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Recently Rediscovered Type Materials of Orchids Described by Dr. Fukuyama and Dr. Masamune PDF

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Preview Recently Rediscovered Type Materials of Orchids Described by Dr. Fukuyama and Dr. Masamune

YJ士叶f円3士但物取41L9EU円rHlhyB『Mは一』古川U4J---不L1Jnu品位仏ニ--nHa'--ql土心「ny ny 06 、、.,ノ Recently Rediscovered Type Materials of Orchids Described by Dr. Fukuyama and Dr. Masamune Ken 1NOUE ,aTeruo KATSUYAMAb,H ideo TAKAHASHIba nd Mamoru AKIYAMAc えBiologicalInstitute and Herbarium,Fa culty of Science,Sh inshu University,M atsumoto,N agano,3 90-8621 JAPAN; bKanagawa PrefecturalMu・seum・ 0fNatural History,O dawara,K anagawa,2 50-0031 JAPAN; 圃・ -EE Ayase,Kanagawa,2 52 JAPAN (Received on January 26,19 98) Dr. Masamune's private specimens were posthumously gifted to the herbarium of Kanagawa Prefectural Museum ofNatural History. Among them,w e found many orchid type materials described by Dr. Fukuyama and several by Dr. Masamune himself. Weh ere report Fukuyama's type materials on 68 taxa,a nd Masamune's ones on 10 taxa. Dr. Noriaki Fukuyama described more than labels were cut off and the collection numbers one hundred new species of orchids from Tai- on his labels were lost,al though severallabels wan,th e Ryukyus and Micronesia,an d he died remained intact. We inferred that Dr. in Taiwan. His type specimens were mostly Masamune had separated the specimens and deposited in his private herbarium (Herb. Orch. labels in packing during the retum trip to Jap an Fuk.) ,a nd were believed to have been lost andremountedthe specimens in Jap an. 1n the 回 during the confusion after the W orld War II. course of this remounting,m ost of collection Dr. Genkei Masamune died at Kanagawa,ce n- numbers ofFukuyama' sla bel seemed to be cut tral Jap an,in 1995 and his collections were off. Furthermore,se veral originallabels seemed gifted to the herbarium of Kanagawa Prefec- to be lost and Dr. Masamune' str anscription of tural Museum of Natural History (KPM). 1n such informations as collector name,co llec- the course of investigating his collections,w e tion date and locality were unfortunately in- found most of Fukuyama' st ype materials of sufficient. These make it difficult to designate Taiwan orchids. It is most likely that Dr. the original materials legitimately. Thus,w e Masamune took Fukuyama' st ype specimens concluded to select the specimens with back to Jap an after the death ofDr. Fukuyama, Fukuyama' so riginal collection numbers as because Dr. Masamune was the teacher of Dr. holotypes and those with Fukuyama' sor iginal Fukuyama. Wed iscovered Fukuyama' sor igi- label without numbers not to select as lectotypes nal manuscripts of“Studia Orchidacearum or isotypes and only described them. Simi- Jap onicarum. X1,XI I,a nd XII1" in the library larly,w e treated the specimens without of Dr. Masamune. A p tof the manuscripts Fukuyama' sor iginallabels only to report them 訂 was published after the death ofDr. Fukuyama as type materials. However,s ome letters such ぺ by Dr. Masamune in Japan. This may be a as“T",“G orJap anese character “ta" were supporting evidence that Dr. Masamune added on several small envelopes by Dr. brought back the Fukuyama' st ype materials. Masamune. As “T" or “ta" are the initials of Wef ound that most of the Fukuyama' s “Type",w e inferred these letters to indicate -199- 200 植物研究雑誌第73巻第4号 平成10年8月 type specimens designated by Dr. Masamune. Note: The letter “T" is added on the labe .1 The letter “G"i s the initial offirst name ofDr. 3. Amitostigma yuukiana Fukuy. in Bot. Masamune and mayb e an another designation Mag. Tokyo 48: 429 (1934). of type specimen by Dr. Masamune. TYPE: TAIWA N. Shinchiku,i n herbidis In addition,w ef ound several of type mate- alpinis prope Yuuki (N. Fukuyama 4116,Ju 1. rials described by Dr. Masamune himself. In 1932,f ormer1yi n Herb. Orch. Fuk.). several of his type specimens,D r. Masamune Material in KPM: TAIWA N. Shinchiku did not describe the herbarium where they [新竹], prope Yuuki (N. Fukuyama (sub. H) were deposited. Wef ound that type specimens s.n.,J u1. 