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Contributors to Volume 217 Article numbers are in parentheses following the names of contributors. Affiliations listed are current. ANNAVOIG FERRO-Luzz1 AMES (32), De- lina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 99572 partment of Molecular and Cell Biology, DRAHCIR L. CATE (29), Biogen, Inc., Cam- Division of Biochemistry, University of bridge, Massachusetts 24120 California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California KARL X. CHA1 (23), Department qf Bio- 02749 chemistry and Molecular Biology, Medi- A1VLIS B~HRING (5), Institutfi~r Molekular- cal University of South Carolina. hiologie, Abteilung Molekulare Zellge- Charleston, South Carolina 52492 netik, D-Ill5 Berlin-Buch, Germany JULIE CHAO (23), Department of Biochemis- RIMIDALV . BARANOV (9), RiboGene, Inc., yrt and Molecular Biology, Medical Uni- ,drawyaH California 54549 versity of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina 52492 CARL A. BATT (18), Department of Food LEE CHAO (23), Department of Biochemis- Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New yrt and Molecular Biology, Medical Uni- York, 35841 versity of South Carolina, Charleston. South Carolina 52492 JEAN-PAUL BEHR (41), Laboratoirede Chi. eim ,euqitdndG dtisrevinU Louis Pasteur, LIN CHEN (7), Department of Chemistry, CNRS ARU 1386, F-67401 lllkirch, ecnarF Harvard University, Cambridge, Massa- chusetts 83120 MARTIN W. DLOTHCREB (8), lnstitut fiir YUNJE CHO (18), Field of Microbiology. eigolokamrahP dnu ,eimehcoiB tiitisrevinU Cornell University, Ithaca, New York ,lehcrl-hciriiZ 7508-hC ,hciruZ dnalreztiwS 35841 REHPOTSIRHC HGUOLCELOC (11), Depart- XAM L. BIRNSTIEL (42), Research Institute ment of Immunology, St. Jude Children's of Molecular Pathology, A-I030 Vienna, Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee Austria 10183 JOHN E. NOTNYOB (37), Department of Bot- WEHTTAM COTTEN (42), Research Institute any, Duke University, Durham, North of Molecular Pathology, A-I030 Vienna. Carolina 60772 Austria |RENA NIETSNORB (29), Tropix, Inc., Bed- DRAHCIR G. H. COTTON (19), Olive Miller ford, Massachusetts 03710 Protein Laborato~, Murdoch Institute. Royal Children's Hospital, Parkville Vic- LAKI BULUWELA (28), Department of -DiB toria 3052. Australia chemistry, Charing Cross and Westmin- ster Medical School, London 6W 8RF, YRNEH DANIELL (38), Department of Bot- England any and Microbiology, Auburn Univer- ,"3tis Auburn, Alabama 94863 ZELING CAI (17), Department oflmmunol- ogy, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota UDNELAMIB ARTAPAHAMSAD (10), Depart- 50955 ment of Antiviral Chemotherapy, CELESTE CANTRELL (31), Department of Schering-Plough Research Corporation, Pharmacology, University of North Caro- Bloomfield, New Jersey 30070 ix X CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 217 NAMRON DAVIDSON (33), Division of Biol- YEKCIM C-T. Hu (33), Department of Ex- ogy, California Institute of Technology, perimental Hematology, Amgen, Inc., Pasadena, California 52119 Amgen Center, Thousand Oaks, Califor- ANTONIA DESTREE (39), Therion Biologics nia 02319 Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts TIM C. HUFFArER (21), Section of Bio- 24120 chemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, V. J. DWARK! (43), Vical Inc., San Diego, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York California 12129 35841 FRITZ ECKSTEIN (13), Abteilung Chemie, HENRY D. HUNT (17), Department of Im- Max-Planck-lnstitut fiir Experimentelle munology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Min- Medizin, D-3400 GOttingen, Germany nesota 55905 NAITSIRHC W. EHRENFELS (29), Biogen, ANDREW C. JAMIESON (18), Melvin Calvin Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts 24120 Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California 03749 J. VICTOR GARCIA (40), Department of Vi- rology and Molecular Biology, St. Jude R. JILK (22), Department of Biochemistry, Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Tennessee 10183 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madi- son, Wisconsin 53706 SALOHCIN W. GILLHAM (37), Department