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Reconstruction of Small Inhomogeneities from Boundary Measurements PDF

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1846 Lecture Notes in Mathematics Editors: J.--M.Morel,Cachan F.Takens,Groningen B.Teissier,Paris Habib Ammari Hyeonbae Kang Reconstruction of Small Inhomogeneities from Boundary Measurements 123 Authors HabibAmmari CentredeMathe´matiquesApplique´es E´colePolytechnique UMRCNRS-7641 Palaiseau91128 France e-mail:[email protected] HyeonbaeKang SchoolofMathematicalSciences SeoulNationalUniversity Seoul151-747 Korea e-mail:[email protected] LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2004108535 MathematicsSubjectClassification(2000):35R30,35B30 ISSN0075-8434 ISBN3-540-22483-1SpringerBerlinHeidelbergNewYork DOI:10.1007/b98245 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9, 1965, initscurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer-Verlag.Violationsare liableforprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. SpringerisapartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia http://www.springeronline.com (cid:1)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2004 PrintedinGermany Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelaws andregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesetting:Camera-readyTEXoutputbytheauthors Printedonacid-freepaper 41/3141/du-543210 Preface Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) seeks to recover the electrical con- ductivity distribution inside a body from measurements of current flows and voltagesonits surface.Thevastandgrowingliteraturereflectsmanypossible applications of EIT techniques, e.g., for medical diagnosis or nondestructive evaluation of materials. Since the underlying inverse problem is nonlinear and severely ill-posed, general purpose EIT reconstruction techniques are likely to fail. Therefore it is generally advisable to incorporate a-priori knowledge about the unknown conductivity. One such type of knowledge could be that the body consists of a smooth background containing a number of unknown small inclusions with a significantly different conductivity. This situation arises for example in breast cancer imaging or mine detection. In this case EIT seeks to recover the unknown inclusions. Due to the smallness of the inclusions the associ- ated voltage potentials measured on the surface of the body are very close to the potentials corresponding to the medium without inclusion. So unless one knows exactly what patterns to look for, noise will largely dominate the information contained in the measured data. Furthermore, in applications it is often not necessary to reconstruct the precise values of the conductivity or geometry of the inclusions. The information of real interest is their positions and size. The main purpose of this book is to describe fresh and promising tech- niquesforthereconstructionofsmallinclusionsfromboundarymeasurements inareadableandinformativeform.Thesetechniquesrelyonaccurateasymp- totic expansions of the boundary perturbations due to the presence of the inclusions. The general approach we will take to derive these asymptotic ex- pansionsisbasedonlayerpotentialtechniques.Thisallowsustohandleinclu- sions with roughboundaries.In the course of deriving our asymptotic expan- sions,weintroducenew conceptsofgeneralizedpolarizationtensors(GPT’s). GPT’s contain significant information on the inclusion which will be investi- gated. We then apply the asymptotic expansions for designing efficient direct VI Preface reconstruction algorithms to detect the location, size, and/or orientation of the unknown inclusions. This book would not have been possible without the collaborations and the conversationswitha number ofoutstanding colleagues.We havenotonly profitedfromgeneroussharingoftheirideas,insightsandenthusiasm,butalso fromtheir friendship,support andencouragement.We feel specially indebted to Gen Nakamura, Jin Keun Seo, Gunther Uhlmann and Michael Vogelius. This book is dedicated to our friendship with them. We also would like to thank our colleagues Mark Asch, Yves Capde- boscq, and Darko Volkov for reading parts of the preliminary version of the manuscript and our students Ekaterina Iakovleva, Eunjoo Kim, Mikyoung Lim,KaoutherLouati,SofianeSoussi,KarimTouibi,andHabibZribiforpro- viding us with numerical examples or/and carefully reading our manuscript. During the preparation of this book we were supported by ACI Jeunes Chercheurs (0693) from the French Ministry of Education and Scientific Re- searchandKoreaScienceandEngineeringFoundationthroughthegrantR02- 2003-000-10012-0. Paris and Seoul, Habib Ammari May 2004 Hyeonbae Kang Contents 1 Introduction............................................... 1 Part I Detection of Small Conductivity Inclusions 2 Transmission Problem .................................... 11 2.1 Some Notations and Preliminaries ......................... 11 2.2 Layer Potentials for the Laplacian ......................... 