1932,w ithout Fukuyama's no., were deposited in the herbaria ofUniversity of KP1ιNA0105503 -Fig. 1C). Tokyo (TI),or Taiwan University (TAI),or No te: Masamune' sha ndwriting on the small were owned by himself. Weo nly describe type envelope reads “Amitostigma yuukiana, materials deposited in KPMu nless other in- Shinchiku,Yu ki,VI I '321eg H". formations eavailable. 4. Aphyllorchis purpurea Fukuy. in Bot. 紅 According to the Flora of Taiwan (1978), Mag. Tokyo 48: 431 (1934). several type specimens which were deposited TYPE: TAIWA N. Taihoku,M t. Syo- in TA I in the original description are not found agyoku-san [小阿玉山],prope Urai (N. Fuku- at present. Wea re ready to send the relevant yama 4121,A ug. 1933,f ormer1y in Herb. specimens to TA I on request,a lthough the Orch. Fuk.). type materials found now may not be the type Materials in KPM:T AIWA N. Taihoku,M t. specimens deposited in TA I. Syo-agyoku-san,p rope Urai (N. Fukuyama Several specimens described by Dr. s.n.,Au g. 1933,K PM-NA0105504 -Fig. 1D Fukuyama were collected by Dr. Ohwi and the & KPM-NA0105505). duplicates were deposited in the herbarium of Note: The letter “T" is added on the labe .1 Kyoto University (KYO). Wef ound several 5. Bulbophyllum riyanum Fukuy. in Bot. corresponding specimens in KYOa nd included Mag. Tokyo 49: 668 (1935). them in this report. TYPE: TAIWAN. Taihoku,乱1t.Syo- agyoku-san [小阿玉山](K. Segawa et N. Fukuyama's Type Materials Fukuyama 4709,J an. 17 1935,f ormer1yi n 1. Acanthephippium pictum Fukuy. in Bot. Herb. Orch. Fuk.). Mag. Tokyo 49: 666 (1935). Material in KPM: TAIWA N. Taihoku,M t. TYPE: TAIWAN. Ins. Kotosyo [紅頭陳], Syoagyoku-san (K. Segawa et N. Fukuyama Mt. Koto-san [紅頭山](N. Fukuyama 4679, s.n.,J an. 17 1935,w ithout Fukuyama's no., 、 Jul. 17 1934,fo rmer1yi n Herb. Orch. Fukふ KPM-NA0105506 -Fig. 2A). Material in KPM: TAIWA N. Ins. Kotosyo, Note: Maωsamune'shandwriting on the la- Mt. Koto-san (N. Fukuyama s.n.,Ju .117 1934, beli臼S KPM-NA0105501 -Fig. 1A). 17. '35 leg. Seg. et Fuk.". One letter “T." is 2. Amitostigma alpestre Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. enc10sed in ac irc1e. Tokyo 49: 664 (1935). 6. Bulbophyllum tokioi Fukuy. f. alboviride TYPE: TAIWAN. Taihoku,M t. Nanko- Fukuy. in Bot.乱1ag.Tokyo 52: 245 (1938). taizan [南湖大山], Bunakkei (N. Fukuyama TYPE: TAIWA N. Sintiku,p rope Inoue 4692,Ju .1261933,Ho lotype former1yin Herb. [井上](K. Segawa Jan. 1 1936,c ult. and Orch. Fuk. now in KP乱1,KPM-NA0105502- flowered in Apr. 1936,Fukuyama6102,TA I). Fig. 1B; KP乱1-NA0105616). Material in KPM: TA IWA N. Sintiku,pr ope August 1998 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vo .173 No. 4 201 Inoue (SegawaJul. 11936,Ma samune's label Note: The letter “T" is added on the label. withoutFukuyama's no.,K PM-NAOI05507- 10. Calanthe dolichopoda Fukuy. in Bot. Fig.2B). Mag. Tokyo 49: 296 (1935). Note: Handwriting on the small envelope is TYPE: TA IWA N. Taihoku,M t. Daitoo- “B. tokioi Fuk. f. alboviride Fuk. Sintiku, zan [大桶山]prope Shinten [新庖](N. Inoue VII,1 ,1 936 leg. Segawa,F lowered in Fukuyama 4536,N ov. 10 1933,H olotype July". This plant flowered in July,1 936,a nd formerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk. now in KPM, does notcoespondwith the original descrip- KPM-NAOI05513 -Fig. 3B). 町 tion. However,as the original description was 11. Calanthe kooshunensis Fukuy. in Ann. based on the cultivated plants,th ere is apo ssi- Rep. Bot. Gard. Taihoku Imp. Univ. 3: 85 bility that the KPM specimen was derived (1933). from the type stocks. TYPE: TAIWAN. Takao,M t. Manritoku- 7. Calanthe actinomorpha Fukuy. in Bot. zan,p rope Kooshun [恒春](N. Fukuyama Mag. Tokyo 49: 668 (1935). 4101,Ja n. 11932,Ho lotype formerly in Herb. TYPE: TAIWAN. Taihoku, Mt. Orch. Fuk. now in KPM,K PM-NAOI05514- Syoagyoku-san [小阿玉山](N. Fukuyama Fig.3C). 4690,Ja n. 17 1935,fo rmerly in Herb. Orch. 12. Calanthe nigropuncticulata Fukuy. in Fuk.). Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 437 (1934). Material in KPM: TAIWAN. Taihoku,M t. TYPE: TAIWAN. Shinchiku [新竹], Mt. Syoagyoku-san (N. Fukuyama s.n.,J an. 17 Higashi-sensui-zan [東洗水山](N. Fukuyama 1935,K PM-NAOI05508 -Fig. 2C). 4133,Jul.I932,formerlyinHerb.Orch.Fuk.). Note: The words “sp. nov." was written on Material in KPM: TA IWA N. Shinchiku, the label by Fukuyama himself and the letter Mt. Higashi-sensui-zan (N. Fukuyama s.n., “G" was added on it. Jul. 1932,K PM-NAOI05515 -Fig. 3D). 