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Preview Recent progress in AQUINAS: a knowledge acquisition workbench

egdelwonK noitisiuqcA 1, (1989) 185-214 Recent progress in AQUINAS: a knowledge acquisition workbench Jom~ H. BOOSE, DAVID B. SHEMA DNA JEFFREY M. WAHSDARB gnieoB Advanced Technology ,retneC P.O. Services, Computer Box Boehlg ,64342 ,elttaeS AW ,42189 ASU desaB( no at presented paper a eht dr3 AAAI Acquisition Knowledge for -egdelwonK desaB Workshop, Systems Banff, November, )8891 Acquiring knowledge from a human expert is a major problem when building a knowledge-based system. AQUINAS, an expanded version of the expertise transfer system (ETS), is a knowledge acquisition workbench that combines ideas from psychology and knowledge-based systems research to support knowledge acquisition tasks. AQUINAS interviews experts directly and helps them organize, analyse, test, and refine their knowledge bases. Expertise from multiple experts or other knowledge sources can be represented and used separately or combined, giving consensus and dissenting opinions among groups of experts. Results from user consultations are derived from information propagated through hierarchies. ETS and AQUINAS have assisted in building knowledge-based systems for several years at The Boeing Company. .1 Introduction This paper describes recent progress on AQUINAS in the areas of knowledge base performance measurement, knowledge base maintenance, interacting trait con- straints, consultation graphics, and eliciting strategic and procedural knowledge. Experiments show how AQUINAS can automatically improve knowledge bases and even suggest new problem-solving information. Forms of interactive and automatic machine learning employed by AQUINAS are also discussed. 2. Knowledge-based systems and rapid prototyping Knowledge-based systems provide environments where preliminary knowledge bases from human experts may be rapidly prototyped in a matter of days or weeks. Experts, end-users, and project managers may easily examine the system's behavior and suggest changes that can be rapidly implemented. The knowledge, often stored in English-like rules, is readily available for examination, discussion, and modifica- tion by all project participants. The rapid prototyping capability of these environ- ments is one reason why they have been successful. One of the first of these environments, EMYCIN (Buchanan & Shortliffe, 1985) containing the knowledge transfer tool TEIRESIAS (Davis & Lenat, 1982), is still one of the best examples of such a rapid prototyping environment. TEIRESIAS helped knowledge engineers and experts enter rules and parameters, checked consistency, debugged consult- ations, and even suggested new rules. The interface and rule language could be used by the expert with a relatively small amount of training. 581 581020/98/3418-2401 + 0/00.30503 © 9891 Limited Press Academic 681 J.H. BOOSE ET AL. The major hurdle when building these systems is that of acquiring and modeling the human's expertise. A knowledge engineer--someone familiar with the knowledge-based system environment or "shell"---interviews the expert, models the knowledge, embeds it in the system, and reviews the system's behavior with the expert. The knowledge engineer changes the system based on the suggestions of the expert. For complex systems, cycles of revision