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Recueil Des Travaux Chimiques Des Pays-Bas 1991: Vol 110 Index PDF

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Preview Recueil Des Travaux Chimiques Des Pays-Bas 1991: Vol 110 Index

Authors Index Authors Index Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 110, 560-562 (1991) 0165-0513/91/12560-03$ 1.25 Addink (R.), see: Mijs (W.J.) -, Frijns (J.H.G.) and Meijboom (N.), Reductive cleavage of the carbon-phos- Akkerman (O.S.), see: Tinga (M.A.G.M.) phorus bond with alkali metals. IL. Cleavage of mixed functionalized Alderweireldt (F.C.), see: Gorrebeeck (C.) triarylphosphines; Birch reduction of arylphosphines, 441 Alfermann (A.W.), see: Pabsch (K.) Doyle (M.P.), Chiral catalysts for enantioselective carbenoïid cyclopropanation AI-Talib (M.), see: Tashtoush (H.) reactions, 305 Angad Gaur (H.), Review of 'H- and *C NMR spectroscopy of (meth)acrylate Dreef (C.E.), see: Elie (C.J.J.) (co)polymers, 553 Dreef-Tromp (C.M.), Dam (E.M.A. van), Elst (H. van den), Boogaart (J.E. van Asano (Y.), Kishino (K.), Yamada (A.) Hanamoto (S.) and Kondo (K.), Plasmid- den), Marel (G.A. van der) and Boom (J.H. van), Solid-phase synthesis of based, D-aminopeptidase-catalysed synthesis of (R)-amino acids, 206 RNA via a silyl-protecting-group strategy, 378 Baart (J.), see: Cappon (J.J.) Duine (J.A.), see: Jongejan (J.A.) Banerjee (A.K.) and Gonzâlez (N.C.), Methods for angular alkoxycarbonylation -, see also: Tol (J.B.A. van) in fused rings and its application to the synthesis of terpenoid compounds, Dusek (K.), Polymer networks: formation and structure, 507 353 Duynhoven (J.P.M. van), see: Swinkels (D.W.) Barakat (A.K.), see: Ebaïd (A.R.) Ebaid (A.R.), Barakat (A.K.), Khalifa (N.A.), Kandil (A.T.), Maesen (Th.L.M.) Barrault (J.), see: Ghazi (M.) and Bekkum (H. van), Cation exchange in the system CA!! or Mg!l! + Beek (T.A. van), see: Lankhorst (P.P.) complexing-agent + zeolite-NaA: equilibria in water-ethanol, 374 Beindorff (C.), see: Laane (N.C.M.) Eerden (J. van), see: Kelderman (E.) Bekkum (H. van), see: Caldeira (M.M.) Elferink (V.H.M.), Breitgoff (D.), Kloosterman (M.), Kamphuis (J.), Tweel -, see also: Ebaïd (A.R.) nee van den) and Meijer (E.M.), Industrial developments in biocatalysis, -, see also: Luijkx (G.C.A.) 6: -, see also: Voogd (P.) Elie (C.J.J.), Dreef (C.E.), Brounts (D.M.), Marel (G.A. van der) and Boom (J.H. Beulen (J.), see: Velden (G. van der) van), An approach toward the synthesis of racemic myo-inositol 1-([S] Bickelhaupt (F.), see: Tinga (M.A.G.M.) 3,4-di-palmitoyloxybutyl)-sulfonate, 92 Boelens (R.), see: Kellenbach (E.R.) Elst (H. van den), see: Dreef-Tromp (C.M.) Boer (J.S.A.M. de) and Stam (C.H.), The influence substituents on the -, see also: Kellenbach (E.R.) geometry of the cyclopropane ring. V. The molecular and crystal structure -, see also: Roelen (H.C.P.F.) of 1-amino-1-methylcyclopropane, 317 Engberts (J.B.F.N.), see: Yang (Y.J.) Boeren (S.), see: Rietjens (I.M.C.M.) Feringa (B.L.), see: Gelling (O.J.) Boersma (J.), see: Markies (B.A.) Fokkens (R.), see : ,Koek (J.H.) Bont (J.A.M. de), see: Sikkema (J.) Fossatelli (M.), see: Brandsma (L.) Boogaart (J.E. van den), see: Dreef-Tromp (C.M.) Franssen (M.C.R.), see: Naeff (H.S.D.) Boom (J.H. van), see: Dreef-Tromp (C.M.) Fraser-Reïd (B.), see: Konradsson (P.) -, see also: Elie (C.J.J.) Frijns (J.H.G.), see: Doorn (J.A. van) -, see also: Kellenbach (E.R.) Fu (H.), Shen (G.-J.) and Wong (C.-H.), Asymmetric epoxidation of allyl -, see also: Noort (D.) alcohol derivatives by w-hydroxylases from Pseudomonas oleovorans, 167 -, see also: Quaedflieg (P.J.L.M.) Gâcs-Baitz (E.), see: Moldvai (1.) -, see also: Roelen (H.C.P.F.) Garcia (H.), see: Climent (M.J.) -, see also: Zuurmond (H.M.) Gastel (F.J.C. van), Klunder (A.J.H.) and Zwanenburg (B.), Enzymatic optical Bos (J.C. van den), see: Vloon (W.J.) resolution of norbornanecarboxylic esters using Pig Liver Esterase, 175 Boza (M.V.T.J.), see: Gebhard (R.) Gebhard (R.), Dijk (J.T.M. van), Boza (M.V.T.J.), Hoef (K. van der) and Brandsma (L.), Verkruijsse (H.D.) and Fossatelli (M.), A new synthetic Lugtenbur(Jg. ), Synthesis and spectroscopic properties of 14-, 15-—, 15'- and methodology for 1,3-diynes, 131 14'-monodeutero- and 15,15'-dideuterospheroïidenes, 332 Brandt (K.), Grampel (J.C. van de), Meetsma (A.) and Jekel (A.P.), Controlled -, Dijk (J.TM. van), Ouwerkerk (E.), Boza (M.V.T.J.) and Lugtenburg (J.), hydrolysis, an important side reaction in phosphazene chemistry, 27 Synthesis and spectroscopy of chemically modified speroidenes, 459 Breitgoff (D.), see: Elferink (V.H.M.) Geenevasen (J.A.J.), see: Stunnenberg (F.) Broos (J.), Martin (M.-N.), Rouwenhorst (L.), Verboom (W.) and Reinhoudt Geerlof (A.), see: Jongejan (J.A.) (D.N.), Acceleration of enzyme-catalyzed reactions in organic solvents by _-, see also: Tol (J.B.A. van) crown ethers, 222 Gelling (0.J.) and Feringa (B.L.), Oxidative debromination in a binuclear Brounts (D.M.), see: Elie (C.J.J.) copper (1) complex, 89 Broxterman (H.J.G.) and Liskamp (R.M.J.), Synthesis of serine analogues to Gen (A. van der), see: Brussee (J.) be used as modified phospho acceptor sites in substrates of protein -, see also: Noort (D.) kinase C, 46 -, see also: Smitskamp-Wilms (E.) Bruggink (A.), see: Leusen (F.J.J.) Ghazi (M.), Barrault (J.) and Ménézo (J.C.), CO; hydrogenation into methanol Bruins Slot (H.J.), see: Leusen (F.J.J.) on supported nickel-molybdenum catalysts, 19 Brussee (J.) and Gen (A. van der), Transimination. Conversion of nitriles into Ghisalba (O.), Lattmann (R.) and Gygax (D.), Enzymatic preparation of arylgly- secondary amines in a one-pot reaction, 25 cerols of high optical purity, 263 -, see also: Smitskamp-Wilms (E.) Giumanini (A.G.), see: Strazzolini (P.) Budzelaar (P.H.M.), Doorn (J.A. van) and Meijboom (N.), Reductive cleavage Gonzâlez (N.C.), see: Banerjee (A.K.) of the carbon-phosphorus bond with alkali metals. I. Cleavage of func- Gorrebeeck (C.), Spanoghe (M.), Lanens (D.), Lemire (G.L.), Dommisse (R.A.), tionalised triphenylphosphines; formation of secondary and primary phos- Lepoivre (J.A.) and Alderweireldt (F.C.), Permeability studies on horse liver phines, 420 alcohol dehydrogenase (HLAD) in polyacrylamide gel beads, 231 Caldeira (M.M.), Wurtz (E.), Peters (J.A.) and Bekkum (H. van), Catalytic Grampel (J.C. van de), see: Brandt (K.) hydrogenation of D-xylo-5-hexulosonic acid to gluconic and idonic acid, 111 Greenhill (J.V.), see: Katritzky Cappon (J.J.), Baart (J.), Walle (G.A.M. van der), Raap (J.) and Lugtenburg (J.), Groeneveld (M.K.), see: Tinga (M.A.G.M.) Chemo-enzymatic synthesis of specifically stable-isotope labelled L-glu- Gu (L.), see: Liu (B.) tamic acid and 2-oxoglutaric acid, 158 Gygax (D.), see: Ghisalba (0O.) Cerfontain (H.), see: Stunnenberg (F.) Haase (K.D.), see: Laane (N.C.M.) Climent (M.J.), Corma (A.), Garcia (H.), Iborra (S.) and Primo (J.), Hydride Haasnoot (C.A.G.), see: Lankhorst (P.P.) transfer reactions of benzylic alcohols catalyzed by acid faujasites, 275 Haasnoot (J.G.), see: Cornelissen Corma (A.), see: Climent (M.J.) Haest (A.D. van der), see: Leusen (F.J.J.) Cornelissen (J.P.), Reefman (D.), Haasnoot (J.G.), Spek (A.L.) and Reedijk (J.), Hanamoto (S.), see: Asano (Y.) Synthesis and structure of [Me,N][Ni(dmise),]|;, the first conductor based Hemker (H.C.), see: Rijkers (D.T.) on the Ni(C;S,Se), system, 345 Hergenrother (P.M.), New developments in thermally stable polymers, 481 Criton (M.), Dewynter (G.) and Montero (J.-L.), Regioselective synthesis of Heymann (D.), see: Verhoeven (J.W.) nucleopeptidic bioconjugates enzymatic catalysis with ultrasonic :ir- Hielkema (W.), see: Stunnenberg (F.) radiation, 433 Hilbers (C.W.), see: Swinkels (D.W.) Cross (G.A.), see: Laane (N.C.M.) Hilhorst (R.), see: Verhaert (R.M.D.) Dam (E.M.A. van), see: Dreef-Tromp (C.M.) Hoef (K. van der), see: Gebhard (R.) Dewynter (G.), see: Criton (M.) -, see also: Koek (J.H.) Dijk (J.T.M. van), see: Gebhard (R.) Hough (L.), McCarthy (K.C.) and Richardson (A.C.), The preparation and Doddema (H.J.), see: Snijder-Lambers (A.M.) reactions of 2-halogenoethyl B-L-arabinopyranosides, 450 Doelwijt (A.), see: Voogd (P.) Iborra (S.), see: Climent (M.J.) Dommisse (R.A.), see: Gorrebeeck (C.) Janssen (M.D.), see: Markies (B.A.) Doorn (J.A. van), see: Budzelaar (P.H.M.) Jekel (A.P.), see: Brandt (K.) Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 110/12, December 1991 Jenneskens (L.W.), see: Wiersum (U.E.) Martin (M.-N.), see: Broos (J.) Jongejan (J.A.), Tol (J.B.A. van), Geerlof (A.) and Duine (J.A.), Enantioselective McCarthy (K.C.), see: Hough (L.) — dessN catalysis. 1. A novel method to determine the enantiomeric ratio, Meetsma (A.), see: Brandt (K.) Meijboom (N.), see: Budzelaar (P.H.M.) -, see also: Tol (J.B.A. van) -, see also: Doorn (J.A. van) Kamer (P.C.J.), see: Roelen (H.C.P.F.) Meijer (E.M.), see: Elferink (V.H.M.) Kamerling (J.P.), see: Ruiz Contreras (R.) Ménézo (J.C.), see: Ghazi (M.) Kamphuis (J.), see: Elferink (V.H.M.) Meurs (M. van), Arends (I.W.C.E.), Louw (R.) and Mulder (P.), Gas-phase Kandil (A.T.), see: Ebaïd (A.R.) pyrolysis of coumaran and 2,3-dimethylcoumaran, 475 Kaptein (R.), see: Kellenbach (E.R.) Mijs (W.J.) and Addink (R.), Recent developments in polymer synthesis, 526 Kaspersen (F.M.), see: Ostaszewski (R.) Mitsuda (S.) and Nabeshima (S.), Enzymatic optical resolution of a synthetic Kataoka (M.), Shimizu (S.) and Yamada (H.), Stereospecific conversion of a pyrethroid alcohol. Enantioselective transesterification by lipase in organic racemic pantoyl lactone to D-(-—})-pantoyl lactone through microbial solvent, 151 oxidation and reduction reactions, 155 Modder (J.F.), Klerk-Engels (B. de), Ankersmit (H.A.), Vrieze (K.) and Koten Katritzky (A.R.), Kuzmierkiewicz (W.) and Greenhill (J.V.), An improved (G. van), Facile formation of amide bonds between fragments containing method for the N-alkylation of benzotriazole and 1,2,4-triazole, 369 unmasked imidazole-ring systems, Synthesis of N-[N-[[[(5-methyl-4-imida- Keegstra (M.A.) and Brandsma (L.), The first successful copper(l)-catalysed zolyl)methyl]-thio]acetyl]-L-methionyl]histamine, 279 alkoxydehalogenation of non-activated aryl chlorides, 299 Moldvai (1), Gâcs-Baïtz (E.) and Szäntay (C.), Chemistry of indoles carrying Keijzer (H. de), see: Velden (G. van der) basic functions. I. Transformation of hydroxyindolones into indoles, 437 Kelchtermans (M.), see: Randall (J.C.) Montero (J.-L.), see: Criton (M.) Kelderman (E.), Noorlander-Bunt (H.G.), Eerden (J. van), Verboom (W.) and Mulder (G.J.), see: Noort (D.) Reinhoudt (D.N.), Stereochemical aspects of the “ert-amino effect”. Con- Mulder (P.), see: Meurs (M. van) trolled cycloreversion of pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoline derivatives and enantio- Mutsaers (J.H.G.M.) and Kooreman (H.J.), Preparation of optically pure selective introduction of two new optically active centers, 115 2-aryl- and 2-aryloxy-propionates by selective enzymatic hydrolysis, 185 Kellenbach (E.R.), Elst (H. van den), Boelens (R.), Marel (G.A. van der), Boom Nabeshima (S.), see: Mitsuda (S.) (J.H. van) and Kaptein (R.), À convenient synthesis of DNA fragments Naeff (H.S.D.), Franssen (M.C.R.) and Plas (H.C. van der), Quantitative struc- nitrogen-15 labeled at the exocyclic cytosine amino group, 387 ture-activity relationship (QSAR) studies of the inhibition of xanthine Khalifa (N.A.), see: Ebaïd (A.R. oxidase by heterocyclic compounds, 139 Kieboom (A.P.G.), see: Wit (D. de) Nefkens (G.H.L.), see: Rijkers (D.T.) Kishino (K.), see: Asano (Y.) Nijenhuis (W.F.), Walhof (J.J.B.), Sudhiter (E.J.R.) and Reinhoudt (D.N.), Klerk-Engels (B. de), see: Modder (J.F.) Lipophilic diaza crown ethers in supported liquid membranes; influence of Kloosterman (J.), see: Laane (N.C.M.) pH on transport rates and membrane stability, 265 Kloosterman (M.), see: Elferink (V.H.M.) Noordik (J.H.), see: Leusen (F.J.J.) Klunder (A.J.H.), see: Gastel (F.J.C. van) Noorlander-Bunt (H.G.), see: Kelderman (E.) Koek (J.H.), Hoef (K. van der), Fokkens (R.), Roodenburg (L.) and Lugtenburg Noort (D.), Marel (G.A. van der), Gen (A. van der), Mulder (G.J.) and Boom (J.H. (J.), Synthesis and properties of two pyrromethenium salts; one with a rigid van), Synthesis of potential UDP-glucuronosyltransferase inhibitors Z-syn structure and another with a rigid E-anti structure, 41 containing a diphosphate function, 53 Koerts (J.), see: Rietjens (I.M.C.M.) Ostaszewski (R.), Stevens (T.W.), Verboom (W.), Reinhoudt (D.N.) and Kondo (K.), see: Asano (Y.) Kaspersen (F.M.), Calix (aza-)crowns as potential ionophores for divalent Konradsson (P.), Roberts (C.) and Fraser-Reid (B.), Conditions for modified and trivalent cations, 294 Fischer glycosidations with n-pentenol and other alcohols, 23 Ouwerkerk (E. van), see: Gebhard (R.) Koomen (G.-J.), see: Vloon (W.J.) Pabsch (K.), Petersen (M.), Rao (N.N.), Alfermann (A.W.) and Wandrey (C.), Kooreman (H.J.), see: Mutsaers (J.H.G.M.) Chemo-enzymatic synthesis of rosmarinic acid, 199 Koten (G. van), see: Markies (B.A.) Pandit (U.K.), see: Vloon (W.J.) -, see also: Modder (J.F.) Peters (J.A.), see: Caldeira (M.M.) Kuyl-Yeheskiely (E.), see: Quaedflieg (P.J.L.M.) Petersen (M.), see: Pabsch (K.) Kuzmierkiewicz (W.), see: Katritzky (A.R.) Piet (D.P.), see: Woudenberg (R.H.) Laane (N.C.M.), Cross (G.A.), Beindorff (C.), Haase (K.D.) and Kloosterman Plas (H.C. van der), see: Naeff (H.S.D.) (J.), (Bio)dimerisation of unsaturated fatty acids, 195 Poiana (M.), see: Strazzolini (P.) Lanens (D.), see: Gorrebeeck (C.) Primo (J.), see: Climent (M.J.) Lankhorst (P.P.), Beek (T.A. van) and Haasnoot (A.G.), Conformational Quaedflieg (P.J.L.M.), Marel (G.A. van der), Kuyl-Yeheskiely (E.) and Boom analysis of longicyclene: a 600 MHz 'H-NMR and molecular mechanics (J.H. van), Synthesis of (3'-5')methylene acetal linked dinucleosides study, 470 containing cytosine bases, 435 Lattmann (R.), see: Ghisalba (O.) Raap (J.), see: Cappon (J.J.) Lemière (G.L.), see: Gorrebeeck (C.) Randall (J.C.), Ruff (C.J.) and Kelchtermans (M.), ‘*C NMR microstructure Lepoivre (J.A.), see: Gorrebeeck (C.) determinations of low-density polyethylene homopolymers and copolymers, Leusen (A.M. van), see: Leusen (D. van) 543 Leusen (D. van) and Leusen (A.M. van), Synthesis of 17-(isocyanotosyl- Rantwijk (F. van), see: Luijkx (G.C.A.) methylene) steroids: precursors to pregnane derivatives, 393 -, see also: Wit (D. de) -, and Leusen (A.M. van), Studies on the conversion of 3,3-dimethyl-2-bu- Rao (N.N.), see: Pabsch (K.) tanone into geminal isocyano tosyl alkenes, 402 Reedijk (J.), see: Cornelissen (J.P.) Leusen (F.J.J.), Bruins Slot (H.J.), Noordik (J.H.), Haest (A.D. van der), Reefman (D.), see: Cornelissen (J.P.) Wynberg (H. and Bruggink (A.), Towards a rational design of resolving Reinhoudt (D.N.), see: Broos (J.) agents. Part III. Structural study of two pairs of diastereomeric salts of -, see also: Kelderman (E.) ephedrine and a cyclic phosphoric acid, 13 -, see also: Nijenhuis (W.F.) Lie (T.S.), see: W'sudenberg (R.H.) -, see also: Ostaszewski (R.) Liskamp (R.M.J.), see: Broxterman (H.J.G.) Richardson (A.C.), see: Hough (L.) Liu (B.), Gu (L.) and Zhang (J.), Synthesis of vitamin-K derivatives with Rietjens (1.M.C.M.), Koerts (J.), Boeren (S.) and Vervoort (J.), Biosynthesis and different lenghts of the alkyl side chain, 99 chemical determination of polyfluoro-4-hydroxyanilines, 216 -, Gu (L.) and Zhang (J.), Synthesis of plastoquinone derivatives with different Rijkers (D.T.), Hemker (H.C.), Nefkens (G.H.L.) and Tesser (G.L.), The use of structures of the side chain, 104 phosphorus oxychloride in the synthesis of acid p-nitroanilides, 347 Louvw (R.), see: Meurs (M. van) Roberts (C.), see: Konradsson (P.) Lugtenburg (J.), see: Cappon (J.J.) Roelen (H.C.P.F.), Kamer (P.C.J.), Elst (H. van den), Marel (G.A. van der) and -, see also: Gebhard (R.) Boom (J.H. van), A study on the use of phenylacetyl disulfide in the solid- -, see also: Koek (J.H.) phase synthesis of oligodeoxynucleoside phosphorothioates, 325 Luijkx (G.C.A.), Rantwijk (F. van) and Bekkum (H. van), Formation of Roodenburg (L.), see: Koek (J.H.) 1,2,4-benzenetriol by hydrothermal treatment of carbohydrates, 343 Rouwenhorst (I.), see: Broos (J.) Luinstra (G.A.) and Teuben (J.H.), Oxidative methylation of (n°-C;Me;),TiX Ruff (C.J.), see: Randall (J.C.) (X = CI, OMe, Me) with group 12 dimethyl complexes to diamagnetic Ruiz Contreras (R.), Kamerling (J.P.) and Vliegenthart (J.F.G.), 'H- and I3C-NMR spectroscopy of synthetic monosulfated methyl 4-D-mannopy- (n°-C;Me;),TiX(Me), 57 Maat (L.), see: Wit (D. de) ranosides, 85 -, see also: Woudenberg (R.H.) Scharrenburg (G.J.M. van), see: Smitskamp-Wilms (E.) Maesen (Th.L.M.), see: Ebaïd (A.R.) Scherer (T.), Willemse (R.J.) and Verhoeven (J.W.), Comparison off lexibly and Marel (G.A. van der), see: Dreef-Tromp (C.M.) rigidly bridged donor-acceptor systems; solvent induced switching between -, see also: Elie (C.J.J.) folded and extended emissive charge-transfer states, 95 -, see also: Kellenbach (E.R.) -, see also: Verhoeven (J.W.) -, see also: Noort (D.) Schneider (M.P.), see: Seemayer (R.) -, see also: Quaedflieg (P.J.L.M.) Schotman (A.H.M.), Mechanism of the reaction of carbodiimides with car- -, see also: Roelen (H.C.P.F.) boxylic acids, 319 -, see also: Zuurmond (H.M.) Seemayer (R.) and Schneider (M.P.), Enzymatic hydrolysis and esterification. Markies (B.A.), Canty (A.J.), Janssen (M.D.), Spek (A.L.), Boersma (J.) and Routes to optically pure cyclopentanols, 171 Koten (G. van), Selectivity in reductive elimination from dialkyl(aryl)pal- Shen (G.