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Reconstructing the Source in Heavy Ion Collisions from Particle Interferometry PDF

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1 Reconstructing the Source in Heavy Ion Collisions from Particle 8 Interferometry 9 9 1 Urs Achim Wiedemann, Boris Tom´aˇsik and Ulrich Heinza n a aInstitut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, J D-93040 Regensburg, Germany 2 1 ThepreliminaryCERNSPSNA49Pb+Pb158GeV/Aone-andtwo-particleh−-spectra 1 v at mid-rapidity are consistent with a source of temperature T ≈ 130 MeV, lifetime τ ≈ 9 0 7 fm/c, transverse flow η ≈ 0.35, and a transverse geometric size which is twice as large 1 f 0 as the cold Pb nucleus. 1 0 8 1. Introduction 9 / h Hadronic one- and two-particle spectra provide for each particle species information -t about the phase-space distribution S(x,K) of the hadronic emission region [1]. Once l c reconstructed from the measured spectra, S(x,K) allows to distinguish between different u dynamicalscenariosofheavyioncollisions. Itprovidesanexperiment-based startingpoint n : for a dynamical back extrapolation into the hot and dense early stage of the collision, v i where quarks and gluons are expected to be the relevant physical degrees of freedom. X Our reconstruction of S(x,K) is based on the hadronic one- and two-particle spectra r a dN E = d4xS(x,p) = 1 d2N [1+2 ∞ v cosn(φ−ψ )], (1) d3p Z 2πptdptdy n=1 n R P | d4xS(x,K)eiq·x|2 C(K,q) = 1+ = 1+λexp− R2(K)q q  . (2) d4xRS(x,p1) d4yS(y,p2) Xij ij i j R R   Thetriple-differentialhadronicone-particlespectrum(1)teststhemomentum-dependence of S(x,K) only. Its azimuthal φ-dependence with respect to the reaction plane ψ is R parametrized by the harmonic coefficients v [2]. Information about the space-time struc- n ture of S(x,K) can be obtained from the relative momentum dependence of the two- particle correlator C(K,q), q = p − p . This q-dependence is usually parametrized 1 2 via the Hanbury-Brown Twiss (HBT) radius parameters R2(K) which depend on the ij average pair momentum K = 1(p + p ). Depending on the Gaussian parametrization 2 1 2 adopted, theindices i, j in (2) runeither over the Cartesian directions long(parallel to the beam), out (parallel to the transverse component K ) and side, or over the corresponding ⊥ Yano-Koonin coordinates q = q2 +q2, q and q0 = q·K/K [1]. ⊥ o s 3 0 q 2 h 0.5 pt103 TT == 116080 MMeeVV,, h hf f == 00..4238 0f.4 N/ p dt102 h- d 10 0.3 1 Data points: 0.2 NA49 prelim. 180 160 140 120 100 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 T (MeV) p (MeV) t Figure 1. LHS: χ2 contour plot of a fit to the NA49 [3] h−-spectrum. Dashed lines are for constant values of η2/T. RHS: different combinations of temperature T and transverse f flow η account for the same one-particle slope. f 2. Reconstructing an azimuthally symmetric source A typical data analysis starts from a simple ansatz for the phase space distribution S(x,K) in terms of very few, physically intuitive fit parameters, [1,4]: S (x,p) = Sdir(x,p)+ S (x,p), (3) π π R→π X R Sdir(x,P) = 2Ji+1 P·n(x) exp −P·u(x) exp − r2 − η2 − (τ−τ0)2 . (4) i (2π)3 (cid:16) T (cid:17) (cid:16) 2R2 2(∆η)2 2(∆τ)2 (cid:17) This model e.g. assumes local thermalization at freeze-out with temperature T within a