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RECOVERING NONLOCAL DIFFERENTIAL PENCILS CHUAN-FUYANGANDVJACHESLAVYURKO 5 1 0 Abstract. Inverse problems for differential pencils with nonlocal conditions 2 are investigated. Several uniqueness theorems of inverse problems from the n Weyl-type function and spectra are proved, which are generalizations of the a well-knownWeylfunctionandBorg’sinverseproblemfortheclassicalSturm- J Liouvilleoperator. 0 3 ] 1. Introduction P S Problemswithnonlocalconditionsariseinvariousfieldsofmathematicalphysics h. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], biology and biotechnology [6, 7], and in other fields. Nonlocal condi- t tions come up when value of the function on the boundary is connected to values a inside the domain. Recently problems with nonlocal conditions are paid much m attention for them in the literature. [ In this paper we study inverse spectral problems for differential pencils 1 y′′(x)+[λ2−2λp(x)−q(x)]y(x)=0, x∈(0,T), (1) v 9 and with nonlocal linear conditions 1 T 8 U (y):= y(t)dσ (t)=0, j =1,2. (2) j j 1 Z0 0 Here p ∈ AC[0,T] (absolutely continuous function) and q ∈ L(0,T) are complex- . 3 valuedfunctions, σ (t)arecomplex-valuedfunctions ofboundedvariationsandare j 0 continuous from the right for t>0. There exist finite limits H :=σ (+0)−σ (0). 5 j j j Linear forms U (y) in (2) can be written as forms 1 j : T v U (y):=H y(0)+ y(t)dσ (t), j =1,2, (3) i j j j0 X Z0 where σ (t) in (3) are complex-valued functions of bounded variations and are r j0 a continuous from the right for t≥0, and H 6=0. 1 A complex number λ is called an eigenvalue of the problem (1) and (2) if 0 equation (1) with λ = λ has a nontrivial solution y (x) satisfying conditions (2); 0 0 then y (x) is called the eigenfunction of the problem (1) and (2) corresponding to 0 theeigenvalueλ . Thenumberoflinearlyindependentsolutionsoftheproblem(1) 0 and (2) for a given eigenvalue λ is called the multiplicity of λ . 0 0 Classical inverse problems for Eq.(1) with two-point boundary conditions have beenstudiedfairlycompletelyinmanyworks(seethemonographs[8,9,10,11,12, 13] and the references therein). The theory of nonlocal inverse spectral problems now is only at the beginning because of its complexity. Results of the inverse Date:March9,2015. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 34A55;34L05;47E05. Key words and phrases. differentialpencils;nonlocalconditions;inversespectralproblems. 