-J.), see: Fu (H.) ladium(IV) complexes, and the observation of benzyl halide transfer from Shimizu (S.), see: Kataoka (M.) palladium(IV) to palladium(II). The X-ray structure of methyl(phe- Sikkema (J.) and Bont (J.A.M. de), Biocatalytic production of hydroxylated nyl)(2,2'-bipyridyl)palladium(Il), 477 aromatic and alicyclic compounds: products derived from tetralin, 189 -, Wijkens (P.), Boersma (J.), Spek (A.L.) and Koten (G. van), Reversible Sinnema (A.), see: Woudenberg (R.H.) carbonylation of cationic palladium 2,6-bis{[(dimethylamino)methyl]pyri- Sloothaak (J.B.), see: Smitskamp-Wiims (E.) dine complexes: the first X-ray structure of a cationic aroyl-palladium Smeets (W.J.J.), see: Tinga (M.A.G.M.) complex, 133 Smitskamp-Wilms (E.), Brussee (J.), Gen (A. van der), Scharrenburg (G.J.M. 562 Authors Index van) and Sloothaak (J.B.), Hydroxynitrile lyases from almond and sorghum Verboom (W.), see: Broos (J.) as biocatalyst, 209 -, see also: Kelderman (E.) Snijder-Lambers (A.M.), Vulfson (E.N.) and Doddema (H.J.), Optimization of -, see also: Ostaszewski (R.) alcohol dehydrogenase activity and NAD(H) regeneration in organic sol- Verhaert (R.M.D.) and Hilhorst (R.) Enzymes in reversed micelles: vents, 226 4. Theoretical analysis of a one-substrate/one-product conversion and sug- Sollie (J.C.), see: Voogd (P.) gestions for efficient application, 236 Spanoghe (M.), see: Gorrebeeck (C.) Verhoeven (J.W.), Scherer (T.) and Heymann (D.), Fluorescence of and Spek (A.L.), see: Cornelissen (J.P.) photoinduced electron injection into the C;, fullerene chromophore, 349 -, see also: Markies (B.A.) -, see also: Scherer (T.) -, see also: Tinga (M.A.G.M.) Verkruijsse (H.D.), see: Brandsma (L.) Stam (C.H.), see: Boer (J.S.A.M. de) Vervoort (J.), see: Rietjens (I.M.C.M.) Staring (E.G.J.), Non-linear optical and electro-optical polymers, 492 Vliegenthart (J.F.G.), see: Ruiz Contrerars (R.) Stevens (T.W.), see: Ostaszweski (R.) Vloon (W.J.), Bos (J.C. van den), Willard (N.P.), Koomen (G.-J.) and Pandit Strazzolini (P.), Giumanini (A.G.) and Verardo (G.), Nucleophilic substitution (U.K.), An alternative synthesis of ( + }-sesbanimide A, 414 in diphenylmethyl derivatives. I. Formolysis of diarylmethyl derivatives: an Voogd (P.), Sollie (J.C.), Doelwijt (A.) and Bekkum (H. van), Shape effects in a-substituent effect, 5 the conversion of ethanol to hydrocarbons over alkaline-free synthesised —, Poiana (M.), Verardo (G.) and Giumanini (A.G.), Nucleophilic substitution ZSM-5 and aluminated silicate-1 crystals, 78 in diphenylmethyl derivatives. II. Methanolysis of x substituents of di- Vrieze (K.), see: Modder (J.F.) phenylacetic acid and its derivatives, 283 Vulfson (E.N.), see: Snijder-Lambers (A.M.) Stunnenberg (F.), Cerfontain (H.) and Terpstra (A.), He I and He II photo- Walhof (J.J.B.), see: Nijenhuis (W.F.) electron spectra and semi-empirical calculations on the three geometric Walle (G.A.M. van der), see: Cappon (J.J.) isomers of 3,3,4,4-tetramethyl-1,2-bis(methoxyimino)cyclobutane, 1 Wandrey (C.), see: Pabsch (K.) —, Cerfontain (H.), Geenevasen (J.A.J.) and Hielkema (W.), Photochemistry and Wiersum (U.E.) and Jenneskens (L.W.), Formation of pentafulvene in flash spectroscopy of three æ-oxo oxime ethers: 4-(methoxyimino)-2,2,3,3-te- vacuum thermolysis of 5-[7-(2-norbornenylidene)] Meldrum's acid over tramethylcyclobutanone, 3,3,5-trimethyl-4(5H)-isoxazolone and 6-(ben- bituminous carbon: evidence for cyclopentadienylidene carbene, 129 zyloxyimino)-2,2,5,5-tetramethylcyclohexanone, 31 Wijkens (P.), see: Markies (B.A.) Sudhôlter (E.J.R.), see: Nijenhuis (W.F.) Willard (N.P.), see: Vloon (W.J.) Swinkels (D.W.), Duynhoven (J.P.M. van), Hilbers (C.W.) and Tesser (G.L.), Willemse (R.J.), see: Scherer (T.) Improved synthesis and application of lanthanide 1,4,7,10-tetrakis(phos- Wit (D. de), Rantwijk (F. van), Maat (L.) and Kieboom (A.P.G.), Conversion of phonomethyl)-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane complexes LN(DOTP), 124 D-ribo-3-hexosulose into D-ribulose andDD-erythronic acid in aqueous Szäntay (C.), see: Moldvai (1.) medium, 271 Tashtoush (H.) and AI-Talib (M.), Acylium salts: synthesis of tris(3,4,5,6-tetra- Wong (C.-H.), see: Fu (H.) hydro-1,3,5-triazinium) and tris(1,3,5-oxadiazinium) salts, 75 Woudenberg (R.H.), Piet (D.P.), Sinnema (A.), Lie (T.S.) and Maat (L.), Syn- Terpstra (A.), see: Stunnenberg (F.) thesis of 5B-methyl-6-demethoxythebaine and its Diels-Alder reaction to Tesser (G.L.), see: Rijkers (D.T.) 6a,14x-ethenoisomorphinans and 68,14B-ethenomorphinans, 405 -, see also: Swinkels (D.W.) Wurtz (E.), see: Caldeira (M.M.) Teuben (J.H.), see: Luinstra (G.A.) Wynberg (H.), see: Leusen (F.J.J.) Tinga (M.A.G.M.), Groeneveld (M.K.), Akkerman (O.S.), Bickelhaupt (F.), Yamada (A.), see: Asano (Y.) Smeets (W.J.J.) and Spek (A.L.), Formation of a distibacyclooctane; X-ray Yamada (H.), see: Kataoka (M.) crystal structure of 1,5-dichloro-1,3,3,5,7,7-hexamethyl-9-oxa-1,5-distibabi- Yang (Y.J.) and Engberts (J.B.F.N.), Fluorescence spectroscopic study of the cyclo[3.3.1]nonane hydrochloride, 290 formation of hydrophobic microdomains in aqueous solutions of poly(alkyl- Tol (J.B.A. van), Jongejan (J.A.), Geerlof (A.) and Duine (J.A.), Enantioselective methyldiallylammonium bromides), 384 enzymatic catalysis. 2. Applicability of methods for enantiomeric ratio de- Zhang (J.), see: Liu (B.) terminations, 255 Zuurmond (H.M.), Marel (G.A. van der) and Boom (J.H. van), Iodonium ion- Tweel (W.J.J. van den), see: Elferink (V.H.M.) promoted glycosidation of sugar 1,2-thio-orthoesters, 301 Velden (G. van der), Beulen (J.) and Keïjzer (H. de), Review of 'H- and Zwanenburg (B.), see: Gastel (F.J.C. van) I3C-NMR data on homo-, co- and terpolyamides in solution, 516 Verardo (G.), see: Strazzolini (P.) Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 110/12, December 1991 Subject Index Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas 110, 563-567 (1991) 0165-0513/91/12563-05$ 1.75 ab initio, see quantum chemistry ethers, 60; databases of chemical structures, 136; double-bonded functional acetoxydiphenylacetic acid, methanolysis, 283 groups, 352; electrochemistry, synthetic organic, 303; electrophilic aromatic acrylate, (co)polymers, NMR (review), 553 substitution, 59; enols, 389; fluorine in bioorganic chemistry, 391; group acrylonitrile, ethylene copolymer, !