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AG HL 181.0671 Scot Murnitiski v. Stile of Florida ‘currant eur: 2rd DOA Siete out runber, ab 15h Ongiralvig eounys Lee Staifing ewe counsel Jol Salgado Unk: riminal Anprats géinm Tampa “Synopsis oo ~ Citegney jr aus: Crtminel Ofer Final Ganettutia ieee: None Challersed staat ‘Ge a eyo 5 Your cape openad: 29:8 Peiabiw envy: 04202018 State's mast rant setvy ature of monziaesot aeihty Adieonih ane” “there Lewot sourtnumos: TCAD ‘onset fue LOA iter: AG attzmeys previ Hy sig ot is case Oppesing euunsel category Prege Oypoelag counsel eaine! 08, Humor te 200 Prosecur Contact Numb Spuctt 5 partorte-Pia in supper of mation 86 tay carctién ndnlo reo Iurleaioton whlon resid wit the cic euuet-ram DB4/1O/1B-Pen Se~ Motion 13 stay sonvclion’sontoncing n court belaw-stlpped of defense Counse-io (4/70/18-Pro Se- Motion 9 agsir.eriminal detanse appellate ex una! DD4(#1:14-Fra Su- Moraorandum In 3uppart oF mation te tay convision senonce-the county Zour lacked inrisdcsion which casided wih the cireul coulanra (4/12"78-P10 Se- Memorandum Ip support of malian ta appoint Geunsa 3nd consoldate-im Dba 8/18-Pre Se- Mion io aselgr docket nLmbsr fo this Appeal orn canvician ane weMeiingsrM ar 9/18-Pis Se- Motion a Assipé Criminal Dolenge Apalate Counselmen (rz0r18-Plo Se-Notlce af Fling-netice of anlers under appeal 6 BA 2018-Gourt Order-Appeliant's “motio’ to assign docket riumber to this appeal from cenviclion and sentericing” = denied as moot-rim LV D470/18-Court Greer-Appellani’s motion Io correct vaplion ahd fo dockét flings in this appeal is granted rm (p4220/18-Pru Se-Motion le valve lng fee, sppellar:ia ind gant and mem in supparl ot assignment of counaelram (b4:20/18-Pra’86,Supplement 9 motion ta waive fag fo, Sppaltant id Indjent and memo 1 suppoit ot Assignment of ceunss-mm 5102/18 Moton i reccrsidar or for rebisaing le alow Assistance sf counsel and ranster 15 20th circuit (5105/18 Manion tn transmit dar to Lae County 20th clout esurt ewe 04? 1B-Court Oreler-Appellant's rrotion for reheaving is deriiod. me (B5/07/18-Marinn to wanemil ide of hanster to the-20th cleule-mm 008/18 Lee County Clerk Meme of new cea number ane judge assigned tls case ae it was ianéfarrad te oe county Tron the ea on order Catad OAZTIT Emr. +s"05/25!18-Caurt Ordar-Apoellan''s rrotion ta transint oreer of transfer is deriec.-mm 7 o74s/18-CourtOrdor-The appellan’'s motion to vacate order Wansletring case Is sic unauthorized. This case is closed, Further riotions fled in tis ease valll be suibject to being strigsen without further notice mae cei Fi Vane s county court sexed ine oieg 30% emo iy orien of ne0Han samancedt D4/29/2016 Opne, ---- 4. MOWEOW.70 OTAY PROGREDINGH/ERFEPNE Motion ta Stey Gcuvielioa eentereing in court below dvuble leopardy 24/29/2218 Opa, --=-8- yotxow 79 CONSOLIDATE (OTTO TO TantePue. A92/0R fom 04/12/20, rec'd </29/-8) DA/29/2018 ups, ----b, RONLaM 20 SURY PROGESDINGDS/BRIEETN (mation ta slay Gcoviction/aentarcia® gaatong sapped. sal fadgnare 49upa4 wale intemiocutery erent gending? 