Recoil effects of photoelectrons in a solid Y. Takata,1,∗ Y. Kayanuma,2,† M. Yabashi,3,4 K. Tamasaku,3 Y. Nishino,3 D. Miwa,3 Y. Harada,1 K. Horiba,1 S. Shin,1 S. Tanaka,5 E. Ikenaga,4 K. Kobayashi,4 Y. Senba,4 H. Ohashi,4 and T. Ishikawa3,4 1Soft X-ray Spectroscopy Laboratory, RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Sayo-cho, Hyogo 679-5148, Japan 2Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, 599-8531 Japan 3Coherent X-ray Optics Laboratory, RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Sayo-cho, Hyogo 679-5148, Japan 7 4JASRI, SPring-8, Sayo-cho, Hyogo 679-5198, Japan 0 5Graduate School of Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, 599-8531, Japan 0 (Dated: February 6, 2008) 2 n ABSTRACT a High energy resolution C 1s photoelectron spectra of graphite were measured at the excitation J energy of 340, 870, 5950 and 7940eV using synchrotron radiation. On increasing the excitation energy,i.e., increasingkineticenergyofthephotoelectron, thebulkorigin C1s peakposition shifts 6 2 tohigherbindingenergies. Thissystematicshiftisduetothekineticenergylossofthehigh-energy photoelectronbykickingtheatom,andisclearevidenceoftherecoileffectinphotoelectronemission. ] It is also observed that the asymmetric broadening increases for the higher energy photoelectrons. r All these recoil effects can be quantified in the same manner as the M¨ossbauer effect for γ-ray e emission from nuclei embedded in crystals. h t o PACSnumbers: 79.60.-i,79.20.-m,79.20.-m . t a m Photoelectron spectroscopy is widely used for the possibleto detectrecoileffects inphotoelectronemission - study of electronic structure of solids [1]. The binding with keV energies. d energy E of the electron is often calculated from the n B In the last few years, hard x-ray photoelectron spec- photoelectron kinetic energy using the following equa- o troscopy with the excitation energy of 6-8 keV has c tion: been realized using high brilliance synchrotron radia- [ tion [8, 9, 10], resulting in useful studies on semiconduc- E =hν−E −φ, 2 B kin torsandcorrelatedmaterials[11,12]. Since theachieved v energy resolution is quite good (∆E <80 meV), it gives 1 where Ekin is the measured electron kinetic energy, hν us an opportunity to investigate recoil effects in a solid. 4 is the photon energy for excitation, and φ is the work 2 function. This procedure overlookedrecoileffects, which In this study, we measured the C 1s core level pho- 9 lead to part of the kinetic energy being imparted to the toelectron spectra of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite 0 emitting atom. As a result, the binding energy deter- (HOPG), using highenergy resolution(∆E =100∼120 6 meV), with the aim of investigating recoil effects due to 0 mined in this way is greater than the true binding en- / ergy. Thiseffectisverysmallforvacuumultravioletand photoelectron emission in a solid. HOPG is a suitable t a softx-rayphotoelectronspectra,sothatrecoileffectscan materialforstudy ofthe recoileffectbecauseofthe light m be safely neglected. For photoelectrons with 1000 eV ki- atomic mass of carbon. Furthermore, reliable studies of - neticenergyemittedfromcarbonatom,therecoilenergy surface-bulk core level shift of HOPG have already been d is estimated to be only ∼ 45 meV, although Kukk et al. established recently [13, 14, 15, 16], providing a very n o succeededrecently to observesmall deviationin spectral suitable reference for this study. The experimentally ob- c shape of vibronic lines in gaseous methane, which have tained spectra in the present study confirm the surface : corelevelshift. For the bulk derivedfeature, the spectra v been attributed to a recoil effect [2]. exhibitsystematickineticenergylossandtheanomalous i