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Redeemable preferred shares issued in a tax planning arrangement PDF

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Response Questionnaire To be considered, comments must be received by January 15, 2015 Redeemable preferred shares issued in a tax planning arrangement Exposure Draft The AcSB welcomes comments on all aspects of the Exposure Draft. This form is not intended to constrain your response. Each text box will accommodate your full comments. You are able to save and forward this form to others in your organization for review prior to submission. Organization: Douglas E. Munton Professional Corporation (Munton & Co) Contact Name: Curtis Michaelis, CA Position: Partner Email: [email protected] Phone: 403-328-6966 Comments are most helpful if they are related to a specific paragraph or group of paragraphs. Any comments that express disagreement with the proposals in the Exposure Draft should clearly explain the problem and include a suggested alternative supported by specific reasoning. While the AcSB welcomes comments on all changes proposed in this Exposure Draft, it particularly welcomes comments on the following: 1. Do you agree that the preferred shares described in FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, paragraph 3856.23 are liabilities and that paragraph 3856.23 should be deleted in accordance with the cost/benefit assessment set out in the Basis for Conclusions in this Exposure Draft in order to improve financial reporting? If not, why not? What aspect of the cost/benefit assessment do you disagree with? A simple reclassification of shares from common to preferred stock should not force an entity to record this value as a liability. This change will require off balance sheet equity (appreciation in assets) to be shown as a liability with no increase in asset values. The users of the financial statements must be considered and this will provide more confusion as to the true financial position of the entity by requiring a debit posted to retained earnings (creating a deficit). Based on our experience, we see the vast majority of users disclosing as equity in past so this is clearly the choice that all users prefer. 2. If you think there are sufficient cost/benefit arguments to justify retention of the equity classification, how should paragraph 3856.23 be amended to address the issues with that paragraph noted in the Basis for Conclusions? As with many other Handbook areas, we should have a choice as to present as equity or a liability. Disclosure in the accounting policies would provide clarity to the user of the entities choice. 3. Do you agree that the adjustment to equity as a result of recognizing and measuring the liability should be presented in a separate component of equity? If not, how should the adjustment be presented? The adjustment to equity will likely result in most companies being in a deficit position in retained earnings even through there is considerable value in the entity to pay for the preferred share redemption amounts. This will also have considerable impact on the covenants with creditors making many entities offside on covenants. 4. Do you think that COMPREHENSIVE REVALUATION, Section 1625, should be amended to clarify when the conditions to apply push-down accounting are met for some of the transactions covered by paragraph 3856.23? If so, what aspects of Section 1625 should be clarified? In your view, to what extent would entities apply push-down accounting? 2 5. Do you agree that the current disclosure requirements in Section 3856 are appropriate for redeemable preferred shares currently accounted for under paragraph 3856.23? If not, why not and how should the disclosures in Section 3856 be amended? Current standards are appropriate and are widely accepted and understood by the users 6. Do you agree with the proposed disclosures in EQUITY, Section 3251, in respect of the presentation of the effect of liability recognition as a separate component of equity? If not, why not and what disclosures, if any, should be provided? Disclosure should be required somewhere in the financial statements as to the redemption value of the preferred shares. I feel appropriate choices are either on the face of the balance sheet or in a required share capital note are both appropriate options. 7. Do you agree that the proposals should be applied retrospectively in accordance with ACCOUNTING CHANGES, Section 1506? If not, why not? 8. Do you agree with the proposed effective date (i.e., fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2016)? If not, why not? No concerns. Any other comments? Changes should only be made to improve financial statement presentation to give users transparency as well as useful information. The proposed changes will create significant confusion with owners and creditors requiring banking covenants to be rewritten. Also, this paints a poor picture of an entity as it suggests a deficit based on a simple tax planning transaction. Click here to submit To finish submitting the form, please click “send” in the email addressed to [email protected] that will appear immediately on your screen. 