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Redescription of Ethmolaimus multipapillatusParamonov, 1926 (Nematoda: Chromadorida: Ethmolaimidae) PDF

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Preview Redescription of Ethmolaimus multipapillatusParamonov, 1926 (Nematoda: Chromadorida: Ethmolaimidae)

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 20(1): 3–10 28 JULY 2011 Redescription of Ethmolaimus multipapillatus Paramonov, 1926 (Nematoda: Chromadorida: Ethmolaimidae) Переописание Ethmolaimus multipapillatus Paramonov, 1926 (Nematoda: Chromadorida: Ethmolaimidae) S.YA. TSALOLIKHIN С.Я. ЦАЛОЛИХИН S.Ya. Tsalolikhin, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] The neotype of Ethmolaimus multipapillatus Paramonov, 1926 is designated from Inder Lake, Kazakhstan. Taxonomy, zoogeography and biology of the genus Ethmolaimus are discussed. A key to species of the genera Ethmolaimus, Paraethmolaimus and Trichethmolaimus is given. Выделен и описан неотип Ethmolaimus multipapillatus Paramonov, 1926 из озёра Индер в Казахстане. Обсуждается таксономия, зоогеография и экология рода Ethmolaimus. Приведен ключ для определения видов родов Ethmolaimus, Paraethmolaimus и Tricheth- molaimus. Key words: free-living nematodes, brackish waters, zoogeography, Kazakhstan Ключевые слова: свободноживущие нематоды, солоноватые воды, зоогеография, Казахстан INTRODUCTION (Ethmolaimus cf. multipapillatus Paramonow, 1929 (sic!) in Gerlach, 1957). Therefore, of Species Ethmolaimus multipapillatus great interest is the material from brackish was described by A.A. Paramonov (1926) lakes of north-western Kazakhstan: Chelkar from brackish waters near the Kinburn Spit (50°28´N 51°40´E), Alzhan (50°16´N (Black Sea, Dnieper-Bug Liman). Even 50°41´E) and Inder (48°28´N 51°50´E), though this species was recorded by this au- where a large number of males, females and thor as frequently occurring and abundant, larvae of E. multipapillatus were found. it was described by one male specimen and The morphological characters and mor- two female specimens only (Paramonov, phometric data for the western Kazakh- 1926, 1929). Ethmolaimus multipapillatus stan specimens conform completely to the was discovered for the second time in the original description of the species (Table Black Sea near the Varna coast where three 1 and 2). Unfortunately, the type material females and one male were collected (Ger- collected by A.A. Paramonov has not been lach, 1951). No other reliable records of the species have been reported since it descrip- preserved. The neotype is designated here tion done 85 years ago, except for a num- with the purpose of clarifying the taxonom- ber of publications where E. multipapillatus ic status of Ethmolaimus multipapillatus in was either just mentioned (e.g. Platt, 1982, accordance with conditions of Art. 75.3 of 1985) and no morphometric data were given the International Code of Zoological No- (Jensen, 1994; Platt, 1985) or no reference mencalture (International Commission on to males was made (Decraemer & Coomans, Zoological Nomenclature, 1999) as dis- 1978), or species identification was doubtful cussed in detail below. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 4 S.YA. TSALOLIKHIN. REDESCRIPTION OF ETHMOLAIMUS MULTIPAPILLATUS Ethmolaimus multipapillatus Paramonov, terms of both zoogeography and autecology. 1926 It should be remembered that a number of (Figs 1–8) identifications are insufficiently reliable, as has been mentioned above. Thus, a species Neotype of E. multipapillatus: male; Ka- similar to E. multipapillatus was identified zakhstan, Inder Lake, 24 May 2010, coll. by one female found in mangrove thickets of L.Ya. Borkin; slide No A-7175 (Zoologi- the Brazilian coast (Gerlach, 1957). How- cal Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia). Ad- ever, species identification of this genus is ditional material: 33 males, 61 females, 18 based primarily upon male genital structure, juveniles from Inder Lake, Alzan Lake and and therefore, the absence of males in the Chelkar Lake, same date and collector. material reduces reliability of this identifi- Together with E. multipapillatus the fol- cation. The same is true for the discovery of lowing species were found: a male and a 49 females and 16 larvae (not a single male!) female of Penzancia flevensis (Stekhoven, of E. multipapillatus in mangrove thickets 1935), a larva of Tripyla tenuis Brzecki, of the Lizard Island, which is a part of the 1964, and a larva of Alaimus sp. Great Barrier Reef in Northern Australia Description of neotype. L=1026 μm, (Decraemer & Coomans, 1978). The au- a=38, b=8.6, c=15.8, spic. 35 μm, suppl. 