*C NMR (review), 543 theory, chemical application, 97; isoquinolines, 351; metal clusters, 98; activated polycondensation, (review), 526 metal-carbon bond chem., 97; molecular crystals, 136; natural products. activation parameters, carbodiimides with carboxylic acids, 319 Vol. 4: stereoselective synthesis, 29; nitro compounds, 60; olefin catalysts, acylglycerols, enzymatic synthesis, 263 390; organic synthesis. Vol. 67, 29; pyrroles, 351; Rodd’s chemistry of acylium salts, 75 carbon compounds, IV heterocyclic compounds, 59; stereochemistry, con- acylureas, from carbodiimides with carboxylic acids, 319 formation, mechanism, 352; surface chemistry, 137; transformations in adenosine, enzymatic acylation, 433 functional-group preparations, 61; transition metals in synthesis, 137 (R)-alanine, from plasmid and D-aminopeptidase, 206 branching, polyamides (review), 516; polyethylene, *C NMR (review), 543: alcohol dehydration, benzylic alcohols, 275 polymer networks (review), 507 alcohol dehydrogenase, optimization of activity, 227; permeability in poly- bridges, inorganic anions in transition metal compounds (thesis), 62 acrylamide, 231 butanenitrile, 2,3,3-trimethyl--—, 402 alcohols, oxidn. to aldehydes, catalyzed by alcohol dehydrogenase, 227 2-butanone, 3,3-dimethyl--, for geminal isocyano tolylsulfonyl alkenes, 402 aldehydes, for chiral 4-hydroxy nitriles, 209; redn. to alcohols, catalyzed by 1,3-butenyne, 1-(ethylthio)-, for 1,3-diynes, 131 alcohol dehydrogenase, 227 butyllithium, for morphinandienes, 405 alkaloids, thebaine deriv., 405 Cw fullerene charge-transfer complexes, 349 alkoxycarbonylation, (review), 353 caffeic acid imidazolide, for CoA activation, 199 alkoxydechlorination, aryl chlorides, 299 calcium, cation exchange with zeolite NaA, 374 N alkylation, benzotriazole and 1,2,4-triazole, 369 calculation, on 1,2-bis(methoxyimino)cyclobutanes, 1; on longicyclene, con- allyl alcohols, epoxidation by w-hydroxylase, 167 formation, 470; on phenylphosphines, 420 (allylammonium bromides), poly-, hydrophobic microdomains, fluoresence, calixarenes, (book), 390 384 CAOS, computer-assisted organic synthesis (book), 304 almond, hydroxynitrile lyases, 209 carbenoïid cyclopropanation, chiral catalysis (review), 304 aluminated silicalite-1, catalyst for ethanol to hydrocarbons, 78 carbodiimides, with carboxylic acids, 319; for 1,3,5-oxadiazinium salts, 75 aluminum oxide, support for hydrogenation of carbon dioxide, 19 carbohydrates, B-L-arabinopyranosides, 2-halogenoethyl, 450; 1,2,4-benzene- amide bond formation, between imidazole rings, 279 triol from D-fructose, 343; in industrial biocatalysis (review), 63; D-ribo- sec-amines, from nitriles, 25 -hexosulose into D-ribulose and D-erythronic acid, 271; D-xylo-5-hexulo- amino acid 4-nitroanilides, from POCI;, 347 sonic acid hydrogenation, 111; 4-D-mannopyranosides, NMR, 85; 4-pen- (R)-amino acids, from plasmid and D-aminopeptidase, 206 tenyl glycosides, 23; 1,2-thio ortho sugar esters, glycosidation by iodonium, amino acids, in industrial biocatalysis (review), 63 301; D-( + }-xylose for ( + }-sesbanimide A, 414 tert-amino effect, see tert-amino effect carbon dioxide, hydrogenation, 19 1-amino-1-methylcyclopropane, crystal structure, 317 carbon, bituminous -, flash vacuum thermolysis on —, 129 D-aminopeptidase, catalyst for (R)-amino acids synthesis, 206 carbon-13 labeling, glutamic acid, 159; 2-oxoglutaric acid, 159 angular alkoxycarbonylation, (review), 353 carbonylation, Pd aryl complex, 133 aniline chromophore, in donor-acceptor systems, 95 carboxamides, Rh complex as catalyst in carbenoid cyclopropanation anilines, polyfluoro-4-hydroxy, biosynthesis, 216 (review), 304 anionic polymerization, NMR (review), 526 carboxylesterase NP, for 2-aryl- and 2-aryloxypropanoic acids, 185 annulation, angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 carboxylic acids, with carbodiimides, 319 antiinflammatory drugs, naproxen, ibuprofen, flurbiprofen: enzymatic synthe- carcinostatic alkaloid, ( + )--sesbanimide A, 414 sis, 185 carnosic dimethyl ether, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 antimony, organo-, 9-oxa-1,5-distibabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane, crystal structure, carotenoids, di- and tetrahydrospheroidenes, 459; spheroidenes, D-labeled, 290 332 B-L-arabinopyranosides, 2-halogenoethyl, 450 carrier-mediated transport, in membranes via crown ethers, 265 aromatic substitution, electrophilic —, (book), 59 catalysis, see also biocatalysis, issue 5 (1991), pages 139-264; AI,0;, and ZnO aromatization, ethanol to hydrocarbons, 78 in hydrogenation of carbon dioxide, 19; Cu alkoxydechlorinating aryl chlo- aryl chlorides, alkoxydechlorination, 299 rides, 299; industrial biocatalysis (review), 63; chiral Cu(I) and Rh(Il) arylene ethers (PAE), poly-, thermally stable polymers (review), 481 catalyzing carbenoïd cyclopropanation (review), 304; à-chymotripsin in arylsulfatase, polyfluoro-4-hydroxyanilines, biosynthesis, 216 transesterification, 222; clay in dimerization of unsaturated fatty acids, 195; L-ascorbic acid, from idonic acid, 111 enzymes in reversed micelles, 236; faujasites in hydride transfer of benzylic aspertic acid, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 alcohols, 275; iodonium for dinucleotides contg. cytosine, 435; in olefin asymmetric reactions, see chirality; see also biocatalysis, issue 5 (1991), pages polymerization (book), 390; palladium boride in D-xylo-5-hexulosonic acid 139-264 hydrogenation, 111; silicalite-1 in ethanol to hydrocarbons, 78; bacterial aza crown ethers, calix —, cation ionophores, 294 hydroxylation of tetralin, 189; TiCl;(Oipr), in ( + )-sesbanimide A synth., bacterial hydroxylation, tetralin, 189 414 Beilstein online database, (book), 391 cation exchange, Ca or Mg with zeolite NaA, 374 benzeneacetonitrile, chiral (œ-silyloxy)-, for chiral sec-amines, 25 cation ionophores, calix crowns, 294 1,3-benzenedicarbaldehyde, from debromohydroxylation of binuclear Cu com- cationic polymerization, NMR (review), 526 plex, 89 cedrol, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 1,2,4-benzenetriol, from carbohydrates, 343 cephalosporins, in industrial biocatalysis (review), 63 benzocyclobutenes, poly-, thermally stable polymers (review), 481 charge-transfer complexes, C;, fullerene, 349 benzodipyrrole, 41 chemical property estimation, (book), 61 benzofuran, 2,3-dihydro-, thermochemistry, 475 chirality, see also biocatalysis, issue 5 (1991), pages 139-264; sec-amines, 25; 1,4-benzoquinone, for plastoquinone derivs., 104 2-aryl- and 2-aryloxypropanoic acids, 185; carbenoïid cyclopropanation benzotriazole, N alkylation, 369 (review), 304; cyclopentanols, 171; diastereoisomeric ephedrine and cyclic benzoylglycerols, enzymatic synthesis, 263 phosphoric salts, 13; enantiomeric ratio, detn., 247; 2,3-epoxypropyl ethers, benzoylpalladium, complex, 133 167; glutamic acid, labeled, 159; x-hydroxy nitriles, 209; norbornane-2- benzyl halide transfer, in reductive elimination from Pd(IV) to Pd(II), 477 -carboxylic esters, 175; pantoyl lactone, 155; pyrethroid alcohoho!, 151; benzylic alcohols, hydride transfer, 275 pyrrolo{1.2-a]quinoline, 115 benzyne, flash vacuum thermolysis, 129 chlorobenzene, alkoxydechlorination, 299 bicyclic dioxanes, from B-L-arabinopyranosides, 2-halogenoethyl, 450 chlorodiphenylacetic acid, formolysis, 5; methanolysis, 283 bicyclic morpholines, from f-L-arabinopyranosides, 2-halogenoethyl, 450 chrysomelidal, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 bicylo[2.2.1]cycloheptane-2-carboxylic esters, enzymatic resolution, 175 a-chymotripsin, enzymatic transesterification, acceleration by crown ethers, biocatalysis, see issue 5 (1991), pages 139-264; industrial — (review), 63 222 biodimerization, unsaturated fatty acids, 195 ô-chymotripsin, in reversed micelles, 236 Birch reduction, triarylphosphines, 441 cis-trans isomerization, see isomerization 1,2-bis(methoxyimino)cyclobutanes, He I and He IT photoelectron spectra, 1 clay, --catalysed dimerization of unsaturated fatty acids, 195 bituminous carbon, flash vacuum thermolysis on —, 129 cleavage, P-C bond in triarylphosphines, 441; triphenylphosphines, 420 blends, polyamides, NMR (review), 516 CLINAM, 13 blue copper protein, pyrazole coordination chemistry (thesis), 480 CLINAP, 13 book reviews, angular alkoxycarbonylation, 353; Beilstein online database, clusters, metal — (book), 98 391; calixarenes, 390; chemical property estimation, 61; colloidal systems, CoA-caffeic acid, in enzymatic synthesis of rosmarinic acid, 199 389; computer graphics and chemical structure, 136; computer-assisted cobalt, carbenoïd cyclopropanation, chiral catalyst (review), 304 organic synthesis (CAOS), 304; conjugated cyclic compounds, 304; crown codeine, 5B-methyl-, 405 564 Subject Index colloidal systems, (book), 389 DNA, !'