of Zoology, Duke University, Durham, NASUS E. KANE (4), City of Hope National Medical Center, Duarte, California 01019 North Carolina 27706 REDNAXELA N. GLAZER (30), Department PETR YKSVOLRAK (24), Institute of Plant Pathology, University of GOttingen, of Molecular and Cell Biology, Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, D-3400 Gdttingen, Germany University of California, Berkeley, Berke- DAVID C. KASLOW (20), Molecular Vaccine ley, California 94720 Section, Laboratory of Malaria Re- MICHAEL M. GOTTESMAN (4), Laboratory search, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Cell Biology, National Cancer Insti- of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 29802 tute, National Institutes of Health, Be- thesda, Maryland 29802 M. P. KREBS (22), Department of Chemis- RICHARD P. HAUGLAND (30), Molecular try, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Probes, Inc., Eugene, Oregon 20479 nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 93120 STEFEAN N. Ho (17), Department of Pa- thology, Stanford University Medical BIRGIT Kt)HLEIN (12), Max-Planck-lnstitut School, Stanford, California 50349 far Experimentelle Endocrinologie, BERND HOFER (12), Abteilung Mikrobiolo- D-3000 Hannover, Germany gie, Gesellschaft far Biotechnologische ERIC LAI (31), Department of Pharmacol- Forschung, D-3300 Braunschweig, Ger- ogy, University of North Carolina School many of Medicine, Chapel Hill, North Carolina CHRISTA ERREIPDNARG-EKCIROH (6), Ab- 99572 teilung Genetische Grundlagen der Pflan- zenziichtung, Max-Planck-lnstitut fiir ANDRE LIEBER (5), Abteilung Molekulare Zellgenetik, lnstitut fiir Moleku- Ziichtungsforschung, D-5000 KOIn 30, larbiologie, D-1115 Berlin-Buch, Ger- Germany many TREBOR M. HORTON (17), Department of Biochemistry, Gortner Laboratories, Uni- JEAN-PHILIPPE LOEFFLER (41), lnstitut de versity of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota Physiologie, CNRS URA 1446, F-67084 80155 Strasbourg, France CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 217 Xi LEMRAC M. LYNCH (40), Targeted Genetics HENRig 0RUM (2), Department of Biochem- Corporation, Seattle, Washington 10189 istry B, The Panum Institute, Research HPOTSIRHC MAAS (6), Abteilung Genetische Center for Medical Biotechnology, Uni- Grundlagen der Pflanzenziichtung, Max- versity of Copenhagen, DK-2200 Copen- Planck-lnstitut fiir Ziichtungsforschung, hagen N, Denmark 0005-D nlOK ,03 Germany YRAG V. KCODDAP (25), Department of -iM KURTIS D. MACFERRIN (7), Department of crobiology and Immunology, Medical Chemistry, Harvard University, Cam- University of South Carolina, Charleston, bridge, Massachusetts 83120 South Carolina 52492 OYAK MAEDA (1), European Molecular -iB R. NAHBANAMDAP (14), Department of Bio- ology Laboratory, Hamburg Outstation, chemistry and Molecular Biology, Uni- 0002-D Hamburg, Germany versity of Kansas Medical Center. Kan- ANNA MASR (39), Integrated Genetics, sas City, Kansas 31066 Inc., Framingham, Massachusetts 10710 SAMOHT L. PAULS (8), lnstitutfiir Pharma- J. C. MAKRIS* (22), Lawrence Livermore kologie und Biochemie, Universitdt -~tZ National Laboratory, Livermore, Cali- rich-lrchel, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland fornia, 15549 YRRAL R. PEASE (17), Department of Immu- TREBOR W. MALONE (43), Department of nology, Mayo ,'cinilC Rochester, Minne- Pathology, University of California, sota 50955 Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, Cal- ,ainr~ifi 71859 NOTGNITNUH POTTER (34), Department of DRAHCIR A. MATHIES (30), Department of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Chemistry, University of California, Boston, Massachusetts 51120 Berkeley, Berkeley, California 02749 LAgs K. POULSEN (2), Department of -iM GAIL P. MAZZARA (39), Therion Biologics crobiology, Denmark Technical Univer- Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts sity, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark 24120 EIRAMENNA AKTSUOP (26, 27), lnstitut j'~r A. DUSTY MILLER (40), Program ni Molecu- Virusforschung, Angewandte Tumorviro- ral Medicine, ehT Fred Hutchinson Can- logie, Deutsches Krebsforschungszen- cer Research