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View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Griffith Research Online ArchaeologicalProspection Archaeol.Prospect. 9999,(2017) Published onlinein Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com) DOI: 10.1002/arp.1570 Reconstructing Palaeogeography and Inter-island Visibility in the Wallacean Archipelago During the Likely Period of Sahul – Colonization, 65 45000 Years Ago SHIMONA KEALY* , JULIEN LOUYS AND SUE O’CONNOR ArchaeologyandNaturalHistory,SchoolofCulture,HistoryandLanguage,CollegeofAsiaandthePacific, AustralianNationalUniversity,HCCoombsBuilding,9FellowsRd,Acton2601,ACTAustralia ABSTRACT The palaeogeography of the Wallacea Archipelago is a significant factor in understanding early modern human colonization of Sahul (Australia and New Guinea), and models of colonization patterns, as well as archaeological surveyandsiteinterpretation,areallheavilydependentonthespecificpalaeogeographicreconstructionemployed. Herewepresentfivereconstructionsfortheperiods65,60,55,50,and45000yearsago,usingthelatestbathometric chartandasea-levelmodelthatisadjustedtoaccountfortheaverageupliftrateknownfromWallacea.Usingthisdata wealsoreconstructedislandarealextentaswellastopographyforeachtimeperiod.Thesereconstructionswerethen used to estimate visibility for each island in the archipelago, and finally to model how intervisible each island was duringtheperiodoflikelyhumancolonization.OurmodelsprovidethefirstevidenceforintervisibilitybetweenTimor andAustraliaatca.65–62kaand47–12ka,thesecondofwhichisnotableforitsoverlapwiththeoldestradiocarbon datesfromTimor-LesteandAustralia. Basedonintervisibility alone, however,ourstudy suggeststhat thenorthern routeintoPapuaNewGuineawasthemostparsimoniousrouteforfirstmodernhumanentryintoSahul.Ourstudy providesarchaeologistswithanimportantbaselinefromwhichtoconductphysicalsurveys,interpretarchaeological data,andtheorizethecolonizationofWallaceaandSahul.©2017TheAuthors.ArchaeologicalProspectionPublished byJohnWiley&SonsLtd. Keywords: Wallacea;intervisible;Sahul;Sunda;migration;palaeogeography Introduction archaeological prospection zone. An understanding of the palaeogeography of Wallacea significantly impacts Palaeogeographyconcernsthestudyandreconstruction ourinterpretationsoftheregion’sarchaeology,andisvi- oftheEarth’scontinentsandoceansthroughoutitsgeo- talforreconstructingmovementsofanatomicalmodern logical past. Understanding the palaeogeography of a humans (AMHs) through the region and their first ar- particularregionisvitalforinterpretingtheecology,dis- rival on Sahul (Birdsell, 1977; Butlin, 1993; Kealy et al., tribution,diversity,andevolutionoforganismsinthose 2015). Four possible routes of dispersal from Sunda to regions (Benton and Harper, 2009). The biogeographic Sahul have been suggested (Birdsell, 1977; Sondaar, regionofWallacea,definedasthearchipelagolyingbe- 1989; Morwood and Van Oosterzee, 2007), largely tweenthecontinentalshelvesofsoutheastAsia(Sunda) reflectingBirdsell’s(1977)‘northern’(NewGuinean)or and Australia-New Guinea (Sahul) to the exclusion of ‘southern’ (Australian) routes (Birdsell, 1977; Kealy the Philippines (and thus following the extent of et al., 2015; Figure 1). While Birdsell (1977) favoured Wallace’s original line; see Kealy et al., 2015), is a key thenorthernroute(Route1)basedonintervisibilitybe- tween these island chains, O’Connor et al. (2010) sug- *Correspondenceto:ShimonaKealy,ArchaeologyandNaturalHis- gested that current archaeological evidence from tory,SchoolofCulture,HistoryandLanguage,CollegeofAsiaand the Pacific, Australian National University, Acton, 2601, ACT, Wallacea could be used to support either possibility, Australia.E-mail:[email protected] though with the oldest dates for AMH occupation re- ThisisanopenaccessarticleunderthetermsoftheCreativeCom- coveredfromsitesinTimor-Lestefavouredthesouthern monsAttributionLicense,whichpermitsuse,distributionandrepro- ductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. route(O’Connor,2007;Figure1). ©2017TheAuthors.ArchaeologicalProspectionPublishedbyJohnWiley&SonsLtd. Received11September2016 