and review can take from xis to twenty-four months before the system exhibits expertise when using manual interviewing methods. Automated knowledge acquisition tools are being developed to help cut down the revise-and-review cycle time and increase the reliability and maintainability of knowledge bases. These tools interview experts directly and help them refine, structure, and test their knowledge. Expertise from many experts may be rapidly combined together and used. Because models can be built rapidly and easily revised, AQUINAS can be effectively used as a general-purpose decision aid as well as a tool for knowledgeen gineering. 3. AQUINAS system description This section discusses AQUINAS' knowledge representation and basis in personal construct theory. Knowledge analysis and refinement tools, and the system's rapid consultation prototyping capability will also be shown. AQUINAS, an expanded version of the expertise transfer system (ETS; Boose, ,4891 1985, 1986a), si a knowledge acquisition workbench that combines ideas from psychology and knowledge-based systems researcht o support knowledge acquisition tasks. These tasks include eliciting distinctions, decomposing problems, combining uncertain information, incremental testing, integration of data types, automatic expansion and refinement of the knowledge base, use of multiple sources of knowledge, use of constraints during inference, and providing process guidance (Boose & Bradshaw, 1988). AQUINAS interviews experts and helps them analyse, test, and refine the knowledge base. Expertise from multiple experts or other knowledge sources can be represented and used separately or combined. Results from user consultations are derived from information propagated through hierar- chies. AQUINAS delivers knowledge internally or by creating knowledge bases for several different expert system shells. Help is given to the expert by a dialog manager that embodies knowledge acquisition heuristics. Using AQUINAS, rapid prototypes of knowledge-based systems can be built in as little as lhr, even when the expert has little understanding of knowledge-based systems or has no prior training in the use of the tool. The interviewing methods in AQUINAS are derived from George Kelly's Personal Construct Theory and related work (Kelly, 1955; Shaw & Gaines, 1987; Boose, 1988)K.e lly's methods and theory provide a rich framework for modeling the qualitative and quantitative distinctions inherent in an expert's problem-solving knowledge. AQUINAS tools mentioned in this paper are explained more fully elsewhere (Boose, 1988; Boose & Bradshaw, 1988; Bradshaw & Boose, 1989; Kitto & Boose, 1988a; Shema & Boose, 1988). AQUINAS si written in Interlisp and runs on the Xerox family of Lisp machines. Subsets of AQUINAS also run in an Interlisp RECENT PROGRESS IN AQUINAS 187 .NOITULOS .$BO ll~AIT LU~ER[GERRIll~HC[LUGER~R*[LU6ER[~RRIlLU6ER[LU~ER~I~RR~RR~LUGER[LU~ERlLU~ER~G~RI~LU~ER~ t. (5)HEART.RHVTHM: ER( 1~ lee ltZe Uee He l~ eB[ 1*6e lee [Be 1~ I~ lt6e tzee pe [e '32. (5)HE~T.RAI~: SL0U. N~SB~NES~[NESB~lNE$~[ER~N~t'~N~MR~[~MR~q~ESB~R~N~[R~N)N~MR~E~Bq'~MR~N~4/R~N~MR~N~ (4) P.I~.CH,N~TZRI Xi 1[ II ll /l 51 51 51 [t [3 51 51 XI 1I [l [1 • (5) EONOPSERROC.$RQ-P 41 41 2[ le 41 le le le 7.1 I~ 2L [e le le le le 5. (4) .RP :LAVRETNI ~IRON ~R~N~r~n~M~iNO~N~R~r~N~r~p~N~*~m~N~r~I~Z~BI~Le~Iz~ .s (s) "EPaHS.SRO ~RON( tL tI tI II 1I 4[ st l~ tI p tt p tt tI 1[ 1[ .7~,RA H.RP)4(C.