22. thors have provided neither morphometry Cuticle finely annulated, punctuation fine. nor drawings. Few males and females (with- Cephalic diameter 13 μm. Cephalic setae out morphometric data, but with good mi- about 1 μm long. Buccal cavity consists of crophotographs) have been reported in the two parts: anterior part cup-shaped with work based on material from the hypersaline weakly sclerotized walls, and long cylindri- lake (270‰) in Africa on the Namibia coast cal part 19 μm with well sclerotized walls; in the region of Lüderitz Town (Platt, 1985), at junction between the two parts curved and also from waters with similar salinity in teeth inserts: one dorsal tooth and two sub- the estuary of the Murray River in Australia ventral teeth, dorsal tooth being slightly and in the region of Malaga in Spain (Jensen, more sclerotized then subventral ones. Am- 1994). Salinity of the Kinburn lakes, where phid 4 μm in diameter, centre of amphid E. multipapillatus was found for the fist time, situated in 13 μm behind front end. Oe- is 9–12‰; salinity of Western Kazakhstan sophagus 120 μm long, bulbus 29 × 19 μm, lakes varies depending on the season and NR=54%. Cardia small. Renetta fairly can reach 318‰. outstretched (“tubular” sensu Paramonov, Revisions of the genus Ethmolaimus de 1929) and situated in 30 μm behind bulbus Man, 1880 including an analysis of species and opening through a pore behind nerve composition were carried out repeatedly, ring. Testes: T =245 μm, T =136 μm; sper- beginning with the work of Micoletzky 1 2 mia diameter about 7 μm. Spicules broad (1921). Hirschmann (1952) reduced all the and sickle-shaped, 35 μm along axis (along species that had been described by that time, the arc) and 27 μm along chorda (from tip except for E. multipapillatus, to synonyms of to tip). Supplements 22, length of supple- the type species Ethmolaimus pratensis de ments row 270 μm. Tail 65 μm long; caudal Man, 1880. Later, validity of the majority glands well developed. Measurements of of the synonymised species was restored others specimens see in Tables 1 and 2. (Gerlach & Riemann, 1973; Tsalolikhin, 1985). At present, the genus is considered to include 12–14 valid species (Andrassy, Comments to the redescription of Ethmolaimus multipapillatus 2005; Decraemer & Smoll, 2006), of which four species have been described based on Literature data on distribution of Eth- females only, that casts some doubt upon molaimus multipapillatus are of interest in their validity. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(1): 3–10 S.YA. TSALOLIKHIN. REDESCRIPTION OF ETHMOLAIMUS MULTIPAPILLATUS 5 Figs 1–8. Ethmolaimus multipapillatus. 1, entire body of male; 2, head lateral view, 3, head dorsal view; 4, tail of male; 5, tail of femail; 6, posterior end of male lateral view; 7, posterior end of male ventral view; 8, vulvar section and mature eggs. Scale bars: 60 μm (1), 15 μm (2–7), 40 μm (8). Ethmolaimus bothnicus Jensen, 1994 and brackish and hypersaline waters should be Ethmolaimus hailuotoensis Turpeenniemi, placed in a distinct taxon. There are few ex- 1995 can be considered to belong to brack- amples of nematodes with such a wide range ish water (“semi-marine„) species, and E. of salinity tolerance, this is, primarily, Chro- hirsutus (Gerlach, 1956) Jensen, 1994, to madorita leuckarti (de Man, 1876), a species marine species. Before the revision of Jen- occurring in both brackish and saline (20‰ sen (1994) the latter species was placed in and higher), and freshwater lakes and even a separate genus Trichethmolaimus Platt, in rivers (Tsalolikhin, 1985). 