Revised30November2016 Accepted2January2017 S. Kealy,J. Louys and S.O’Connor Figure 1. Map of Wallacea and neighbours showing Birdsell’s (1977) potential Sahul colonization routes, and the various archaeological sites mentionedinthetext.Calibrateddaterangesareincludedinbrackets,roundedto1ka.Theextentofthecontinentalshelfdowntothe(cid:1)50m bathometriccontourisshadedindarkgrey. Hypotheses of migration made on the basis of Sahul colonization, with most studies suggesting an molecular data have also been used to infer the initial arrival date of about 50 ka, and a period of ca. direction, pattern, and timings of Sahul colonization 5 to 30 ka for complete dispersal between Asia and (e.g. Redd and Stoneking, 1999; Oppenheimer, 2003; Sahul(Hilletal.,2007;Hudjashovetal.,2007;McEvoy van Holst Pellekaan, 2013). Unfortunately, they have et al., 2010; Oppenheimer, 2012; van Holst Pellekaan, added little clarification to the different possibilities 2013; Fregel, 2015; Bergströmet al.,2016). suggested by the archaeological data. In part this is Itshouldbenoted thatnotallmolecularstudies are theresultofthe use ofarchaeological data to calibrate basedonunevenlysampledpopulations,andsomeare molecular models, creating circularity between the quite data-rich for Wallacea and Sahul; however these results of the two approaches (Allen and O’Connell, tend to focus on more recent migration patterns (e.g. 2014). This issue notwithstanding, most molecular Redd et al., 2002; Soares et al., 2008; Jinam et al., 2012; models are examined at a broad geographical scale Tumonggor et al., 2013). A case in point is the that obscures regional patterns, because the focus of mitochondrial study by Hill et al. (2007), where about such models is on Out-of-Africa and global coloniza- 20% of the modern inhabitants sampled in Island tion rather than how AMHs made it into Sahul (e.g. South East Asia (ISEA) had mtDNA haplotypes that Underhill et al., 2001; Oppenheimer, 2003, 2009, 2012; can be traced to the first AMH to colonize the region. Endicott et al. 2007). Thus, genetic sampling in The other 80% of inhabitants trace their origins back Wallacea and Sahul is comparatively limited in to more recent Holocene migrations out of Indochina, relation to other sampled populations in these studies Taiwan, and Near Oceania, and these provide the (e.g. Redd and Stoneking, 1999; Fregel et al., 2015). majority of genetic data for ISEA (Hill et al., 2007). A Despite these limitations, global models do provide more recent analysis by Gomes et al. (2015) focused useful information concerning the timing and rate of on the AMH migration from Sunda to Sahul, and ©2017TheAuthors.ArchaeologicalProspectionPublishedbyJohnWiley&SonsLtd. Archaeol.Prospect.9999,(2017) DOI:10.1002/arp Reconstructingpalaeogeography andintervisibility in Wallacea compiled over 16 thousand samples from 33 different heightstoaccountfortheloweredsea-levels(aseleva- geographic locations. Their analysis suggested that tion is measured in metres above sea-level). Birdsell both the northern and southern routes were used in (1977) then used these reconstructed island heights, the colonization of Sahul, thus supporting other widths, and the distances between islands to infer molecular models (Ingman and Gyllensten, 2003; inter-island visibility and ease of prehistoric travel. Oppenheimer, 2009; McEvoy et al., 2010; Rasmussen His model, however, neglected to account for the et al.,2011;van Holst Pellekaan, 2013). region’s extensive tectonic uplift (Birdsell, 1977). Our While excavations ontheislands alongthedifferent palaeogeographic reconstructions of Wallacea proposed routes are ongoing, archaeologists have yet essentially represent an updated, quantitative, and torecoverevidenceofAMHoccupationthatpre-dates digitized analysis of Birdsell’s (1977) island intervisi- the colonization dates from Sahul, and thus provide bility hypotheses with the important addition of an support for any particular route. Understanding the uplift variable. route of AMH dispersal through Wallacea is not just ThestudyofislandupliftinWallaceaisnotcompre- an