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Records of Birds Breeding Collected by Dr W. Ansorge in Angola and Gabon PDF

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Preview Records of Birds Breeding Collected by Dr W. Ansorge in Angola and Gabon

DavidBeadleet al. 239 Bull. B.O.C. 2003 123(4) AmazonianBrazil. Pp.543-547inRemsen,J.V.(ed.)StudiesinNeotropicalornithologyhonoring TedParker. Orn. Monogr. No.48. Ridgely,R. S. &Tudor,G. 1994. ThebirdsofSouthAmerica.Vol. 2.Univ.TexasPress,Austin. Zimmer,K.J.,Parker,T.A.,Isler,M. L.&Isler,P. R. 1997. SurveyofasouthernAmazonianavifauna: the Alta Floresta region, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Pp. 887-918 in Remsen, J. V. (ed.) Studies in NeotropicalornithologyhonoringTedParker. Orn. Monogr.No.48. Addresses: David Beadle, 4 Yarmouth Gardens, Toronto M6G 1W4, Canada. Arthur Grosset, 17 St Thomas Road, Edinburgh EH9 2LR, Scotland. Guy M. Kirwan, 74 Waddington Street, Norwich, NorfolkNR24JS,UK.JeremyMinns,RuaItapolis, 1570,01245-000, SaoPaulo, SP, Brazil. ©BritishOrnithologists'Club2003 Records ofbirds breeding collected by DrW. Ansorge in Angola and Gabon & byWR. J. Dean, M. P. Walters R.J. Dowsett Received23July 2002 From 1903 to 1909, Dr. W.J. Ansorge (1850-1913, a medical doctor, traveller and authorofUndertheAfricanSun(1899)),inaseriesofexpeditions,collectedanumber ofbirds and their eggs in southern and central Angola, in south-western Gabon, Guinea-Bissau and in the Cape Verde Islands. The major portion of his earlier collections ofbirds, from 1903 to 1906, went to the Walter Rothschild Zoological Museum at Tring, and subsequently to the American Museum ofNatural History (Traylor 1963). SomeofAnsorge'searliercollectionsofbirdsandeggsfromAngola in 1905, andhislatercollectionsofbirds, fromGabonin 1907, andAngola, Guinea- BissauandtheCapeVerdeIslandsduring 1908and 1909,wenttotheBritishMuseum (Natural History) and are now at The Natural History Museum, Tring. Ansorge's collectionsfromGabonin 1907(alongthelowerOgooueriver)wereneverpublished (Randetal. 1959). RJD knows of84 avian taxa described onthe basis ofAnsorge's holotypes from these two countries (76 fromAngola and 8 from Gabon). Nearly all these specimens are in either The Natural History Museum, Tring (BMNH) or AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory(AMNH). OneofAnsorge'searliercollections, about200setsofeggslargelyfromsouthernAngolaandGabon,isnowintheBMNH. Data from this collection were not citedby Pinto (1983), andWRJD was not aware ofitsexistencewhencompilingthetext fortheBirdsofAngola (Dean2000). Some, but not all, of these breeding records were listed by Traylor (1963), but often incompletely, eitherwithout locality orwithout date. AnumberofthespecimenscollectedbyAnsorgeprovidetheonlybreedingrecords forsomespeciesforAngola,andsignificantlyincreasethenumberofbreedingrecords and dates for others. The records from Gabon are fewer, but do include breeding WR.J. Dean et al. 240 Bull. B.O.C. 2003 123(4) recordsforthepoorly-knownLong-leggedPipitAnthuspallidiventris(forwhichthe eggs have neverbeen described) and several other species ofinterest. Angola RED-BILLED FRANCOLINFrancolinus adspersus Twoclutches,bothc/2,collectedatDongoena( 17 01'S, 14 45'E),CuneneProvince, on 1 1 and 19April 1906, supplement the breeding data given by Dean (2000). LESSER MOORHEN Gallinula angulata c/4 collectedat Que (Que R.) (14° 28' S, 14 47' E), Huila, on 15 January 1906, c/6 collectedatCatequero, 19 March 1906, andc/5 collectedatDongoenaon31 March 1906 are the only