Themomentumtransferatrecoilisafundamentalpro- X asymmetric broadening on increasing the excitation en- cess observed in experiments of neutron and x-ray scat- r ergy. Allthesefeaturesareclearevidenceofrecoileffect, a tering [3],high-energyelectronbackscattering[4,5],etc. and can be theoretically quantified in the same picture For photoelectron emission, Domcke and Cederbaum [6] as the Mo¨ssbauer effect for γ-ray emission. predictedthattherecoileffectcanbeobservedasaspec- tralmodificationfor gaseousmolecules with lightatoms. MeasurementsofC1sphotoelectronspectraofHOPG Quite recently, Fujikawa et al. [7] evaluated the amount wereperformedatSPring-8usingsynchrotronradiation. of shift and broadening of core-level photoelectron spec- Hard x-ray photoelectron spectra at the excitation en- tra, as well as for electron backscattering, due to recoil ergyof5950and7940eVweremeasuredattheundulator effectinsolids. ItisnotedthatatkeVenergies,sincethe beamline BL29XUusing ahemisphericalelectronenergy momentum of an electron is much larger than that of a analyzer, SCIENTA R4000-10kV.Details of the appara- photon of the same energy, and the transferred momen- tusincludingx-rayopticsaredescribedinrefs.[9,17,18]. tum is largely that of the emitted electron, it should be Softx-rayspectraattheexcitationenergyof340,870eV 2 were measured at the undulator beamline BL17SU [19] Binding Energy (eV) using an electron analyzer, SCIENTA SES-2002. Clean 285.5 285.0 284.5 284.0 surfaces of HOPG were prepared by peeling off an ad- Graphite hesive tape at a pressure of 10−8 Pa for all measure- C 1s ments. All the measurements on graphite reported here (a) Experiment hν = 870 eV were carried out at room temperature. The energy scale hν = 7940 eV hν = 345 eV ofthespectrawerecalibratedveryaccurately(<10meV) hν = 5950 eV by measurements of the Au 4f core levels and the Fermi edge at room temperature. The total instrumental en- ergy resolution (∆E) for the soft x-ray and hard x-ray spectra were determined as 100 meV and 120 meV by fitting the Fermi-edge profiles of Au measured at 20 K. C 1s core level spectra of HOPG measured at room (b) Theory temperature with soft x-rayexcitation (340 and 870 eV) and hard x-ray excitation (5950 and 7940eV) are shown in Fig. 1(a). The spectra are obtained effectively in hν = 7940 eV hν = 870 eV normal emission geometry. The photoelectron detection anglerelativetothesamplesurfaceforthesoftx-rayand hν = 5950 eV hard x-ray spectra were 90˚ and 85˚, respectively. The peak positionof the spectrum obtainedwith hν=870eV shifts to lower binding energy (284.39 eV)in comparison withthatofhν=340eVspectrum(284.47eV).Thisshift 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 isduetothedifferenceintheprobingdepthofphotoelec- Recoil Energy (eV) tronsbetweentheseexcitationenergies. Withincreaseof the kinetic energy, the probing depth of a photoelectron FIG. 1: (color online)(a) Photon energy dependence of C 1s becomes larger. The spectrum of hν=340 and hν=870 core level spectra of graphite. The soft x-ray (hν = 340,870 eV are dominated by the surface and bulk components, eV)andhardx-ray(hν =5950,7940eV)aremeasuredatthe respectively. Theobservedsurface-bulkcorelevelshiftis emissionangleof90˚and85˚relativetothesamplesurface. consistentwiththeresultsreportedbyBalasubramanian (b) Theoretically obtained spectra taking into account the etal.