Center, Seattle, Washing- (rum, D-6900 Heidelberg, Germany ton 40189 JEFFREY K. PULLEN (17), Department of LEINAD G. MILLER (40), Program ni Molec- Immunology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester. ular Medicine, ehT Fred Hutchinson Can- Minnesota 50955 cer Research Center, Seattle, Washing- ton 40189 MARK A. QUESADA (30), Department of CESAR MILSTEIN (28), Medical Research Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California 02749 Council Laboratory of Molecular Biol- ogy, Cambridge 2BC 2QH, England DAVID J. RAWLINGS (20), Howard Hughes OWEN J. MURPHY (29), Tropix, Inc., Bed- Medical Institute, University of Califor- ford, Massachusetts 03710 nia, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 42009 P. L. NORDMANN (22), Department of -iM crobiology, Biozentrum, University of Ba- W. S. REZNIKOFF (22), Department of Bio- sel, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland chemistry, College of Agricultural and DAVID B. OLSEN (13), Merck Sharp and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin- Dohme, Research Laboratories, West Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 60735 Point, Pennsylvania 68491 J. A. LLESSUR (36), Department of Horticul- * Deceased. tural Sciences, New York State Agricul- xii CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 217 tural Experiment Station, Cornell Univer- GNAGFLOW REMMOS (5), lnstitut far Mole- sity, Geneva, New York 65441 kularbiologie, Abteilung Molekulare SYAH S. EYR (30), Department of Molecular Zellgenetik, D-Ill5 Berlin-Buch, Ger- many and Cell Biology, Division of Biochemis- try and Molecular Biology, University of REDNAXELA S. SPIRIN (9), Institute of Pro- California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California tein Research, Academy of Sciences, 02749 292241 Pushchino, Moscow Region, Rus- sia JENNIFER A. SALEEBA (19), Department of Biological Science, Dartmouth College, HANS-HENNING STEINBISS (6), Abteilung Hanover, New Hampshire 55730 Genetische Grundlagen der Pflanzen- ziichtung, Max-Planck-lnstitut far Ziich- REKLOV SANDIG (5), lnstitutfiir Molekular- tungsforschung, D-5000 KOln 30, Ger- biologie, Abteilung Molekulare Zellge- many netik, D-1115 Berlin-Buch, Germany LEAHCIM SSUARTS (5), Max-Planck Group J. C. SANFORD (36), Department of Horti- of the Humboldt University, Max- cultural Sciences, New York State Agri- Delbriick Center for Molecular Medicine, cultural Experiment Station, Cornell Uni- D-I 511 Berlin-Buch, Germany versity, Geneva, New York 65441 LEAHCIM P. AVONARRET (7), Department of NOJ R. SAYERS (13), School of Biological Chemistry, Harvard University, Cam- Science, University of North Wales, Ban- bridge, Massachusetts 83120 gor, Gwynedd, Wales LL57 2DG DRAHCIR TIZARD (29), Biogen, Inc., Cam- JEFF SCHELL (6), Abteilung Genetische bridge, Massachusetts 24120 Grundlagen der Pflanzenziichtung, Max- REINHARD TOPFER (6), Abteilung Genetis- Planck-lnstitut fiir Ziichtungsforschung, che Grundlagen der Pflanzenziichtung, D-5000 KOln 30, Germany Max-Planck-lnstitut far Ziichtungsfors- STUART L. RERIER~rCS (7), Department of chung, D-5000 KOln 30, Germany Chemistry, Harvard University, Cam- OZEGIHS Ut)AKA (3), Department of Food bridge, Massachusetts 02138 Science and Technology, Faculty of Agri- JAMIE K. SCOTT (15), Division of Biological culture, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464, Sciences, University of Missouri, Colum- Japan bia, Missouri 11256 YROGERG L. VERDINE (7), Department of GROEG SCZAKIEL (1), Angewandte Tumor- Chemistry, Harvard University, Cam- virologie, Deutsches Krebsforschungs- bridge, Massachusetts 02138 zentrum, D-6900 Heidelberg, Germany INDER M. VERMA (43), Molecular Biology ANHSIRKATAKNEV ALAMAYHS (32), Chiron and Virology Laboratory, The Salk Insti- Corporation, Emeryville, California 80649 tute, San Diego, California 68129 JOHN R. SIMON (35), Department of Biologi- JOHN C. VOYTA (29), Tropix, Inc., Bedford, cal Chemistry and Laboratory of Bio- Massachusetts 0371O medical & Environmental Sciences, Uni- ERNST WAGNER (42), Research Institute of versity of California School of Medicine, Molecular Pathology, A-I030 Vienna, Los Angeles, California 