records ofeggs ofthis species forAngola (Dean 2000). BLACKSMITH PLOVER Vanellusarmatus c/2 collected at Dongoena on 11 April 1906. CROWNED PLOVER Vanellus coronatus A single egg collected at Dongoena on 19April 1906 is the only record ofeggs for Angola (Dean 2000). In Zambia, the majority of 111 records are oflaying July to October, and all but fourof76 clutches were c/2 orc/3, so a single egg is probably & incomplete (Colebrook-Robjent Dowsett unpublished). DOUBLE-BANDED SANDGROUSE Pterocles bicinctus A single egg, probably an incomplete clutch, collected atNamibe town (15° 12' S, 12 09' E), Namibe, on 7 May 1906, supplements the sparse data in Dean (2000). CAPE TURTLE DOVE Streptopelia capicola Two clutches, both c/2, collected at Dongoena on 28 March and4April 1906. BLUE-SPOTTEDWOOD-DOVE Turturafer C/2, collected at Dondo, Cuanza Norte (09 41' S, 14 25' E) on 23 July 1908 supplements data in Dean (2000). This record was listedbyTraylor (1963) without locality. ROSY-FACED LOVEBIRDAgapornis roseicollis Foureggs, collectedatCatequero(16 34' S, 14 54' E), Cunene, on 19 March 1906. Pinto (1983) gave only one breeding record ofthis relatively common species. SCHALOW'STURACO Tauraco schalowi Oneegg,nolongerintact,takenfromtheoviductofafemalecollectedatChissamba (12 10' S, 17 20'E),Bie,on 19November 1904.Theonlyotherrecordsofbreeding are a nestling collected on the Luce River, 11 Oct (Bowen 1932), and ajuvenile collected atAndulo in November (Pinto 1983). W.R.J. Dean etal. 241 Bull. B.O.C. 2003 123(4) GREY GO-AWAY-BIRD Corythaixoides concolor c/1 and c/2 collected 2April 1906, c/3 collected 19April 1906 and c/3 collected 21 April 1906 at Dongoena, supplement the breeding records in Dean (2000). YELLOWBILL (GREEN MALKOHA) Ceuthmochares aereus AnestcollectedatN'Dalatando, CuanzaNorte(09 19' S, 14 57'E)on6November 1908. Listed by Traylor (1963). A female collected on the same date at the same locality (BMNH reg. no. 1910.5.6.327) was possibly taken atthe nest. SQUARE-TAILED NIGHTJAR Caprimulgusfossii Two clutches, both c/2, collected at Benguelatown on 14 Septemberand2 October 1904 respectively, addto the only other egg record forAngola (Braun 1934). FIERY-NECKED NIGHTJAR Caprimulguspectoralls Oneegg,probablyanincompleteclutch,collectedatBenguelatown,on25 September 1904, supplements the data inTraylor (1963), Pinto (1983) and Dean (2000). RUFOUS-CHEEKED NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus rufigena One egg, probably an incomplete clutch, collected at Benguela town, Benguela, on 19 September 1904. No egg records were givenby Dean (2000). PENNANT-WINGED NIGHTJARMacrodipteryx vexillarius Two clutches, both c/2, collected at Benguela town on 22 September 1904, add to the numberofegg records given in Dean (2000). RED-FACED MOUSEBIRD Urocolius indicus Twosingleeggswithoutdate,c/2withoutdatecollectedatBenguela,andc/3 collected 12 October 1904 at Catumbela, Benguela Province, are the only egg records for Angola. PURPLE ROLLER Coracias naevius One clutch of three eggs, collected at Catequero (16 34' S, 14 54' E), Cunene Province, on 18 March 1906, is the onlybreeding record forAngola. RACKET-TAILED ROLLER Coracias spatulatus Asingle egg, doubtlessanincomplete clutch, collectedatBenguelatown(12 35' S, 13: 25' E), Benguela Province, on 13 September 1904. No egg records were given by Dean (2000). Breeding starts in September in Zambia. RED-BILLED HORNBILL Tockus erythrorhynchus A single egg, collected at Dongoena on 5 April 1906. Traylor (1963) noted coincidentally that nestlings were collected