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RECTENNA TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM: Ultra Light 2.45 GHz Rectenna and 20 PDF

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PT-6902 CR179558 RECTENNA TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM: Ultra Light 2.45 GHz Rectenna and 20 GHz Rectenna {_ASA-C[_- 179558) REC_I_NA _I_( Id_CLOG¥ N87-1955_ _OG_AM: ULTRA IIGH_I _.45 GH2 I_£C_IENNA 20 G£z RECT£NNA (Raytheon Co.) c_8 [c CSCL 20N Unclas G3/32 436_8 by William C. Brown RAYTHEON COMPANY Prepared for NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION NASA Lewis Research Center Contract NAS3-22764 1 Report No, ] 2. G_ernmant _cmion No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. NASA CR179558 I '4. Title 8nd Su_itle 5. Report Date RECTENNA TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM: March 11, I_187 ULTRA LIGHT 2.45 GHz RECTENNA 6. PLw'forming Or_nization Code 20 GHz RECTENNA 7. Aut_r(s) 8. Performing Or_nizgtion Report No. William C. Brown PT-6807 10. Work Unit No. 9. Performing Or_nization Name end Addrem Microwave and Power Tube Division 11. Contract or Grant No. Foundry Ave., Waltham, MA 02254 NAS3-22764 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Contractor Report National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14. SponsoringAgency Code Washington, D.C. 20546 15. _p_ementary Not_ Program Managers: Ira T. Myers & Jose Christian, Aerospace Technology Directorate NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland Ohio 44135 16. Abswa_ The program had two general objectives. The first objective was to develop the two plane rectenna format for space application at 2.45 GHz. The resultant foreplane was a thin-film, etched-circuit format fabricated from a laminate com- posed of 2 mil Kapton F sandwiched between sheets of i oz. copper. The thin-film foreplane contains half wave dipoles, filter circuits, rectifying Schottky diode, and DC bussing leads. It weighs 160 grams per square meter. Efficiency and DC power output density were measured at 85% and i kw/m 2, respectively. Special testing techniques to measure temperature of circuit and diode without perturbing microwave operation using the fluoroptic thermometer were developed. A second objective was to investigate rectenna technology for use at 20 GHz and higher frequencies. Several fabrication formats including the thin-film scaled from 2.45 GHz, ceramic substrata and silk-screening, and monolithic were investigated, with the conclusion that the monolithic approach was the best. A preliminary design of the monolithic rectenna structure and the integrated Schottky diode were made. 171 Key Words(Suggested by Author(s)) 18. Distribution Statement Rectenna Microwave Power Transmission Beamed Power Transmission Unclassified unlimited 19 Security Cla_if. (of this re_rt) 20. Security Cla_if. (of this _) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price" Unclassifed Unclassified "For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151 PT-6902 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 l.I General Objectives 1 1.2 Improvement of the 2.45 MHz Thin-Film, Etched-Circuit Rectenna and Its Application to Space 1 1.3 Evolution of Rectenna Technology that Provided the Foundation for the Thin-Film, Etched-Circuit Rectenna 3 Origin of the Thin-Film Etched Circuit Concept 3 Investigation of Rectenna Design for Frequencies of 20 GHz and Greater 8 2.0 MAIN TEXT: REPORT ON TECHNOLOGY PROGRESS BY TASKS 12 2.1 Single Element Printed Circuit Rectenna (Task I) 14 2.1.1 The Single Rectenna Element and Test Procedures for It 14 2.1.2 Determination of the Source of Inefficiency in the Original Thin-Film Etched-Circuit Rectenna Element 16 Establishment of Kapton F as a Suitable Dielectric Film Material 25 Design of the Rectenna Element Made from Kapton-F Copper Laminate 26 2.1.5 Electrical Performance of the Rectenna Element in Its Final Configuration 31 2.1.6 Diode Development and Procurement 33 2.l.7 Summary of Activity on Task 1 36 2.2 Design of a Complete Rectenna Array (Task 2) 37 2.2.1 Int rodu ct ion 37 2.2.2 An Approach to a Collapsible Rectenna 37 2.2.3 Considerations Involved in Spooling the Collapsed Rectenna 40 2.3 Fabrication and Testing of a Large Area Sample Rectenna (Task 3) 43 iii PT-6902 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section Int rodu ct ion 43 Test Arrangement and Test Results on 25 Element Rectenna Foreplane with Forced Convective Cooling 45 2.3.3 Temperature Rise of Diode in Rectenna Element as Function of Injected DC Power and Velocity of Convection Cooling Air 49 2.4 Design of an RF Test Facility (Task 4) 54 2.5 Review and Reporting Requirements 2.6 20 GHz Printed Circuit Rectenna Study (Task 6) 57 2.6.1 Int rodu ct ion 57 2.6.2 Significance of the Frequency Scale 57 2.6.3 Significance of the Consideration of Work at Even Higher Frequencies