Description:Benefits of recycling outweigh the costs /, Costs of recycling outweigh the benefits /, Recycling is better for the environment /, Recycling is bad for the environment /, Electronic waste is a major recycling problem /, Recyclers and governments are tackling the e-waste problem /, Curbside recycling increases when people do not have to sort their trash /, Curbside recycling works better when people presort their trash /, Curbside recycling increases in pay-as-you-throw communities /, Forced recycling programs do not work /, Bottle bills are a great incentive to recycle /, Bottle bills are a poor incentive to recycle /, Plastic bags are better than paper /, Plastic bags are a recycling nightmare /, Reducing and reusing is better than recycling /; Economist --, Michael Munger --, Adam Beazley --, Allan L. Griff --, Elizabeth Grossman --, Andrew K. Burger --, Susan Kinsella --, Brian Taylor --, Janice Canterbury and Sue Eisenfeld --, Per Bylund --, Jenny Gitlitz and Pat Franklin --, Tennessee Grocers & Convenience Store Association --, Skaidra Smith-Heisters --, Katharine Mieszkowski --, Melissa M. Ezarik