in the same locality and month. WR.J. Dean etal. 242 Bull. B.O.C. 2003 123(4) GOLDEN-TAILEDWOODPECKER Campethera abingoni A single egg collected at N'Dalatando on 4August 1908. Dean (2000) had no egg records forthis common and widespread species. AFRICAN PITTAPitta angolensis A single egg, together with a nest collected at N'Dalatando on 6 November 1908. An adult male (BMNH reg. no. 1910.5.6.454) was collectedatthe same localityon thesameday,possiblyatthenest.TheeggrecordwaslistedbyTraylor(1963)without locality. WIRE-TAILED SWALLOWHirundo smithii c/3 collected at Foz do Cavaco on 19 October 1905 is the only record ofeggs for Angola(Dean2000). InZambiathereareegg-layingrecordsforallmonthsJanuary- October, mainlyAugust-October (n = 109). BLACK CUCKOOSHRIKE Campephagaflava A single egg, probably an incomplete clutch, collectedat Gombo Sassenge (11° 54' S, 17 36'E), Bie, on3 November 1904, isthe onlyrecordofeggs forAngola(Dean 2000). YELLOW-BELLIED GREENBUL Chlorocichlaflaviventris c/2, without date, collected at Benguela. The only definite breeding and eggrecord forAngola (Dean 2000). RUFOUS-TAILED PALMTHRUSH Cichladusa ruficauda There are few breeding records for this relatively common near-endemic species (Dean2000).A single egg, probablyan incomplete clutch, collectedFoz do Cavaco (12 34' S, 13: 25' E), Benguela, on 19 October 1905. KALAHARI SCRUB ROBIN Cercotrichaspaena c/3, without date, collected at Benguela, is the only definite breeding record (Dean 2000). GROUNDSCRAPERTHRUSH Psophocichla litsipsirupa c/3 collectedatBenguelatownon 11 October 1904, andc/3 collectedatCaiala, Bie, on 13 October 1904(localitynotgivenintheaccessionsregisterbutAnsorgecollected at this locality on this day) addto the data given in Dean (2000). AFRICANTHRUSH Turduspelios c/3 collected at N'Dalatando on 8 December 1908 adds to the data given by Dean (2000). This record was listed byTraylor (1963) withoutprecise locality. WR.J. Dean etal. 243 Bull. B.O.C. 2003 123(4) KURRICHAINETHRUSH Turdus libonyana Three clutches, all c/3, collected at Caiala, two on 13 and one on 16 October 1904 (localitynotgivenintheaccessionsregisterbutAnsorgecollectedatthislocalityon these days), add significantly to the egg records in Dean (2000). LONG-BILLED CROMBEC Sylvietta rufescens c/3 collected,togetherwiththeadultfemale(AMNHreg. no. 599227)ontheCavaco river, Benguela on 3 November 1905. This adds to the single breeding record of November, without locality, given byTraylor (1963) (possibly the same record, but ifso, is not ascribed toAnsorge). AFRICAN PARADISE FLYCATCHER Terpsiphone viridis TwoeggscollectedatCaiala(12° 19' S, 17 07'E),Bie,on 15 October 1904,provide another record ofeggs ofthis common species. Listed as Rufous-vented Paradise- FlycatcherTerpsiphone rufocinerea in accessions register, but this species does not occurat this locality. RUFOUS-VENTED PARADISE FLYCATCHER Terpsiphonerufocinerea c/3 collected at N'Dalatando on 2 December 1908, together with an adult female (BMNH reg. no. 1909.8.5.45). provides the only egg record for Angola. Nest in m coffee tree about 2 ("6 feet" on label) from the ground. BLACK-AND-WHITE SHRIKE FLYCATCHERBias musicus c/2 collectedN'Dalatando on 13 November 1908 is the only eggrecord forAngola. WHITE-TAILED SHRIKE Lanioturdus torquatus Two eggs collected at Namibe [Mossamedes] on 27 February 1906, together with the adult (AMNH reg. no. 608459). This is the onlybreeding record forAngola for this fairly common species. BLACK-FACED BABBLER Turdoides melanops There are very few breeding records for