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Records of the Inland Carpet Python 'Morelia spilota metcalfei' (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in the North East Catchment Management Area, north-east Victoria, and the implications for fire planning PDF

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Preview Records of the Inland Carpet Python 'Morelia spilota metcalfei' (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in the North East Catchment Management Area, north-east Victoria, and the implications for fire planning

Research Reports Records of the Inland Carpet Python Morelia spilota metcalfei (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in the North East Catchment Management Area, north-east Victoria, and the implications for fire planning Damian R Michael'-2,3 and Jerry Alexander4 'Ecotone Wildlife and Habitat Assessments, Albury, NSW 2640 :Schoo! of Environmental Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Albury, NSW 2640 'Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200 ‘Department of Environment and Primary Industries, 1 McKoy Street, Wodonga, Victoria 3690 Abstract A study to obtain records of the endangered Inland Carpet Python Morelia spilota metcalfei Wells & Wellington 1984 was conducted in the North East Catchment Management Area, north-east Victoria, between August 2010 and February 2011. A range of survey methods were used to procure recent and historical records. In¬ terviews with resident landholders and staff from natural resource management agencies produced 27 python records from 18 new localities. Nineteen records were authenticated and eight records remained unconfirmed. Most sightings were made by resident landholders from the late 1960s to the early 1980s and originated from Mount Pilot, Burrowa-Pinc Mountain, Mount Mittamatitc, Mount Granya, Mudgegonga, Rosewhite and the Warby Ranges. These new localities should be considered in regional and statewide conservation planning for the species. Vegetation assessments at each location revealed an association with Granitic Hills Woodland (EVC No. 72), confirming that north-facing remnants and granite land forms are important habitat for the Inland Carpet Python in north-east Victoria, and warrant further protection. Fire planning in the upper Mur¬ ray region should consider fire intensity and the seasonal timing of burns to reduce the risK of habitat loss and mortality. Key recommendations, based on the ecological requirements of the Inland Carpet Python, include implementing small-scale, low intensity fires during late autumn. (The Victorian Naturalist 132 (2) 2015, 36-43) Keywords: Pythonidae, Morelia spilota, fire planning, granite landforms Introduction The Inland Carpet Python Morelia spilota met¬ In Victoria, the Inland Carpet Python occurs in calfei (formerly M. s. variegata) Wells & Wel¬ River Red Gum Eucalyptus camuldulensis forest lington 1984 is one of two sub-species of python along the Murray River (Robertson and Hurley that occur in Victoria (Wilson and Swan 2013). 2001), eucalypt woodland and Mallee vegeta¬ The Diamond Python M. s. spilota occurs along tion types in western Victoria (Robertson et al. the east coast of Australia, extending from Point 1989), as well as granitic woodland such as the Hicks in Victoria (approximately 100 km south Warby Ranges near Wangaratta (Heard et al. of the Victorian border) to the northern rivers 2004). In southern New South Wales, the In¬ region of New South Wales (Swan et al. 2004). land Carpet Python is predominantly restricted The Inland Carpet Python occurs west of the to large granite and metamorphic landforms Great Dividing Range, extending from central (Michael and Lindenmayer 2008). The species Queensland to the Warby Ranges in Victoria is relatively catholic in its use of shelter sites, (Coventry and Robertson 1991) and as far as the which include tree hollows, hollow logs, rock Eyre Peninsula in South Australia (Schwaner et crevices, subterranean cavities, disused rabbit al. 1988). Recently, Taylor (2005) identified high burrows (Heard et al. 2004), grain sheds and levels of gene flow among Carpet Python sub¬ roof cavities (Shine 1994). species, suggesting morphological differences Anecdotal evidence suggests that Inland Car¬ were due to local adaptations rather than genetic pet Python populations have declined over divergence among populations. These findings the last 100 years (Shine 1994; DSE 2003). Ac¬ suggest that