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Preface Exciting new developments in recombinant DNA research allow the isolation and amplification of specific genes or DNA segments from al- most any living organism. These new developments have revolutionized our approaches to solving complex biological problems and have opened up new possibilities for producing new and better products in the areas of health, agriculture, and industry. Volumes 100 and 101 supplement Volumes 65 and 68 of Methods in Enzymology. During the last three years, many new or improved methods on recombinant DNA or nucleic acids have appeared, and they are in- cluded in these two volumes. Volume 001 covers the use of enzymes in recombinant DNA research, enzymes affecting the gross morphology of DNA, proteins with specialized functions acting at specific loci, new methods for DNA isolation, hybridization, and cloning, analytical methods for gene products, and mutagenesis: in vitro and in vivo. Volume 101 includes sections on new vectors for cloning genes, cloning of genes into yeast cells, and systems for monitoring cloned gene expression. RAY Wu LAWRENCE GROSSMAN KIVIE MOLDAVE iiix REIJI IKAZAKO 1930-1975 Reiji Okazaki (1930-1975) Reiji Okazaki has been memorialized by the nascent DNA replication fragments that bear his name. His discovery of the Okazaki fragments in the discontinuous synthesis of DNA at the replication fork helped solve a perplexing problem: how DNA polymerases with an invariant unidirec- tional mode of synthesis can copy the oppositely oriented strands of the duplex chromosome. Those of us who knew him do not require the adjec- tival use of his name to keep his memory alive. We retain the image of a scientist utterly dedicated to understanding the molecular basis of bi- ology. Reiji Okazaki was born in Hiroshima in 1930 and received his Ph.D. training in developmental biology under Tsuneo Yamada at Nagoya University.' In seeking systems simpler than sea urchins to study cell proliferation, he chose Lactobacillus and Escherichia coli in which he discovered thymidine diphosphate rhamnose, the coenzyme of lipopoly- saccharide synthesis. With J. L. Strominger in St. Louis in 1960-1961 he worked out the enzymatic synthesis of this coenzyme. In my laboratory, the following year, he purified thymidine kinase of E. coli and demon- strated the allosteric regulation of this key salvage enzyme. On returning to Nagoya, as Professor of Molecular Biology, he initiated the series of elegant studies of phage T4 DNA replication that led to his key discovery of discontinuous replication. His bibliography of some thirty papers (1966-1977) can be consulted for the innovative approaches he introduced to solve fundamental ques- tions of DNA replication. His research style, less readily gleaned from the literature, is illustrated by two incidents which are vivid in my memory. One I call an Okazaki maneuver. In purifying thymidine kinase, he used a heating step: the enzyme was held in a test tube at 70 ° for 5 min- utes. When he decided to prepare a large amount of enzyme, going from a scale of 01 milliliters to several liters, he simply repeated the same heating procedure, this time using 236 test tubes. I was embarrassed to report such an unsophisticated procedure. But then I realized that he was able to complete this step in a few hours, and saw no point in wasting precious days and material learning how to do the heating in a big beaker or flask. Recently, one of my colleagues purified the single-strand DNA binding protein with a heating step. When he came to scale-up the procedure from i An appreciative obituary by Sakaru Suzuki appeared in Trends in Biochemical Sci- ences 1, N39 (Feb. 1976). XXV xxvi REIJI OKAZAKI 3 milliliters to 6 liters he was guided by the Okazaki maneuver; he heated 2000 test tubes each containing 3 milliliters. Others who