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Reconstruction of Longitudinal Profiles of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Showers from Fluorescence and Cherenkov Light Measurements PDF

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Preview Reconstruction of Longitudinal Profiles of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Ray Showers from Fluorescence and Cherenkov Light Measurements

Reconstructionof LongitudinalProfilesofUltra-HighEnergy CosmicRay 8 0 Showers fromFluorescence andCherenkov Light Measurements 0 2 M. Ungera,∗,B.R.Dawsonb,R.Engela,F.Schu¨sslera andR.Ulricha n aInstitut fu¨rKernphysik, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Postfach 3640, 76021 Karlsruhe, Germany a J bDepartment of Physics, Universityof Adelaide, Adelaide 5005, Australia 8 2 ]Abstract h pWe present a new method for thereconstruction of the longitudinal profile of extensiveair showers induced by ultra-high energy -cosmicrays.Incontrasttothetypicallyconsideredshowersizeprofile,thismethodemploysdirectlytheionization energydeposit o rof the shower particles in the atmosphere. Dueto universality of theenergy spectra of electrons and positrons, both fluorescence tand Cherenkov light can be used simultaneously as signal to infer the shower profile from the detected light. The method is s abasedonananalyticleast-squaresolutionfortheestimationoftheshowerprofilefromtheobservedlightsignal.Furthermore,the [extrapolation oftheobservedpartof theprofilewith aGaisser-Hillas function isdiscussed andthetotal statistical uncertaintyof shower parameters liketotal energyand shower maximumis calculated. 1 v 9 Keywords: Cosmicrays, extensive air showers,air shower reconstruction, airfluorescence, Cherenkov light 0 PACS: 96.50.sd 3 4 . 1 01. Introduction beendone inthe pioneeringFly’s Eyeexperiment[9].The 8 reconstructed longitudinal shower profile is then given by 0 The particles of an extensive air shower excite nitrogen thenumberofchargedparticlesasfunctionofatmospheric : vmolecules in the atmosphere, which subsequently radiate depth. iultravioletfluorescencelightisotropically.Thisfluorescence Theapproximationofassumingacertainnumberofflu- X light signal can be measured with appropriate optical de- orescencephotons per meter of chargedparticle trackand r atectorssuchasthefluorescencetelescopesofHiRes[1],the the corresponding expression of the longitudinal shower PierreAuger Observatory[2]orthe TelescopeArray[3]. development in terms of shower size are characterized by Thenumberofemittedfluorescencephotonsisexpected a number of conceptual shortcomings. Firstly the energy to be proportional to the energy deposited by the shower spectrumofparticlesinanairshowerchangesinthecourse particles.Recentmeasurementsofthefluorescenceyieldin of its development. A different rate of fluorescence pho- the laboratoryconfirmthis expectationwithinthe experi- tons per charged particle has to be assumed for early and mentaluncertainties[4,5,6].Non-radiativeprocessesofni- late stages of shower development as the ionization en- trogenmoleculede-excitationleadtoatemperature,pres- ergydepositdepends onthe particleenergy[10].Secondly sureandhumiditydependenceofthefluorescenceyield(see the tracks of low-energy particles are not parallel to the e.g. [7]). For atmospheric parameters of relevance to the showeraxisleadingtoanothercorrectionthathastobeap- reconstruction of air showers of ultra-high energy cosmic plied[11].Thirdlythe quantity“showersize”isnotsuited rays,the pressuredependence ofthe ionizationenergy de- to a precise comparison of measurements with theoretical positpermetertracklengthofachargedparticleisalmost predictions. In air shower simulations, shower size is de- perfectly canceledby the pressure dependence of the fluo- finedas the number ofchargedparticlesabovea givenen- rescenceyield(see,forexample,[8]).Thereforeonlyaweak ergythresholdEcut thatcrossaplaneperpendiculartothe pressureandtemperaturedependencehastobetakeninto shower axis. Setting this threshold very low to calculate account if the number of emitted photons is converted to the shower size with an accuracy of ∼ 1% leads to very a