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Records of the Genera Hypomecis, Cleora and Alcis (Geometridae; Ennominae) from Thailand, with Descriptions of Three New Species and One New Subspecies PDF

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Preview Records of the Genera Hypomecis, Cleora and Alcis (Geometridae; Ennominae) from Thailand, with Descriptions of Three New Species and One New Subspecies

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan metwt 7bJ 6to Ga, 42(4}:271-28 81,991 Records of the Genera Htmpomects ,Cieora and Alcis (Geometri d; aEennominae) from Thailand, Descriptions Three New with of Species One New Subspecies" and RikioSATo 472-2, Makio, Niigata, 950-21 Japan Abstract Thirty-four Thai spccies of the genera HlyPo?nec iCsl,eov aand Alcis are recorded. J(IPomeci sstueniizgi, HL mon'utii and Alcis chiangmaiensis and Cleova venastan'a thaiensis are described as new to science, Key Ibl)omecisC,leova,Alcis, descriptionTsh,ailand. words records and A large number of Ennomine specimens, belongin gto the genus LlyPomecis HtiBENER and it sallies, were collected in Thailand by the members of the Lepidopter- ological Expedition sof the Universit yof 0saka Prefecture to Thailand in 1981, 1983, 1985 and 1987, and by Dr. M, OwADA, one of the members of the Overseas Scientific Research project of the National Science Museum in 1987. All the specimens belong- ing to H)ipomeci sand its allies were submitted to rne for the taxonomic study, Besides ,I examined a small collection of the Zoologica lMuseum, Copenhagen, col- lecte dby Mr. Ole KARsHoLT and his colleagues in 1984 ,and some material donated to me by Mr. S. SAITo in 1987, Here are enumerated 34 species of H)Pomecis, Cleova and Alcis ,includin gthree new species and one new subspecies, as the firs tpart of my reports. The detailed accounts of the Lepidopterologic aElxpedition sof the Universit yof Osaka Prefecture to Thailand were given by KuRoKo & MoRiuTI (198 7an)d MoRiuTi (1989 ).The species recorded for the firs ttime from Thailand are indicated with an asterisk after specles name, Abbreviation s.Collector s,HK: HiroshiKuRoKo, SM: SigeruMoRiuTi,TS: TosihisaSAITo. YA: Yutaka ARITA. YY: Yutaka YosHIyAsu. MO: Mamoru OwADA. The locatio nof the specimens. BMNH: British Museum (Natur aHlis- tory), London. NSMT: National Science Museum, Tokyo. UOP: Entomological Laboratory ,Universit yof Osaka Prefecture, Sakai, Japan .ZMC: Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark. RS : R, SATo. 'Scientific Result sof the UOP Lepidepterologi cEaxlpeditions to Thailand ,)(o .47 . This work was supported by Grants-in-a idfor Overseas Scientif iRcesearch (Nos.560410 55710,43046, 58041061, 59043055, 60041062, 61043057, 6204108 7and 63043062) from the Japan Ministr yof Educatien, Scienc eand Culture, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 272 Rikio SATo dePoneeciHstiBNER,[1821] The members of U)tPomeci sare widely distributed in the Indo-Malayan and Palaearcti cregions, but no species has hithert obeen recorded from Thailand , In this paper 11 species are added