8. Calanthe amamiana Fukuy. in Acta 13. Calanthe pumila Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. Phytotax. Geobot. 14: 134 (1952). Tokyo 49: 438 (1935). TYPE: RYUKYUS. Ins. Amami-Oshima TYPE: TAIWA N. Takao,C hipon-goe (T. Kamiya,A pr. 11 910,F ukuyama 7443, [知本越](S. Sasaki,O ct. 101934,F ukuyama Holotype in TAI). 4553,H olotype formerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk. MaterialinKPM: RYUKYUS.I ns. Amami- now in KPM,K PM-NAOI05516 -Fig. 4A). Oshima (T. Kamiya,A pr. 1910,w ithout 14. Cephalanthera alpicola Fukuy. in Bot. Fukuyama'sno.,KPM-NAOI05509-Fig.2D). . Mag. Tokyo 52: 242 (1938). Note: The word TYPE:TAIWAN.Kwenko,Mt. Gokwan- 訂 M在asamune'sla bel on the front ∞cover. zan (K. Segawa June 16 1935,F ukuyama 9. Calanthe discolor Lindl. var. kanashiroi 5915,TA I). Fukuy. in Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 32: Material in KPM: TAIWAN. Kwarenko, 271 (1942). Mt. Gokwan-zan [合歓山](K. Segawa,Ju ne TYPE: RYUKYUS. Okinawa,M t. Katuu- 16 1935,w ithout Fukuyama's no.,K PM- dake (T. Kanashiro,Fe b. 26 1939,Fu kuyama NAOI05517 -Fig. 4B). 7406,H olotype in TAI). 15. Cheirostylis nemorosa Fukuy. in Bot. Materials in KPM: RYUKYUS. Okinawa, Mag. Tokyo 49: 760 (1935). Mt. Katuu-dake (T. Kanashiro,Fe b. 26,1939, TYPE: TAIWA N. Taihoku,pr ope Agyoku Fukuyama 7406,K PM-NAOI05510 -Fig. [阿玉](T. Suzuki Mar. 29 1932,F ukuyama's 3A,KP恥1-NAOI05511&KPM-NAOI05512). no. 4723,H olotype formerly in Herb. Orch. 202 植物研究雑誌第73巻第4号 平成10年8月 Fuk. now in KPM,K PM-NA0105518 -Fig. Syo-agyoku-san (N. Fukuyama s.n.,Au g. 1933, 4C; KPM-NA0105519). KPM-NA0105605 -Fig. 5C). 16. Cirrhopetalum autumnale Fukuy. inBot. Note: This specimen resembles the plants Mag. Tokyo 49: 760 (1935). of fig. 2i n the original description,a nd has the TYPE: TAIWA N. Takao,pr ope Botan-sha letter “ta" (in Japanese letter) suggesting type, [牡丹社](N. Fukuyama 4722,M ay 30 1934, although collection dates are different. Sev- Holotype formerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk. now in eral orchid specimens were cultivated until KPM-NA0105521 -Fig. 4D). flowering; thus,s ome differences between the Note: The letter “T" is added on the label. original description and the label may have 17. Cirrhopetalum taiwanense Fukuy. in caused from the differences among collection Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 761 (1935). date,f lowering date,a nd pressed date. TYPE: TAIWAN. Takao,pr obe Botan-sha 20. Cymbidium gracillimum Fukuy. in Trans. [牡丹社](K. Segawa Feb. 1934,c ult. and Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 22: 413,Fi gs. 1& 2 floweredinMar. 1935,Fu kuyama's no. 4731, (1932). Holotype in TAI). TYPE: TAIWAN. Sintiku [新竹], Mt. Material in KPM: TAIWAN. Takao (K. Tyotui-zan (N. Fukuyama 3220,J an. 1931, Segawa without date,w ithout Fukuyama' s formerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). no.,K PM-NA0105522 -Fig. 5A). Materials in KPM: TAIWA N. Sintiku,M t. Note: The words “sp. nov." is written on the Tyotui-zan (N. Fukuyama s.n.,J an. 1931, label by Fukuyama himself,a nd this specimen Holotype,K PM-NA0105529-Fig. 5D; KPM 国 is inferred as an isotype. NA0105530). 18. Corymborchis sakisimensis Fukuy. in Note: The specimen of KPM-NA015529 Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa32: 267 (1942) coespondswith Fig. 2i n the original descrip- 町 and in ActaPhytotax. Geobot. 24: 125 (1952). tion,a lthough collection number is lost,a nd TYPE: RYUKYUS.I ns. Ishigaki,Ka pira et will be treated as holotype. The letter “G" is Hukai (N. Fukuyama 7241 in T. N. H. S. F. and added on the label of KPM-NAOI05529. 7341 in A. P. G.Sep.28 1938,T A I). 