number of charged particle times track length, as has large simulation times as the number of photons diverges forE →0.Moreover,theshowersizereconstructedfrom cut ∗ correspondingauthor, [email protected] data depends on simulations itself since the shower size is Preprintsubmitted toElsevier 28 January 2008 notdirectly relatedtothe fluorescencelightsignal. the detector at a time t . Given the fluorescence yield Yf i i These conceptual problems can be avoided by directly [4,16,17,5] at this point of the atmosphere, the number of using energy deposit as the primary quantity for shower photons produced at the shower in a slant depth interval profile reconstruction as well as comparing experimental ∆X is i datawiththeoreticalpredictions.Duetotheproportional- Nf(X )=Yfw ∆X . (1) γ i i i i ityofthenumberoffluorescencephotonstotheenergyde- Here, w denotes the energy deposited per unit depth at i posit,showersimulationsarenotneededtoreconstructthe slantdepth X (cf.Fig.1)andis definedas i total energy deposit at a given depth in the atmosphere. 1 2π ∞ dE Another advantage is that the calorimetric energy of the w = dϕ rdr dz dep, (2) i shower is directly given by the integral of the energy de- ∆Xi Z0 Z0 Z∆zi dV posit profile [12]. Furthermore the energy deposit profile wheredE /dV istheenergydepositperunitvolumeand dep is a well-defined quantity that can be calculated straight- (ϕ,R,z) are cylinder coordinates with the shower axis at forwardlyinMonteCarlosimulationsanddoesnotdepend R = 0. The distance interval ∆z along the shower axis i onthe simulationthreshold[13]. is givenby the slantdepth interval∆X . The fluorescence i Most of the charged shower particles travel faster yield Yf is the number of photons expected per unit de- i than the speed of light in air, leading to the emission of posited energy for the atmospheric pressureand tempera- Cherenkov light. Thus, in general, the optical signal of an ture at slant depth X . The photons from Eq. (1) are dis- i air shower consists of both fluorescence and Cherenkov tributedoveraspherewithsurface4πr2,wherer denotes i i light contributions. In the traditional method [9] for the the distance of the detector. Due to atmospheric attenu- reconstructionofthelongitudinalshowerdevelopment,the ation only a fraction T of them reach the detector aper- i Cherenkovlightisiterativelysubtractedfromthemeasured turewithareaA.Givenalightdetectionefficiencyofε,the total light. The drawbacks of this method are the lack of measuredfluorescencelightflux yf canbe writtenas i convergence for events with a large amount of Cherenkov yf =d Yfw ∆X , (3) light and the difficulty of propagating the uncertainty of i i i i i the subtractedsignaltothe reconstructedshowerprofile. wheretheabbreviationd =εT A isused.Forthesake An alternative procedure, used in [14], is to assume a ofclaritythewavelengthidependie4nπcrei2ofY,T andεwillbe functional form for the longitudinal development of the disregardedinthe following,butdiscussedlater. shower,calculatethecorrespondinglightemissionandvary The number of Cherenkov photons emitted at the shower the parameters of the shower curve until a satisfactory is proportional to the number of charged particles above agreement with the observed light at the detector is ob- theCherenkovthresholdenergy.Sincetheelectromagnetic tained. Whereas in this scheme the convergence problems componentdominatestheshowerdevelopment,theemitted of the aforementioned method are avoided, its major dis- Cherenkovlight,NC,canbe calculatedfrom γ advantageisthatitcanonlybe usediftheshowersindeed followthe functionalformassumedinthe minimization. NγC(Xi)=YiCNie∆Xi, (4) It hasbeennotedin [15]that,due tothe universalityof where Ne denotes the number of electrons and positrons i theenergyspectraofthesecondaryelectronsandpositrons aboveacertainenergycutoff,whichisconstantoverthefull within an air shower, there exists a non-iterative solution shower track and not to be confused with the Cherenkov forthereconstructionofalongitudinalshowerprofilefrom emission energy threshold. Details of the Cherenkov lightdetectedby fluorescencetelescopes. light production like these thresholds are