tried heating larger volumes of enzyme lost the preparation in a thick coagulum. A second incident I call Okazaki courage. It had been customary in my laboratory when characterizing an enzyme to set up protocols containing 10 to 20 assay tubes. Rarely, some ambitious person might do a 24-tube assay. Reiji set a record that may never be broken. He performed a 128- tube assay of thymidine kinase, even though each assay included a la- borious electrophoretic separation of the product from the substrate. Be- cause the pure enzyme was rather labile he felt it essential to measure at once all the substrate, effector, inhibitor, and other parameters. The suc- cessful completion of this experiment was a feat of courage, concentra- tion, skill, and enterprise unique in my experience. Okazaki died of leukemia in 1975, a sudden and cruel loss to his wife and co-worker, Tuneko, to his devoted students, and to the worldwide scientific community. The continued productivity of his laboratory by his students under Tuneko Okazaki's direction is a tribute to its scientific prowess and to Reiji Okazaki's inspirational legacy. ARTHUR KORNBERG tnemtrapeD of yrtsimehcoiB Stanford ytisrevinU School of enicideM Stanford, ainrofilaC Contributors to Volume 101 Article numbers are in parentheses following the names of contributors. Affiliations listed are current. GUSTAV AMMERER (11), Zymos Corpora- GLENN H. CHAMBLISS (37), Department f~t tion, Seattle, Washington 30189 Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, CARL W. ANDERSON (41), Biology Depart- Madison, Wisconsin 60735 ment, Brookhaven National Laboratory, JAMES J. CHAMPOUX (4), Department of -iM Upton, New York 37911 crobiology and Immunology, School of WAYNE M. BARNES (5), Department of Bio- Medicine, University of Washington, Chemistry, logical Washington University Seattle, Washington 59189 School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri HuI-ZHu CHEN (44), Fairchild Center jbr 01136 Biological Sciences, Columbia Univer- LESLIE BARNETT (1), MRC Laboratory of sity, New York, New York 72001 Molecular Biology, Cambridge 2BC 2QH, MARY-DELL CHILTON (33), Department (if England Biology, Washington University, St. KENNETH A. BARTON (33), Cetus Madison Louis. Missouri 03136 Corporation, Middleton, Wisconsin 26535 FORREST CHUMLEY (13), Department of -iB MICHAEL D. BEEN (4), Department of Mi- ology, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- crobiology and Immunology, School of nology and the Whitehead Institute jbr Medicine, University of Washington, Biomedical Research, Cambridge, Mas- Seattle, Washington 59189 sachusetts 93120 MICHAEL BEVAN (5), Plant Breeding Insti- JOSEPHINE E. CLARK-CURTISS (23), Depart- tute, Trumpington, Cambridge 2LQ, 2BC ment of Microbiology, University f~t Ala- England bama ni Birmingham, Birmingham. Ala- DAVID BOTSTEIN (9), Department of Biol- bama 49253 ogy, Massachusetts Institute of Technol- LOUISE CLARKE (20), Department of -goloiB ogy, Cambridge, Massachusetts 93120 ical Sciences, University of California, SYDNEY BRENNER (1), MRC Laboratory of Santa Barbara, California, 60139 Molecular Biology, Cambridge 2BC 2QH, LAWRENCE COHEN (43), Dana Farber Can- England cer Institute, Harvard Medical School. JAMES R. BROACH (21), Department of -iM Boston, Massachusetts 51120 crobiology, State University of New York, GRAY F. CROUSE (3), Basic Research Pro- Stony Brook, New York 49711 gram--LBl, Frederick Cancer Research NATHAN BROT (45), Department of -DiB Facility, Frederick. Maryland 10712 chemistry, Roche Institute of Molecular RoY CURTISS III (23), Department of -orciM Biology, Nutley, New Jersey 01170 biology, University of Alabama ni Bir- PATRICIA A. BROWN (18), Rosenstiel Basic mingham, Birmingham. Alabama 49253 Science Research Center, Brandeis Uni- A. DEVERA (34), Department of Biochemis- versity, Waltham, Massachusetts 45120 try, University