academic pursuit. It can assist with interpretations hensive, rather, select studies on only specific islands ofearlymarinetechnologiesandconsequentlyaspects has left much of the differential uplift rates in the of tool development, communication and social/ region inquestion.Thus,inorder toaccountforuplift community structures (Bednarik et al., 1999; Balme, in our palaeogeographic reconstructions, we calcu- 2013).Withover2000islandsinWallacea,understand- latedtheaverageupliftrateforWallaceafromdifferent ing the most likely route(s) taken by AMHs is also ratesrecordedforislandsintheregion(Table1).While advantageous when selecting particular islands for the use of an average will result in slight over- and archaeological attention. Additionally, the choice of under-estimates of uplift for some islands, until more ‘landing site’ for Sahul colonization has wide ranging data is available, the average rate provides a impacts on all models of subsequent colonization of reasonable approximation for this variable. We then Greater Australia, and Island Melanesia (Birdsell, usedthisaverageupliftratetoreconstructanadjusted 1977; Irwin et al., 1990; Clark, 1991; Field and Lahr, sea-level curve for Wallacea (Figure 2) based on the 2005; Clark et al., 2008). Until more illuminating palaeoclimactic model of Lambeck and Chappell archaeological evidence is found, computer simula- (2001). Because most studies posit colonization of tions and mathematical models canbe used topredict Sahul occurred sometime around 45–65 ka (Hill et al., likely patterns of AMH movement, and in turn, these 2007; Hudjashov et al., 2007; Oppenheimer, 2012; van models can inform subsequent archaeological survey Holst Pellekaan, 2013; Bergström et al., 2016), we efforts (Kealy et al., 2015). A key variable in such produced reconstructions for five periods spanning models is palaeogeography (Van Andel, 1989; this interval: 65 ka, 60 ka, 55 ka, 50 ka, and 45 ka. Oppenheimer,2009;O’Connelletal.,2010).InWallacea The resultant difference between ancient and current in particular, the method and extent of sea-levels for each of the five time periods were then palaeogeographic reconstruction plays a significant applied to the most recent bathymetric chart of role in dispersal model outcomes (Kealy et al., 2015), Wallacea, obtained from the General Bathymetric and a detailed reconstruction of palaeogeography is Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO_14) dataset (Smith and vital for testing the validity of the various proposed Sandwell, 1997 and downloaded from http://www. models of AMH dispersal toSahul. gebco.net/), using ArcGIS [Environmental Systems ResearchInstitute (ESRI), 2014]. We calculated the distance to the geometric horizon Materials and methods according the formula d = √2r, where d is the distance tothehorizon,andristheradiusoftheEarth.Ignoring TheWallaceanarchipelagoisazoneofincrediblyhigh refraction, this resulted in a distance of 3.57 km to the tectonicactivityandgeologicalcomplexitythatresults geometric horizon. We incorporated two different fromthesimultaneouscollisionofthreetectonicplates heights extending above the Earth’s surface (Eurasian, Indian-Australian and Pacific-Philippine (equivalent to a person’s eye height and the top of a Sea; Hall, 2009). Consequently, Wallacea has experi- mountain) using thefollowingformula: enced a significant degree of tectonic uplift since the (cid:3) pffiffiffiffiffi(cid:4) (cid:3) pffiffiffiffiffi(cid:4) time of initial AMH colonization. Birdsell (1977) used VisibilityðkmÞ¼ 3:57(cid:3) h þ 3:57(cid:3) h 1 2 the palaeoclimatic model of Chappell (1976) to lower sea-levels by 150 m (to account for Pleistocene glacial whereh istheeyeheightoftheviewer(inmetres)and 1 conditions), then added 150 m to present island h is the height of the island (inmetres). 2 ©2017TheAuthors.ArchaeologicalProspectionPublishedbyJohnWiley&SonsLtd. Archaeol.Prospect.9999,(2017) DOI:10.1002/arp S. Kealy,J. Louys and S.O’Connor Table1. UpliftratescalculatedfordifferentislandsthroughoutWallacea.ModifiedfromPedojaetal.