python populations in eastern Aus¬ cordingly, the species is listed as endangered in tralia may no longer warrant sub-specific status. Victoria (DSE 2013) and regionally endangered The Inland Carpet Python occupies a broad in the Western division of NSW (Sadlier and range of vegetation types, including swamps, Pressey 1994; Sadlier 1994). Prior to this study, woodlands and forest (Wilson and Swan 2013). the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas contained 172 36 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports records of the species in Victoria (DEPI 2014), 2) Placing an advertisement on the notice despite anecdotal reports of pythons being boards of general stores in the towns of relatively common in the River Red Gum for¬ Bellbridge, Bethanga, Walwa, Tintaldra and ests along the Murray River. However, in other Cudgewa; parts of Victoria records of the Inland Carpet 3) Conducting a letter drop to approximately 100 Python are scarce (DEPI 2014). For example, landholders along the Murray River Road; 19 records of the species exist in the North 4) Posting an article on the NE Landcare web¬ East Catchment Management Area (NECMA), site www.northeast.landcarevic.net.au/news/ and only two records exist within the upper carpet-python; Murray region, one from near Walwa and the 5) Publishing an article in Odatria, the online other from the western slopes of Burrowa-Pine newsletter of the Victorian Herpetological Mountain National Park (DEPI 2014). Society http://vhs.com.au/wp-content/up- This study aimed to procure additional records loads/2011 /05/Odatr ia_9_A PR 112.pdf; of the Inland Carpet Python in the NECMA, 6) Engaging in a community consultation proc¬ with particular focus on obtaining records and ess which included interviewing 11 long-term information on the habitat requirements of the farmers (i.e. resident for more than 20 years) species in the upper Murray catchment. Infor¬ and seven new residents of ‘small blocks’ in mation collected in this study will be used to the upper Murray catchment, particularly assist with lire planning in Mount Granya State landholders between Bellbridge and Tin¬ Park, Mount Lawson State Park and Burrowa- taldra. Long-term residents were visited based Pine Mountain National Park (Michael 2011). on recommendations by other landholders in the region; Methods 7) Informal conversations with staff from natu¬ Study area ral resource management (NRM) agencies The study area included the NECMA in north¬ including the North East Catchment Man¬ east Victoria, an area bounded by the Murray agement Authority (NECMA), Parks Victoria River in the north, the Victorian Alps in the and Department of Environment and Prima¬ south, the Warby Ranges in the west and the ry Industries; NSW border in the east. The area covers 1957 000 8) Conversations with colleagues and environ¬ ha and supports agriculture, forestry, tourism mental consultants. and manufacturing industries (NECMA 2011). 9) Informal conversations with landholders The main bioregion in the area is the Northern during a field day at Wises Creek (Vincents Inland Slopes, a region characterised by flood¬ Reserve) Flora and Fauna Reserve, Talgarno; plains, grassy valleys and undulating foothills. 10) Conducting a media release and interviews Historically, the Northern Inland Slopes sup¬ with Prime News, WIN News and Edge FM, ported a rich diversity of dry forest and wood¬ Wangaratta in October 2010; land Ecological Vegetation Classes (EVCs), 11) Publication of an art icle in the Border Mail; including large tracts of Box-Ironbark Forest, 12) Field surveys, involving 80 person hours Granitic Hills Woodland, Herb-rich Woodland, searching for animals, sloughed skins or scats Valley Woodland and Riverine Grassy Wood¬ in Mount Granya State Park, Mount Lawson land. Many of these EVCs are now threatened by State Park and Burrowa-Pine Mountain Na¬ extensive clearing of native vegetation and habi¬ tional Park between October 2010 and Febru¬ tat degradation caused by routine agricultural ary 2011. practices (http://www.depi.vic.gov.au/). Based on prior knowledge of the species’ habi¬ Survey protocols tat (e.g. Heard et al. 2004; Michael and Linden- Records of the Inland Carpet Python were ob¬ mayer 2008), field surveys targeted north-facing tained using a range of methods. TTiese included: slopes within Granitic Hills Woodland and in¬ 1) Reviewing the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas data¬ volved scanning