3 Response Questionnaire To be considered, comments must be received by January 15, 2015 Redeemable preferred shares issued in a tax planning arrangement Exposure Draft The AcSB welcomes comments on all aspects of the Exposure Draft. This form is not intended to constrain your response. Each text box will accommodate your full comments. You are able to save and forward this form to others in your organization for review prior to submission. Organization: Meerstra & Co., Chartered Accountant, Professional Corporation Contact Name: Colin Meerstra, CPA, CA Position: Sole Practitioner Email: [email protected] Phone: 519-669-1001 Comments are most helpful if they are related to a specific paragraph or group of paragraphs. Any comments that express disagreement with the proposals in the Exposure Draft should clearly explain the problem and include a suggested alternative supported by specific reasoning. While the AcSB welcomes comments on all changes proposed in this Exposure Draft, it particularly welcomes comments on the following: 1. Do you agree that the preferred shares described in FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, paragraph 3856.23 are liabilities and that paragraph 3856.23 should be deleted in accordance with the cost/benefit assessment set out in the Basis for Conclusions in this Exposure Draft in order to improve financial reporting? If not, why not? What aspect of the cost/benefit assessment do you disagree with? Yes, I agree. 2. If you think there are sufficient cost/benefit arguments to justify retention of the equity classification, how should paragraph 3856.23 be amended to address the issues with that paragraph noted in the Basis for Conclusions? N/A 3. Do you agree that the adjustment to equity as a result of recognizing and measuring the liability should be presented in a separate component of equity? If not, how should the adjustment be presented? Only partially. If comprehensive revaluation cannot somehow be applied with related parties, then how about a debit to the asset side of the balance sheet to recognize the amount by which the fair value of the assets exceeded the book value at the time of the valuation? The portion of the redemption amount which accounts for previous retained earnings can be charged to retained earnings, but the portion that represents the excess of FV over BV should not be charged to equity. If we cannot increase the individual asset, perhaps a separate line item recognizing the fair value/book value difference is appropriate? Without it the balance sheet can be ridiculously lopsided, raising the worth of such financial statements. For example, in many farming enterprises the fair value of the assets (land, quota) can far exceed the book value. As such, if an estate freeze were to be undertaken, the Preference Shares issued in exchange under this proposal could create a liability and a deficit of millions of $ - making the f/s look ludicrous and necessitating an annual explanation that the deficit exists because the fair value of the assets is so much more than the book value - but is not allowed to be presented because the statements must use the lower of cost or market value on the assets... Specific example: R/E of $500k, land & quota in excess of book value by $2.0M, therefore rough FMV of $2.5M. Pref shares issued for this amount. Ongoing balance sheet shows a deficit of $2.0M if the pref shares are shown as a liability. 2 How about allowing the $2.0M excess of FV over BV to be booked to the asset side of the balance sheet, either to specific assets if known (land & quota) or as a separate line item? This would give the most accurate picture of the reality of the situation - which would be a balance sheet with $0 of equity rather than a balance sheet with a non-existent deficit of $2.0M! 4. Do you think that COMPREHENSIVE REVALUATION, Section 1625, should be amended to clarify when the conditions to apply push-down accounting are met for some of the transactions covered by paragraph 3856.23? If so, what aspects of Section 1625 should be clarified? In your view, to what extent would entities apply push-down accounting? Yes - please see my comments in the previous section. Section 1625 is not allowed for related parties - perhaps that restriction can be removed? Or the related parties section amended to allow for tax planning arrangements to be handled in this manner? 5. Do you agree that the current disclosure requirements in Section 3856 are appropriate for redeemable preferred shares currently accounted for under paragraph 3856.23? If not, why not and how should the disclosures in Section 3856 be amended? Yes. 6. Do you agree with the proposed disclosures in EQUITY, Section 3251, in respect of the presentation of the effect of liability recognition as a separate component of equity? If not, why not and what disclosures, if any, should be provided? Yes, 7. Do you agree that the proposals should be applied retrospectively in accordance with ACCOUNTING CHANGES, Section 1506? If not, why not? Yes. 3 8. Do you agree with the proposed effective date (i.e., fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2016)? If not, why not? Yes. Any other comments? Click here to submit To finish submitting the form, please click “send” in the email addressed to [email protected] that will appear immediately on your screen. 