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EvolutionandHumanBehavior29(2008)305–318 Reciprocal altruism, rather than kin selection, maintains nepotistic food ☆ transfers on an Ache reservation ⁎ Wesley Allen-Aravea, , Michael Gurvenb, Kim Hillc aDepartmentofAnthropology,UniversityofNewMexico,Albuquerque,NM87131,USA bDepartmentofAnthropology,UniversityofCaliforniaSantaBarbara,SantaBarbara,CA93106,USA cSchoolofHumanEvolutionandSocialChange,ArizonaStateUniversity,Tempe,AZ85287,USA Initialreceipt9December2006;finalrevisionreceived24March2008 Abstract Cooperationamongrelativesisoftenregardedasevidenceofkinselection.Yetaltruismnotrequiringsharedgenescanalsoevolveamong relatives. If characteristics of relatives (such as proximity, familiarity, or trust) make kin preferred social partners, the primary causes of nepotisticbiases mayresideprincipallyindirectfitnesspayoffsfromcooperation ratherthan indirectfitnesspayoffsacquiredfromaiding collateralkin.WeconsidertherolesofkinselectionandreciprocalaltruisminmaintainingnepotisticfoodtransfersonanAchereservationin northeasternParaguay.Householdsdonotprimarilydirectaidtorelatedhouseholdsthatreceivelargercomparativemarginalgainsfromfood intakeaswewouldpredictunderkinselectiontheory.Instead,(1)foodtransfersfavorhouseholdscharacterizedbylowerrelativenetenergy productionvaluesirrespectiveofkinshipties,(2)householdsdisplaysignificantpositivecorrelationsinamountsexchangedwitheachother, suggestingcontingencyinfoodtransfers,and(3)kinshipinteractswiththesepositivecorrelationsinamountshouseholdsexchangewitheach other,indicatingevenstrongercontingencyinsharingamongrelatedhouseholdsthanamongunrelatedhouseholds.Whilekinarepreferred recipientsoffoodaid,fooddistributionsfavorkinthathavegivenmoretothedistributinghouseholdinthepastratherthankinthatwould benefitmore from the aid.Such discrimination amongkin accordsbetter with reciprocal altruism theory than with kin selection theory. ©2008Elsevier Inc. All rightsreserved. Keywords: Nepotism;Kinselection;Reciprocalaltruism;Resourcesharing;Humanbehavioralecology;Ache 1. Introduction to inclusive fitness benefits without a careful consideration ofalternatives.However,pathwaystoaltruismnotrequiring Behavioralstudiesdemonstratethatindividualsinsmall- shared genes can lead to increased levels of cooperation scalesocieties preferentiallyaidclose kinovermoredistant among relatives over nonrelatives if kin possess character- kin and nonkin (e.g., Betzig, 1988; Betzig & Turke, 1986; istics that are preferredin social partners. Chagnon, 1981; Chagnon & Bugos, 1979; Flinn, 1988; We examine the roles of indirect fitness impacts and Gurven, Hill, Kaplan, Hurtado, & Lyles, 2000b; Hames, reciprocalexchangesinmaintainingnepotisticfoodtransfers 1987; Hawkes, 1983; Patton, 2005). Such nepotistic biases among reservation-living Ache forager-horticulturists of are often cited as evidence that indirect fitness payoffs northeastern Paraguay. We previously reported that Ache (Hamilton,1964;MaynardSmith,1964)haveshapedhuman householdsgivepreferenceinfooddistributionstorecipient social interactions. Kin selection theory is so elegant and households that contain at least one close relative (Gurven, appealingthattheoristsoftenattributeinstancesofnepotism Allen-Arave,Hill,&Hurtado,2001).Thisnepotisticbiasin foodtransfersfollowslinesofgenealogicalrelatednessrather ☆ The National Science Foundation (grant no. 9617692), L. S. B. thanlinesofAchesocialkinshipterminology(Allen-Arave, LeakeyFoundation,UniversityofNewMexicoStudentResearchAlloca- Gurven,Hill,&Hurtado,1999).Theoristshaveusedsimilar tionsCommittee,andUniversityofNewMexicoOfficeofGraduateStudies resultsfromotherpopulationstoarguefortheimportanceof ResearchProjectandTravelgrantsprovidedsupportforthisresearchandits indirect fitness payoffs in patterning human social interac- dissemination. ⁎ tions.Yet,ourpreviousreportalso reveals thatevenamong Correspondingauthor. E-mailaddress:[email protected](W.Allen-Arave). householdslinkedbyaclosekinshiptie,theamountoffood 1090-5138/$–seefrontmatter©2008ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved. doi:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2008.03.002 306 W.Allen-Araveetal./EvolutionandHumanBehavior29(2008)305–318 any household D (donor) transfers to any household R The ages of household members matter as much as the (recipient) is correlated with the amount household D numberofresidentsahouseholdcontainsfordeterminingthe receivesfromhouseholdR(Gurvenetal.,2001).Weexpect fitness impact a transferred unit of food may have for a such a result if returns from reciprocation provide the household because energy requirements and reproductive adaptive payoffs of the transfers but not if nepotistic values peak in young adulthood. Resting metabolic energy investments in indirect fitness benefits provide the adaptive expenditure rates indicate that individuals aged from their payoffsofthetransfers.The presenceofboth nepotism and late teens to fifties require more energy than younger and correlated amounts of food transferred between related older individuals do (National Research Council, 1989a; households challenges us to disaggregate the relative World Health Organization, 1985). Young adults also contributions of indirect fitness impacts and reciprocal possess a larger potential to translate food energy into benefits in maintaining nepotistic Ache food transfers. The inclusive fitness gains than other age classes, owing to the present paper presents new analyses to (1) examine the greater number of childbearing years likely to await young directionofimbalancesinfoodtransfersbetweenhouseholds sexually mature and about-to-mature individuals in the and (2) consider the difference in net caloric production future. Thus,individuals inthemiddleofthelifecourse can betweenhouseholds. returngreaterindirectfitnessbenefitstodonorkinfromlarge amounts offood than younger and older individualscan. 