this fairly common but range-restricted residentofdrywoodlands(Maclean 1993,Dean2000).Threeclutches; c/3 collected on28 March 1906 atTalaKilau, nearDonguena(17 01' S, 14 45' E), c/3 collected on 14 April 1906 at Ponangkuma, near Donguena, and c/2 collected on 19 April 1906 atPonangkuma.The eggsmeasure26.1-27.5 x 18.3-19.2 (26.5 x 18.7) andare arather faded turquoise, with a finely noduled shell surface. CAPE PENDULINETITAnthoscopus minutus c/5 collected on the Cavaco river, Benguela, on 4 November 1904, together with a male (AMNH reg. no. 683325) is the only egg record forAngola. W&J.Dean etal. 244 Bull. B.O.C. 2003 123(4) AMETHYST SUNBIRD Chalcomitra amethystina A single egg, probably a complete clutch, collected at Caiala on 14 October 1904, adds to the single record ofeggs in Dean (2000). MARICO SUNBIRD Cinnyris mariquensis c/2,withoutdate, collectedatBenguelatown, istheonlybreedingrecordforAngola (Dean 2000). PURPLE-BANDED SUNBIRD Cinnyris bifasciata Five clutches, each c/2, all without dates, collected at Benguela town. SUPERB SUNBIRD Cinnyrissuperba A single egg collected at N'Dalatando on 30 December 1908 is presumably the record without locality listedbyTraylor (1963). NORTHERN PUFFBACKDryoscopusgambensis c/3 collected atN'Dalatando on 12 November 1908 is the only breeding record for Angola. BROWN-CROWNEDTCHAGRA Tchagra australis A single egg, probably an incomplete clutch, and c/2 collected at Caiala on 14 and 17October 1904,c/2collectedatBingondo(12 04' S, 17 25'E),Bie,on21 October 1904, and c/2 without date collected at Benguela supplement egg records in Dean (2000). BLACK-CROWNEDTCHAGRA Tchagrasenegala A single egg, probably an incomplete clutch, collected at Benguela on 2 October 1904, adds anotherrecord ofeggs ofthis common species. FORK-TAILED DRONGO Dicrurus adsimilis A single egg, probably an incomplete clutch, collected at Benguela town on 10 October 1904. A numberofrecords ofeggs are givenby Dean (2000) CAPE GLOSSY STARLING Lamprotornis nitens AsingleeggcollectedatN'Dalatandoon26October 1908 istheonlyeggrecordfor Angola.Thisispresumablythebreedingrecord,withoutlocality,referredtobyTraylor (1963). GREAT SPARROW Passermotitensis A single egg, probably an incomplete clutch, without date, collected at Benguela town is the only egg record forAngola (Dean 2000). WR.J. Dean etal. 245 Bull. B.O.C. 2003 123(4) RED-BILLED BUFFALO-WEAVERBubalornis niger Six eggs (two clutches?) and five clutches ofthree eggs, all collected at Dongoena; c/6 andc/3 on2April 1906, andthe remainderon 14April 1904.These are the only records ofeggs forAngola (Dean 2000). SCALY-FEATHERED FINCH Sporopipessquamifrons Two clutches, c/3 and c/5 collected at Catequero, both on 17 March 1906, and two clutches collectedat Humbe (16c 40' S, 14° 55' E), Cunene; c/4 on 23 March and c/ 3 on 26 March 1906. Dean (2000) had no breeding records at all for this common species. WHITE-BROWED SPARROW-WEAVER Plocepassermahali Two clutches, both c/2, collected at Dongoena on 28 March 1906, supplement breeding data given in Dean (2000). THICK-BILLEDWEAVERAmblyospiza albifrons A single egg and c/3 collected on 22 December, and 2 x c/3 on 30 December, all at N'Dalatando, addto the breeding data given by Dean (2000). BLACK-NECKEDWEAVER Ploceus nigricollis A single egg collected atN'Dalatando on21 December 1908 provides the only egg record forAngola forthis not uncommon species. No definite breeding records for this species were given by Dean (2000). SOUTHERN MASKEDWEAVER Ploceus velatus Fourclutches collectedatChibemba(15° 46' S, 14 