14 2.3 Neumann and Dirichlet Functions ......................... 30 2.4 Representation Formula .................................. 34 2.5 Energy Identities ........................................ 39 3 Generalized Polarization Tensors .......................... 41 3.1 Definition .............................................. 42 3.2 Uniqueness Result ....................................... 45 3.3 Symmetry and Positivity of GPT’s ........................ 47 3.4 Bounds for the PolarizationTensor of Po´lya–Szego¨ .......... 49 3.5 Estimates of the Weighted Volume and the Center of Mass ... 52 3.6 PolarizationTensors of Multiple Inclusions.................. 56 3.6.1 Definition ........................................ 57 3.6.2 Properties........................................ 58 3.6.3 Representation by Equivalent Ellipses................ 62 4 Derivation of the Full Asymptotic Formula ................ 65 4.1 Energy Estimates........................................ 67 4.2 Asymptotic Expansion ................................... 71 4.3 Closely Spaced Small Inclusions ........................... 76 5 Detection of Inclusions .................................... 79 5.1 Constant Current Projection Algorithm .................... 80 5.2 Quadratic Algorithm..................................... 85 VIII Contents 5.3 Least-Squares Algorithm ................................. 88 5.4 Variational Algorithm.................................... 89 5.5 Linear Sampling Method ................................. 91 5.6 Lipschitz-Continuous Dependence and Moments Estimations.. 97 5.6.1 Lipschitz-Continuous Dependence ................... 97 5.6.2 Moments Estimations .............................100 Part II Detection of Small Elastic Inclusions 6 Transmission Problem for Elastostatics ....................109 6.1 Layer Potentials for the Lam´e System......................109 6.2 Kelvin Matrix Under Unitary Transforms...................113 6.3 Transmission Problem....................................115 6.4 Complex Representation of Displacement Vectors............123 7 Elastic Moment Tensor ....................................129 7.1 Asymptotic Expansion in Free Space.......................129 7.2 Properties of EMT’s .....................................132 7.3 EMT’s Under Linear Transforms ..........................140 7.4 EMT’s for Ellipses.......................................143 7.5 EMT’s for Elliptic Holes and Hard Ellipses .................147 8 Derivation of Full Asymptotic Expansions ................151 8.1 Full Asymptotic Expansions ..............................151 9 Detection of Inclusions ....................................159 9.1 Detection of EMT’s......................................159 9.2 Representation of the EMT’s by Ellipses ...................163 9.3 Detection of the Location.................................164 9.4 Numerical Results .......................................167 Part III Detection of Small Electromagnetic Inclusions 10 Well-Posedness ............................................179 10.1 Existence and Uniqueness of a Solution ....................179 11 Representation of Solutions................................185 11.1 Preliminary Results......................................185 11.2 Representation Formulae .................................188 12 Derivation of Asymptotic Formulae........................197 12.1 Asymptotic Expansion ...................................197 Contents IX 13 Reconstruction Algorithms ................................207 13.1 Asymptotic Expansion ...................................207 13.2 Reconstruction of Multiple Inclusions ......................209 13.2.1 The Fourier Transform Algorithm ...................209 13.2.2 The MUSIC Algorithm.............................213 A Appendices ................................................215 A.1 Theorem of Coifman, McIntosh, and Meyer .................215 A.2 Continuity Method ......................................216 A.3 Collectively Compact Operators ..........................217 A.4 Uniqueness for the Inverse Conductivity Problem............217 A.4.1 Uniqueness With Many Measurements ...............217 A.4.2 Uniqueness of Disks With One Measurement..........220 References.....................................................223 Index..........................................................237 1 Introduction Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is designed to produce, efficiently and accurately, images of the conductivity distribution inside a body from measurements of current flows and voltages on the body’s surface. Due to several merits of EIT such as safety, low cost, real time monitoring, EIT has received considerable attention for the last two decades; see for instance the review papers [255, 256, 78, 58] and the extensive list of references therein. The vast and growing literature reflects many possible applications of EIT, e.g., for medical diagnosisornondestructive evaluationofmaterials.In