Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN: 0034-7744 [email protected] Universidad de Costa Rica Costa Rica Palacio-Aponte, Gerardo Land cover modification geoindicator applied in a tropical coastal environment Revista de Biología Tropical, vol. 62, núm. 3, septiembre, 2014, pp. 1111-1128 Universidad de Costa Rica San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Costa Rica Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Land cover modification geoindicator applied in a tropical coastal environment Gerardo Palacio-Aponte Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Av. Industrias 101-A, 78494. Fracc. Talleres, San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, México; [email protected], [email protected] Received 04-XI-2014. Corrected 30-III-2014. Accepted 29-Iv-2014. Abstract: Environmental changes due to natural processes and anthropic modifications can be characterized by the degree of land cover modification and its environmental implications over time. The main goal of the present study was to propose and apply a land cover modification geoindicator in order to assess the environmental con- dition of the territory per landscape units. It was designed to interpret diffuse information and transform it into a synthetic indicator that will be useful for environmental managers. The geoindicator evaluation was performed through a multi-temporal analysis of medium resolution Landsat satellite images and their unsupervised classi- fication according to the direction of land use transitions. A change detection analysis between image pairs from 1973, 1991 and 2001 was made to detect unaffected areas and the areas in which positive or negative land cover changes could be observed. The proposed methodology was applied in the coastal palustrine area; specifically, in the marine-terrestrial ecotone of Campeche, Mexico. Geoindicator values during the 1974-1991 and 1991-2001 periods were low, 46.5% and 40.9%, respectively, due to the intrinsic limitations of coastal wetlands for produc- tive activities. Urban and suburban transition areas showed high degrees of modification of about 39.5% and 32.1% for the first and the second period, respectively. Moderate modification, 4.9% in the first period and 5.7% in the second, was observed in isolated landscape units with recovering vegetation. The proposed geoindicator showed physiognomic and functional evidence of affectation levels from human activities, regeneration patterns and alteration of the landscape structure, modulated by the historical-economic process in the studied area. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (3): 1111-1128. Epub 2014 September 01. Key words: environmental geoindicators, landscape units, change detection, remote sensing. Environmental geoindicators are measure- from primary data, which are direct measure- ments (magnitudes, frequencies, averages and ments of different parameters. In general, indi- trends) of natural and anthropic processes tak- cators represent an empirical model of reality, ing place above or near the Earth’s surface, that but are not reality itself (Hammond, Adriaanse, denote significant environmental changes (cat- Rodenburg, Bryant, & Woodwatd, 1995). astrophic or gradual) that have occurred within Different types of environmental indicators a human lifespan (100 years or less). Berger are available (Hammond et al., 1995), ranging and Iams (1996) considered how geoindicators from ecological indicators which monitor bio- are used to monitor and evaluate environmen- diversity and ecological integrity, to sustain- tal changes and provide important references ability indices with multiple objectives. Most to support the explanation of stress factors indicators produce data based on targeted sam- induced by humans, nature or both. This allows pling, specific objectives and restricted areas, the health of environments and their ecosys- but do not consider their territorial setting or tems to be assessed, including abiotic, biotic the related areas of influence. However, other and anthropic elements, as opposed to statistics indices provide concepts that are susceptible to Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (3): 1111-1128, September 2014 1111 being territorially evaluated, such as those pro- evident territorial expression that is linked to posed by Cooper, Ramm, and Harrison (1994), how the territory is appropriated by society, and Berger and Iams (1996), Dale and Beyeler results from the technological and economic (2001), Morton (2002) and Machado (2004). levels of resource exploitation. The rhythm of Cooper et al. (1994) focused their analysis on these impacts, both in magnitude and persis- estuarine environments, and calculated a health tence, determines the intensity of the effects index composed of a geomorphological base, and the possibility of nature’s recovery, or the water quality analyses, a biological quality definitive loss of biological integrity and natu- assessment and an aesthetic value assessment. ral resources. Later, Berger and Iams (1996) called for a In order to identify and characterize the meeting of natural science specialists, which degree of environmental modification in their led to the production of a guide of relevant spatial-temporal context, changes in land cover indicators to show significant anthropic-natural were used as a dynamic indicator of landscape environmental changes. In turn, Dale and Beye- transformations over a given period of time. ler (2001) created an ecological index