.5220 [astro-ph.CO]]. [16] J. J. Geng, J. F. Zhang and X. Zhang, JCAP 12, 018 [2] Y. H. Li, J. F. Zhang and X. Zhang, Phys. Rev. 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