1 2 C.F.YANGANDV.YURKO problem for various nonlocal operators can be found in [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]. In this work by using Yurko’s ideas of the method of spectral mappings [11] we prove uniqueness theorems for the solution of the inverse spectral problems for Eq.(1) with nonlocal conditions (2). In Section 2 we formulate our main results (Theorems 1 and 2). Section 3 introduces some properties of spectral character- istics. The proofs of Theorems 1 and 2 are given in Section 4. In Section 5 we providetwocounterexamplesrelatedtothestatementsofthe inverseproblems(see also[16,24]). InSection6, asa consequenceof Theorem1,we considerthe inverse problem of recovering the double functions p and q from the given three spectra. 2. main results Let X (x,λ) and Z (x,λ), k = 1,2, be the solutions of Eq.(1) with the initial k k conditions ′ ′ X (0,λ)=X (0,λ)=Z (T,λ)=Z (T,λ)=1, 1 2 1 2 ′ ′ X (0,λ)=X (0,λ)=Z (T,λ)=Z (T,λ)=0. 1 2 1 2 Denote by L the boundary value problem (BVP) for Eq.(1) with the conditions 0 U (y)=U (y)=0, 1 2 and ω(λ) := det[U (X )] , and assume that ω(λ) 6≡ 0. The function ω(λ) is j k j,k=1,2 an entire function of exponential type with order 1, and its zeros Ξ := {ξn}n∈Z (counting multiplicities) coincide with the eigenvalues of L . The function ω(λ) is 0 called the characteristic function for L . 0 Denote V (y) := y(j−1)(T), j = 1,2. Consider the BVP L , j = 1,2, for Eq.(1) j j withthe conditionsUj(y)=V1(y)=0.TheeigenvaluesetsΛj :={λnj}n∈Z (count- ing multiplicities) ofthe BVP L coincide with the zerosofthe characteristicfunc- j tion ∆ (λ):=det[U (X ),V (X )] . j j k 1 k k=1,2 Forλ6=λ ,letΦ(x,λ)bethesolutionofEq.(1)undertheconditionsU (Φ)=1 n1 1 and V (Φ) = 0. Denote Weyl-type function M(λ) := U (Φ). It is known [25] that 1 2 for differential pencils with classical two-point separated boundary conditions, the specificationoftheWeylfunctionuniquelydeterminesthedoublefunctionsp(x)and q(x). In particular, in [25] it is proved that differential pencils with classical two- pointseparatedboundary conditionsis uniquely determinedby specifying its Weyl function, which is equivalent to specification of the spectra of two boundary value problems with one common boundary condition, and a constructive procedure for solvingtheinverseproblemisgiven. However,inthecasewithnonlocalconditions, it is not true; the specification of the Weyl-type function M(λ) does not uniquely determine the functions p(x) and q(x) (see counterexamples in Section 5). For the nonlocal conditions the inverse problem is formulated as follows. T Throughoutthis paper the functions σ (t) andthe value p(x)dx areknowna j 0 priori. And condition S: Λ ∩Ξ=∅. 