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Recent and attested historical records for Chile of three viola l. (violaceae l.) spe-cies first described by carl skottsberg in 1916 PDF

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Preview Recent and attested historical records for Chile of three viola l. (violaceae l.) spe-cies first described by carl skottsberg in 1916

Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile, 59: 9 - 16 (2010) RECENT AND ATTESTED HISTORICAL RECORDS FOR CHILE OF THREE VIOLA L. (VIOLACEAE L.) SPECIES FIRST DESCRIBED BY CARL SKOTTSBERG IN 1916 John M. Watson1, Gloria Rojas Villegas2 and Patricio Saldivia3 [email protected] 2MuseoNacional de Historia Natural, Casilla 787, Santiago; [email protected] 3Laboratorio de Morfología y Taxonomía Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Universidad de Chile, Santiago; [email protected]. ABSTRACT Viola auricolor Skottsb., Viola sacculus Skottsb. and Viola columnaris Skottsb., well-documented Andean elements in the flora of Patagonian Argentina, are added as new records for Chile. They are supported by cited specimens. All three were first described from multiple syntypes. An explanation is given of unresolved problems experienced while trying to trace these in herbaria, which nullified the intended selection of lectotypes here, as would be preferable in the interests of modern taxonomy. Related topics discussed include systematic complications due to morphological variation and insufficient critical information, as well as difficulties that can arise when ascribing national distributions. Key Words: Argentina, international boundaries, lectotypes, syntypes, Viola sect Andinium. RESUMEN Certificación de registros, históricos y recientes, para Chile de tres especies de Viola L. (Violaceae L.) descritos la primera vez por Carl Skottsberg en 1916. Viola auricolor Skottsb., Viola sacculus Skottsb. y Viola columnaris Skottsb., elementos andinos bien documentados en la flora patagónica Argentina, se agregan como nuevos registros para Chile. Esto es apoyado con los especimenes citados. Las tres fueron inicialmente descriptas desde varios sintipos. Se explican los problemas sin resolver que se encontraron durante el seguimiento en los herbarios, lo que ha eliminado la intención de seleccionar aquí lectotipos, como hubiese sido preferible en el interés de la taxonomía moderna. Se discuten asuntos relacionados, que incluyen complicaciones sistemáticas relacionadas con la variación morfológica e insuficiente información crítica, como también con las dificultades que pueden aparecer cuando intentamos establecer la distribución nacional. Palabras claves: Argentina, límites internacionales, lectotipos, sintipos, Viola sección Andinium. INTRODUCTION The three species considered here belong within the exclusively South American section Andinium W. Becker of the genus Viola (Becker 1925b), formerly known as division Rosulatae (Reiche 1893). This large section is made up of a provisionally accepted 105 perennial and annual species of dwarf chamaephytic herbs, predominantly rosulate in life-form, some still awaiting publication (H.E. Ballard pers. comm., J.M. Watson and A.R. Flores unpubl.). They extend along cordilleran to Pacific coastal regions of the Andes from the equator to 48ºS latitude. 48-49 published species were recently recognised for the flora of Chile (Watson and Flores 2007). Between December 2004 and February 2005 a team of Chilean botanical and biological scientists from Santiago undertook a comprehensive field exploration in the remote Jeinimeni region of Aisén, south of Chile Chico, which formed part of a long-term study. Gloria Rojas of the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural led the fieldwork. They collected Viola auricolor Skottsb. Early on, and later also registered Viola sacculus Skottsb., both of which belong in sect. Andinium and are recorded here as new for the flora of Chile. Independently, members from the Alpine Garden Society of Great Britain have also been investigating the distribution, ecology and taxonomy of that Viola section in Patagonia during short annual visits to