1.1. Kin selection theory Despitestraightforwardtheoreticalexpectationsthatfood flows should favor individuals of high reproductive value, Researcherscommonlypredictfrom kinselectiontheory application of this logic to human populations presents thataltruisticaidwillpositivelycorrelatewiththedegreeof complications. Several theorists (e.g., Charlesworth & relatedness between interactants. Yet, kin selection theory Charnov, 1981; Hamilton, 1964; Rogers, 1993; Taylor & does not presume that individuals should always act Frank,1996;Trivers,1971)havenotedthatthereproductive altruisticallytowardallrelatives,norshouldtheynecessarily value of donors and recipients should alter the costs and share mainly with close relatives. Mathematical models benefits of giving and receiving aid. However, measures of illuminate that natural selection can favor nepotistic acts reproductive value do not provide an adequate estimate of when the benefit to the recipient, B, discounted by the the expected inclusive fitness contribution made by indivi- coefficientofgeneticrelatedness,r,isgreaterthanthecostto duals in species, such as ours, with child altriciality and the provider, C: BrNC (Hamilton 1964). Whenever a common allocare. While prereproductive and postreproduc- household can obtain higher inclusive fitness payoffs by tive individuals cannot produce copies of their genes in the hoarding resources rather than providing them to relatives, formofoffspring,theyregularlyassistcopiesoftheirgenes kin selection theory suggests that no transfer will occur. located in other relatives through activities such as baby- Likewise, when distant relatives obtain a much larger sitting (Bock, 1995, Fig. 57; Ivey, 2000; Turke, 1988; positive fitness impact than close kin from assistance, kin Weisner&Gallimore,1977),passingonimportantskillsand selectiontheorypredictshigherratesoftransfertodistantkin knowledge (Biesele & Howell, 1981; Liederman & Lieder- thantoclosekin.Thus,anevaluationofkinselectiontheory man, 1977), provisioning during times of need (Hawkes, must consider not only relatedness, but also the costs and O'Connell, & Blurton Jones, 1997), or offering protection benefitsof aid. andsupport(Chagnon&Bugos,1979).Theexpectedfitness 1.2. Direction and magnitude of imbalances contributionmadebyindividuals—especiallypostreproduc- tive individuals—is therefore underestimated by reproduc- If nepotistic transfers constitute investment in indirect tivevaluemeasuresalonebecausedirectreproductionisnot fitness, the direction and magnitude of imbalances within the only way to increase inclusive fitness. Still, food dyads of related households should attend to (1) the requirements and fertility measures alike indicate that food capability of household members to produce food calories, transfers, which enhance inclusive fitness, should predomi- (2)thenumberofhungrymouthsahouseholdcontains,and nately favor households containing young reproductive- (3)theagesofhouseholdresidents.Allofthesefactorsaffect agedresidentsoverhouseholdscontainingotherageclasses, the marginal gains of food intake on household summed when we control for the number of residents and their reproductive value (Fisher, 1958). Given the reasonable production abilities. assumption that the curve relating food intake to fitness is 1.3. Reciprocal altruism negatively accelerated, kin selection theory implies that imbalances in food transfers between related households Any valid evolutionary explanation accounting for should favor households that produce less food over exchanges between nonkin may also apply to economic households that produce more food, when we hold other interactions between kin. Thus, we should never a priori factors constant. Holding all else constant, kin selection assume that cooperation among kin results from inclusive theory also implies that imbalances between related house- fitness benefits to the exclusion of other pathways to holds should favor households with more mouths to feed cooperation. We now consider the role reciprocal altruism over households withfewer mouthsto feed. mayplayinfoodexchangesamongrelatives. W.Allen-Araveetal./EvolutionandHumanBehavior29(2008)305–318 307 Reciprocal altruism (Trivers 1971)canevolveaslongas Pygmies (Gurven, 2004), Dolgan/Nganasan (Ziker, 2005), the cost of aiding another individual is outweighed by the Hiwi (Gurven et al., 2000b), Mikea (Tucker, 2004), Pilaga benefit of receiving aid from that individual later, devalued (Gurven, 2004), Yanomamo (Hames, 2000), and bythe probabilitythat aidwill be returned(Boyd, 1990).If Ye'kwana (Hames & McCabe, 2007). However, amounts thereciprocalexchangeisprofitable,individualaltruistscan of food given to all others does not correlate with expectpaybackinthefuturefromself-interestedactorswho amounts of food received from all others for Hadza large wish to continue obtaining the benefits that accrue from game (Hawkes, O'Connell, & Blurton Jones, 2001) nor long-termcooperation.Suchcooperationisevenmorelikely Meriam turtle meat exchanges (Bliege Bird, Bird, Smith, toappearwhenpunishmentofdefectorsispossible(Fehr& & Kushnick, 2002). Gächter, 2002; Ostrom, Walker, & Gardner, 1992; Yama- gishi1986).Nepotismmayemergeindependentofinclusive 1.5. Reciprocity among kin fitness benefits if individuals find their relatives more desirable as reciprocal exchange partners than nonrelatives. Individualsmaypreferclosekintodistantkinandnonkin as partners for reciprocity. Relatives can make ideal candidates for reciprocal exchanges due to factors such as 1.4. Contingent reciprocity familiarity, trust, proximity, a high probability of future Sincereciprocalaltruismprovidesexchangepartnerswith interaction, or an expectation that relatives will cooperate. the temptation to defect by accepting the benefits of their When choosing among potential reciprocity partners, partner'saltruism,withoutlaterpayinganycostsofaltruistic individualsshouldgenerallypreferpartnerswhowillprovide actsthemselves,reciprocalaltruistsmustidentifyandpunish thehighestexpected return benefit. Due toadditiveindirect