logs, rocks and tree branches, base (http://www.depi.vic.gov.au/environment- inspecting tree hollows, hollow logs and rock and-wildlife/biodiversity/victorian-biodiversity- crevices, and raking beneath shrubs and dense atlas), scientific and unpublished literature; vegetation. During January, two nocturnal road Vol 132 (2) 2015 37 Research Reports surveys were conducted along the Murray River once lived on their properties. However, this Road between Bellbridge and Tintaldra (a dis¬ knowledge is rarely documented or entered into tance of approximately 120 km). wildlife atlas databases. Similarly, NRM staff To authenticate sightings, witnesses were members are frequently contacted by the local asked to describe the details of their observa¬ community with information of wildlife sight¬ tion. They were then shown a series of pictures ings, but again many sightings remain uncon¬ depicting different colour morphs, as well as firmed and undocumented. Records that cannot images of other local snake species. Sightings be positively identified should not be registered were considered authentic if witnesses clearly with the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas (VBA), as recognised the species from the pictures or misidcntified animals can cause potential prob¬ their descriptions conformed to ‘typical* py¬ lems with the quality of data that can be used in, thon behaviour (i.e. observed climbing or bask¬ for example, species distribution models. ing in trees, or observed with a ‘rabbit-sized’ The information provided in this study will bulge in the stomach). Where possible, the lo¬ be useful not only for fire planning in the upper cation of each sighting was visited, vegetation Murray, but will be of particular value to public assessments were conducted and GPS co-ordi¬ and private land managers interested in protect¬ nates recorded. Where second- or third-hand ing (and potentially re-creating) habitat that is information was obtained, attempts were made critically important to pythons and their prey. We to contact the original source. Records were obtained 18 new localities where the Inland Car¬ classified as unconfirmed if the original source pet Python had previously never been recorded could not be contacted. in the NECMA (Fig. 1). Many of the new locali¬ ties originated from the upper Murray region, Results and included areas such as Bellbridge, Mount The surveys procured a minimum of 27 addi¬ Granya, Thologolong, Guys Forest, Corryong tional Inland Carpet Python records from 18 and Mount Mittamatite. In addition, new locali¬ new localities in the NECMA (Fig. 1). Nine¬ ties outside of the upper Murray region included teen records were considered authentic and Mount Pilot, Eldorado, Rosewhite, Mudgegon¬ eight records remained unconfirmed (Table ga, Lurg and Glenrowan (Table 1). These new 1). The majority of records were obtained via areas should now be considered in regional and interviews with resident landholders and con¬ statewide conservation planning for the species. versations with NRM staff. No records were Python sightings at these locations have some obtained during field surveys of the large for¬ features in common, namely aspect and geology. est blocks. Most records obtained by resident Vegetation assessments at each site revealed a landholders were from sightings of the species strong association with Granitic Hills Woodland during the late 1960s to the early 1980s and EVC. This EVC is therefore a critically impor¬ originated from Mount Pilot, Burrowa-Pine tant component of the species’ habitat require¬ Mountain, Mount Mittamatite, Mount Granya, ments in north-east Victoria, and concurs with Mudgegonga, Rosewhite, Glenrowan and the similar findings from the Warby Ranges (Heard Warby Ranges (Table 1). The Mudgegonga and et ai 2004) and the South-west Slopes of NSW Rosewhite sightings, if authentic, represent sig¬ (Michael and Lindenmayer 2008). This study nificant range extensions. thus provides additional evidence to suggest that Discussion protecting remnants of Granitic Hills Woodland This study used a range of survey methods to should be a high priority in conservation plan¬ obtain records of the Inland Carpet Python, ning for this species. with varying success. Survey results suggest Records from near Rosewhite and Mudge¬ that important historical information on dis¬ gonga suggest that the species occupied a much tinctive rare species can be obtained by inter¬ wider geographical range than is currently rec¬ viewing long-term landholders and staff from ognised. Interestingly, the authors are aware of NRM agencies. Farmers who manage proper¬ several anecdotal records from further south, in ties over many family generations often acquire the Goulburn Broken catchment. For example, valuable knowledge on the types of animals that on 4 November 2011, an adult Inland Carpet 38 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports q <y £5<u<S&cacP>u3 ^1—^3uo£°Q»J 1 ’<<VX03OE>cocS0u U.X9°Xf^ScC0cotc/)3-TXi0 -—^JCC-xCcx3vCCa/X5-JX ' f’x"g S0Oog;3 yO2.z>. 