various austral zones of South America. Their study area from 23 November to 17 December 2006 covered the Jeinimeni and high Río Cisnes sectors on 3 and 4 December (Birks undated, M. and A. Sheader in litt.). They too found and compiled data for V. auricolor in Chile, as well as for other related taxa encountered in immediately adjacent Argentina. The following contents also incorporate further information about the southern rosulate Viola flora, in particular of Chile, resulting from prolonged study of section Andinium by one of ourselves (Watson), which 10 BOLETÍN DEL MUSEO NACIONAL DE HISTORIA NATURAL WATSON et al. / Records of Chilean Viola 11 assimilated products of the Patagonian exploration by Carl Skottsberg in 1908 (Skottsberg 1916). This has led to the establishment of V. columnaris as an element of the Chilean flora. MATERIALS AND METHODS A combination of recorded field results, communication from reliable third parties, herbarium research and a comprehensive review of the literature yielded the information and cited collections that follow. Where essential for confirmation or identification, annotated dried material was taken and also augmented by in situ photography. Informed members of the Alpine Garden Society of England provided supporting oral or written reports and observations. The fundamental contribution of Carl Skottsberg (1916) formed the basis for study of published data. Swedish colleagues examined his available type material at first hand and reported their findings. The geopolitical situation at the time Skottsberg made his Viola gatherings has been studied and established (Pozo Ruiz 2005). RESULTS Viola auricolor Skottsb. in Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapskapad. Handl. 56(5): 265; tab. 20, figs 1-2; tab 22, fig. 27 a-d. 1916. Dwarf, perennial, acaulescent herb usually forming cushions up to 25 cm or more across by 2-5 cm high from stout pivotal lignose, usually simple taproot giving rise to aerial crown of one to numerous branched caudices at ground-level, each terminating in a regularly imbricated evergreen rosette of 1.5-4 cm diameter. Rosette pale glaucous-green to green tinged bronze. Leaf broadly spathulate to suborbicular on extended pseudopetiole of 6-12 mm, entire, fleshy-leathery with cartilaginous margin, obtuse, mucronulate. Peduncle equal in length to foliage. Flowers borne in ring on outer face of rosette, to 1.5 cm, deep yellow to orange-yellow with black guide-lines. Up- FIGURA 2. Viola auricolor. Between Quebrada FIGURA 3. Viola auricolor. (a) leaves. (b) superior, Honda and Pico Sur, Jeinimeni, Chile. Photo collection (c) lateral, (d) inferior petals. (f) style. (g) anther. Fig. Martin and Anna Sheader. 27 of Skottsberg. a diagnostic feature of earlier-evolved violas (H. E. Ballard, T. Marcussen pers. comms). However, as a rule the characteristic is not evident in all-yellow-flowered taxa such as V. auricolor. J.M.W. This species was encountered in the Lago Jeinimeni National Nature Reserve as two distinct populations on typical Patagonian steppe formations. One colony of limited extent was found at no more than 850 m. The other population from the uppermost ridges at over 1100 m, which lie between the Las Vacas stream valley and Cerro las Cuarceras, had a considerable spread. These plants from higher elevations were seen to be better developed. G.R. and P.S. Following Skottsberg, further collections of V. auricolor were made by the pioneer Argentinian botanical explorer Spegazzini and later by Ruiz Leal (Rossow 1988). However, the species remained relatively unknown until the early 1980s when encountered by modern Argentinian botanists including the late R.A. Rossow (pers. comm.). While exploring Santa Cruz province in connection with the Flora Patagonica project, Rossow (1988) was preparing Viola for Flora Patagonica. His treatment included V. auricolor as photographed by M. Sánchez and depicted on the dust cover of Part 5. Viola auricolor in Argentina subsequently became one of the principal objectives of a series of botanical tours to Patagonia organised by the Alpine Garden Society of England and led by one of ourselves (Watson). It FIGURA 1. Viola auricolor. Parque Nacional Perito Moreno, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Photo - John Watson was observed twice in Santa Cruz province during 1999, initially as a small colony on the heights above Lagos del Furioso, and later as a considerably more numerous population in the Parque Nacional Perito Moreno (Erskine 2001). per and lateral petals elliptical to narrowly spathulate, the lateral petals bearded with claviform hairs; lower petal As outlined in the introduction, a small party of eight enthusiasts known as the Grupo Erskine visited the obcordate, glabrous or with sparse hairs at base. Spur 1.5-3 mm, thick, obtuse. Style crest as two prominent lateral area in 2006. The group consisted of informed Alpine Garden Society of Great Britain members with considerable previous experience of the region, and included academic botanists. A detailed and scientifically informative 31 triangular downcurved lobes. page account of their project was posted on the Internet at Birks (undated). It contains well-defined images of V. Material examined and cited: Chile, Región de Aisén, Prov. de General Carrera, Comuna de Chile auricolor and V. sacculus. The group had been advised of the discovery of V. auricolor in Chile the previous year Chico, Sector Estadio, 46º83´56´´S, 71º97´31´´W, 780-850 m, 12/XII/2004, Rojas and Saldivia (SGO 153259) and were provided with details. Birks (undated) identified floral communities of the region and reported that “Viola Región de Aisén, Prov. de General Carrera, Comuna de Chile Chico, Sector Estadio, 46º83´56´´S, 71º97´31´´W, auricolor was seen in small quantities at 930 m.” at Jeinimeni. On 4 December, they explored further within Chile at 780-850 m, 12/XII/2004, Rojas and Saldivia (SGO 153236) Región de Aisén, Prov. de General Carrera, Reserva Cerro Pico Sur. Birks (undated) wrote, “We parked the vehicles at 750 m and then walked up through dry Southern Nacional Lago Jeinimeni, Comuna de Chile Chico, Sector el Colmillo, over 1200 m, XII-2004, Rojas, Saldivia Patagonian steppe and open Altoandina vegetation and even alpine desert to 1180 m. The area was very rich with and Molina 20041212-34 167 species being recorded. Many of the species seen on previous days were seen on this day, including many fine Note: At present we have been able to trace one Skottsberg syntype at Uppsala University (UPS). It may colonies of Viola auricolor, Oxalis adenophylla, O. loricata, O. laciniata, and Anarthrophyllum desideratum.” be the only remaining extant type collection of this taxon. Two members of Grupo Erskine provided a detailed and unpublished report of the three violas treated here (M. and Observations: All sect. Andinium violas are more or less yellow in the throat, which is considered to be A. Sheader in litt.). Based on observation and GPS readings, they have cited the following data for V. auricolor in 12 BOLETÍN DEL MUSEO NACIONAL DE HISTORIA NATURAL WATSON et al. / Records of Chilean Viola 13 Chile: “Jeinimeni: mountains north of Chile Chico. Cuevas de los Manos: 46º43.577´S, 71º 45.678´W, at 987 m, four, is strongly navicular-keeled, and extends back as a deep, sack-like spur. This is well portrayed in fig. 148c scarce. Quebrado Honda to Pico Sur: 46º40.2435´S, 71º 43.936´W at 932 m; from 880-1180 m, abundant. Most of Rossow (1988). It is equally unmistakable in the sterile phase, the compact rosettes being composed of rather plants multi-stemmed, largest with about 100 rosettes.” Their data also included maps of the full distribution of narrow, fleshy, entire leaves with an obtuse tip lacking mucronulation. They are a dark, somewhat lustrous green this and the two following species. and margined darkish red. More detailed observations on the overall distribution, morphology, systematic relationships and ecology Becker (1925a, 1928) authored three species on minor characters, V. patagonica, V. auritella and V. of V. auricolor are under preparation (J.M. Watson unpubl.). J.M.W. squamata, all of them since synonymised with V. sacculus (Rossow 1988). Becker justified V. patagonica by the yellow flower colour, rosette form and style and spur differences, V. auritella by its auriculate style head, and Viola sacculus Skottsb. in Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapskapad. Handl. 