included in the Herewewillpresentananalyticleast-squaresolutionfor CherenkovyieldfactorYC [15,18,19,20]. i theestimationofthe longitudinalenergydepositprofileof Although Cherenkov photons are emitted in a narrow air showers from the observed light signal, in which both cone along the particle direction, they cover a consider- fluorescenceandCherenkovlightcontributionsaretreated ableangularrangewithrespecttotheshoweraxis,because assignal.Wewillalsodiscussthecalculationofthestatis- the charged particles are deflected from the primary par- ticaluncertaintyoftheshowerprofile,includingbin-to-bin ticle direction due to multiple scattering. Given the frac- correlations.Finally we will introduce a constrained fit to tion f (β ) of Cherenkov photons per solid angle emitted C i the detected shower profile for extrapolating it to the re- at an angle β with respect to the shower axis [18,20], the i gionsoutsidethefieldofviewofthefluorescencetelescope. light flux at the detector aperture originating from direct This constrained fit allows us to always use the full set of Cherenkovlightis profile function parameters independent of the quality of yCd =d f (β )YC∆X Ne. (5) the detected showerprofile. i i C i i i i Due to the forwardpeakednature of Cherenkovlightpro- duction, an intense Cherenkovlight beam builds up along 2. Fluorescence andCherenkov LightSignals the shower as it traverses the atmosphere (cf. Fig. 1). If a fraction f (β ) of the beam is scattered towards the ob- s i The non-scattered, i.e. directly observed fluorescence server it can contribute significantly to the total light re- light emitted at a certain slant depth X is measured at ceived at the detector. In a simple one-dimensional model i 2 direct fluorescence w X i direct Cherenkov i scattered Cherenkov T i β i r T i ε ji T ε t i t i i s X h ow i β er a i ri xi s Fig. 1. Illustration of the isotropic fluorescence light emission (solid circles), Cherenkov beam along the shower axis (dashed arcs) and the direct (dashed lines)and scattered (dotted lines)Cherenkov lightcontributions. thenumberofphotonsinthebeamatdepthX isjustthe where α is the averageenergy deposit per unit depth per i i sumofCherenkovlightproducedatallpreviousdepthsX electron at shower age s . Parameterizations of α can be j i i attenuatedonthe wayfromX to X by T : found in [10,20]. With this one-to-one relation (Eq. 10) j i ji between the energy deposit and the number of electrons, i Nbeam(X )= T YC∆X Ne. (6) the shower profile is readily calculable from the equations γ i ji j j j given in the last section. For the solution of the problem, j=0 X it is convenient to rewrite the relationbetween energy de- Similartothedirectcontributions,thescatteredCherenkov positandlightatthedetectorinmatrixnotation:Lety= lightreceivedatthe detector isthen (y ,y ,...,y )T be the n-component vector (histogram) 1 2 n i of the measured photon flux at the aperture and w = yCs =d f (β ) T YC∆X Ne. (7) i i s i ji j j j (w ,w ,...,w )T the energy deposit vector at the shower 1 2 n j=0 X track.Using the expression Finally,the totallightreceivedatthe detectoratthe time t isobtainedbyaddingthescatteredanddirectlightcon- y=Cw (11) i tributions: theelementsoftheCherenkov-fluorescencematrixCcanbe y =yf +yCd+yCs. (8) i i i i foundbyacomparisonwiththecoefficientsinequations(3), (5)and(7): 3. Analytic ShowerProfile Reconstruction 0, i<j C = cd+cs, i=j (12) ij  i ii The aim of the profile reconstruction is to estimate the cs , i>j, ij energy deposit and/or electron profile from the light flux observed at the detector. At first glance this seems to be where  hopeless, since at each depth there are the two unknown cdi =di Yif +fC(βi)YiC/αi ∆Xi (13) variables wi and Nie, and only one measured quantity, and (cid:0) (cid:1) namely yi. Since the total energy deposit is just the sum cs =d f (β )T YC/α ∆X . (14) ofthe energylossofelectrons,w andNe arerelatedvia ij i s i ji j j j i i ∞ ThesolutionofEq.