21. Cystopus humilis Fukuy. in Bot. Mag 今 ‘ Material in KPM: RYUKYUS.I ns. Ishigaki, Tokyo 48: 307 (1934). Kapira et Hukai (N. Fukuyama s.n.,S ep. 28 TYPE: TA IWA N. Shinchiku,in ter Sensui 1938,K P乱1-NA0105523-Fig. 5B,K PM- et Kaminoshima [上の島温泉], prope Taiko NA0105524,K PI\ιNA0105525,K PI\ι l大湖](N.Fukuyama3986,Jul.I932,formerly NA0105526,K PI\ιNA0105527 & KPM- in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). NA0105528). Material in KPM: TAIWA N. Shinchiku, Note: This species was described twice. inter Sensui et Kaminoshima,pr ope Taiko (N. Collection number 7241 in the original de- Fukuyama s.n.,Ju l. 1933,K PM-NAOI05531 scription in T. N. H. S. F. may be am isprint of -Fig.6A). no. 7341,b ecause no. 7341 is written in the No te: The word “sp. nov." is written on the Fukuyama's original manuscript and A. P. G. label. The difference observed in the collec- 19. Cymbidium aspidistrifolium Fukuy. in tion date between the original description and Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 438,fi gs. 2& 3( 1934). the label may have caused from am istake. TYPE: TAIWA N. Taihoku,M t. Syo- 22. Dicerostylis nipponica Fukuy. in Bot. agyoku-san [小阿玉山](N. Fukuyama 4137, Mag. Tokyo 50: 19 (1936). Oct. 1933,He rb. Orch. Fukふ TYPE: TAIWAN. Ins. Koto-syo [紅頭興], Material in KPM: TAIWA N. Taihoku,M t. Mt. Koto-zan [紅頭山](N. Fukuyama 4793, August 1998 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo .l73 No. 4 203 Jul. 17 1934,f ormerly in Herb. Orch. Fukふ TYPE: TAIWAN. Taitoo [台東], Riran- Materials in KPM: TAIWAN. Ins. Koto- shichoo,T okobanryo [徳班寮](K. Segawa syo,M t. Koto-zan (N. Fukuyama s.n.,Ju l. 17 s.n.,Feb.151933,HolotypeinHerb. Segawae). 1934,K PM-NAOI05532 -Fig. 6B,K PM- Material in KPM: TA IWA N. Taitoo,Ri ran- NAOI05533,K PM-NAOI05534 & KPM- shichoo,To kobanryo (K. Segawa s.n.,wi thout NAOI05535). date,M asamune's handwriting,K PM- Note: The word “sp. nov." by Fukuyama NAOI05538 -Fig. 7B). himself,a nd the letter Note: Handwritings on the smal1 envelope KPMι-NAOI05532. reads “T,S egawa,an d Toku-ban-ryo (in Chi- 23. Dipodium freycinetioides Fukuy. in Trans. nese characters [徳班寮])". Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 27: 266 (1937). 27. Gastrochilus quercetorum Fukuy. in Bot. TYPE: MICRONESIA. Ins. Palau,Ai miriik Mag. Tokyo 50: 16 (1936). (R. Kanehira 1964,f lowered in Aug. 1932, TYPE: TAIWAN. Takao,Naihonroku-goe, herbarium not shown in the original descrip- Hudi-eda [藤枝](N. Fukuyama4720,O ct. 24 tion). 1934,H olotype formerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk. Material in KPM: MICRONESIA. Ins. now in KPM,K PM-NAOI05539,la bel only, Palau,Ai miriik (R. Kanehira 1985,Au g. 1932, specimen destroyed). KP乱ιNAOI05606-Fig. 6C). Another material in KPM: TAIWAN. 24. Disperis orientalis Fukuy. in Bot.加lag. Takao,H udieda (N. Fukuyama s.n.,O ct. 24 Tokyo 50: 17 (1936). 1934,K PM-NAOI05540 -Fig. 7C). TYPE: TAIWAN. Ins. Koto-syo [紅頭興], 28. Gastrochilus rupestris Fukuy. in Bot. Mt. Sadaki-rei (N. Fukuyama 4839,J ul. 25 Mag. Tokyo 49: 763 (1935). 1935,f ormerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). TYPE: TAIWA N. Sintiku,M t. Rito-san Material in KPM: TAIWAN. Ins. Koto- [李棟山](N. Fukuyama 4716,J an. 71 932, syo,M t. Sadaki-rei (N. Fukuyama s.n.,Ju l. 25 Holotype formerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk. now in 1935,KPl\ιNAOI05536 -Fig. 6D). KPM,K PM-NAOI05541 -Fig. 7D). Note: The word “sp. nov." by Fukuyama, Note: Upper half of number is cut off,b ut and the letter “T" on the label. can be guessed as no. 4716,a nd the word “sp. 25. Epipactis ohwii Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. To- nov." written by Fukuyama indicate this speci- kyo 48: 298 (1934). men is the holotype specimen. TYPE:TAI羽TAN. Taihoku,in Mt. Nanko- 29. Gastrodia lutea Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. taizan [南湖大山],inter Bunakkei et Piyanan- Tokyo 49: 666 (1935). anbu (N. Fukuyama 3973,Ju ly 21 1933,fo r- TYPE: TAIWAN. Ins. Kotosyo [紅頭l興], merly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). Mt. Omori-yama (N. Fukuyama 4681,J ul. 3 Material in KPM: TAIWAN. Taihoku,in 1934,fo rmerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). Mt. Nanko-taizan,in ter Bunakkei et Piyanan- Material in KPM: TAIWAN. Ins. Kotosyo, anbu (N. Fukuyama (sub. H),Ju ly 21 1933, Mt. Omori-yama (N. Fukuyama s.n.,J ul. 3 Masamune'shandwritingwithoutFukuyama's 1934,K PM-NAOI05542 -Fig. 8A). no.,K PM-NAOI05537 -Fig. 7A) . Note: The word “sp. nov." by Fukuyama Note: Handwriting reads “Epipactis ohwii himself on the label. Na nkotaizan 8000 ped. alt. Bunake -anbu VII 30. Goodyera yamiana Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. 21 '33 leg. H". Tokyo 50: 18 (1936). 