4 Formulaire de réponse Pour être pris en considération, les commentaires doivent être reçus au plus tard le le 15 janvier 2015. Actions privilégiées rachetables émises à titre de mesure de planification fiscale Exposé-sondage Le CNC invite les intéressés à formuler des commentaires sur tous les aspects de l’exposé-sondage. Le présent formulaire ne vise pas à restreindre votre réponse. Chaque boîte de texte acceptera l'intégralité de vos commentaires. Vous pouvez sauvegarder le formulaire et l´envoyer, pour examen, à d´autres personnes de votre organisation avant de le soumettre. Organisation : MARIO GUILLEMETTE, CPA Personne-ressource : MARIO GUILLEMETTE, CPA auditeur, CA Fonction : PROPRIÉTAIRE UNIQUE Courriel : [email protected] Téléphone: 418-884-3063 Les commentaires ont d’autant plus de valeur qu’ils portent sur un paragraphe ou un groupe de paragraphes précis. En cas de désaccord avec les propositions de l’exposé- sondage, veuillez expliquer clairement le problème en cause et indiquer une solution possible, avec motifs à l’appui. Le CNC invite les intéressés à formuler des commentaires sur toutes les modifications proposées dans le présent exposé-sondage, mais favorise particulièrement ceux formulés en réponse aux questions énoncées ci-dessous : 1. Êtes-vous d’accord que les actions privilégiées décrites au paragraphe .23 du chapitre 3856, INSTRUMENTS FINANCIERS, constituent des passifs et que ce paragraphe devrait être supprimé, compte tenu de l’analyse coûts-avantages présentée dans la base des conclusions du présent exposé-sondage, et ce, afin d’améliorer l’information financière? Dans la négative, pourquoi? Avec quel aspect de l’analyse coûts-avantages êtes-vous en désaccord? Je suis en désaccord de supprimer ce paragraphe. Pour la PME, client majoritaire en nombre pour les cabinets, le fait de présenter les actions émises par planification fiscale à la valeur de rachat viendrait par le fait même réduire et rendre négatif (dans la majorité des cas) le BNR. On retrouvera des DÉFICITS IMPORTANTS dans toutes ces compagnies dont les actions émises l'ont été pour fins fiscales seulement. Je ne crois pas que la déduction accordée aux petites entreprises est la préoccupation dans ce cas-ci. 2. Si vous êtes d’avis que le rapport coûts-avantages est suffisant pour justifier le classement de ces actions dans les capitaux propres, comment faudrait-il modifier le paragraphe 3856.23 pour résoudre les problèmes soulevés dans la base des conclusions? Pour le problème d'application différente sur d'autres actions de planification fiscale, serait-il possible d'appliquer le paragraphe .23 à toutes actions émises suite à une planification fiscale. Est-ce que cette ouverture amènerait des abus possibles des préparateurs d'états financiers? Pour le second problème, je n'ai malheureusement aucune solution. 3. Êtes-vous d’accord que l’ajustement des capitaux propres découlant de la comptabilisation et de l’évaluation du passif devrait être présenté sous un poste distinct dans les capitaux propres? Dans la négative, comment l’ajustement devrait- il être présenté? Sous un poste distinct ou non, mon opinion à la question #1 est de ne pas ajuster la valeur comptable de ces actions. 4. Selon vous, faudrait-il modifier le chapitre 1625, RÉÉVALUATION INTÉGRALE DES ACTIFS ET DES PASSIFS, afin de préciser les conditions qui doivent être réunies pour procéder à la réévaluation des comptes d’une filiale dans le cas de certaines opérations visées par le paragraphe 3856.23? Dans l’affirmative, quels aspects du chapitre 1625 faudrait-il modifier? À votre avis, dans quelle mesure les entités procéderaient-elles à la réévaluation des comptes d’une filiale? NON, les coûts seraient trop importants versus les avantages pour l'utilisateur des états financiers, en débutant par l'actionnaire des PME. 2 5. Êtes-vous d’accord que les obligations d’information contenues actuellement dans le chapitre 3856 sont appropriées en ce qui concerne les actions privilégiées rachetables actuellement comptabilisées selon le paragraphe 3856.23? Dans la négative, pourquoi et comment conviendrait-il de modifier ces obligations d’information? OUI, à moindre d'élargir les LOIS de planifications fiscales admissibles au paragraphe .23 6. Êtes-vous d’accord avec les obligations d’information qu’il est proposé d’inclure dans le chapitre 3251, CAPITAUX PROPRES, en ce qui concerne la présentation sous un poste distinct dans les capitaux propres de l’effet de la comptabilisation du passif? Dans la négative, pourquoi et quelles sont les informations qui devraient être fournies, le cas échéant? Sous un poste distinct ou non, mon opinion à la question #1 est de ne pas ajuster la valeur comptable de ces actions. 7. Êtes-vous d’accord que les propositions devraient s’appliquer rétrospectivement, en conformité avec le chapitre 1506, MODIFICATIONS COMPTABLES? Dans la négative, pourquoi? OUI 8. Êtes-vous d’accord avec la date d’entrée en vigueur proposée (les modifications s’appliqueraient aux exercices ouverts à compter du 1er janvier 2016)? Dans la négative, pourquoi? OUI Commentaires supplémentaires Cliquez ici pour lancer l’envoi par courriel Pour soumettre le formulaire, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton « Envoyer » du courriel adressé à [email protected] qui apparaîtra sur votre écran. 3

Do you agree that the adjustment to equity as a result of recognizing and measuring the liability . possible, avec motifs à l'appui. Le CNC invite les
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