Wednesday JANUARY 19, 2011 SQUARE A Chicago Tribune publication (cid:31) FREE (cid:31) SQUEEZE Growing ... growing ... gone? North Side ’hood’s booming social scene tests the community’s identity pages 6-7 N O TI A R T S U L L O I T O H P E Y E D E R Bear down, cut the cheese 4 Clinton crashes Rahm’s rally 9 Tyler brings ‘Idol’ attitude 36 2 E Y E D E R l 011 2 9, 1 Y R A U N A J Y, A D S E N D E W YOU CAN HANDLE THE TRUT H . SOCIAL JUSTICE, GLOBAL AWARENESS, VALUES-BASED LEADERSHIP These are just a few of the tenets that guide us at Loyola University Chicago, the nation’s largest Jesuit university. Learn what the difference can mean to you. Visit newsflash 3 R E D E Y E l W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 19 , 2 0 11 Comcast- NBC merger approved CNN NEW YORK The Federal Communications Commission and the Department of Justice 2 teens wounded as gun on Tuesday approved—with several condi- tions—a merger of the country’s largest cable operator, Comcast, and broadcasting com- goes off in L.A. high school pany NBC Universal. The FCC voted 4-1 in favor of the deal. “After a thorough review, we have adopted strong and fair merger conditions to ensure this transaction serves the public interest,” Reuters ABOVE: Family mem- FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said in a LOS ANGELES Two 15-year-old students bers wait for their chil- statement. were wounded, one of them critically, by dren Tuesday outside The FCC said the Comcast-NBC Univer- the same bullet at an L.A.-area high school Gardena High School sal combination will be required to take steps Tuesday when a loaded gun went off in a in Gardena, Calif. to increase competition in the video market- classmate’s backpack, authorities said. place. In addition, Comcast has committed A female who was struck in the head by LEFT: A student is to expanding local news coverage, expand a round from the gun was rushed to nearby escorted to a police programs for Spanish-speaking viewers and Harbor UCLA Medical Center, where she command post after offer Internet access to schools and libraries. underwent emergency surgery and was list- the shooting at Gar- The lone dissenter, Commissioner Michael ed in critical condition. dena High School on Copps, expressed concern that the merger The second student, a boy, was struck in Tuesday. will limit communications choices and drive the neck by the same bullet and taken to Har- GETTY IMAGES PHOTOS up costs to consumers. bor UCLA in serious but stable condition. “At the end of the day, the public interest The student who owned the backpack requires more—much more—than it is re- fled after the gun discharged and was taken ceiving,” Copps said in a statement. into custody in another classroom by offi- pus of Gardena High School, which was downtown L.A. Comcast also agreed to cease its manage- cers responding to the scene, Los Angeles locked down for several hours following the The shooting comes 10 days after a col- ment of the News Corp., NBC Universal, Unified School District Police Chief Steve 10:40 a.m. incident, before students were lege dropout in Arizona opened fire with and Disney-owned video sharing site Hulu— Zipperman told reporters. released to their parents. a semi-automatic pistol outside a Tucson though Comcast and NBC Universal still can “It appears that as they were returning Authorities did not identify either of the shopping center, killing six people and maintain a financial stake in the site. from nutrition [break], he walked into the victims, other than to say they attended wounding 13 others, including a congress- The merger should be complete by the end classroom and placed his backpack on the 10th grade at the school. woman. of January and the new venture will be man- desk and when he did that a gun fired from They also did not identify the suspect. It A high school in the San Diego suburb of aged by Comcast, according to a joint state- within the backpack,” LAUSD spokes- was not immediately clear what charges the La Mesa, Calif., was put on a security alert ment from Comcast and NBCU. Comcast woman Lydia Ramos said. boy would face. His age was given alternate- for four hours Friday after police received a will own 51 percent of the company, and NBC “It seems to be accidental,” she added. ly as 16 or 17 by authorities. Gardena, a town phone call from an anonymous caller asking Universal will own 49 percent, the statement The gun was recovered on the cam- of about 60,000 people, lies just south of about a supposed shooting threat. said. 4 E Y E D E R l 011 2 9, 1 Y R A U N A J Y, A D S E N D E W Satisfy Your Soul and Your Career as a Massage Therapist TurnyourloveofwellnessintoacareerasaMassageTherapist. Enjoy personalsatisfactioninajobfieldthatisexpectedtoincrease19 percentby2018.