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Red Bear : Allied Forces on the Eastern Front, January 1944–February 1945 PDF

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Preview Red Bear : Allied Forces on the Eastern Front, January 1944–February 1945

ofi: KEY 1.~ommm.07ltlO'rr- 1~. I ,g"""M.1!01T- 11I1'~ti:". "'JlTIlfj(~ from their Succ~ses in 1943, the Red Anny continued on offen'live into the winter early 1944. They broke the Siege of Lening-ran. ami then pushed the Germans Ilack into r~:;o~~~ I In the Ukraine, two Gennan armie!'J were encircled, one after the other, in the Korm.m ;4 Kamenets-podol!!ky Pockets. }'inland waq finally ejected from the war in June ami the fol lowing month the Red Anny sma.qhed Germany's Army Group Centre in Operation Bagratioll. With Gennany anri her a1lies reeling, the Soviets }ltlshed on, forcing Romania to change sirles in '-It=~'~ Th;eY~th~e;n~~P\~,"~h!ed~t~h~e~Gerrruu~~~l"J back into Poland to the very rloorstep of the Third Reich ~; and the 1945. ALLIED FORCES ON THE EASTERN FRONT. JANUARY 1944 - FEBRUARY 1945 • • ,, )II' &d Btar was compiled from the following books: Fortrtss Etlium: Peter Simunovich, John-Paul Brisigotti Europr, Stalini O/ulaughr. Hammrr and Sickk, Rivtr ofH (roN Gmphic Design: Sean Goodison and Stalin's Europr. These books wert originally produced by Ttrrnin. Motklling and Photography: Battlefront Studio the Battlefront tcam and friends. Painting: James Brown. Blake Coster, Casey Davies, Mike Haught, Jeremy Painter, and Matt Parkes Compi/rd and (diud by: Wayne: Turner COllU Art: Vincent Wai Nrw maurin/ writt(1l by: lllurnaf Art: Warren Mahy, Vincent Wai, and Ben Wooten : Camel, Alessandro Fasolo. Andrew Haught, Mike Haught, Miniatures Drsipl: Evan Allen Van Nonon, Phil Yales. Many thanks to aU ofthr plnyusun and proofoadm who !Javt matk this compilation possibk. CONTENTS Introduction .", •.•• " •. , ............ 2 8y Gvudry,kiy Su",lkovy Korp"'" .••..• 72 Soviet Sp«ial R"les .••..••.••..•••.•• 160 Warrior: Uyttn:lnl A V Pyl'cyn •..•...•.7 3 ThcPoluh HomcArmy •.....••••••.•• 164 Soviet Foras on the E• .' ltem Fron! •••••.• 10 8Uydaa Ornryd Syuddnkayoav ySh &t"l'llaf1noony .&.,.ra.I.o.n. .....•........7 7 84 Poli.s.h. .B•..la.l•io•n. A..rm..i i Kl'lljow. .c.j .S.p.«.•ia.l• R•u.l e1s6 7. Polish Fo«a! on the Eastern Fronl . • • . . .• 13 The Hammer and the Sickle •.••.••.••.. 88 &lalion Armii Kra;owq .....•......•. 168 Romanian Forason the Eastern Front ••.• 13 Warrior. Kapitan V I Nc-vsky. •..•.......9 2 &,a1ion Armii Kra;owei Anocnal. . .... 174 Rdieving Leningrad .••.••.•..•••.••.• 16 Warrior: BriKaCle Kom;M:lr M A DetIov ....9 3 RomaniaatWar ..................... 176 Gn rdeyskiy"Tankovy &taIon ...........9 4 Warrior: &rg.:nl Aure! Sandu .•........ I 79 The Narva Winter Baula! . . . ....••.• 17 Motosudko,,), &Ialon . . ...9 8 COmpanie T.neu'; .................. 180 The Auack On Finland •..•..••..••.••.• 18 Peredovoyc Olryad .................. J0 4 Com.pnic·limeur; Medii ... . .... 182 Ta nkovy &ualon. . . • . . . . . ..•..•...•2 0 Rof2 Ra~vedkL ..................... 106 Comp:lnit: Van'llori MOfOriula. . .... 186 Strdkovy ...•..•..••..• 24 4"'Guan:lsCavairyCorps .••.•...•.... 110 Companit: de Caval(1'ic. . ..•..•. 190 ...3 0 Warrior. Podpolkovnik ra,"'! Kamnev .... 113 Ba,a1ion Pusasi ... .. .. 1% ill &lIalon .•....3 4 Gvardeyskiy Kauehiy Polk. . .. . . . .. . .115 Di"isionaJ Suppan • . .. . . .....•.... 202 ...........3 8 Paniun$kiy Bripla .........•• 124 German Suppon .. • . .. . . .....2 05 ". ................... 46 Romanian Sp«ial Rul., . . ..•.•.2 08 Romanian At$t'nal.. . .. . . .•.2 09 ................ 50 Soviet Invulon of Romani .............. 132 .•.. . 52 SoV;<l:1 l'alnting Guide .•.. Balde for liungary• .••.••.••.••.••.•• 120 Brigada! . • .. • • .. ... 56 Wartior: Polish Painting Guide .... V S R:II ..•...•..•... 58 Gvudeyskiy Kapilan Dmirriy Lou .. . 137 Romanian PaimingGuide ..••.••..••.• 221 Warrior: Ivan Zabolomy •..•..