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Redescription Of Helmetophorus rankini Hartman, 1978 (Polychaeta, Helmetophoridae) And Its Transfer To The Flabelligeridae PDF

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Preview Redescription Of Helmetophorus rankini Hartman, 1978 (Polychaeta, Helmetophoridae) And Its Transfer To The Flabelligeridae

PROC. BIOL. SOC. WASH. 104(4), 1991, pp. 684-687 REDESCRIPTION OF HELMETOPHORUSRANKINI HARTMAN, 1978 (POLYCHAETA: HELMETOPHORIDAE) AND ITS TRANSFER TO THE FLABELLIGERIDAE Christopher J. Glasby and Kristian Fauchald Abstract.—ThQ only representative ofthe Helmetophoridae, Helmetophorus rankini Hartman, 1978, is redescribed and transferred to the Flabelligeridae. The species shares in common with the Flabelligeridae a papillated body sur- face,abuccalregionwithbranchiaeandgroovedpalpsthatiscovered(partially) by a cephalic hood, weakly developed parapodia, and cross-barred capillaries. The Helmetophoridae is currently rep- partiallycoveredbycephalichood.Oraltube resentedbya single species, Helmetophorus non-retractile, cylindrical and muscular. rankini Hartman, 1978, collected from the Branchiae, 5 pairs, of 2 types: 3 pairs cla- Weddell Sea, Antarcticain 3111 m. The spe- vate-cirriform, arising from reduced bran- cieshasnotbeenrecordedsincetheoriginal chial membrane; 2 pairs foliaceous, arising description. During a recent study ofphy- posteroventrally to branchial membrane. logenetic relationships of nereidoid poly- First parapodia lacking neuropodia (and chaetes by CJG, it was found that Helme- neurosetae), subsequent ones with both tophoridae was assigned to the order neuropodia and notopodia. All setae cross- Phyllodocida: superfamily Nereidoidea by barred capillaries. Anterior setae directed George & Hartmann-Schroder (1985:23). forward, but not prolonged and cage-form- The classification of the Helmetophoridae ing. was influenced by Hartman's (1978) opin- Remarks.—The most remarkable feature ion that H. rankini resembled the Hesio- of this genus is the prominent oral tube, nidaeinhavingthefirstthreesegmentswith which appears not to be retractable. Other tentacular cirri, a muscular eversible pro- flabelligerids having an oral tube include boscis, and biramous parapodia. We have Buskiella Mcintosh, 1885; Therochaeta examinedthetype specimens of//, rankini, Chamberlin, 1919; and Therochaetella plus an additional specimen from near the Hartman, 1967. Helmetophorus differs in typelocality,andfindthatthisspeciesshould lacking a true cephalic cage, and in having be transferred to the order Flabelligerida: an extremely reduced branchial membrane family Flabelligeridae. withfewbranchialfilaments. Thegenusalso shows some resemblance to Diplocirrus Haase, 1915, in having branchial filaments Order Flabelligerida oftwotypes;however,Diplocirrushas4pairs Family Flabelligeridae ofbranchiae (Fauchald 1977:116). The ge- Saint-Joseph, 1894 neric groupings within the Flabelligeridae Genus Helmetophorus \i3.rXn\2in, 1978 are poorly understood (Chamberlin 1919: Type species. —Helmetophorus rankini 397, Fauchald 1972:213), and it is not pos- Hartman, 1978 by monotypy. sible to further evaluate the relationship of Diagnosis.—¥\3)oQ\\\gQV\ds with buccal Helmetophorus within the family at this apparatus (prostomium and peristomium) time. VOLUME NUMBER 104, 4 685 Helmetophorus rankini Hartman from dorsal crest in branchial membrane; Fig. la-d B3 arising posterior to B2 from branchial membrane between ventral loop and mid- HelmetophorusrankiniHartman, 1978:145, dorsalregion; B4arisinglaterallyjustbelow fig. lla-f. ventral loop of branchial membrane; and Material examined.