space-time region of transverse Gaussian width R, emission duration ∆τ, longitudinal extension τ ∆η, where η = 1 ln[(t+z)/(t−z)], and average emission time τ . The 0 2 0 modelallowsfordynamicalsourcecorrelationsviathehydrodynamicflow4-velocityu (x). µ We assume a linear transverse flow profile η (r) = η r with variable strength η , t f (cid:16)R(cid:17) f and Bjorken scaling of the flow component in the longitudinal direction, v = z/t, η ≡ l l 1 ln[(1+v )/(1−v )] = η. Resonances are produced in thermal abundances with proper 2 l l spin degeneracy 2J +1 for each particle species i. Their contribution to the pion yield is i obtained by propagating them along their classical path xµ = Xµ + Pµτ according to an M exponential decay law [4], S (x,p) = d4X dτ Γe−Γτ δ(4) x− X + P τ Sdir(X,P), (5) R→π ZR Z Z h (cid:16) M (cid:17)i R where is the integral over the available resonance phase space for isotropic decays. We R includeRall pion decay channels of ρ, ∆, K∗, Σ∗, ω, η, η′, K0, Σ and Λ with branching S ratios larger than 5 percent. The model parameters T, η , R, ∆η, ∆τ, τ can then be f 0 determined via the following strategy: 1. transverse one-particle spectrum dN/dM2 determines blue-shifted temperature T : ⊥ eff The slope of dN/dM2 is essentially given by T = T (1+η )/(1−η ). Hence, ⊥ eff f f q different combinations of T and η can account for the same data, see Fig. 1. f 2. dN/dM2 and R (M ) disentangle temperature and transverse flow. R fixes trans- ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ ⊥ verse extension R: 3 R^ (fm) R ll (fm) R 20 (fm 2 ) 7 12 40 transparent source l /R = ¥ 6 10 mfp t = 12 fm/c 20 5 0 8 0 4 -20 h = 0.35 6 23 Tf = 130 MeV 4 t 0 = 9 fm/c --6400 opaque source l m fp /R = 1 R = 7 fm 1 2 -80 0 0 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 M^ (MeV/c 2 ) M^ (MeV/c 2) M^ (MeV/c 2) Figure 2. Yano-Koonin-Podgoretskii HBT-radius parameters. The preliminary NA49 Pb+Pb data [5] are for h+h+ (squares) and h−h− (diamonds) correlations. The M -slope of R is proportional to η2/T, R2 ≈ R2/(1+M η2/T) [6,7]. This ⊥ ⊥ f ⊥ ⊥ f slope allows in combination with dN/dM2 to specify T and η , see Fig. 2. The ⊥ f overall size of R determines the Gaussian width R. We find η ≈ 0.35, T ≈ 130 ⊥ f MeV, R ≈ 7 fm. 3. R determines τ , width of rapidity distribution dN/dY determines ∆η: k 0 In principle, R depends on τ , ∆η and ∆τ [7]. We have fixed ∆η = 1.3 by matching k 0 the width of the pion rapidity distribution. The data then favour clearly a lifetime of τ ≈ 9 fm/c (see Fig.2) but arenot very sensitive to the emission duration ∆τ [8]. 0 The present plots are obtained with ∆τ = 1.5 fm/c. 4. R discards opaque sources: 0 For the model (3-5), the YKP-parameter R is mainly sensitive to the temporal 0 aspects of the source. The large statistical uncertainties for R do not allow to 0 constrain the model parameter space further, see Fig. 2. Models of opaque sources including an opacity factor in (4) are excluded already by the present data [8]. The radius of a cold Pb nucleus corresponds to R (cold) ≈ 3.5 fm in the Gaussian Pb parametrization(4),i.e.,theexperimentaldataindicateaverylargesourceR ≈ 2R (cold). Pb This is dynamically consistent with a collision scenario in which the initially produced pressure gradients result in a