Upon the Direction of the 20 GHz Experimental Program 59 Discussion of the Different Approaches to a 20 GHz Rectenna 59 Use of Alumina Ceramic as a Microwave Circuit Substrate and as a Filler Between Foreplane and Reflecting Plane 65 2.6.6 Conclusions and Recommendations 68 2.7 Preliminary K-Band Rectenna Design (Task 7) 69 2.7.1 Introduction and Summary 69 2.7.2 Conceptual Design of a Monolithic Rectenna at 20 GHz 71 2.7.3 Matching a Dipole that is Mounted on a Ceramic or Semiconductor Sub st rat e 79 2.7.4 Measurements of Match, Power Output, and Operating Efficiency of a 2.45 GHz Rectenna Element Mounted on a Ceramic Substrate 82 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS 83 Discussion of Results of the Program to Develop a 2.45 GHz Thin-Film Etched-Circuit 83 iv PT-6902 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section 3.2 Discussion of the Results of the 20 GHz Rectenna Investigation 85 4.0 SUMMARY OF RESULTS 87 4.1 Summary of Results to Improve the Thin-Film, Etched-Circuit Format of the Rectenna and to Adapt it to Space Use 87 4.2 Summary of Results to Develop a Technology for Constructing Rectennas at Frequencies of 20 GHz and Above 89 REFERENCES 91 PT-6902 SUMMARY This contract had two major objectives. The first was to refine the rudimentary technology of the 2.45 GHz thln-film, etched-clrcult rectenna with particular emphasis upon its space applications. The second was to examine the kinds of rectenna technology best suited for rectenna operation at frequencies of 20 GHz and higher. The status of thin film rectenna technology at the start of the study was a single individual rectenna element made from a laminate of mylar and one ounce copper. The rectenna element was inefficient and otherwise unsatisfactory. The current study revealed why the structure was inefficient and found that a laminate of Kapton F and copper was a much better material. The proper masks were designed and individual rectenna elements fabricated. The rectifying diodes were added and the individual elements tested in a closed system where an overall efficiency of 85% was achieved. Then arrays of up to 30 rectenna elements on one continuous laminate were constructed. These arrays were thoroughly checked for power handling capability up to 5 watts average output per rectenna element. In addition, the power handling capability of individual elements was evaluated as a function of velocity of air flow over the rectenna surface. The diodc temperature was simultaneously monitored by a unique, non-invaslve test instrument, the fluoroptic thermometer. From this data, reliable estimates could be made of the power handling capability of a complete rectenna array as a function of air density and air flow velocity. A 25 element section was sent to LeRC for test and evaluation. A preliminary study was made of the deployment of the rolled up rectenna into a flat plane for space use. Various problems were investigated and several formatsexamined. The study of the various approaches to fabricating a high frequency rectenna revealed that the thin-film, etched-circuit rectenna format was not a sound approach and stimulated an investigation of placing the foreplane of the rectenna on a solid dielectric substrate such as alumina ceramic. This ceramic could serve as both a separator from and a heat conducting path to the reflect- ing plane where heat could be removed by flow of a coolant. Further study indicated that a monolithic structure based on the use of a GaAs substrate on which both diodes and circuits were formed would be the best approach for constructing a rectenna at frequencies of 20 GHz and higher. A diode was designed for the monolithic structure, and theoretically evaluated in terms of efficiency and power handling capability. An initial design of a monolithic rectenna was carried out. vi PT-6902 1.0 INTRODUCTION I.l General Objectives The contract had two general objectives. The original objective dealt exclusively with the development of the thin-film, printed-clrcult rectenna for space use at a frequency of 2.45 GHz. A principal part of this objective was concerned with improving the basic properties of a rectenna format that had resulted from earlier embryonic efforts to develop a thin-film rectenna. The second general objective, which was the subject of a contract extension, was to examine the application of the rectenna principle to high frequency rectennas at 20 GHz and above. For purposes of discussion it will be desirable to handle these two objectives separately. The first objective, that having to do with the improve- ment of the 2.45 GHz rectenna and its application to space will be discussed first. 