26. Eulophia segawae Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. TYPE: TAIWAN. Ins. Koto-syo [紅頭陳], Tokyo 48: 437 (1934). Sadaki-rei (N. Fukuyama4804,O ct. 28 1934, 204 植物研究雑誌第73巻第4号 平成10年8月 formerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). Note: The letter “T" is added on the label. Materials in KPM: TAIWAN. Ins. Koto- 34. Ione bifurcatoflorens Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. syo,S adaki-rei (N. Fukuyama s.n.,O ct. 28 Tokyo 49: 440 (1935). 1934,K PM-NA0105543 -Fig. 8B,K PM- TYPE: TAIWAN. Takao,Naihonroku-goe NA0105544 & KPM-NA0105545). prope Fujieda [藤枝](N. Fukuyama Oct. 21 Note: These specimens have the word “sp. 1934,4560,Ho lotype formerly in Herb. Orch. nov." by Fukuyama himself on each label. Fuk. now in KP乱1,KPM-NA0105550 -Fig. 31. Habenaria longiracema Fukuy. in Bot. 9B; KPM-NA0105551). Mag. Tokyo 49: 758 (1935). Note: The word “sp. nov." and the letter of TYPE: TAIWAN. Takao,T yosyu-gun, “T" on the label. Kinariman (K. Segawa,O ct. 20 1934, 35. Lecanorchis cerina Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. Fukuyama4725,fo rmerly inHerb. Orch. Fukふ Tokyo 49: 291 (1935). Material in KPM: TA IWA N. Takao, TYPE: TAIWAN. Taihoku,M t. Daitoo- Tyosyu-gun [潮州郡],Kinariman (K. Segawa, zan [大桶山],prope Shinten [新庖](N. Fuku- Oct. 20 1934,S egawa' sl abel without no., yama 4534,A pr. 11 1934,Ho lotype formerly KPM-NA0105546 -Fig. 8C). in Herb. Orch. Fuk. now in KPM,K PM- Note: K. Segawa is noting in the Japanese NAOI05552 -Fig. 9C). letter attached to this specimen that this speci- Note: The letter “T" is added on the label. men is very different from the type specimen 36. Lecanorchis flavicans Fukuy. in Trans. in general appearance. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa32: 241 (1942) andin 32. Herminium pusillum Ohwi & Fukuy. in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 14: 123 (1952). Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 430 (1934). TYPE: RYUKYUS. Ins. lriomote,Na kara- TYPE: TAIWA N. Taichu,M t. Niitaka- gawa (N. Fukuyama 7120,M ay3 01938,TA I). yama[新高山]inter Shuzan et Niitaka-chuu- Materials in KPM: RYUKYUS. Ins. zaisho (J. Ohwi Jul. 1933,F ukuyama's no. Iriomote,N akara-gawa (N. Fukuyama s.n., 4119,f ormerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). May 30 1938,K PM-NAOI05553 -Fig. 9D, Materials in KPM and KYO: TAIWAN. KPl\ιNAOI05554 &K PM-NAOI05555). Taichu,M t. Niitaka-yama inter Shuzan et Note: The letter “T" is added on the label. Niitaka-chuuzaisho (J. Ohwi,J ul. 1933,n o. 37. Lecanorchis oligotricha Fukuy. in Trans. 4119 (added on the label with pencil),Is otype, Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 32: 242 (1942) and in KYO; J. Ohwi Jul. 1933,M asamune's hand- Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 14: 124 (1952). writing without Fukuyama's no.,K PM- TYPE: RYUKYUS. Ins. Iriomote,T edo NAOI05548 -Fig. 8D). (N. Fukuyama 7127,Ju n. 41 938,T AI). No te: Handwriting on the small envelope of Material in KPM: RYUKYUS. Ins. KPM specimen reads “Herminium pusillum Iriomote,U rauchi-gawa (N. Fukuyama s.n., Ohw. et Fuk. Niitaka inter Suyuzan et Niitaka- Jun.5 1938,K PM-NA0105607 -Fig. 10A). tyu-zaisho VII '33 leg. Ohwi". Note: The specimen corresponds with the 33. Hetaeria tokioi Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. To- isotype specimen other than the holotype in kyo 48: 434 (1934). the original description,a lthough the collec- TYPE: TAIWA N. Taihoku,M t. Syo- tion number is lost. agyoku-san [小阿玉山]prope Ur ai (Suzuki 38. Liparis laurisilvatica Fukuy. in Ann. Rep. 四 Tokio Sept. 1932,F ukuyama 4128,Ho lotype Bot. Gard. Taihoku Imp. Univ. 3: 83 (1933). formerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk. now in KPM, TYPE: TAIWAN. Taihoku,M t. Bonbon- KPM-NA0105549 -Fig. 9A). goe [党党越],inter Tamaru et Taishoo prope August 1998 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vo .l73 No. 4 205 Dakusui (N. Fukuyama 4101,O ct. 1933,fo r- taizan [南湖大山]inter Kirittoi et Bunakkei merly in Herb. Orch. Fukふ (N. Fukuyama 4140,J ul. 1933,f ormerly in Material in KP民1:TA IWA N. Taihoku. Mt. Herb. Orch. Fuk.). Bonbon-goe,in ter Tamaru et Taishoo prope Material in KPM: TAIWA N. Taihoku,M t. Dakusui (N. Fukuyama s.n.,O ct. 1933,K PM- Nanko-taizan inter Kirittoi et Bunakkei (N. NA0105556 -Fig. 10B). Fukuyama s.n.,Ju l. 1933,K PM-NA0105560 Note: The letter “T" is added on the label. -Fig. 11B). 