(2014,table1). Island/region Sitelocation Proposedmaximum Apparentupliftrates Dating Reference record (m/ka) method EastTimor Atauro Plio-Quaternary 0.516 U/Th Chappell&Veeh,1978 EastTimor Baucau/Ponta Notknown 0.553 U/Th Cox,2009;Chappell& Bondura Veeh,1978 EastTimor Hau Notknown 0.082 U/Th Chappell&Veeh,1978 EastTimor Lautem Notknown 0.41 U/Th Chappell&Veeh,1978 EastTimor Laga MIS7 0.5 U/Th Cox,2009 WestTimor Namosain MIS7 0.3 U/Th Jouannicetal.,1988 WestTimor/ CapeOeloimi >MIS5e 0.328 U/Th Jouannicetal.,1988 SemauIsland RoteIsland PointDombo >MIS5e 1.4 U/Th Roosmawati&Harris,2009 SavuIsland WestSavu >MIS5e 0.7 ESR/U/Th Roosmawati&Harris,2009 SumbaIsland CapeLaundi 1Ma 0.49 ESR Nexeretal.,2015; Pirazzolietal.,1993 AlorIsland Kabola >MIS15 1.2 14C/U/Th/ESR Hantoroetal.,1994 KisarIsland Kisar MIS9 0.5 U/Th Majoretal.,2013 EastSulawesi Luwuk MIS7orolder 0.18 U/Th/14C Sumosusastroetal.,1989 EastSulawesi Luwuk MIS9orolder 0.336 U/Th/14C Sumosusastroetal.,1989 The equation thus takes into account the increasing height. Again, this under-estimates visibility for most visibility that results as the object being viewed (the individuals viewing from the shore; however, it island) extends upwards from the Earth’s surface allows us to accommodate the likelihood that the (h ) in addition to the degree to which visibility is viewer is not standing but rather seated in some type 2 increased as a result of eye height above sea level of craft such as a raft or canoe (Friedman et al., 2010). (h ). Further corrections to account for atmospheric For example Alor Island has an estimated elevation 1 refraction (which increases the visibility distance) of 1717 m at 45 ka. Thus a person whose eye is are possible; however as the equation also operates approximately 0.5 m above sea level would have under the assumption of perfect weather conditions been able to see Alor up to 150 km away. If that we chose to use the simpler equation and avoid person was to stand up, however, and their eye over-estimation of visibility. Furthermore, we elected was then 1.8 m above sea-level, they could see the to use a height of only 0.5 m for the viewer’s eye island up to 152.7 km away. Figure2.Sea-levelcurveadjustedforanaverageupliftrateof0.5m/kaforWallaceaforthelast75000years.Sea-leveldatafromLambeckand Chappell(2001),upliftratecalculatedfromTable1. ©2017TheAuthors.ArchaeologicalProspectionPublishedbyJohnWiley&SonsLtd. Archaeol.Prospect.9999,(2017) DOI:10.1002/arp Reconstructingpalaeogeography andintervisibility in Wallacea Aftercalculatingthevisibilityforeachislandaccord- directional and can thus cause low islands to look as ing to their reconstructed heights at the five different though they are visible from the shore of a higher time periods, we calculated the distances out to sea island (when in fact it is only the higher island that is that the individual island could be seen using the visible from the shores of the lower one), a higher ‘buffer’ tool in ArcGIS and our reconstructed island island also offers the viewer with a higher lookout coastlines. Areas where this ‘buffer zone’ overlapped point should they climb inland, thus effectively miti- were thus areas of continuous island-to-island gating this bias. Furthermore, we consider absolute visibility. In other-words, overlap indicated that one intervisibility to be less relevant to migrating people could travel by canoe (or some other type of water than relative intervisibility. If AMHs in Wallacea had craft) between two islands without ever going out of the marine technology and skill to travel notable dis- sight of land. This is not an indicator that one island tances from their ‘home’ shore in pursuit of marine can be seen from the shore of another (see later), but resources (O’Connor et al., 2011; Samper Carro et al., that whilst travelling, before someone is completely 2016), then the likelihood is that new islands were out of sight of the starting island they are in sight of initially spotted at sea rather than from land. There- the next. We term this ‘relative intervisibility’, as two fore, we argue that relative intervisibility provides