42009 Austria F. D. SMITH (36), Department of Horticul- YRAM M. Y. WAYE (16), Department of Bio- tural Sciences, New York State Agricul- chemistry, Chinese University of Hong tural Experiment Station, Cornell Univer- Kong, Hong Kong sity, Geneva, New York 65441 M. WEINREICH (22), Department of Bio- EGROEG P. SMITH (15), Division of Biologi- chemistry, College of Agricultural and cal Sciences, University of Missouri, Co- Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin- lumbia, Missouri 11256 Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 217 Xlll T. WIEGAND (22), Department of Biochem- munology, ehT Ohio State University and istry, College of Agricultural and Life Sci- Children's Hospital Research Founda- ences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, tion, Columbus, Ohio 50234 Madison, Wisconsin 60735 NEHPETS YUE (30), Molecular Probes, Inc., LAI-CHu Wc (28), Davis Medical Center, Eugene, Oregon 20479 Departments of Medical Biochemistry Q.-X. ZHANG (14), Department of Biochem- and Internal Medicine, ehT Ohio State istry and Molecular Biology, University of University, Columbus, Ohio 01234 Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, HIDEO ATAGAMAY (3), Department of Food Kansas 30166 Science and Technology, Faculty of Agri- L.-J. ZHAO (14), Department of Biochemis- culture, Nagoya University, Nagoya ,464 yrt and Molecular Biology, University of Japan Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, C. YUNG YU (28), Departments of Pediat- Kansas 30166 rics and Medical Microbiology and lm- 1 E. coli NOISSERPXE DIMSALP pPLEX 3 1 Vector pPLEX for Expression of Nonfusion Polypeptides in Escherichia coli By GEORG SCZAKIEL and KAYO MAEDA Introduction Escherichia coli bacteria are a powerful tool for the production of heterologous proteins in large quantities, which is of general experimental importance in many fields of natural sciences, for example, in biochemical and biophysical studies. The functional genes coding for polypeptides of interest are introduced stably into E. coli bacteria by E. coli vectors (e.g., plasmids, bacteriophages, cosmids, and phagemids). The expressed polypeptides originate from a unique type of coding DNA and thus, in E. coli from nonspliceable mRNAs, the peptide sequence of expressed molecules is defined exactly, that is, they are monoclonal. For many studies, monoclonal polypeptides are of great advantage in comparison with protein preparations from natural sources, which may consist of numerous closely related but not identical isoforms. Escherichia coli is one of the best studied organisms and many well-established methodolo- gies used in molecular biology can be applied to modify and handle vectors and coding sequences. 2,1 Polypeptides of interest can be expressed in E. coli as fusion proteins, usually extended at the amino terminus with prokaryotic portions intended to provide increased translational initiation, stability, solubility, alterna- tive purification protocols, and yield, or to allow secretion. Fusion proteins can be used for immunological studies, such as the production of antisera, or as antigens in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or Western analysis. However, their use in other studies, for example, those concern- ing enzymatic activities and three-dimensional structures, is limited, espe- cially in the latter case, where the expression of nonfusion proteins is desirable. The necessary elements that an expression plasmid should supply are an origin of replication, a dominant selection marker for plasmid propagation and maintenance, and transcriptional (promoter) and transla- L T. Maniatis, E. F. Fritsch, and J. Sambrook, "Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual." Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, .2891 2 F. .M Ausubel, R. Breut, R. E. Kingston, D, D. Moore, J. G. Seidman, J. A. Smith, and K. Struhl, "Current Protocols in Molecular Biology." Wiley, New York, .7891 Copyright © 3991 by Academic Press, Inc. METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY, VOL. 712 All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 4 SROTCEV FOR EXPRESSING CLONED GENES 1 tional initiation sites (Shine-Dalgarno sequence and start codon), as well as termination signals for translation and transcription. Transcription di- rected by strong promoters can down-regulate plasmid replication, which may result in the loss ofplasmid. For this reason transcription from strong promoters usually needs to be terminated by efficient transcriptional termi- nators, A number of other parameters for successful expression of heterolo- gous eukaryotic sequences in E. coli must be considered and tested: (1) DNA sequence and primary and secondary structure of the transcript in the vicinity of the start codon, 3 (2) codon usage, 4 (3) possible toxicity of expression products for E. coli, (4) posttranslational modifications, (5) RNA editing of eukaryotic sequences in the homologous system, 6'5 which does not occur in E. coli, and (6) evaluation of the ability of expressed portions of proteins to form defined structures. The techniques for pro- karyotic gene expression have been described in detail. 7 Principle of Method The expression vector pPLEX 8 contains all elements necessary for the expression of open reading frames in E. coli. For transcription the bacterio- phage h-derived strong PL P romoter9 and the t R terminator are used. The PL promoter can be regulated, that is, repressed or induced by the thermolabile h ci857 repressor,10 which is active at the permissive temperature of 28 ° but is inactive at 37 or 42 .° The gene coding for the ci857 repre s sor can be plasmid encoded or can be integrated into the host cell chromosome (e.g., E. coli strain NF .)1 The translational control elements, that is, the ribosomal bind- ing site and stop codons in all three reading frames as well as unique cloning sites in between, are indicated in Fig. .1 Materials and Methods Escherichia coli Strains NF1 (K12) AH1 :)H F- A(bio- uvrB) lacZam hNam7 Nam53 ci857 AH1 (cro-F-A-J-b2 ) 3 H. A. De Boer and A. S. Hui, this series, Vol. 185, p. 103. 4 p. M. Sharp and W.-H. Li, Nucleic Acids Res. 15, 1281 (1987). 5 L. Simpson and J. Shaw, Cell 57, 553 (1989). 6 A. M. Weiner and N. Maizels, Cell 61, 917 (1990). 7 D. V. Goeddel, this series, Vol. 185, p. 3. 8 G. Sczakiel, A. Wittinghofer, and J. Tucker, Nucleic" Acids Res. 15, 1878 (1987). 9 E. Remaut, P. Stanssens, and W. Fiers, Gene 15, 18 (1981). 0l M. Lieb, J. Mol. Biol. 16, 941 (1966). ii H.-U. Bernard, E. Remaut, M. V. Hershfield, H. K. Das, D. R. Helinski, C. Yanowsky, and N. Franklin, Gene 5, 59 (1979). 1 E. coli EXPRESSION PLASMID pPLEX 5 )031( NCOI SalI HindIII HpaI BclI CTI G~rTACC CAG GAA TTC ACTAOTCAATT;CA )o( ~ lutS / / / uvP / / I- "\ \ \ (3450)"~ ( { XELPp / /¢~/ PstI l\ \ i fO / / (~ sM 2 Shine- onragtaD :ecneuqeS EcoR 1 GAATTCCGAC TGCGAGCTTA TTGTTAAGGC AATGCAAGGT CTCCTAAAAG ATGGAAACCC GATTCCCTCA GCAATCGCAG CAAACTCCGG CATCTACTAA TAGACGCCGG CCATTCAAAC ATGAGGATTA CCCATGG ocN 1 ® t% R Sequence: TAAATAACCC CGCTCTTACA CATTCCAGCC CTGAAAAAGG isN I GCATCAAATT AAACCACACC TATGGTGTAT GCATTTATTT GCATACATTC AATCAATTGT TATCTAAGGA AATACTTACA TATG FIG. .1 Structure of the E. coli expression plasmid pPLEX and sources of sequence elements: A, MS 2 Shine-Dalgarno (S.D.) sequence G. Simons, E. Remaut, B. Allet, R. Devos, and W. Fiers, Gene 28, 55 (1984); B, Rth fragment; C, galactokinase gene C. Debouck, A. Riccio, D. Schlumperli, K. McKenney, J. Jeffers, C. Hughes, and M. Rosen- berg, Nuclei(" Acids Res. 13, 1841 (1985); D, fragment from pPLc245 containing the Lpk, promoter E. Remaut, P. Stanssens, and W. Fiers, Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 4677 (1983). Note that BclI is sensitive to Dam methylation. In order to use the BclI site pPLEX must be grown in a dam- E. coli strain. An additional AccI site located on the pBR322 sequence that is present in the original plasmid pPLEX but was filled in with Klenow fragment and nucleotide triphosphates, that is, it was destroyed in pPLEXAcc • (J. Tucker, unpublished observations, ).6891 6 SROTCEV FOR EXPRESSING CLONED GENES 1 W6 (origin not known): su-, cI (wild type) unc195912: lacI Q lacL8 thr-1 ara-14 leuB6 A(gpt-proA) 26 lacY1 22-no1 supE44 galK2 h- sulA27 hisG4 rpsL31 xyl-5 mtl-1 thi-1 Cloning Methods of