based vegetation cover is the result or synthesis of on changes in the composition, structure and the ecological condition of the landscape, since function of ecosystems at three levels of ter- it has a physiognomic expression that can be ritorial organization, in relation to habitat frag- objectively delimited, and its degrees of per- mentation. Subsequently, building on the work turbation can be quantified. The identification of Berger and Iams (1996), Morton (2002) of environmental changes was based on the proposed geoindicators for tropical coastal landscape ecological evaluation criteria used environments characterized by the dynamics by Baudry (1984), Forman and Godron (1986), and importance of geomorphological changes Oldeman (1990), Berger and Iams (1996), Etter that have occurred during the past few decades. (2001), Turner, Gardner, and O’Neill (2001) More recently, theoretical contributions added and Farina (2006). the concepts of hemeroby (Kovarik, 1990; Hill, Finally, this paper will show that while Roy, & Thompson, 2002), and of naturalness, medium resolution satellite images allow for proposed by Machado (2004); both concepts a precise comparison of environmental condi- included a measurement of the human impact tions of the territory at different time peri- on the ecological state of ecosystems, on differ- ods, they simultaneously facilitate the use of ent perturbation scales at the site level. weighted numerical indicators for assessing In this paper, the procedures evaluating geo- both human impact and the ecological state indicators were adapted to transitional ocean- of different land cover types. The land cover continent coastal territories that were regulated modification geoindicator proposed here is one by marine-terrestrial flooding regimes, and by of such assessment tool. the functional tension between oceanic and continental environments. According to Mor- MATERIALS AND METHODS ton (2002), geoindicators that are used more frequently for environmental diagnosis in tropi- Study area: The study area includes the cal coastal zones include the following: chang- South-Southwest coastal zone of the state of es in the distribution and ecological integrity of Campeche, Mexico; in particular, the wetlands coastal wetlands, change detection in coastal of Terminos Lagoon, an important territory morphology, damage to coral reefs, alteration with actual and potential ecological and eco- of sedimentary patterns, and biotic and abiotic nomic value. It is located between the settle- changes associated with endogenous activity ments of Sabancuy and Atasta (19ºN, 92ºW). (neotectonics and volcanism). The study area covers a coastal belt 30km wide, The impact of human activity on the natu- and included both continental and subtidal ral environment is a complex process with an environments. Toward the continent, the study 1112 Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (3): 1111-1128, September 2014 area extended up to 25km (perpendicular to the (1968), Cowardin, Carter, Golet, and LaRoe coastline), depending on the maximum level (1992) and Zonneveld (1995). The chorological of marine-continental flooding (Fig. 1). Within taxonomy is based on the regionalization prin- this zone, the first 15km towards the ocean ciple of geographical space, in which the zone, included the direct marine influence interface, domain and region represented upper fields, mainly defined by the presence of palustrine and, the interfaces, geosystems, geofacies and plains of supratidal influence. The remaining geotopes are on the lower organization levels. 10km included wetlands that are ecologically Interfaces can be differentiated according to and anthropically interconnected with the area their ecological functioning (marine or conti- of direct influence. nental) and the nature of their components at the regional level. The geosystem corresponds Identification and characterization of to a well individualized territorial complex coastal landscapes: The system of landscape emphasizing its ensemble dynamics, and, the units in Terminos Lagoon has a continental geofacies insists on the local physiognomy. If interface composed of eight geosystems and the geosystem includes the geographical com- nine geofacies. It comprises the terrestrial geo- plex and its dynamics, occupying areas of tens systems regulated by the flooding regimes on plains of different origins. The names given to of meters to hundreds of square kilometers, the the geosystems and geofacies (Fig. 2) describe geofacies will reflect the features of the local significant functional characteristics and follow ensemble, and will correspond to a homog- a landscape structural-systematic taxonomy enous sector characterized by its own physiog- based on a chorological, historical and genetic nomy, with a reduced spatial extension (from arrangement, originally proposed by Bertrand tens of meters to a few square kilometers). Fig. 1. Study area in the coastal zone of Campeche, Mexico. Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (3): 1111-1128, September 2014 1113 Fig. 2. Landscape units in the study area. The land units are characterized as follows: Regosol is found with beach ridges and Eutric Regosol with troughs. The vegeta- 1. Littoral Geosystem (LG): This is a tran- tion cover can be differentiated morpho- sitional landscape resulting from the logically and structurally into creeping functional tension between continental and shrubby (Coccoloba uvifera, Batis and marine environments. Relative influ- maritima and Ipomoea pes-caprae), and ence is expressed by transitional aquat- arboreal (Avicennia germinans y Conocar- ic, subaquatic and terrestrial sectors of pus erectus) species. varying extensions. 