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Recurrence in Topological Dynamics Furstenberg Families and Ellis Actions THE UNIVERSITY SERIES IN MATHEMATICS Series Editors: Sylvain E. Cappell, New York University Joseph J. Kohn, Princeton University Recent volumes in the series: THE CLASSIFICATION OF FINITE SIMPLE GROUPS: Volume 1: Groups ofNoncharacteristic 2 Type Daniel Gorenstein COMPLEX ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY Edited by Vincenzo Ancona and Alessandro Silva ELLIPTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND OBSTACLE PROBLEMS Giovanni Maria Troianiello FINITE SIMPLE GROUPS: An Introduction to Their Classification Daniel Gorenstein AN INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRAIC NUMBER THEORY Takashi Ono MATRIX THEORY: A Second Course James M. Ortega PROBABILITY MEASURES ON SEMIGROUPS: Convolution Products, Random Walks, and Random Matrices Goran Hognas and Arunava Mukherjea RECURRENCE IN TOPOLOGICAL DYNAMICS: Furstenberg Families and Ellis Actions Ethan Akin A SCRAPBOOK OF COMPLEX CURVE THEORY C. Herbert Clemens TOPICS IN NUMBER THEORY J. S. Chahal VARIATIONS ON A THEME OF EULER: Quadratic Forms, Elliptic Curves, and Hopf Maps Takashi Ono A Continuation Order Plan is available for this series. A continuation order will bring delivery of each new volume immediately upon publication. Volumes are billed only upon actual shipment. For further information please contact the publisher. Recurrence in Topological Dynamics Furstenberg Families and Ellis Actions Ethan Akin The City College New York, New York Springer Science+Business Media, LLC Llbrary of Congress Cataloglng-ln-Publlcatlon Data Akln. Ethan. 1946- Recurrence In topologlcal dynamlcs : Furstenberg famllles and Ellls actlons I Ethan Akln. p. c •. -- (The unlvers1ty ser1es 1n .athemat1cs) Includes b1bl1ograph1cal references and 1ndex. ISBN 978-1-4419-3272-3 ISBN 978-1-4757-2668-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4757-2668-8 1. Topolog1cal dyna.1cs. 2. Po1nt mapp1ngs (Mathe.at1cs) 1. T1tle. II. Ser1es: Un1vers1ty ser1es 1n mathe.at1cs (Plenu. Press) QA611.5.A38 1997 514' .322--dc21 97-24363 CIP ISBN 978-1-4419-3272-3 © 1997 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Plenum Press, New York in 1997 Softcover reprint of the hardcover Ist edition 1997 http://www.plenum.com AU rights reserved 10987654321 No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher For Dr. Karl Gruber, Ph.D. In memory of a warm friend. Preface In the long run of a dynamical system, after transient phenomena have passed away, what remains is recurrence. An orbit is recurrent when it returns repeatedly to each neighborhood of its initial position. We can sharpen the concept by insisting that the returns occur with at least some prescribed frequency. For example, an orbit lies in some minimal subset if and only if it returns almost periodically to each neighborhood of the initial point. That is, each return time set is a so-called syndetic subset ofT= the positive reals (continuous time system) or T = the positive integers (discrete time system). This is a prototype for many of the results in this book. In particular, frequency is measured by membership in a family of subsets of the space modeling time, in this case the family of syndetic subsets of T. In applying dynamics to combinatorial number theory, Furstenberg introduced a large number of such families. Our first task is to describe explicitly the calculus of families implicit in Furstenberg's original work and in the results which have proliferated since. There are general constructions on families, e.g., the dual of a family and the product of families. Other natural constructions arise from a topology or group action on the underlying set. The foundations are laid, in perhaps tedious detail, in Chapter 2. The family machinery is then applied in Chapters 3 and 4 to describe family versions of recurrence, topological transitivity, distality and rigidity. Many different notions are unified by this family viewpoint. In particular, various ideas of mixing appear as family versions of transitivity. In Chapter 5 we use Gelfand theory to describe how such properties are carried over to compactifications of the original system. For compact systems Robert Ellis developed something completely different. He defined the enveloping semigroup of a system by taking the pointwise closure of the set of maps of the flow. The result is an important example of a class of compact semigroups which we call Ellis semigroups. The idempotents play an important role in the resulting theory. For example, a point is recurrent exactly vii viii Preface when it is fixed by certain idempotents of the enveloping semigroup. We review the theory of Ellis semigroups and their idempotents in Chapter 6. The two viewpoints are brought together in Chapter 7. As a specific example consider the discrete case with T the set of positive integers. Addition on T extends to define a nonabelian composition on the Stone-Cech compactification f3T, giving this space the structure of an Ellis semigroup. A compact, discrete dynamical system is an action ofT on a compact space and such an action extends to an action of the semigroup. On the other hand, the closed subsets of f3T correspond to filters on T with the points associated to ultrafilters, i.e., maximal filters. Filters and their duals are families and the family constructions for them have natural semigroup interpretations. Furthermore, the semigroup structure yields special results for such families. On the other hand, there are important families which are neither filters nor filterduals. Such families can be used to describe aspects of f3T. Finally, in Chapter 8 we apply all the earlier work to study equicontinuous and related systems. For help with this work I would like to thank my fellow travelers in topological dynamics, particularly Joseph Auslander, Ken Berg and Eli Glasner with whom I have shared many conversations both real and virtual. Especially fruitful were my meetings with the two artists who inspired all this: Hillel Furstenberg and Robert Ellis. At the production end, Kate March once again translated my pen scratchings