1 R Inverse problem 1. Given M(λ) and ω(λ), construct the functions p(x) and q(x). Let us formulate a uniqueness theorem for Inverse problem 1. For this purpose, togetherwith(p,q)weconsideranother(p˜,q˜),andweagreethatifacertainsymbol αdenotesanobjectrelatedto(p,q),thenα˜ willdenoteananalogousobjectrelated to (p˜,q˜). RECOVERING NONLOCAL DIFFERENTIAL PENCILS 3 Theorem 1. Let condition S be true. If M(λ)=M˜(λ) and ω(λ)=ω˜(λ), then a.e. p(x)=p˜(x) and q(x) = q˜(x) on (0,T). Thus, under condition S, the specification M(λ) and ω(λ) uniquely determines the functionpairs(p,q). We note thatif conditionS does nothold,thenthe speci- fication M(λ) and ω(λ) does not uniquely determine the functions (see Example 1 in Section 5). Consider the BVP L for Eq.(1) with the conditions U (y) = V (y) = 0. The 11 1 2 eigenvalue set Λ11 := {λ1n1}n∈Z of the BVP L11 coincide with the zeros of the characteristic function ∆11(λ) := det[U1(Xk),V2(Xk)]k=1,2. Clearly, {λn1}n∈Z ∩ {λ1n1}n∈Z =∅. Inverse problem 2. Given {λn1,λ1n1}n∈Z, construct p(x) and q(x). This inverse problem is a generalization of the well-known Borg’s inverse prob- lem [26] for Sturm-Liouville operatorswith classicaltwo-pointseparatedboundary conditions. Theorem2. Ifλ =λ˜ ,λ1 =λ˜1 ,n∈Z,thenp(x)=p˜(x)andq(x)a=.e.q˜(x) n1 n1 n1 n1 on (0,T). 3. Auxiliary Lemmas Denote Λ± := {λ : ±Imλ ≥ 0}. It is known (see, for example, [10, 27]) that there exists a fundamental system of solutions {Y (x,λ)} of Eq.(1) such that k k=1,2 for λ∈Λ±, |λ|→∞, ν =0,1: Y(ν)(x,λ)=(iλ)νexp i λx− xp(t)dt (1+O(λ−1)), 1 0 (4) Y(ν)(x,λ)=(−iλ)νexp −i λx− xp(t)dt (1+O(λ−1)), 2 (cid:0) (cid:0) R 0 (cid:1)(cid:1) and (cid:0) (cid:0) R (cid:1)(cid:1) det[Y(ν−1)(x,λ)] =−2iλ(1+O(λ−1)). (5) k k,ν=1,2 Lemma 1. (See [24]) Let {W (x,λ)} be a fundamental system of solutions k k=1,2 of Eq.(1), and let Q (y), j =1,2, be linear forms. Then j det[Q (W )] =det[Q (X )] det[W(ν−1)(x,λ)] . (6) j k k,j=1,2 j k k,j=1,2 k k,ν=1,2 It follows from (5)-(6) that det[Q (Z )] =det[Q (X )] , (7) j k k,j=1,2 j k k,j=1,2 and det[Q (Y )] =−2iλ(1+O(λ−1))det[Q (X )] . (8) j k k,j=1,2 j k k,j=1,2 Introduce the functions ϕ(x,λ)=−det[X (x,λ),U (X )] , θ(x,λ)=det[X (x,λ),U (X )] , k 1 k k=1,2 k 2 k k=1,2 ψ(x,λ)=det[X (x,λ),V (X )] . k 1 k k=1,2 Then U (ϕ)=0, U (ϕ)=ω(λ), V (ϕ)=∆ (λ), V (ϕ)=∆ (λ), 1 2 1 1 2 11 U (θ)=ω(λ), U (θ)=0, V (θ)=−∆ (λ), 1 2 1 2 U (ψ)=∆ (λ), V (ψ)=0, V (ψ)=−1. j j 1 2 Moreover,by calculation, Eqs.