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Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Memory Deficits Sociology of Treatment Ion Channels Early Problem Drinking PDF

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Preview Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Memory Deficits Sociology of Treatment Ion Channels Early Problem Drinking

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ALCOHOLISM VOLUME 5 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN Edited by MARC GALANTER Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, New York Associate Editors HENRI BEGLEITER, RICHARD DEITRICH, DONALD GOODWIN, EDWARD GOTTHEIL, ALFONSO PAREDES, MARCUS ROTHSCHILD, and DAV ID VAN THIEL Editorial Assistant MARY TRAMONTIN An Official Publication of the American Medical Society on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies and the Research Society on Alcoholism. This series was founded by the National Council on Alcoholism. ALCOHOLISM VOLUMES Memory Deficits Sociology of Treatment Ion Channels Early Problem Drinking SPRINGER SCIENCE+BUSINESS MEDIA, LLC The Library of Congress has cataloged this work as follows: Recent developments in alcoholism: an official publication of the American Medical Soci ety on Alcoholism, and the Research Society on Alcoholism, and the National Council on Alcoholism—Vol. 1 New York: Plenum Press, cl983- v.: ill.; 25 cm. Cataloging in publication. Editor: Marc Galanter. ISSN 0738-422X = Recent developments in alcoholism. 1. Alcoholism—Periodicals. I. Galanter, Marc. II. American Medical Society on Alcoholism. III. Research Society on Alcohol (U.S.) IV. National Council on Alcoholism. [DNLM: 1. Alcoholism—periodicals. Wl RE106AH(P)] HV5001.R4 ôlôàô'VOS—dcl9 83-643791 Library of Congress [8311] AACR 2 MARC-S ISBN 978-1-4899-1686-0 ISBN 978-1-4899-1684-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-1684-6 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 1987 Originally published by Plenum Press, New York in 1987 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1987 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher Editorial Board American Medical Society on Alcoholism and Other Drug Chairman: Dependencies Charles S. Lieber, M.D. Burton M Altura, Ph.D. President: Herbert Barry, III, Ph.D. Max A. Schneider, M.D. Irvin L. Blose, M.D. President-Eleel: Paul Cushman, M.D. Margaret Bean-Bayog, M.D. Richard A. Deitrich, Ph.D. Secretary: Carlton K. Erickson, Ph.D. Jess W. Bromley, M.D. Louis Faillace, M.D. Treasurer: Richard Fuller, M.D. Jasper G. Chen See, M.D. Donald M Gallant, M.D. Immediate Past President: Dora B. Goldstein, M.D. Irvin L. Blose, MD. Donald W. Goodwin, M.D. Board of Direelors: R. Adron Harris, Ph.D. Sheila B. Blume, MD. Paula L. Hoffmann, Ph.D. Marc Galanter, M.D. George Jacobson, Ph.D. Anne Geller, M.D. Charles Kaelber, M.D. Stanley E. Gitlow, M.D. Robert Landeen, M.D. David E. Smith, M.D. Ting-Kai Li, M.D. G. Douglas Talbott, M.D. Peter E. Nathan, Ph.D. Maxwell N. Weisman, M.D. Larissa A. Pohorecky, M.D. Alex D. Pokorny, M.D. Regional Direelors: Carrie L. Randall, Ph.D. Sandra Jo Counts, M.D. Percy E. Ryberg, M.D. Jean L. Forest, M.D. Frank A. Seixas, M.D. Donald M Gallant, M.D. Edward C. Senay, M.D. William B. Hawthorne, M.D. Barry Stimmel, M.D. Roland E. Herrington, M.D. Patricia B. Sutker, Ph.D. Charles S. Lieber, M.D. Boris Tabakoff, Ph.D. Joseph c. MacMillan, M.D. George Vaillant, M.D. Al J. Mooney, III, M.D. David Van Thiel, M.D. Anthony B. Radcliffe, M.D. Joseph Westermeyer, M.D. Charles L. Whitfield, M.D. Research Society on Alcoholism President Ting-Kai Li, M.D. Vice President: Henri Begleiter, M.D., Ph.D. Secretary: Marc Galanter, M.D. Treasurer: Lawrence Lumeng, M.D. Immediate Past President: Boris Tabakoff, Ph.D. Board of Direelors: Theodore J. Cicero, Ph.D. Paula L. Hoffmann, Ph.D. Carrie L. Randall, Ph.D. David Van Thiel, M.D. Don Walker, Ph.D. Contents of Previous Volumes Volume 1 I. The