(11)canbeobtainedbyinversion,lead- w =Ne f (E,X )w (E)dE, (9) ingto the energydepositestimatorw: i i e i e Z0 w=C−1y. (15) where f (E,X ) denotes the normalized electron energy e i b distributionandw (E)istheenergylossperunitdepthofa e Due to the triangular structure of the Cherenkov- singleelectronwithenergyE.Asisshownin[15,19,20],the fluorescence matrix thebinverse can be calculated quickly electron energy spectrum f (E,X ) is universal in shower e i evenformatriceswith largedimension.As the matrixele- agesi =3/(1+2Xmax/Xi),i.e.it doesnotdepend onthe ments inEq.(12)arealways≥0,C is neversingular. primarymassorenergy,butonlyontherelativedistanceto The statistical uncertainties of w are obtained by error theshowermaximum,X .Eq.(9)canthusbesimplified max propagation: to w =Ne α . (10) V =C−1V CbT −1 . (16) i i i w y (cid:0) (cid:1) 3 ns] 900 light at aperture 2)]m 20 χ2/Ndf= 81.19/83 2/100m 780000 tMdoiriteea clC tli hgCehhrteerneknokvov V/(g/c 15 greecnoenrsattreudcted s/ 600 Rayleigh Cherenkov Pe Gaisser-Hillas fit oton 500 dX [ 10 h 400 E/ ht [p 300 d 5 ed lig 120000 ct 0 e 0 et d 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 time slots [100 ns] slant depth [g/cm2] (a) Lightat aperture. (b) Energydeposit profile Fig.2. Example ofasimulated 1019 eVproton shower. It is interesting to note that even if the measurements y event generator.The resulting longitudinal charged parti- i are uncorrelated, i.e. their covariance matrix V is diag- cle and energy deposit profiles were subsequently fed into y onal, the calculated energy loss values w are not. This is theatmosphereanddetectorsimulationpackage[22]ofthe i because the light observed during time interval i does not PierreAugerObservatory.Thegeometryandprofileofthe solely originate from w , but also receives a contribution eventsinthissimulateddatasamplewasthenreconstructed i b from earlier shower parts w , j < i, via the ’Cherenkov withinthe Auger offlinesoftwareframework[23]. j lightbeam’. Only events satisfying basic quality selection criteria have been used in the analysis. In order to assure a good re- construction of the shower geometry, the angular length 4. WavelengthDependence of the shower image on the camera was required to be largerthanninedegrees.Moreover,weonlyselectedevents withatleastonecoincidentsurfacedetectortank(so-called Until now it has been assumed that the shower induces hybrid geometry reconstruction [24]). Furthermore we re- light emission at a single wavelength λ. In reality, the jectedunder-determinedmeasuredlongitudinalprofilesby fluorescence yield shows distinct emission peaks and the demandinganobservedslantdepthlengthof≥300gcm−2 numberofCherenkovphotonsproducedisproportionalto and a reconstructed shower maximum within the field of 1 .Inadditionthewavelengthdependenceofthedetector λ2 viewofthe detector. efficiency andthe light transmissionneed to be takeninto An example of a simulated event is shown in Fig. 2, illus- account. Assuming that a binned wavelength distribution of the yields is available (Y = λk+∆λY (λ)dλ), the trating that the shape of the light curve at the detector ik λk−∆λ i can differ considerably from the one of the energy deposit above considerations still hold when replacing cd and cs R i ij profile due to the scattered Cherenkov light detected at inEq.(12)by late stages of the shower development. The reconstructed c˜d =∆X d Yf +f (β )YC/α (17) energy deposit curve, however, shows on average a good i i ik ik C i ik i agreementwiththe generatedprofile. k X (cid:0) (cid:1) Sincelongitudinalairshowerprofilesexhibitsimilarshapes and whentransformedfromslantdepthX toshowerages(see c˜s =∆X d f (β )T YC/α , (18) ij j ik s i jik jk j for instance [25]), a goodtest of the profile reconstruction k X performance is to compare the average generated and re- where ε T constructed energy deposit profiles as a function of s nor- k ik d = . (19) ik 4πr2 malizedtotheenergydepositatshowermaximum.Ascan i be seen in Fig. (3), the difference between these averages Thedetectorefficiencyε andtransmissioncoefficientsT k ik is≤1.5%anditcanbeconcludedthatthematrixmethod andT areevaluatedatthe wavelengthλ . jik k introducedhereperformswellinreconstructingairshower profileswithout a priorassumption abouttheir functional 5. ValidationwithAirShower Simulations shape. In order to test the performance of the reconstruction algorithm we will use in the following simulated fluores- cencedetectordata.Forthispurposewegeneratedproton air showers with an energy of 1019 eV with the CONEX [21] 4 X)/(dE/dX)max 0.81 greecnoenrsattreudcted 2] [g/cmmax 10-11 Xenmeaxrgy 1100--32∆E/E d X E/ ∆ (d 0.6 10-2 10-4 0.4 10-3 10-5 0.2 10-4 10-6 max 0 1 2 3 dX) 0.04 number of iterations E/ 0.02 d X)/( 0 E/d -0.02 Fig.5.Xmax andenergydifferencewithrespecttothetenthshower ∆ (d-0.04 age iteration. 