°N-labeled fragments, 387 COLOC, see correlation spectroscopy 1,3-dodecadiyne, 131 compact-coil conformation, poly(diallylammonium bromides), 384 donor-acceptor, systems, 95 complexation, Ca or Mg cation exchange with zeolite NaA, 374; calix aza double-bonded functional groups, (book), 352 crown ethers, 294; in donor-acceptor systems, 95 electro-optical polymers, (review), 492 computation, see calculation electrochemistry, synthetic organic — (book), 303 computer graphics and chemical structure, (book), 136 electron injection, C;, fullerene, photo-induced, 349 computer-assisted organic synthesis (CAOS), (book), 304 electron transfer, long-range — in donor-acceptor systems, 95 conformation, (book), 352; in donor-acceptor systems, 95; longicyclene, 470; electronic structure, 1,2-bis(methoxyimino)cyclobutanes, 1 +-D-mannopyranosides, 85; (meth)acrylate (co)polymers, NMR (review), electrophilic aromatic substitution, (book), 59 553; poly(diallylammonium bromides), 384 enantiomeric excess, see chirality conjugated cyclic compounds, (book), 304 enantiomeric ratio, detn. in enzymatic synthesis, 247; enzymatic synthesis, 255 controled hydrolysis, phosphazenes, 27 enantioselectivity, see also chirality; see also biocatalysis, issue 5 (1991), pages coordination, pyrazole ligands (thesis), 480 139-264; pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoline, 115 copolyamides, NMR (review), 516 enols, (book), 389 copper, alkoxydechlorination of aryl chlorides, catalyst, 299; blue Cu protein, enzymatic synthesis, see also chirality; see also biocatalysis, issue 5 (1991), pyrazole coordination chemistry (thesis), 480; carbenoïd cyclopropanation, pages 139-264; acylglycerols, 263; (R}-amino acids, 206; 2-aryl- and chiral catalyst (review), 304; debromohydroxylation of binuclear complex, 2-aryloxypropanoic acids, 185; cyclopentanols, 171; enantiomeric ratio, catalyst, 89 247, 255; 2,3-epoxypropyl ethers, 167; glutamic acid, labeled, 159; nor- correlation spectroscopy, longicyclene, via long-range couplings (COLOC), bornane-2-carboxylic esters, 175; 2-oxoglutaric acid, labeled, 159; poly- 470; longicyclene, homonuclear shifts (COSY), 470 fluoro-4-hydroxyanilines, 216; rosmarinic acid, 199; unsaturated fatty acids, COSY, see correlation spectroscopy biodimerization, 195 coumaran, thermochemistry, 475 enzyme mimics, debromohydroxylation of binuclear Cu complex, 89 cross-linking, polymer networks (review), 507 enzymes, adenosine acylation, 433; alcohol dehydrogenase, optimization of crown ethers, (book), 60; biocatalysis, acceleration, 222; calix crowns, cation activity, 227; alcohol dehydrogenase, permeability in polyacrylamide, 231; ionophores, 294; lipophilic diaza crowns, in membrane transport, 265 a-chymotripsin in transesterification, 222; hydroxynitrile lyases from crystal size, effect in catalysis ofethanol to hydrocarbons, 78 almond and sorghum, 209; pyrethroid alcohohol, optical resolution, 151; in crystal structure, diastereoisomeric ephedrine and cyclic phosphoric salts, 13; reversed micelles, 236; UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, 53; xanthine oxidase dithiole-2-selenone-4,5-dithiolate, Ni complex, 345; 1-methylcyclopropana- (review), 139 mine, 317; 9-oxa-1,5-distibabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane, 290; Pd 2,6-bis{(di- ephedrine, resolving agent, 13; from chiral «-silyloxy benzeneacetonitrile, 25 methylamino)methyl]pyridine 1-naphthoyl complexes, 133; PdMePh 2,2'— epichlorohydrin, in industrial biocatalysis (review), 63 -bipyridine, 477 epoxidation, allyl alcohols, by w-hydroxylase, 167 crystals, molecular crystals (book), 136; non-linear and electro-optical poly- epoxy bridge, opening and closure, 405 mers (review), 492 equilibrium, Ca or Mg cation exchange with zeolite NaA, 374 cyanamides, for 1,3,5-triazinium salts, 75 D-erythronic acid, from D-ribo-hexosulose, 271 cyanation, geminal isocyano tolylsulfonyl alkenes, 402 D-erythronolactone, from D-ribo-hexosulose, 271 cyanohydrins, decompn. by hydroxynitrile lyases, 209 ester hydrolase, for cyclopentanols, 171 cyclic compounds, conjugated (book), 304 esterase, norbornane-2-carboxylic esters, hydrolysis, 175 cyclic phosphoric acid, resolving agent, 13 estimation, chemical property (book), 61 cyclic polyamides, NMR (review), 516 ethanolamines, chiral —, from chiral 2-silyloxy nitriles, 25 cyclic transition state, polyethylene, :*C NMR (review), 543 ethanol, to hydrocarbons, 78 cyclitols, myo-inositol, 92 6a,14a4-ethenoisomorphinans, 405 cycloaddition, see ring closure 6B,146-ethenomorphinans, 405 cyclobutanes, 1,2-bis(methoxyimino)-, He I and He II photoelectron spectra, ethoxycarbonylation, (review), 353 l ethylene, poly-, ‘*C NMR (review), 543 cyclobutanone, 4-(methoxyimino)-, photochemistry, 31 1-(ethylthio})-1,3-butenyne, for 1,3-diynes, 131 cyclodextrins, in industrial biocatalysis (review), 63 exciplex, in donor-acceptor systems, 95 cyclohexanone, 6-(benzyloxyimino)-, photochemistry, 31 excitation spectrum, C, fullerene, 349 cyclopentadienylidene carbene, exists!, flash vacuum thermolysis, 129 E-Z isomerization, see isomerization cyclopentadienyltitanum, oxidative methylation, 57 FAB (Fast Atomic Bombardment), see MS cyclopentanes, 1,2-bis(methoxyimino)-, He I and He II photoelectron spectra, Fast Atomic Bombardment (FAB), see MS l Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC), oligodeoxynucleoside phos- cyclopentanols, enzymatic synthesis, 171 phorothioates, 325 cyclophanes, (thesis), 138 faujasites, catalyst for hydride transfer in benzylic alcohols, 275 cyclopropanamine, geometry, substituent influence, crystal structure, 317 flash vacuum thermolysis (FVT), norbornenylidenemalonic acid, 129 cyclopropanation, chiral catalysis (review), 304 fluazifop, enzymatic synthesis, 185 cycloreversion, pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoline, 115 fluorescence, C., fullerene, 349; donor-acceptor systems, 95 cytosine, in dinucleotides, 435; !’N-labeled in DNA, 387 fluoresence, hydrophobic microdomains, poly(ammonium bromides), 384 databases, Beilstein online database (book), 391; chemical structures (book), fluoride-ion-assisted deblocking, silyl-protected RNA precursor, 378 136 fluorine, in bioorganic chemistry (book), 391 debromohydroxylation, binuclear Cu complex, 89 fluoro-4-hydroxyanilines, poly-, biosynthesis, 216 decalins, angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 flurbiprofen, enzymatic synthesis, 185 dehydration, benzylic alcohols, 275 FMN, see riboflavin 5'-(dihydrogen phosphate) dehydrogenase, alcohol -, permeability in polyacrylamide, 231; alcohol -, formolysis, diphenylmethyls, 5 optimization of activity, 227; enzymatic synthesis of rosmarinic acid, 199; (formyloxy)diphenylacetic acid, methanolysis, 283 pantoyl lactone, optical resolution, 155 Fourier-Transform IR (FTIR), see IR deoxynucleosides, oligo- phosphorothioates from phenylacetyl disulfide, 325 FPLC, see Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography deoxynucleotides, solid-support synthesis, 387 free-radical polymerization, ethylene, !*C NMR (review), 543 deuterium labeling, spheroidenes, 332 fructose, from glucose by biocatalysis (review), 63 diaza crown ethers, lipophilic —-, in membrane transport, 265 FTIR (Fourier-Transform IR), see IR diazo compounds, carbenoiïd cyclopropanation (review), 304 fullerene, C;,, fluorescence, 349 N,N-dibenzylglycine, ethyl ester for serine analogs, 46 fulvene, flash vacuum thermolysis, 129 diclofop, enzymatic synthesis, 185 functional groups, (book), 352 dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, in amide bond formation between imidazole rings, functional-groups, in transformations in — (book), 61 279 2-furaldehyde, 5-(hydroxymethyl)--, for 1,2,4-benzenetriol, 343 Diels- Alder reaction, in angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353; thebaine FVT, see Flash Vacuum Thermolysis deriv., 405 gasoline, from ethanol, 78 dimerization, bio-, unsaturated fatty acids, 195 gene-5 protein, shift reagent for —, 124 dimethyl sulfoxide, glycosidation solvent, 23 geometry, 1,2-bis(methoxyimino)cyclobutanes, 1; cyclopropanamine, sub- dimethylformamide, solvent for N alkylation, 369 stituent influence, 317 dimethylzinc, cyclopentadienyltitanum oxidative methylation, 57 glass-surface, grafted poly(methyl methacrylate) (thesis), 62 dinucleotides, contg. cytosine, 435 gluconic acid, from D-xylo-5-hexulosonic acid, 111 1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione, 2,2-dimethyl--, see Meldrum's acid glucose, for fructose by biocatalysis (review), 63 1,3,2-dioxaphosphorinane 2-oxide, resolving agent, 13 glucose, 3-oxo-, into ribulose and D-erythronic acid, 271 dioxindoles, to indoles, 437 glucuronosyltransferase, UDP--, inhibitor contg. diphosphate, 53 diphenylacetic acids, methanolysis of 4-substituents, 283 glutamic acid, !