oravoidfreeriders.Forthisreason,HillandKaplan(1993) fitnessbenefitsontopofthedirectbenefitsthatcollaborators argue that reciprocal altruism makes a central prediction of gain from cooperation, reciprocal exchanges with relatives “contingency” in food exchanges. Hill & Kaplan define will often yield larger expected return benefits than contingency as giving that is conditional upon expectations reciprocal exchanges with nonkin. of future receiving, where individuals infer expectations of Familiarity and emotional bonds fostered over time may future receiving from prior sharing patterns. In modern makeclosekineasierto“read”andtrustthandistantkinand societies, despite legal enforcement of reciprocity, contin- nonkin.Would-betransgressorslikelyexperiencemoreguilt gency is implemented through practices such as credit from cheating victims with whom they have emotional ties checks.Onlythosewhohavemetobligationstorepayinthe (Frank, 1988). Furthermore, individuals may have good past are provided current goods and services with the reason to trust close kin over other potential exchange expectation ofrepaymentin thefuture. partnersbecauseindirectfitnesscostsmakecheatingaclose Contingent reciprocity may prove difficult to detect relativelessprofitablethancheatingnonkin.Ifanexchange because reciprocal altruism does not imply perfectly partner doesfailtoreciprocateduetodeliberatecheatingor balanced exchanges between individuals. For an exchange an inability to repay (as can occur with a move, injury, or to occur, reciprocal altruism theory predicts only that the death), the loss is not complete for a slighted relative who average utility of the expected return outweighs the utility still receives an indirect fitness benefit from their non- of the resource given up today. For example, a satiated reciprocating relative's gain. Therefore, individuals assume household may pay little cost in providing (say) 2000 lessriskininitiatingreciprocalexchangeswithrelativesthan calories now, while benefiting greatly from (say) 500 with nonrelatives. calories at a future date when household members are ill Finally, the close proximity that kin often maintain can or hungry. This may be analogous to the logic of create more opportunities for exchange and increase the insurance coverage in which one may pay premiums at probability of future interaction, which promotes coopera- a low utility cost for years in order to cover any high tion(Andreoni&Miller,1993;Axelrod&Hamilton,1981). utility needs in the event of a future catastrophic shortfall. At our study site, the homes of households joined by a Additionally, if households engage in reciprocal exchanges close kinship tie tend to be nearer to each other than the that include several goods and services, an evaluation of homes of households not joined by a close kinship tie food exchanges alone may underestimate the true (Gurven etal., 2001). contingent reciprocity occurring in the society. Despite The factors discussed above (familiarity, emotional these complications, we expect to find that the amount of bonds, trust, proximity, and indirect fitness costs and food provided by any household D to any household R benefits) can promote an expectation among kin that a will correlate with the amount of food provided by relativewillcooperate,andexperimentalresearchhasshown household R to household D if reciprocal altruism plays a that expectations of cooperation promote and stabilize role in food transfers over the time scale of observation. altruistic behavior (Dawes, 1980; Messick & Brewer, Researchers studying other forager-horticulturalists popu- 1983).Thus,we might expect close kin toprovide frequent lations have found dyadic correlations in food shares goods and services in a stable arrangement of reciprocal among the Achuar/Quichua/Zapara (Patton, 2005), Aka altruism ratherthan simple kin-directed charity. 308 W.Allen-Araveetal./EvolutionandHumanBehavior29(2008)305–318 2. Study case: the Northern Ache 3. Research methods The Northern Ache are indigenous peoples of lowland 3.1. Measurements northeastern Paraguay. At peaceful contact in 1971, they subsisted as nomadic hunter-gatherers. Beginning in the Allen-Arave and Gurven sampled food production and mid 1970s, theNorthern Ache began residing inpermanent distribution from February to May 1998 through random horticultural settlements. Yet, they continue to utilize the 3-hour time block observations of two to three mutually forests around their settlements and spend up to half of visible neighboring households. We observed every house- their time on extended foraging trips (McMillian, 2001). hold in Arroyo Bandera for a total of 51–60 h using this Characteristics of Northern Ache forest life, including method. We made weight measurements of resources with resource acquisition, time allocation, food sharing, life spring scales whenever possible. When weighing an item history theory, and group composition have been exten- provedunfeasible,wemadeanumericcountoftheitemand sivelystudiedoverthepast25years(Hill&Hawkes,1983; converted the measurement into kilograms using weight Hill, Hawkes, Hurtado, & Kaplan, 1984; Hill & Hurtado, measurements we obtained from large trials of counted 1996; Hill, Kaplan, Hawkes, & Hurtado, 1985; Hurtado, resources. We subsequently converted kilogram measure- Hill, Hawkes, & Kaplan, 1985; Kaplan & Hill, 1985; ments into calorie equivalents using conversion estimates McMillian, 2001). Aspects of Northern Ache reservation obtainedfromtheFoodCompositionTableforUseinLatin life have been the focus of a few recent studies (Gurven et America (The Institute of Central America & Panama and al., 2001; Gurven, Hill, & Kaplan, 2002; Hawkes, Kaplan, The Interdepartmental Institutes of Health, 1961) and from Hill, & Hurtado, 1987). lab analyses on food samples conducted at Hill's request in Thefoodtransfersobservedinthisstudyoccurredonthe the early 1980s. The sample consists of 380 complete food Arroyo Bandera reservation where 117 permanent residents distributions,forwhichweobservedtheconsumptionofthe