of California, Berkeley, JOHN CARBON (20), Department of Biologi- California 02749 cal Sciences, University of California, JOHN D. DIGNAM (36), Department of -DiB Santa Barbara, California 60139 chemistry, University of Mississippi Med- YVES CENATIEMPO (45), Laboratoire ed ical Center, Jackson, Mississippi 61293 Biologie Moleculaire, University Lyon, BERNARD S. DUDOCK (41), Department of 22696 Villearbanne, France Biochemistry, State University of New M. CHAMBERLIN (34), Department of Bio- York, Stony Brook, New York 4971] chemistry, University of California, GERALD R. FINK (13), Department of -iB Berkeley, California 02749 ology, Massachusetts Institute f~.t Tech- ix X CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 10l nology and the Whitehead Institute for EDGAR C. HENSHAW (39), University of Biomedical Research, Cambridge, Mas- Rochester Cancer Center, Rochester, sachusetts 02139 New York 24641 FIRE ANDREW (35), Center for Cancer Re- NES-NEY HO (6), Department of Molecular search, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Genetics, Smith Kline and French Labor- nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 93120 atories, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10191 KAHZTI (40), FISCHER Department of Bio- PETER M. HOWLEY (26), Laboratory of logical Chemistry, College of Medicine, Pathology, National Cancer Institute, University of California, lrvine, Califor- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, nia 92717 Maryland 20205 EIRAMENNA (3), FRISCHAUF European Mo- CHU-LAI (20), HSlAO Central Research and lecular Biology Laboratory, Postfach Development Department, E. I. DuPont ,902201 6900 Heidelberg, Federal Repub- de Nemours and Company, Experimental lic of Germany Station, Wilmington, Delaware 89891 EUGENIUSZ GASIOR (42), Department of JUNGI HUANG (29), Institute of Economic Molecular Biology, Institute of Micro- Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural biology and Biochemistry, University of Sciences, Nanjing, Peoples Republic of Marie Curie-Sklodowska, Lublin, Poland China M. (34), GILMAN Department of Biochemis- NAHTANOJ KARN (1), MRC Laboratory of try, University of California, Berkeley, Molecular Biology, Cambridge CB2 2QH, California 94720 England HPESOJ OSOIROLG (27), Unit for Laboratory R. (34), KINGSTON Center for Cancer Re- Animal Medicine, University of Michi- search, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- gan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 NALA L. GOLDIN (27), Department of (26), LAW MING-FAN Laboratory of Pathol- Human Genetics, University of Michigan ogy, National Cancer Institute, National Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 90184 50202 NOJ W. (28), GORDON Department of Ob- HANS LEHRACH (3), European Molecular stetrics and Gynecology, Mount Sinai Biology Laboratory, Postfach 102209, School of Medicine, New York, New York 6900 Heidelberg, Federal Republic of 92001 Germany A. NNAMSSEARG (30, 31), lnstitutfi~r Mole- JUDITH M. (37), LEVENTHAL Department of kularbiologie und Biochemie der Freien Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin, Universitiit Berlin, Berlin 33, D-IO00 Fed- Madison, Wisconsin 53706 eral Republic of Germany NORYM (27), LEVlNE Department of Human M. NNAMSSEARG (30), Institut fi~r Moleku- Genetics, University of Michigan Medical larbiologie und Biochemie der Freien School, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Universitiit Berlin, D-100 Berlin 33, Fed- GNILLUG LIU (29), Institute of Economic eral Republic of Germany Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural DRANOEL (10), GUARENTE Department of Sciences, Nanfing, Peoples Republic of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- China nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 93120 A. (31), LOYTER Department of Biological J. B. GURDON (25), MRC Laboratory of