(6)-(7) yield that det[θ(ν−1)(x,λ),ϕ(ν−1)(x,λ)] =ω(λ), ν=1,2 (9) det[ψ(ν−1)(x,λ),ϕ(ν−1)(x,λ)] =∆ (λ), ν=1,2 1 4 C.F.YANGANDV.YURKO ∆ (λ)=−U (Z ), ∆ (λ)=−U (Z ), ∆ (λ)=U (Z ). (10) 1 1 2 2 2 2 11 1 1 Note that the functions Φ,ψ,ϕ and θ are all the solutions of Eq.(1) with some conditions, comparing boundary conditions on Φ,ψ,ϕ and θ, we arrive at ψ(x,λ) Φ(x,λ)= , (11) ∆ (λ) 1 1 ∆ (λ) 2 Φ(x,λ)= θ(x,λ)+ ϕ(x,λ) . (12) ω(λ) ∆ (λ) 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) Hence, ∆ (λ) 2 M(λ):=U (Φ)= , (13) 2 ∆ (λ) 1 det[Φ(ν−1)(x,λ),ϕ(ν−1)(x,λ)] =1. (14) ν=1,2 Let v (x,λ) and v (x,λ) be the solutions of Eq.(1) with the conditions 1 2 ′ ′ v (T,λ)=v (T,λ)=1, v (T,λ)=0, U (v )=0. 1 2 1 1 2 Obviously, v (x,λ)=Z (x,λ), v (x,λ)=Z (x,λ)+N(λ)Z (x,λ), 1 1 2 2 1 det[v(ν−1)(x,λ)] =1, (15) k k,ν=1,2 where ∆ (λ) U (Z ) 1 1 2 N(λ)= =− . (16) ∆ (λ) U (Z ) 11 1 1 Denote a Ua(y):= y(t)dσ (t), a∈(0,T]. 1 1 Z0 Clearly, U =UT, and if σ (t)≡C (constant) for t≥a, then U =Ua. 1 1 1 1 1 For sufficiently small δ >0, we denote Π :={λ: argλ∈[δ,π−δ]}, G :={λ: |λ−λ |≥δ, ∀n∈Z}, δ δ n1 and G′ :={λ: |λ−λ1 |≥δ, ∀n∈Z}, δ n1 where λ ∈Λ and λ1 ∈Λ . n1 1 n1 11 Lemma 2. For λ∈Π , |λ|→∞, we have δ (iλ)ν x Φ(ν)(x,λ)= exp i λx− p(t)dt (1+o(1)), x∈[0,T), (17) H 1 (cid:18) (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19)(cid:19) (iλ)ν T−x v(ν)(x,λ)= exp −i λ(T −x)− p(t)dt (1+O(λ−1)), x∈[0,T), 1 2 Z0 !! (18) ∆ (λ)=−H1 exp −i λT − T p(t)dt (1+o(1)), 1 2iλ 0 (19) ∆11(λ)= H21 exp (cid:16)−i (cid:16)λT − 0RT p(t)dt (cid:17)(cid:17)(1+o(1)). (cid:16) (cid:16) R (cid:17)(cid:17) RECOVERING NONLOCAL DIFFERENTIAL PENCILS 5 Let σ (t)≡C (constant) for t≥a (i.e. U =Ua). Then for λ∈Π , |λ|→∞, 1 1 1 δ H x ϕ(ν)(x,λ)= 1 (−iλ)ν−1exp −i λx− p(t)dt 2 (cid:18) (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19)(cid:19) ×[1+o(1)+O(exp(iλ(2x−a)))], x∈(0,T], (20) T−x v(ν)(x,λ)=(−iλ)ν−1exp i λ(T −x)− p(t)dt 2 Z0 !! ×[1+o(1)+O(exp(iλ(2x−a)))], x∈[0,T). (21) Proof. The function Φ(x,λ) can be expressed as Φ(x,λ)=A (λ)Y (x,λ)+A (λ)Y (x,λ), (22) 1 1 2 2 together with U (Φ)=1 and V (Φ)=0, which yields that 1 1 A (λ)U (Y )+A (λ)U (Y )=1, A (λ)V (Y )+A (λ)V (Y )=0. (23) 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 Using (4), one gets that for λ∈Π , |λ|→∞: δ U (Y )=H (1+o(1)), U (Y )=O(exp(−iλT)), (24) 1 1 1 1 2 V (Y )=exp i λT − T p(t)dt (1+O(λ−1)), 1 1 0 (25) V1(Y2)=exp(cid:16)−(cid:16)i λT −R 0T p(t)d(cid:17)t(cid:17) (1+O(λ−1)). Solving linear algebraic system(cid:16) (2(cid:16)3) by uRsing (24)-(cid:17)((cid:17)25), we obtain T A (λ)=H−1(1+o(1)), A (λ)=O exp 2i λT − p(t)dt . 