Journal ofthe Bombay Natural HistorySociety, 106(3), Sept-Dec 2009 335-338 NEW DESCRIPTIONS RECORD OF TWO NEW SPECIES OFAPANTELES FOERSTER (BRACONIDAE: MICROGASTRINAE) FROM CENTRAL INDIA Puja Ray1-2andMohd. Yousuf1-3 'ForestEntomologyDivision,TropicalForestResearchInstitute,Jabalpur482021, MadhyaPradesh, India. 2Email: [email protected] 3Email: [email protected] A TwonewspeciesApantelesneohyblaeaeand lakhaensisaredescribedandillustrated. SpecimensofA. neohyblaeae emerged from unidentified lepidopterous larvae on Tcimarindus indica. Specimens ofA. lakhaensis emerged from Margaronia sp., infesting Casearia graveolens. Further their affinities with the closely related species A. hyblaeae Wilkinson have also been discussed. Key words: Apanteles lakhaensis,Apanteles neohyblaeae, Braconidae, Hymenoptera, Microgastrinae INTRODUCTION parasitoids were collected from dense canopy ofthe forests. Theywerebroughttothelaboratoryandattemptsweremade The microgastrinebraconid wasps ofgenusApanteles torearthecollectedlarvaeontheirhostplantleaves. Froma Foerster (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) include species which few larvae, adult braconids emerged. These braconids were areeconomicallyveryimportantsincetheyparasitizevarious collected and identified. Morphological terminology lepidopterous pests. Several Apanteles species have been especially that of wing vein nomenclature follows that of reared from a large number of native lepidoptera and are modifiedComstock-Needhamsystem(Wilkinson 1928;Eady undoubtedlyimportantinregulatingpopulationsofmanypest 1968) Figures were drawn with the help of camera lucida, species (Varadarasan 1985; Mohan et al. 1992; Geetha Bai attached to a stereoscopic trinocular microscope and and Marimadaiah 2000; Pandey etal. 2004). In India, three measurements were taken by using an ocularmicrometer. Apanteles species, namely A. hyblaeae A. malevolus, Abbreviations used: OOL - Ocello-ocular line , A. subandinus have been imported as biocontrol agents of (distance from the outer edge of a lateral ocellus to the , some major lepidopterous pests in agriculture and forestry compound eye); POL - post-ocellar line (distance between (Singh 2004). Several workers including Wilkinson (1928), the inner edges of the two lateral ocelli); AOL - anterior- Bhatnagar (1948), Rao (1961), Nixon (1967), Sharma and ocellarline (distancebetween the inneredge ofanteriorand Chatterjee (1970a, b), Sharma (1972, 1973a, b), Sumodan lateral ocellus); 0OD-diameterofan ocellus. and Sevichan (1989) Kurhade and Nikam (1997), Sathe and Inamdar (1989), Sathe and Ingawale (1995), and Sumodan Apanteles neohyblaeae sp. nov. andNarendran(1990)havepublishedresearchpapersonthe (Fig. la-f) systematicsofIndianspeciesofApanteles.Inspiteofrelatively mm goodknowledgeofbraconidfaunafromIndia,notmuchwork Female: Body length 2.51 (excluding ovipositor hasbeencarriedoutfromCentral India. Inthepresentpaper, andantenna);forewinglength2.4mm;antennalength3 mm. two new species Apanteles neohyblaeae and A. lakhaensis Colour: Ground colour of the body largely reddish arebeingrecordedaslarvalparasitoidsoflepidopterousinsect black;except legslargely reddish yellow; antenna, apicaltip pests,infestingforesttreespecies.Thenewspeciesarebeing ofhind femur, hind tibia at apical one third and hind tarsal illustrated and described in detail. segments largely, all coxae and ovipositor sheath reddish brown.Thewingveinsarelightbrown.Themandibles,palpi MATERIALAND METHODS andtibialspurpale. Firsttergitedarkbrownwhilesucceeding tergites are tumescent and reddish yellow. Systematic survey of various forests and