Role of Genetics in the Expression of Alcoholism Henri Begleiter, Section Editor Overview Donald Goodwin Genetic Markers and Alcoholism Richard P. Swinson Twin Adoption Studies: How Good Is the Evidence for a Genetic Role? Robin M. Murray, Christine A. Clifford, and Hugh M. D. Gurling Pharmacogenetic Approaches to the Neuropharmacology of Ethanol Dennis R. Petersen II. The Behavioral Treatment of Alcoholism Edward Gottheil, Section Editor Overview Edward Gottheil How Environments and Persons Combine to Influence Problem Drinking: Current Research Issues G. N. Barucht Alcoholism: The Evolution of a Behavioral Perspective William H. George and G. Alan Marlatt Behavioral Treatment Methods for Alcoholism Glenn R. Caddy and Trudy Block Outcome Studies on Techniques in Alcoholism Treatment Gloria K. Litman and Anne Topham Contributions to Behavioral Treatment from Studies on Programmed Access to Alcohol Glenn R. Caddy and Edward Gottheil Current Status of the Field: Contrasting Perspectives A. The Behavioral Therapist's View Mark B. Sobell and Linda C. Sobell B. The Future of Behavioral Interventions S. H. Lovibond C. A Medical Clinician's Perspective Robert A. Moore D. An Anthropological Perspective on the Behavior Modification Treatment of Alcoholism David Levinson III. Social Mediators of Alcohol Problems: Movement toward Prevention Strategies Alfonso Paredes, Section Editor Overview Alfonso Paredes Estimating Alcoholic Prevalence Charles J. Furst The Role of Alcohol Availability in Alcohol Consumption and Alcohol Problems Jerome Rabow and Ronald K. Watts vii viii Contents of Previous Volumes Price and Income Elasticities and the Demand for Alcoholic Beverages Stanley I. Ornstein and David Levy Youth, Alcohol, and Traffic Accidents: Current Status Richard L. Douglass IV. Current Concepts in the Diagnosis of Alcoholism James A. Halikas, Section Editor Overview James A. Halikas Detection, Assessment, and Diagnosis of Alcoholism: Current Techniques George R. Jacobson Types and Phases of Alcohol Dependence Illness Wallace Mandell Neuropsychology of Alcoholism: Etiology, Phenomenology, Process, and Outcome Ralph E. Tarter and Christopher M. Ryan Volume 2 I. Experimental Social and Learning Models of Drinking Alfonso Paredes, Section Editor Overview Alfonso Paredes A Conditioning Model of Alcohol Tolerance Christine L. Melchior and Boris Tabakoff Social Models of Drinking Behavior in Animals: The Importance of Individual Differences Gaylord D. Ellison and Allen D. Potthoff Social Correlates of Drinking in Contrived Situations Alfonso Paredes and Carolyn Jenuine Hopper Alcohol-Ingestive Habits: The Role of Flavor and Effect Jack E. Sherman, Kenneth W. Rusiniak, and John Garcia Commentary on the Utility of Experimental Social and Learning Models of Alcoholism Frank A. Holloway, O. H. Rundell, Pamela S. Kegg, Dick Gregory, and Thomas Stanitis II. Alcohol and the Liver: Recent Developments in Preclinical and Clinical Research Richard A. Deitrich, Section Editor Overview Charles S. Lieber Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury: The Role of Oxygen Ronald G. Thurman, Sungchul Ji, and John J. Lemasters Hypermetabolic State and Hypoxic Liver Damage Yedy Israel and Hector Orrego. Commentary on the Hypermetabolic State and the Role of Oxygen in Alcohol- Induced Liver Injury Esteban Mezey Alcohol-Induced Mitochondrial Changes in the Liver Ellen R. Gordon Effect of Ethanol on Hepatic Secretory Proteins Dean J. Tuma and Michael F. Sorrell Use of Colchicine and Steroids in the Treatment of Alcoholic Liver Disease John T. Galambos and Stan P. Riepe Contents of Previous Volumes ix III. Aging and Alcoholism Edward Gottheil, Section Editor Overview Edward Gottheil Neurobiological Relationships between Aging and Alcohol Abuse Gerhard Freund Alcohol Consumption and Premature Aging: A Critical Review Christopher Ryan and Nelson Butters Aging and Alcohol Problems: Opportunities for Socioepidemiological Research Richard L. Douglass