a islands are visible from a point at sea between their better indication of how the Wallacean archipelago shores, relativeto the observer. might have been viewed by Pleistocene peoples. Absoluteintervisibilityisusedtodefineislandsthat In addition to interpretations of intervisibility, we arevisiblefromtheshoreofanother.Thecalculationof used our palaeogeographic reconstructions to investi- awholescale, shore-to-shorevisibilitymodel(absolute gate the locations of the oldest sites known from intervisibility) is exponentially more computationally islands with Pleistocene occupation dates. We intensive than the relative intervisibility model: rather compiled a dataset, calculating the distance from the than determining the distance at which an island can coast and elevation of the archaeological sites at their be seen, absolute intervisibility requires knowledge of oldest known occupation, as well as the size of the which of all the surrounding islands can be spotted island at that time (Table 2). Using a non-parametric from the shores of each other. As the islands are of rank correlation analysis (Spearman’s rho), we tested significantly varying heights, a precise analysis of whether any correlation between any of our absolute intervisibility requires multiple and simulta- geographic measurements and the timing of first neousislanddirectionalanalyses.Whilesuchanalyses occupation existed. would no doubt provide precise indications of visibil- ity relationships between islands, this degree of detail was deemed unnecessary forour study. Results Rather, we proceeded with the (computationally simpler)assumptionthatislandswereofthesameap- We produced five separate maps representing the proximate height, such that halving the islands’ palaeogeography present at 65 ka (Figure 3), 60 ka relative intervisibility produced an area of overlap (Figure4),55ka(Figure5),50ka(Figure6),and45ka indicating approximate absolute intervisibilty. This is (Figure7).Eachofthesemapsshowsthereconstructed because if the relative intervisibility buffer of one coastlines, island topography, relative intervisibility island, which highlights all areas from which that andapproximateabsoluteintervisibilityforthesetime islandcanbeseen,touchesthecoastofaneighbouring periods.Ourresultsshowthegreatestvisibilityforthe island, then that indicates that the first island can be periodsof65and45ka,withtheleastvisibilityoccur- seen from the shores of its neighbour (absolute ringat60ka.ThenorthernislandsbetweenSundaand intervisibility). Halving the visibility distance of two Sahul show continued relative intervisibility between absolutely intervisible islands of the same height 65to45 ka, while visibility is less continuous towards results in each ‘half buffer’ merging to form an the south. Relative intervisibility between Timor and absolute intervisible buffer equal to the islands’ Australia is present at 65 and 45 ka through a small relative intervisibility buffer – in other words indicat- emergent island chain to the north of Darwin and the ing that each island falls within the other’s zone of Tiwi Islands, but absent in the other reconstructions. visibility.Thismethodallowsforthestudyofthearchi- Interpolating from the five maps in light of the pelago as a whole by displaying chains of continued uplift-adjusted sea-level curve (Figure 2), this (approximate) absolute intervisibility everywhere Timor-Australia relative intervisibility was also likely these ‘half buffers’ overlap. While this approach presentbetween65and62kaand47–12ka.According introduces a ‘highland bias,’ as the analysis is not to estimates for absolute intervisibility, at no time ©2017TheAuthors.ArchaeologicalProspectionPublishedbyJohnWiley&SonsLtd. Archaeol.Prospect.9999,(2017) DOI:10.1002/arp S. Kealy,J. Louys and S.O’Connor Table2. Archaeologicalsiteswiththeoldestknownoccupationdates(maximumcalibratedageBP,95.4%probabilityrange)forWallacean islandswithPleistocenedata. Island Site Dateofinitialoccupation Reference Distancetocoast Elevation Islandsize (maximumka) (km) (km) (km2) Talaud LeangSarru 35 Onoetal.,2009; 0.3 93.3 1654 