agro-forest Head: Head nearly as long as wide. Face finely areasofChhattisgarhandMaharashtra, India,wasconducted punctate: OOL is halfof POL. POLequal to OOD, AOL is foracollectionofbraconidparasitoids, and theirhost larvae 1.2x POL. Malar space 1.7x base of mandible; antennae of insect pests infesting forest tree species. Several larvae (Fig. 1a,b)filiform,with 16flagellarsegmentsand 1.2xlonger that were expected to be the common hosts of braconid than body. NEW DESCRIPTIONS Male: Same as female; except antenna (2.75 mm) is shorter than body (2.9 mm), the upper portion of the basal vein (0.05 mm) is shorterthan pigmented portion ofsecond abscissa ofthe cubital (0.06 mm), and the second tergite is nottumescentandbrightasin femalebutisevenlypunctate. Holotype $ india: Maharashtra, Ahmednagar (Kolhari), 19.ix.2007, emerged from unidentified lepidopterous larvae on Tamarindus indica\ collected by Mohd. Yousuf;Paratype 3 2,5 c?,samedataasforholotype. Holotype ? and 1d paratype have been deposited at National Forest Insect Collection, Entomology Division, ForestResearchInstitute,Dehradun,India(Acc.No. 21895); RemainingparatypeshavebeendepositedattheInsect Collection Museum, Forest Entomology Division, Tropical ForestResearch Institute, Jabalpur, India (Acc. No. 666). Etymology;Thenewspecies,A. neohyblaeaeisnamed sodue to its close affinities withA. hyblaeae. The new species, A. neohyblaeae is very close to A. hyblaeaeWilkinson,largelyinhavingforewingswithfirst abscissaofradial fairly straight, successively thickerbelow, well-marked from the transverse cubital, upper portion of basal vein shorter than apical portion of first abscissa of cubital, recurrent longer than transverse cubital, length of stigmashorterthan metacarp. Firstmetasomal tergite length 1.5xitsapicalwidthandslightlywideningtowardstheapical Fig. 1: a-f: Apantelesneohyblaeae sp. nov.: a.Antenna ?, end. b. Antenna (enlarged) 9, c. Hind leg 9, d. Forewing 9, However,A. neohyblaeaediffersfromtheA. hyblaeae e. Hind wing 9, f. Metasoma 9 in having transverse cubital equal to apical portion of first abscissaofcubital inA. neohyblaeae while inA. hyblaeae it Mesosoma: Mesonotum 1.1 mm long, rugose with is longer; upper portion of the basal vein equal to the mm regular punctations; forewings (Fig. Id), 2.4 long, pigmentedportionofthesecondabscissaofthecubitalwhile mm mm mm 0.9 broad, stigma 0.48 long and 0.18 wide, inA. hyblaeae the upper portion ofthe basal vein is longer metacarp 0.51 mm, the 1st abscissa of the radial 0.19 mm, than the pigmented portion of the second abscissa of the transversecubital0.10mm,theapicalportionoffirstabscissa cubital. Hindlegswithlongerhindtibial spurthree-fifthand of cubital 0.10 mm, recurrent vein 0.14 mm, pigmented shortertibial spurabout halfthe length ofhind basitarsus in portion of the 2nd abscissa of the cubital 0.09 mm, upper A. neohyblaeae whilelongerhindtibialspurhalfandshorter , portion of basal vein 0.09 mm; hind wings (Fig. le) about tibial spurmore than one third the length ofhind basitarsus mm mm 2.0 long,and0.6 wide,vannal lobeofthehindwings in A. hyblaeae. Further the two species differ in the first sub-apically flattened with a few setae; hind legs (Fig. Ic), metasomal tergite in males. In A. hyblaeae, the first tergite coxafinely,evenly punctateexceptouterfacewhichismore narrowingtowardstheapexwhileinthenewproposedspecies or less bare, hind femur0.63 mm long, 0.18 mm wide; tibia the tergite broadens at its apical end. The ovipositor sheath mm mm 0.75 long, 0.13 wide, basal joint of hind tarsus in thefemaleofA. hyblaeaeisaslongasthebasaljointofthe 0.38 mm long, longertibial