Chemistry, Institute of Life Sciences, The Molecular Biology, Cambridge CB2 2QH, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 91904 England Jerusalem, Israel KRAM S. GUYER (24), Department of Mo- VIVIAN L. MACKAY (22), Waksman Insti- lecular Genetics, GENEX Corporation, tute of Microbiology, Rutgers University, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877 The State University of New Jersey, New TINA M. HENKIN (37), Department of Bac- Brunswick, New Jersey 08903, and Zymos teriology, University of Wisconsin, Madi- Corporation, Seattle, Washington 30189 son, Wisconsin 60735 SEMAJ L. (35), MANLEY Department of Biol- CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 101 xi ogy, Columbia University, New York, tute of Anatomy and Biology, Philadel- New York 72001 phia, Pennsylvania 40191 PAUL L. MARTIN( 36), Laboratory of Bio- SOALOKIN SIKABOR (45), Department of -iM chemistry and Molecular Genetics, ehT crobiology, Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., Rockefeller University, New York, New Nutley, New Jersey 01170 York 12001 NAYRB E. ROBERTS (43), Department of WILLIAM C. KCIRREM (38), Department of Biological Chemistry, Harvard Medical Biochemistry, Case Reserve Western Uni- School, Boston, Massachusetts 51120 versity, Cleveland, 6014Ohio 4 TREBOR G. ROEDER (36), Laboratory of Bio- MIHCAOJ MESSING (2), Department of Bio- chemistry and Molecular Genetics, ehT chemistry, University of Minnesota, St. Rockefeller University, New York, New Paul, Minnesota 80155 York 12001 LUls MEZA-BASSO (45), Universidad Aus- MARK ROSE (9), Department of Biology, tral de Chile, Casilla 567, Valdivia, Chile Massachusetts Institute of Technology ENILEUQCAJ S. MILLER (43), Department of and Whitehead Institute fi)r Biomedical Biological Chemistry, Harvard Medical Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts School, Boston, Massachusetts 51120 93120 KIVIE MOLDAVE (40, 42), Department of MARTIN ROSENBERG (6), Department of Biological Chemistry, College of Medi- Molecular Genetics, Smith Kline and cine, University of lrvine, California, Cal- French Laboratories, Philadelphia, Penn- ifornia 71729 sylvania 10191 ANDREW W. MURRAY (16), Dana Farber VENDOR J. RO'rHSTEIN (12, 14), Department Cancer Institute and ehT Committee on of Microbiology, UMDNJ-New Jersey Cell and Developmental Biology, Har- Medical School, Newark, New Jersey vard Medical School, Boston, Massachu- 30170 setts 51120 STEPHANIE W. RUBY (16), Dana Farber BRIAN P. NICHOLS (8), Department of Bio- Cancer Institute and Department of Bio- logical Sciences, University of Illinois at logical Chemistry, Harvard Medical Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 70606 School, Boston, Massachusetts 51120 YRRET L. ORR-WEAVER (14), Dana Farber KNARF H. RUDDLE (28), Department of -iB Cancer Institute and Department of -DiB ology and Human Genetics, Yale Univer- logical Chemistry, Harvard Medical sit)', New Haven, Connecticut 11560 School, Boston, Massachusetts 51120 KRAM SAMUELS (35), Center for Cancer Re- RICHARD PANNIERS (39), University of search, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Rochester Cancer Center, Rochester, nology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 93120 New York 24641 ENNAZOR M. NIDLOG-IRDNAS (27), Depart- SOIRTEMED (S3O2L)UO,P OJDAHAPAP Can- ment of Human Genetics, University "[~ cer Research Institute and Department of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Pharmacology, University of California, Michigan 90184 San Francisco, California 34149 NAVA SARVER (26), Laboratory of Pathol- BRUCE M. NOSRETAP (43), Laboratory of ogy, National Cancer Institute, National Biochemistry, National Cancer Institute, Institutes of Health. Bethesda, Maryland National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, 50202 Maryland 50202 PHILLIP A. SHA(R3P5 ), Center fi)r Cancer SIYING QIAN (29), Institute of Economic Research, Massachusetts Institute "[~t Crops, Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Sciences, Nanjing, Peoples Republic of 93120 anihC RUKRAB S. SHASTRY (36), Laboratory f~¢ A. RAZIN (31), Department of Cellular -DiB Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, chemistry, Hebrew University-Hadassah ehT RockeJeller University, New York, Medical School, 00019 Jerusalem, Israel New York 12001 TREBOR P. IDRAICCIR (43), ehT lnsti- Wistar ALLAN SHATZMAN (6), Department ~f -oM xii CONTRIBUTORS TO VOLUME 101 lecular Genetics, Smith Kline and French lar Biology, Nutley, New Jersey 07110 Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania JIAN WENG (29), Shanghai Institute of Bio- 10191 chemistry, Academia Sinica, Shanghai ALUAP H. NOS (5), Department of Biologi- ,130002 Peoples Republic of China cal Chemistry, Washington University M. P. WlCKENS (25), Department of Bio- School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Mad- 01136 ison, Wisconsin 53706 JOHN I. (19), STILES Department of Botany, J. (34), WIGGS Department of Biochemistry, Hawaii Institute of Tropical Agriculture University of California, Berkeley, Cali- and Human Resources, University of Ha- fornia 94720 waft, Honolulu, Hawaii 22869 FRED WINSTON (13), Department of Bi- TREBOR M. REGN1BUARTS (32), Cancer Re- ology, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- search Institute and Department of Phar- nology and the Whitehead Institute for macology, University of California, San Biomedical Research, Cambridge, Mas- Francisco, California 34149 sachusetts 02139 J. WILLIAM STRAUS (41), Department of SELRAHC YANOFSKY (8), Department of Biochemistry, State University of New Biological Sciences, Stanford University, York, Stony Brook, New York 49711 Stanford, California 50349 NEAL ARAWAGUS (17), Dana Farber Can- EGROEG H. YOAKUM (7), Laboratory of cer Institute and Department of Biologi- Human Carcinogenesis, National Cancer cal Chemistry, Harvard Medical School, Institute, National Institutes of Health, Boston, Massachusetts 51120 Bethesda, Maryland 50202 KCAJ W. KATSOZS (14, ,51 ,61 17, 18), Dana YISHEN ZENG (29), Shanghai Institute of Farber Cancer Institute and Department Biochemistry, Academia Sinica, Shang- of Biological Chemistry, Harvard Medi- hai 200031, Peoples Republic of China cal School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 UY-GNAUG (29), ZHOU Shanghai Institute of A. (31), VAINSTEIN Department of Biologi- Biochemistry, Academia Sinica, Shang- cal Chemistry, The Hebrew University of hai 200031, Peoples Republic of China Jerusalem, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel YERFFOEG (44), ZUBAY Fairchild Center for TREBREH HCABSSIEW (45), Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia Univer- Biochemistry, Roche Institute of Molecu- sity, New York, New York 72001 [1] LAMBDA VECTORS WITH SELECTION FOR INSERTS 3 [1] New Bacteriophage Lambda Vectors with Positive Selection for Cloned Inserts yB JONATHAN KARN, SYDNEY BRENNER, and LESLIE BARNETT Molecular cloning methods eliminated the necessity for physical frac- tionation of DNA and permitted, for the first time, the isolation of eu- karyotic structural genes. 1-7 In principle, any eukaryotic gene may be isolated from a pool of cloned fragments large enough to give sequence representation of an entire genome. A simple multicellular eukaryote such as Caenorhabditis elegans has a haploid DNA content of approximately 8 × 701 bp. 8 Assuming random DNA cleavage and uniform cloning effi- ciency, a collection of 8 × 401 clones with an average length of 401 bp will include any genomic sequence with greater than 99% probability. Simi- larly, the human genome with 2 × 901 bp will be represented by l0 G clones of 401 bp length. 