TITLE PAGE RECOGNISING AND APPRECIATING THE ARTISTRY IN PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: A MEANS TO RESEARCHING AND DEVELOPING PRACTICE THROUGH INSIDER PRACTITIONER RESEARCH JANET BARBARA DAOUD A thesis in fulfilment the Bournemouth University for the degree submitted partial of requirements of of Doctor Philosophy of May 2004 Janet Barbara Daoud Recognising Appreciating Artistry in Professional Practice: the and A Means to Researching Developing Practice and Through Insider Practitioner Research This to that study explores professional practice and examines an approach research be for in developing their the could useful practitioner and extending practice. is (Schon 1983), The existence of artistry recognised within professional practice and is important in judgements (Fish Coles 1998, 28-53, de and pp. making professional in by Fish (1998), Cossart Fish 2005). Therefore, the and as methodology proposed because this the the artistic/holistic paradigm was adopted specifically enables is insider to exploration of professional artistry and suited practitioner research. A The the the study critically appraised use of proposed artistic/holistic paradigm. in A the the case study approach was used which researcher was case. portrait of an in followed by this episode clinical practice was produced, a critical appraisal of These became then the portrait. portrait of research practice, which was equally This in the the appraised. mirrors process seen within arts which critical appreciation is deriving its from discipline the a reflective process, rigour and connoisseurship of the critic. The demonstrate is that the to results artistic/holistic paradigm well suited continuing development, both individually The professional and corporately. proposed paradigm does both the enable recognition and exploration of professional artistry, within clinical and research practice. Professional has foundation it be that this practice a moral and was shown must if development is Evidence- to openly recognised meaningful professional occur. based is founded the technical-rational medicine, which on view of practice, was be insufficient for development. This, to the shown professional's ongoing and impact to the the traditions similar work, will and contribute ongoing evolution of of the profession. 2 List Contents of 10 Acknowledgements Author's Declaration 10 CHAPTER 1 SETTING THE SCENE 11-34 INTRODUCTION 11 THE RESEARCHER 12 THE RESEARCH FOCUS 15 Research Approach 20 The Artistic/Holistic Paradigm Approach 22 or Writing Presentation Study 32 the and of Conclusion 33 SUMMARY 34 CHAPTER 2 PORTRAIT OF PRACTICE ELSIE 35 53 - - INTRODUCTION 35 REFERRAL 38 FIRST STEPS TOGETHER 40 Elsie's Story 40 The Researcher's Initial Contact Impressions 42 and The Assessor's Perception 44 PROGRESSION ON THE JOURNEY 47 Key Worker's Reflections 48 3 OF THE WAYS 49 RESOLUTION THE PARTING - 51 The Last Few Steps Together 52 LOOKING BACK CHAPTER 3 OF THE PORTRAIT 54 CRITICAL APPRECIATION -118 54 INTRODUCTION 55 THEORIES IN PRACTICE 56 The Holistic Perspective 60 Uncertainty 63 Communication The Process of 66 ASPECTS OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE 67 Reflective Practice 74 The Healing Process 92 Figure 1 93 Doctor-Patient Relationship 109 THE WHOLE PICTURE 109 Tools Chosen Paint Portrait to the 116 Final Overview CHAPTER 4 CRITICAL APPRECIATION OF THE PROFESSIONAL 119 -137 INTRODUCTION 119 AN UNDERSTANDING OF THE PROFESSION 4 119 AND THE PROFESSIONAL 119 Professional Hallmarks of a 122 Characteristics Professional of a 124 Conclusion 125 SOCIETY AND THE PROFESSIONAL 125 Autonomy 127 Accountability Trustworthiness and 130 The Way Forward 131 PRACTICE PROFESSIONAL 131 Theory Practice and 134 Artistry 137 Conclusion 137 SUMMARY CHAPTER 5 138 REFLECTION ON THE RESEARCH PROCESS -152 138 INTRODUCTION 138 RESEARCH/AUDIT TRAIL 13 8 The Initial Steps 141 The First Stage Journey the of 143 Fieldwork 145 Ethical Considerations EMERGING RESULTS AND REFLECTIONS 147 A Change in Direction 147 5 AND RESEARCH INSIDER PRACTITIONER 150 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 153 FINAL REFLECTIONS CHAPTER 6 METHODOLOGY AS AN EMERGING RESULT OF THIS RESEARCH THE PORTRAIT OF PRACTICE 154 -181 - 154 INTRODUCTION THE PORTRAIT OF PRACTICE 156 Recognising Subject Matter 159 the Characteristics Portrait Practice 162 the of of The Creation Portrait 173 the of CHAPTER 7 METHODOLOGY AS AN EMERGING RESULT OF THIS RESEARCH THE CRITICAL APPRECIATION 182 206 - - INTRODUCTION 182 THE CRITIC AND THEIR FUNCTION 184 THE CRITIC'S RESOURCES 186 The Narrative 189 Sources Evidence 190 of Use Literature 193 of Conclusion 195 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS 196 General Principles 196 Deliberations Regarding Future Work in Paradigm 200 this Conclusions 201 6 CONCLUDING REFLECTIONS 202 CHAPTER 8 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROFESSION 207 231 - INTRODUCTION 207 CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 207 REFLECTION ON PRACTICE 210 Purpose 211 Characteristics 212 Principles Reflection Practice 218 of on Models Reflective Practice 221 of The Interface Reflective Practice of and Personal Lives 226 CONCLUSIONS 230 CHAPTER 9 FINAL REFLECTIONS 232 246 - INTRODUCTION 232 INSIGHTS GAINED BY THE PRACTITIONER 232 The Personhood the Practitioner 232 of The Moral Basis Professional Practice 234 of Artistry its Celebration 234 and Evidence-based 235 medicine RESEARCH AIMS REVISITED 238 Reflection Research 239 as Autobiographical Reflections 241 7 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROFESSION 242 The Contribution Research this to the of Profession's Development 245 CHAPTER 10 PERSONAL REFLECTIONS AT THE END OF THE JOURNEY 247 260 - INTRODUCTION 247 A REFLECTIVE INQUIRY 247 RESEARCHER-PRACTITIONER ROLE 251 THE RESEARCH JOURNEY 253 THE VALUE OF THIS WORK 257 THE WAY FORWARD 260 APPENDIX 1 261-262 Letter Patients to 261 Letter Carers to 262 APPENDIX 2 263 267 - Case Study 1: Mr Z 263 APPENDIX 3 268 Process Needs Assessment 268 of APPENDIX 4 269 278 - Subject 6: Themes 1 269 8 279 288 APPENDIX 5 - 279 Developing Thoughts 282 Draft Portrait 2 289 310 LIST OF REFERENCES - 9 AcknowledLyements I like husband, Jeremy, two James Stephen, for to thank would my and my sons, and I Without this their their patience and encouragement while undertook work. ongoing I have it. My husband's has been support, would not completed work as an artist inspirational for I the me as grappled with concepts of artistry. My Professor C. Coles, Professor D. Fish Professor I. Holloway, and supervisors, have been friends to the development this finished They critical and central of study. into `unchartered I like to to enabled me move ground' and would extend a special thanks to them. each of have A heartfelt thanks to the to this goes my colleagues and patients who contributed in but have been instrumental in to those work particular, also all of who my development. professional I like to the Anita Somner in the would also acknowledge support of proof-reading for financial I from Chris West Memorial thesis the the me, and support received Fund. Author's Declaration This has been 5th International the study presented as a concurrent session at `Conversations' Conference in 2002 9th International Reflective the and Practice Conference in 2003. 10