39. Liparis nokoensis Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. No te: Fukuyama described three new spe- Tokyo 48: 435 (1934). cies including this species and the following TYPE: TAIWAN. Taichu,N ookoo-goe two species based on the collection from the prope No okoo [能高](N. Fukuyama 4129, same locality. Thus it is difficult to specify Jul. 1930,fo rmerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). type materials without collection number. This Material in KPM: TAI羽TAN. Taichu, specimen is identified by Fukuyama himself. Nookoo-goe prope Nookoo (N. Fukuyama 43. Listera nankomontana Fukuy. in Bot. s.n.,Ju1.1930,KPM-NA0105557-Fig.10C). Mag. Tokyo 49: 291 (1935). Note: The word “sp. nov." and the letter“T" TYPE: TAIWAN. Taihoku,M t. Nanko- on the label. taizan [南湖大山]inter Kirittoi et Hunakkei 40. Liparis sootenzanensis Fukuy. in Ann. (without collector's name,J uly 1933,F ukl ト Rep. Bot. Gard. Taihokll Imp. Univ. 3: 84 yama 4139,f ormerly in Herb. Orch. Fllkふ (1933). Material in KPM: TAIWA N. Taihoku,M t. TYPE: TAIWA N. Shinchiku,M t. Minami Nanko-taizan inter Kirittoi et Bunakkei (J. 回 sooten-zan [南挿天山],prope Kappanzan (N. Ohwi,J uly 1933,w ithout Fukuyama' sn o., Fukuyama4104,M ay 1933,fo rmerly in Herb. KPM-NA0105561 -Fig. 11C). Orch. Fuk.). Note: This specimen is identified by Material in KPM: TAIWA N. Shinchikll, Fllkuyama himself and the letter “T" is added Mt. Minamai-sooten-zan,p rope Kappanzan on the label. (N. Fukuyama s.n.,M ay 1933,K PM- 44. Listera taizanensis Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. NA0105558 -Fig. 10D). Tokyo 48: 431 (1934). 41. Listera deltoidea Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. TYPE: TAIWAN. Taihoku. Mt. Nanko- Tokyo 49: 759 (1935). taizan [南湖大山], inter Kirittoi et Bunakkei TYPE: TAIWA N. Sintiku,M t. Soten-zan (N. Fukuyama 4123,J ul. 1933,f ormerly in (K. Segawa,F eb. 15 1935,F ukuyama 4730, Herb. Orch. Fuk.). TAI). Material in KPM: TAIWA N. Taihoku,M t. Material in KPM: TAIWA N. Sintiku,M t. Nanko-taizan,i nter Kirittoi et Bunakkei (N. Soten-zan [挿天山](collector not written, Fukuyama(sub. Huk.), Jllly 1933,Ma samune's Feb. 15 1935,M asamune's handwriting with- handwriting without Fukuyama's no.,K PM- outFukllyama's no.,K PM-NA0105559-Fig. NA0105562 -Fig. 11D). 11A). Note: This specimen is identified by Note: Handwriting reads“L. deltoidea Fuk. Masamune and the letter “T" is added on the Soten-zan (in Chinese characters [挿天山 ]II small envelope. 15,3 5 T( in ac ircle)". 45. Luisia botanensis Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. 42. Listera macrantha Fukuy. in Ann. Rep. Tokyo 49: 442 (1935). Bot. Gard. Taihoku Imp. Univ. 3: 86 (1933). TYPE: TAIWA N. Takao,pr ope Botan-ike TYPE: TAIWAN. Taihoku,M t. Nanko- [牡丹池](N. Fukuyama 4550,M ay 29 1934, 206 植物研究雑誌第73巻第4号 平成10年8月 formerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). 1933,fo rmerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). Materia1 in KPM: TA IWA N. Takao,pr ope Materia1 in KPM: TAIWA N. Taihoku,M t. Botan-ike (N. Fukuyama s.n.,M ay 29 1934, Shooagyoku-san (N. Fukuyama,A ug. 1933, KPM-NA0105563 -Fig. 12A). Masamune' sh andwritings without Fuku- Note: The word “sp. nov." by Fukuyama yama's no.,K PM-NA0105567 -Fig. 13A). himse1f and the 1etter “T" on the 1abel. Note: The specimen was collected in Aug. 46. Luisia cordata Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. To- 1933 andfloweredinFeb. (1934) by handwrit- kyo 48: 306 (1934). ing possib1y by Masamune. Thus,f lowering TYPE: TAIWA N. Taitoo,p rope Daibu periods are somewhat different between the [大武](N. Fukuyama 3984,c ollected in Jan. description and specimen. It is most 1ike1y that 1933 and flowered in May 1933,fo rmerly in the specimen in KPMi s ap art of type stocks Herb. Orch. Fuk.). cultivated at the Taihoku Botanica1 Garden. Materia1 in KPM: TAIWA N. Taitoo,pr ope 50.0rchis匙unihikoanaMasamune&F ukuy. Daibu (N. Fukuyama s.n.,c ollected in Jan. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 49: 663 (1935). 1933 and flowered in May 1933,K Pl\ι TYPE: TAIWAN. Taityu,M t. Taisui- NA0105564 -Fig. 12B). kutusan [大水屈山](D. Orimoto Ju1y 1934, Note: Although the collection number is Fukuyama 4704,fo rmerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). 10st,th e description of this species coesponds Materia1 in KPM: TA IWA N. Taityu,M t. 