56(5): 266; tab. 20, fig. 5; tab 23, fig. V. squamata by uncritical foliar and rosette features. Although unmistakable, this species is now recognised as 2 a-g. 1916. more heterogeneous than was historically appreciated. Foliage varies somewhat throughout the range. Particularly Synonyms: V. patagonica W. Becker, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 21: 356. 1925. V. auritella W. Becker, extended, narrow leaf-blades are found in some populations of Santa Cruz, Argentina (M. and A. Sheader in litt.). op. cit.: 356-357. 1925. V. squamosa W. Becker, Kew Bull.: 138. 1928. Floral parts represent the most noticeable disparity, above all in petal colour. Although predominantly white to the Dwarf, perennial, acaulescent herb, often cushion-forming, usually 2-6 cm high from simple or branched north of its range, considerable variation has been recorded at the other geographical extreme, including yellow taproot giving rise to crown of one to many caudices, these at times long and dispersed when buried below ground- and very dark blue (D. Haselgrove pers. comm., M. and A. Sheader in litt.). level, each terminating in a tight to somewhat loosely imbricated evergreen rosette of 1.5-3 cm diameter. Rosette Its principal distribution is Argentinian Patagonia, where it has been recorded from the provinces of dark-coloured. Leaf rather narrow, sublanceolate, ovate to spathulate on extended pseudopetiole of 3-10 mm, Santa Cruz to Neuquén at elevations between 1500-2500 m (Xifreda and Sanso 1999). The latter authors noted entire or minutely denticulate, fleshy, obtuse, margin dull, dark red. Peduncle equal in length to blade. Flowers its existence in Chile – as also confirmed by Watson (1994). This latter indication was based on a single specimen borne upfacing in ring around outer face of rosette, to over 1cm across, white, lavender blue, rarely to darker examined at Kew which had been collected in the upper Río Palena valley near Palena in 1936 (J.M. Watson, pers. blue or yellow, including intermediate phases between these colours, without guide-lines, glabrous, or with a tuft obs.). of clavate hairs at the centre of the lateral petals, scented. Upper and lateral petal blades larger than lower petal, One of Skottsberg’s four unnumbered V. sacculus syntypes is probably the first collection of the species more or less broadly obovate; lower petal obovate, entire to indistictly emarginate, strongly naviculate medially made in Chile, despite being cited for Chubut. Unfortunately it cannot be assigned to either country as the locality and basally back to deep, rounded spur of 1-2 mm. Style crest somewhat variable, as subentire to two ovate lateral note is ambiguous and coordinates are not provided. lobes, these sometimes also bilobed. The recent discovery of this species in the Jeinimeni region, as cited and described above, is a southern Material examined and cited: Chile, Región de Aisén, Prov. de General Carrera, Reserva Nacional extension of its known occurrence in Chile. Of particular interest is the flower colour. As with populations found Lago Jeinimeni, Comuna de Chile Chico, en cerro las Cuarceras, 1300 m, II.2005, Molina, Rojas and Saldivia in adjacent Argentina by the Alpine Garden Society party, its blue is a notably darker hue than any similar tones 2005218 (SGO 154824). found in populations of northern Chubut and Río Negro. J.M.W. Material cited: “Meseta nö. vom Valle Frias (= Río Cisnes), c. 1000 m, 17.XI.1908”, Skottsberg s.n., In addition to the above two very distinctive taxa, whose presence has been evidenced indisputably in (syntype: S, Skottsberg 585). Despite this flowering (Bl.) collection being labelled from Chubut by Skottsberg, it Aisén by recent field investigators, V. columnaris has also without doubt been collected historically from somewhat is more likely to have been collected within Chilean territory. to the north in the same province and so should also be included in flora of Chile lists. Note: Another Skottsberg syntype exists at UPS, but we have not yet established further details. Observations: This species was found among the stony rock debris at the summit of a mountain in an Viola columnaris Skottsb. in Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapskapad. Handl. 56(5): 261; tab. 20, figs 3-4; tab 22, exposed, windy situation. Each rosette was measured as no more than 2 cm in diameter, and the population as seen fig. 28 a-e. 1916. was minimal in numbers, consisting of no more than ten plants. G.R. Viola sacculus has no close allies in the section. It shares with V. auricolor a distinctiveness in flower Dwarf, perennial, acaulescent herb, often cushion-forming, from stout pivotal, usually simple lignose that is impossible to confuse with any other in the section. The lowermost petal looks clearly smaller than the other taproot giving rise to crown of one to several branched caudices at ground-level, each terminating in a regularly and densely imbricated, often columnar, evergreen rosette of 2.5-5 cm diameter and 2-9 cm height. Leaf broadly spathulate to suborbicular, often broader than long with base abruptly truncate to extended pseudopetiole of up to 7 mm or more, obtuse, mucronulate, fleshy-leathery with cartilaginous, scarious, margin, this minutely denticulate towards base. Peduncle equal in length to blade. Flowers borne more or less outwards-facing around circumfer- ence of rosette, to 1 cm, white, (sometimes pale blue-violet), with violet guide-lines. Upper and lateral petals linear-obovate, truncate; lateral petals narrowly spathulate, obtuse; lower petal ligulate-spathulate shortly emargin- ate, lined basally along the margins by sparse hairs. Spur 2 mm, thick, obtuse. Style crest obscurely trilobed with two distinct lateral patent lobes and a third, scarcely evident, central sublobe. Note: Except for the parenthesised colour addition, details of the above description are derived from Skottsberg’s protologue rather than the amplified proscription by Rossow (1988), which included variable and questionable northern material (see below). Material cited: Chile, Aisén (Region), upper Río Cisnes, “Valle Frias, Abhang des (slope of) Cerro Cáceres, trockene Meseta, Bl. (= in flower) ca 800 m., 19.XI.08”, Skottsberg s.n., syntype. At present there is no known material of this collection and it may be well be entirely lost (see below). The collection “nö. vom Valle Frias (= Río Cisnes), trockene Meseta, Bl., c. 1000 m, 17.XI.2008”, Sko- ttsberg s.n. (syntype: S, Skottsberg 584) was probably also made within Chile, but is too close to the international boundary to be certain. Observations: The existence of V. columnaris in Chile is based on original Skottsberg syntypes, two of which were collected by Skottsberg himself in 1908, a third syntype having been gathered by J. Högberg (Skottsberg op. cit.). The Skottsberg specimens were both noted from Valle Frias, but at different localities, one a meseta, where he also discovered the V. sacculus material referred to above, the other Cerro Cáceres. The Högberg example was collected at 44º24´S - 71º22´W in Chubut province, Argentina. Xifreda and Sanso (loc. cit.) defined the Argentinian status of V. columnaris as native rather than endemic, but without stating a neighbouring country of occurrence. However, there seems no doubt that they must implicitly have regarded it as extant in Chile as well. It is quite remarkable that V. columnaris has remained unrecorded as an element of the recognised FIGURA 5-. Viola sacculus. Lago Vintter, Chubut, Argentina. Photo collection - Chilean flora for almost 100 years. There are several probable contributory reasons. Skottsberg did not provide a Martin and Anna Sheader. wider geographical context beyond the immediate type locality for his own collections. Perhaps he was unsure of 14 BOLETÍN DEL MUSEO NACIONAL DE HISTORIA NATURAL WATSON et al. / Records of Chilean Viola 15 DISCUSSION Taxonomic uncertainties: The close-knit complex of morphologically similar taxa that includes V. columnaris poses difficult systematic problems, some of which remain unresolved at the time of writing and may even require ribosomal DNA analysis. Until