•5 9 Inomarochnikiy Tankovy &lalon . . . .. .138 Tynbelyy Shlrumo.,... B.lalon..... . .142 SamokJ,odno-aniUyeriyskiy Polk ••.....6 0 Sminiy Szmokhodno-anillycriyskiy Polk .. 6-4 COrpsSuppon ..••...........•.••.•• 147 lNiY SamoltOOdno-anillymyskiy Polk ...6 6 Soviet Anc:nal •.••.••.••••••.••••••• 156 Inrl.en.::mo-Sapcrniy B.:ualon .....•..•..6 8 REVISED EDITION This is a supplement for FLrmfJ Of War, the World War 11 miniaturu game. A copy of the rulebook for FLrmeJ Of war is necessary to fully use the contenu of this book. :\- "'~ 'r-c, r _,,~ _~. . ~ I'" '-A11 rJ. ght5'w r-ts;crv«J. N0 part ~ u,l$ puh i!' ca•tL. on may Lrn:.: repruuuce d,S'l"o rcu In a remeva SySlem, or rraFnSm.l tle d• 'II I a"n'y ,o rm or hy.1 any JI' means wilhoUl the prior wriuen permiSSion oftq.c publisher. nor be otherwise circu'iated in any form of binding or covtr olhtr than thai 'in whkh it is publisru..u and without a similar condilion being imposed on the sub5equtm purchaser. • r.... p'" " ' ;. "«,., ''" ". ,iii .. '" ,4:1 Copytight Battlefront Ntinialures the fleeing Germans back into Poland with your mobile tank and cavalry forces. Flames Of ~r you take on the role of a company commander manoeuvring your troops across the battlefields Follow up .your success by liberating the Ukraine from of World War II. This classic period of warfare is brought Germany and its lapdogs Hungary and Romania. By quickly to life in your own game room. Rtd Bear provides the core crushing Romania forcing them to change sides, the Soviet armies in the form oflnrelligence Briefings. These Intelligence and Romanian combined forces can move on Hungary. ~~::;:;';~ allow you to field the Soviet, Polish and Romanian Push the Germans and Hungarians out orfransylvania before ('; that clashed with the Germans and their allies'across fighting the epic tank barrles around Debreeen. Storm the Eastern Front in 1944. Tisza River with your brave Soviet and Romanian infantry To play Fldmrs Of War you'll also need the Flames Of War before encireling Budapest with your Guards tank forces. rulebook. The rulebook contains all the rules that you need Finally assault Budapest, fighting through the streets against to fight miniature World War II battles. stiff resistance in a barrIe that will last IOO-days. While your brave infantry fight for control of the Hungarian capital, WHY COLLECT A FORCE FROM RED BEAR? your mighty armoured forces will hold back the desperate Red Bear provides Flames Of War players the forces needed attempt's by German armoured forces to break through your to recreate the heroic Allied forces from the bloody baules cordon. Bm eventually victory will be yours! Leningr,ad and Narva in the north, through Operation They are all here in Rrd Scar, looking for the right general to the final subjugation of Rqmania and '"0.>< to rake command and bring the roar of bartle to your 0"' Hungary. , room. witi,l the liberation of Leningrad after an epic 900-day p~sh back the besieging German forces to the Narva How THIS BOOK WORKS : Then encircle and reduce over confident German This book is divided into sections for each major offensive at the Korsun and Kamenets-Podolsky Pockets, before on rhe Eastern Front in 1944. Each army has Intelligence :knodciog'F;,I,,,,d out of rhe war after a massive assault.. • Briefings for tank, mechanised, and infantry companies . Next launch Operation Bagration to secure Byelorussia from Each company has easy-to-use charts, highlighting available the Fasci~t. Smash/through German Army Group Centre, platoons which are the fighting units of your company. Each retaking Hitler's 'Festerplan' one by one. Mercilessly pursue platoon diagram visually displays what troOps are included in rhe plaroon~ .. ) ,.r"" -""" ~ .... A ...,.......,-....