into a manuscript, and at Plenum it was a joy to meet and work with Sy Marchand (it was a pleasure even to lose an editorial argument with him). To my wife Jean: Thank you for your continuing support of my mathematical enthusiasms, not to mention your patience when I used math as an excuse to avoid other work. Contents Introduction 1. Monoid Actions 11 2. Furstenberg Families 23 3. Recurrence 53 4. Transitive and Central Systems 75 5. Compactifications 101 6. Ellis Semigroups and Ellis Actions 133 7. Semigroups and Families 155 8. Equicontinuity 193 Appendix. Semicontinuous Relations and Almost Open Maps 229 References 261 Index 263 ix Introduction Iff : X ----> X is a continuous map and x E X, we say that y is a limit point for the associated dynamical system with initial value x, or y is an co limit point of x, wheny is a limit point of the orbit sequence {F(x): nET} where Tis the set of nonnegative integers. This means that the sequence enters every neighborhood of y infinitely often. That is, for any open set U containing y, the entrance time set N(x,U) ={nET: F(x) E U} is infinite. It is often useful to keep track of just how frequently these entrance times occur. In Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number Theory, Hillel Furstenberg used families of subsets of T to keep track of the frequencies. A family :.F for T is a collection of subsets, i.e., a subset of the power set P of T, which is hereditary upward. That is, if F1 c F2 and F1 E :.F then F2 E :.F. A family is proper if it is a proper subset of P, i.e., :.F #0, P. In view of heredity, this says that :.F is proper when T E :F and 0 rj_ :F. For a proper family :.F, we say that y is an :.F co limit point of x if N(x, U) E :F for all neighborhoods U of y. In Chapter 2 we present the elementary theory implicit in Furstenberg's work for such families; in Chapters 3 and 4, we apply it to dynamical systems in general and to topologically transitive systems in particular. This family approach goes back at least to Gottschalk and Hedlund (1955), who introduced admissible subset collections to unify several notions of recurrence -exactly our purpose. When the state space X is compact, the semig roup theory of Robert Ellis can be applied. For our purposes, this is best described here as an extension oft he action of Ton X to an actionof,BT, the Stone-CechcompactificationofT, on X. Forx EX, we can define the orbit map % : T ---->X by ({Jx ( n) = _r (x). Since T is discrete, this is a continuous map which therefore extends to a map <l>x : ,BT----> X. For p E ,BT, we write p(x) = <l>x(p), thus regarding elements of ,BT as functions on X. Ellis observed that ,BT has a natural semigroup structure satisfying (pq)(x) = p(q(x)). However this hybrid between the algebra and the topology on ,BT appears at first E. Akin, Recurrence in Topological Dynamics © Springer Science+Business Media New York 1997 2 Introduction to be rather mulish. Right translation is continuous, but left translation is not; i.e., p pq is continuous, q pq is not. Similarly p p(x) is continuous, but p f-+ f-+ f-+ itself, x p(x), is usually not. Perhaps unsurprisingly the composition in {3T, f-+ while it extends addition on the dense subset T, is not commutative. Despite these infelicities, the semigroup structure on f3T has proved very fruitful in studying dynamical systems. The reader should be aware that Ellis uses right rather than left actions, so his semigroup structure on {3T is the reverse of ours. His left translations are continuous, and his compatibility equation reads (xq)p = x(qp). Thus the view in Chapters 6 and 7 is the mirror image of the Ellis way. We can regard the points of {3T as ultrafilters on T. A filter is a proper family that is closed under the operation of intersection. An ultrafilter is a maximal filter. Thus the two approaches meet. The Furstenberg theory applies to ultrafilters as it does to all families; some of the Ellis constructions are nicely expressed in a family way. Furthermore the family approach is more general. Various family constructions do not preserve the filter property. On the other hand, the semigroup structure with its associative law and collections of idempotents reveal properties about certain special families that would not be otherwise apparent. An outline of our book follows. 1. Monoid Actions Once you abandon compactness assumptions, you discover that various dynamic notions like equicontinuity and chain recurrence are really uniform space notions. The very definitions require a uniform structure. The associated topological spaces, i.e., completely regular spaces, appear in full generality when you take arbitrary products and subsets. Each dynamical system in this book is a uniform action of an abelian uniform monoid on a uniform space, written ({) : T x X ---. X. This chapter presents set-up work that enables the reader to make sense of these phrases. An abelian topological group has a unique translation invariant uniform struc ture obtained from neighborhoods of the identity. An abelian uniform monoid is a submonoid T of an abelian topological group; i.e., T is closed under addition and zero is in T, but inverses may not be. Also T satisfies a mild technical condition, the Interior Condition, on the set of tails. FortE T, the associated tail I; is the im age ofT under translation by t, 1; = {s + t : s E T}. Any discrete abelian monoid, e.g., the nonnegative integers, Z+, and any abelian topological group; e.g., R, is uniform monoid. The nonnegative reals R+ under addition is also uniform. Note: After Chapter 1 all monoids are assumed to be abelian unless otherwise mentioned; all topologies are assumed to be Hausdorff. An action is a function ({) : T x X ---. X such that time t maps defined by f(x) = ({)(t,x) satisfy the composition property fi o f2 = fi +t2. For({) to be a

In the long run of a dynamical system, after transient phenomena have passed away, what remains is recurrence. An orbit is recurrent when it returns repeatedly to each neighborhood of its initial position. We can sharpen the concept by insisting that the returns occur with at least some prescribed f
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