*C-labeled, 159 diphenylcarbodiimide, with carboxylic acids, 319 glutaric acid, 2-oxo-, !*C-labeled, 159 diphenyImethanol, hydride transfer, 275 glutinosone, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 diphenylmethyls, nucleophilic substitution, 5 glycerol acylates, enzymatic synthesis, 263 diphosphate, in inhibited UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, 53 glycidyl derivs., in industrial biocatalysis (review), 63 dipyrrolopyrimidinium, 41 glycidyl methacrylate polymer, ion exchanger (thesis), 480 disarmed thioglycosides, 1,2-thio ortho sugar esters, glycosidation by N,N-dibenzyl-glycine, ethyl ester for serine analogs, 46 iodonium, 301 glycosidation, B-L-arabinopyranosides, 2-halogenoethyl, 450; direct — with 1,5-distibacyclooctane, crystal structure, 290 4-penten-1l-ol, 23; sugar 1,2-thio ortho esters by iodonium, 301 disulfide, phenylacetyl —, for oligodeoxynucleoside phosphorothioates, 325 group theory, chem. application (book), 97 diterpene alkaloïds, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 group-transfer polymerization, NMR (review), 526 1,3-dithiole-2-selenone-4,5-dithiolate, Ni complex, crystal structure, 345 guaiol, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 1,3-diynes, 131 guanines, 9-phenyl-, inhibition of xanthine oxidase (review), 139 Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 110/12, December 1991 565 handedness, see chirality mechanism, (book), 352; carbodiimides with carboxylic acids, 319; coumaran He I and He II photoelectron spectra, see photoelectron spectra thermochemistry, 475; enzymatic epoxidation of allyl alcohols, 167; mem- 4,6-heptadiyn-3-ol, 131 brane transport, 265; nucleophilic substitution in diphenylmethyls, 5; «-oxo heptyn-4-en-3-ol, 4-methyl-1--, optical resolution by lipase, 151 oxime ethers, photochemistry, 31; ping-pong, 151 herbicides, fluazifop, diclofop: enzymatic synthesis, 185 Meldrum’s acid, (dioxane-4,6-dione, 2,2-dimethyl-); norbornenylidene--, flash heterocyclic compounds, Rodd’s (book), 59 vacuum thermolysis, 129 3-hexosulose, D-ribo--, into ribulose and D-erythronic acid, 271 membrane transport, via lipophilic diaza crown ethers, 265 5-hexulosonic acid, D-xylo--, hydrogenation, 111 mercaptoacetic acid, in amide bond formation between imidazole rings, 279 high-performance polymers, (review), 481 metal clusters, (book), 98 a-himachalene, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 metal-carbon bond, chem. (book), 97 histamine, (imidazolyl-methionyl)-, 279 metathesis polymerization, (review), 526 HLAD, see horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase methacrylate, (co)polymers, NMR (review), 553; glycidyl ester, polymer, ion homopolyamides, NMR (review), 516 exchange (thesis), 480 ne: liver alcohol dehydrogenase (HLAD), permeability in polyacrylamide, methanolysis, «-substituents of diphenylmethyls, 283 methionylhistamine, in amide bond formation between imidazole rings, 279 High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), D-ribo-hexosulose into methoxycarbonylation, (review), 353 D-ribulose and D-erythronic acid, 271 methoxyimines, photochemistry, 31 HPLC, see High-Performance Liquid Chromatography methylene acetal, dinucleotides contg. cytosine, 435 hydride transfer, benzylic alcohols, 275 micelles, enzymes in reversed —, 236 hydrocarbons, from ethanol, 78 micellization, poly(dialiylammonium bromides), 384 hydrocyanic acid, for chiral «-hydroxy nitriles, 209 microdomains, poly(ammonium bromides), fluoresence, 384 hydrogen abstraction, from soot, 129 microemulsions, enzymes in reversed micelles, 236 1,5 hydrogen shift, for pyrrolo{[1,2-a]quinoline, 115 MM2, see molecular mechanics calculation hydrogenation, carbon dioxide, 19 MNDO, see quantum chemistry hydrolysis, phosphazenes, controled —, 27 modhephene, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 hydrophobic microdomains, poly(ammonium bromides), fluoresence, 384 molecular crystals, (book), 136 a-hydroxy acids, in industrial biocatalysis (review), 63 molecular mechanics calculation, on longicyclene, conformation, 470 a«-hydroxy nitriles, decompn. by hydroxynitrile lyases, 209 molecular shape, effect in ethanol to hydrocarbons, 78 3-hydroxy-2-indolones, to indoles, 437 molybdenum-nickel, catalyst in hydrogenation of carbon dioxide, 19 és “ones in amide bond formation between imidazole rings, monooxygenase, epoxidating allyl alcohols, 167 morphinans, etheno(iso)-, 405 hydroxydiphenylacetic acid, formolysis, 5; methanolysis, 283 MS, di- and tetrahydrospheroidenes, 459; FAB -, calix aza crown ether hydroxyhydroquinone, from carbohydrates, 343 complexes, 294; glutamic acid, labeled, 159; 2-oxoglutaric acid, labeled, œ-hydroxylase, epoxidating allyl alcohols, 167 159; spheroidenes, D-labeled, 332 S-(hydroxymethyl)-2-furaldehyde, for 1,2,4-benzenetriol, 343 myo-inositol, 92 hypoxanthines, 8-aryl-, inhibition of xanthine oxidase (review), 139 N alkylation, benzotriazole and 1,2,4-triazole, 369 ibuprofen, enzymatic synthesis, 185 NaA zeolite, Ca or Mg cation exchange, 374 idonic acid, from D-xy/o-5-hexulosonic acid, 111 NAD(H), regeneration, 227 imidazole rings, connected by amide-bond-contg. chain, 279 naphthalene chromophore, in donor-acceptor systems, 95 imides (PI), poly-, thermally stable polymers (review), 481 naphthalene, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-, bacterial hydroxylation, 189 immobilization, alcohol dehydrogenase, 227, 231 naphthoquinones, for vitamin K derivs., 99 INAM, 13 naphthoylpalladium, complex, 133 INAP, 13 naproxen, enzymatic synthesis, 185 inclusion science, calixarenes (book), 390 natural products, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353; stereo- indoles, from 3-hydroxy-2-indolones, 437 selective synthesis (book), 29 industrial biocatalysis, (review), 63 networks, polymer -, (review), 507 InfraRed, see IR nickel, 1,3-dithiole-2-selenone-4,5-dithiolate, crystal structure, 345 initial-rate analysis, enantiomeric ratio, detn., 247 nickel-molybdenum, catalyst in hydrogenation of carbon dioxide, 19 inositol, myo-—, 92 NicotinAmide Dinucleotide, see NAD insecticide, pyrethroid alcohohol, optical resolution by lipase, 151 nitriles, for sec-amines, 25 intermicellar exchange, enzymes in reversed micelles, 236 nitrilotriacetate, Ca or Mg cation exchange with zeolite NaA, 374 intramolecular contacts, dithiole-2-selenone-4,5-dithiolate, Ni complex, 345 nitro compounds, (book), 60 iodonium catalyst, for dinucleotides contg. cytosine, 435; for glycosidation of 4-nitroanilides, amino acid derivs., from POCI;, 347 sugar 1,2-thio ortho esters, 301 nitrogen-oxygen homolysis, 31 ion exchange, Ca or Mg with zeolite NaA, 374; glycidyl methacrylate polymer 4-nitrophenyl, protecting oligodeoxynucleoside phosphorothioates, 325 (thesis), 480 NMR , 'H, à-D-mannopyranosides, 85; di- and tetrahydrospheroidenes, 459; ionization potential, 1,2-bis(methoxyimino)cyclobutanes, 1 etheno(iso)morphinans, 405; glutamic acid, labeled, 159; D-ribo-hexosulose irradiation, see photochemistry into D-ribulose and D-erythronic acid, 271; lanthanide phosphonomethy]l IR, carbon dioxide hydrogenation, 19 tetraazacyclododecane, shift reagent, 124; longicyclene, 470; (meth)}- isocyano tolylsulfonyl alkenes, geminal —, 402; in steroids, 393 acrylate (co)polymers, NMR (review), 553; 2-oxoglutaric acid, labeled, 159; isomerization, 3-hydroxy-2-indolones at reduction, 437; 4-oxo oxime ethers, polyamides (review), 516; pyrrolo{[1,2-a]quinoline, NOE, 115; P-C bond E-Z-- in photochemistry, 31 cleavage in triarylphosphines, 441; spheroidenes, DD-labeled, 332 isophthalaldehyde, from debromohydroxylation of binuclear Cu complex, 89 NMR, '°C, di- and tetrahydrospheroidenes, 