arranged into 23 households resided during the 1998 study entirefoodpackage, and635incompletefooddistributions, period. Small wooden dwellings (typically about 4×4 forwhichsomedistributionoftheresourceoccurredoutside meters) allow Ache families to store goods, but caches of ofthe observation block. food are rare. The Ache lack technology for refrigeration, We define households as married adults and their freezing, drying, or canning and customarily consume dependents and treat households as the unit of observation. resources shortly after harvesting them. We only observed Withinahousehold,residentsofteneatfromacommonplate occasional caching of purchased goods (sugar, hard bread and freely pass food items back and forth. The intensity of rolls,rice,andnoodles)obtainedfrominfrequentwagelabor food sharing within a household likely means that when opportunities and large bundles of harvested peanuts that donorssendfoodsharestoaspecifichouseholdtheycannot familymembersandvisitorswouldsnackonthroughoutthe targetonedesiredrecipientbut,instead,expectallmembers day. These infrequent caches are likely to be known of the recipient household to consume portions (Hames, throughout the community given the close proximity of 1987; Kurland, 1979). There are 23 households in this dwellingssituatedanaverageof21metersapartandarrayed, sample constituting 253 householddyads. in a circular pattern, with entries that are visible from most We calculate the coefficients of relatedness between other households inthe community. all individuals residing at Arroyo Bandera during the The Ache prize food sharing and remark with pride on study period using genealogical data obtained by Hill & their culture's ethic of generosity. Traditional food sharing Hurtado (1996) over the past 29 years through observing norms exhort group members to share with all present, to pregnancies and co-habitation patterns, frequent censuses, give to those in need, and to refrain from excessive and from retrospective interviews covering reproductive personal consumption of large package resources that one histories and family genealogies. We code kinship produces. Nearly all food preparation and cooking is done between any two households, D and R, as the average in plain view of other community members around open coefficient of relatedness of each member of household D fires located in front of the doorway to each family's to each member of household R. This measure takes into respective house. From any given house, one can see account the interests of all members of a household. Ache nearly half of the other open fires in the community. An men, women, and children alike routinely distribute shares ample depth (measured as the percentage of production to recipient households and it is rarely clear from simple transferred to other households) but restricted breadth observation as to who within the donor household (measured as the number of other households that receive ultimately initiates a transfer. Adults likely have more a portion) characterizes food transfers at Arroyo Bandera. power than children do in determining which households A typical household at Arroyo Bandera distributes just receive shares of their own household's production. Yet, over eight food items per day, keeps only 20–30% of even children as young as 5 years were often observed to the food it acquires, and shares the remaining 70–80% share “leftovers” and “snacks” from their homes with with two to three other households, on average (Gurven members of other households when their parents were not et al., 2001). home to sway the transfer. Because we are unable to W.Allen-Araveetal./EvolutionandHumanBehavior29(2008)305–318 309 assert that any particular class of individuals is powerless families in our sample (Pearson r=.88, pb.0001). Age- in influencing which households receive shares of their specific food consumption values, however, have the own household's production, we consider the average advantage of not discounting postreproductive individuals relatedness of all members of household D to all members as rapidly as age-specific reproductive values and thus of household R. provideamorebiologicallyrealisticmeasureofthepositive With the relatedness measure employed here, the house- influencesanindividualcanhaveoninclusivefitnessateach holds of two full brothers who each live with an unrelated age (see Section1.2). mate attain a relatedness value of 0.125. This measure In order to assess “need,” we calculate net caloric remainsunaffectedbytheadditionofchildrentoahousehold production for each household by subtracting the house- as long as the man of the household fathered the children. hold'sstandardizeddailyconsumptionrequirementfromthe However,thepresenceofstepchildrenmaylowerorincrease household'sstandardizedobservedfoodproductionoverthe relatedness between any two given households. The mean sample period. We divided consumption and production relatedness between dyads of households in our sample is figures by their mean responses to obtain two standardized .02±.04. Four dyads have an average relatedness of .25 estimates in order to contrast these two figures of different between them, which is the highest average relatedness time scales in a single measure. As the observed food betweenanydyadsinthissample;152householddyadshave productionofahouseholdincreases,sodoesthehousehold's no genealogical kinship ties joining them. For graphic netcaloricproductionvalue.Asthenumberofconsumers— displays, we divide dyads into four groups to create the andparticularlyconsumersagedfromtheirlateteenstoearly ordinal categories of “close” kin (rN.05, n=34), “near” kin 50s—in a household increases, the household's net caloric (.018brb.047, n=34), “distant” kin (0brb.018, n=33), and production value decreases. nonkin (r=0, n=152). 