%.VRT.ITNI I I I I I I I I I is, :('LOTSV~ I I I ,SI DI RTNE~OI .R~LUCI MHIVHR I I NOITALLIR ,41BIF.R~LUCIRTNE4k I .31 RTN~ .R~LUCI R~K'HCAT D IA 12, 3RD. ,GED I'IE~T. KCOLB It, ,T~,EH,GED,ON2 ,/"I'IBDH-KCOLB II lB. .ON2 .GEO .TRAE HHCABEKCNEb-KCOLB • ,.li~,OON 9. IST. ~G. ,TR~,EH KCOLB B, l i 7. RI'A F I~L, RBI NOITALLI 6. AIR I~L. FLUll~R • 5, .$UNIS DR~,Ce~RB IA • AIDRACYH. ~,T,R~L4. UCIlIINE~ARPUS 3. IIKI$. $ TACH~O IA i'i 2. .$UNIS AIMI'II/"HRR~ I, NHIVSR,SUNIS,..W'IRON ,SB')I NOITULOS FIo. 1. Repertory grid for the heart dysrhythmias portion of the medical aid advisor• version on the DEC Vax, SUN III and IV, and a micro computer "C/UNIX"-based portable version that runs on a variety of platforms. 3.1. KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTED IN REPERTORY GRIDS The expert enters and refines knowledge in the form of repertory grids. In a repertory grid, problem solutions--elements--are elicited and placed across the grid as column labels, and traits of these solutions--consmtcts--are fisted alongside the rows of the grid (Fig. 1). Traits are first elicited by presenting groups of solutions and asking the expert to discriminate among them. Following this, the expert gives each solution a rating showing where it falls on the trait scale, and gives the relative importance of each trait. Below are excerpts from an expert building a repertory grid for a heart dysrhythmias portion of a medical aid advisor. First, the expert partitions the medical aid advisor into several subproblems, or cases. Then, for the HEART.DYSRHYTHMIAS case, the expert enters a list of possible problems (termed sohaions in AQUINAS; the goal of this part of the system is to diagnose the problem): Please enter a list of items for expert DBS that are potential solutions for HEART.DYSRHY-rHM1AS. Enter them one to a line. When you're done, enter a RETURN NEW SOLUTION**NORMAL SINUS RHYTHM NEW SOLUTION**SINUS ARRHYI'HIVIIA NEW SOLUTION**SINUS TACHYCARDIA NEW SOLUTION**SUPRAMENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA NEW SOLUTION**SINUS BRADYCARDIA NEW SOLUTION**ATRIAm FLUTTER 188 J.n. aOOSE er .LA NEW SOLUTION**ATRIAL FIBRILLATION NEW SOLUTION**NODAL RHYTHM NEW SOLUTION**IST DEG HEART BLOCK NEW SOLUTION**2ND DEG HEART BLOCK-WENCKEBACH NEW SOLUTION**2ND DEG HEART BLOCK-MOBITZ II NEW SOLUTION**3RD DEG HEART BLOCK NEW SOLUTIO N**VENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA NEW SOLUTION**VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION NEW LUTIO SO N**IDIOVENTRICU LAR RHYTHM NEW SOLUTION**ASYSTOLE AQUINAS asks the expert for traits that help distinguish between sets of solutions. Think of an important new trait that two of NORMAL.SINUS.RHYTHM, SINUS.ARRHY-I-HMIA, and SINUS.TACHYCARDIA share, but that the other one does not. What is that trait? NEW TRAIT (EXTREME)**REGULAR RHYTHM What is that trait's opposite as it applies in this case? NEW TRAIT (OPPOSITE)**IRREGULAR RHYTHM What is the name of a scale or concept that describes REGULAR.RHYTHM/IRREGULAR.RHYTHM? NEW TRAIT (CONCEPT)**HEART RHYTHM Think of an important new characteristic that two of SINUS.ARRHYTHMIA, SINUS.TACHYCARDIA, and SUPRAVENTRICULAR.TACHYCARDIA shae, but that the other one does not. What is that characteristic? NEW TRAIT (EXTREME)**SLOW HEART RATE What is that characteristic's