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JournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(cid:14)1998.1–15 Recent volcanism, tectonics and plate kinematics near the junction of the African, Arabian and Anatolian plates in the eastern Mediterranean M. Tekin Yu¨ru¨r a,), Jean Chorowicz b a HacettepeUni˝ersity,DepartmentofEngineeringGeology,06532,Beytepe,Ankara,Turkey bUni˝ersite´Paris6,Ge´otectonique,Case129,LGGST,4placeJussieu,75252Paris,France Abstract IntheEasternMediterranean,plateconvergenceoccursbetweenAfrica–ArabiaandAnatolia.TheAfricarArabiamotion is a strike-slip displacement along the Dead Sea fault. The AfricarAromvFpefoaangarlutaiiachnlotmatoeln.nysleaiIietslanewmftrmahaesdusrpoaetdlrwttneoiitdosadipuonrusldrnacpfi,teaaseadccrsneete.datcshkTgoroaeenhelsnosevestdieoriuoeautcpelslcidsyatfebittooedrhyldnaeldtoseaowpwuffrbsoieetudrrdhsmigueggbcnsaiedtytctirsi-eoiotpaknnollfeaksof-starseotallwiurtikhpetobihenarameeEsnolamaadfalCjsttaoeteytardixAplctotrsteneonucnabgsttsa.oeoittnolThwNiinaeche–neetpASenfhccamacotuAosoanlenrtnmvasioaecbpstrsirhsga.eflae,isatNpnsuAaicelroftefaa,fnrrtei.ebtcchteaTthoeethwefadnen7eotsde.rmor8intpuAh–olterA9ehnereanrmjaatruosebemntlcnieicaeradrtnniyaoutsenTnsemadigunrsmo.rgAikvnTeeerncnhyemaetectneeoo2mennlfiattaaMstrxhpatiiaelhsmar,eetDuteaajdmeukmaifneridfesonciscttnSuiituiooeertpdnnaee along the East Anatolian fault. The analysis of the displacementrecognisedforthisstructurebeingaround15km,wehaveobtained1.9Maasthemaximumageforthefault formation. The volcanic, tectonic and kinematic data converge to propose a ca. 2 Ma age for the change of local tectonic regime in the junction area. The structural mapping, the geometry of the fractures used by the magma to reach the surface and the presence of alkali basalt of mantle source suggest that the deformation along the northern end of the Dead Sea transform,i.e., theAmanosfault,wasmodifiedbytheformationoftheEastAnatolianfaultzone.Inthisregion,apparition oftheEastAnatolianfaultaccommodatingwestwardmotionoftheAnatolianplateresultedinoblique-sliptensionalongthe Amanos segment of the Dead Sea transform, giving rise to a fissure-fed, mantle-derived alkaline volcanism at ca. 2 Ma, whichlasteduntilrecenttimes(cid:14)0.4 Ma.. q1998ElsevierScienceB.V. All rightsreserved. Keywords:neotectonics;faultmovements;alkalinevolcanism;platekinematics;SETurkey;EastAnatolianfault 1. Introduction AfricaandArabia(cid:14)McKenzie,1970,1972;Deweyet al., 1973; Sengo¨r et al., 1985.. During the middle The present-day geodynamics of the Eastern Miocene, Arabia was separated from Africa along Mediterranean results from the relative motion be- the left-lateral Dead Sea fault zone (cid:14)e.g., Le Pichon tween three continental plates, namely: Eurasia, and Gaulier, 1988.. In the middle to late Miocene time interval, the northern border of Arabia entered )Correspondingauthor.Tel.: q90-312-235-25-42;Fax:q90-312-299in-2t1o-36c;oEll-imsiaoiln:[email protected] margin of Eurasia (cid:14) e.g.,Perinc¸ek,1979. ,formingtheBitlisThrustZone. 0377-0273r98r$19.00q1998ElsevierScienceB.V.Allrightsreserved. PII: S0377-0273(cid:14)98.00046-8 2 M.T.Yu¨ru¨r,J.ChorowiczrJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)1–15 Contemporaneously with this collisional event (cid:14)ca. Jackson and McKenzie, 1988., part of the hitherto 13 Ma, e.g., Le Pichon and Gaulier, 1988. or later shortened and thickened Eurasian lithosphere began (cid:14)Pliocene, ;5Ma,BarkaandKadinsky-Cade,1988; to move west, towards the Hellenic subduction zone M.T.Yu¨ru¨r,J.ChorowiczrJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)1–15 3 where the northern African oceanic slab is under- (cid:14)1995., with the authors, by means of satellite im- plated (cid:14)e.g., McKenzie, 1972; Le Pichon and Ange- agery and microtectonic analysis. They presented lier, 1979.. The lateral extrusion of this lithospheric some characteristics of the regional stress pattern on mass, the Anatolian block, is accommodated by two