1 1 2 Z0 !!! Substituting these relationsinto(22), wehaveproved(17). Formulas(18)-(21)can be proved similarly, and are omitted. ✷ By the well-known method (see, for example, [10]) the following estimates hold for x∈(0,T), λ∈Λ+ : T−x v(ν)(x,λ)=O λνexp −i λ(T −x)− p(t)dt , (26) 1 Z0 !!! x Φ(ν)(x,λ)=O λνexp i λx− p(t)dt , ρ∈G . (27) δ (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:19) Moreover, if σ (t) ≡ C (constant) for t ≥ a (i.e. U = Ua), then for x ≥ a/2, λ ∈ 1 1 1 Λ+: x ϕ(ν)(x,λ)=O λν−1exp −i λx− p(t)dt , (28) (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:19) T−x v(ν)(x,λ)=O λν−1exp i λ(T −x)− p(t)dt , ρ∈G′. (29) 2 δ Z0 !!! 6 C.F.YANGANDV.YURKO 4. Proofs of Theorems Proof of Theorem 2 We know that the characteristic function ∆ (λ) of the 1 BVPL isanentirefunctionoforderonewithrespecttoλ. Followingthetheoryof 1 Hadamard’s factorization(see [28]), ∆ (λ) can be expressed as an infinite product 1 as ∆1(λ)=c1ea1λ 1− λ eλλn1+12(λλn1)2+···+p1(λλn1)p, λ n∈Z(cid:18) n1(cid:19) Y whereλ aretheeigenvaluesofthe problemL , pis thegenusof∆ (λ), c anda n1 1 1 1 1 are constants. Since for the order ρ of ∆ (λ), p ≤ ρ ≤ p+1 (see [28]), and ∆ (λ) 1 1 is an entire function of exponential type with order 1, we find that the genus of ∆ (λ) is 0 or 1 (that is, p=0∨1). Thus ∆ (λ) can be rewritten by 1 1 ∆1(λ)=c1ea1λ 1− λ eλλn1p. λ n∈Z(cid:18) n1(cid:19) Y Since ∆ (λ) and ∆˜ (λ) are both entire functions of order one with respect to λ, 1 1 and λ = λ˜ for all n ∈ Z, by the Hadamard’s factorization theorem, we may n1 n1 suppose (the case when ∆ (0)=0 requires minor modifications) 1 ∆1(λ)=c1ea1λ 1− λ eλnλ1p λ n∈Z(cid:18) n1(cid:19) Y and ∆˜1(λ)=c˜1ea˜1λ 1− λ eλλn1p˜, λ n∈Z(cid:18) n1(cid:19) Y forsome constantsc ,c˜ ,a ,a˜ andp,p˜, whichcanbe determinedfromthe asymp- 1 1 1 1 totics. From this we get for all λ∈C ∆˜1(λ) = c˜1eh(a˜1−a1)+(p˜−p)Pn∈Z λn11iλ. ∆ (λ) c 1 1 The expression (19) implies that H T 1 ∆ (λ)=− exp −i λT − p(t)dt (1+o(1)) 1 2iλ Z0 !! and H T ∆˜ (λ)=− 1 exp −i λT − p˜(t)dt (1+o(1)). 1 2iλ Z0 !! T T We get that, using the assumption that p(t)dt= p˜(t)dt, 0 0 ∆˜1(λ =1+o(1)≡ c˜1eRh(a˜1−a1)+(p˜−Rp)Pn∈Z λn11iλ, ∆ (λ) c 1 1 which yields that 1 (a˜ −a )+(p˜−p) =0, c˜ =c . 1 1 1 1 λ n∈Z n1 X Consequently, ∆ (λ) ≡ ∆˜ (λ). Analogously, from λ1 = λ˜1 for all n ∈ Z we get 1 1 n1 n1 ∆ (λ)≡∆˜ (λ). By virtue of (16), this yields 11 11 N(λ)≡N˜(λ). (30) RECOVERING NONLOCAL DIFFERENTIAL PENCILS 7 Define the functions P (x,λ):=v (x,λ)v˜′(x,λ)−v˜′(x,λ)v (x,λ), 1 1 2 1 2 (31) P (x,λ):=v (x,λ)v˜ (x,λ)−v˜ (x,λ)v (x,λ). 