medi- calapplications,EITcouldpotentiallybe usedfor monitoringlungproblems, noninvasive monitoring of heartfunction and blood flow, screening for breast andprostatecancer,andimprovingelectrocardiogramsandelectroencephalo- grams [78, 37, 82, 83, 163, 164, 143]. However,insensitivity of boundary measurements to any change of inner- body conductivity values has hampered EIT from providing accurate static conductivityimages[4].Inpracticecapturedcurrent-to-voltagepairsmustbe limited by the number of electrodes attached on the surface of the body that confine the resolution of the image [153, 101]. We can definitely increase the resolution of the conductivity image by increasing the number of electrodes. However, it should be noticed that beyond a certain level, increasing the number of electrodes may nothelp in producing a better image for the inner- regionofthebodyifwetakeintoaccounttheinevitablenoiseinmeasurements and the inherent insensitivity mentioned before. In its most general form EIT is severely ill-posed and nonlinear. These major and fundamental difficulties can be understood by means of a mean value type theorem in elliptic partial differential equations. The value of the voltagepotentialateachpointinsidetheregioncanbeexpressedasaweighted average of its neighborhood potential where the weight is determined by the conductivity distribution. In this weighted averaging way, the conductivity distribution is conveyed to the boundary potential. Therefore, the boundary data is entangled in the global structure of the conductivity distribution in a highly nonlinear way. This is the main obstacle to finding non-iterative H.AmmariandH.Kang:LNM1846, pp.1–4,2004. (cid:1)c Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2004 2 1 Introduction reconstruction algorithms with limited data. If, however, in advance we have additional structural information about the medium, then we may be able to determine specific features about the conductivity distribution with a good resolution. One such type of knowledge could be that the body consists of a smooth backgroundcontaining a number of unknown small inclusions with a significantlydifferentconductivity.Thissituationarisesforexampleinbreast andprostatecancerimaging[37,82,83,163,164,26,243]orminedetection.In this case EIT seeks to recover the unknown inclusions. Due to the smallness of the inclusions the associated voltage potentials measured on the surface of the body are very close to the potentials corresponding to the medium without inclusions. So unless one knows exactly what patterns to look for, noise will largely dominate the information contained in the measured data. Furthermore,inapplicationsitisoftennotnecessarytoreconstructtheprecise values of the conductivity or the geometry of the inclusions. The information of real interest is their positions and size. Takingadvantageofthesmallnessoftheinclusions,manypromisingrecon- struction techniques have been designed since the pioneering works by Fried- manandVogelius [120,121,123].It turns outthat the method ofasymptotic expansions of small volume inclusions provides a useful framework to recon- struct the location and geometric features of the inclusions in a stable way, even for moderately noisy data [73, 53, 28, 64, 191, 39, 261]. In this book we have made an attempt to describe these new and promis- ing techniques for the reconstruction of small inclusions from boundary mea- surements in a readable and informative form. As we said, these techniques rely on accurate asymptotic expansions of the boundary perturbations due to the presence of the inclusions. The general approach we will take in this book is as follows. Based on layer potential techniques and decomposition formulae like the one due to Kang and Seo in [168] for the conductivity problem, we first derive complete asymptotic expansions. This allows us to handle inclusions with rough boundaries and those with extreme conductiv- ities. In the course of deriving our asymptotic expansions, we introduce new concepts of generalized polarization tensors (GPT’s). These concepts gen- eralize those of classical Po´lya–Szego¨ polarization tensors which have been extensively studied in the literature by many authors for various purposes [72, 24, 73, 212, 104, 105, 200, 198, 123, 180, 94, 186, 231, 232, 241, 95]. The GPT’s appear naturally in higher-orderasymptotics of the steady-state volt- agepotentialsunderthe perturbationofconductorbyconductivityinclusions ofsmalldiameter.GPT’scontainsignificantinformationontheinclusionthat will be investigated. We then apply the asymptotic expansions for designing efficient direct reconstruction algorithms to detect the location, size, and/or orientation of the unknown inclusions. The book is intended to be self-contained. However, a certain familiarity with layer potential techniques is required. The book is divided into three parts that can be read independently.

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