3.2. Data analysis To measure disparity in amounts of food exchanged between any two households, we follow Hames (1987) and Table 1 provides summary statistics and a description of calculate “specific imbalance” as the number of calories the variables we use in the present study. To account for transferred from household D to household R minus the biases in variances, degrees of freedom, and significance number of calories transferred from household R to tests that would result from ignoring the nonindependence household D over the sample period. As the inequality in inherentindyadicdata(Kenny,1995;Kenny&Judd,1986), exchange between two households increases, the specific we perform statisticalanalysesatthelevelof thedyad.The imbalance measuring their exchanges attains values further information supplied by each household in a dyad is often from 0, achieving positive values if the imbalance favors redundant with the information supplied by the other household D and negative values if the imbalance favors household in the dyad since each household is paired twice household R. witheachoftheotherhouseholdsinthecommunity,onceas We sum age-specific daily food consumption estimates adonorandonceasarecipient.Foranalysesinwhichthere across all members of a household to obtain a measure of is a theoretically meaningful ordering of household roles each household's daily consumption requirement. Kaplan (e.g.,testingwhetherimbalancesfavorthehouseholdwithin (1994) calculated age-specific consumption estimates from each dyad characterized by the lower net caloric value), we restingmetabolicenergyexpenditureratesbyageandsexfor assigneachhouseholdwithinadyadtotheroleofdonoror the Ache following a method used by the World Health recipient and consider each household dyad once in Organization (1985) and the National Research Council theanalysis. (1989b).Whensummedacrossallmembersofahousehold, For analyses in which dyad members lack theoretically thismeasurecapturesboththenumberofindividualsandthe distinguishable roles (e.g., testing whether the number of age of each individual within a household. The mean calories transferred from household D to household R summed consumption requirement for a household in our covaries with the number of calories transferred from Achesampleis7706cal/daywitharangefrom3502cal/day household R to household D), we employ multilevel (an elderly couple with no dependents) to 14,643 cal/day regression modeling to recognize the hierarchical structure (a middle-aged couple supporting their five young children of our data with households nested within dyads. The first andtwounrelated teenagers). step in multilevel data analysis entails fitting a simple two- Age-specific food consumption estimates are highly levelmodelwithoutanypredictors,whichisoftencalledan correlatedwithage-specificreproductivevalues1fornuclear “unrestricted”model.Thismodelisanalogoustoaone-way randomanalysisofvariancemodel.Next,weaddpredictors to subsequent multilevel models to evaluate how well the predictors model caloric transfers. Reductions in the Pl 1 Reproductive value, VA, for individual A was calculated as: VA¼ modeled variance of subsequent models over that in the lyme(cid:1)rðy(cid:1)Aþ1Þ;wherel issurvivorshipfromage0toA,m isfertility ay¼tAaglAeAy,andristheinstantAaneousgrowthrateofthepopulationA.Estimates unrestricted model indicate how well the added predictors explain variation in caloric transfers. We estimate the ofl m ,andrforpost-contactAchewereobtainedfromHill&Hurtado A, A (1996). proportion of variance explained by a within-dyad 310 W.Allen-Araveetal./EvolutionandHumanBehavior29(2008)305–318 Table1 Summarystatisticsanddescriptionofvariables Valuea Typeb Description Classificationvariables Household 23 c,w HouseholdID Dyad 253 c,b Multipledummiestorepresentdyadmembershippairingeachhouseholdwitheveryotherhousehold onceasthedonor(D)householdandonceastherecipient(R)household Dependentvariables Specificimbalance 1636.74±(6033.3)c i,b (Calories transferred from household D to household R)−(calories transferred from household R to householdD)c Caloriestransferred 2298.85±(4874.84) i,w CaloriestransferredfromhouseholdDtohouseholdR Independentvariables Relatedness 0.02±(0.04) i,b AveragecoefficientofrelatednessofeachmemberofhouseholdDtoeachmemberofhouseholdR Need 0.75±(0.68) i,w DifferenceinnetcaloricproductionofhouseholdDandhouseholdR,wherenetcaloricproduction= (food production−the age-specific food consumption estimate summed across all members of the household) Kin-directedaltruism 0.01±(0.04)c i,w Relatedness(asmeasuredabove)×need(asmeasuredabove)interactionterm Kin-favoredreciprocity 253 c,b Dyad(asmeasuredabove)×relatedness(asmeasuredabove)interactionterm a Summaryvalueisthesamplesizefornominalclassificationvariablesandthemean±S.D.forintervalvariables. b Variabletypeis:nominalclassification(c),interval(i),within-dyad(w),between-dyad(b). c Forthismeasure,householdsarearrayedindyadssothatthehouseholdwiththelargernetcaloricproductionvalueisassignedtheroleofdonor(D)andthe householdwiththesmallernetcaloricproductionvalueisassignedtheroleofrecipient(R). explanatory variable w and a between-dyad explanatory 4. Results variable b, respectively, as: 4.1. Kin selection (cid:1) (cid:2) (cid:1) (cid:2) r2(cid:1)r2 s (cid:1)s AveragerelatednessbetweenallmembersofhouseholdD Pseudo−R2 ¼ u c and Pseudo−R2 ¼ 00ju 00jc to all members of household R significantly predicts the 1 r2 2 s u 00ju amountofcaloriesprovidedbyhouseholdDtohouseholdR ð1:1 and 1:2Þ overthesampleperiod(t =3.52,p=.0005).Thisnepotistic 251 bias is consistent with kin selection theory, but it does not where σ2 is the within-dyad variance for the unrestricted offer sufficient evidence to conclude that the adaptive u model, σ2 is the within-dyad variance for the conditional function of these food transfers result from indirect fitness c model with predictor w, τ is the between-dyad variance benefits. Rigorous tests of kin selection theory require that for the unrestricted mode0l0,|uand τ is the between-dyad we look beyond a simple statistical tendency to share with 00|c kinandattendtothecosts,benefits,anddirectionalityofaid. variance for the conditional model with predictor b