Skottsberg’s syntypes have been examined, or material from the region of the type sites has been re-collected, or both, there can be no clear certainty that southern and northern material represent the same taxon. Nor in a wider context can the exact taxonomic boundaries of the complex yet be considered as accurately defined. Current nomenclature may require modification in due course. Populations studied at various points on the Argentinian side between the Copahue and Bariloche districts, including some which have been assigned to V. columnaris (Rossow 1988), display a degree of apparent continuous polymorphic variation which is extreme for any perennial species of section Andinium (M. Ferreyra et al. 2006, M. and A. Sheader in litt., P.J. Erskine pers. comm., J.M. Watson, A.R. Flores and C. Blaxland pers. obs.). If indeed continuous, these must evidently represent some form of geographically widespread evolutionary development, perhaps active, where reticulate hybridisation may be suspected (Allaby 1999). Rossow (1988) placed V. petraea W. Becker as a synonym of V. columnaris. Given the taxonomical uncertainty of the complex as a whole in situ, in the literature and in herbaria, it would seem prudent to avoid such inflexible conclusions in the absence of fully comprehensive studies and more decisive evidence. Lectotypification: As indicated, except for one gathering of V. columnaris by Högberg, all three of these taxa were published by Skottsberg from syntypes collected by himself (V. auricolor 3 syntypes: V. sacculus 4 syntypes: V. columnaris 3 syntypes) (Skottsberg 1916). Rossow (1988) cites a Högberg isosyntype of V. columnaris in BAF. As part of a comprehensive study of Viola sect. Andinium by himself and A.R. Flores, one of the authors, Watson, has been attempting to trace these syntypes collected by Skottsberg. The inquiry was based on indications that they appear to have been exclusively limited to herbaria of his native Sweden, primarily S and UPS (Del Vitto et al. 1998), where he is known to have deposited his principal material. We have certainly not traced records or found any evidence of these gatherings by him from herbaria he supplied outside Sweden as noted in Del Vitto et al. (1998). Thanks to efficient and valued co-operation from Swedish colleagues we learned that no Skottsberg material of the three violas is found in GB (C. Persson in litt.), while one each of V. sacculus and V. columnaris FIGURA 4. Viola sacculus, typical colour form, FIGURA 8. Viola columnaris. (a) leaves. (b) superior, exist at S (A. Anderberg in litt.), and V. auricolor and V. sacculus are also represented by one specimen each at specially to the north of the species’s range. Cerro (c) lateral, (d) inferior petals. (e) flower. (f) style. (g) UPS. The folder there for V. columnaris is empty. In fact 95 Viola specimens loaned out from UPS have never been Catedral, río Negro, Argentina. Photo – Ana Flores. anther. Fig. 28 of Skottsberg. returned (M. Hjertson in litt.). Following wider investigation, it is strongly suspected that this Skottsberg type material may have been its exact political placement at a time when the international limits of these unpopulated wildernesses were even permanently lost along with critical Viola collections from Chilean herbaria. As a result of this uncertainty it has less evident than they are today – when precise accuracy can be assured by GPS devices. It should be remembered not been possible to select and cite lectotypes here, as would be desirable. Our intention now is to declare the miss- as well that the neutral commission arbitrating the boundary between Chile and Argentina had only settled the line ing material as definitively lost, and when the opportunity arises to examine the remaining syntypes, selecting and of demarcation five years previously, and that this has continued as an issue under dispute at certain points up to the citing lectotypes from those. J.M.W. present. Skottsberg would certainly have been aware of these geopolitical sensitivities. His note for the gathering from the meseta lacks provincial or national data. However, the origin of the V. sacculus, which