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 shower age which was found to give a good description of measured longitudinalprofiles[29].Ithasfourfreeparameters:X , Fig.3.Averagegeneratedandreconstructedenergydepositprofiles. max the depth where the shower reaches its maximum energy 6. Shower AgeDependence depositw andtwoshape parametersX andλ. max 0 The best set of Gaisser-Hillas parameters p can be ob- Due to the age dependence of the electron spectra tainedbyminimizingtheerrorweightedsquareddifference fe(E,si), the Cherenkovyield factors YiC and the average betweenthe vectoroffunctionvalues fGH andw,whichis electronenergydepositsαi dependonthedepthofshower χ2 =[w−f(p)]T V −1 [w−f(p)]. (21) maximum, which is not knownbefore the profile has been GH w b reconstructed. Fortunately, these dependencies are small: This minimization works well if a large fraction of the b b Intheagerangeofimportancefortheshowerprofilerecon- showerhasbeenobservedbelowandabovetheshowermax- struction(s∈[0.8,1.2])αvariesbyonlyafewpercent[20] imum. If this is not the case, or even worse, if the shower and YC by less than 15%[15]. Therefore,a goodestimate maximumisoutsidethefieldofview,theproblemisunder- ofαandYC canbeobtainedbysettings=1overthe full determined, i.e. the experimental information is not suffi- profileorbyestimating Xmax fromthe positionmaximum cienttoreconstructallfourGaisser-Hillasparameters.This of the detected light profile. After the shower profile has complicationcanbeovercomebyconstrainingX andλto 0 been calculated with these estimates, X can be deter- their average values hX i and hλi. The new minimization max 0 mined from the energy deposit profile and the profile can functionis thenthe modified χ2 be re-calculated with an updated Cherenkov-fluorescence (X −hX i)2 (λ−hλi)2 matrix. The convergence of this procedure is shown in χ2 =χ2 + 0 0 + , (22) GH V V Fig. 5. After only one iteration the Xmax (energy) differs X0 λ by less than 0.1 gcm−2 (0.1%) from its asymptotic value. wherethe variancesofX andλaroundtheirmeanvalues 0 Notethatagedependenteffectsofthelateralspreadofthe areinthe denominators. shower on the image seen at the detector [26,27], though In this way, even if χ2 is not sensitive to X and λ, the GH 0 notdiscussedindetailhere,havealsobeenincludedinthe minimization will still converge.On the other hand, if the simulationandreconstruction. measurements have small statistical uncertainties and/or cover a wide range in depth, the minimization function is 7. Gaisser-HillasFit flexibleenoughtoallowforshapeparametersdifferingfrom their mean values. These mean values can be determined fromairshowersimulationsor,preferably,fromhighqual- A knowledge of the complete profile is required for the ity data profiles which can be reconstructed without con- calculationoftheCherenkovbeamandtheshowerenergy. straints. Ifduetothelimitedfieldofviewofthedetectoronlyapart Eq.(22)canbeeasilyextendedtoincorporatecorrelations of the profile is observed, an appropriate function for the betweenX andλandtheenergydependenceoftheirmean extrapolation to unobserved depths is needed. A possible 0 values.Airshowersimulationsindicateasmalllogarithmic choiceis the Gaisser-Hillasfunction[28] energydependenceofthelatter(≤25%and5%perdecade f (X)=w X−X0 (Xmax−X0)/λe(Xmax−X)/λ, forX0andλrespectively[30]).Inpracticeitissufficientto GH max X −X useenergyindependentvaluesdeterminedatlowenergies, (cid:18) max 0(cid:19) (20) because at high energies the number of measured points 5 gengen 22]m]m mean )/E)/Enn 00..1155 g/cg/c 4400 rms -EE-EEgegerecrec 00..0000..5511 gengen) [X) [Xmaxmax 2200 (( 00 recrec-X-Xmaxmax 00 (( --00..0055 --2200 --00..11 --4400 --00..1155 00 1100 2200 3300 4400 5500 6600 