opposite as it applies in this case? NEW TRAIT (OPPOSITE)**FAST HEART RATE What is the name of a scale or concept that describes S LOW.HEART.RATE/FAST.H EART.RA:rE? NEW TRAIT (CONCEPT)**HEART RATE Think of an important new attribute that two of SINUS.TACHYCARDIA, SUPRAVENTRICULAR.TACHYCARDIA, and SlNUS.BRADYCARDIA share, but that the other one does not. What is that attribute? NEW TRAIT (EXTREME)**NORMAL P WAVE What is that attribute's opposite as it applies in this case? NEW TRAIT (OPPOSlTE)**ABNORMAL P WAVE What is the name of a scale or concept that describes N ORMAL.P.WAVE/AB 0 N RMAL.P.WAVE? NEW TRAIT (CONCEPT)**P WAVE CHARACTERISTIC RECENT PROGRESS IN AQUINAS 189 The expert then rates each solution on each trait. By default, AQUINAS scales each trait with ordinal rating values from 1 to 5. The expert can change the rating value type for a particular trait to nominal, interval, or ratio, and change rating value ranges and intervals. AQUINAS can assist with this in certain situations, and even suggest the kinds of changes that should be made. Rate these solutions on the concept HEART.RHYTHM using a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means more like REGULAR.RHYTHM and 5 means more like IRREGULAR.RHYTHM. If neither one seems to apply, enter NONE. If both seem to apply, enter BOTH. If you would like help estimating values, enter USE.BARCHART. If you wish to change the type of the trait, enter CHANGE. REGULAR.RHYTHM(I) IRREGULAR.RHYTHM(5) NORMAL.SINUS.RHYTHM** 1 SINUS.ARRHY-I'HMIA** 1 SINUS.TACHYCARDIA** 1 SU PRAVE NTRICU LAR.TACHYCAR DIA** 1 SINUS.BRADYCARDIA** _1 ATRIALFLUTTER** 2 ATRIAL.FIBRILLATION** 5_ NODAL.RHYTHM** 1 1ST.DEG.HEART.BLOCK** 1 2N D.DEG.HEART.BLOCK-WENCKEBACH** 4_ 2N D.DEG.HEART.BLOCK-MOBITZ.II** 1 3RD.DEG.HEART.BLOCK** 1 CF.6 5 CF .4 VENTRICU LAR.TACHYCARDIA** 1 VENTRICU LAR.FIBRILLATION** 5_ IDIOVE NTRICULAR.RHY-rHM** 5_ ASYSTOLE** _1 Note that the expert entered a rating distribution for 3RD.DEGREE.HEART.BLOCK. More complex distributions can also be entered graphically. The expert then rates the importance of each trait's contribution to finding a solution. Please rate the relative importance of HEART.RHYTHM (REGULAR.RHYTHM/IRREGULAR.RHYTHM) on a scale from 5 to 0, where 5 means more important, and 0 means less important. HEART.RHYTHM** 5_ Please rate the relative importance of HEART.RArE (SLOW HEART.RATE/FAST.HEART RATE) on a scale from 5 to 0, where 5 means more important, and 0 means less important. HEART.RATE** 5_ Please rate the relative importance of P.WAVE.CHARACTERISTIC (NORMAL.P.WAVE/ABNORMAL.P.WAVE) on a scale from 5 to 0, where 5 means more important, and 0 means less important. P.WAVE.CHARACTERISTIC** 4 091 J.H. BOOSE ET AL. 3.2. REPERTORY GRID ANALYSIS After an initial grid is constructed, AQUINAS helps the expert refine and expand the knowledge base by invoking a variety of analysis tools. Similarities between solutions and traits are analysed to help the expert refine useful distinctions and eliminate those that are inconsequential or redundant. For example, NORMAL.SINUS;RHYTHM and 1ST.DEG.HEART.BLOCK are found to be highly matched, and the expert enters a new trait, PR.INTERVAL, to help further distinguish between them. After the next row is added, AQUINAS asks the expert to rate all the solutions on the new trait. The two solutions NORMAL.SINUS.RHYTHM and