1.b. Barrier island littoral geofacies (BiLg): 1.a. Beach ridges littoral geofacie (BrLg): Subhorizontal marine-eolic plain formed Marine-eolic undulating plains, formed by bar islets of subaerial carbonate-sili- by carbonate-siliceous-sand deposits. They ceous deposits. Bar islets are integrated in are the result of the succession of aligned a continuum of narrow plains that tend to sandpits that have been partially stabilized become stabilized by coastal vegetation. by coastal vegetation. They form part of Calcaric Regosols are formed on these the marine, coastal and subaquatic mor- stabilized materials that are colonized by phology of zones and are characterized creeping plant species (C. uvifera, B. mari- by abundant sedimentary materials and tima and I. pes-caprae). an intense longshore drift. Each topoform 2. Palustrine geosystem (PG): Flooding has a corresponding soil type: Calcaric cumulative plains formed by biogenic and 1114 Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (3): 1111-1128, September 2014 terrigenous sediments and plant debris. water intrusion during the hurricane sea- Due to the geologically recent sedimentary son. Flooding invades low terrains in an origin of the study area, its location over interdigitated manner between 17 and a marginal deltaic depression, and marine 25km inland. In contrast with the previ- and terrestrial water inputs, this zone there ously described geofacies, the biomass of has a natural predisposition for the forma- tule (T. dominguensis) and reed thickets tion of flooded plains. They are temporally (P. australis) is larger and more deeply or permanently flooded by tides, fluvial rooted. Shrubby and arboreal elements of overflows or rainwater stagnation. Four low tropical forests begin to colonize these main variants are recognized based on landscape units. flooding regimes and the relationship with 2.d. Emergent palustrine geofacies (EPg): coastal-marine environments. These subhorizontal palustrine plains 2.a. Intertidal palustrine in ordinary flooding (slopes of less than 2°) are formed by regime geofacies (IPof): These subho- a complex of fine detritic siliceous and rizontal marine-palustrine plains or flats biogenic materials. Terrain flooding is (Reineck, 1972) are formed by biogenic regulated by rainfall accumulation and structures, fine carbonate-siliceous and fluvial overflows where tidal influence is detritic materials, are permanently flood- absent. Flooding generates hydromorphic ed by the average tidal level (0.42m). and semi-hydromorphic vertic and Mollic Hydromorphic soils are formed by the Gleysol soil types. Mesophytic vegeta- interstratified accumulation of sediments tion from low and medium tropical sub- (Gleyic Solonchak and Eutric Gleysol) deciduous forests grows on these plains. and are colonized by hydrophytic man- The most representative tree species of grove vegetation (Rhizophora mangle and the tropical deciduous forest are Annona A. germinans). glabra, Haematoxylum campechianum 2.b. Intertidal palustrine geofacies in extraor- and Tabebuia rosea, which form compact dinary flooding regime (IPef): These sub- groves. Bravaisia tubiflora, an herbaceous horizontal marine-palustrine plains are species indicator of flooding in continental formed by fine carbonate-siliceous detri- environments, is present in association tic materials and biogenic structures, and with low and medium tropical forests. are flooded by the average water level 3. Karstic-palustrine geosystem (KPG): This between neap and spring tides during equi- subhorizontal, slightly karstified struc- noxes (0.923m). Mollic and vitric Gleysol tural plain is formed by marly limestone hydromorphic soil types are formed on top and is semi-permanently flooded. Semi- of these materials, having a fine to medium hydromorphic and hydromorphic vertic texture derived from a mixture of sand and clay. Within this geofacies, emergent and Eutric Gleysol soil types are predomi- hydrophytic vegetation is dominant, and nant, as are savannoid grasses (Paspalum includes tule (Typha dominguensis) and notatum, Paspalum virgatum and Cyperus reed thickets (Phragmites australis). rotundus) and trees (Crescentia cujete and 2.c. Supratidal palustrine geofacies (SPg): Curatella americana). These subhorizontal marine-palustrine 4. Fluvio-palustrine geosystem (FPG): These plains are formed by a complex of fine subhorizontal fluvio-palustrine plains are carbonate-siliceous and biogenic detritic formed by alluvial-biogenic deposits. This materials, and are flooded by extraordi- geosystem integrates different morpho- nary tides (spring tides). This flooding is genesis and dynamics. The lotic fluvial associated with the prism of water level flow incorporates depressions that become ascent due to storm surges and saline permanent or temporary lentic reservoirs. Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (3): 1111-1128, September 2014 1115 4.a. Fluvio-palustrine captive geofacies hydrodynamic processes of seasonal drift. (FPCg): These subhorizontal fluvio-palus- In the same hydrosystem, active interac- trine plains are formed by alluvio-biogenic tion exists between fluvial, lacustrine deposits resulting from the chaotic array and marine processes. In terms of rela- of palaeostreams that have lost their flow tive intensity and types of interactions, due to irregular ground settlements or three subzones may be differentiated: to changes in the water stream direc- lower (mesohaline), middle (oligohaline) tion. They are grouped in topographic and higher (fresh). The associated ripar- zones below the depositional terraces and ian vegetation includes communities of become temporary euryhaline lacustrine medium tropical subdeciduous forest bodies. Fluvial hydrological connections (Inga vera, Lonchocarpus luteomacula- have been lost either due to avulsion or tus, Machaerium falciforme), tasistales to over-sedimentation of streambeds, not (Acoelorraphe wrightii). excluding extraordinary weather. 6. Fluvial geosystem (FG): This is a fluvial 4.b. Fluvio-palustrine semi-captive geofacies bed on structural plains of consolidated (FPSg): These subhorizontal fluvio-palus- calcareous materials and fluvio-diluvial trine plains are formed by alluvial-biogenic deposits. The channel either follows the deposits from temporary communication river bed or divagates to form an alluvial between interchannel lakes and meanders floodplain. The associated riparian veg- that have an unstable configuration and etation includes communities of medium temporary activity. In general, they are tropical subdeciduous forest (I. vera, L. abandoned meanders or distributary chan- luteomaculatus, M. falciforme), tasistales nels in the process of stabilization that (A. wrightii) and savannoid elements divagate over flooded plains and present (C. cujete). water flow during the rainy season. 7. Diluvial-alluvial depositional geosystem 4.c. Active fluvio-palustrine geofacies (AFPg): (DADG): These undulating diluvial-allu- These subhorizontal fluvio-palustrine vial accumulative plains are formed by floodplains are formed by alluvial-biogen- a complex of alluvial-diluvial deposits. ic deposits and are built between mean- They result from successive accumulation dering or braided rivers with longitudinal of layers of soil materials and small frag- gradients of less than 1%. During overflow ments which are removed by interfluvial periods, water flow exceeds the levels, sheet denudation and dragged downhill invading the floodplain and producing by gravity. They are characterized by the differential sedimentation. This process typical transitional morphology between repeats in a seasonal cycle, generating low hills and fluvio-deltaic plains, where a hydrosystem of interconnecting fluvial piedmont deposits coalesce with fine detri- floodplains, intermittent watercourses and tus from present fluvial overflow and from interchannel lakes. The smallest of these the overflow deposits of past intradel- lakes tend to dry up and are gradually cov- taic floodplains. Due to the diversity of ered by the herbaceous species P. notatum, the geomorphological processes, ecotones P. virgatum and C. rotundus. exist between the Eutric Gleysol and Pelic 5. Fluvio-lacustrine-estuarine geosystem vertisol soil types. The associated veg- (FLEG): This aquatic estuarine environ- etation includes communities of medium ment on fluvio-lacustrine plains is formed tropical subdeciduous forest (I. vera, M. by alluvial-biogenic deposits with cal- falciforme), tasistales (A. wrightii) and careous sands and calcareous crusts. It savannoid elements (C. cujete). is a complex geoecosystem influenced 8. Automorphic geosystem (AG): These by longitudinal, lateral and vertical are karstic tabular low hills with convex 1116 Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (3): 1111-1128, September 2014 geometry. They are semi-buried and alter- alteration of regulatory mechanisms, habitat nate with low structural plains that have fragmentation, substitution of diffuse or curvi- calcareous crusts. This geosystem dis- linear borders or frontiers by linear or geometri- perses or infiltrates water rather than accu- cal borders, interruption or loss of connectivity, mulating it, and thus remains unflooded, interruption or alteration of biogeochemical except in extraordinary flooding events. cycles, biomass reduction, introduction to the The dominance of denudation over accu- landscape of allochthonous or exotic elements, mulation processes develops automorphic, the increase in allochthonous (anthropogenic) skeletal Rendzic Leptosol soil types. The energy, the time spans of modifications, partial vegetation cover in these areas consists or total loss of vertical porosity (increment in of extensive low tropical subdeciduous compacted or impermeable surfaces), and the forest and groves of medium tropical sub- status of resistance-resilience caused by these deciduous forest. modifications. The temporal variations of natu- ral and anthropic perturbations oscillate within Geoindicator construction: The geoin- an acceptable range of variation known as the dicator of land cover modification is built condition of integrity (Fig. 3). When perturba- one landscape unit at a time, because in terms tions exceed their thresholds, ecosystems enter of environmental diagnostics, the degrees of a critical state from which they hardly ever modification caused by anthropic activities are recover. In general, such variation thresholds circumscribed to the functional realms of each are exceeded due to anthropic perturbations landscape unit. Due to the different intensities that inhibit resilience. and spatial and temporal distribution of the The degrees of modification are related anthropic activities, the combination of the to the moment in which perturbations begin, observed changes results in different degrees of