[15],usingphotonenergiesof300-348eV,andato- recoil effect in a Debyemodel with ~ωb,D =75 meV. talenergyresolutionofabout50meV.Itwasshownthat surface-bulkcorelevelsplittingresultsinaweakbulkfea- ture at a lower binding energy compared to the surface energy δE is simply estimated from the momentum con- derived feature. In the present study, our hν=340 eV servation as δE = (m/M)E , where m is the electron kin spectrumissimilartothatreportedbyBalasubramanian mass. For a carbon atom with the mass ratio m/M = et al. [15], while the hν=870 eV spectrum is dominated 1/22000,δE becomesaslargeas0.36eVforE =8keV. kin by the bulk derived feature. Inthe solid,this recoilenergyisabsorbedbythe phonon With increase of the excitation energy, i.e., the ki- bath, resulting in the excitation of phonons. The zero- neticenergyoftheC1sphotoelectron,thepeakposition phonon transition corresponds to the event in which the shifts to higher binding energy side. It is also obvious recoil energy is transferred to the center of mass motion thatasymmetricbroadeningbecomesmuchwiderforthe of the total crystal. This is essentially the same as the higher energy photoelectrons,while the total instrumen- Mo¨ssbauer effect in the γ-ray emission from nuclei em- talenergyresolutionforthesespectraisalmostthesame. bedded in crystals [20]. For the possible origin of these spectral changes, the ef- Without lossofgenerality,we assume thata coreelec- fectofassociatedelementaryexcitationsuchasplasmons tron of the carbon atom located at the lattice point R~0 isdiscarded,sincethepeakpositionitselfshifts,depend- is ejected by the x-ray irradiation. The actual nuclear ing on the kinetic energy. The asymmetric line shape of position R~ may deviate from its equilibrium value R~0 as the C 1s core level spectra obtained with soft x-ray ex- R~ = R~0 +~u because of the thermal and zero point vi- citation has been discussed in relation with semimetallic brations. The interaction Hamiltonian with the x-ray is character of graphite, and can be fitted by the Doniach- givenby H =(a+a†)~ε·~p, aside from irrelevantfactors, I Sunjic function [13, 14, 15, 16]. This possibility can be whereaistheannihilationoperatorforthex-raywithen- also excluded for the same reason. Thus, we are led to a ergyhν andthepolarizationvector~ε. Themomentumof picturebasedonrecoileffectsforexplainingtheobserved photonisneglectedhere,sinceitisanorderofmagnitude peak shift andbroadening,whichdepends onthe kinetic smaller than the that of the emitted electron in this x- energy of the photoelectron. ray energy region. The initial state of transitionis given For an atom with mass M in free space, the recoil by |Ψ i=|hνi⊗|ψ i⊗|ii, where |hνi is the one-photon i c 3 state, |ψ i is the core electron state with energy ε , and line (the zero-phonon line) and its phonon side bands. c c |ii is a phonon state of the crystal. The crucial point of UnliketheMo¨ssbauereffect,onecancontroltheso-called the theory is that the wave function of the core electron Debye-Waller factor continuously from almost recoilless isgivenbytheformh~r |ψ i=ψ (~r−R~).Thisistheadia- to strong coupling by changing the energy of the x-ray. c c baticapproximation,andtherecoileffectresultsdirectly The spectrum may depend also on the relative angle from this functional form. On the other hand, the final of the ~k vector of the emitted electron because of the stateofthe transitionisgivenby|Ψ i=|0i⊗|ψ i⊗|fi, anisotropy of the phonon spectrum. f k inwhich|0iisthevacuumofthephoton,|ψ iistheplane In actual calculation, we adopt an anisotropic Debye k wave of the electron, h~r |ψ i=(2π)−3/2exp(i~k·~r), with model for graphite. The stretching (in-plane) mode and k energy ~2~k2/2m , and |fi is a phonon state. the bending (out-of-plane) mode are assumed to be in- Using the functional forms for |Ψ i and |Ψ i, and dependent. The surfaces of constant frequency for each i f changing the integration variable from ~r to ~r −R~ , we modehaveanprolatespheroidalformin~qspacereflecting thehighlyanisotropicdispersionrelationforthein-plane find propagationandtheout-of-planepropagation[22]. Then, hΨ |H |Ψ i=~ε·µ~ f e−i~k·R~ i , G(t) is given by f I i D (cid:12) (cid:12) E ∞ in which (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) G(t)= dω eiωt−1 Js(ω)cos2θ+Jb(ω)sin2θ ~µ=(2π)−3/2 d3re−i~k·~r −i~ ∂ ψ (r). Z−∞ (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:8) (cid:9)(1) c ∂~r for the emission angle θ relative to the surface, where Z (cid:18) (cid:19) J (ω) (λ=s,b) are given by λ The above expression of the interaction Hamiltonian co- incides with that for the Mo¨ssbauer effect [21], so that δE J (ω)= n(ω)+1)D (ω)Θ(ω)+n(|ω|)D (|ω|)Θ(−ω) we readily obtain the expression for the photoelectron λ ~ω λ λ spectrum as a function of the relative binding energy E (cid:8)(cid:0) (cid:9) measured from the recoilless value, with the step function Θ(ω). Here, Dλ(ω) is the density of state per atom, |~ε·~µ|2 ∞ I(E)= 2π Z−∞dte−iEt/~−Γ|t|/~F(t), 6 ωωλ,2C, 0<ω <ωλ,C in which the generating function F(t) is given by the Dλ(ω)= 3ωλ2,D−ωλ2,C ω0,, ωotλh,Cer<wisωe.<ωλ,D (2) canonical average, The density of state has a characteristic of three- F(t)= ei~k·u~(t)e−i~k·u~ , dimensional Debye model in low frequency (ω < ω ), λ,C D E but of two-dimensional one at high frequency, where with~u(t)beingtheHeisenbergrepresentationof~uattime only the in-plane propagating modes contributes to t, and Γ is the lifetime broadening factor. For harmonic D (ω). The Debye cut-off frequencies for the stretch- λ crystals, F(t) can be written in the closed form, F(t) = ing mode ~ω and the bending mode ~ω are esti- s,D b,D exp[G(t)] where mated from the frequency at K-point of LA mode and ZA mode, respectively. From the experimental disper- G(t)= α2q{(2n(ωq)+1)(cosωqt−1)−isinωqt}, sion curves[23], we fix, ~ωs,D =150meV,~ωb,D =75meV, q ~ω =6.3meV, ~ω =12.5meV. X s,C b,C The theoretical spectra of the C 1s normal emission with photoelectrons of graphite were calculated and are plot- ~ 2 ted as a function of the recoil energy in Fig. 1(b). The α2 = ~k·η~ , q 2NM˜ωq! q lifetimebroadening(full-widthathalfmaximum)istaken (cid:12) (cid:12) to be 160 meV as is known for graphite [14, 15]. The (cid:12) (cid:12) and (cid:12) (cid:12) spectra are then convoluted with a Gaussian function correspondingtotheexperimentalresolutionof120meV. n(ω )=1/ e~ωq/kBT −1 , Theoretical spectra reproduce the experimental spectra q fairlywellwithoutanyadjustableparameters. Notethat, (cid:16) (cid:17) in which q is the abbreviation for the wave vector and at 870 eV excitation, the peak shift is quite small, but the branch index of phonons, M˜ is the mass of unit cell, phonon excitations cause the asymmetric broadening. N is the number of unit cells, and ~η is the polariza- Fig. 2(a)showstheexperimentalC1scorelevelspec- q tion vector of the phonon. The photoelectron spectrum tra of HOPG measured with 7940 eV excitation at the I(E) is the convolution of a structure function with the emission angle of 85˚ (the same as that in Fig. 1(a)) Lorentz function. The former consists of the recoilless and30˚relativetothesamplesurface. Thepeakslightly 4 Binding E nergy (eV) the multiple-scattering effect is small. 285.5 285.0 284.5 284.0 In conclusion, recoil effects in photoelectron emission Graphite from solid were observed in the high energy C 1s core C 1s hn = 7940 eV level spectra of graphite. The observed spectral shapes (a) Experiment are successfully quantified in the same manner as the grazing Mo¨ssbauer effect for γ-ray emission from nuclei embed- (30 deg) ded in crystals. The recoil effect exists, and is measur- normal able, making it an important aspect of high-energy pho- (85 deg) toelectron spectroscopy. We acknowledge Dr. Chainani for his valuable com- ments and critical reading of the manuscript. 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