lST.DEG.HEART.BLOCK are matched at the 95% level. Can you think of some new trait that would distinguish between them? AQU** YES What is the name of that trait? WEN TRAIT (CONCEPT)** LAVRETNI.RP Inductive implications between trait values can show the expert higher levels of abstraction suggested by patterns of ratings in a repertory grid (Fig. 2). If the expert disagrees with an implication, AQUINAS helps guide the expert in making changes that will weaken inappropriate implications. This is one way in which interactive learning takes place in AQUINAS. Rating scale types for a particular trait may be changed from the original default (ordinal scale with ranges from one to five) to other types (nominal, interval, ratio scales with user-defined ranges) based on the degree of precision required, cost of eliciting specific knowledge, and representation convenience. AQUINAS helps the expert change rating scale types in several ways. Here, AQUINAS notices that one trait has only extreme rating values (all ratings are either 1 to 5), and suggests that the rating scale type be changed from ordinal to nominal. The expert agrees, and AQUINAS automatically maps the numerical values to symbolic nominal values. CITSIRETCARAHC.EVAW.P has only extreme values. Should its trait type be degnahc from ORDINAL to NOMINAL? AQU** SEY IMPLICATIOI'..I.GRAPH OF HEART.DYSRHYTHMIAS • DBS '. DBS.SOLUTION : DB ~..~P. PRESENT,~ ~i~VES. NORMAL.P. ~VE~--~.__.,..~ ~. ~ N O R I ~ L SRQ. L~IRONBA~,.,.~ .P. _..EV.aLt P. ~AVES. ABSENT~,~.~~ ~ ~ A B N O R I ~ A L . PR.I NTERVAL FtG. 2. Implication analysis performed on initial repertory grid. RECENT PROGRESS IN AQUINAS 191 Use the default method for mapping old to new values of P.WAVE.CHARACTE RISTIC? AQU** YES Mapping for NORMAL.SINUS.RHYTHM from 1 to: NORMAL.P.WAVE 1.00 DEFAULT MAPPING Mapping for SINUS.ARRHYTHMIA from 1 to: NORMAL.P.WAVE 1.00 DEFAULT MAPPING Nominal, ordinal, and interval trait scales were illustrated in the grid in Fig. 1. 3.3. HIERARCHICAL REPERTORY GRIDS In an important extension to Kelly's methods, AQUINAS allows experts to arrange repertory grid knowledge in hierarchies. Hierarchical tools in AQUINAS help the expert build, edit, and analyse knowledge in hierarchies. These hierarchies allow the I ) H EART.DY~;RHYTHMIAS MF'DICAL,AI0 ~ LUNG,DISFUNC:TION ACUT F..ABDOMF.N HEART.DYS RHYTHMIA$.F'XP TR.F NORMAL.SINUS,RHYTHM ~:INUS.ARRHYT HMIA S INU S.TACHYCAR O IA S U P RAV E NT ~t I CU LZkR,TACHYCAR O IA SINUS,B RADYC:ARDIA ATRIAL.FLUTTF.R ATRIAL.FIBRILLATION .- NODAL, RHYTHM DBS.SOLUTION ! 1 ST,DF.G.HF.ART,BLOCK 2ND.O .F G,H F.AR T,B LO CK-WE NCKF. BACH 2ND.D .F G,HEART,BLO CK-M 0 BITZ, II I I T I A R T . N O I T U L O S . S B D 3FcD , DEE; , HERRT , BLOCK RTNEV I .RALUC DRAOYHOAT I A RTNEV I .RALUC F I RB I TALL I NO I D RTI NEVD I .RALUC MHTYHR ELOTSYSA MHTYHR.TRAEH ETAR.TRAEH CITSIRETCARAHC.EVAW.P P-ORS. CORRESPONDENCE PR. INTERVAL P, WAVES,PRESENT SRO EPAHS. .RP .LAVRETNI CITSIRETCARAHC FIG. 3. Portions of four hierarchies for the medical aid advisor. Three cases are shown, as well as expert DBS's solution and trait hierarchies. So far, DBS is the only one who has entered information about heart dysrhythmias. 