the basis of stress tensors computed using fault transform faults, the North Anatolian fault (cid:14)Mc- striation data. Kenzie, 1972;Sengo¨r,1979;JacksonandMcKenzie, In this paper, we make use of the structural data 1984. and the East Anatolian fault (cid:14)Arpat and obtained in the field (cid:14)Yu¨ru¨r, 1992.. The data consist Saroglu, 1972, 1975; Seymen and Aydin, 1972; of displacement vectors observed as slickensides on McKenzie, 1976.. Recent space geodetic data analy- fault planes. Existing geological maps and our satel- sis (cid:14)Oral et al., 1994; Le Pichon et al., 1995. has lite image and field analyses are used to produce a confirmed the westerly motion of the Anatolian fracture map near the Maras junction. We then pre- block. sent data concerning the recent volcanism studied in For several workers (cid:14)McKenzie, 1972; Sengo¨r et detail by C¸apan et al. (cid:14)1987.. This section will help al., 1985; Gu¨len et al., 1987., the junction between to confirm the lithospheric nature of the Amanos Anatolia, Arabia and Africa is located near Maras, fault and precise the chronology of the change of SE Turkey (cid:14)Fig. 1.. There are different models be- tectonic regime. Analysis of the kinematics based on cause the regional deformation is of polyphased current plate motions and space geodesy data will character, attested by the presence of late Neogene help to establish the present-day plate motions with angular unconformities (cid:14)Kelling et al., 1987; Yilmaz which we have computed the initiation age of the etal., 1988;KarigandKozlu,1990., andthefractur- East Anatolian fault. These multi-source data taken ingpatternnearMarasisrelativelycomplex(cid:14)Fig. 1.. together suggest that the study area has experienced According to McKenzie (cid:14)1976., the East Anatolian achangeoftectonicregimeduringwhichaconsider- fault zone continues west of the junction and is ably rapidfissurevolcanismwas generatedalongthe linked with the Cyprean Arc, along which the Amanos fault. This paper shows how multi-source AfricarAnatolia convergence is taken up by means data can help in understanding and dating the rela- of thrusting and strike-slip faulting (cid:14)Fig. 1a.. Field tionshipsbetweenalocaltectonicchangelinkedwith work and seismic profile analyses of Perinc¸ek and more general plate tectonics, and the occurrence of C¸emen (cid:14)1990. suggest that the East Anatolian and volcanism. the Dead Sea fault segments in Turkey may be considered as one broad fault system. Along the 2. Structural data Amanos fault (cid:14)Fig. 1., recent basaltic rocks, dated at 2–0.4 Ma (cid:14)C¸apan et al., 1987., are vertically offset We essentially have measured slickensides and forseveralhundredmeters(cid:14)ArpatandSaroglu,1972.. extensionveinsalongeitherthemajorfaultplanesor Some geologists expressed the thesis that the north- along nearby faults with planes subparallel to that of ernmost segment of the Dead Sea fault is located the major fault, assuming that subparallel planes east of the Amanos fault, and terminates against the close to each other are affected by the same tectonic Taurus Range near Go¨lbasi (cid:14)C¸apan et al., 1987; regime and bear geometrically and mechanically Perinc¸ek and C¸emen, 1990.. The area was also stud- similar tectoglyphes. Some fault planes display evi- ied by Lyberis et al. (cid:14)1992. and Chorowicz et al. dences of successive deformations. A good field Fig.1.Structureofthestudiedarea.(cid:14)A.MajorneotectonicstructuresandplateconfigurationinandaroundAnatolia.BTZ:BitlisThrust Zone; DSF: Dead Sea fault; EAF: East Anatolian fault; NAF: North Anatolian fault; T: Tu¨rkoglu. Arrows are drawn parallel to plate motionsrelativetoEurasia.(cid:14)B.SimplifiedgeologicalmapoftheareasurroundingtheMarasJunction,drawnfroma1r250000scale,false colours, LandsatTMImage, path174, row34, acquiredon October22, 1989. We madeuse of the geologicalmapsof Dubertret(cid:14)1955, 1962.andPonicarov(cid:14)1967.fortheSyriansector,the1r500000scaleAdanaandHataysheetsofMTA(cid:14)1962a,b.,Yalc¸in(cid:14)1979.,Arpatand Saroglu(cid:14)1975.,Muehlberger(cid:14)1981.,MuehlbergerandGordon(cid:14)1987.,Perinc¸eketal.