spur0.24mmlong, shortertibial hindtarsuswhileinthenewspeciesovipositorsheathisabout spur0.20 mm. one-fourth as long as basaljoint ofthe hind tarsus. Metasoma: Metasoma (Fig. If) length 1.05 mm; first mm metasomaltergitemorerugoseinitsapicalhalf,0.4 long, Apanteles lakhaensis sp. nov. 0.3 mmapical width,0.2mmbasal width.Thesecondtergite (Fig. 2a-f) istumescentand brightandisbead-likesculpturedalongthe central line. The ovipositorsheath 0.1 1 mm long, ovipositor Female: Bodylength2.8mm(excludingovipositorand 0.12 mm long. antenna); forewing length 2.8 mm; antenna length 2.1 mm. 336 J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 106 (3), Sept-Dec 2009 . , , NEW DESCRIPTIONS mm mm broad, stigma 0.58 long and 0.19 wide; metacarp 0.64mm; the 1stabscissaoftheradial0.22mm,successively thicker below, fairly well-marked from transverse cubital, transverse cubital 0.13 mm, the apical portion of the first abscissa of cubital 0.14 mm, recurrent vein 0.19 mm, pigmented portion of second abscissa of cubital 0.10 mm, upper portion of the basal vein 0.10 mm; hind wings mm mm (Fig. 2e) 2.20 long,0.60 wide, vannal lobesofhind wings are sub-apically flattened with a few setae; hind legs (Fig. 2c) coxa is sparsely and evenly punctate, hind femur mm mm mm 0.61 long and 0.17 broad; hind tibia0.78 long mm mm and 0.12 broad, hind basal tarsus 0.38 long, longer mm mm tibial spur0.17 long, shortertibial spur0.1 1 long. Metasoma: Metasoma (Fig. 2f) 1.20 mm long; first mm mm metasomal tergite 0.46 long, 0.30 apical width, mm 0.23basalwidth;ovipositorsheath0.80 long,uniformly mm hairy; ovipositor 1.2 long. Male: Similarto female. Holotype 2 india: Chhattisgarh, Raigarh (Lakha), 27.xii.2007,emergedfromMargaroniasp,infestingCasearia graveolens collected by Mohd. Yousuf; Paratype 2 2,2 d, , data same as holotype. Holotype 2 and 1d paratype have been deposited at theNational ForestInsectCollection,Entomology Division, ForestResearchInstitute,Dehradun, India(Acc. No. 21896). Remaining paratypes have been deposited at the Insect Fig2: a-f: Apanteleslakhaensis sp. nov.: a . Antenna $ Collection Museum, Forest Entomology Division, Tropical b. Antenna (enlarged) $, c. Hind leg $, d. Forewing 9 Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, India (Acc. No. 665). e. Hind wing $, f. Metasoma 9 Etymology: The new species is named afterthe place Colour: Groundcolourofthebodyblack;excepthead ofits collection, Lakhain Raigarh district, Chhattisgarh. reddish black; legs brownish yellow; mandibles, antennae, The new species, A. lakhaensis is also very close to coxa, apex of hind tibia and hind tarsi, stigma, metacarp, A. hyblaeae Wilkinson largely in body characters. In the Is' abscissa ofradial, transverse cubital, pigmented portion forewings first abscissa ofradial isjust longer than breadth ofthefirstabscissaofcubitallightbrown. Ovipositorsheath ofthestigma,fairlystraight,successivelythickerbelow,well- andstigmaatthemarginsarebrown;costal veinbasallypale marked from the transverse cubital which is nearly equal to orapically light brown. Restofthe areaofthe forewing and orjust longer than the apical portion ofthe first abscissa of hind wing hyaline; tibial spur pale. the cubital, as inA. hyblaeae. Head: Face finely punctate, occiput with coarse However, itdiffersfrom the latterin having forewings indefinitepunctation;OOL3.3xPOL,POL0.75xshorterthan withthelengthoftheupperportionofthebasal veinequal to AOL; OOL 2x 0OD; malar space 2.5x base of mandibles; the pigmented portion ofthe second abscissa ofthe cubital antennae (2.1 mm) filiform (Fig. 2a,b), with 16 flagellar while in A. hyblaeae the upper