* *U.S.BureauofLaborStatistics,2010-11OccupationalOutlookHandbook JoinusfortheMassageSchoolExperienceWorkshopatall threelocations: Wednesday,January26th,6:30to8:30pm. 17N.StateStreet,5thFloor,Chicago,IL60602 241CommerceDrive,CrystalLake,IL60014 Loop•Woodridge•CrystalLake 1051InternationalePkwy.,Woodridge,IL 60517 5 R E D E Y E l W E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 19 , 2 0 11 6 coverstory E Y E D E LOGAN R l 011 2 9, 1 Y SQUARE R A U N A J Y, A D S E N SWARM D E W More restaurants, more crowds, more debate about neighborhood’s identity after 2010 boom By Emily Van Zandt I METROMIX It’s 6 p.m. and the crowd at Longman & Eagle already is swarming. Bar- tenders in plaid flannel churn out pour after pour of whiskey while servers guide plates of hearty, seasonal fare from the tiny kitchen in the back. A table? Good luck. And it’s only Monday. “I’ve been living in Logan Square for surge in the wake of more than a dozen almost 10 years now and it’s getting to bar and restaurant openings in the past where we just don’t have enough time or 12 months. Long the subject of the gen- ability to go to everything opening in the trification debate, the neighborhood’s neighborhood,” said Melissa Stanley, 40, ongoing shift from an affordable family owner of the Niche Realty agency. area to an increasingly bustling drinking “Now when I tell people I live in Logan and dining destination has been greeted Square they say, ‘Oh, I’ve been wanting to with reactions various and sundry fol- go to this restaurant,’ ” Stanley said. “It lowing last year’s boom. Newcomers and may vary which restaurant they’re talking longtime residents dot the spectrum of about, but that’s always what they recog- public opinion on the matter. nize.” “It’s a lot more trendy than it used Blame—or celebrate—the hipsters. Or to be,” said Stanley, who can remem- the foodies. Or the media coverage. But ber when food options were limited to there’s no denying a Logan Square crowd mostly small neighborhood spots, a few [Logan Square] still has this raw kind of neighborhood awesomeness to it.” —ANDY GOULD (left), co-owner of Bonny’s Bar 2010 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE MOVING IN Longman Revolution Ciao Boiler Logan Square ex- & Eagle Brewing Napoli Room Café Pei Wei ploded last year 2657 N. Kedzie 2323 N. 2607 N. 2210 N. Mustache Asian Diner with more than a Ave. 773-276- Milwaukee Ave. Milwaukee Ave. California Ave. 2313 N. Milwaukee 2709 N. Elston dozen openings in a 7110 773-227-2739 773-278-7300 773-276-5625 Ave. 773-877-3327 Ave. 773-687- 12-month span. Here Whiskey-centric House-made Casual spot Pizza and cock- Neighborhood 0290 now, the rundown. bar and eatery brews and pub for Naples- tails in an indus- coffee spot with Fast, casual EMILY VAN ZANDT, complete with fare style pizza trial-themed cheap eats, art Asian fare with METROMIX upstairs inn space and music carryout 7 R E D E From left: Revolution Brewing, The Whistler and Y E Longman & Eagle in Logan Square. l W LENNY GILMORE/REDEYE PHOTOS E D N E S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 19 , 2 0 11 of which still are around. But in those days, ing $36,000 a year. Instead it’s for the hipsters “[Logan Square] still has this raw kind of there wasn’t nearly the citywide draw that’s and yuppies who want to come into the neigh- neighborhood awesomeness to it,” said Andy blossomed during the past months. borhood.” Gould, co-owner of Bonny’s Bar on Milwau- The roll call of recent openings reads like The median household income in the kee. Gould and his partner, who also are be- a scenester must-do guide: Pizza and a shot neighborhood has risen almost 24 percent hind the trendy Boiler Room newcomer, took at Boiler Room on California Avenue. Bacon over the past five years, from about $36,500 over the bar’s lease last year and quickly trans- fat popcorn and specialty beers at Revolution to $45,000. formed the space from a dive bar to a craft Brewing on Milwaukee Avenue. Affordable John McDermott of the Logan Square beer-loving, late-night joint. veggie burgers at Marble on Armitage Av- Neighborhood Association says a balance be- “Our crowd is pretty neighborhood-fo- enue. The list (below) goes on and on. tween old and new in the neighborhood can cused. We see a lot of the same faces in every Alongside the boom in visiting patrons, the be found, but it will take