6 Clones of interest are then identified in these ge- nome "libraries" by hybridization and other assays, and flanking se- quences can be obtained in subsequent "walking" steps. Bacteriophage lambda cloning vectors offer a number of technical ad- vantages that make them attractive vehicles for the construction of ge- nome libraries.9 DNA fragments of up to 22 kb may be stably maintained, and recombinants in bacteriophage lambda may be efficiently recovered by ni vitro packaging. The primary pool of clones may be amplified with- out significant loss of sequences from the population by limited growth of the phage. Subsequently the entire collection may then be stored as bac- teriophage lysates for long periods. Finally, bacteriophage plaques from the amplified pools may readily be screened by the rapid and sensitive P. C. Wensink, D. J. Finnegan, J. E. Donelson, and D. Hogness, Cell 3, 315 (1974). z M. Thomas, J. R. Cameron, and R. W. Davis, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 71, 4579 (1974). 3 L. Clarke, and J. Carbon, Cell 9, 91 (1976). 4 S. M. Tilghman, D. C. Tiemeier, F. Polsky, M. H. Edgell, J. G. Seidman, A. Leder, L. W. Enquist, B. Norman, and P. Leder, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75, 725 (1978). 5 S. Tonegawa, C. Brach, N. Hozumi, and R. Scholler, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 74, 3518 (1977). 6 T. Maniatis, R. C. Hardison, E. Lacy, J. Lauer, C. O'Connell, and D. Quon, Cell 15, 687 (1978). 7 F. R. Blattner, A. E. Blechl, K. Denniston-Thompson, M. E. Faber, J. E. Richards, J. L. Slighton, P. W. Tucker, and O. Smithies, Science 202, 1279 (1978). 8 j. E. Sulston, and S. Brenner, Genetics 77, 95 (1974). 9 N. E. Murray, in "The Bacteriophage Lambda II," Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Copyright © 3891 by Press, Academic Inc. METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY, VOL. 101 llA rights of reproduction ni any form reserved. NBS1 7-100281-21-0 4 NEW VECTORS FOR CLONING GENES [1] Vector DNA Bamred + ),,+ Barn High Molecular Weight Eukaryotic DNA 1 Vector contains Digest phage DNA Digest DNA with Purify 15-20 Kb lambda red dna with BamH1 Bam ,1H Bgl ,2 partial digestion gamma genes no Bcll, or Sau a3 / products 71 Kb Bam 1H fragment :3OOZ3OCOCX3C :;:~OOOOOOOOC L I Anneal fragments withT4 DNA l igase Package DNA nI Vitro 1 Parental segahP Recombinant Phages red+y + ~'+red + [ Phages express red dna gamma genes Phages deleted ni red dna gamma genes Growth is restricted on 2P lysogens Phages grow no 2P Lysogens but growth but phages grow no RecA strains is restricted on Rec A strains FIG. .1 Schematic diagram outlining the construction of recombinants using the X1059 vector. plaque hybridization method of Benton and Davis, 01 genetic selections, 21,11 or immunological assays 61-~1 that take advantage of the high levels of transcription that may be achieved with clones in bacteriophage. Most bacteriophage vectors are substitution vectors that require inter- nal filler fragments to be physically separated from the vector arms before insertions of foreign DNA. 71"9"7,8,2 This step is inefficient and leads to the contamination of the recombinant phage pools with phages harboring one o~ W. D. Benton, and R. W. Davis, Science 196, 180 (1977). lx B. Seed, unpublished results. ~ M. Goldfarb, K. Shimizu, M. Pervcho, and M. Wiglet, Nature (London) 296, 404 (1982). s~ B. Sanzey, T. Mercereau, T. Ternynck, and P. Kourilsky, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 73, 3394 (1976). 4~ A. Skalka, and L. Shapiro, in "Eucaryotic Genetics Systems" (ICN-UCLA Syrup. Mol. Cell. Biol. 8), p. 123. Academic Press, New York, 1977. ~t S. Broome, and W. Gilbert, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75, 2746 (1978). 0~ D. J. Kemp, and A. F. Cowman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78, 4520 (1981). 7~ N. E. Murray, and K. Murray, Nature (London) 7,51, 476 (1974).

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