(cid:14)1987.andYilmazetal.(cid:14)1988..Wealsobenefited from field observations and satellite image interpretations. AB: Amik basin; An: Antakya; EAF: East Anatolian fault; G: Go¨lbasi; Ga: Gaziantep;M:Maras. 4 M.T.Yu¨ru¨r,J.ChorowiczrJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)1–15 Fig.2.Mapofthe‘older’motionsobservedalongthemajorfaultplanes. M.T.Yu¨ru¨r,J.ChorowiczrJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)1–15 5 Fig.3.Mapofthe‘recent’motionsobservedalongthemajorfaultplanes. 6 M.T.Yu¨ru¨r,J.ChorowiczrJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)1–15 Table1 Faultlinesandslip-vectordirectionsofthesuccessivemotions M.T.Yu¨ru¨r,J.ChorowiczrJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)1–15 7 evidence to establish the relative fault-motion South of the Bitlis Thrust Zone, the western part chronology along the same fault plane comes from of the Amanos Range has suffered left-lateral trans- the overprinting of different striations. If we observe pression (cid:14)sites 50, 43, 47., strike-slipping (cid:14)sites 17, on a fault plane the lineation L to overprint the 18, 49. or compression (cid:14)sites 44, 48.. More to the 2 lineationL , weconsiderL torepresentarelatively south, NNE-striking transcurrent faulting appears to 1 2 recent fault motion with respect to the motion that affect the southwestern sector of the Amanos Range created L . Another criterion to accept that a fault (cid:14)sites 14, 33, 34, 35, 36.. However, in some sites of 1 plane has experienced relatively recent displace- the latter zone, SW-trending displacements are ob- ments is the presence of unconsolidatedfault breccia served as ‘older motions,’ along one strike-slip fault along the fault plane. (cid:14)site37.andtwotranstensionalfaults(cid:14)sites7,15..In Our data collected in the field are represented on the southern part of the study area, various fault maps in the form of fault direction lines, and arrows displacementshavebeenobserved.Amongthem,the corresponding to the azimuth of the plunge of the approximately N-striking transcurrent faults of the striations (cid:14)Figs. 2 and 3.. The fault direction is the sites8 and10 canbe interpretedas formedin a N–S mean azimuth of the main fault system observed in crustalconvergencezone,butalsotranstensionalmo- the station. In this study, directions are all clockwise tions recorded at sites 2, 5 and 12. The NW–SE- angular values from the north (cid:14)Table 1.. The arrows orientedcompressioninsite6affectsonlytheEocene converging to the fault direction line represent com- and the Langhian rocks. SW-oriented transport as pressive structures, while diverging arrows corre- suggested by strike-slip faulting in sites 1 and 16 is spond to extension structures. also observed in sites 51 E (cid:14)in Eocene thrusts and We have prepared two maps, one for the rela- overturned folds. and 51 M (cid:14)in Miocene thrusts.. tively ‘older’ motions (cid:14)Fig. 2. and another for the Finally, microtectonic data for the ‘older motions’ ‘recent’ motions (cid:14)Fig. 3.. In Table 1, we have pre- support in majority a N–S compression, with local sented the structural data with the ages of the variations. youngest rocks affected in the measurement station. 3.2. More recent motions 3. Slip motions around the junction In some sites (cid:14)e.g., site 28, 31, and 43 of Fig. 3. 