- 1 ..... A detailed arsenal at the end of each section describes the • REOAmr STRElKOVY BATAlON speeific ratings for your units and the weapons they use. From tanks to infantry, this book contains everything you ~I Suelk"vy8ataion HQ (Compulsory HCadqua'tero~O po;;",' '.1 need to get started on your army! Battalion HQ Strelkovy Company (Compulsory Combat Platoon)6 . [n addiTion to the technical information you'll need to build with 3 Rifle Platoons an dKoml's sar tea m_ 35pollltS your force, each book contains plenty of inspiring pictures to Cit help you capture d,e flavour of your new Flames OfW ar force! Strdkovy Company (Compulso:Combat Platoo~65 oints with 3 Rifle Platoons and KOIIU6sar team P All of lhe forces in [his book are based on historical examples . Co . any (Conlbat Platoon) that fought on the Eastern Front between I January 1944 'i' Strelkovy MachlDe-gun mp 45 . '-II 1 pOllltS and mid-February 1945. with 2 Machine-gun platoons Strclkovy Anti-tank Company (We:o.pon Platoon) . To find Out more, visit your local game store, or visit our 75 pOHlts with 4 45mm obr 1942 guns informative website at IlIww,FlnmesOfWiJr.com, 4) Guards Heavy Assault Gun Company (s.p,r.o-,t Platoon) 3 45 pom. ts with 31SU-I22 ta Limited Air Support (Support PlatOOn) 5' \11 'k 22 pOInts . h II-2M Tip 3M Shturmov! . WIt Toral-1550 pomts uses a point system when setting up and In most Flamrs Of war games you will command a PH'Y"', games. Typical games are around 1500 points, but company with several plalOons. However, in Soviet and are certainly not limited lO any value! Play any poine value some Romanian forces these will be a battalion with several and your opponent decide. You can play small 600 point companies, but these behave JUSt like other forces' plalOons. in an hour, or you can play mammoth games using For these forces whenever the rules talk about a Platoon read ,Jm,i~ that are 3000 or 5000 points or more! that as a Company. Where the rules talk about a Company, read that as a BanaHon. , COMPANY HQ In Ffllml'S Of \U7r, you are the Company Commander. As such you'll needacompany headquarters platoon. When you choose your force the first thing you must purchase with your points is your company headquarters platoon. COMBAT PLATOONS Usually, at least TWO combat plawons are required. Whatever your battle plan requires, the Combat PI:Hoons are the ones yOll rely upon lO get the job done! WEAPONS PLATOONS Weapons platoons come rtom your own battalion. They arc not required, but can offer your company excellem suppOrt, such as heavy machine-guns. mortars, reece, and ami-tank weapons. SUPPORT PLATOONS Supporr platoons are loaned to your company by the regiment, brigade, division, or corps. These platoons give you extra suppOrt in many forms ranging from t:lnks to artillery. Each force begins with the Company Diagram, which demonstrateS the company organisation graphically in an easy-to-read i'."",,,. This simple diagram will help you create your Flames a/War company and gec you playing in no time ar all! YOUR COMPANY OR BATTALION This firstcsrep is entirely up to you. There is a wide variety of companies or banalions, including infantry, reconnaissance, mechanised, and tank forces. Have a read through the history texl. Find a force that you find interesting and you're off! INSTRUCTIONS .~""'C, you have decided which company or banalion build, have a look at the small box that 00"";"" :,"d"",",,,;,,", you will need to build your force. II will also talk about any divisional variants that rhe "iI company or banalion might have. The example to lhe right tells you that there are tWO variants: Red Army and Guards. When building a force with variants, choose one variant and follow the instructions for variant forces below. VARIANT FORCES companies or banalions are based on a single Heavy Tank Regiment). However, ,'~"""f'''''rlp,in;'' have several variants based on their army, such. as the Sue1kovy Balalon can be made up of regular Red Army HOOpS or :""p,,;,,,,,d Gu';rds. \ " When building a force that has several variants, you . must choose one o~the ~ariants and stick to it. Your 1 .Compant or Battalion HQ and all of your Combat. ""Weapons, and a few SuppOrt platoons or companies ,'I;.. must match the division you have chosen. To help, . included symbols to distinguish the variants. : ~f~~;~!