Springer Proceedings in Physics 189 Jeyasingh Ebenezar Editor Recent Trends in Materials Science and Applications Nanomaterials, Crystal Growth, Thin films, Quantum Dots, & Spectroscopy (Proceedings ICRTMSA 2016) Springer Proceedings in Physics Volume 189 The series Springer Proceedings in Physics, founded in 1984, is devoted to timely reports of state-of-the-art developments in physics and related sciences. Typically based on material presented at conferences, workshops and similar scientific meetings, volumes published in this series will constitute a comprehensive up-to-date source of reference on a field or subfield of relevance in contemporary physics. Proposals must include the following: – name, place and date of the scientific meeting – a link to the committees (local organization, international advisors etc.) – scientific description of the meeting – list of invited/plenary speakers – an estimate of the planned proceedings book parameters (number of pages/ articles, requested number of bulk copies, submission deadline). More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/361 Jeyasingh Ebenezar Editor Recent Trends in Materials Science and Applications fi Nanomaterials, Crystal Growth, Thin lms, Quantum Dots, & Spectroscopy (Proceedings ICRTMSA 2016) 123 Editor Jeyasingh Ebenezar Department ofPhysics Jamal MohamedCollege(Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu India ISSN 0930-8989 ISSN 1867-4941 (electronic) SpringerProceedings in Physics ISBN978-3-319-44889-3 ISBN978-3-319-44890-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44890-9 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2016954591 ©SpringerInternationalPublishingSwitzerland2017 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor foranyerrorsoromissionsthatmayhavebeenmade. Printedonacid-freepaper ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbySpringerNature TheregisteredcompanyisSpringerInternationalPublishingAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland Foreword 1 I am delighted to know that the Department of Physics, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli, had organized an International Conference on Recent Trends in MaterialsScienceandApplications(ICRTMSA2016)on29thFebruary2016.Any conferencehasitsaim,disseminationofknowledge,sharingofideas,andexposure to latest trends and techniques. Judging by the overwhelming response at the conference and by the large number of papers containing the results of original research carried out by researchers and scientists, I have no doubt that this con- ference ICRTMSA 2016 has fulfilled its stated objectives in ample measure. The organizers have taken considerable efforts right from organizing the conference to compiling the papers presented in a nice form as a “Springer Proceedings in Physics.”Thisonceagainreflectsthehighqualityofresearchthatwasdeliveredin the conference. This proceedings is divided into six self-sufficient parts providing relevant information on most recent topics such as nanomaterials, quantum dots, thin film, crystal growth, and spectroscopy. It combines detailed discussions on fundamen- tals, preparation, characterization of novel materials, and theoretical description of suchcomplextopicsasquantumdots,withgoodexpositionoftheresultsobtained andtheirexcellentinterpretationandidentificationoftheplausibleapplications.My appreciations are due to the editor for his excellent work. Ihopethatthisproceedingswillcontributeimmenselytothebodyofknowledge in materials science and will be a valuable reference not only to an uninitiated novice, but also to seasoned researchers in these fields. Dr. R.V. Mangalaraja President Chilean Metallurgy and Materials Society Professor and Director Department of Materials Engineering University of Concepcion Concepcion, Chile v Foreword 2 The International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science and Applications(ICRTMSA2016),organizedon29thFebruary2016,wasaninitiative taken by the Department of Physics, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli, SouthIndia,tobringtogetheractiveresearchersfromvariousdisciplinesofmaterials science and enable them to showcase their state-of-the-art research results, interact with thepeers innew cross-disciplinary fields, and enhance their knowledge. I understand that more than 120 research articles were received from various parts of the world, which demonstrates the international reach of the conference. Iamalso given tounderstand thatafter astrict reviewprocess,characteristic ofall Springer editions, 52 articles have been selected and brought out in fine print as “Springer Proceedings in Physics.” Thebookattemptstopresentimportantselectedtopicsinmaterialssciencesuch asnanomaterials,quantumdots,thinfilm,crystalgrowth,andspectroscopyinsuch a way that it will serve as an introductory text for the undergraduate and post- graduatestudentsinmaterialsscience,nanoscience,andtechnology,aswellascan be used as a book of reference by the researchers in this field. Kudos to the editor and the publishers for their nice compilation. I am sure that this book will meet the needs of updating of knowledge by students aspiring to pursue a meaningful research career in materials science. Prof. Ajayan Vinu, FRSC, FFMAS Professor of Nanomaterials Future Industries Institute Division of Information Technology Engineering and the Environment University of South Australia Adelaide, Australia vii Preface In recent years, materials science has emerged as one of the most important and excitingareasofresearchinthefieldsofscience,engineering,andtechnology.This ismainlybecauseofthefactthatmaterialssciencehasledtotherecognitionofthe fundamental similarities underlying the structures, phenomena, and properties of a wide variety of interesting and technologically important materials. The identifi- cation and development of novel materials every decade has paved the way, in a very much large measure, for the advancement of knowledge in science. The three fundamental constituents of materials science and engineering are perhaps crystal growth, thin film fabrications, and development of nanomaterials. Developmentofdevicesfortechnologicallyimportantapplicationssuchassensors, detectors, and integrated circuits for data