to the Thai fauna ,two of them being described as new to sclence. H)Pomecis transciss a(WALKER)' Boamaia transciss aWALKER, 1860, List :")ecimens lePid .kesects Co-n Bx imy. 21 : 380, Serraca trenscissa: MooRE, [18S7 ]Le,pid. Caylo n3: 416, pl,190: 3, 3a, H)Pomecis transcissa :SA'ro, 1988, Hbteioc. sumatx 2: 129. Boar,,i itaineatan 'WAaLKER, 1866, List S?)ecim elnesPid .insect sCogl nBr, Mus. 35 : l585 Chciga( lka2tiPenn iBsuTLER, 1881 ,Illza stt),ipi cSaZl)ecz' nLzoepinds. Heterocera Colln Br. Mus. 5 ] 103, pl, 136;2. Boarmia vatvkeria SwlNHeE, 1894 ,Trans .ent. Soc ,Lvnd. 1894: 216 ,pl,2: 18, Specimen sexamined. Chaiyaphum, Chulabhorn Dam, ca 700m, 1 cin 1 9, 14 viii. 1987(SM, TS, YA, YY). Nakhon Nayok, Khao Yai ca 800 m , 1 ci-, 7, viii ,1981, 3 di, Z5 .viii. 19Sl (HK, SM, YA, YY), 2 cin ,11-19 .xi. 1985 (SM, TS, YA), 1 cr, 7. viii. 1987, 38, 8. vii. 1987 ,2di, 24-25 .viii. 1987, 1di2g, 21. ix. 1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY). Phitsanulok, Tong Salaeng Luang, ca 550m, 1 cin, 24-25 .viii .1987 (MO), Remarks. The male genitalia of this species were illustrat ebdy SATo (1990: 262) ,together with those of some allied species fror nIndonesia. H)Pomecis inLIZxz z(rWiAaLKER)' ,comb. ney. (Fig s1 .& 2) Boarmia injxan' WaALKER, 1860, List SPecime nlsopi di.nsec tCsolln Br. A4us. 21 : 379. Specimens examined. Chiang Mai, Doi Pui, ca 1300m, 1 cln, 1-4 .ix .1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY). Loei ,Phu Rua, ca 800m, 1cin ,15-19 ,viii, 1987 (SM ,TS, YA, YY). Kanchanaburi, Erawan, 1 di, 19. viii, 1981 <HK ,SM, YA, YY). Remarks. The male genitalia (Fi g1.8) are very similar to those of tvanscissa b,ut differe nats follows .Medial part of gnathos larger ,a pair of processes on tegumen extending well beyond apex of uncus, twe toothed bands on vesica nearly equal in length ,while in tvanscissa one band is half the length of the other. H>Pomecis liQPtilan'(aSwlNHoE)* 1loarmia liQPtilan -SawlNHoE, 1903, Flasc .madyenses. 1: 91. IImpomeci slioPtila :n S'AaTo, 1988, Ilbtero c.sumatr. 2 : 129. Boarmia uoPtilan'a (misspell i: nHgo)LLowAy, 1976, Mbths of Borneo tvith specia Rleerence to Mount Kinabalb : l82. Specimens examined. Chiang Mai, Doi Suthep, ca 600 rn,14, 20. v, 1983 (HK, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan H)Ponzecis .Cleor aand Alcis from Thailand 273 SM, YA, YY), 2 di ,8-10 ,viL 1966 (H. INouE),2 di,26 ,iv ,1987,1 cfn, 1. v, 1987 (S .& A, SAITo) ; Doi Pui, ca 1300 m, 3 (i- , 26-27 .x. 1985 (HK, SM, TS, YA) ; Doi Chang Khian, 2 di , 21, vii, 1981 (HK, SM, YA, YY) ; Doi Inthanon, Maeo Khun Klang, ca 1300 m, 16- 17. 1983(MO). Chaiyaphum,ChulabhornDam, 700m, 1 14. 1987(SM,TS, x. ca cl, viii. YA, YY). Nakhon Nayok, Khao Yai, ca 800 m, 3 di 25 ,viii, 1981 (HK, SM, YA, YY), , 1 di , 15. vi. 1983 (HK, SM, YA, YY), 9 dn , ll-19. xi, 1985 <SM, TS, YA), 2 di ,T 7, viii. 1987, 1 di, 8. viii, 1987, 1 di 1 #, 22. ix, 1987, 2 di 1 \, 23. ix. 1987, 1 di, 24, ix, 1987 (SM ,TS, YA, YY). Petchabun, Lom Sak, Nam Nao, ca 800m, 1 cn, 18-19, viii. 1987 (MO). Chanthaburi,Khao Soi Dao, 400 14, 24-25. 