time and effort. week, and that’s kind of the way we wanted neighborhood’s residential population has “The trick is going to be to foster a bal- it,” said Gould, who lives a few blocks north risen 5 percent—to about 88,600—during the anced development so that at the same time of the bar. “We wanted to keep it as a neigh- past five years, according to census projections there is development that works for a young borhood spot.” tabulated by the Metro Chicago Information upscale crowd there’s also a development for As the people continue to pour in—par- months and already is hitting capacity many Center. Thirty-five percent of that population the working class family who has been in Lo- ticularly along the Blue Line corridor that nights. is 18 to 34 years old, according to the center. gan Square for 20 years,” McDermott said. runs straight through the neighborhood—the “It’s the people that make it happen,” said “They put up fancy pastry shops and bars “In Chicago there is this real challenge to cre- crowds at local bars and restaurants continue Revolution Brewing owner Josh Deth. “The and it’s just becoming another Wicker Park ate stable diversity.” to swell. people in the neighborhood want craft beer in my opinion,” said Abdi Maya, 30, a stu- Some newer venues are incorporating It’s hard to miss the crush of people late at and good food ... they’re not protesting with dent and former Logan Square resident who themselves into the established feel of the night, when lines begin to form outside bars campaign signs, but when someone opens up, moved to Pilsen last month. “There’s nothing neighborhood, rather than trying to change like The Whistler on Milwaukee Avenue or they’re busy. People go and they support it.” for the working families, for the people mak- too much of the area’s character. Bonny’s Bar, which has been open only a few [email protected] JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER Marble Letizia’s Bonny’s The Double: Wasabi La 3281 W. Armit- Fiore Bar An Urban 2539 N. Mil- Boulangerie Owen age Ave. 773- 2456 N. 2417 N. Mil- Tavern waukee Ave. 2569 N. Milwau- & Engine 252-9652 California Ave. waukee Ave. 3545 W. Fullerton 773-227-8180 kee. 773-358-2569 2700 N. Western Ave. Budget- 773-342-4400 773-486- Ave. 773-772-7000 BYOB sushi, Parisian café and 773-235-2930 friendly fare Italian eats 8480 Craft beers and noodles and bread bakery English gastropub- and drinks and organic Late-night cocktails in the more theme with farm-to- with patio baked goods DJ and craft former Hotti table menu seating beer spot Biscotti space 8 E DON’T Y E ED MISS THIS Al Piemonte Says... R 300 l HUGE 011 2 9, 1 Y R A CARS U N A J Y, DA MUST BE S E N D SOLD! E W 7 DAYS 0% ONLY! 330000 FINANCING AVAILABLE* UUSSEEDD CCAARRSS && TTRRUUCCKKSS IINN--SSTTOOCCKK!! FFRROOMM $$999955 TTOO $$99,,999955** AALLLL IINN OONNEE FFRROOMM $$99,,999966 TTOO $$1155,,999955** FOR YOUR TRADE-IN LLOOCCAATTIIOONN!! FFRROOMM $$1155,,999966 TTOO $$1188,,999955** NNOO CCRREEDDIITT,, OOUURR BBAADD CCRREEDDIITT,, FFOORREECCLLOOSSUURREE,, LLAATTEE GGOOAALL IISS PPAAYYMMEENNTTSS && 110000%% CCRREEDDIITT PPRROOBBLLEEMMSS AAPPPPRROOVVAALL!!^^ ^ ON PREMISES SSTTAARRTTIINNGG MMOONNDDAAYY,,JJAANNUUAARRYY 1177TTHH • MMOONNDDAAYY -- FFRRIIDDAAYY 99AAMM--99PPMM,, SSAATTUURRDDAAYY 99AAMM--77PPMM * AL PIEMONTE 2255TTHH && NNOORRTTHH AAVVEE.. IINN MMEELLRROOSSEE PPAARRKK 888888--553311--33002288 wwwwww..aappffoorrdd..ccoomm *Alloffersplustax,title,lic&$156.08docfeetoqualifiedbuyerswithapprovedcredit.0%APRonselectusedvehicles.$7500maximumbalancefinanced.Dealerbuydownmayaffectfinalcost.Mayrequiredownpayment.Seedealerforcomplete details.$995Example:’97ChryslerTown&CountryStk#C1840A.$9995Example:’09HyundaiAccent#XP15512.$9996Example:’01CadillacSedanDeVilleStk#P15124A.$15995Example:’10FordFusionStk#MP15353.$15996Example:’08Dodge ChargerStk#P15433.$18995Example:’08FordTaurusStk#10882A.^Noguaranteeofcreditgiven,mayrequireagooddownpayment.Photosforillustrationpurposesonly.Dealerwillnothonoranypricingerrorsinthisadvertisement. chicago 9 R E D This just in: EY E l Fans drink, W E D N E get drunk S D A Y , at stadiums J A N U A R Y Chicago Tribune 19 This is for anyone who’s ever encountered ,2 0 a drunk fan at a sporting event. 