3Xg<o*> 5<ggcO~ ®SEo£*D> b«o<<uCS£goxeuX a *CL2§dES8£XP? > ^.gV5q <3§n033 ^^oga ro£sSSocon. J>.CC§SMSo2EoX<3i- ) (cid:9632)—iCE. ‘ "£CtSOuo» £<C^£u02u3•X -cqr^co«IC3xt- I.> 03 *CO31c< °EiCuX toSSCxL 2PD.c^SCJ 31 wi TB033 • §.£ ^ -~ |3 (cid:9658)PO ^01s oo . -rt <u g a •s & XX X3 §’5. 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I_7DBE^CaaO:, - IV"O*uE3b—3—2B- Ii57?«yq>3oc£3 j3«3r u--l1OtOJoToxoOr- l ?T——-*|Cw6J-0 c> =I7OIcgS st-(cid:9632)aoSTJaOl Idl “ClgO. .l2c1x o. + N ate u Os D i3 ~ n Elevatio(metres) e d u git n o L e d u atit L u ed 60 m W5 2 c y 5 §(^ 2ci S TO 5i- *« •TO£ alit 2^O >«C . s/ u c§ 2£ S» s^cx li «c?_ (cid:9632)>£% cwx Loc 231 -O3S o«- On-l C3Q ^2 2o 2.ts ^ V. O 2O 2.3 a ^ ^ TO 40 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports Fig. 1. Location of previously undocumented records of the Inland Carpet Python Morelia spilota metcalfei in the North East Catchment Management Area, north-east Victoria. Python (presumably) was sighted from Swampy Sutherland pers. comm.). The European Rabbit Riparian Woodland 1 km north of the township can develop a resistance to myxomatosis (Kerr of Strathbogie (K Petrovic pers. obs.). Two un¬ and McFadden 2002), and for this reason the confirmed python sightings also exist from near species is still common in agricultural land¬ Ruffy. One sighting was from a chicken coop scapes. However, 1080 baits also kill non-target (S Sass pers. comm.) and the other, in October species such as native rats Rattus sp. and pos¬ 2012, was from a granite outcrop near Mount sums (Mcllroy 1982), which are prey items of Tickatory (I Morton pers. comm.). It is possible pythons in general (Fearn et al. 2002). Thus, that pythons may still inhabit granite country as loss of prey abundance and variety may have far south as Tallarook. However, given the lack contributed to declines in the Inland Carpet of recent sightings from areas such as the Lurg Python (Shine 1994). Hills, it is likely that python populations have Implications for fire planning been fragmented for many generations, result¬ 'Hie majority of the records obtained in this ing in population declines and probably local study were from the upper Murray catchment. extinction. Our findings clearly indicate that This region contains three large forest blocks python observations have become much fewer that are managed by Parks Victoria and the and more sporadic in the past 25 years (Fig. 1). Department of Environment and Primary In¬ One reason why the Inland Carpet Python may dustries (formerly Department of Sustainabil¬ have declined in areas where it was once com¬ ity and Environment). Planned fires in these mon may relate to prey availability. One land¬ forest blocks occur on a regular basis to meet holder noted that pythons disappeared shortly State targets (Recommendation 56: http://www. after populations of the European Rabbit Oryc- royalcommission.vic.gov.au/Assets/VBRC-Fi- tolagus cuniculus declined following the intro¬ nal-Report-Recommendations.pdf). Below, we duction of myxomatosis, particularly after 1080 review the relevant literature and outline key poison baits were used in the early 1970s (P Vol 132 (2) 2015 41 Research Reports recommendations to help guide fire planning quire open habitats are favoured, whereas spe¬ in potential Inland Carpet Python habitat such cies that depend on unburnt habitat are disad¬ as Granitic Hills Woodland. vantaged. Regrowth vegetation (and correlated Two studies have examined the effects of fire canopy cover) can also reduce solar penetration on pythons. One study on the Western Austral¬ and hence the abundance of heliothermic rep¬ ian Carpet Python Af. s. imbricata found that tiles (Michael et ai 2011). The Inland Carpet fire affects the species in complex ways depend¬ Python often basks in open places that receive ing on the intensity and extent of the burn high amounts of solar radiation (Shine 1994). (Pearson