—YioloXypQ: USNM B5 arisingjustdorsolaterally to B4 (Fig. la, 46748, Antarctic Ocean, Weddell Sea, b). USCGC 73°28.4'S, 30°26.9'W, Glacier Cr. Parapodia low, first pair with notopodia 2, Sta. 22, 3111 m, coll. J. S. Rankin, 13 only, remaining pairs with both noto- and Mar 1969. Paratypes: 4 (USNM 46749), neuropodia;anteriorparapodiadirectedan- collectiondetailsasforholotype. Non-type: terolaterally (Fig. la), posterior parapodia 1 (USNM 97424), Antarctic Ocean, Wed- directed posterolaterally. Notopodia and dellSea, 73°52'S, 31°18'W, USCGC Glacier neuropodia with small retractile conical Cr. 2, Sta. 21, 2288 m, coll. J. S. Rankin, lobes and small bundles of setae; distance 13 Mar 1969, det. K. Fauchald. between noto- and neuropodia similar Description.—\lo\oXypQ complete with 22 throughout (Fig. Ic, d). True aciculae ab- mm mm setigers, 6.5 long, 0.8 wide maxi- sent, although 6 or so fine, short internal mally; left 4th parapodium removed, not spinespresentventraltoneurosetae(Fig. Ic, 3rdasindicatedbyHartman(1978:fig. 11d); d). moderately-well preserved, many setae All setae cross-barred capillaries, poste- damaged. rioronesappearingtohavetipswithweaker Bodyinflated anteriorly, widest at setiger bars (Fig. Ic, d); setae ofparapodia in mid- 9, tapering greatly after setiger 12 to well body generally slightly longer than those of defined tail; color in alcohol white, setae anteriorandposteriorparapodia.Notosetae clear;bodypapillaeminute(18-24nmlong), and neurosetae similarwithin parapodium, clavate, sparsely coveringdorsum and ven- with 3-7 capillaries in eachbundle, varying trum,moreabundantonparapodiawithad- in basal width (3.5-8.8 fxm) and length mm ditional 2-3 larger papillae (0.1-0.4 (about 0.5 to almost 2 times body width). long) on presetal and/or postsetal lips (Fig. Anusterminal; noindicationofanalcirri. 1c, d); mucouscoatorencrustedsandgrains Variation. —Paratypes approximately absent. same size and numbers of setigers as ho- Prostomiumroundeddorsally,ill-defined lotype, generally poorly preserved. Body anteriorly merging into oral tube; eye-spots widest over setigers 6-9. Head region more absent(Fig. la). Oral tubecylindrical, mus- extended(i.e., cephalichoodretracted)than cularwith pairofinnerdorsal lips arranged inholotype,exposingsmoothposteriorbuc- in sagittal plane, separated by deep medial cal region. B1-B3 usually absent or dam- groove (Fig. lb). Palpal scars anterolateral aged; B4, B5 absent, branchialscarsdifficult to prostomium (Fig. la, b). Cephalic hood to discern. Non-type specimen with B4 helmet-like dorsally, low and collar-like present, foliaceous, similar in length to cla- ventrally, extending anteriorly to branchial vate-cirriformtype; onepalppresent,weak- membrane (Fig. la). Branchial membrane lygrooved, extendingjustbeyondoraltube. ridge-like, convoluted laterally, extending i^^m^air/c^.