recombinant DNA technology are essentially performed following the protocols of Maniatis et al.1 For cloning pPLEX-derived constructs we use E. coli strain W6, containing the h wild-type cI repressor integrated into its chromosome. The wild-type repressor is able to shut off the PL promoter efficiently, thus allowing stable replication and high copy numbers of recombinant pPLEX-derived constructs. In principle an E. coli strain harboring the thermolabile ci857 repressor is also suitable at the permissive temperature of 28°; however, the clearly decreased growth rate at this temperature seems to be a disadvantage. For induction of the PL promoter, E. coli host strains NFI and unc1959, both containing a cI857-carrying plasmid, are used. Transformation of E. coli cells is performed following the CaCI2 method 31 for W6 and NF1 or the protocol developed by Hanahan 41 for DH2/6. The transformation yields for 1 gx/ of pPLEX DNA with freshly prepared bacteria are in the range of 5 × 501 for W6 and 1 × 106 for NF1. The transformation frequency after storage of transformation-competent cells in 5% (v/v) glycerol at -70 ° is decreased by a factor of approximately .01 Induction of LPh Promoter The protocol for the induction of the LPh promoter of E. coli strains carrying pPLEX constructs is depicted schematically in Fig. 2. As an alternative way of induction of the LMM expression plasmid pEXLMM74 a temperature shift to 42 ° may be performed for 51 min with subsequent incubation at 37 ° for 4 hr. To raise the temperature quickly to 42 ° for large volumes (e.g., 01 liter), an appropriate amount of fresh medium preheated to 60 ° is added. On induction, suppression of the Rth terminator results in transcription of a bicistronic mRNA consisting of the heterologous open reading frame and the coding sequence for galactokinase. Thus, an in- crease in galactokinase activity monitors efficient hpL-directed tran- scription. 21 Obtained from B. Bachman, E. coli Genetic Stock Centre, New Haven, Connecticut. 3I M. Mandel and A. Higa, J. Mol. Biol. ~35 951 (1970). 41 D. Hanahan, J. Mol. Biol. 166, 557 (1983). 1 E. coli NOISSERPXE DIMSALP pPLEX 7 Grow 1 ml overnight culture of .E iloc strain 1FN transformed with pPLEX construct ni medium (standard I or L-broth supplemented with 001 p.g/ml )niUicipma at 82 ° $ Inoculate 1 ml of fresh medium with 10/xl of dense overnight culture Incubate for 1 hr at 82 ° $ Divide / culture ni two 0.5-ml \ aliquots 4 hr, 82 ° 4 hr, 82 ° (uninduced control) (induced control) l 1 Protein analysis Protein analysis FIG. .2 Protocol for the induction of the LP promoter-driven expression cassette of pPLEX. In analysis of expression products by SDS-polyacrylamide leg electrophoresis induced cultures have higher cell densities, i.e., protein concentrations, than do control cultures grown at 82 ° . Analysis of Expression Products Soluble Protein Fraction. Escherichia coti cells are harvested by cen- trifugation (30 sec, room temperature, 7000 rpm, Eppendorf centrifuge) and the cell pellet is resuspended with 1 ml 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4). After centrifugation the pellet is resuspended vigorously in 0.5 ml lysis buffer containing 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4), 0.5 mM dithioerythritol (DTE), 0. I mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), and 1 mM ethyl- enediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Lysozyme (3/zl, 10 mg/ml in 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA) is added and the mixture is maintained for 10 to 20 min at room temperature. Sodium deoxycholate (3/zl, 40 mg/ml in water) is added and the solution is kept for 51 min at room temperature. After centrifugation (15 min, 4 °, Eppendorf centrifuge) soluble proteins are contained in the clear supernatant. Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Soluble Proteins. Escherichia coli cells are spun down by centrifugation (30 sec, room temperature, 7000 rpm, Eppendorf centrifuge), the cell pellet is resuspended once with 1 ml of 50 mM Tris-HC1 (pH 7.4), and cells are centrifuged again (30 sec, room

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