7700 8800 9900 00 1100 2200 3300 4400 5500 6600 7700 8800 9900 CChheerreennkkoovv ffrraaccttiioonn [[%%]] CChheerreennkkoovv ffrraaccttiioonn [[%%]] (a) Energy. (b) Xmax. Fig.4. Energy andXmax reconstruction accuracy as function ofthe amount of detected Cherenkov light. is large and thus the constraints do not contribute signifi- 8.1. Flux uncertaintyof thecalorimetric energy cantlyto the overallχ2. The accuracy of the reconstructed energy, obtained by Even with the flux uncertainties of the Gaisser-Hillas integrating over the Gaisser-Hillas function (see below), parameters it is not straightforward to calculate the flux and that of the depth of shower maximum, are displayed uncertainty of the calorimetric energy, which is given by inFig.4asafunctionoftherelativeamountofCherenkov the integraloverthe energydepositprofile: light.Notethatthegoodresolutionsof≈7%and20gcm−2 ∞ are of course not a feature of the reconstruction method E = f (X)dX . (23) cal GH alone, but depend strongly on the detector performance Z0 andqualityselection.Themeanvaluesofdifferencetothe Tosolvethis integralonecansubstitute trueshowerparameters,however,whichareclosetozerofor X−X X −X 0 max 0 both fluorescence and Cherenkov light dominated events, t= and ξ = (24) λ λ indicatethatbothlightsourcesareequallysuitedtorecon- inthe Gaisser-HillasfunctionEq.(20)to get structthe longitudinaldevelopmentofairshowers. A slight deterioration of the resolutions can be seen for ξ e eventswithaverysmallCherenkovcontributionof<10%. fGH(t)=wmax e−ttξ, (25) ξ Such showers are either inclined events which developed (cid:18) (cid:19) highintheatmospherewherethelightscatteringprobabil- whichcanbeidentifiedwithaGammadistribution.There- itiesarelowordeepverticalshowers,forwhichmostofthe fore,the aboveintegralis givenby latepartoftheshowerisbelowgroundlevel.Bothtopolo- ξ e giesresultinasomewhatworseresolution:Theformercor- E =λw Γ(ξ+1), (26) cal max ξ respond to larger than average distances to the detector (cid:18) (cid:19) andthe latterto shorterobservedprofiles. whereΓdenotestheGamma-function.Thus,insteadofdo- ingatediouserrorpropagationtodeterminethestatistical uncertainty ofE one cansimply use it directly as a free cal 8. ErrorPropagation parameterinthefitinsteadoftheconventionalfactorwmax: E f (t)= cal e−ttξ (27) Arealisticestimateofthestatisticaluncertaintiesofim- GH λΓ(ξ+1) portant shower parameters is desired for many purposes, Inthisway,σ (E )isobtaineddirectlyfromtheχ2+1 likedataqualityselectioncuts,orthecomparisonbetween flux cal contourofEq.(22). independent measurements like the surface and fluores- cence detector measurements of the Pierre Auger Obser- vatory or the Telescope Array.The uncertainties of w , 8.2. Geometric uncertainties max X ,X andλobtainedaftertheminimizationofEq.(22), max 0 reflect only the statistical uncertainty of the light flux, Due to the uncertainties on the shower geometry, the whichiswhytheseerrorswillbereferredtoas’fluxuncer- distances r to each shower point are only known within i tainties’ (σ ) in the following. Additional uncertainties a limited precision and correspondingly the energy de- flux arisefromtheuncertaintiesontheshowergeometry(σ ), posit profile points are uncertain due to the transmission geo atmosphere (σ ) and the correction for invisible energy factors T(r ) and geometry factors 1/(4πr2). Further- atm i i (σ ). more, the uncertainty of the shower direction, especially inv 6 tXhselaznten=ithXavenrgt/lecoθ,sθaffaencdtsththuessXlamnatx.deFpinthallcya,lctuhleataimonouvniat events00..0067 MRMeaSn - 01..1067 events00..0089 MRMeaSn - 00..0878 of direct and scattered Cherenkov light depends on the n of 0.05 n of 0.07 showergeometry,too,via the anglesβi. ctio0.04 ctio0.06 a a0.05 fr0.03 fr0.04 The algorithms used to reconstruct the shower geome- 0.02 0.03 try from fluorescence detector data usually determine the 0.02 0.01 following five parameters [9], irrespective of whether the 0.01 0 -4 -2 0 2 4 0 -4 -2 0 2 4 detectorsoperateinmonocular,stereoorhybridmode: (lgErec- lgEgen)/σ(lg Erec) (Xrmeacx-Xgmeanx)/σ(Xrmeacx) α={θ ,Φ ,T ,R ,χ }. (28) SDP SDP 0 p 0 (a) Energy. (b) Xmax. θ and Φ are the angles