acquisition and analysis calls for the growth of crystals of suitable size and perfection. Similarly, continued technolog- icaladvancesinthefieldsofoptoelectronic,photonic,gassensors,solarcells,etc., whichhavespawnedmanyemergentcuttingedgetechnologiesweremadepossible with the development of thin films made from newer materials. Further, the development of various novel nanostructured materials with highly remarkable properties appears to have taken the developments in science and technology to every conceivable sphere of human endeavor. Taking cognizance of these variegated importances of research in materials science, the Department of Physics, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli, SouthIndia,anautonomousA-gradecollege,recognizedasacollegewithpotential for excellence by the National Accreditation and Assessment Council, constituted by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of the Government of India, orga- nized an International Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science and Applications (ICRTMSA 2016) during 29th February 2016. This proceeding is a compendiumofthematerialspresentedintheplenarysessions,invitedlectures,and papers presented at this conference. It provides an overview of materials science, starting from the experimental and theoretical methods of preparation, processing etc., for the identification of the structural changes, properties, and applications. It containsatotalof58chaptersorganizedintosixparts(PartI–VIincluding“Invited and Plenary Talk”). ix x Preface Part I comprises of six chapters consisting of lectures delivered by the invited speakers on topics such as cavitation technology, biological applications of core shell nanoparticles, quantum dots and device fabrication, spectroscopic and quan- tum computation techniques, electrodepostion method for nanostructured thin film preparation, and the prospects and constraints of emerging nanotechnology. Part II focuses on the significant advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology and covers topics including synthesis and annealing effects, and spectral, thermal, microstructural, magnetic, electrochemical, and dielectric properties of nanomate- rials for wide range of applications including gas sensing, photocathode for solar cells, optical limiting, antibacterial, photocatalytic, super-capacitor electrode, optoelectronic, storage device, and window layer applications. PartIIIisdevotedtothestudiesoftheelectronicandopticalpropertiesrelatedto the quantum dots, the artificial atoms. Stress is on Group II–VI and III–V ternary and quaternary semiconducting materials, as they are considered to be promising candidates due to their potential applications in short wavelength laser diodes, amplifiers, and switches. The size-dependent dots exhibit some exotic electronic and optical properties which can be applied for fabricating novel optoelectronic devices such as optical and electro-optic modulators, inter-band lasers, optical switches, optical amplifiers, and inter-subband long wavelength detectors. The experimentalsynthesisofthecadmiumsulfide(CdS)quantumdotsandtheirrelated optical properties is also discussed. Part IV deals with the experimental understanding of surface and thin film materials, their deposition, processing and fabrication techniques, spectroscopic, surface,resistivity,ACimpedance,conductivityandmagneticstudies,sensingand opticalpropertiesthatareusedtoproduceoptoelectronic,photonic,gassensor,and solar cells, Li-ion battery and magneto-optic memory devices. It focuses specially on the solvent effect on the preparation and properties of thin films, preparation of nanostructured thin films for sensing application, studies on phase transformation behavior,and organic andpotential material preparationfor solarcell applications. Part V discusses the synthesis and crystal growth of technologically important single crystals for nonlinear optical and electro-optic applications. In particular, itcoversthesynthesis,growth,spectral,thermal,mechanical,dielectric,andoptical properties of organic, inorganic, and semi-organic single crystals grown by slow evaporation,top-seededsolutiongrowth,andverticalBridgmangrowthtechniques, studies of the dielectric properties of organic single crystals and fluorinated anti-ferroelectric liquid crystal and ion irradiation studies on semi-organic single crystals.AlsotheX-raycrystallographystudiesofmanybiologicalcompoundssuch as of E-methyl-2-(1,3-dimethyl-2,6-diphenylpiperidin-4-ylidene) hydrazinecar- boxylate,4-ethoxyanilinium hydrogen succinate, and4-methoxyaniliniumchloride 4-methoxy aniline crystallized by slow evaporation method are focussed. Their structures are solved and refined using full-matrix least squares technique by SHELX program package and their applications are presented. Finally, Part VI elaborates on spectroscopy, an important tool in the field of pharmaceutical sciences. It emphasizes the structural design, highest occupied molecular orbital and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (HOMO-LUMO), Preface xi thermodynamical parameters, etc., of some pharmaceutically and biologically active drugs using quantum computational chemistry methods and computer modeling techniques. The same chapter also discusses the theoretical and experi- mental evaluation of ultrasonic velocity in liquid mixtures and studies the effect ofthevariationsintheultrasonicvelocityonthebehaviorofpolymersystems,such as intra- and intermolecular association, dipolar interactions, complex formation, and structural changes which in turn are helpful in the production and use of polymers in pharmaceuticals and industry. As this proceedings contains results of experimental and theoretical research, it will serve as an essential reading for a wider audience which includes students, teachers, professionals, researchers, and industrialists involved in all branches of materials science and engineering, particularly for those who are preparing for an entry into or are already associated with materials science, and nanoscience and technology. Constructive suggestions for the betterment of the proceedings will be much appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. Tiruchirappalli, India Jeyasingh Ebenezar