192 .J .lE BOOSE ET AL. expert to break up complex problems into pieces of convenient size and similar levels of abstraction. Hierarchies in AQUINAS are organized around solutions, traits, knowledge sources (i.e. experts, databases, sensors), and cases (Figs 3 and 4). Nodes in the four hierarchies combine to form repertory grids. In the most simple case, the children of a node in a solution hierarchy supply the solutions along the top of a grid; the children of a node in a trait hierarchy supply the traits down the side of a grid (Fig. 4). Rating values within the grid are judgments about the solutions with respect to each trait (Fig. 5). Strategies for helping the expert build and refine hierarchies in AQUINAS include laddering (eliciting specializations and generalizations through dialogs that pursue the implications of "how" and "why" questions), cluster analysis (experts are / I HEART'OY$ R HYTHMIA$ I MEDIC,~L.AID ~ LUNG.OISFUHCTION ACUTE.ABDOMEN HEART.DYSRHYTH XPMEIRATS .E /. ":,2:22:'".;;22:; RSYD.RALUCIRTNEV AIMHTYH ~[ VE NTRICUL~R.FIBRILL&T'O N I/ ,O,OVE.TR,OULAR R.YTHM SOLOT'O" / NOOAL R.YTHM ' I'~ // lST.DEG.HEART.BLOCK ~ \ AV,NODE.DYSFUNC:TION ~- 2ND,DEG.HEART.BLOCK-WENCKEBACH / st/ NT E RAV P U $ IR UC R,~,CYHCAT.R.~JL D IA I'l ATRIAL.DYSRHYTHMIA ~- ATRIAL.FLUTTER ~ ASYSTOLE ~. ATRIAL.FIBRILLATION / HEART.RHYTHM /HEART.RATE f/ P.WAV E E.CHARACT IR S TIC AJS,SOLUTIOhI, TRAIT ~ P-QRS.CORRESPONDENCE ~\ PR.INTERVAL ~ QRS,SHAPE VAL.CHARACT E R E R,INT P I'R C I T S Fzo. 4. Another expert, AJS, has entered knowledge for the same case. Tools in AQUINAS were used to help AJS structure solutions in a'dass hierarchy. The hierarchies are related from top to bottom: given the HEART.DYSRHYTHMIAS case, experts DBS and AJS exist (other experts could exist for other cases). Given expert AJS, we see his solution hierarchy (the top of the hierarchy is the class AJS.SOLUTION). Given that we are looking at the top-level grid in the hierarchy (the children of AJS.SOLUTION), the immediate children of AJS.SOLUTION.TRAIT apply. Different traits can apply to different class levels in the solution hierarchy; different solutions could come from different experts, and so on. RECENT PROGRESS IN AQUINAS 193 ATED GRID OF HEART.DYSRHYTHMIAS : AJS : AJS.SOLUTION : AJS,SOLUTION.TRAll .S3~ .NOITULOS TIART LUGE~ / L . / ,/ HR.ON t. (5) ;MI-IIVHR.TRAEH (CH~TIC .RRI RALUGERRI RALUGERRI RALUGER )MHTVHR.OM ]LANIMON[ / [ / , / *IZO 8 2. (5) ;ETAR.TRAEH )B02(ETAR.TRAEH.TSAF/)B(EI'AR.TRAEH.WOLS OITAR[ 2B] ~,IRO| NES~ ~,IRON RONB~; NESBI# 3. (3) :OITSIRETCA,~HC,~JI.P (NOR~aL.P.t,~ ,I.P..~MRON~ E~AJ E~.atk.P.TMESRA ~]TALER.ON l 5 5 5 t 4, 'ECNEDNOPSERROC.SRO-P)5( .TOM/)1(ECNEONOPSERROO.SRQ-P,I-I [NEDNORSERROC.RPO-P.I-I 4 % [I/ '~ I , O 5. (5) .RP ,VRETNI ..N ,MROM .RP.-W .RP.LAMRON~,/)B(L~VRETNI )B(_m~'RETNI OITAR[ I] NIOR R~.ONaI'IRON~ROM .S (S) ;E~,HS.$RO SRO..,MMRON( SRO.ERRAZIB )SRO.ON ]_~NIMON[ 5[ [I I 7. (3) .RP ".DIT$IRZIICARAHC.ERETNI .RP .RP/)1(T~V~T$NOC...~RETNI )5(GNIG~,HC..NA~RETMI [ • I I I I I I I I I 5. ASVSTOt.E" I I I . 4. ArRIAL.OVSRHVTHMIA I I 3. .vA ,EDON NOITCNUFSVD I 2. RI'MEM .RALUCI .AIMHTVHRSVD I. S .SUNI RH~M~ .SJA NOITULOS Fro. 5. AJS's top-level grid shows solution classes and traits• Separate grids exist for each class. During consultations AQUINAS will search the hierarchies to ask questions and infer ratings. asked to label levels of abstraction represented by junctions in a cluster tree generated statistically from ratings in a grid; see Fig. 6), implication pattern analysis (certain patterns of implication may suggest levels of hierarchical subsumption), and trait Value examination (certain combinations of trait values may suggest that hierarchical expansion is appropriate). 