1987(SM,TS, YA, YY); ca m, viii. Khitchagut ,ca 500 m,1 di,5, x, 1985 (HK, SM, TS, YA). thPomec iPsrocursar (iWaALKER)* ,comb. nov, Boarmia Procursar iWaALKER, 1860, List Slpecime nlsePid .insects Colgn Bx n4be s2,1 : 375. Specime nexaminecl, Kanchanaburi, Erawan, 1 c{n, 19, viii. 1981 (HK,SN, YA, YY). Remarks. Male genitalia as shown in Fig,2e. Tegumen with a pair of short processes ; medial plate of gnathos almost rectangular, much longer than width; a row of short spines on vesica, lbopomecis costhcxr i(aGuENEE)* Boamaia cosldn'a GuENEE, 1857 ,in BolsDuvAL & GuENEE, Hist, nat. insecte s(Lepid 9.:) 242. I(}Ponze cciossta7ia / SA'ro ,1988, Heteroc .stt}natr .2: 242. Boamaia x),loPte,uta SNELi.EN, 1895, Dt. ent. Z. Iri s5 : 148. Specimens examined. Nakhon Nayok, Khao Yai, ca 800 m, 3 di 1 4, 11-19 ,xL 1985 (SM, TS, YA), 2 di , 7, viii. 1987, 1 \, 8. viii. 1987, 1 9, 9. viii. 1987 ; 1 ci- , 21 ix. 1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY). Petchabum, Lom Sak, Nam Nao, ca 800m, 1 di ,18-19. viii. 1987 (MO) .Surat Thani, Phanom, Khao Sok Natn. Pk., ca 100m, 4 dn 10-11. viii. 1987 (MO), HyPomec tsusbdet7uctaria subdetraetaria (PRou'r)* BOarmia subdetrtzctaria PRouT, ]923, AJovit .2ool. 30 : 211 <replacemen ntame). Boar'n2i adetvactari aMralker, 1866, Lis tS7)ecime nlsopi di.nsect Csoiln Bx Mus. 35 : 385 (nom. praeocc., nec Walker, 1860 : 357}. IlyPomect s'zsabdetractan'a : SATo, 1988, Ubteroc. suneatr. 2: 130. Specime nexamined. Ranong, Kapur, Khlong Nakha, ca 50m, 1 di, 12-13. viii. 1987 (MO). Remarks. The subspecies sulazvesensis was describe dfrom Sulawesi by SATo (1990), NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 274 RikioSA'ro thPomecis (MooRE)* cinemcea Astaczad ocineracea MooRE, 1888, in HEwlTsoN & MooRE, Descx netv b2dian lopid .Insects colln late Mr PV S. AT?fiivc s: o2n44, Boarmia cineracea : HoLLowAy, 1976, Moths of Borneo with speci aRlqferenc eto n4bun tKinabalt :t 82. Ibipomecis cinetacea : SATo, 1988, Iileter ocsu.matx 2 : 129. Aic!l gdecmpitat WaIT.EMAN, 1911 ,Entomolagis 4t4 : 344. Syn. nov. Specimens examined. Chiang Mai, Doi Suthep 2, 8, 26. iv .1987 (S .& A. SAiTo) ; Fang,1 r, 29-31, x, 1985 (HK, SM, TS, YA); Doi Chang Khian, ca 1250 m,1 s, 29. v. 1983 (HK, SM, YA, YY);Doi Pui, ca 1300 m,3 ci-, 26-27 .x. 1985 (HK, SM, TS, YA). Nakhon Nayok, Khao Yai, ca 800 m, 2 cin, 14. vi, 1983, 4 di, 15. vi. 1983 (HK, SM, YA, YY), 6 dn, 11-19, xi, 1985 (SM ,TS, YA), 2 ci- 2 \, 7. viii. 1987 ,2 cii, 8, viiL 1987 ,1 or ,9. viii. 1987, 2 cii, 21. ix, 1987, 3 cin 1 9, 22, ix .1987 ,1 di, 24. ix ,1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY), Chanthaburi ,Khao Soi Dao, ca 400 m, 1 s, 24-25. viii. 1987 (SM ,TS, YA, YY). Remarks, Alcis decmpitat cWzILEMAN was describe don the basi sof one male from Kanshirei(==KuantylinTgai,nan Hsien)inTaiwan. My collected examination of the holotype and it sgenitalia has shown that deeropimla is conspecific with H] cineTucea (MooRE ),Specimens of Taiwan examined as follows. Holotype of decTe- Pitata. labelled"K,anshirei, Formosa,1000ft,29.iv.1908,A. E.Wileman!TypefAlcis {i- , decrepitata sp, n., Type, r/795afWileman Coll, B,.M. 1929-261/Geornetrid saleide, No. 6095' 'B,MNH. Other materiaL Taipei Hsien, Urai, ciT, 2-4. v. 1973 (M.YA){A- MoTo); Kaohsiung Hsien ,Shanping ,ca 750m, 1 cl, 6-7. iii .1987 (K.NAKANo); Tengchih ,ca 1600 m,1 {7 1 5Z ,3. xi. 1987 (WEN LuNG CHEN), RS. thPomeci snopaiensis (HAMpsoN)* c,omb. nov. (Fig s3 .