1982 (syn. Spiliphera hirsuta Gerlach, 1956) It is worth mentioning that the great (Platt, 1982), a conclusion that is quite jus- majority of species of the order Chromador- tified and should be supported at present. ida are marine nematodes, and only a rela- The others are freshwater species. Ethmo- tively small portion of those occur in fresh laimus multipapillatus, occurring in both waters. This demonstrates a tendency in the © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(1): 3–10 6 S.YA. TSALOLIKHIN. REDESCRIPTION OF ETHMOLAIMUS MULTIPAPILLATUS Table 1. Morphometric charaters of males of Ethmolaimus multipapillatus Inder, Alzan and Black Sea, Black Sea, Characters Chelkar lakes, Kinburn Peninsula (n=1) Varna Town (n=2) Kazakhstan (n=15) (Paramonov, 1926, 1929) (Gerlach, 1951) 839–1053 L, μm 907 1230–1233 (943±18) 27.1–39.5 a 28 19.8–27.4 (31.9±1) 7.3–9.5 b 8 6.8–9.4 (8.2±0.2) 11.9–17.1 c 13.5 11.2–19.3 (13.9±0.4) c´ 2.6–3.3 3 2.1 (3±0.1) 104–124 Oesophagus, μm 113 130–181 (115±2) 59–77 Tail, μm 67 64–110 (68±1) T= 137–250 1 (204±17) Gonads, μm ? T  T  250 T= 79–193 1 2 2 (132±13) 19–28 Supplements, n 22–24 (n=?) 24 (22±1) 204–290 SR, μm* – – (253±7) 23–30 SR/L,% – – (26±0.6) Along axis: 30–36 (33±1) Sp, μm Along chord: 32 Along chord: 32 Along chord: 23–29 (27±0.5) Along axis: 10–16 (13±1) Sp/SR,% – – Along chord: 9–14 (11±1) 10–15 Cephalic diameter, μm 13 16 (14±0.3) 16–19 Stoma (cylindrical part), μm 15–20 (n=?) 16 (17±0.5) 12–18 Stoma/oesophagus, % 12 12 (15±0.5) Amphid diameter, μm 4–5 4 6 *SR – length of supplement row. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(1): 3–10 S.YA. TSALOLIKHIN. REDESCRIPTION OF ETHMOLAIMUS MULTIPAPILLATUS 7 Таble. 2. Morphometric characters of females of Ethmolaimus multipapillatus Inder, Alzan and Black Sea, Black Sea, Chelkar lakes, Kinburn Peninsula Characters Varna Town (n=4) Kazakhstan (n=2) (Paramonov, (Gerlach, 1951) (n=6) 1926, 1929) 935–993 830–990 L, μm 837–902 (961±10) (919) 23.1–31.6 17–19.6 a 22–25 (27.8±1.3) (17.9) 8.4–8.8 7.4–8 b 7.5–8 (8.6±0.1) (7.6) 10.3–11.1 8.2–11.3 c 11.2–11.7 (10.5±0.1) (10.1) c´ 4.2–5 2.8–3.3 2.6–3.3 (4.4±0.1) (3.1) 106–114 112–128 Oesophagus, μm 108–115 (112±2) (120) 89–93 84–95 Tail, μm 75–77 (91±1) (88) Q=182–210 1 (200±9) Gonads, μm ? QQ200 Q=182–193 1 2 2 (186±7) 49–52 V% 51 47–50 (51±0.5) Cephalic diameter, μm 13–14 14–15 19 15–19 Stoma (cylindrical part), μm 17–20 16 (17±0.5) 14–17 Stoma/oesophagus, % 16 13 (15±0.5) Amphid diameter, μm 3–4 4 5 order for adaptation to a new habitat (Tsal- phological character as head setae, “…in Eth. olikhin, 1989). Paramonov’s (1929) point multipapillatus head setae disappeared, but of view of freshwater origin of E. multipa- this can hardly be regarded as proof of the pillatus is not sufficiently convincing. In the impact of saline waters <…> head setae are context of the question of the origin of the by no means a “marine” character, and no genus Ethmolaimus in general and species pattern at all can be formulated here …”. E. multipapillatus in particular, Paramonov I suppose E. multipapillatus appears to (1929: 122) wrote with regard to such mor- be originally marine, and it then settled in © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(1): 3–10 8 S.YA. TSALOLIKHIN. REDESCRIPTION OF ETHMOLAIMUS MULTIPAPILLATUS coastal regions of Gondwana and gradu- 4(1). Head with lip region not set-off. ally adapted to high salinity in water bodies 5(6). Cephalic setae very short, not more than that had separated from the sea. This is the 2 μm; supplements not less than 18 . . . . . Eth- molaimus multipapillatus Paramonov, 1926 only explanation that can be applicable for 6(5). Cephalic setae well developed; supple- the presumed wide distribution of the spe- ments not more than 17. cies that is observed at present. 