Kealyetal.,2015 Moroti Daeo2 17 Bellwoodetal.,1998; 2 N/A 39423 Kealyetal.,2015 Gebe GoloCave 36 Bellwoodetal.1998; 3 N/A 644 Kealyetal.,2015 Sulawesi LeangTimpuseng 42 Aubertetal.,2014 59 70 227360 Alor TronBonLei 21 SamperCarroetal.,2016 2 155.5 3862 Kisar HereSorotEntapa 15 WK43324 0.5 107.5 117 Timor Jerimalai 43 O’Connoretal.,2014; 3 128.5 31583 Kealyetal.,2015 Roti LuaMeko 27 Mahirta,2003; 7 N/A 2869 Kealyetal.,2015 — — — — — — — Spearman’srho — — 0.56631 –0.2 0.35714 Probability — — 0.1504 0.68333 0.38938 Note:Measurementsforsitedistancetothecoast(inkilometres),siteelevation(inkilometres)andisland(islandgroup)size(inkm2)interpretedfromthe palaeogeographicreconstructionsatthemaximumoccupationdateassociatedwitheachisland.Spearman’srhoforeachsetofvariablesisincluded. N/A,datanotavailable. Figure3.PalaeogeographyreconstructionoftheWallaceaArchipelago65kaago,showingreconstructedtopographyandvisibilitybuffers.The lightbluebufferindicatesregionsofrelativeintervisibility,whilethedarkblueshowstheestimatedabsoluteintervisibility. would land have been visible from the south coast of and Sahul, but absolute intervisibility was also likely Timor. Conversely, not only did northern Wallacea present between each ‘stepping-stone’ island along have continued relative intervisibility between Sunda theway.Whilethevisibilitybuffersmayappearlarge, ©2017TheAuthors.ArchaeologicalProspectionPublishedbyJohnWiley&SonsLtd. Archaeol.Prospect.9999,(2017) DOI:10.1002/arp Reconstructingpalaeogeography andintervisibility in Wallacea Figure4.PalaeogeographyreconstructionoftheWallaceaArchipelago60kaago,showingreconstructedtopographyandvisibilitybuffers.The lightbluebufferindicatesregionsofrelativeintervisibility,whilethedarkblueshowstheestimatedabsoluteintervisibility. we note that much of present day Indonesia already into Timor and down onto the Fantone Bank on the experiences significant relative intervisibility, and exposed shelf of northwest Australia (Birdsell, 1977; lowered sea-levels (and thus increased island heights) Figure 1). The intervisibility models constructed here in the Pleistocene, as well as the emergence of small show the greatest support for a northern colonization islands throughout the archipelago, adds significantly of Sahul. Birdsell’s Route 1B in particular is well tothe extent ofthe buffers. supported by both relative intervisibility and the Using the distance from the coast and elevation of approximated absolute intervisibility. In addition to a the archaeological sites at their oldest known occupa- landing point on Misool, our models also suggest the tion, as well as the size of the island at that time possibilityofalandingsitesomewherealongthecoast (Table 2), we found no correlationbetween any of our of the West Papua Fakfak Regency. Not only is inter- geographic measurements and the dates of apparent visibility continuous between Seram and the Fakfak initial occupation. coast, but this part of Papua shows a high elevation that would have made it easy to spot by early colonizers. Future archaeological surveys both along Discussion theFakfakcoastandinSeramcouldprovidetheneces- sarydatatotestthishypothesis.Fortheroutethrough Birdsell’s (1977) intervisibility study favoured two HalmaheraandontothePapuaBirdsHead(Route1A; routes into Sahul (Figure 1). The first (Route 1B) ran Birdsell, 1977), relative intervisibility is continuous; from present day Borneo/Kalimantan, through howeverourestimateforabsoluteintervisibilityisless Sulawesi and the Peleng islands, down to Ambon connected than forthe routethrough Seram. andSeramandupacrosstoMisool.Thesecond(Route The archaeological record, however, is less support- 2B) route passed through Java and Bali, across to ive of the northern route, with both the Wallacean Lombok and through the Nusa Tenggara island chain and nearby Sahul (New Guinea) dates of occupation ©2017TheAuthors.ArchaeologicalProspectionPublishedbyJohnWiley&SonsLtd. Archaeol.Prospect.9999,(2017) DOI:10.1002/arp S. Kealy,J. Louys and S.O’Connor Figure5.PalaeogeographyreconstructionoftheWallaceaArchipelago55kaago,showingreconstructedtopographyandvisibilitybuffers.The