of the normal vector of a SDP SDP Fig.6. Pull distributions plane spannedbythe showeraxisandthe detector(the so called shower-detector-plane),χ0 denotes the angle of the 8.4. Invisible energy shower within this plane and T and R are the time and 0 p distance of the shower at its point of closest approach to Notalloftheenergyofaprimarycosmicrayparticleends the detector. upinthe electromagneticpartofanairshower.Neutrinos Foranyfunctionq(α)standarderrorpropagationyieldsthe escape undetected and muons need long path lengths to geometricuncertainty fully release their energy. This is usually accounted for by 5 5 dq dq multiplying the calorimetric energy, Eq. (23), with a cor- σ2 (q)= Vα, (29) geom dα dα ij rection factor finv determined from shower simulations to i j Xi=1Xj=1 obtainthe totalprimaryenergy whereVαdenotesthecovariancematrixoftheaxisparam- E =f E . (33) eters. As the calorimetric energy and X depend non- tot inv cal max triviallyontheshowergeometry,theabovederivativesneed Themesondecayprobabilities,andthustheamountofneu- to be calculated numerically, i.e. by repeating the profile trinoandmuonproduction,decreasewithenergy,therefore reconstruction and Gaisser-Hillas fitting for the ten new finv dependsontheprimaryenergy.Forinstance,in[33]it geometriesgivenbyα ± Vα ≡α ±σ to obtain isparameterizedas i ii i i dq p finv =(a+bEccal)−1, (34) ∆ = σ i i dαi where a, b and c denote constants depending on the pri- 1 mary composition and interaction model assumed1. This ≈ [q(α +σ )−q(α −σ )], (30) 2 i i i i energy dependence needs to be taken into account when propagatingthe calorimetricenergyuncertaintytothe to- withwhichEq.(29)readsas talenergyuncertainty. 5 5 Due to the stochastic nature of air showers, the correc- σ2 (q)= ∆ ∆ ρ (31) geom i j ij tionfactorissubjecttoshower-to-showerfluctuations.The Xi=1Xj=1 statistical uncertainty of finv was determined in [34] and where canbe parameterizedasfollows: Vα ρij = ViαjVα (32) σ(finv)≈1.663·106·lg(Etot/ eV)−6.36. (35) ii jj denote the correlationcoefficients of the geometry param- Typicalvaluesare2.5%at1017 eV and0.9%at1020 eV. p etersα andα . i j 8.3. Atmospheric uncertainties 8.5. Total statisticaluncertainty WhereastheRayleighattenuationisatheoreticallywell Summarizing the above considerations, the statistical understood process, the molecular density profiles and varianceofthe totalenergyis aerosol content of the atmosphere vary due to environ- σ2 (E )=E2 σ2(f ) mental influences and need to be well monitored in order stat tot tot inv to determine the slant depth and transmissioncoefficients df 2 + invE +f σ2(E ), (36) needed for the profile reconstruction. Uncertainties in dE cal inv i cal these measured atmospheric properties (see for instance (cid:18) cal (cid:19) Xi [31,32]) can be propagated in the same way as the geo- 1 Note that here only the statistical uncertainties of the invisible metric uncertainties by determining the one sigma shower energycorrection arediscussed. For anestimate onthe relatedsys- parameterdeviations viaEq.(30). tematicuncertainties see[34] 7 where iruns overthe geometric,atmosphericandflux un- certainties. Since the invisible energy correction does not affectthedepthofshowermaximum,itsuncertaintyissim- References ply givenby [1] T. Abu-Zayyad et al. [HiRes Collaboration], Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A450(2000) 253. σ (X )= σ2(X ). (37) stat max i max [2] J. Abraham etal. [PierreAuger Collaboration], Nucl. Instrum. s i Meth. A523(2004) 50. X [3] H. Kawai etal. [TACollaboration], Proc. 29th ICRC (2005). Againweusesimulatedeventstoverifythevalidityofthe [4] F. Kakimoto etal.,Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A372 (1996) 527. above considerations. The pull distributions of the recon- [5] T. Waldenmaier, J. Blu¨mer,H.Klages, astro-ph/0709.1494. structed energy and shower maximum, shown in Fig. 37, [6] M.Aveetal.[AIRFLYCollaboration],Proc.30thICRC(2007) bothhaveawidthofapproximatelyone,whichmeansthat and arXiv:0711.4519 [astro-ph]. [7] P. Privitera et al. [AIRFLY Collaboration], Proc. 30th ICRC the total uncertainties from Eqs. 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