Toinvestigatewhetherthelikelyfitnesscostsandbenefits (Raudenbush & Bryk 2002). Information-theoretic methods, of aid determine the direction of imbalances, we array such as Akaike's information criterion (AIC), allow us to households within dyads so that specific imbalance values compare models with different predictors to determine reflectthenetcalorictransfersurplus(ordeficit)affectingthe which potential predictors best describe the data. Lower householdinthedyadwiththelowernetcaloricproduction AIC values indicate a model that better optimizes the value.Withthisassignmentofhouseholdroles,theslopeof tradeoff between underfitting and overfitting the data theregressionofspecificimbalancebynetcaloricproduction (Burnham & Anderson 2002). Multilevel modeling also should be positive if food transfers favor households allows computation of the intraclass correlation, which according to need. Table 2 shows the results of a multiple provides a measure of correspondence in the number of calories households transfer to each other. We compute the intraclass correlation as: Table2 s r ¼ 00 ð2Þ Multipleregressionanalysisofspecificimbalanceincalorictransfersfrom I s00þr2 householdDtohouseholdR Parameterestimatea where τ is the between-dyad variance in caloric transfers 00 Independentvariable and σ2 is the within-dyad variance in caloric transfers. To Relatedness −0.1298 the extent that there are no other sources of nonindepen- Need 0.2882⁎ dence among household dyads in the amount of calories Kin-directedaltruism 0.1310 they transfer to one another, the intraclass correlation a Parameterestimatesarepartialstandardizedestimates. provides a measure of dyadic contingency. ⁎ Significantatthe.01level. W.Allen-Araveetal./EvolutionandHumanBehavior29(2008)305–318 311 Fig.1.Linearregressionoftherelationshipbetweenthedifferenceinnetcaloricproductionbetweendyadsofhouseholdsandspecificimbalanceintheirfood transfers(arrayedsothatpositivespecificimbalancevaluesareattainedwhenanimbalancefavorsthehouseholdwiththelowernetcaloricvalue).Plotsfor(a) closekin(rN.05),(b)nearkin(.018brb.047),(c)distantkin(0brb.018),and(d)unrelateddyads(r=0). regression model of the association between relatedness, holds (t =1.38, p=.1688). Even kinship alone is not 252 need(Dnetcaloricproduction−Rnetcaloricproduction),and associated with imbalances in food transfers on the Ache specific imbalance in caloric transfers. The model also reservation (t =−1.41, p=.1594).2 The only significant 252 includes a term for the interaction of relatedness and predictor in the model is the difference in net caloric difference in net caloric production (kin altruism). This production between the households (t =4.41, pb.0001). 252 interaction term should have a strong positive association Imbalances in food transfers tend to favor the household withimbalancesinfoodtransfersiffooddistributionsserve within each dyad characterized by the lower net caloric the function of increasing indirect fitness contributions. production value regardless of relatedness. This indicates Under kin selection theory, neither relatedness alone nor that something other than indirect fitness impacts leads difference in net caloric value alone should significantly “richer” households to provide more of their production to predict specific imbalances in food transfers when the their “poorer” exchange partners than the “richer” house- interaction term is included in the model. We would expect holdsreceiveinkindfromtheir“poorer”exchangepartners. no food transfers among even very close relatives (high r) whenthedisparityinutilitytheyeachgainfromthesameunit offoodislimited(lowdifferenceinnetcaloricproduction). 2 Gurven (2006) reported finding a positive correlation between Likewise, kin selection does not favor transfers among imbalance in food transfers among any two households and the closest nonkin(lowr)evenwhenaverylargedisparityinfoodvalue kinshiptiejoining the twohouseholds.The computations Gurven(2006) ispresent(largedifferenceinnetcaloricproduction). reportedweremadewithoutregardtothedirectionoftransferimbalancesor Table 2 reveals that contrary to the prediction from kin byonlyconsideringpositiveimbalances.In contrast,thepresentanalysis considers relative “need” so that positive specific imbalance values are selection theory, the interaction term of relatedness by attainedwhenanimbalancefavorsthe“poorer”householdinthedyadand difference in net caloric production does not significantly negativespecificimbalancevaluesareattainedwhenanimbalancefavors predict specific imbalance in food transfers between house- the“richer”householdinthedyad. 312 W.Allen-Araveetal./EvolutionandHumanBehavior29(2008)305–318 Table3 MultilevelmodelsofcalorictransfersfromhouseholdDtohouseholdR a)Unrestricted b)Modelwith c)Modelwith d)Modelwith e)Modelwith f)Fullmodel model relatednessonly needonly kin-directedaltruism kin-favoredreciprocity Parameterestimatea Parameterestimatea Parameterestimatea Parameterestimatea Parameterestimatea Parameterestimatea Fixedeffects ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ Intercept 2298.16 1910.41 2298.16 1910.41 20,057 20,057 Relatedness – 19,568⁎⁎ – 19,568⁎⁎ 561,348 561,348 Need – – 1255.28⁎⁎ 1222.05⁎⁎ – 1222.05⁎⁎ Kin-directedaltruism – – – 1931.71 – 1931.71 Kin-favored – – – – 284,097.26⁎⁎ 284,097.26⁎⁎ reciprocityb CovarianceComponents ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ Within-dyadvariation 19,467,855 19,467,855 16,328,912 16,381,350 19,467,855 16,381,350 ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎ Between-dyad 5,291,654 4,642,678 6,861,125 6,185,930 2,098,587 3,641,839 variation ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ Intraclasscorrelation 0.21 0.19 0.30 0.27 .10 0.18 Fitstatistics AICc 10,043.6 10,033.5 1000.2 9991.8 9859.6 9815.9 a Parameterestimatesarerestrictedmaximumlikelihoodestimates.FixedeffectsrepresenttheestimatedincreaseincaloriestransferredfromhouseholdDto householdRduetoaone-unitincreaseintheindependentvariable. b