34/29/2016 Opps 6. ovycu vo emay pRocimone mR Couviction/enntercing peatiag eppea: (Tegal savtant. gah # od/zey2tie, court ~~ ohm oo eupw o2c398 oRPOSENT (20 Aza! mdeneubnes WEES 3.380(81) o420/20uh opp. -r-8. Hordon To Rersiw iy Gear aNWLOTTOM / SAITENER, eco 09/33/4028 eskurt 2-10. GSR TO ope cous OPPO fetthda 19 aye, chow chy ease whol? ant be.kete'd bo 2ar7 aa, coe.) 04/23/2008 opps. evil. HOTECR OF APPRAL (amended Notlce re Jeddzcet Seladna: concempe) 02/29/7048 opps.” woo, Rsriusa vo ORDER TO SHON CATER grate ei ceply zo pending ovate nS stow ences) oeyzsiz04e ones SF couse] for eddiLiouel ely 1y Ug pending ondox te chew 2 apastntnest 68 couneel for additional c8/26/3019 ogpm. -r-28,“ARSPONGE no OuIIER [Meng of Lew Ret Conmued For kenty ro ahow suave wade raferjant. power <<-16) OTDER TRANODERRING CHER (orion of appeal in che Gace OME LLEE, azouy wlth S11 crhor £11sage dn tae cane, are Reeeby Glenetoveed te she mppellace diviarna ef she Chrouit Cour of she TwesListn Cuaieial ¢iraws taara fee bas county for rewiew} Aadiarneny hte in 69-0 = baa td ot iy ain 04 22018 78 aly eget eevee OM teaeb Weston 0 HANI 25-22 AH) We Neswen ioeReEI2 TROD A Pe Wadten S201? 11.25 sat Fone» nbon geka220hg 11 9059 24 Fre Reeton acsacts 113202 8 fare ante MPG HO fare Waker eM (8 134 38 A cis udier 82 2ta Mint ent svt teadarer (1ezuayse-UAT A ae Foi femadien S042 ga BAR Mweitaniber D422. 9414? 2208 arl ark aees8 Lee vate adie Dena 2 11.80 95 an Save ade {0.80 2 0 A er ande eizgea) 31 12 a sv shat beg 8 IoD? Pe Sorel skate yiuBa.a 8 1205-02 Pa Mora akniecsraiccckaine [teas PE Sr Sentrcunciteat® 121118 Ph orl face sh cerns Lez Pm Me i bfoce-on BaPRioN Leta PA arya ene hese 1 Ie Rog vee wediaee see si Rea bayegoe qnazo 3 9245 Pt Feove Melon 74 2UTs cS Add trove Neston gat 2atta beg al fron Rese tom Enaseeig esa a) Howe ton ienere aaa Plane Rha OG 9ETG Je ss Mec oto vant be 0129 aR Hea Recs omiCSeH2013 a8 SEOD ab Howie saennniy go: 9°? Pe Ke ifomcre meth RIE Ren relounestcogla ugar S2 Ep Wate We hiton gaeereeto meswat =, fees ese GP 2018 18 AM feo ton E090 28 Tees IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, SECOND DISTRICT, POST OFFICE BOX 977.1 AKELAND, FL 93802-0927 uhy.08, 2018 CASE NO.: 2018-1512 LT.No. 17-CA-421 1 7-M-B18 SCOTT IIMINSKI vy. STATE OF FLORIDA “Rppalait Bettior enter ” 7 Bppaiee i Hesporisenisy BY GRDER OF THE COURT: The appellant's motion id veicats onter transt s Stricken as ufautherized. This care is closed. Further motioris filed in this casc will be subject td ‘aeing stricken without further natize, I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foégoing is a truc copy oF the origina! court o-der. Serve John HM. Klee! cfsey, RAS, Seal Hurnnski Le Dogg Clerk ve Haig Male Meum f Sieben Kiana: lerk {N THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL-OF THE-STATE OF FLORIDA SECOND RISTRICT, POST OFFIGE BOX 227, LAKELAND, F#. 34802-0327 May 18. 2018 GASE NO 2018-1812 A T.No.: 17-0881 17 MASS OGTT HUMINSKI «STATE OF FLORIDA Taplin Patisig BpaFes 7 Keser) BY ORDER OF THE COURT: ‘Agpetants motion to teansini order 3¢ transter 1s den ed, REBY CERTIFY that the forego'ny is a'ttue copy of the original ¢ourt order. Served John 14, Klawikofoky AG. Scot! Huminskt Linda Doggett, Cler< wary Fizeoatl: Kuenzel SCHIVED, 8/2018 04 AM, Cle RE Leatlerkoe Laer dear Pope ore ae MEMORANDUM To Ab Parties From: Lori Sisz, Deputy Clerk Date: May 8, 2018 fe Soot Lluminski, orida ordanites New Gase No. 18-AP-9 New Judge signment: Appellate Sane This is to advise you that the above styled case was «arsforred frm The Second Disiriet Court of Appeal 7a Lee County Appellate Sivision per urdet cated April 27, 2018, The new case numbar ard judge assignment ate indivated above If you have any questions, or need assistance, ploase direct inquiries 0 the Lee Ccunty Clerk of Court Givil Division, ie County Justice Genser, P.O. Box 310, Fort Myers, Florida, 33902. you Weh fo cantact us by phone, you may call (239) 533-6000. Thank you FECLERK.ORG — PO Hox 219, Fort Myers, FI. 4922-0910 | Phone: (2a9)835-50 IN THE DISTRICT GQURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA SECOND DISTHICT, POST OFFIGE ROX 427, LAKELAND, FL. 33802-0327 bay 04, 2018 CASE NO! 218-1812 LOT: No. 17-CA4* 17M 815 SCOTT HUM NSKI 4. STATE OF FLORIDA Rietlan FParTaNTHs Teles ! Respondents BY ORDER OF THE COURT: ‘Appellart’$ motion for rehoaring is deniad THEREBY CERIIFY thal the ferogoing i a tie copy af she original Lit order. Served: Joh: fa, Klawikoloky, AAG. Scott Huminski Linda Dogyett, Clerk ag Bogtige annul Vary Glizabe keenzét ler IN THE DISTRICT CGURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE GF FLORIDA SECOND DISTRICT, POST OFFICE BOX 327, LAKELAND, FI. 33802:0527 Agel 27, 2018 CASE.NO,: 2019-1512 SNe TCA A785 HUBINSKI y STATE.OF FLORIDA ApRATaAt? Metiioner(S}, Appellee / Rospor dant. BY ORDER OF THE COURT: As the aopellan| is seieXrgj review of two related orders aitared vy the Lee Gouney Court i) case number 1/-MisI-090815, the appellant's misdemeanor case. the notice of appeal in this case 2028-1512, alo.7y wih ali other flings in the caso, are hereby Vansterved tc tie appalate divicich of tha Crcult Cou't of the Tweentietn Judicial Cirguitin anal {0% Lee County fof review. The circuit cout stil adeiéss all motions fies by the appellant lirat ar@ nat resclved fn the present ofder, and shall in particular proinptiy resolve the appellant's met Gns for appcintment of cotinsel. Hf counsel is ‘appoiniee, the ciourt court snall provide counsel with a ccpy of the present orde” ard shoud allow a feasonable period of time far counse! 0 -eV-ew tha appellant's sther teolions, Counsel should aromptly inform the circuit court af whether he: or she wishes to adopt any of the motions a1 wheleer any of tier s iculd be witha: avin ‘Counsel rray at his or her discretion examine ary urise tional issues raised by jppel int ir nis fangs. Ir ight of this transler, the appefanl's "mot on to trairsfer 4 inlerlacutary appea ‘sit this agpeal rors final jusigment ‘S denied. the far conaciidate LaRDSE, CJ., and ¥ LLANTI and SALARIO, JJ., Gonéur [HEREBY CERTIY the: the foregoing s a true copy ot the org nat court order. Served John Bt. Kinw Ko'sky, AAG Sot Huis Linda Doggett, ler Ram Weg faarg E22 eth Kuerzél Pret IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA SECOND DISTRICT, POST OFFIGE BOX 327, LAKELAND, FL 33802-0327 Apri 24, 2018 CASE NO.: 2018-4542 COONa 47-CA 421 EMME: SCOTT HUMINEKI vy STATE OF FLoKibA Appellant Batiioner(, Appalige { RoSandentsl BY ORDER OF THE COURT: ‘Xppeliant hae éied an amendéd notice of appeal. A new prorceding is rict initiate THEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a “Tuc copy o” the original court order. Served: Jahn M. Klawiketesy, AAG. Scott Hurminski Unda Doggat; Clerk ds

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