—Since Hartman (1978) con- across dorsum behind prostomium poste- sideredthisspeciestoresembleHesionidae, riorly (Fig. la, b). Branchiae, 5 pairs, ar- her terminology and interpretation of cer- ranged as follows (B4 and B5 absent in ho- tainhead-endcharactersreflectedthatopin- lotype, arrangement inferred by scars): Bl ion. For example, she considered the first arising laterally from anterior end ofbran- four segments to be achaetous, with seg- chial membrane; B2 arising dorsolaterally ments 1-3 each having a pair oftentacular 686 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Fig. 1. Helmetophorusrankini:a, Holotype, head-end, lateralview(B1, B2 illustratedfrom othermaterial; B4,B5 absent, scarsonlyvisible);b. Diagrammaticrepresentationofhead-end,frontalview(B4, B5 ofleft-side not shown); c, Paratype, left parapodium 6, posterior view; d, Paratype, left parapodium 15, anterior view. Abbreviations:B1-B5 = branchiae;Bm =branchialmembrane;Ch =cephalichood; Dl =dorsallip;Ot=oral tube; Pr = prostomium; Ps = palpal scar. All scalebarsin mm. VOLUME 104, NUMBER4 687 cirri and segment 4 being long and neck- 1900 and 1904-1905.-Memoirs ofthe Muse- like. These so-calledsegmentsareherecon- um ofComparativeZoology, Harvard48. Fauchald, K. 1972. Benthic polychaetous annelids sidered to be a part ofthe buccal apparatus from deep water offwestern Mexico and adja- (i.e.,pre-segmental),andhertentacularcirri centareasin the eastern Pacific Ocean.—Allan areinterpretedasbranchiae. Hartmanover- Hancock Monographs in Marine Biology 7:1- looked the branchial scars ofthe posterior 575. 2 pairs ofbranchiae (B4, B5). . 1977. Thepolychaeteworms.Definitionsand Thereremain somequestions concerning keystotheorders, familiesandgenera.Natural History Museum ofLos Angeles County, Los the origin and function ofthe branchial ap- Angeles, 188 pp. pendages in this species. Branchiae 4 and 5 George,J.D.,&G.Hartmann-Schroder. 1985. Poly- may not be homologous with B1-B3 be- chaetes: British Amphinomida, Spintherida & cause the latter arise from the branchial Eunicida. Keysand notes forthe identification membrane and are clavate-cirriform in ofthe species. Pp. 1-221 in D. M. Kermack& R. S. K. Barnes, eds.. Synopses ofthe British shape, whereas B4 andB5 ariseposteriorto faunaNo. 32.E.J.Brill,Dr.W. Backhuys,Lei- thebranchial membrane and B4, atleast, is den. foliaceous. None of the material had B5 Haase,P. 1915. BorealeundarktischeChloraemiden. present and the shape of this structure is Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen Ab- unknown. However, as flabelligerids may teilungKiel 17:169-228 [not seen]. Hartman, O. 1967. Polychaetous annelids collected have 2 different types ofbranchial append- bytheUSNSEltaninandStatenIslandcruises, ages (e.g., Diplocirrus species), forthe pres- chiefly from Antarctic Seas.—Allan Hancock ent all 5 pairs are tentatively considered to Monographsin Marine Biology 2:1-387. bebranchiae. Aphylogeneticrevisionofthe . 1978. Polychaeta from the Weddell Sea family may serve to clarify this point. quadrant, Antarctica. Paper 4. Pp. 125-223 in D.L. Pawson,ed..BiologyoftheAntarcticseas VI. Antarctic Research Series 26. Acknowledgments Mcintosh,W.C. 1885. ReportontheAnnelidaPoly- chaeta collectedby H.M.S. 'Challenger' during ThispaperwascompletedusingthePost- the years 1873-1876.—Challenger Reports 12: doctoral Fellowship ofCJG atthe National 1-554. Museum ofNatural History, Smithsonian Saint-Joseph, M. le Baron de. 1894. Les Annelides PolychetesdescotesdeDinard. Pt3.—Annales Institution. des Sciences Naturelles. Zoologie et Paleonto- logie 7(17):l-395. Literature Cited DepartmentofInvertebrateZoology,Na- Chamberlin, R. V. 1919. The Annelida Polychaeta. tional Museum ofNatural History, Smith- Pp. 1-514 + pis. 1-80 in Reports on the sci- entificresultsoftheexpeditionsoftheU.S.Fish sonianInstitution,Washington, D.C. 20560, Commission Steamer'Albatross', 1891, 1899- U.S.A.

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