lightbluebufferindicatesregionsofrelativeintervisibility,whilethedarkblueshowstheestimatedabsoluteintervisibility. lacking the antiquity of their southern route counter- Riwi; Figure 1) do not extend back to 65 ka (Balme, parts. A possible exception is the Vilakuav dates from 2000; Hiscock et al., 2016; Wood et al., 2016). Archaeo- the Ivane Valley in the highlands of Eastern New logicalTL/OSL(thermoluminescence/opticallystimu- Guinea (Summerhayes et al., 2010). While the oldest lated luminescence) dates from Madjebebe do have date recovered from this site has a range extending ranges that overlap with the 65–62 ka period of inter- back to ca. 49 ka, it also has a minimum age of ca. visibility;howevertheysufferfromlargeerrormargins 43 ka, making any further interpretations of the site that make further interpretations unreliable (Roberts in relation to the initial colonization of Sahul etal.,1990;Clarksonetal.,2015).WhileMadjebebe’slo- dependant on refinement of this date. Should the cation in the central-north of Australia might suggest maximum date prove to be correct, the site’s location greatest support foraFantone Bank landing site,with in Eastern New Guinea (Figure 1) still leaves a large a lack of corresponding archaeological evidence, the geographicandtemporaldearthofarchaeologicalsites possibility that the initial occupants did not arrive via along this route. the Kimberly or the northern routes through New Forthesouthernroute,onlythe65and45karecon- Guinea cannot be ruled out. With the exception of the structionssupportBirdsell’s(1977)Route2B,however, TL/OSL dates from Madjebebe (Roberts et al., 1990; they do suggest the same Fantone Bank landing Clarkson et al., 2015) the 65 ka reconstruction, whilst location. The 65 ka reconstruction also shows relative showing the furthest extent of southern intervisibility intervisibility to the west, south of Roti through the forour models and thus theoretically a better time for present day Ashmore reef, to a landing point in the southern colonization, is also at the upper limit of north Kimberly region. This south-western route models supported by archaeological and molecular currently receives little support from Wallacean data (Hill et al., 2007; Hudjashov et al., 2007; archaeology (e.g. Mahirta, 2003), and the oldest dates Oppenheimer, 2012; van Holst Pellekaan, 2013; Allen from the Kimberly region (i.e. Carpenters Gap 1 and and O’Connell, 2014; Bergström et al., 2016). ©2017TheAuthors.ArchaeologicalProspectionPublishedbyJohnWiley&SonsLtd. Archaeol.Prospect.9999,(2017) DOI:10.1002/arp Reconstructingpalaeogeography andintervisibility in Wallacea Figure6.PalaeogeographyreconstructionoftheWallaceaArchipelago50kaago,showingreconstructedtopographyandvisibilitybuffers.The lightbluebufferindicatesregionsofrelativeintervisibility,whilethedarkblueshowstheestimatedabsoluteintervisibility. Conversely, radiocarbon dates from Australia and allourreconstructions,althoughourestimateforabso- Timor-Leste do overlap, with the latter dating within lute intervisibility was absent at all times between 65 the range 47–12 ka when the south-eastern route and45ka.Therearearchaeologysitesalongthisroute, between Timor and Sahul would have experienced in Kisar and Aru, however none of these have dates continuous relative intervisibility (O’Connor, 2007; that extend to the dates associated with AMH coloni- O’Connor et al., 2010; Clarkson et al., 2015; Hiscock zation(O’Connoretal.,2005a,2005b).Asintervisibility et al., 2016). Most archaeological and molecular would have remained continuous between Timor and studies, however,suggestaninitialSahulcolonization Aru until at least 12 ka, the later occupation dates of event before 47 ka (Hudjashov et al., 2007; Kisar and Aru could be associated with later migra- Summerhayes et al., 2010; van Holst Pellekaan, 2013; tions from Timor along this route. Interestingly, the Clarkson et al., 2015; Bergström et al., 2016; Hamm molecular study by Hudjashov et al. (2007) suggests etal.,2016;Hiscocketal.,2016),whichourintervisibil- colonization of Australia along the