2 2 1 2 1 Using (15) and (30), one gets P (x,λ)=(Z (x,λ)Z˜′(x,λ)−Z˜′(x,λ)Z (x,λ))+(N˜(λ)−N(λ))Z (x,λ)Z˜′(x,λ) 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 =Z (x,λ)Z˜′(x,λ)−Z˜′(x,λ)Z (x,λ), 1 2 1 2 P (x,λ)=Z (x,λ)Z˜ (x,λ)−Z˜ (x,λ)Z (x,λ)+(N(λ)−N˜(λ))Z (x,λ)Z˜ (x,λ) 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 =Z (x,λ)Z˜ (x,λ)−Z˜ (x,λ)Z (x,λ). 2 1 2 1 Thus, for each fixed x ∈ (0,T), the functions P (x,λ), k = 1,2, are entire in λ. k On the other hand, taking (18) and (21) into account we calculate for each fixed x≥T/2 and k =1,2: P (x,λ)−δ Ω (x)=o(1), |ρ|→∞, ρ∈Π , k 1k 1 δ where δ is the Kroneckersymbol and 1k T−x T−x exp[i (p(t)−p˜(t))dt]+exp[−i (p(t)−p˜(t))dt] Ω (x)= 0 0 . 1 2 R R Also, applying (26) and (29), we get for k =1,2, ′ P (x,λ)=O(1), |ρ|→∞, ρ∈G . k δ UsingthemaximummodulusprincipleandLiouville’stheoremforentirefunctions, we conclude that P (x,λ)≡Ω (x), P (x,λ)≡0, x≥T/2. 1 1 2 From (31) it yields v (x,λ)=Ω (x)v˜ (x,λ), v (x,λ)=Ω (x)v˜ (x,λ). 1 1 1 2 1 2 Again, using the asymptotic expression (18) for v (x,λ) and v˜ (x,λ), we have 1 1 T−x exp −i(λ(T −x)− p(t)dt) [1+o(1)] Z0 ! T−x =Ω (x)exp −i(λ(T −x)− p˜(t)dt) [1+o(1)], 1 Z0 ! which leads to T−x exp i (p(t)−p˜(t))dt =Ω (x). 1 Z0 ! This deduces for x≥T/2, T−x (p(t)−p˜(t))dt=0, Z0 which yields T p(x)=p˜(x) for x∈ 0, . 2 (cid:20) (cid:21) T−x At this case we have (p(t)−p˜(t))dt = 0 for x ≥ T/2. Thus Ω (x) = 1 for 0 1 x≥T/2. R 8 C.F.YANGANDV.YURKO Together with (31) this yields that for x≥T/2, v (x,λ)=v˜ (x,λ), Z (x,λ)=Z˜ (x,λ), p(x)=p˜(x), q(x)a=.e.q˜(x). (32) k k k k Next let us now consider the BVPs La and La for Eq.(1) on the interval (0,T) 1 11 with the conditions Ua(y)=V (y)=0 andUa(y)=V (y)=0, respectively. Then, 1 1 1 2 according to Eq.(10), the functions ∆a(λ) := −Ua(Z ) and ∆a (λ) := Ua(Z ) are 1 1 2 11 1 1 the characteristic functions of La and La , respectively. And 1 11 a Ua/2(Z )=Ua(Z )− Z (t,λ)dσ (t), k =1,2, 1 k 1 k k 1 Za/2 hence ∆a/2(λ)=∆a(λ)+ a Z (t,λ)dσ (t), 1 1 a/2 2 1 (33) ∆a/2(λ)=∆a (λ)− a Z (t,λ)dσ (t). 11 11 R a/2 1 1 Let us use (33) for a=T. Since ∆T1(λ)=∆R1(λ), ∆T11(λ)=∆11(λ), it follows from (32)-(33) that ∆T/2(λ)=∆˜T/2(λ), ∆T/2(λ)=∆˜T/2(λ). 1 1 11 11 Repeating preceding arguments subsequently for a = T/2,T/4,T/8,..., we con- clude that p(x)=p˜(x) and q(x)a=.e.q˜(x) on (0,T). Theorem 2 is proved. ✷ Proof of Theorem 1 Define the functions R (x,λ):=Φ(x,λ)ϕ˜′(x,λ)−Φ˜′(x,λ)ϕ(x,λ), 1 (34) R (x,λ):=ϕ(x,λ)Φ˜(x,λ)−ϕ˜(x,λ)Φ(x,λ). 2 SinceΛ ∩Ξ=∅wecaninferthatΛ ∩Λ =∅. Otherwise,ifacertainλ∈Λ ∩Λ 1 1 2 1 2 then λ∈Ξ. Thus λ∈Λ ∩Ξ; this leads to a contradiction to the assumption that 1 Λ ∩Ξ = ∅. Moreover, Eqs. M(λ) = M˜(λ), M(λ) = ∆2(λ), and M˜(λ) = ∆˜2(λ) 1 ∆1(λ) ∆˜1(λ) imply that ∆ (λ)=∆˜ (λ), ∆ (λ)=∆˜ (λ). 