04' E), Huila, on2 March 1906, sixclutchescollectedatKimakua(betweenCahamaandHumbe) (16 30' S, 14° 25' E), Namibe, all on 14 March 1906; four clutches collected at Tuandiva (\6 32' S, 1444' E), Cunene, on 16 March 1906; one clutch collected at Humbe on 23 March 1906; one clutch collected at Dongoena on 31 March 1906. These supplement the already fairly extensive list ofbreeding records in Dean (2000). RED BISHOPEuplectes orix Twoclutches,c/2andc/3,bothcollectedatHumpata(14 57' S, 13 16'E), Huila,on 16 February 1906, and two clutches, c/3 on 26 March 1906 and c/4, without date, collectedatHumbe, supplementthe fairlyextensive listofbreedingrecordsinDean (2000). BLUEWAXBILL Uraeginthus angolensis Fiveclutches; c/5,withoutdate, collectedatHumpata; c/6collectedatCatequeroon 19March 1906;c/5 collectedatHumbeon26March 1906;andtwoclutchescollected at Dongoena, c/1 on 31 March and c/3 on 14 April 1906. No breeding records for this common species were given by Dean (2000). WR.J. Dean etal. 246 Bull. B.O.C. 2003 123(4) BLACK-THROATED CANARY Serinus atrogularis C/3, andtwo single eggs,probablyincompleteclutches, allcollectedatHumpataon 15 February 1906, andasingleeggfromthe samelocalityon26March 1906arethe only definite breeding records forthis species (Dean 2000). GOLDEN-BREASTED BUNTINGEmberizaflaviventris C/2 collected at Gombo Sassenge on2 November 1904 supplements the only other egg record (Bowen 1931). Gabon HAMERKOP Scopus umbretta c/5 collected at Ngomo (Ugomo, Ngowo), Ogooue river (00°49'S, 09°58'E) on 9 August 1907. FOREST FRANCOLINFrancolinus lathami Asingleegg,probablyanincompleteclutch,collectedatNgomoon26August 1907. AFRICAN JACANAActophilornis africanus A single egg, clearly an incomplete clutch, collected atAnda, LakeAzingo (00° 35' S, 10 02' E) inNovember 1907. WATERTHICK-KNEE Burhinus vermiculatus c/2 collected at Lac Onange (= Lac Anengue) (c. 01 00'S, 10°05'E), on 13 July 1907. WHITE-FRONTED PLOVER Charadrius marginatus Sixclutches; c/1 collectedatOdimba, (LakeOgamwe, 01 08'S, 10 00'E), on4July 1907;c/2andc/3 collectedatNtungo(LacOnange),Ogooueriver(OLOO'S, 10°05'E), 19 July 1907; c/2 collected at Lake ("Eliva") Elvolo (Lac Onange, Ogooue river, 01'00'S, 10°05'E), 24 July 1907; c/2 and c/3 collected at Ngomo on 12 August 1907. WHITE-HEADED PLOVER Vanellusalbiceps Five clutches; two c/3 collected at Odimba, Lake Ogamwe, on 2 July 1907; c/3 collected at Lac Onange, Ogooue river, on 5 July 1907; c/3 collected at Odimba, Lake Ogamwe, on 3 July 1907; c/3 collected at Ntungo on 17 July 1907. LITTLE TERN Sterna albifrons Tenclutches, 5 xc/2,4xc/3,c/4,allcollectedatNgowo(i.e.Ngomo)ontheOgooue river on 12 August 1907. Clutches of more than three eggs are unusual in West Africaandthis suggeststhatsomeoftheseeggswereincorrectlylabelled, [c/3 isnot unusual inWAfrica,paceUrbanetal. (1986),see,e.g. Hutson&Bannerman(1931), W.R.J. Dean etal. 247 Bull. B.O.C. 2003 123(4) MPW Latour(1973)]. examinedthese eggsandisofthe opinionthatthe c/4isnota clutch, but could be either four odd eggs or a c/3 with an egg from another clutch, eitherthroughegg-dumpinginthenest, oramixupwhentheeggswereaccessioned by the museum. Three ofthe eggs arejust similar enough to be the product ofone female,butthe4theggismarkedlydifferent, darkeringroundcolourandrounderin shape. AFRICAN SKIMMERRynchopsflavirostris Seventeen clutches, 5 x c/1, 7 x c/2, 5 x c/3, all collected at Ngowo on the Ogooue River, on 12August 1907. RED-EYED DOVE Streptopelia semitorquata c/2 collected at Ntungo, Lac Onange, Ogooue river (probably Ogouma (Agouma) town, Nkomi