& 4) Medasina nopalensis HAMpsoN, 1902,f Bo7nbay nat. Hist. Sbc .14] 509, Drp'ocoei iscinenicea, ab. stfbalbide WARREN, 1896, IVbvi tzo.ol. 3: 403 (unavailable). Specimen examined. Chiang Mai, Doi Inthanon Nat, Park, ca 1600 m, 1 ", 22-24, 1984(KARsHoLT,LoMHoLDT & NIELsEN),ZMC. x, Remarks, Subalbido was describe dfrom several specimens of paler aberrant form oi cineracea taken at Khasias simultaneeusly with the ordinary form. Therefore the name "subalbidd" has no status by the Code of Zoological Nomenclature. This species is distinguished from cineracea by the followin gcharacteristics. Male anten- nal pecten a littl e]onger ,wings without greyish tint ,irrorated with brown, lines broader ,and underside much paler, In male genitalia (Fig s2,1 & 22) ,uncus shorter, tegumen with a pair of small triangular projections ,valva broader at middle, with harpebearinglonger ampulla and spines, llmpomecis stueningi sp. nov, (Fig s5 .& 6) Length of forewing dn 30mm. Similar to nopalensis, but separable from it as follows .Both wings dark brown, more densely irrorat weith black ; lines black ,more NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan H]LPomeci sC,leov aand Atci sfrom Thailand 275 clearly defined . Underside of wings white, faintl yhued with yel]ow; subterminal band-like black shade more sharply defined a,nd parallel with outer margin of wings ; discocellul asprot larger ,roundish, wholly black. Female unknown, Male genitalia (Figs. 2&3 24) .Very similar to those of nePalensis. A pair of processes on tegumen more developed ,twice as long as wide ; median plate of gnathos broader; cornuti composed of two rows of short spines, a dentate plat eand a stick- like precess as in nopalensis, the last being shorter without serrate side. Holotype. di, Thailand ,Chiang Mai, Doi Inthanon Nat. Park, ca 1600m, 22-24. 1984(KARsHoLTL,oMHoLDT & NIELsEN),ZMC, x, Remarks, The name of this species is dedicate dto Dr. Dieter STUNING, who kindly gave me a lot of useful infprmation on the Thai Hj/Pomecis. "ypomecis moriutii sp. nov, <Fig s7-.9) Length Qf forewing. 8 22-25mm, 4 25-26mm. Tegula, patagia, abdornen and thoracic vestiture greyis hbrown ; labial palpus brown. Male antenna bipectinat eth,e longes tpecten about 10 times as long as the length of the segment, apical one-fourth non-pectinated ; female antenna simple. Legs grey ; hind tibia without hair-penci]. Forewing: 12-veined ,Ri and Rz very shortly stalked; greyish brown; medial area between antemedial and postmedial line slighte rthan rest of wing ; line sblack ,ill- defined ,antemedial line gently excurved, postmedial lin emedially excurved beyond discocellula rspot, enlarged into black band near inner margin; subterminal line crenulate; discocellul asprot black ,a short