7(8). Amphids are situated below the level of Tchesunov (1983, 1983а) noted the re- stoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eth- semblance between the nematode fauna of molaimus hailuotoensis Turpeenniemi, 1995 the Dnieper-Bug Liman (where the Kin- [Baltic Sea, Bothnian Gulf, salinity 5‰, burn Spit, a type locality of E. multipapil- depth 12–22 m, sand, mud (Turpeenniemi, latus is located), and that of the Caspian (1995)] 8(7). Amphids situated on level of stoma or at Sea. However, the genus Ethmolaimus is boundary of stoma and oesophagus. absent in the list of the Caspian nematodes 9(10). Excretory duct of rеnеttа opening at level (Tchesunov, 1983). Reliable data on nema- of stoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tode communities of saline lakes of the Cas- . . . . . Ethmolaimus derisorius Shoshin, 1998 pian Depression and the Caspian Sea are [Lake Baikal, depth 3–4 m, weakly muddy extremely scanty; these are the data given fine sand (Shoshin, 1998)] in the present work and in the description 10(9). Excretory duct of renetta opening in re- of Oncholaimus bajulus Paramonov, 1937 gion of nerve ring. 11(14). Somatic setae are numerous, 20–50 to from saline Lake Takhtaral in the drainage 200 μm in length. of the Emba River (Paramonov, 1937). It 12(13). Somatic setae up to 200 μm; supple- is noteworthy that another species of the ments not more than 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . same genus, Oncholaimus hyrcanus Tchesu- Trichethmolaimus hirsutus (Gerlach, 1956) nov, 1979 that is not closely related to the [North Sea, Kiel Bay and Clyde Sea (north- species from Takhtaral (Tchesunov, 1976, western Scotland), salinity up to 35‰ (Jen- 1979, 1983а) inhabits the Caspian Sea. sen, 1994)] Based on the limited data on the range 13(12). Somatic setae 20–50 μm; supplements 12–14. of E. multipapillatus it can be assumed that 14(15). Cephalic setae 15 μm; spicules 32–34 μm the Black Sea and Kazakhstan populations . . . . . . . . . Ethmolaimus pilosus Shoshin, 1998 could have comprised a single (macro) [Lake Baikal, depth 3–4 m, weakly muddy population inhabiting the Ponto-Caspian fine sand (Shoshin, 1998)] basin. I suppose that, taking into account 15(14). Cephalic setae 25 μm; spicules 28 μm . . . . the absence of available specimens from the . . . . . . . . Ethmolaimus lanatus Shoshin, 1998 Black Sea basin, the designation of the neo- [Lake Baikal, depth 3–4 m, weakly muddy type as it is done above from a Kazakhstan fine sand (Shoshin, 1998)] 16(11). Somatic setae short, very short or absent. lake does not contradict Art 75.3.6 of the 17(18). Only dorsal tooth developed . . . Ethmo- Code because the neotype came as nearly as laimus zullinii Eyualem & Coomans, 1996 practicable from the original type locality. [Africa, Ethiopia: Lake Tana, depth 0.5 m, mud (Eyualem & Coomans, 1996)] Key to species of genus Ethmolaimus, 18(17). All three teeth developed, the dorsal be- Paraethmolaimus and Trichethmolaimus ing as a rule larger, sometimes much larger than subventral ones. 1(4). Head with lip region set-off. 19(20). Spicules slender and sickle-shaped, 25– 2(3). Supplements 20–28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 μm along chord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paraethmolaimus dahli (Gerlach, 1953) . . . . . . . Ethmolaimus bothnicus Jensen, 1994 [coastal brackish waters of South America [Baltic Sea, Bothnian Bay (Jensen, 1994)] (Jensen, 1994)] 20(19). Spicules not slender (massive), arcuate. 3(2). Supplements 15–17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paraeth- 21(24). Oesophageal bulb is weakly developed. molaimus appendixocaudatus Jensen, 1994 22(23). Amphid situated in upper part of stoma . [brackish waters in Australia (Jensen, 1994)] . . . . . Ethmolaimus intermedius Jensen, 1994 © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(1): 3–10 S.YA. TSALOLIKHIN. REDESCRIPTION OF ETHMOLAIMUS MULTIPAPILLATUS 9 [Austria: Attersee, Finsterlatersee (Jensen, lung der der Academie der Wissenschaften 1994)] und der Literatur in Mainz, Mathematisch- 23(22). Amphid situated at base of stoma . . . . . . . Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 5: 131–176. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ethmolaimus Gerlach, S. & Riemann, F. 1973. Bremerhafen parapratensis Alekseev & Naumova, 1979 Checklist of Aquatic Nematodes. Veröffent- [Russia, Far East, Lake Khasan (Alekseev et lichungen des Instituts für Meeresforschung in al., 1979)] Bremerhaven, Suppl. 4 (1): 296–298. 24(21). Oesophageal bulb strong. Hirschmann, H. 1952. Die Nematoden der Was- 25(26). Amphid diameter about 1/3 of head sergrenze Mittelfrankische Gewässer. Zoo- width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . logische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, . . . . Ethmolaimus foreli (Hofmaenner, 1913) Geographie und Biologie der Tiere, 81 (4): [lakes of Switzerland (Hofmänner & Menzel, 313–407. 