river, 01° 32' S, 10° 1 1' E), on 17 July 1907. GIANT KINGFISHERMegaceryle maxima c/3 collected atNgomo, on 10August 1907. PIED KINGFISHER Ceryle rudis c/2 and c/5 collected on 19 July 1907, and c/4 collected on 26 July 1907 together with the adult (AMNH reg. no. 635841), all at Lac Onange, Ogooue river. Locality for the eggs given as Ntungo, Lake Owange (= Lac Onange), Ogooue river, but locality on the skin is given incorrectly as "Ulales Eliva Zango, Ogone River". BLUE-BREASTED BEE-EATERMerops variegatus C/3 and 3 x c/4 collectedat Lac Onange, Ogooue river, all on23 August 1907. One female (AMNH reg. no. 600138) was collected togetherwith the eggs, which have BMNH since disappeared from the collection. GREY-RUMPED SWALLOWPseudhirundogriseopyga Fourclutches,allc/2,collectedatNtungo,LacOnange,on23 July 1907;c/3 collected at Munjue River (Lac Onange, Ogooue river), on 2August 1907. WHITE-THROATED BLUE SWALLOWHirundo nigrita Two clutches; c/2, withoutdate, collectedatNgome; c/3 collectedatLake ("Eliva") Elvolo (= Lac Onange, Ogooue river), on 4August 1907. AFRICAN PIEDWAGTAIL Motacilla aguimp A c/3 collected at Ntungo, on 23 July 1907. LONG-LEGGED PIPITAnthuspallidiventris C/2 collected at Ntungo, Lake Onange, on 23 July 1907, and c/3 collected at Lac Onange, Ogooue river, on 6 August 1907. The incubating adults (AMNH reg. nos W.R.J. Dean et al. 248 Bull. B.O.C. 2003 123(4) 571651 and 571652) were collected from both nests. The eggs ofthis species have never been described, and are pale greyish to buffy white, rather densely speckled alloverwithdarkbrownandslategreyspecklesandstreaks. Oneclutchismarkedly palerthanthe other, with the markings muchmore streaked. Onlyone egg fromthe clutch oftwo eggs (BMNH reg. no. 1941.7.9.120) is intact and it measures 22.6 x 16.3 mm. The eggs in the clutch ofthree (BMNH reg. no. 1941.7.9.120) are rather rounded and measure 20.7 x 15.8 mm, 20.9 x 15.8 mm and 21.0 x 15.7 mm. The onlyotherbreedingrecords knownare ofanestwithoneyoungandan infertile egg on 7 January 1954 at Bolombo, Democratic Republic ofCongo (formerly Zaire) (Demeyetal. 2000)andaclutchofthreeeggsfoundbyRJDandF. Dowsett-Lemaire in OdzalaN.R, Congo-Brazzaville, on 12August 1994, but not collected. YELLOW-THROATED GREENBUL Chlorocichlaflavicollis C/2 collected atAnda, LacAzingo, on 7 December 1907. WINDING CISTICOLA Cisticolagalactotes C/3 collected at Lac Onange, Ogooue river, on 15 July 1907. CASSIN'S FLYCATCHERMuscicapa cassini Two clutches, c/2 collected at Lambarene (0041'S, 10°12'E), on 30August 1907, andc/2collectedatLakeAssebe(probablyLacEsseb,00°30'S,09C32'S)on8January 1908.AtMakokouitbreedsNovember-March(31 nests),especiallyJanuary-February (Brosset&Erard 1986),butthereisaSeptemberrecordfromtheKouilouinCongo- & Brazzaville (Dowsett-Lemaire Dowsett 1991). AFRICAN PARADISE FLYCATCHER Terpsiphone viridis C/2 collected at Lac Onange, Ogooue river, on 29 July 1907. BROWN SUNBIRDAnthreptesgabonicus A single egg, perhaps a full clutch, collected at Lake Ogamewe (Ogemwe lac (Ogamwe, Ogewa), Ogooue river, 01 08'S, 10WE), on 15 June 1907, together withanadultmale(AMNHreg. no. 686275) (notedonskinlabel)butthelocalityon the skin is given as Umpokosa (Ngomo) Ogooue river (01 08'S, 10°00'E). VIOLET-TAILED SUNBIRDAnthreptesaurantium C/2 collected atAnda, LacAzingo, on 24 December 1907. CARMELITE SUNBIRD Chalcomitrafuliginosa C/2 collectedatAnda, LacAzingo, on 7 December 1907, anda single eggcollected at Lac Onange, Ogooue River, on 16 July 1907.

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