streak, sometimes vanished. Hind wing similar, but antemedial lin ewanting and medial band-lik elin epresent ; postmedial line more strongly crenulate. Underside: grey with broad and dark dista lbapd, leaving pale rectangular mark at apex of forewing ;lines black ,broader than on upperside, antemedial line wanting, postmedial lin eon forewing started from black costal spot, less excurved on forewing ,les screnulate on hindwing; discocellul asprot larger. Male genitalia (Figs.25&26 ).Similar to those of nePalensis and sttteningi. Tegumen without any processes on each side posteriorly .Median plate of gnathos as wide as base of,tegumen, with a rounded apex. Valva slenderer, tapering towards apex, Harpe less developed ,with fewer spines. Cornuti composed of a row of many short spines, a small plate and a stick-like long process serrate at one side as in nopalensts, Female genitalia (Fig.2 7S)t.erigma with sclerotized, elliptical median area. Colliculu mdeveloped ,Bursa copulatrix slender, posterior third ribbed and lightly screlotized, and the remainder membranous, with a very small signum. Holotype . di, Thailand ,Petchabun, Lem Sak, Nam Nao, ca 800m, 18-19, viii, 1987 (MO) ,NSMT. Paratypes ,3 di 2 \. 1 cfn, same data as holotype ,NSMT ; 1 0 1 \, Chiang Mai, Doi Inthanon ,Maeo Khun Klang, ca 1300 m, 16-17. x, 1983 (MO), RS ; 1 M, Doi Pui, ca 1300 m, 26-27 .x. 1985 (HK, SM, TS, YA), UOP;1 \, Doi Pakia, ca 1500 m, 24. v, 1983 (HK, SM, YA, YY), UOP. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 276 RikioSATo Remarks, The specific name is dedicate dto Dr. Sigeru MoRIuTI, who is one of the Ieaders of the UOP Lepidopterologic aElxpeditio nto Thailand, U)tPomeci ssePa7zzta (WALKER)* ,comb, noy. (Fig 1.0) Boarmia soparata WALKER, 1860, List EIPecimens topid .insee tsColln Br. Mtts. 21: 381. Pke"dungerona sePanita:MooRE, [1887],Lopi dC,aylbn3: 414. Boarmia retmctan'a WALKER, 1860, List SPecime nlsepid .Insects Colln Bx vatt s2.1 : 386. Boama2i aintectar WiAaLKER, 1862 ,List Sbect'm etnesPid i.nsec tsColl nBr. Mhrs. 26 : 1535. Specimens examined. Chaiyaphum, Chulabhorn Dam. ca 700 m,1 csn,14, viii, 1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY), Nakhon Nayok, Khao Yai, ca 800m, 1 di, 25. viii. 1981 (HK, SM, YA, YY), 1 cfT , 14. vi, 1983 (HK, SM, YA, YY), 1 di , 11-19, xi. 1985 (HK, SM, TS, YA), 1 di 2 9,7 .viii. 1987,1 di,8. viiL 1987,2 cl,23. ix. 1987,2 c?i,24, ix ,1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY). Chanthaburi ,Khao Soi Dao, ca 400 m,2cfn, 7-8 .x. 1985 (HK ,SM, TS, YA). Phitsanulok, Tong Salaeng Luang, ca 550m, 1 (1, 24-25. viii. 1987 (MO) . Phuket, Nam Tok Ton Sai ,ca 300m, 17-18. x, 1985 (HK, SM, TS, YA). Nakhon Si Thammarat, Tha Sala Nop Pitam, Khao Luang Natn. Pk. H. Q. ,ca 120 m, 2 di 6, 9, viii. 1987 (MO) ; , Tha Sala Kra Raw, Kan Leong, Khao Luang Natn. Pk., ca 650m, 1 cii, 7-8. viii. 1987 (MO). Surat Thani, Phanom Khao Sok Natn. Pk., ca 100m, 1 0, 10-11. viii. 1987 (MO). Remarks, The genus Rseuclangerona was established for this species by MooRE ([1887 ]4:13). This species is a typical member of H)lpomeci sb,ecause the