et ai 2005). For example, high severity High intensity planned burns that promote fires can destroy hollow logs (shelter sites) but dense regrowth (thickets of vegetation) may also promote dense shrub regeneration (habitat reduce basking sites. Furthermore, planned for prey). The second study on the Diamond burns which result in the removal of canopy fo¬ Python from the east coast of Australia found liage may increase terrestrial behaviour, which time-since-fire and fire intensity had no influ¬ in turn may expose the species to greater risk of ence on home range size (Michael et ai 2013). predation by introduced predators, such as the However, despite the paucity of investigations European Fox Vulpes vulpes (Heard et ai 2006). on the effects of fire on the Inland Carpet Py¬ To reduce the risk of creating stands of dense thon, known aspects of its ecology should be regrowth, we recommend that planned burns considered when planning fire in Granite Hills are low intensity. Woodland. These include: 1) use of arboreal The Inland Carpet Python preys on a range habitats, 2) breeding locations, 3) thermoregu¬ of small to medium-sized mammals (Shine latory behaviour and 4) prey availability. We 1994), including introduced species such as provide recommendations in relation to these the European Rabbit (Heard et al. 2004). Post¬ topics in more detail below. fire changes in the amount of habitat available Two studies have found the Inland Carpet can have a significant influence on mammalian Python to be arboreal in late summer and au¬ prey (Fox and McKay 1981), especially hollow- tumn (Heard et al. 2004; Corey and Doody dependent fauna such as possums and gliders 2010). Corey and Doody (2010) also found that (Gibbons and Lindenmayer 2002). Post-fire non-breeding females and juveniles tend to be surveys of arboreal marsupials near Gerogery, more arboreal than adult males. When in trees NSW, indicate that the abundance of the Com¬ pythons generally bask on exposed limbs or mon Brush-tail Possum Trichosurus vulpecula high within the canopy, and may remain in the and the Common Ring-tail Possum Pseudo- same tree for several weeks (D Michael pers. cheirus peregrinus can be significantly reduced obs.). Furthermore, breeding females incubate (D Michael unpublished data). Hence, the clutches of up to 25 eggs in either cavities below loss of mature, hollow-bearing trees may have the ground (D Michael unpublished data) or a long-lasting effect on the distribution and within hollow logs between January and March abundance of prey. To reduce the risk of losing (Heard et al. 2006). Thus, fires that are planned hollow-bearing trees, we recommend the use of for the late summer to early autumn have the low intensity planned burns. potential to consume canopy foliage and kill This study has highlighted the value of inter¬ non-breeding females and juveniles. Fire dur¬ viewing resident landholders to obtain histori¬ ing this period may also kill females brooding cal information on a distinctive rare and cryptic within hollow logs. To reduce the risk of habitat species. Our findings suggest that pythons may loss and mortality during the breeding season, have (or at least had) a much wider distribution we recommend that burns should be conducted than previously recognised, and further surveys in early spring or late autumn. are required to verify anecdotal sightings out¬ Successive changes in vegetation structure side of the species known range. In north-east following high-intensity fire can influence the Victoria, the conservation of the Inland Carpet composition of reptile communities (Masters Python will be enhanced by reducing potential 1996; Lindenmayer et ai 2008; Smith et ai risks associated with planned burning opera¬ 2013). Soon after intense fire, species that re¬ tions in Granitic Hills Woodland. Key manage - 42 The Victorian Naturalist Research Reports ment recommendations based on the ecology of Michael DR (2010) What makes a good rocky outcrop? In What Makes a Good Farm for Wildlife? pp. 97-11. Ed DB the species include implementing small-scale, Lindenmayer. (CSIRO Publishing: Melbourne) low intensity fires during late autumn. Michael DR (2011) Conservation and management of the Inland Carpet Python (Morelia spilota ssp. metcalfei) in Acknowledgements North Eastern Victoria with implications for fire planning in the upper Murray. Report to the Department of Sustain¬ DM would like to thank Rob Fenton, David Star, Pe¬ ability and