11 University of Minnesota researchers tested the blood alcohol content of 362 people to see how much folks drink when they go to professional baseball and foot- ball games. In their study, released Tuesday, they determined that 40 percent of the partici- pants had some alcohol in their system and 8 percent were drunk, based on the legal BAC threshold of .08 or higher. “Given the number of attendees at these sporting events, we can be talking about thousands of people leaving a professional sporting event who are legally intoxicat- ed,” lead author Darin Erickson said. The study did not address what percentage, if any, of those fans intended to drive. To collect the data, research staff waited outside 13 Major League Baseball and three National Football League games and ran- Bill Clinton (right) hit the campaign trail Tuesday in Chicago to support Rahm Emanuel’s run for the mayor’s office. GETTY IMAGES domly approached fans as they left. Those who consented took a breath test and an- Heavy hitters swered questions about when, where and how much they drank on game day. The study also found that some groups were several times more likely to be le- gally drunk after a game, such as fans 35 or younger, or those who had tailgated before the game. Clinton stumps for Emanuel as rivals offer counterprogramming Erickson said more research is needed, but that the results warrant a closer look Chicago Tribune MEANWHILE ... ton’s supporters, and black voters are key into alcohol-serving policies and police pa- Chicago mayoral contender Rahm Eman- Mayoral candidate Carol Moseley Braun in the Chicago mayoral contest. trols during and after games. uel got the big boost of a Bill Clinton visit reorganized her campaign staff Tuesday. So Clinton’s visit in support of Emanuel Tuesday, basking in public praise at a rally Mike Noonan, a former top aide to was not without controversy. House Speaker Michael Madigan who and counting campaign cash raised behind Rep. Danny Davis, a former mayoral served as Braun’s campaign manager, closed doors. candidate, had contended Clinton risked will keep his title but play a new role as The former president said Chicago is jeopardizing his standing with the Afri- leader of canvassers. TRIBUNE “critical” to the nation’s future and needs can-American community by endorsing “a big person for the job” of mayor. Emanuel. Prior to Clinton’s appearance, “Rahm is not even 6 feet tall. He prob- The political counterprogramming Emanuel aides used the rally stage to fea- ably weighs about 150 pounds dripping came as Clinton raised $250,000 for ture various supporters who were African- wet,” Clinton said of Emanuel, who served Emanuel’s mayoral bid, then spoke for American. him as a top White House aide. “But in all nearly 20 minutes at a Chicago Cultural Chico and del Valle took a different the ways that are important, he is a very big Center campaign rally. approach, criticizing Emanuel instead of person. He has made big decisions.” Clinton dismissed the notion that Clinton. Mayoral opponents Gery Chico and Emanuel is an outsider from Washington After the fundraiser and rally, Clinton Miguel del Valle tried to turn those ties running for mayor. and Emanuel had lunch at Tavern at the against him, questioning Emanuel’s role Clinton continues to be popular among Park at separate news events. Clinton said on the board of Freddie Mac, the contro- Democrats even after his impeachment when he returned to New York on Tuesday versial mortgage giant. Clinton appointed and controversy over a sexual relation- evening he would give a detailed report to Emanuel to the Freddie Mac post in Feb- ship with a White House intern. African- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who Bears fans celebrate a win with a little ruary 2000. Americans made up a crucial part of Clin- cannot participate in campaigning. bubbly outside Soldier Field. TRIBUNE FILE 10 IMPROVE YOUR SMILE E Y E D E R BBeeffoorree CROWNS l 011 CCCrroowwnn 2 9, 1 RY $599 A PER NU ONLY A TOOTH J AY, Before After D ES Spacing INVISALIGN N D E W $2 495 , FROM After Before Whitening LASER WHITENING $299 X-RAY, EXAM, CONSULTATION After $59 ONLY James Willerman, DDS 30 N. Michigan Ave. Suite 603 20% 312-346-5661 OFF all Root Canals Chicago•Skokie•Gurnee•Elgin Locatedacrossfrom“TheBean”andMillenniumPark. CouponsExpire2/15/11 LabonPremises People of Chicago, lay down your oven mitts. CHICAGO RESTAURANT WEEK | February 18–27, 2011 Chicago Restaurant Week is the city’s celebration as a world-class dining destination. It’s a chance to sample dishes from Presentedby: more than 200 of Chicago’s finest culinary talents and find out why top critics call our city “America’s new culinary star.” For a list of participating restaurants or to make a reservation, visit 2011 Sponsors: TAGTHIS:DownloadtheFREE MicrosoftTagReaderappfrom http://gettag.mobithensnap thisimagetolearnmoreabout ChicagoRestaurantWeek2011.