~u;":~~ili:;':;'::',~m.e variant symbol when calculating I'~ platoon options. ~1D.~~C;"'(Ol)R COMPANY the. Company or Battalion ~t~~~:~:,~;;~~:!~~~:~:~:~! of sbolladcike ras,n dg ugnres,y obro xveesh, iecalecsh. fSPECl)lL PLATOON OPTIONS boxes are platoons or companies available to Sometimes a platoon box in the company or battalion , , diagram will have special platoon options available to a , . black DOXes are the core of your force. When building specific variant. These are always marked with the variant's company, you must field one platoon from each box symbol [0 the left of {he platoon name. Only forces based rov',1",d,~ blade :me grey boxes a(C optional platoons. You may on the same variant as the special option may take that one platoon from each box shaded grey. platoon. The example below (from " PAGE REFERENCE the Romanian Companie Each platoon or company box i have a page number. Use Vanatori MOlOrizata on page I this [0 find the pla,toon and its poims value. 184) demonstrates that while any of the Companie Vanarori ALLIED PlATOONS Motorizara variants may field a ..some plaroom; or companies available to your company or Cavalcrie Co~lpany or Vanatori battalion are from a completely different nation. These can Blindata Platoon, only [he Ire easily idenri§e,d bx;:special national symbols found to the Allied variant can field a Soviet right of the platoon titl~ in {he company diagram. Al,licd Srrelkovy Company from [he Red Army (,S,). '. OJ. platoons follow AIl!ed rules fourtd i.n the Flam~s war , ~ have chosen 10 field a 'S*trc)lk ovy Balalon (found on page using the Red Army variam. I chose the Red Army because ir allows you to field a truly massive Soviel horde . • '(ead;"grhe instructions, I need to field al least a Battalion twO Sm:lkovy Companies from the black boxes. Prom there: I'll add some of the optional platoons in grey boxes. (*' ~ chose the Red Army as my variant, so all of my ~mba( and weapons platoon or companies should match tJ! -.fhat symbol. The Air Sflpport has no divisional rymbo4 but the company diagram SIl]S! (an include it. of (he optional plaroons I would like ro rake is a ~,!;'ndk'''y Machine-gun Company (page 26). This mea(*ns 'I Finally, I want add some armour. A Guards Heavy Assault to use the poillls listed in the column marked (0 Gun Company (page61) with some ISU·122 assault malch my variant. "nlcre arc twO available variants: Red guns should do the trick. The Guards Heavy Assault Gun Army and Guards. Since I have chosen the Red Army as my variam, I must use the column marked with my symbol (see Company is marked :IS Guards in its platoon Comryand i[S divisional symbol does nOl match mine. However, since the example below). company diagram has no variant symbol attached to the platoon option (see below eumple), I am allowed 10 rako it in my company. ARMOUR --------- Guallls Heavy Assault GurtComparty Assault GUrt Comparty 'XIlth inc ....... in~ prod",,;"n. •h e.e i. no ,""onOS'" of ami-rank Tank Destructiort CUM in rht RI;d A.my.li1t !onB·b.a.",lltd ~5mm obr 1?42 is Comparty IT When buijJing my Red Army foru ! uS( the points in the - A Red Arm] Strtlkovy Bmllion is Illio~d to take a Guards collimn. Htavy Assa.u.lt Gun Compan]. .. - " -.-~.~.~----~. Once I have selected all of my plawons and totalled up my points, I just have to find an opponent with equal points, SCI up a batllefield and start playing! :tlly Warriors throughout this book. Thc:se arc: hcroic soldiers who can join your force and help it win vicwry. Flames War ;~::!