Pooledparameterestimaterepresentingtheaverageacrossalldyadsforthisclassificationvariable. c AICvaluesforcomparingmodelswereobtainedwithfullmaximumlikelihoodestimates. ⁎ Significantatthe.05level. ⁎⁎ Significantatthe.01level. Fig. 1 provides a graphic display of these results. Under transfers to any household R varies from dyad to dyad kinselectiontheoryalone,wewouldhaveexpectedFig.1to (z=3.32, p=.0009). We find a statistically significant and revealasteeppositiveslopeamongthemostcloselyrelated positive intraclass correlation, suggesting that across all dyads (the top left panel), no slope among unrelated dyads levelsofrelatedness,householdsdisplaydyadiccontingency (the bottom right panel), and intermediate slopes with most [r=.21, F(252,253)=1.54, two-tailed p=.0006]. I givingoccurringamongdyadpairsintherightportionofthe If investments in inclusive fitness gains provide the x-axisfordyadsinthemiddlerangesofrelatedness.Instead, adaptive function of food transfers, contingency should be imbalances in food transfers between households tend to relatively unimportant among kin. To test this prediction, favor the household with the lower net caloric production we next fit a conditional multilevel model that includes a value at all relatedness levels (y=3483.6x−1603.4, R2=.18 fixed effect for relatedness. The between-dyad covariance for “close kin”; y=4262.2x–1094.3, R2=.34 for “near” kin; component in Table 3, Column b, reveals that when we y=2351.4x+325.2, R2=.05 for “distant” kin; y=2527.1x− control for relatedness, the average number of calories 317.72, R2=.08 for nonkin). transferred from household D to household R still differs from dyad to dyad (z=3.00, p=.0027). The residual 4.2. Reciprocal altruism intraclass correlation in this model estimates the degree of correspondence in amounts households transfer to each While we have focused thus far on determinants of other after parceling out the effect of relatedness. If close imbalances in calories of food exchanged between house- kin tolerate larger imbalances in exchanges than distant kin holds, transfers between any two households at Arroyo and nonkin as we might predict under the precepts of kin Bandera are usually not unidirectional over time. If selection theory, we would obtain a larger intraclass households display contingency in food transfers, over correlation from the conditional model that parcels out the time, the amounts two households transfer to each other effect of relatedness (Table 3, Column b) than from the will display correspondence. To examine dyadic contin- unrestricted model (Table 3, Column a). Surprisingly, we gency in food transfers, we pair each household with each find just the opposite effect. When we control for of the other households on the reservation once as the relatedness, we still find a correlation in the amounts donor (D) household and once as the recipient (R) households exchange to each other [r=.19, F(251,252)= I household in a multilevel model that hierarchically nests 1.47, two-tailed p=.0023], but this correlation is smaller households within dyads. than that obtained from the model that did not consider Results from our baseline unrestricted model are relatedness [r=.21, F(252,253)=1.54, two-tailed p=.0006]. I presented in Table 3, Column a. The between-dyad This suggests that dyadic contingency is stronger, not covariance component in the unrestricted model suggests weaker, among close kin than among more distant kin that the average number of calories any household D and nonkin. W.Allen-Araveetal./EvolutionandHumanBehavior29(2008)305–318 313 Fig.2.Linearregressionofdyadicfoodtransfers(arrayedsothelargeramountgivenineachhouseholdpairisplottedonthex-axis).Plotsfor(a)closekin (rN.05),(b)nearkin(.018brb.047),(c)distantkin(0brb.018),and(d)unrelateddyads(r=0). For a graphic display of these results, Fig. 2 plots the Toeliminateconfoundingeffectsandunderstandhowall numberofcaloriesoffoodproductionhouseholdDprovided ofthepredictorssimultaneouslyinfluencefoodtransfers,we to household R against the number of calories of food discuss the results from fitting the multilevel model that productionhouseholdRprovidedtohouseholdDbykinship includes all of the predictors (Table 3, Column f). Mean- level. As exchanges become more equitable between while, we compare each of the single-explanatory mechan- households in a dyad, the slope of the linear fit in Fig. 2 ism conditional models (Table 3, Column b–e) to the increases. Interestingly, the slope for “close” kin is steeper unrestricted model (Table 3, Column a) to estimate the (y=.5648x+240.12, R2=.54) than the slopes for “near” kin explained variance of each of the individual predictors. In (y=.1511x−2.2553, R2=.38), “distant” kin (y=.0423x+ thefullmodel(Table3,Columnf),thefixed-effecttermfor 353.43,R2=.02), and nonkin (y=.0911x+275.62, R2=.10). the intercept estimates that over an observation period of 102–120h,ahouseholdtransfersameanof2000.57calories 4.3. Relatedness, need, and contingency to an unrelated household when the donor household and recipient household do not differ in net caloric production. We have established that relatedness, need, and con- IncreasesintheamountoffoodanyhouseholdDtransfersto tingency all significantly predict the number of calories any household R are associated with: (1) the degree of household D transfers to household R. We next fit greater net energy production of household D relative to conditional multilevel models to include need, the interac- householdR(“need”),(2)theinteractionofkinshipwiththe tion of relatedness with difference in net caloric value amount of food household D transferred to household R (kin-directed altruism), and the interaction of relatedness (“kin-favored reciprocity”), and (3) dyadic contingency with contingency (kin-favored reciprocity) as fixed effects (indicated bythe intraclasscorrelation). (Table3,Columnsc–e).Wealsofitaconditionalmultilevel The statistical significance of the interaction term of model incorporating all of these potential explanatory relatedness with dyadic contingency