Environment, Wodonga. ter Sutherland, Ian Davidson, Glen Mawson, Nick Michael DR and Lindenmayer DB (2008) Records of the In¬ Clemann, Peter Robertson, Janice Mentiplay-Smith, land Carpet Python, Morelia spilota metcalfei (Serpentes: Steve Sass, Karolina Petrovic, Michael O’Sullivan, Pythonidae), from the South-western Slopes of New South Jim Jambrell, Dave Smith, Nigel Jones, Glen Johnson, Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South John Silins, Kelton Goyne and Shaun Huguenin for Wales 129, 253-261. Michael DR, Cunningham RB and Lindenmayer DB (2011) assisting with information. Geoff Barrow kindly pro¬ Regrowth and revegetation in temperate Australia presents vided access to unpublished material, and Anthony a conservation challenge for reptile fauna in agricultural Cheeseman assisted with GIS mapping. We thank landscapes. Biological Conservation 144, 407-415. Nick Clemann for reviewing and improving an ear¬ Michael DR, Cunningham RB, MacGregor C, Brown D and lier version of this paper. This project was funded Lindenmayer DB (2013) The effects of prey, habitat het¬ by the North East Catchment Management Author¬ erogeneity' and fire on the spatial ecology of peninsular ity and the former Department of Sustainability and Diamond Pythons (Morelia spilota spilota: Pythonidae). Austral Ecology' 39(2), 181-189. Environment. This project was conducted under the NECMA (2011) North East Catchment Management Au¬ DSE research permit number 10005355. thority. www.necma.vic.gov.au. Pearson 1), Shine R and Williams A (2005) Spatial ecology References of a threatened python (Morelia spilota imbricala) and the Corey B and Doody JS (2010) Anthropogenic influences on effects of anthropogenic habitat change. Austral Ecology 30, the spatial ecology of a semi-arid python. Journal of Zool¬ 261-274. ogy 281.293-302. Robertson P and Hurley VG (2001) Report on habitat of the Coventry AJ and Robertson P (1991) 7he Snakes of Victoria: Inland Carpet Python (Morelia spilota metcalfei) in the A Guide to Iheir Identification. (Department of Conserva¬ Mildura Forest Management Area. (Department of Natural tion and Environment: East Melbourne) Resources and Environment: Melbourne) DSE (2003) Inland Carpet Python Morelia spilota metcalfei. Robertson P, Bennet AF, Lumsden LF, Silveira CE, Johnson Action Statement: Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, PG, Yen AL, Milledge GA, Lillywhite PK and Pribble HJ No. 175. Department of Sustainability and Environment, (1989) Fauna of the Mallee study area north-western Vic¬ East Melbourne, Victoria. toria. (Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research: DSE (2013) Advisory List of Threatened Vertebrate Fauna in Victoria) Victoria - 2013, Department of Sustainability and Envi¬ Sadlier RA (1994) Conservation status of the reptiles and ronment, East Melbourne, Victoria. amphibians in the Western Division of New South Wales DEPI (2014) Victorian Biodiversity Atlas. Department of En¬ - an overview. Lti Future of the fauna of Western New South vironment and Primary Industries, Victoria. Wales pp. 161-167, Eds D Lunney, S Hand, P Reed and D Fearn S, Robinson B, Sambono J and Shine R (2002) Pythons Baker. (Surrey Beatty and Sons: Sydney) in the pergola: the ecology of 'nuisance carpet pythons Sadlier RA and Pressey RL (1994) Reptiles and amphibians of (Morelia spilota) from suburban habitats in south-eastern particular conservation concern in the Western Division of Queensland. Wildlife Research 28. 573-579. New South Wales: a preliminary' analysis. Biological Con¬ Fox BJ and McKay CM (1981) Small mammal responses to servation 69, 42-54. pyric successional changes in eucalypt forest. Australian Shine R (1994) The biology and management of the Dia¬ Journal of Ecology 6, 29-41. mond Python (Morelia spilota spilota) and Carpet Python Gibbons P and I.indenmayer DB (2002) Tree Hollows and (M. s. variegata) in NSW. (NSW National Parks and Wild¬ Wildlife Conservation in Australia. (CS1RO Publishing: life Service: NSW) Melbourne) Schwaner T, Francis M and Harvey C (1988) Identification Heard GW, Black D and Robertson P (2004) Habitat use by and conservation of carpet pythons (Morelia spilota itnbri- the inland carpet python (Morelia spilota metcalfei: Pytho¬ cata) on St. Francis Island, South Australia, Herpetofauna nidae): seasonal relationships with habitat structure and 18, 13-20. prey distribution in a rural landscape. 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