1 1 2 2 It follows from (11) and (34) that 1 R (x,λ)= ψ(x,λ)ϕ˜′(x,λ)−ψ˜′(x,λ)ϕ(x,λ) , 1 ∆ (λ) 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 R (x,λ)= ϕ(x,λ)ψ˜(x,λ)−ϕ˜(x,λ)ψ(x,λ) . 2 ∆ (λ) 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) The above equations imply that for each fixed x, the functions R (x,λ) are mero- k morphic in λ with possible poles only at λ=λ . On the other hand, taking (12) n1 into account, we also get 1 R (x,λ)= θ(x,λ)ϕ˜′(x,λ)−θ˜′(x,λ)ϕ(x,λ) , (35) 1 ω(λ) (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 R (x,λ)= ϕ(x,λ)θ˜(x,λ)−ϕ˜(x,λ)θ(x,λ) . (36) 2 ω(λ) (cid:16) (cid:17) The assumption that Λ ∩Ξ=∅ tells us that the functions R (x,λ) are regular at 1 k λ=λ . Thus, for each fixed x, the functions R (x,λ) are entire in λ. Using (17) n1 k and (20), we can obtain for x≥T/2: R (x,λ)−δ Ω (x)=o(1), |ρ|→∞, ρ∈Π , k 1k 2 δ RECOVERING NONLOCAL DIFFERENTIAL PENCILS 9 where x x exp[i (p(t)−p˜(t))dt]+exp[−i (p(t)−p˜(t))dt] Ω (x)= 0 0 . 2 2 R R Also, using (27)-(28), we obtain for x≥T/2: R (x,λ)=O(1), |ρ|→∞, ρ∈G . k δ Therefore, R (x,λ) ≡ Ω (x), R (x,λ) ≡ 0 for x ≥ T/2. Using the asymptotic 1 2 2 expression (20) for ϕ(x,λ) and ϕ˜(x,λ), we have x exp −i(λx− p(t)dt) [1+o(1)] (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19) x =Ω (x)exp −i(λx− p˜(t)dt) [1+o(1)]. 2 (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19) Thus x exp i (p(t)−p˜(t))dt =Ω (x), 2 (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19) which deduces for x≥T/2, x (p(t)−p˜(t))dt=0. Z0 this yields T p(x)=p˜(x) for x∈ ,T . 2 (cid:20) (cid:21) x At this case we have (p(t) − p˜(t))dt = 0 for x ≥ T/2. Thus Ω (x) = 1 for 0 2 x≥T/2. Together with (14) and (34), it yields R ϕ(x,λ)=ϕ˜(x,λ), ψ(x,λ)=ψ˜(x,λ), p(x)=p˜(x), q(x)a=.e.q˜(x), x≥T/2. Also, we obtain Z (x,λ)=Z˜ (x,λ), k =1,2, x≥T/2. k k Since ϕ(x,λ)=U (Z )Z (x,λ)−U (Z )Z (x,λ) 1 1 2 1 2 1 and ϕ˜(x,λ)=U (Z˜ )Z˜ (x,λ)−U (Z˜ )Z˜ (x,λ) 1 1 2 1 2 1 we have ϕ(x,λ)=∆ (λ)Z (x,λ)+∆ (λ)Z (x,λ) 11 2 1 1 and ϕ˜(x,λ)=∆˜ (λ)Z˜ (x,λ)+∆˜ (λ)Z˜ (x,λ). 11 2 1 1 Taking x=T we get ϕ(T,λ)=∆ (λ), ϕ˜(T,λ)=∆˜ (λ), ϕ′(T,λ)=∆ (λ), ϕ˜′(T,λ)=∆˜ (λ). 1 1 11 11 It follows from ϕ(x,λ)=ϕ˜(x,λ) for x≥T/2 that ∆ (λ)=∆˜ (λ), ∆ (λ)=∆˜ (λ). 1 1 11 11 a.e. Using Theorem 2, we conclude that p(x)=p˜(x) and q(x) = q˜(x) on (0,T). Theo- rem 1 is proved. ✷ 10 C.F.YANGANDV.YURKO 5. Counterexamples Example 1 (To illustrate that if condition S does not hold then Theorem 1 is false) Suppose that T = π, U (y) = y(0), U (y) = y(π/2), p(x) = p(x+π/2) and 1 2 q(x) = q(x + π/2) for x ∈ (0,π/2), p(x) 6≡ p(π − x) and q(x) 6≡ q(π − x) for x∈(0,π). Take p˜(x):=p(π−x) and q˜(x):=q(π−x) for x∈(0,π). ThenBVP L˜ : Eq.