in the full model variables offood transfers (Table 3, Column f). (Table 3, Column f) indicates that households give 314 W.Allen-Araveetal./EvolutionandHumanBehavior29(2008)305–318 preference in their food distributions to other households ment in model fit is attributable to the combined effect of that contain kin and provide ample food in return relatedness and need together, not their interaction. The [F(100,151)=1.54, p=.0082], even when we control for interactiontermofrelatednessandneedistheonlyfactorin the other explanatory variables. The model that considers the model that truly tests the cost–benefit conditions only the “kin-favored reciprocity” predictors (Table 3, necessary for inclusive fitnessgains from altruism. Columne)yieldsalowerAICthanthemodelsthatconsider only relatedness measures, need measures, or kin-directed altruism measures (Table 3, Column b–d). This suggests 5. Discussion that the “kin-favored reciprocity” model provides the best fit of any single-explanatory mechanism model. The Household pairs at Arroyo Bandera display correspon- pseudo-R2 [Eq. (1.2)] estimates that the interaction of denceintheamountsofcaloriestheytransfertooneanother. 2 relatedness with dyadic contingency models 60% of the While nepotistic biases are present in the data, households explainedvarianceamongdyadaverages(compareTable3, give preference to kin who are likely to reciprocate, rather Column e to Column a). The predictive power of this “kin- thankinwhowillbenefitmorefromtheaid.Closelyrelated favored reciprocity” term is consistent with a view that households display even higher correspondence in the households mainly engage in reciprocal exchanges and numberofcaloriestheyprovideforeachotherthandistantly prefer kin as their exchange partners. relatedandunrelatedhouseholds,suggestingthatcontingent The residual intraclass correlation in the full model reciprocity is the norm among close kin. To the degree that (Table 3, Column f) indicates that after controlling for the exchangesbetweenhouseholdsareuneven,imbalancestend effects of the other predictors, 18% of the variation in the tofavorhouseholdsthatrequiremorecalorieseitherbecause amount of calories transferred from household D to they are low producers, contain many mouths to feed, or household R is attributable to the dyad [F(248,249)=1.44, both. These food flows favoring “poorer” households over two-tailed p=.0042]. This measure of dyadic contingency “richer”households occur irrespective ofkinship distance. conforms to the predictions of reciprocal altruism and 5.1. The selective forces of kin selection and indicates that while kin are preferred reciprocal food reciprocal altruism exchange partners, households also commonly engage in reciprocal exchanges with nonkin. TheresultssuggestthatAchehouseholdsmainlytransfer The final significant predictor in the full model is the food on the reservation because of fitness gains from difference in net caloric production (“need”) between expectedfoodrepaymentratherthanbecauseofpayoffsfrom household D and household R [F(1,251)=0.19, pb.0001]. nepotistic investment in indirect fitness benefits. This may Thepseudo-R12[Eq.(1.1)]estimatesthatthedifferenceinnet notbesurprisinggiven that,unlikemodelsofkinselection, caloric production (“need”) between household D and theratiooftherecipient'sbenefittotheactor'scostneednot household R models 16% of the explained variance in food beverygreatforreciprocalaltruismtofavorafoodtransfer transferamountswithindyads(compareTable3Columncto (Kaplan & Hill, 1985). In order for kin selection to favor a Columna).Thisresultisconsistentwithaviewthatbeyond food transfer among even full siblings, the average fitness their reciprocal exchanges, households also help “needy” impact of the transferred food should be twice as great for families that produce insufficient food relative to their recipientasforthedonor.Yet,forreciprocalaltruismtofavor consumption requirement. the same transfer, the fitness cost of giving food now need Relatedness retains no significant predictive power only be less than the benefit of food received in the future [F(1,151)=0.11, p=.7430] in any model that includes the devalued by the probability of future repayment. Consider interaction of relatedness and dyadic contingency (kin- Hamilton'srule (1964) for assisting kin: favoredreciprocity).Thisimpliesthatwhilekinarefavored withfoodshares,suchfavoritismonlypersistsiffoodaidis BrNC ð3:1Þ returned. Such discrimination among kin is not consistent with models of kin selection, because the benefits of in comparison to the rule Axelrod and Hamilton (1981) nepotism in these models accrue from indirect fitness derived for tit-for-tat based cooperation: benefits regardless of how the related recipient responds. Thetermfortheinteractionofrelatednesswithdifferencein BpNC ð3:2Þ net caloric value (kin-directed altruism) is also not significant [F(1,251)=0.19, p=.6605] and loses predictive where B is the benefit to the recipient, C is the cost to power in any model that also includes relatedness and the provider, r is the coefficient of genetic relatedness, and difference in net caloric value (need) separately. Although, p is the probability of future interaction. This comparison the model that only considers “kin-directed altruism” as an suggests that aid will be more strongly favored by the explanatory mechanism (Table 3, Column d) yields a lower forcesofreciprocalaltruism thantheforcesofkinselection AIC than the model that only considers “need” as an whenever pNr (Gurven et al., 2001). If siblings trust explanatory mechanism (Table 3, Column c), this improve- each other, interact frequently, and rarely defect on

positive fitness impact than close kin from assistance, kin selection theory exchanges between nonkin may also apply to economic interactions . power than children do in determining which households home to sway the transfer. Alexander, & D. W. Tinkle (Eds.), Natural Selection and social.
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