1913)] International Commission on Zoological No- 26(25). Amphid diameter about ½ of head width. menclature. 1999. International Code of 27(28). Dorsal tooth much larger than subven- Zoological Nomenclature adopted by the In- tral ones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ternational Union of Biological Sciences, 4th Ethmolaimus revaliensis (Schneider, 1906) edition. The International Trust for Zoologi- [freshwater lakes of Europe (Gerlach & Rie- cal Nomenclature, London. xxix + 306 p. mann, 1973); freshwater lakes of Mongolia Jensen, P. 1994. Revision of Ethmolaiminae (Tsalolikhin, 1985); Lake Baikal (Shoshin, with description of one new genus and three 1998)] new species. Hydrobiologia, 286: 1–15. 28(27). All teeth approximately similar . . . . . . Paramonow, A.A. 1926. Anatomische und sy- . . . Ethmolaimus pratensis de Man, 1880 stematische Beiträge zur Kentniss der frei- (syn.: E. tatricus Daday,1897; E. lemani Hof- lebenden Nematoden. Russkiy Zoologicheskiy maenner, 1913; E. alpinus Micoletzky, 1914; Zhurnal, 6(2): 44–56. E. americanus Cobb,1914; E. gracilicaudatus Paramonov, A.A. 1929. Die freilebenden Nema- Cobb,1915; E. maduei Micoletzky, 1922; E. toden der Kinburnsense und der Angrenzen- caudatus Alekseev et Dimina, 1979) den Gewässer. Arbeiten der Staatlichen Ich- [widespread in moist soils, mosses and fresh thyologischen Versuchs-Station, 4 (1): 59–130. (more rarely) brackish waters of Europe, Paramonov, A.A. 1937. Oncholaimus bajulus Asia and North America (Hirschmann, 1952; sp.nova. Zapiski Bolshevskoy biologicheskoy Gerlach & Riemann, 1973)] stantsii, 10: 119–124. Platt, H.M., 1982. Revision of the Ethmolaimi- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS dae. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History, 43(4): 185–252. I am very grateful to L.Ya. Borkin for collect- Platt, H.M., 1985. Further observations on Eth- ing the valuable material used in the paper. molaimidae. Journal of Natural History, 19: 139–149. REFERENCES Shoshin, A.V., 1998. Baikal nematodes of the genus Ethmolaimus. Zoosystematica Rossica, Decraemer, W. & Coomans, A. 1978. Scien- 7(2): 215–221. tific report on the Belgian Expedition to the Tsalolikhin, S. Ya., 1985. Nematodes of fresh Great Barrier Reef in 1967. Nematodes XII. and brackish waters of Mongolia. Nauka, Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Leningrad. 115 p. (In Russian). Research, 29: 497–508. Tsalolikhin, S.Ya., 1989. Typically fresh-water Decraemer, W. & Smoll, N. 2006. Orders Chro- nematodes – what are they? Zoologicheskiy madorida, Desmodorida and Desmoscole- Zhurnal, 68(12): 5–13 (In Russian). cida. In: Eyualem-Abebe, Andrássy, I. & Tchesunov, A.V., 1976. Free-living nematodes Traunspurger, W. (Eds) Freshwater nemato- of the Krasnovodsk Bay in the Caspian Sea. des: 497–573. CABI Publishing. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 55(9): 1394–1397. Gerlach, S. 1951. Freilebende Nematoden aus (In Russian). Varna. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, 45: 193–212. Tchesunov, A.V., 1979. Oncholaimus hircanus nom. Gerlach, S. 1957. Marine Nematoden aus dem nov. – a new name for O. orientalis. Zoologiches- Mangrove-Gebiet von Cananeia. Abhand- kiy zhurnal, 58(2): 260. (In Russian). © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(1): 3–10 10 S.YA. TSALOLIKHIN. REDESCRIPTION OF ETHMOLAIMUS MULTIPAPILLATUS Tchesunov, A.V., 1983. On spatial distribution Tchesunov, A.V., 1983a. On geographical sprea- of species of free-living nematodes in Cas- ding of the fauna of free-living nematodes pian Sea. In: Gilyarov, M.S. & Zevina, G.B. of Caspian Sea. In: Gilyarov, M.S. & Zevi- (Eds). Biologicheskiye resursy Kaspieskogo na, G.B. (Eds). Biologicheskiye resursy Kasp- morya [Biological resources of the Caspian ieskogo morya [Biological resources of the Sea]: 69–82. Moscow University, Moscow. Caspian Sea]: 83–110. Moscow University, (In Russian). Moscow. (In Russian). Received February 10, 2011 / Accepted June 7, 2011 © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(1): 3–10

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