was collected at CONCLUSION the same site at the same time, is in fact given as Chubut. Skottsberg located both type sites as within the north side of Valle Frias. Pozo Ruiz (2005) informs that in 1897 and 1898 the pioneer geographer of Chilean Patagonia, The species registered here raise the number of sect. Andinium as published and present in Chile to 51-52. Including Hans Steffen, identified Valle (Felix) Frias as the Argentinian name for the Río Cisnes valley. Pozo Ruiz adds that these three, species from other sections, adventives, and further taxa awaiting publication, the latest revisional total Steffen also associated that valley and the sources of the Río Cisnes on the Chilean side with Cerro Cáceres and count for the genus Viola in the Chilean flora stands provisionally at 77-78 species. 74-75 of them are native and a certain Cerro Mesa (which may well be Skottsberg’s “Meseta”). Modern Chilean and Argentinian maps show endemic, the other three introduced (J.M. Watson and A.R. Flores unpubl.). Cerro Cáceres well within Chilean territory. There is not the slightest doubt that V. columnaris collected there belongs in the Chilean flora. V. columnaris and V. sacculus were noted by Skottsberg at 1000 m on his dry meseta. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS That elevation is the very lowest point that divides Chile and Argentina along the northern watershed of the Cisnes valley. So whether Skottsberg actually collected the ‘meseta’ violas across the border in Chubut, Argentina, the The authors appreciate several corrections, improvements and valued suggestions by Dr David Lehmiller and far less probable alternative, or in Aisén, Chile is never likely to be proven unless his original populations are the anonymous reviewers. rediscovered. John Watson is grateful to Helen Dillon and Joy Bishop for generous private donations towards The recent Alpine Garden Society field exploration of parts of Aisén province, as mentioned above, investigations of the genus Viola in South America. Members of the Grupo Erskine as mentioned in text above, also searched for V. columnaris. Although unsuccessful on terrain overlooking the valley of the Río Cisnes on the and others, Peter Erskine himself in particular, have shared their experience and added much valuable input. Chilean side, they did encounter a small population shortly across the border in Argentina (M. and A. Sheader in Communications received from Drs Mats Hjertson of UPS, Arne Anderberg of S, and Claes Persson of GB towards litt.). Flowering was estimated as a month or more past. Nevertheless, this could only have been V. columnaris. our search for Skottsberg’s syntypes of these three species are greatly appreciated. Ana Flores, Watson’s working Floral details and careful field observations are critical for the V. columnaris group and the area should be revisited partner, kindly provided useful advice and an accurate Spanish translation of the title and abstract. and explored thoroughly at an earlier time of the season, October to mid-November, with this in view. Gloria Rojas and Patricio Saldivia thank Benjamín Molina and Julio Casanova of CONAF for their The presence of V. columnaris has not been confirmed in Chile subsequent to the type gatherings, but indispensable assistance during the periods of field work. Skottsberg is universally regarded as a punctilious collector and recorder. His one unambiguous example for the country may therefore be taken as reliable. The species is currently accepted as having a lengthy, interrupted REFERENCES Andean distribution of approximately 1000 km, which is almost unparalleled in the section. It ranges between the type localities in the south to Volcán Copahue in Neuquén province to the north. The latter population has been ALLABY, M. observed at the limit of vegetation very close to the international border (J.M. Watson and A.R. Flores pers. obs.). 1999 “Reticulate evolution.” A Dictionary of Zoology. Encyclopedia.com. http://www.encyclopedia.com/ Its occurrence high on the Chilean flanks of that same volcano seems very probable. It should be looked for there doc/1O8-reticulateevolution.html. (Accessed at 04.VI.2010) as well as at the southern type sites. 