male antennal pectens are full yscaled dorsall yt,he veins Ri and R2 on forewing short- stalked in male and the R2 is coincident with Ri in female ,and the male and female genitalia (Fig s19. & 28) are of the ordinary type of IlyPomeci s,Therefore Rseudonge- Tona MooRE, [1887 s]h,ould be a juni osurbjective synonym of Hptomecds (syn .nov.). Cleor aCuRTIs, 1825 In Thailand the genus Cleora CuRTis ,1825 ,has been represented by seven species, In this paper I will record 14 species with a descripti oonf one new subspecies. Cleova alienaria (WALKER} Boanuia alienaria WALKER, 1860, Lis tSZ)ecim elnospid i,nsec tCsolln Bx Mtts, 21 : 370. Cieom atienan'a: PRouT, 1929, Bull. MU Mus. PVitla y3: 189, pl.5: 4 ([n-genitalia), Specimen sexamined. Chiang Mai, Fang, 3c7T1\, 18. vii. ]981 (HK, SM, YA, YY); Doi Pakia, ca 1500 m, 1S, 5-7 .ix. 1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY); Doi Pui, ca 1300 m, ldn ,26-27 .x, 1985 (HK, SM, TS, YA), 1di,1-4 .ix, 1987 (SM ,TS, YA, YY); Doi Pui, Phu Phing Palace ,ca 1400 m,1di, 7-9, ix .1987 (MO> ;Doi Inthanon, Mae Kland, ca 1300 m, 1di, 8-12. ix .1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY); Doi Suthep, ca 1200 m, lc{ i2,3. x. 1983 (MO); Doi Chang Khian, ca 1250 m, 1,11\, 25, x. 1985 (HK, SM, TS, YA), Loei, Phu Rua, Natn. Pk., ca 1200 m, 1di, 21. viii, 1987 (MO) ; Phu Luang Wildlif eSanctuar yc,a NII-Electronic Library Service TThheLee piLdeoppteirdoloopgitcaelrSooclieotygical Society oofJfap anJapan Hiibomec iCgse.ora and Agcis fromThailand 277 )}l!f, ' t. .s;."x 1 2 /ts}l'・ tsstlr /t 7 ,・8・' 9 Figs.1-1 0.IbPomecis spp. 1. HL in)deur i<aWALKEi{) .tii .2. Ditto ,underside, 3, H/ nePalensis (HAMpsoN) c.7. 4. Ditto,undersi de5., H/ stueningi sp. nov. di, holotype. 6. Ditto ,underside, 7. H/ mon'utii sp, nev. cfn, holotype, 8, Ditto, underside. 9. Ditto ,5t,paraty p1e0.. HL sapavald (WALKER} .c7. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 278 Rikio SATQ 700-900 m, lcl19, 8-14, x. 1984 (MO) .Nakhon Nayok, Khao Yai, ca 800m, lc? ,26. viii. 1981 (HK, SM, YA, YY), 2\, 14, vi, 1983, 3cj n 15. vi. 1983 (HK, SM, YA, YYL 3 di , 1\, 11-19. 1985(SM,TS, YA),1?, 10. 1987(SM,TS, YA, YY). Nakhon Si xL viii. Thammarat, Tha Sala ,Kra Raw, Kan Leong, Khao Luang Natn. Pk, ca 650m, 1 o 19, 7-8, 1987(MO), Kanchanaburi, Tham Than Lot, 800 lcl,21, 1981 viii, ca m, viii. (HK,SM, YA, YY), lo, 22-24. 1985(SM,TS, YA). Chanthaburi,Khao SoiDao, xi. ca 400m, 7 r 1 4, 24-25, viii, 1987 (SM ,TS, YA, YY), Ranong, Na Kha, ca 250 rn, 1 ?, 15, x. 1985 (HK, SM, TS, YA); Kapur, Khlong Nakha, ca 50 m,1 9, 12-13 .viii. 1987 {MO). Cleorahatern(aMooRE) Chogaci nhaterna MooRE, 1888, in HEwlTsoN & MooRE, Descr .new india ntePi di.nsect sCoUn inte th PVIS,AwfnxsoN:245. Cleom fintem a: PRou'r, ]929, ButL Uill Mtts ,PVitl e3l: ,192, pl.5: 5 {di-genitalia). Specimens examined. Chiang Mai, Doi Inthanon ,Maeo Khun Klang, ca 1300m, 2 di 1 9, 16-17. x. 1983 (MO) ,10, 8-12. ix, 1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY); Doi Inthanon, South Ridge, ca 1650 m, 1 cii, 18-21 .x. 1983 (MO); Doi Pakia, ca 1500 m,1 4, 23. vii. 1981 (HK, SM, YA, YY), 6 M 2 9, 5-7. ix .1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY) ; Doi Pui, Phu Phing Palace, ca 1400 m,4 di,7-9 .ix, 1987 (MO); Doi Suthep, 1 cl,24. vii, 1981 (HK ,SM, YA, YY). Chaiyaphum, Chulabhorn Dam, ca 700m, 1 6P, 14 .viii. 1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY), ChanthaburKih,ao SoiDao, 400 1 24-25. 