3.1. Older motions along the Bitlis Thrust Zone, a change of tectonic regime is evidenced (cid:14)1. by the presence of older The ‘older’ fault motions are presented in Fig. 2. lineations overprinted by more recent ones (cid:14)fault The geometry of the folds and fault lineations sug- plane reactivation. testifying to extensional faulting gests a tectonic transport oriented north–south, as or (cid:14)2. by normal faults cutting and offsetting the already noticed by previous workers. Folding and thrust planes. thrusting along the Bitlis Thrust zone (cid:14)sites 20, 21, Geological mapping (cid:14)Dubertret, 1955; Ponicarov, 25, 29, 30, 31, 51 E and 51 M. have accommodated 1967. and satellite image analyses (cid:14)Muehlberger, the N–S convergence between Eurasian hinterland 1981; Muehlberger and Gordon, 1987. suggest the and the Afro-Arabian foreland. presence of recent faulting east of the Amanos fault, NotetoTable1: Theyoungestrockaffectedbyeacheventisgiveninthelastcolumn.‘EocenelmiddleMiocene’denotesthefaultedcontactbetweenthe Eocene and Middle Miocene rocks. Azimuths of fault planes in the second row from left are all clockwise values from the north. Slip-vectorsaredrawnintheNWortheSWquadrants.Inthe‘Explanation’column,thetypeofthefieldevidenceusedtoestablishthe relativechronologybetweenthefaultmovementsisgiven,ifthischronologyisdetermined.LINw2x:lineationoverprinting,thefollowing numberinbracketsindicatesthenumberofobservations;TrF:extensionveincutandoffsetbyafault;F:faultcuttingthewholerockmass; OEV:openextensionveins;OCV:coexistenceofopenandclosedextensionveins,c:closed,o:openveins;P-QF:Plio-Quaternaryfaulting; QF:Quaternaryfaulting;AF:activefaulting. 8 M.T.Yu¨ru¨r,J.ChorowiczrJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)1–15 with strands parallel to the Amanos structure, and site conjugate right-lateral faults trending N 1288– disrupting Plio-Quaternary volcanic rocks. The east- 1508. ernmostof themisnamedheretheAafrinefault. We Satellite imagery and microtectonic data indicate have studied a segment of this fault in the Miocene thatfracturesinthiszonehavedirectionssubparallel- rocks of site 22 (cid:14)Fig. 3.. The N 208–358-strikingand ing either the East Anatolian fault (cid:14)ca. N 658. or the steeply dipping fault plane displays subhorizontal Amanos fault (cid:14)ca. N 308.. In sites 21 and 23, the slickensides,suggestingstrike-slipdisplacementwith orientation of open extension veins suggest, respec- left-lateral separation. We have also observed in the tively, NNW–SSE- and E–W-trending extension. Fig.4.(cid:14)a.GeologicalmapshowingtheNarlivolcanism.ThemapbenefitedfromtheinterpretationofamultispectralSPOTimage(cid:14)scale: 1r100000, false colours, Ks119, Js275, acquired on July 14, 1987.. (cid:14)b. Inset picturing the structural interpretation of the Narli volcanism.TheconcentriccirclesinbetweenthefaultsrepresenttheNarlivolcano.Strike-slipfaultingandopeningwereassociatedwith E–W-orientedminimumhorizontalstress s andN–S-orientedmaximumhorizontalstress s. 3 1 M.T.Yu¨ru¨r,J.ChorowiczrJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)1–15 9 This is mechanically compatible with striations In this interpretation, the older N–S compression trending E–W and ENE–WSW. In site 32, we have hasclosedall thefracturesandpreventedthemagma studied a fault plane separating Quaternary slope from going up to the surface. The more recent scree from the late Miocene rocks. The fault trends extensional and strike-slip faulting has opened the N 1158 to N 1208. Arpat and Saroglu (cid:14)1975. and faults and joints to give way up to the magma. This Yalc¸in(cid:14)1979.havemappedthisstructureasasubac- interpretation is coherent with the following tive normal fault. The fault plane bears E–W lin- volcano-tectonic data. eations attesting for transtension. East of the junction of the East Anatolian and Amanos faults at Tu¨rkoglu (cid:14)Fig. 1., and in the 4.2. Narli ˝olcanism related to tectonics at local scale northern part of the Karasu Basin, we have observed onsatelliteimagesstraightsegmentsandmanyirreg- ularities, such as braiding channels, enlarging or As pointedout by C¸apan et al. (cid:14)1987., the Karasu narrowing river channels (cid:14)Aksu river., suggestive of valley was a site of volcanic emplacement. In the a recent fault zone. One of them, the Narli fault, has northern part of this valley, we have observed in a been recognised in the field as a recent structure 20-m ground resolution