459; etheno(iso)morphinans, 405; isoquinolines, (book), 351 glutamic acid, labeled, 159; 4-D-mannopyranosides, 85; (meth)acrylate isotopomers, see labeling (co)polymers, NMR (review), 553; 2-oxogilutaric acid, labeled, 159; poly- 4(SH}-isoxazolone, photochemistry, 31 amides (review), 516; polyethylene (review), 543 5-keto-D-gluconic acid, hydrogenation, 111 NMR, 'SN, !SN-labeled DNA fragments, 387; polyamides (review), 516 3-ketoglucose, into ribulose and D-erythronic acid, 271 NMR, ‘°F, polyfluoro-4-hydroxyanilines, 216 ketopantoic acid, optical resolution, 155 NMR, *i, silyl-protected RNA precursor, 378 kinetics, (R)-amino acids from plasmid and D-aminopeptidase, 206; car- NMR, ‘'P, phosphazenes, controled hydrolysis, 27 bodiimides with carboxylic acids, 319; carbon dioxide hydrogenation, 19; NOE (Nuclear Overhauser Effect), sse NMR cyanohydrins, decompn. by hydroxynitrile lyases, 209; enzymatic synthesis, non-linear polymers, (review), 492 enantiomeric ratio, 247, 255; enzymes in reversed micelles, 236; polymer norbornane-2-carboxylic esters, enzymatic resolution, 175 networks, theory (review), 507; pyrethroid alcohohol, optical resolution, norbornenylidene-Meldrum’s acid, flash vacuum thermolysis, 129 151 (R)-norleucine, from plasmid and D-aminopeptidase, 206 labeling, DNA fragments with !°N, 387; spheroidenes with D, 332 (R)-norvaline, from plasmid and D-aminopeptidase, 206 lactic acid, 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl), by enzyme membrane, 199 nucleopeptides, regioselective synthesis, 433 | Langmuir-Blodgett films, non-linear and electro-optical polymers (review), nucleophilic substitution, diphenyimethyls, 5; methanolysis of x-substituents in 492 diphenylmethyls, 283 lanthanide phosphonomethyl tetraazacyclododecane, shift reagent, 124 nucleotides, di, contg. cytosine, 435; oligodeoxy- phosphorothioates, 325; linoleic acid, (bio)dimerization, 195 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, 53 lipase, acylglycerols, in enzymatic synthesis, 263; for cyclopentanols, 171; occidentalol, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 pyrethroid alcohohol, optical resolution, 151 olefins, metathesis and polymerization catalysts (book), 390 lipophilic diaza crown ethers, in membrane transport, 265 oligodeoxynucleoside phosphorothioates, from phenylacetyl disulfide, 325 lithium P—C bond cleavage, in triarylphosphines, 420, 441 oligomerization, unsaturated fatty acids, 195 living polymerization, (review), 526 one-substrate/one-product, enzymes in reversed micelles, 236 long-range electron transfer, donor-acceptor systems, 95 opium alkaloids, thebaine deriv., 405 longicyclene, conformation, 470 optical activity, see chirality longifolene, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 optical polymers, electro--, (review), 492 low-density polyethylene, ‘C NMR (review), 543 optical resolution, see also chirality; see also biocatalysis, issue 5 (1991), pages lyases, hydroxynitrile lyases from almond and sorghum, 209 139-264; 2-aryl- and 2-aryloxypropanoic acids, 185; methods, applica- macrocycles, calix aza crown ethers, 294; 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane, 124 bility, 255; norbornane-2-carboxylic esters, 175; pantoyl lactone, 155; macrocyclic carriers, lipophilic diaza crown ethers in membranes, 265 pyrethroid alcohoho!l, 151 macrocyclic effect, crown ethers in à-chymotripsin-catalyzed transesterifi- organic synthesis, (book), 29 cation, 222 organo-, e.g. organotin, see tin, Organo- magnesium, cation exchange with zeolite NaA, 374 organometallic chem., (book), 97 a-D-mannopyranosides, monosulfated, NMR, 85 organotransition metal chemistry, (book), 137 Mass Spectrometry, see MS osmium, triazole complexes (thesis), 138 566 Subject Index 9-oxa-1,5-distibabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane, crystal structure, 290 regiochemistry, see stereochemistry 1,3,5-oxadiazinium salts, 75 regioselective synthesis, etheno(iso)morphinans, 405; nucleopeptides, 433 oxazoline, geminal isocyano tolylsulfonyl alkenes, intermediate, 402 resolution, relationship to structure, 13 oxidative debromohydroxylation, binuclear Cu complex, 89 resolving agents, ephedrine, cyclic phosphoric acid, 13 oxime ethers, &-0x0 -, photochemistry, 31 reversed micelles, enzymes in —, 236 oximes, di-, Co complex as catalyst in carbenoid cyclopropanation (review), reviews, see also book reviews; industrial biocatalysis, 63; chiral catalysts for 304 carbenoiïd cyclopropanation, 304; (meth)acrylate (co)polymers, NMR, 553; oxiranes, 2-(alkoxymethyl)-, enzymatic synthesis, 167 non-linear and electro-optical polymers, 492; polyamides, NMR, 516; æ-0xo oxime ethers, photochemistry, 31 polyethylene, *C NMR, 543; polymer networks, 507; polymer synthesis, 17-ox0 steroids, 393 526; Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship, 139; thermally stable 3-oxoglucose, into ribulose and D-erythronic acid, 271 polymers, 481 2-oxoglutaric acid, !*C-labeled, 159 rhodium, carbenoiïd cyclopropanation, chiral catalyst (review), 304 oxygen, in debromohydroxylation of binuclear Cu complex, 89 riboflavin 5'-(dihydrogen phosphate), dehydrogenase depending on —, 155 oxynitrilase, from almond and sorghum, 209 ribonucleoside phosphoramidites, in RNA solid-support synthesis, 378 packing motive, dithiole-2-selenone-4,5-dithiolate, Ni complex, 345 p-ribulose, from D-ribo-hexosulose, 271 palladium, benzoyl complex, 133; 2,6-bis{(dimethylamino)methyl]pyridine rigid pyrromethenium, 41 complexes, carbonylation, X-ray, 133; boride, catalyst in D-xylo-5-hexulo- ring closure, to etheno(iso)morphinans, 405 sonic acid hydrogenation, 111; PdMePh 2,2'-bipyridine, crystal structure, ribonucleic acids (RNA), solid-support synthesis, 378 477; reductive elimination from diorganoPd(IV) complexes, 477 RNA, see ribonucleic acids palmitoyloxy)butylsulfonate, 3,4-bis(—, myo-inositol, 92 Rodd’s, chemistry of carbon compounds. IV heterocyclic compounds (book), pantoyl lactone, optical resolution, 155 59 penicillins, in industrial biocatalysis (review), 63 Roedel mechanism, polyethylene, !*C NMR (review), 543 pentafulvene, flash vacuum thermolysis, 129 rosmarinic acid, enzymatic synthesis, 199 4-penten-1-ol, for glycosidation, 23 ruthenium, triazole complexes (thesis), 138 2-pentulose, D-erythro--—, D-ribulose, 271 salicylaldimine, Cu complex as catalyst in carbenoiïid cyclopropanation permeability, alcohol dehydrogenase in polyacrylamide, 231 (review), 304 peroxydisulfate alkylation, for plastoquinone derivs., 104; for vitamin K selenium, dithiole-2-selenone-4,5-dithiolate, Ni complex, crystal structure, 345 derivs., 99 semicorrin/bis-oxazoline, Cu complex as catalyst in carbenoiïd cyclopropana- PES, see photoelectron spectra tion (review), 304 photoelectron spectra (PES), 1,2-bis(methoxyimino)cyclobutanes, 1 sequence analysis, polyamides, NMR (review), 516 phenanthrenes, angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 serine aldehyde, 46 phenol, 2-vinyl-, from coumaran thermochemistry, 475 serine, analogs, 46 phenols, polyfluoro-4-amino-, biosynthesis, 216 (+)--sesbanimide A, 414 phenylacetyl disulfide, for oligodeoxynucleoside phosphorothioates, 325 sesquiterpenoids, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353; longicyclene, phosphatidyl-myo-inositol, 92 conformation, 470 phosphazenes, controled hydroiysis, 27 shift reagent, lanthanide phosphonomethyl tetraazacyclododecane, 124 phosphines, triphenyl-, cleavage, 420 siccain, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 phosphite triesters, dinucleotides contg. cytosine, 435; in oligodeoxynucleoside silicalite-1, for ethanol to hydrocarbons, 78 phosphorothioates, 325 silicon, low-coordination chemistry (thesis), 62 phosphitylation, in RNA solid-support synthesis, 378 silyl protection, in RNA solid-support synthesis, 378 phospho acceptor site, serine analogs, 46 a-(silyloxy)benzeneacetonitrile, chiral -, for chiral sec-amines, 25 phosphonomethyl tetraazacyclododecane, lanthanide shift reagent, 124 skatylpyridine, from 3-hydroxy-2-indolones, 437 phosphoramidites, ribonucleoside — in RNA solid-support synthesis, 378 sodium P—C bond cleavage, in triarylphosphines, 420, 441 phosphoric acid, cyclic —-, resolving agent, 13 solid