1.2 Improvement of the 2.45 MHz Thin-Film t Etched-Circuit Rectenna and Its Application to Space The more detailed objectives of the work carried out under this subject are described in the first four items in the statement of work given in Section 2.0. In the introduction we will discuss the work in more general terms. The approach to carrying out the task was based upon an extension of an approach introduced under NASA contract NAS6-3006(I). This approach was based upon the use of conventional thin-film printed circuit technology, in which all elements of the circuitry, excluding the rectifying diode and the reflecting plane, were "printed" on the two surfaces of the film without the ncesslty of any interconnects between the circuitry on the two surfaces. This fabrication method is consistent with the objective of producing very large areas of the rectenna at a low cost per unit area and with a high ratio of power output to mass of the structure. However, the technology for the thin-film rectenna had proceeded only to the point of making and testing individual elements made from a laminate composed of mylar covered with thin sheets of copper. The efficiency was much less than expected, and the mylar was very vulnerable to both ultra violet degradation and high temperature operation. The general work effort related to this first general objective consisted of analyzing and refining the thin-film, etched-circuit rectenna at the single rectenna element level for use in space and then fabricating relatively large areas of the rectenna for evaluation and test. Another aspect of the work related to storage of the rectenna while enroute to space and the deployment of it in space. Still another aspect was the aid given to LeRC in the design of a facility for testing the rectenna. PT-6902 The results of the effort to improve the rectenna in a format more suitable for space were very successful. It was found that the use of Kapton F material as the core of the laminate material greatly extended the permissible operating temperature as well as making the rectenna highly resistant to deterioration from ultra violet ration. In addition it was determined that Kapton F greatly reduced the losses that were inherent in the mylar itself as well as in the lossy adhesive used to join the mylar to the copper. One of the interesting developments related to the diode rectifier. No portion of the rectenna is more important than the diode. Fortunately, the basic development of the diode had already taken place during earlier rectenna work. The rectifier is a Schottky barrier diode that utilizes GaAsas the semi- conductor material. The series resistive loss in this material is much less than that of silicon, the only other candidate material, so it is considerably more efficient. The diode also uses a heat sink that is fabricated on the metallic side of the Schottky barrier to provide a low impedancepath for heat flow from the active and heat generating portion of the diode. The packaging of the diode has taken several formats. The first successfully used package was of the ceramic pill type. In the interests of greatly reducing the production cost of the diode for use in the Solar Power Satellite application a glass packaging technique was introduced. It had been expected to use this packaging format for the thin-film rectenna; in fact, it was used in the early phase of the work effort. However, the tooling for the glass diode becameunavailable and it was necessary to shift back to a ceramic package. On subsequent analysis it was discovered that the thermal conduction from such a package is about twice that from the glass diode so that heat is conducted more efficiently to the printed circuit which presents the surface from which the heat is radiated to space. The result is that the power handling capability of a rectenna built from such diodes is considerably better than anticipated, resulting in the prospect of the rectenna working at considerable higher power density in space than originally anticipated. It was not feasible within the constraints of the contract funding to test the rectenna in vacuum. However, the opportunity did arise to check the rectenna under knownrates of a convective flow of air, while simultaneously monitoring the temperature of the diode. The results of this investigation were important in feasibility studies of microwave poweredaircraft that would fly at high altitudes where the air was muchless dense but where the aircraft flight speeds resulted in convection cooling rates similar to those taken in the laboratory under sea level air conditions. Furthermore, one data point in the studies was for zero convective air flow. Even under these conditions the temperature rise in the diode remained below 100°Cfor two watts of DCpower output per rectenna element and diode. It was possible to makethe interesting results of this experimental evaluation of the power handling capability and efficiency of the thin film rectenna publicly available in a timely fashion through two oral presentations

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