1987(SM,TS,YA, YY). ca m, [ln, viii. Remarks, Boarmia acaciaria BoisD. recorded by TAMs (192 : 4273) from Me Song and Bangkok in Thailand probably belongs to the present species. Cleoredeterminata(WALKER)* Boanuia deierminataWALKER, 1860,List$Z,ecimelnesPid.insectsCollnBr.Mtzs.2t 384. : Cteora cleterminala/ PRouT, 1929, Bull. HiU tatts .wrtlay 3: 200, pl.6: 13 (6i-genitalia). Specimens examined. Nakhon Si Thammarat, Tha Sala, Kra Raw, Kan Leong, Khao Luang Natn, Pk,, ca 650m, 1 cii, 7-8. viii. 1987 (MO) . Sura tThani, Phanom, Khao Sok Natn. Pk., ca 100m, 1 di ,10-11. viii. 1987 (MO), Clbor adecisar i(aWALKER) Boarfni adecisan 'WaALKER, 1866, List Sbecime nlsopi db.tsec tsCogln Bx Mus. 35 : 1589. Cleo, udeeisari aPiRouT, 1928 ,inseet Ssamoa3 (3) :157 ,161 ,text-fig .2A (e-genital iPar)o;ut ,1929, Bblll .HiO Mz{s .Vavtt e3J: )205 ,pl.6: 21 <e-genitalia). Specimens examined, Chiang Mai, Pakia, 1 s, 23. vii. 1981 <HK, SM, YA, YY), Chanthaburi ,Khao Sei Dao, ca 400m, 1 c?n, 24-25, viii. I987 (SM, TS, YA, YY). NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan H)/Pomecis ,Cleom and Atcis from Thailand 279 Cleorainiectari(aWALKER) Boat7nia injectari aWAT.KER, 1860, List S)becin eleenpisd .Jnsects Colln Br. Mus, 31 : 376 Cteoi aimp'ectaria:PRo u1'9r2,9, BzdL HiU iVzss, PWtle) ,3: 210, pl.7: 26 (,--genitalia). Specimen sexamined. Chanthaburi ,Plew Chantaburi ,1 cl, 10. viii. 1981 (HK, SM, YA, YY) ; Phliu, 1 di, 23 & 26. viiL 1987 (SM ,TS, YA, YY), Nakhon Si Thammarat, Tha Sala ,Kra Raw, Kan Leong, Khao Luang Natn. Pk., ca 650 m, 1 di , 7-8, viii, 1987 {MO), Remarks. This species was recorded as a pest of mangrove, RhigoPhom can- delari aDc (Rhizophorace aien )T,hailand ([Departme notf Agriculture, Royal Thai Goverment & U.S. Opert. Miss. Thailand], 1965 : 87). Cleo7u (SNELLEN)' concentvan'a Boarmia concentvan'a SNELLEN, 1877, 1'ijidsch xEbet .20 : 40, t. 3, fig 2,0. Cleom concentmria : PRouT, 1929, Bttll .Hill ldus. PVitl a3j; ,209, pl.7: 25 {6ny-genitalia). Specimen sexamined. Chiang Mai, Doi Pui, ca 1300 m, 14, 1-4. ix. 1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY) ; Doi Inthanon, Mae KIang, ca 1300 m, lci n8,-12 .ix .1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY), Nakhen Nayok, Khao Yai, ca 800m,lcii, 11-19, xL 1985 (SM ,TS, YA). Kan- chanaburi, Tam Tarn Lod, 1 di, 21, viii, 1981 (HK, SM, YA, YY). Chanthaburi ,Phliu, ca 100 m, 23 & 26. viii. 1987 (SM ,TS, YA, YY), Cleora venttstaria tltaiensi ssubsp, nov. (Fig 1.1) Boarmia venerstan'a LEEcH, 1891, Entomolagist 24, suppl. i 44. Atcis venustaria: INouE, 1956, Check List LePid, .1opa n3: 322. Chagaha vent{stan'a:INouE, 1959 ,Jbon .Hlat I.aPon .CoL Nat. 1: 210 ,pl,147:2. Cteor avenustan'a : FLETcHER, 1967 ,Bzdl .Br, Mus. nat. IIZst ,(Ent. s)up,pl. 