Life Stressors and Problem Drinking among Older Adults John W. Finney and Rudolf H. Moos Cross-Cultural Aspects of Alcoholism in the Elderly Joseph Westermeyer IV. Contributions from Anthropology to the Study of Alcoholism Linda A. Bennett, Section Editor Overview Linda A. Bennett Ethnohistory and Alcohol Studies Thomas W. Hill Social-Network Considerations in the Alcohol Field Carl A. Maida Alcohol Use in the Perspective of Cultural Ecology Andrew J. Gordon Selected Contexts of Anthropological Studies in the Alcohol Field: Introduction Dwight B. Heath Family Research and Alcoholism Joan Ablon Alcoholism-Treatment-Center-Based Projects Jack O. Waddell Cross-Cultural Studies of Alcoholism Dwight B. Heath Volume 3 I. High-Risk Studies of Alcoholism Donald W. Goodwin, Section Editor Overview Donald W. Goodwin Behavioral Effects of Alcohol in Sons of Alcoholics Marc A. Schuckit The EEG in Persons at Risk for Alcoholism Jan Volavka, Vicki Pollock, William F. Gabrielli, Jr., and Sarnoff A. Mednick Psychopathology in Adopted-Out Children of Alcoholics: The Stockholm Adoption Study C. Robert Cloninger, Michael Bohman, Soren Sigvardsson, and Anne-Liis von Knorring Premorbid Assessment of Young Men at High Risk for Alcoholism Joachim Knop Minimal Brain Dysfunction and Neuropsychological Test Performance in Offspring of Alcoholics Victor M. Hellelbrock, James R. Stabenau, and Michie N. Hesselbrock II. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Alcohol Richard A. Deitrich, Section Editor Overview Erik Anggard x Contents of Previous Volumes Synthesis of Prostaglandins and Leukotrienes: Effects of Ethanol Robert C. Murphy and Jay Y. Westcott Biochemical Interactions of Ethanol with the Arachidonic Acid Cascade Sam N. Pennington Brain Arachidonic Acid Metabolites: Functions and Interactions with Ethanol Jay Y. Westcott and Allan C. Collins III. Cardiovascular Effects of Alcohol Abuse David H. Van Thiel, Section Editor Overview David H. Van Thiel Alcohol, Coronary Heart Disease, and Total Mortality Ronald E. LaPorte, Jane A. Cauley, Lewis H. Kuller, Katherine Flegal, and David Van Thiel Alcohol Consumption and Cardiovascular Risk Factors Katherine M. Flegal and Jane A. Cauley Myocardial Effects of Alcohol Abuse: Clinical and Physiologic Consequences David H. Van Thiel and Judith S. Gavaler Biochemical Mechanisms Responsible for Alcohol-Associated Myocardiopathy David H. Van Thiel, J. S. Gavaler, and D. Lehotay IV. Cerebral Functioning in Social Drinkers Elizabeth Parker, Section Editor Overview Elizabeth Parker The Continuity Hypothesis: The Relationship of Long-Term Alcoholism to the Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome Nelson Butters and Jason Brandt The Impact of Fathers' Drinking on Cognitive Loss among Social Drinkers Elizabeth S. Parker, Douglas A. Parker, and Jacob A. Brody Alcohol Use and Cognitive Functioning in Men and Women College Students Roseann Hannon, Charles P. Butler, Carol Lynn Day, Steven A. Khan, Lupo A. Quitoriana, Annette M. Butler, and Lawrence A. Meredith CT Demonstration of the Early Effects of Alcohol on the Brain Lesley Ann Cala Cognitive Deficits and Morphological Cerebral Changes in a Random Sample of Social Drinkers Hans Bergman Brain Damage in Social Drinkers? Reasons for Caution Shirley Y. Hill and Christopher Ryan Statistical Issues for Research on Social Drinkers Ronald Schoenberg Functional Brain Imaging Robert M. Kessler Volume 4 I. Combined Alcohol and Drug Abuse Problems Edward Gottheil, Section Editor Overview Edward Gottheil Multiple Drug Use: Epidemiology, Correlates, and Consequences Richard R. Clayton

From the President of the Research Society on Alcoholism In recent years, increasingly convincing evidence in support of a biobehavioral conceptual model of the etiology of alcoholism has emerged. In this model, the disorder is perceived as arising from the interaction of geneticlbiological vulnerab
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