multispectral SPOT image (cid:14)Yalc¸in, 1979.. At the western termination of this and in the field a small basaltic cone (cid:14)Narli volcan- fault, a recent volcanism has developed as suggested ism, C in Fig. 4a.. The cone is located on the by fresh outcrops of basaltic flows (cid:14)Fig. 4.. This flat-lying Eocene marine limestone of the Arabian structure will be studied in Section 4. platform. When the lava cover is thin, near the cone, In this zone, we have observed, in a chrome mine it is eroded and in places, the underlying white gallery opened in the serpentinized ophiolites (cid:14)site Eocene limestone is easily recognised from the bed- 45, Fig. 3., a fault plane which is known by the ding traces, giving an overall light-grey tone. To the miners to have been active during a recent earth- east, darker and, consequently, probably thicker vol- quake (cid:14)pers. comm. in 1990 with Akgu¨n Ilcan and canic rocks are distinguished in the satellite image. Riza Soypak, responsible engineers of the exploiting No other volcanic cone can be observed to suggest company, Gu¨neydogu Krom Isletmeleri, Istanbul.. that the darker volcanic rocks have come out from a The direction of this active fault is N 528, dipping different centre. The difference in thickness may be NW 848. The pitch of striations is W 268. The related to erosion across a fault. The boundaries left-lateral slip-motion is clearly marked by fault between the darker and lighter basaltic groups form striations on the hanging-wall fault plane. This slip- an alignment of rectilinear figures (cid:14)from ‘A’ to ‘B’ vector of this transtensional fault is oriented N 2358. in Fig. 4.. Weinterpretthealignmentas a N-striking fault where the downthrown eastern compartment is relatively less eroded, exposing thicker basalt. A recentleft-lateralstrike-slipfault,describedbyYalc¸in 4. Volcanism (cid:14)1979., is observed in the image west of the Narli cone. Morphologic linears observed in the fluviatile 4.1. Relationships with the tectonics deposits of the Aksu river (cid:14)‘C’ in Fig. 4. also attest for the recent activity of the Narli fault. In the field, The comparison of the ‘older’ and the ‘recent’ we have observed near the crater of the cone N motions indicates that the triple junction zone has 1608-striking extensional fractures attesting for N first suffered from a N–S compression. This was 708-trending extension, compatible with left-lateral followed by westward crustal displacements induc- displacementalong the N 608 Narli fault. Left-lateral ing extensional and strike-slip faulting. We interpret displacementsalongtheN–Sfaultsarealsocompati- that this tectonic regime change near the Maras ble with the N 1608 extensional fractures unless we junction, has developed under the influence of the admit that the compressive strain component is hori- extrusion movement of the Anatolian block with the zontalandtrendsN1608(cid:14)strike-slipregimeofdefor- formation of the East Anatolian fault. mation.. 10 M.T.Yu¨ru¨r,J.ChorowiczrJournalofVolcanologyandGeothermalResearch85(1998)1–15 Inthisgeometry,theNarlivolcanoisrootedonN We point out some conclusions of C¸apan et al. 1608extensionalfractures,attheextensionaljunction (cid:14)1987.:(cid:14)1.Complicatedblockmovementshavetaken of the Narli fault with the N-striking faults, both place along the Karasu valley, leading to NE-trend- left-lateral. The extensional junction may have pro- ing tensional fractures which might represent chan- vided the distension necessary to generate and con- nelsforoutpouringofthebasalt.