portion of the basal vein is segments and is shorterthan the body (2.8 mm). longer than the pigmented portion ofthe second abscissaof Mesosoma: Mesonotum anteriorly with sparse and the cubital. Ovipositor sheath is two times longer than the strong punctation and posteriorly having punctures, more basal joint of the hind tarsus in A. lakhaensis while in widely separated and stronger; interspaces entirely smooth A. hyblaeae, the ovipositor sheath is equal to the length of andhighlypolishedand shiny; discofthescutellumentirely the basaljoint ofthe hind tarsus. smooth, highly polished and shining; propodeum basally Thetwonewspeciesarealsolargelyclosetoeachother. largelyrugose,apically virtuallyunsculptured,theareolanot Yet theydifferfromeachotherinhavingantennalongerthan entirely devoid ofindefinite punctures; carina ofareola and body inA. neohyblaeae, while inA. lakhaensis lengthofthe mm mm costae strong. Fore wings (Fig. 2d) 2.8 long, 1.0 antennaisshorterthanbodylength. InA. neohyblaeaebreadth J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 106 (3), Sept-Dec 2009 337 NEW DESCRIPTIONS of stigma is more than the length of the recurrent while in basitarsus Apanteleshyblaeae Wilkinson A. lakhaensis width of stigma is equal to recurrent. The 2. Antennae longer than body; fore wings with transverse metasoma is shorter than mesosoma in A. neohyblaeae but cubital vein equal to the apical portion of first abscissa of longerinA. lakhaensis.Theovipositorandovipositorsheath cubitalvein;breadthofstigmamorethantherecurrentvein; are very short in A. neohyblaeae but very long in ovipositorsheath aboutone-fourthaslongashindbasitarsus , A. lakhaensis. Apantelesneohyblaeae sp. nov. — ApanteleshyblaeaeWilkinson,Apantelesneohyblaeae Antennae shorter than body; fore wings with transverse sp.nov.andApanteleslakhaensis sp. nov. arecloselyrelated cubital vein shortertothe apical portionoffirst abscissaof species; but these three species can easily be distinguished cubital vein; breadth ofstigma equal to the recurrent vein; by the following key characters: ovipositorsheathtwotimesaslongaslongashindbasitarsus 1. Fore wings with transverse cubital vein equal or shorterto Apanteles lakhaensis sp. nov. apicalportionoffirstabscissaofcubital vein;upperportion ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS of basal vein is equal to pigmented portion of the second abscissaofthecubitalvein; hindlegswithlongertibialspur nothalfofbasitarsus;lengthofovipositorsheathnotasabove WeareextremelythankfultoDr.A.K.Mandal,Director, 2 TFRI, Jabalpur, and Dr. K.C. Joshi, Group Coordinator — Fore wings with transverse cubital vein longerthan apical Research and Head, Forest Entomology Division, TFRI, portionoffirstabscissaofcubitalvein;upperportionofbasal Jabalpur, for providing necessary facilities and vein is longer than the pigmented portion of the second encouragement. Financial support from the Council of abscissaofthecubitalvein;hindlegswithlongertibialspur ScientificandIndustrial Research,NewDelhi(CSIRProject EMR half of basitarsus; ovipositor sheath about as long as hind No. 37(1296)/07/ II) is also acknowledged. REFERENCES Bhatnagar, S.P. (1948): Studies onApanteles Foerster (Vipionidae Sharma, V. (1972): Taxonomic studies on Apanteles Foerster : Parasitic hymenoptera) from India. Ind. J. Entomol. 10: (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgasterinae) from India III. 133-203. Orient. Ins. 6:553-560. Eady, R.D. (1968): Some illustrations of Microsculpture in Sharma, V. (1973a): Taxonomic studies on Apanteles Foerster Hymenoptera. Proc. 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