phase, see solid support phosphorothioates, oligodeoxynucleoside —, from phenylacetyl disulfide, 325 solid-support synthesis, oligodeoxynucleoside phosphorothioates, 325; RNA, phosphorothioates, for inhibited UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, 53 378; deoxynucleotides, 387 phosphorus, low-coordination chemistry (thesis), 62 solvent effects, donor-acceptor systems, 95; polyamides, NMR (review), 516 phosphorus oxychloride, for amino acid 4-nitroanilides, 347 soot, hydrogen abstraction, 129 phosphorus-carbon bond cleavage, triarylphosphines, 441 sorghum, hydroxynitrile lyases, 209 photo-induced electron injection, C, fullerene, 349 spheroidenes, D-labeled, 332; di- and tetrahydro-, 459 photochemistry, x-oxo oxime ethers, 31 spiniferin, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 photolysis, see photochemistry stereochemistry, (book), 352; pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoline, 115; (+ }--sesbanimide pinacolone, for geminal isocyano tolylsulfonyl alkenes, 402 A, 414 ping-pong mechanism, pyrethroid alcohohol, optical resolution, 151 stereoselective synthesis, natural products (book), 29 pisiferic acid, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 stereospecifity, see chirality; see also biocatalysis, issue 5 (1991), pages plasmid-based synthesis, (R)-amino acids, 206 139-264 plastoquinone, derivs., 104 steric energy calens., pyrrolo{1,2-a]quinoline, 115 poled polymers, non-linear and electro-optical (review), 492 steroids, 17-(isocyano(tolylsulfonyl)methylene) —, 393 polyacrylamide, alcohol dehydrogenase permeability, 231 stibacyclooctane, 1,5-di-, crystal structure, 290 polyallylammonium bromides, hydrophobic microdomains, fluoresence, 384 structures, see also crystal structure; databases of chemical — (book), 136 polyamides, NMR (review), 516 styrene, dimer from 1-phenylethanol, 275; (meth)acrylate copolymers, NMR polydentate ligands, in amide bond formation between imidazole rings, 279 (review), 553 polyethylene, "*C NMR (review), 543 substitution, alkoxydechlorination of aryl chlorides, 299; electrophilic aro- polyfluoro-4-hydroxyanilines, biosynthesis, 216 matic — (book), 59 poly(glycidyl methacrylate), ion exchanger (thesis), 480 subtilisin, adenosine acylation, 433 polymer-supported synthesis, see solid-support synthesis suicide precursor, serine analogs, 46 polymers, reviews, see issue 12, pages 481-559; networks (review), 507; non- sulfurization, for oligodeoxynucleoside phosphorothioates, 325 linear and electro-optical (review), 492; synthesis (review), 526; thermally superconductivity, dithiole-2-selenone-4,5-dithiolate, Ni complex, 345 stable (review), 481 supercritical water, in 1,2,4-benzenetriol from D-fructose, 343 poly(methyl methacrylate), glass-surface-grafted (thesis), 62 surface chemistry, (book), 137 polynuclear transition metal compounds, (thesis), 62 susceptibility tensors, non-linear and electro-optical polymers (review), 492 polysoap, poly(diallylammonium bromides), 384 synthesis, organic —, (book), 29 pregnane, isocyano(tolylsulfonyl)methylene precursors, 393 terpenoids, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353; longicyclene, con- prezizaene, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 formation, 470 propanoic acids, 2-aryl- and 2-aryloxy-, enzymatic synthesis, 185 terpolyamides, NMR (review), 516 Protein Kinase C (PKC), contg. serine analogs, 46 tert-amino effect, pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoline, 115 protein-DNA interaction, 387 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane, lanthanide phosphonomethyl — shift reagent, pyrazole, coordination chemistry (thesis), 480 124 pyrene, fluoresence probe, 384 tetracyclic sesquiterpene, longicyclene, conformation, 470 pyrethroid alcohohol, optical resolution by lipase, 151 tetralin, bacterial hydroxylation, 189 pyridine, bis-, binuclear Cu complex, 89 thebaine, deriv., synth., 405 3-[(2-pyridyl)methy1]-3-hydroxy-2-indolones, to indoles, 437 theory, enantioselective enzymatic catalysis, 247, 255; enzymes in reversed pyrolysis, see thermochemistry micelles, 236; non-linear and electro-optical polymers (review), 492; poly- pyrroles, (book), 351 mer networks (review), 507 pyrrolo[1,2-ajquinoline, cycloreversion, 115 thermally stable polymers, (review), 481 pyrromethenium, 41 thermochemistry, 1,2,4-benzenetriol from D-fructose, 343; carbon dioxide QSAR, see Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship hydrogenation, 19; coumaran, 475 Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR), inhibition ofxanthine theses, cyclophanes, 138; glass-surface-grafted poly(methyl methacrylate), 62; oxidase (review), 139 glycidyl methacrylate polymer, ion exchanger, 480; polynuclear transition quantum chemistry, 1,2-bis(methoxyimino)cyclobutanes, 1; phenylphos- metal compounds with inorganic anions as bridging group, 62; pyrazole phines, 420 coordination chemistry, 480; Ru and Os triazole complexes (thesis), 138; quinoxalones, poly-, thermally stable polymers (review), 481 Si and P low-coordination chemistry, 62; N-vinylimidazole polymerization radical ring-opening polymerization, NMR (review), 526 along poly(methacrylic acid), 62 reaction mechanism, see mechanism 1,2-thio ortho sugar esters, glycosidation by iodonium, 301 rearrangement, see isomerization thiocyanate alcoholysis, B-L-arabinopyranosides, 2-halogenoethyl, 450 redox enzyme, alcohol dehydrogenase, optimization of activity, 227 threonine, analogs, 46 reductive cleavage, triphenylphosphines, 420 through-bond interaction, 1,2-bis(methoxyimino)cyclobutanes, 1 reductive cyanation, geminal isocyano tolylsulfonyl alkenes, 402 through-space interaction, 1,2-bis(methoxyimino )cyclobutanes, 1 Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 110/12, December 1991 titanium, TiCl;(Oipr), Lewis acid catalyst, 414; Ti-cyclopentadienyl, oxidative ultrasound, to nucleopeptides, 433 methylation, 57 ultraviolet, see UV tolylsulfonyl isocyano alkenes, geminal —, 402; steroids, 393 unsaturated fatty acids, (bio)dimerization, 195 TosMIC, [(4-tolyl)sulfonyl]methyl isocyanide, see tolylsulfonyl isocyano ureas, acyl-, from carbodiimides with carboxylic acids, 319 tosyl, see tolyisulfonyl uridine 5'-diphosphate, see UDP toxicity, pyrromethenium, 41 UV, 1,2-bis(methoxyimino)cyclobutanes, 1; C;, fullerene, 349; di- and tetra- transesterification, «-chymotripsin-catalyzed, acceleration by crown ethers, hydrospheroidenes, 459; «-oxo oxime ethers, 31; pyrromethenium, 41 222; acylglycerols, enzymatic —, 263; enantioselective — by lipase, 151 vernolepin, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 transferase, UDP-glucuronosyl-, 53 vetiselenene, by angular alkoxycarbonylation (review), 353 transformations, in functional-group preparations (book), 61 N-vinylimidazole, polymerization along poly(methacrylic acid) (thesis), 62 transimination, nitriles into sec-amines, 25 2-vinylphenol, from coumaran thermochemistry, 475 transition metal compounds, polynuclear — (thesis), 62; in synthesis (book), 137 vinylphosphine, P -C bond cleavage in triarylphosphines, 441 transition state, cyclic —, polyethylene, !*C NMR (review), 543 vitamin C, from idonic acid, 111 transport rate, in membranes via crown ethers, 265 vitamin K, derivs., 99 triarylphosphines, reductive P—C bond cleavage, 441 X-ray analysis, see crystal structure 1,3,5-triazinium salts, 75 X-ray spectroscopy, zeolite catalysts for ethanol to hydrocarbons, 78 1,2,4-triazole, N alkylation, 369 xanthine oxidase, inhibition (review), 139 triazole, Ru and Os complexes (thesis), 138 D-(+)-xylose, for ( + )--sesbanimide A, 414 triflation, for myo-inositol, 92 zeolites, for ethanol to hydrocarbons, 78; faujasites as catalyst for hydride trifluoroethoxylation, aryl chlorides, 299 transfer in benzylic alcohols, 275; NaA, Ca or Mg cation exchange, 374 trifluoromethanesulfonylation, for myo-inositol, 92 zinc oxide, support for hydrogenation of carbon dioxide, 19 1,3,5-triynes, unstable, 131 zinc, dimethyl-, cyclopentadienyltitanum oxidative methylation, 57 UDP = uridine 5'-diphosphate ZSM-5, for ethanol to hydrocarbons, 78 UDP-glucuronosyltransferase, inhibitor contg. diphosphate, 53

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