significant transverse flow η = 0.35, driving the expansion f of the system over a time of 9 fm/c to twice its initial size. The temperature may have decreased substantially during this expansion; the data indicate 130 MeV at freeze-out. These conclusions arefurther supported by the analysis presented by G.Roland[9], which is based on approximate analytical formulas. We have extracted the model parameters by comparison to numerical model calculations, following the above strategy. They are not obtained from a simultaneous fit to all observables, and hence we do not quote errors. 3. Particle interferometry for collisions with finite impact parameter The reaction plane analysis of triple-differential one-particle spectra (1) has been dis- cussed extensively in this conference e.g. by A. Poskanzer, J.-Y. Ollitrault, and S. 4 Voloshin. The general strategy for linking this analysis to an azimuthally sensitive parti- cle interferometry is based on the Φ-dependence of the HBT-radii [10], where Φ measures the azimuthal angle of K~ relative to the reaction plane, ⊥ ∞ ∞ R2(K ,Φ,Y) = R2 (K ,Y)+2 Rc 2(K ,Y)cosnΦ+2 Rs 2(K ,Y)sinnΦ.(6) ij ⊥ ij,0 ⊥ ij,n ⊥ ij,n ⊥ X X n=1 n=1 Here, the many harmonic coefficients R∗ make a direct comparison to experimental data ij,∗ impossible. However, various relations hold amongst these coefficients, since the leading anisotropy in realistic source models S(x,K) can be quantified by very few parameters only. Using the symmetries of the system and assuming that elliptic deformations domi- nate we find [10] 0 ≈ Rc 2 ≈ Rs 2 ≈ Rc 2 ≈ Rs 2 ≈ Rc 2 ≈ Rs 2 ,m ≥ 1, (7) l,m l,m ol,m ol,m sl,m sl,m 1 α ≈ Rc 2 ≈ Rc 2 ≈ −Rs 2, (8) 1 3 o,1 s,1 os,1 α ≈ −Rc 2 ≈ Rc 2 ≈ Rs 2. (9) 2 o,2 s,2 os,2 A violation of Eqs. (8)-(9) by experiment would indicate strong higher order deformations and rule out many model scenarios. On the basis of Eqs. (7)-(9), an azimuthally sensitive parametrization of the two-particle correlator involves only two additional fit parameters, C (K,q) ≈ 1+λexp[−R 2q2 −R 2q2 −R 2q2 −2R 2q q ] ψR o,0 o s,0 s l,0 l ol,0 o l ×exp[−α (3q2 +q2) cos(Φ−ψ ) +2α q q sin(Φ−ψ )] 1 o s R 1 o s R ×exp[−α (q2 −q2)cos2(Φ−ψ )+2α q q sin2(Φ−ψ )(]1.0) 2 o s R 2 o s R The anisotropy parameter α vanishes at mid-rapidity or if the source contains no dynam- 1 ical correlations. It characterizes anisotropic dynamics. The parameter α characterizes 2 the elliptic geometry. The parameters α and α can be determined from event samples in 1 2 spite of the uncertainty in the eventwise reconstruction of the reaction plane. For details, see Ref. [10]. This work is supported by BMBF, DAAD, DFG and GSI. REFERENCES 1. U. Heinz, nucl-th/9609029. 2. S.A. Voloshin and Y. Zhang, Z. Phys. C70 (1996) 665. 3. P. Jones for the NA49 Coll., Quark Matter ’96, Nucl. Phys. A610 (1996) 188c. 4. U.A. Wiedemann and U. Heinz, Phys. Rev. C56 (1997) 3265; ibidem R610. 5. H. Appelsh¨auser, NA49 PhD-thesis. 6. S. Chapman, R. Nix and U. Heinz, Phys. Rev. C52 (1995) 2694. 7. U.A. Wiedemann, P. Scotto and U. Heinz, Phys. Rev. C53 (1996) 918. 8. B. Tom´aˇsik and U. Heinz, nucl-th/9707001, and poster at this conference. 9. G. Roland for the NA49 Coll., these proceedings. 10. U.A. Wiedemann, Phys. Rev. C57 (1998) 266.

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