8: 112. Length of forewing . di, 18mm, Different from the nominate subspecies from Japan in a reduction of yellowish brown irroration of both sides of wings, which has Female much paler appearance, unknown. Male genitalia (Fig 2.9). Similar to the nomi- nate subspecies, but the forked harpe is more developed. strongly H o l o t y p e . d i . T ha i l a n d , C h i a n g M a i , D o i- Pakia, ca 150 m, 5-7, ix .1987 (SM, TS, YA, YY), UOP. Remarks. This species was describedfrom Japan and late rrecorded from Korea by SHINwlngsharpeFig.11, (1983 ).The Korean population has darker than the Japanes eones, but the shape of Cleor avenustaria thaiensis shows it belongs to the nominate subspecies. subsp. nov. di, holotype. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 280 Rikio SATo Cleom (FLETcHER)* cucullata .tltsconebuldein &zrecomotds eucullata FI.E'rcHER, 1953 ,Ann, Mizg ,naL Hdst ,(12 )6:105, pl.3:12, pl.4:37 {cJi- genitalia), Ctz7ecomot iczsacuglata fltsconebut aFtLEaTcHER, l953, Ann. Mttg. nat Mst. {12 )6: 106. Cleov acucullate ]?esconebul a: tFaLETcllER ,1967, Bull. Bx img. nat, HisL (Ent. )su,ppl.8: 113. Specimens examined. Chiang Mai, Doi Suthep, ca 600m, 1 cin, 24. vii. 1981 (HK, SM, YA, YY), Nakhon Nayok, Khao Yai, ca 800 m, 1 s, 15. vi. 1983 (HK, SM, YA, YY), 3 di ,i 11-19. xi. 1985, 1 cli , 22-24, xi, 1985 (SM, TS, YA), 4 r 2 ?, 7. viii. 1987 ,3 0, 8. viiL 1987, 1 \,9 .viii. 1987, 3 ,ln 1 4, 10, viiL l987 ,3 un, 22. ix. 1987 ,1 cii,23. ix, 1987 (SM ,TS, YA, YY), Khao Yai Nat. Park, ca 700 m,1\, 29. ix-6 .x, 1984 (KARsHoLT, LOMBOLDT & NIELsEN),ZMC, Remarks. The nominate race was describ efdrom Naga Hills ,Assam, Cleoiz ionycha onycha (FLETcHER)" (lirecomoti sonycha FLETcllER, 1953, Ann. Mitg. nat. IIZst .(12 >6: 63 ,64 (c{i-genitalia), Cleora onycha onycha: FLETcllER, 1967, BulL Bx Mits nat. Hist. (Ent. )su,ppl.8: 133. Specimens examined. Nakhon Nayok, Khao Yai, ca 800 rn, 1 (1, 15. vi. 1983 (HK, SM, YA, YY), 1 di , 11-19 .xi, 1985 (SM ,TS, YA), 1 di n1 9, 7. viiL 1987 ,4 cln, 8. viii. 1987, 1di14, 23,ix,1987 (SM,TS, YA, YY). Cieo7z zropulsan-a (WALKER)' Boa,7ni ampulsari aWAr.KER, 1860, List Slr)eci mleonpsi dk.isect sCogln Br, thts. 21 : 374. Carecomotis rqPuLsan'a:FLETcHER, 1953, Ann, bldg. nat. Hdst .(12 )6:118 ,pl,3:19, pl,4i39 (cJn- genitalia). Cleor ampulsari a: FLETcHp)ER ,1967, Bull. Bx Mus. nat. Hist ,(Ent. )su,ppl, 8 : 133. Specimen examined, Chiang Mai, Doi Pui, ca 1300 m, 1 \, 26-27. x. 1985 (SM, TA, YA). Cleom biclavat(aFLETcHER) Can2comotis biclavat aFLE'rcHER, 1953, Ann. Mdg, nat. Hist .<12 )6: 115, pl.3: 1 ,pl.4: 3Z (di- genitalia). Cleo, ubiclava t: aFLETcllER ,1967, Bull. B= Mus. nat, Hist, <Ent. >s,uppl.8: 113. Specimen examined. Nakhon Si Thammarat, Tha Sala Kra Raw, Kan Leong, ca 650m, Khao Luang Natn. Pk, 1 (in, 7-8. viii. 1987 (MO>. Remarks. This species was described from Surnatra ,but one male specimen taken in Thailand ,lablell e"Sidam, Nakon Sri Tamarata, Khao Ram", was designated as one of the paratypes (FLETcHER ,1953). NII-Electronic Library Service

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