町 with the specimen. Taisuikutusan (D. Orimoto,J u1y 1934, 47. Microtatochis hoso匙awaeFukuy. in Bot. Masamune' sha ndwriting withoutFukuyama' s Mag. Tokyo 51: 903 (1937). no.,K PM-NA0105568 -Fig. 13B & KPM- TYPE: MICRONESIA. Ins. Ponape (T. NA0105569). Hosokawa,A ug. 22 1933,F ukuyama 5956, No te: Masamune' sha ndwriting on the small TAI). enve10pe reads“O. kunihikoana var.1eucantha Materia1 in KPM: MICRONESIA. Ins. M. &F .,Ta isuikutu,Ju l. '34,1e g. D. Orimoto" Ponape (T. Hosokawa,A ug. 22,1 933 without and the 1etter“T" is added on it. Although “var. Fukuyama's no.,K PM-NA0105565 -Fig. 1eucantha" is superfluous,th is specimen seems 12C). ho10type. 48. Microstylis roohutuensis Fukuy. in Trans. 51. Orchis taiwanensis Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 22: 415 (1932). Tokyo 49: 290 (1935). TYPE: TAIWA N. Takao,恥1t.Roohutu-san TYPE: TAIWAN. Karenkoo,M t. Gookan- prope Koosyun [恒春](N. Fukuyama 3553, zan [合歓山](N. Fukuyama4526,JU l. 1929, collected Dec. 31 1931 and cu1t. and flowered Ho1otype formerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk. now in Oct. 1932,f ormerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). KPM,K PM-NA0105570 -Fig. 13C). Materia1 in KPM: TAIWAN. Takao,M t. 52. Oreorchis ohwii Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. Roohutu-San prope Koosyun (N. Fukuyama Tokyo 49: 296 (1935). s.n.,D ec. 31 1931,K PM-NA0105566 -Fig. TYPE: TAIWA N. Taihoku,M t. Nanko- 12D). taizan (J. Ohwi,Ju n. 11933,Fu kuyama4547, No te: The 1etter “T" on the 1abel. formerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). 49. Oberonia gigantea Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. Materia1s in KYO and KPM: TAIWAN. Tokyo 49: 295 (1935). Taihoku,M t. Nanko-taizan [南湖大山](J. TYPE: TAIWA N. Taihoku,M t. Shooag- Ohwi,J un. 11 933,( Fukuyama's) no. 4547 yoku-san [小阿玉山](N. Fukuyama 4543, added on small enve10pe with penci1,Is otype, collected in Aug. 1933 and flowered in Dec. KYO; 1. Ohwi,J un. 11 933,w ithout Fuku- August 1998 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 73 No. 4 207 yama' sn o.,K PMNAOI05571-Fig. 13D). 56. Platanthera transnokoensis Ohwi & 四 No te: The word “sp. nov." on the label by Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 48: 297 (1934). Fukuyama. TYPE: TA1WA N. Taichu,M t. Kiraishu- 53. Phreatia kanehirae Fukuy. in Trans. Nat. nampoo (J. Ohwi,J une 1933,( Fukuyama's) Hist. Soc. Formosa 28: 1(1 938). no. 3971,fo rmerly in Herb. Orch. Fukふ TYPE: MICRONESIA. Ins. Palau,I sl. Materials in KYO and KPM: TAIWAN. Koror (R. Kanehira 6526A,fl . Aug. 1932, Taichu,N okogoe (J. Ohwi,Ju ne 13-15 1933, herbarium not shown in the original descrip- (Fukuyama's) no. 3971 added on the label tion). with pencil,Is otype in KYO); without locality Material in KPM: MICRONESIA. Ins. (J. Ohwi,Ju ne 1933 Fukuyama' sla bel without Palau,Is l. Koror (R. Kanehira (sub. Kan.), no.,K PM-NAOI05615 -Fig. 14D). Aug. 1932,M asamune's handwriting without Note: The letter “T" on the label. original label and collection no. KPM- 57. Pristiglottis integra Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. NAOI05609 -Fig. 14A). Tokyo 50: 20 (1936). Note: Handwriting on the small envelope TYPE: TA IWA N. Ins. Koto-syo Mt. Koto- reads “Phreatia kanehirai Fuk. Coral Island, zan (N. Fukuyama 4779,A ug. 31 934,He rb. Koror Aug. '32 Leg. Kan.". Orch. Fuk.). 54. Phreatia kotoinsularis Fukuy. in Bot. Materials in KP乱1:TAIWAN. Ins. Koto- Mag. Tokyo 50: 23 (1936). syo [紅頭興], Mt. Koto-zan [紅頭山](N. TYPE: TAIWA N. Ins. Koto-syo [紅頭l興], Fukuyama s.n., Aug. 3 1934, KPM- Zitauikei (N. Fukuyama 4816,A ug. 31 934, NAOI05574-Fig.15A&KPM-NAOI05575). Herb. Orch. Fukふ Note: The word of“sp. nov." by Fukuyama Material in KPM: TAIWA N. Ins. Koto-syo and the letter of “T" on the label. (N. Fukuyama (sub. Hukよ Aug.3 1934, 58. Robiquetia kusaiensis Fukuy. in Trans. Masamune'shandwritingwithoutFukuyama's Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 24: 101 (1939). no.,K Pl\ιNAOI05572 -Fig. 14B). TYPE: MICRONESIA. Ins. Carolin. Note: Handwriting on the small envelope (Kusai) (T. Hosokawa,Ju ly 20 1938,F uku- reads “P. kotoinsularis F. Koto-syo Aug. 3' 34 yama's no. 7338,TA I). leg. Huk.". Material in KPM: MICRONESIA. Ins. 55. Phreatia taiwaniana Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. Carolin. (Kusai) (T. Hosokawa,Ju ly 20 1938, Tokyo 49: 441 (1935). withoutFukuyama' sno .,K PM-NAOI05576- TYPE: TAIWA N. Taihoku,M t. Bonbon- Fig. 15B). goe [党党越], inter Tamaru et Dakusui (N. 59. Sarcanthus viridescens Fukuy. in Bot. Fukuyama 4520,O ct. 1932,fo rmerly in Herb. Mag. Tokyo 50: 24 (1936). Orch. Fuk.). TYPE: TAIWA N. Ins. Koto-syo [紅頭!