Rectangular shell elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation Department of Engineering Per Hyldahl PhD Thesis Rectangular shell elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation PhD Dissertation Per Hyldahl July 2015 AU AARHUS UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ISBN: 978-87-7507-354-2 DOI: 10.7146/aul.97.90 Thesissubmitted: July31,2015 PhDSupervisor: SeniorAssociateProfessorPhDOleBalling DepartmentofEngineering,AarhusUniversity Denmark PhDCommittee: ProfessorPhDJoséLuisEscalonaFranco Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, UniversityofSeville Spain ProfessorPhDErikLund Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engi- neering(M-Tech),AalborgUniversity Denmark ProfessorDr. techn. HenrikMyhreJensen DepartmentofEngineering,AarhusUniversity Denmark PhDSeries: FacultyofScience&Technology, AarhusUniversity Publishedby: RiverPublishers NielsJernesVej10 9220Aalborg Denmark c CopyrightbyPerHyldahl (cid:13) PrintedinDenmarkbySUN-TRYK,2015 Abstract This thesis concerns the development of tools that are useful for designing machine systems and components in an virtual environment using flexi- ble multibody dynamics. Initially, flexible multibody dynamics is briefly reviewed to explain available formalisms and possible applications of this method. Subsequently, attention is turned towards the analysis of structures that undergo large deformations and rotations using shell finite elements basedontheabsolutenodalcoordinateformulation,ANCF.Thistopicisthe focusfortheremainderofthethesis. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part acts as a gen- eralintroductiontoANCFbasedshellfiniteelementsandsumsupavailable elements found in the research literature. In the end, a new ANCF element developed during this PhD project is presented which gives enhanced mod- elingcapabilitiesofproblemsincludinge.g. movingboundaryconditions. Thesecondpartconcernstheperformanceandbehaviorofacertainclass of ANCF shell elements that are developed for analysis of thin shell struc- tures. Thisincludesdiscussionsondifferencesconcerningtheirkinematicde- scriptionsanddisclosureofcertainissuesregardingtheirperformance. Those being sensitivity to irregular mesh, pour representation of curved structures andloaddependentconvergencewhenanalyzingcurvedstructures. ThefinalpartconcernsthedevelopmentofanewversatileANCFshellel- ement. Thiselementisdistinguishedbybeingabletodescribeboththinand thick curved structures. This part contains a thorough derivation of its kine- matics and stiffness description, as well as numerical examples to demon- strateitsperformance. However,thispartofthestudyisnotyetcomplete. Finally, the findings of this PhD project are summed up in a conclusion andpossibilitiesforfurtherstudiesandperspectivesareoutlined. v Resumé Denne afhandling omhandler udviklingen af værktøjer, som er nyttige til at designe maskiner og maskindele i et virtuelt miljø vha. fleksibel flerlegeme- dynamik. Indledningsvist gives der en kort gennemgang af den fleksible flerlegeme-dynamik, for at give et overblik over metoden og dens mulige anvendelser. Dernæst flyttes opmærksomheden over på analyse af struk- turersomudsættesforstoredeformationerogrotationervha. endeligeskal- elementer(eng: shellfiniteelements)baseretpåabsolutteknudekoordinater (eng: absolute nodal coordinate formulation, ANCF). Dette emne vil være fokusirestenafafhandlingen. Afhandlingen er inddelt i 3 dele. Den første del giver en general in- troduktion til ANCF skal-elementer, og opsummerer de forskellige element- klassersomkanfindesilitteraturen. Modslutningenintroduceresderetnyt ANCFskal-element,somerudvikletunderdetteph.d.-projekt. Detteelement muliggørforbedretmodelleringafproblemermedmobilerandbetingelser. Andendelomhandlereffektivitetenogegenskabernehosensærligklasse af ANCF skal-elementer, som er udviklet specielt til analyse af tynde skal- strukturer. Heri diskuteres der forskelle i deres kinematiske beskrivelser og der fremhæves nogle uheldige egenskaber vedrørende deres adfærd. Det væresigfølsomhedoverforuensartedeelementstørrelser,ringebeskrivelseaf kurvedestruktureroglastafhængigkonvergensiforbindelsemedanalyseaf kurvedestrukturer. Den sidste del omhandler udviklingen af et nyt alsidigt ANCF skal-ele- ment. Dette element udmærker sig ved at være anvendeligt til at beskrive bådetyndeogtykkeskalstrukturer. Dennedelindeholderengrundigudled- ning af elementets kinematik og stivhed, samt numeriske eksempler som demonstrerer dets effektivitet. Denne del af studiet er dog ikke færdiggjort endnu. Slutteligt opsummeres resultaterne af ph.d.-studiet og der nævnes mu- lighederforfremtidigearbejderogperspektiver. vii Preface This thesis is submitted to the Graduate School of Science and Tech- nology (GSST) at Aarhus University in a partial fulfillment of the re- quirementsforthedegreeofDoctorofPhilosophy. Theworkhasbeen carried out during the period from August 2011 to July 2015 at the Department of Engineering at Aarhus University. Thethesisconcernsinvestigationswithinandfurtherdevelopment of rectangular shell finite elements based on the absolute nodal coor- dinate formulation. The thesis is written as a monograph based on published research papers, and the papers are attached in their origi- nal form as appendices. It has not been possible to complete this thesis without the help and support of several people, to whom I am deeply grateful. I would like to thank my supervisor Senior Associate Professor Ole Balling for considering me for the PhD project, and for valuable discussions and guidance during the project. Furthermore, I owe many thanks to Pro- fessorAkiMikkola,LappeenrantaUniversityofTechnology,andAsso- ciateProfessorHiroyukiSugiyama, UniversityofIowa, forhostingme during visits at their respective research groups. In that connection, special thanks go to the members of their research groups for making my stays pleasant and enjoyable. I would also like to thank Adminis- tratorMetteStigHansenatAarhusUniversityforalwaysbeinghelpful withpracticalmattersandforvaluableassistancewithproofreadingof this thesis. My fellow PhD students at the Mechanical Engineering section, Department of Engineering Alex Møberg, Mads Krabbe, Søren Stef- fensen, Kennet Olesen and Jens Wind, I also owe great thanks for pro- viding a great working environment and good company. Especially Jens Wind deserves special acknowledgment, as he has been a great ix