(cid:14)2.TheQztholeiite duct the volcanic rocks to the surface (cid:14)Fig. 4b.. series have been contaminated by crustal material, while the younger alkali olivine basalt series is the 4.3. Karasu ˝olcanism productofamoredepletedsource,butbothfallonto The petrography, geochemistry and radiometric the mantle array. (cid:14)3. The alkali basalt was trans- agedeterminationofthevolcanicrocks(cid:14)Karasuunit. ferred more rapidly to the surface and this may be along the Amanos fault were carried out by C¸apan due to a transitory behaviour of the fault in an and coworkers in 1987. K–Ar age determinations extension regime. These conclusions are coherent indicateagesrangingfrom2–0.4Ma(cid:14)latestPliocene with our observation of a later extensional event and Quaternary.. The volcanic units were previously related with the occurrence of the uppermost mapped by Dubertret (cid:14)1955, 1962. and recognised Pliocene–Quaternary volcanism. on the basis of morphological and photogeological studies to be related to the recent tectonic activity 4.4. How the Amanos fault kinematics ha˝e changed (cid:14)Arpatand Saroglu, 1972.. Accordingto the authors, the southern part of the Karasu valley, a narrow The ‘older motions’ characterised by a N–S- structural basin extending east of the Amanos fault, trendingcompressioncanberelatedtoplatecollision is covered by fissure eruptions and sheet flows of occurring since the middle Miocene between the fresh lava of both ‘aa’ and ‘pahoehoe’ type. The northern margin of AfricarArabia with the southern emission centres are located along NE-trending fis- margin of Eurasia (cid:14)e.g., Yilmaz et al., 1988; sures.Theirworkshowsthatthevolcanismisformed Chorowicz et al., 1994.. This convergent phase was by a succession (cid:14)from older to younger. of olivine accompanied later by the westward expulsion of the tholeiite, quartz tholeiite and alkali olivine basalt. Anatolian block (cid:14)Sengo¨r et al., 1985; Dewey et al., Olivine tholeiite is the most abundant type among 1986., accommodated by the East Anatolian fault. the seven different lava flows and occupies large In the triple junction area, there are field evi- areas along the valley floor. The quartz tholeiite and dences that the East Anatolian fault cuts and offsets alkali olivine basalt is located all along the western the thrust surfaces formed during the compression margin of the valley. (cid:14)Yalc¸in, 1979; Perinc¸ek and C¸emen, 1990; Yu¨ru¨r, The older olivine tholeiite of the valley floor is 1992; Chorowicz et al., 1994.. Moreover, McKenzie vesicular, olivine- and hypersthene-normative basalt. (cid:14)1976. proposed that the East Anatolian fault cuts The subsequently erupted quartz tholeiite is slightly also the Amanos fault zone (cid:14)prolongation of the quartz-normative and forms blocky laves interlay- Dead Sea transform. at Tu¨rkoglu (cid:14)‘T’ in Fig. 1. and ered with brecciated agglomerate. It contains large extendssouthwestwardsthroughtheAmanosRange. plagioclase laths, olivine and a few clinopyroxene However, on the basis of 20 m multispectral and 10 phenocrysts. Its groundmass is composed of plagio- mpanchromaticSPOTimageinterpretationsandfield clase microlites, olivine, opaque minerals and inter- observations, Yu¨ru¨r (cid:14)1992. and Chorowicz et al. stitial volcanic glass. The more recent alkali olivine (cid:14)1994. have shown that at Tu¨rkoglu, the East Anato- basalt, with the exception of the Ceylanli flow dated lianfaultdoesnottraversetheAmanosfault.Forthis as 1.73"0.10 Ma, covers a west-wall fault system reason, we propose that the Amanos range, which that had cut through the previous quartz tholeiitic once indented southern Anatolia, should in the pre- basalt. Large olivine crystals with a few plagioclase sent-day situation be attached to the extruded Anato- (cid:14)An . form the main phenocryst assemblage, while lian block. Another argument is that the Amanos 53 the matrix is mostly plagioclase microlites, olivine Range should move with a westerly component in and opaque mineral grains in an interstitial volcanic order to open the Quaternary Karasu basin, located glass. It is olivine- and nepheline-normative basalt. east of the range. This change of kinematics is

junction of the African, Arabian and Anatolian plates in the In addition, reconstruction of rigid-plate kinematics between Arabia, Africa and Anatolia
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