(1) 1 with p˜(x) = p(π −x) and q˜(x) = q(π −x), y˜(x) = y(π−x), and the conditions U (y˜)=V (y˜)=0; 1 1 BVP L˜ : Eq.(1) with p˜(x) = p(π−x) and q˜(x) = q(π−x), y˜(x) = y(3π −x), 2 2 and the conditions U (y˜)=V (y˜)=0; 2 1 BVP L˜ : Eq.(1) with p˜(x) = p(π/2−x) (also equal to p(π −x)) and q˜(x) = 0 q(π/2−x) (also equal to q(π−x)), y˜(x) = y(π −x), and the conditions U (y˜) = 2 1 U (y˜)=0. 2 Here ∆ (λ) is the characteristic function for Eq.(1) with y(0) = 0 = y(π); 1 ∆ (λ) is the characteristic function for Eq.(1) with y(π/2)=0=y(π); ω(λ) is the 2 characteristicfunction for Eq.(1) with y(0)=0=y(π/2). From the above fact the following relations are true: ∆ (λ)=∆˜ (λ), ∆ (λ)=∆˜ (λ), ω(λ)=ω˜(λ), 1 1 2 2 and, in view of (13), M(λ)=M˜(λ). Note that Λ , Λ , and Ξ are sets of zeros for characteristic functions ∆ (λ), 1 2 1 ∆ (λ) and ω(λ), respectively. Since p(x) = p(x+π/2) and q(x) = q(x+π/2) for 2 x∈(0,π/2),thereholds ω(λ)=∆ (λ), i.e. Ξ=Λ . Thus forall λ∈Ξ(=Λ )then 2 2 2 it yields λ∈Λ , which implies that Ξ∩Λ 6=∅. 1 1 Now M(λ) = M˜(λ) and ω(λ) = ω˜(λ), but Ξ∩Λ 6= ∅. In Theorem 1 condition 1 S does not hold. In fact, at this case p(x) 6= p˜(x) := p(π−x) and q(x) 6= q˜(x) := q(π−x). This means, that the specification of M(λ) and ω(λ) does not uniquely determine the functions p(x) and q(x). Example 2 (To illustrate that even if condition S and M(λ) = M˜(λ) hold without the assumption that ω(λ)=ω˜(λ) then Theorem 1 is false) Suppose that T =π, U (y)=y(0), U (y)=y(π−α), where α∈(0,π/2). 1 2 Let p(x) 6≡ p(π − x) and q(x) 6≡ q(π − x), and (p(x),q(x)) ≡ (0,0) for x ∈ [0,α ]∪[π−α ,π], where α ∈(0,π/2). If α<α , then λ =πn/α, n∈Z\{0}. 0 0 0 0 n2 Choose a sufficiently small α < α such that Λ ∩Λ = ∅. Clearly, such choice 0 1 2 is possible. Then Λ ∩ Ξ = ∅, i.e. condition S holds. Otherwise, if a certain 1 λ∗ ∈Λ ∩Ξ, then λ∗ ∈Λ ∩Λ ; this contradicts to the fact that Λ ∩Λ =∅. 1 1 2 1 2 Takep˜(x):=p(π−x)andq˜(x):=q(π−x).Notethat∆ (λ)isthecharacteristic 2 function for the problem −y′′(x)=λ2y(x), y(π−α)=0=y(π); and ∆˜ (λ) is the characteristic function for the problem 2 −y′′(x)=λ2y(x), y(0)=0=y(α). A simple calculation shows Λ =Λ˜ = πn,n∈Z\{0} . 2 2 α At this case ∆ (λ) = ∆˜ (λ), ∆ (λ) = ∆˜ (λ), and consequently, M(λ) = M˜(λ). 1 1 2 (cid:8) 2 (cid:9) Now in Theorem 1 condition S holds, and M(λ)=M˜(λ). In fact, in this example,

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