3.4. DECISIONS AND PERFORMANCE: CONSULTATIONS IN AQUINAS Knowledge embedded in hierarchical repertory grids can be applied to specific problems by running consultations. During a consultation, AQUINAS asks the user to specify observations, preferences, or constraints associated with particular traits and solutions. Consultation results are displayed as a list of solutions, rank-ordered by strength of recommendation. The model of problem-solving used in AQUINAS is that of multiple knowledge sources (experts) that work together in a common problem solving context (case) by selecting the best alternatives for each of a sequential set of decisions (solutions). Alternatives at each step are selected by combining relevant information about preferences (relativistic reasoning), constraints (absolute reasoning) and evidence (probabilistic reasoning). This paradigm follows one suggested by Clancey who suggested that many problems are solved by abstracting data, heuristically mapping higher level problem descriptions onto solution models, and then refining these models until specific solutions are found (Clancey, 1986). A variant of a maximum entropy approach is applied by AQUINAS's reasoning mechanism (Boose & Bradshaw, 1988; Bradshaw & Boose, ~989). ETS used a reasoning approach based on rules and certainty factors (Boose, 1986a). Knowledge from multiple experts may be rapidly combined using AQUINAS. Users may receive dissenting as well as consensus opinions from groups of experts, thus getting a full range of possible solutions. Disagreement between the consensus and the dissenting opinion can be measured to derive a degree of conflict for a 194 J.H. BOOSE ET AL. ~ELOTSYSA ~MHTYHR.RALUCIRTNEVOIOI \68~\I~,RALUCIRTNEV . R A L U C I R T N AE IV D R • A O Y H O A T \89. ~ I \ R T N E V A R P U S D RR A AL OUi YO H O A T A ~ I 9 8 6! . L A D O MN H T I H R j ~ N O I T A L L I R B I F . L A I R T A ~~-RETTULF.LAIRTA 75 -.°, I / ,, 0,, 0.0 . ,iiii:iii,,,, ;71 'iii' / FIo. .6 A solution cluster sisylana si produced from AJS's initial repertory grid. AJS si asked to form hierarchies by labeling junctions on the cluster. The dusters SINUS.RHYTHMS, VENTRICULAR.DYSRHYTHMIA, AV.NODE.DYSFUNCTION, and ATRIAL.DYSRHYTHMIA, 4, are in Figure formed. shown particular consultation. The system can be used for cost-effective group data gathering (Boose, 1986b, 1988; Schuler, Russo, Boose & Bradshaw, 1989). Following are portions of a transcript from an AQUINAS consultation using expertise from both DBS and AJS. The user specifies trait preferences, and AQUINAS combines the preferences together producing consensus and dissenting opinions: Enter a brief description of this consultation AQU** 56 YO MALE FOUND DOWN, UNKNOWN DOWNTIME t NO CPR ..@ ARRIVAL What solutions would you like to consider for consultation MEDICAL-AID-ALLEN Enter them one to a line. If you wish every solution to be considered, enter ALL.

and AQUINAS have assisted in building knowledge-based systems for several .. AQUINAS combines the preferences together producing consensus and .. What strategy might you use to solve two of AUTO~,CCIDENT, MEDICAL.
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