~~::~:~:I~~I~( from the Of website www.Flamc:sOfWar.comandindependentretailersasspecialorder ~O###,), blister packs (SU### or ROtNN), or in boxes (SBX##). Use the table below to find the relevam code for each Warrior. is the Warriqr Kapitan Dmiuiy Lou'in his M4 76mm Sherman rank. Warrior name Product code Lc:ytanant V S Rat (Page 58) SBX12 Leytenanr Ivan Zabolomy (Page 59) SSOl93 Lc:ytenant A V Pyl'cyn (Page 73) SU733 Kapitan V I Nevsky (Page 92) SU884 Brigada Koniissar M A Dedov (Page 93) SUBS3 Podpolkovnik Pavel Kamnc:v (Page 113) SSD 143 Gvardeyskiy Kapitan Dmitriy Loza (Page 137) SU88S Sergent Aurd Sandu (Page 179) RSO 10 4. &mlefrom Miniatures packages Fla11lN O/War produclS to give you everything you nud 10 assemble your force as quickly accuralelyas possible. Our blistcrs and box sets are packaged to give you all of the options available 10 build your army. How TO BASE DIFFERENT TYPES OF UNITS Every army organises its platoons differemly. and the organisation diagrams reflect this. For example, a Rifle platoon in a Srrelkovy Company is comprised of 31 men split into seven tcams. five of four soldiers and four of five, yet a Tank-rider pi,,,,,,," in a Tank-rider Company has 27 men split into six teams, three offour soldiers and thru offive soldiers. Of course, in combat rarely mainrain their theoretical strength. We reflect this by allowing you to take fewer squads or platoons. INFANTRY TEAMS The fundamenral building blocks of an infantry platoon or company are the various types of infantry teams. The most common ones are shown below with a brief description of their function and organisation. COMMAND TEAMS A Command lcam is made up of an officer, an NCO and a rifleman on a small base. There are ofren options to upgrade your Command team with a different weapon. To do so, simply replace the rifleman with the - - -chosen upgrade. You can see an example of this on the following page. RIFLE TEAMS Rifle teams are the basic form of infamry. All the miniatures in a rifle learn will normally be armed with rifles. Some squads may have a single machine-gun, but its efreCi is diluted by thc number of rifles in the squad. Base your rifle {cams on a medium base . ..- R-I-'-LE-(-M- G- T-E-A-MS------------R";-A-,'-M- G-.,,c,-m-,-,-,-,or;liscd like rifle teams, except that every squad oi" r M)l~ ~l~' twO tcams has a machine-gun. Base Rifle/MG teams on a medium base ""_ _________________w_ ;_,h_,h_,_,_~_o_n_d_b_,_~_n_o_'_m.'.IIY modelled with a crew-fed m~-gun. MG TE,AMS MG teams are bener armed than Rifle/MG teams. Every MG learn has a machine-gun. Base MG teams with a crew-fed machine-gun and tWO to three riflemen on a medium base. SMG TEAMS Some nations equipped entire platoons with submachine-guns. SMG teams are made up of miniatures armed exclusively with submachine guns. Base SMG teams on a medium base. ~;;':;:;;-;;:;::;-----------~A~P;;i,oneer::;:;::s n:r~al cha:cte~istics b:i~g th: and of irs rype, e.g. a Rifle team on a medium base, and gains combat engineering char acteristics and abilities such as an increased anti-rank r:lting in assault - and the abiliry 10 clear mines and demolish fortificadons. -~i:ature :it~ ·a·;;~h~ LIGHT MORTAR Light Mortar tcams a: mad:"up of a armed t TEAMS mortar and a loader on a small base. KOMISSAR TEAMS The Red Army relied on political officers to keep their soldiers motl\l"Jred for battle. A Komissar [earn is modelled with a komissar and a riAeman on a small base. GUN TEAMS Artillery barreries and machine-gun, anti-tank gun, infantry gun platoons combine command infamry teams with gun Information on basing gun teams can be found in Basing Your Miniatures in [he rulebook. Essemially, Man-packed teams aTe mounred like infantry learns on a medium base, anri-tank and infantry guns are mounted on a medium base faGJI~ the narrow end, and artillery is mounted on a large bre facing the narrow end. PLATOON, DIAGRAMS • .' ", Eacb platooJl (or company) diagram indicates me required squads (or platoons) and teams you must. have ro make that unit com bar-worthy. Troo.ps and vehitles in black a(e the core of the unit. Troops and vehicles in grey are options lhat you, C:1I1 add to' give them more ptlnch or mobility. Mao.y platoons also include options allowing you to improve rhe equipmem or capabilities of some of the reams. The platoon entry wiU also Iisf"che special rules that the: platoon follows. ,

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