興] Material in KP民1:TA IWA N. Taihoku,M t. prope Imaururu (N. Fukuyama 4818,J ul. 7 Bonbongoe,inter Tamaru et Dakusui (N. 1934,fo rmerly in Herb. Orch. Fukふ 四 Fukuyama (sub. H.),c ollected in Oct. 1933 Material in KPM: TAIWAN. 1ns. Koto-syo and flowered in Ap ,.rMasamune's handwrit- prope Imaururu (N. Fukuyama s.n.,J ul. 7 ing without Fukuyama' s no., KPM- 1934,K Pl\ιNAOI05577 -Fig. 15C). NAOI05573 -Fig. 14C). Note: The word “sp. nov." by Fukuyama Note: Handwriting on the label involves and the letter of “T" on the label. “Bonbongoe,in ter Tamaru et Dakusui X 1932 60. Taeniophyllum complanatum Fukuy. in (Flowered Apr.) Leg. H." Bo .tMag. Tokyo 49: 443 (1935). 208 植物研究雑誌第73巻第4号 平成10年8月 TYPE: TAIWA N. Takao,p rope Botansha shichoo [研海支庁](K. Segawa,A ug. 15 [牡丹社](N. Fukuyama 4551,M ay 30 1934, 1934,Fu kuyama 4562,fo rmer1yin Herb. Orch. formerIyi n Herb. Orch. Fuk.). Fuk.). Material in KPM: TAIWA N. Takao,pr ope Material in KPM: TAIWAN. Karenkoo, Botansha (N. Fukuyama s.n.,M ay 30 1934, Kenkai-shichoo (K. Segawa,A ug. 15 1934, KPM-NAOI05578 -Fig. 15D). withoutFukuyama'sno.,K PM-NAOI05585- Note: The word “sp. nov." by Fukuyama Fig.16D). and the letter “T" on the label. No te: The letter “T" is added on the label. 61. Taeniophyllum crassipes Fukuy. in Bot. 65. Tipularia odorata Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. Mag. Tokyo 52: 247 (1938). Tokyo 52: 243 (1938). TYPE: TA IWA N. Sintiku,p rope Inoue TYPE: TAIWAN. Taihoku,M t. Nanko- [井上](N. Fukuyama 6396,c ollected Jan. taizan [南湖大山], inter Bunake et Kirittoi 11 936 and cult. and flowered in May 1936, (N. Fukuyama 6114,wi thout collection date in TAI). original description,T AI). MaterialinKPM: TAIWAN. Sintiku,prope Material in KPM: TAIWAN. Taihoku,M t. Inoue (N. Fukuyama s.n.,Ja n. 11 936,K PM- Nanko-taizan,i nter Bunake et Kirittoi (N. NAOI05579-Fig.16A&KPM-NAOI05580). Fukuyama s.n.,J ul. 13 1937,K PM- 62. Tainia elliptica Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. To NAOI05586 -Fig. 17 A). 目 kyo 49: 293 (1935). Note: The letter “T" on the label. TYPE: TAIWA N. Shinchiku,Na nga prope 66. Zeuxine f1uvida Fukuy. in Ann. Rep. Bot. Chikutoo (N. Fukuyama 4540,Ja n. 71 932, Gard. Taihoku Imp. Univ. 3: 81 (1933). formerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). TYPE: TAIWAN. Taitoo [台東], Rirarト Material in KPM: TAIWA N. Shinchiku, shichoo,O nsen (K. Segawa,F ukuyama4112, Nanga prope Chikutoo [竹東](N. Fukuyama Holotype former1yi n Herb. Orch. Fuk. now in s.n.,J an. 7 1932,K PM-NAOI05581 -Fig. KPM,K PM-NAOI05587 -Fig. 17B). 16B; N. Fukuyama 4538,Ja n. 71 932,K PM- 67. Zeuxine odorata Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. NAOI05582). Tokyo 50: 20 (1936). Note: The words “sp. nov." on the labels by TYPE: TA IWA N. Ins. Koto-syo [紅頭|興], Fukuyama. Mt. Koto-zan [紅頭山](N. Fukuyama 4808, 63. Tainia piyananensis Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. Aug. 31 934,cu lt. and flowered in Apr. 1934, Tokyo 49: 294 (1935). formerly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). TYPE: TA IWA N. Taihoku,P iyanan-anbu Materials in KPM: TAIWAN. Ins. Koto- [卑南鞍部J(N. Fukuyama 4148,w ithout syo,M t. Koto-zan (N. Fukuyama s.n.,Au g. 3 collection date in original description,f or- 1934,cu lt. and flowered in Apr. 1935,K PM- merly in Herb. Orch. Fuk.). NAOI05588 -Fig. 17C,K Pl\ιNAOI05589, Material in KPM: TAIWAN. Taihoku, KPl\ιNAOI05590,K Pl\ιNAOI05591 & Piyanan-anbu (N. Fukuyama s.n.,Ju ly 1930, KP恥ιNAOI05592). KPM-NAOI05583 -Fig. 16C & KPM- Note: The word “sp. nov." on the label by NAOI05584). Fukuyama. Note: The word “sp. nov." on the label by 68. Zeuxine rupicola Fukuy. in Bot. Mag. Fukuyama. Tokyo 49: 292 (1935). 64. Thelasis clausa Fukuy. in Bo .tMag. To- TYPE: TAIWAN. Taihoku,i nter Chi- kyo 49: 440 (1935). kushiko [竹子湖]et Shirin [士林](N. Fuku- TYPE: TAIWAN. Karenkoo. Kenkai- yama 4600,M ar. 1934,f ormer1y in Herb.

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