southern route, ity study suggests was more likely from the north. with Aru and the Fantone Bank as their two landing Nevertheless, later colonization events from Timor points. One of the haplogroup lineages to travel the could have occurred once relative intervisibility was Aruroute(Route2A)hasamutationalseparationdate established, supporting a multiple-colonization hy- that overlaps with the oldest dates from the Aru pothesis (Birdsell, 1977; Ingman and Gyllensten, 2003; excavations (O’Connor et al., 2005a; Hudjashov et al., Oppenheimer, 2009; McEvoy et al., 2010; Rasmussen 2007). et al.,2011;Balme, 2013; van Holst Pellekaan, 2013). ThealternativehypothesisthatSahulwascolonized Birdsell’s (1977) Route 2A, from Timor through the between 65 and 62 ka from Timor either to the Tanimbars and east to Aru and Sahul receives much Kimberly coast or Fantone Bank cannot be refuted on greater support from our models than Route 2B. This the basis of our study, and is not entirely lacking in latter route has continuous relative intervisibility in archaeological or molecular support (Ingman and ©2017TheAuthors.ArchaeologicalProspectionPublishedbyJohnWiley&SonsLtd. Archaeol.Prospect.9999,(2017) DOI:10.1002/arp S. Kealy,J. Louys and S.O’Connor Figure7.PalaeogeographyreconstructionoftheWallaceaArchipelago45kaago,showingreconstructedtopographyandvisibilitybuffers.The lightbluebufferindicatesregionsofrelativeintervisibility,whilethedarkblueshowstheestimatedabsoluteintervisibility. Gyllensten, 2003; Oppenheimer, 2012; Clarkson et al., not only conducive to extensive and rapid island 2015). As it is not supported by the majority of data colonization,butalsolikelypromotesthedevelopment available, however, we consider the possibility to be ofmorespecializedmaritimetechnologiesandamore less likely than the later use of the northern route. maritime confident culture. The development of trade Further archaeological investigations and dates from not only between neighbouring islands (e.g. both Wallacea and Sahul will impact the likelihood of Reepmeyer et al., 2016) but also more extensively this scenario. throughout the archipelago is rendered more likely At a broader level, our reconstructions show a considering the extent of relative intervisibility prehistoricislandarchipelagothatwas,visually,signif- throughout the region. Intermittent occupation icantly inter-connected during the period of initial records, such as those of Leang Sarru in the Talauds AMH colonization. Our models indicate that AMH (Onoetal.,2009),mightbeexplainedbyanarchipelago exploration of the Wallacean Archipelago could have with such extensive inter-island connections that a been far more extensive than previously suggested, remote colony could easily move back to a larger as the vast majority of the Wallacean seascape was in island if conditions on the smaller island became less sight of land between 65 and 45 ka. The dependency favourable. Similarly, initial landing by AMHs on the of early Wallacean communities on marine resources smaller islands of Wallacea may have occurred much andtheirexploitationofbothnear-shoreandoff-shore earlier than their occupation records suggest, as their environments (O’Connor et al., 2002; O’Connor et al., proximity to larger, colonized islands removes the 2010,2011;SamperCarroetal.,2016)isconsistentwith necessity to occupy the islands permanently or semi- these models, indicating that the vast majority of the permanently, and reduces the risk associated with Wallacean Archipelago’s marine environments were settlementofnewandunfamiliarislandenvironments. accessible to AMH hunter-gatherers without the risk In addition to the measures of relative and absolute of travelling beyond sight of land. Such a situation is intervisibility, other factors would have also ©2017TheAuthors.ArchaeologicalProspectionPublishedbyJohnWiley&SonsLtd. Archaeol.Prospect.9999,(2017) DOI:10.1002/arp

Wallace's original line; see Kealy et al., 2015), is a key archaeological prospection zone. An understanding of the palaeogeography of Wallacea
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