In this gripping debut thriller set during the Cold War, agents from MI5 and the CIA team up to find a Soviet spy.
July 1961. Once a shining star at MI5, agent Richard Knox is now suspended with a tarnished image. However, when he is called upon to investigate a double murder, Knox is given a chance to clear his name and find a traitor—but it could also destroy him. Fortunately, Knox isn't the only one hunting for a mole. CIA recruit Abey Bennett is eager to help.
Meanwhile, in a secret Soviet Union city , scientist Irina Valera is on the verge of a communications breakthrough. It could change the world, especially for whatever country has control of it . . .
As three global powers engage in a battle for power, the Cold War begins to heat up for three people who must now fight to stay alive . . .
Praise for Red Corona
"Relentless and sleek. The pitch-perfect debut—a gripping espionage thriller in the vein...