in the case of moderate modification. If the modification expressed as changes in the veg- intensity of perturbation persists over time etation cover, in comparison with the original and reaches a critical level of intensity, a high state used as the reference point. degree of modification is reached. Finally, very The land cover modification index high modification degrees are attained when described here is based on the concepts found the capacity for natural recovery is nullified in ecological theory of hemeroby and natural- due to the introduction of exotic species, the ness. Kovarik (1990) defines hemeroby as “the elimination of native species and the introduc- sum of the effects of past and present human tion of artificial energy. activities on the current site conditions or The following procedures were used in the vegetation which prevent the development to identification of the modification degrees per a final state.” Machado (2004) defines the loss landscape unit: of naturalness as the product of ecosystems that have been artificially altered, basically due to • Delineation and characterization of land- three often interrelated causes: the incorpora- scape units that were systematically tion of new elements, the relocation or loss of arranged according to the survey scale its own elements, and the change in fluxes and (1:100.000) and the morphological and dynamics, normally as a result of the input of functional elements, additional energy. • Identification of anthropic activities hav- The main evidence of change to the origi- ing an impact on the region and their nal morphological and functional conditions relation to key indicators and modification of the landscape due to anthropic perturbation degrees, includes: the replacement of climax stage veg- • validation of the criteria and key indica- etation by early stages, rejuvenation of lower tors in a pilot area using satellite images trophic levels, reduction or loss of biodiversity, and field work, Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (3): 1111-1128, September 2014 1117 Fig. 3. Temporal oscillation in the environmental state of ecosystems and degrees of modification. • General criteria application using a raster • Generation of the modification geoindi- multi-temporal classification of medium cator for each landscape unit through a resolution satellite images for all the study multi-temporal comparison of modifica- tion degrees. area. The raster formats for both dates The identification of present anthropic were overlaid with conventionally deter- activities and their temporal-spatial variations mined numeric assignations in order to allows for the identification of their degree of detect changes. Map Algebra in ArcGIS modification and the permanence or retreat of 9.x was used to perform spatial analysis the territory’s ecological quality according to by creating expressions in an algebraic the following key indicators (Table 1). language. With the Raster Calculator tool, In order to validate the degrees of modi- is possible to create and run Map Algebra fication on the pilot area, we clipped two expressions that output a raster dataset. Landsat TM images from two dates (1991 TABLE 1 Key indicators in land cover and modification degrees Direction of land use transitions Modification Degrees Date of initial reference Date of last record Low Original vegetation Original vegetation Moderate Original vegetation preserved Secondary tropical forests and pastures in recovery Original vegetation preserved Agriculture and cattle raising High Secondary tropical forests and pastures in Agriculture and cattle raising recovery Agriculture and cattle raising Agriculture and cattle raising very High Original or secondary vegetation Suburban and urban areas Retrogressive succession All land covers except urban vegetation in different successional stages 1118 Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (3): 1111-1128, September 2014 and 2001) over a typical coastal and fluvio- a more recent one from 2001. Originally, 20 palustrine environment that was representative iterations were applied in the study area, look- of the study area. This area has a proposed ing to compensate the low radiometric resolu- degree of modification at the regional level and tion of the MSS image (6 bits and 64 levels) since 1964, the field campaigns have provided against the higher resolution of the TM (8 bits detailed data and recurrent monitoring of biotic and 255 levels). However, after several evalu- and ecological factors. It was also selected ations and in order to make technically compa- for its ecological significance and relatively rable all classifications, the number of classes easy aquatic access through the coast, lakes was expanded and the iterations reduced to 3. and rivers. Afterwards, the raster formats for both dates Unsupervised classifications in spectral were overlaid with conventionally determined clusters were generated using the Isodata algo- numeric assignations in order to detect changes rithm with between 5 and 40 classes, 3 itera- in a final reclassified map of modification tions, 15% threshold and a minimum number degrees (Fig. 4). of pixels in a class of 250. Thirteen classes In order to verify the consistency of the were re-coded to an earlier date from 1991 and modification keys for the entire study area in Fig. 4. Pilot area used to validate the degrees of modification. Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-0034-7744) Vol. 62 (3): 1111-1128, September 2014 1119