16 BOLETÍN DEL MUSEO NACIONAL DE HISTORIA NATURAL Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile, 59: 17 - 28 (2010) BECKER, W. ÍNDICE BIBLIOGRÁFICO DE LOS MOLUSCOS DULCEACUÍCOLAS Y 1925a Beiträge zur Kenntnis der südamerikanischen Violae. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 21: 356. TERRESTRES DE CHILE BECKER, W. 1925b Violaceae. In: Melchior, H. (ed.), Natürl. Pflanzenfam. 2a ed. 21: 329-377. Donald Jackson1 y Douglas Jackson2 BECKER, W. 1Departamento de Antropología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Chile, djackson@uchile. 1928 On some violets from the Andes. Kew Bulletin: 133-140. 2 Sociedad Chilena de Malacología, [email protected] BIRKS, J. Undated Grupo Erskine: Central Patagonia November-December 2006. List of species seen and localities visited. www.eecrg.uib.no/projects/AGS.../2006PatagoniaExpedition.pdf. (Accessed at 02.VI.10) RESUMEN DEL VITTO, L,A., A.M. PETENATTI and M.N. CORREA 1998 Evolución del conocimiento botánico de la Patagónia Argentina. In: Correa, N.M. (ed.), Flora Patagónica Se presenta un listado bibliográfico sobre la biodiversidad de los moluscos dulceacuícolas y terrestres 1: 193-194. de Chile continental e insular, incluyendo referencias que tratan aspectos sobre sistemática, ERSKINE, P.J. taxonomía, ecología y biogeografía, además de algunas referencias de especies procedentes de 2001 Alpines in the Southern Andes. Alpines 2001: 28, plate 15. The Friary Press, Dorchester, England. hallazgos arqueológicos y paleontológicos. Los moluscos dulceacuícolas están representados por FERREYRA, M., C. EZCURRA and S. CLAYTON alrededor de 103 especies reunidas en las siguientes familias: Hidrobiidae, Chilinidae, Physidae, 2006 Viola columnaris. In: Flores de alta montaña de los Andes Patagónicos: 179-180. Editorial Lola, Buenos Lymnaeidae, Planorbidae, Ancylidae, Ampullariidae, Thiaridae, Hyriidae y Sphaeriidae, mientras Aires. que los moluscos terrestres constituyen alrededor de 135 especies agrupadas en las siguientes POZO RUIZ, J.M. familias: Veronicellidae, Pupillidae, Achatinellidae, Strophocheilidae, Endodontidae, Limacidae, 2005 Hans Steffen: maestro, geógrafo y pionero de la Patagonia Occidental. Revista Universum (Talca) 20(1): Zonitidae, Streptaxidae, Systrophiidae, Acavidae, Bulimulidae, Helicidae y la familia Succineidae 112-123. de hábitos anfibios. La revisión bibliográfica incluye un total de 200 publicaciones nacionales e REICHE, C. internacionales. 1893 Violae chilenses. Ein Beitrag zur Systematik der Gattung Viola. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 16: 405-452. ROSSOW, R.A. 1988 Violaceae. In: N.M. Correa (ed.), Flora Patagónica 5: 170- 189. INTA, Buenos Aires. Palabras Claves: Moluscos dulceacuícola, terrestres, índice bibliográfico, Chile. SKOTTSBERG, C. 1916 Die Vegetationsverhältnisse längs der Cordillera de los Andes s. von 41ºS Br. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis ABSTRACT der Vegetation in Chiloé, Westpatagonien, den andinen Patagonien und Feuerland. Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 56(5): 1-366, 23 plates. Bibliographic index of freshwater and terrestrial mollusks of Chile. In this paper we present a WATSON, J.M. bibliographical list of the biodiversity of freshwater and terrestrial mollusks in continental and insular 1994 Viola sacculus. In: Beckett, K.A. (ed.), Alpine Garden Society Encyclopaedia of Alpines 2: 1390, plate Chile. References dealing with systematics, taxonomy, ecology and biogeography are included, plus 537. AGS Publications, Pershore, England. some references of species found both in archaeological and paleontological contexts. Freshwater WATSON, J.M. and A.R. FLORES. mollusks are represented by over 103 species, grouped in the following families: Hidrobiidae, 2007 Violas rosuladas en la flora de Chile. Chagual 5: 33-47. Chilinidae, Physidae, Lymnaeidae, Planorbidae, Ancylidae, Ampullariidae, Thiaridae, Hyríidae y XIFREDA, C.C. and A.M. SANSO Sphaeriidae. On the other hand, terrestrial mollusks include about 135 species, grouped under 1999 Violaceae. In: Zuloaga, F.O. & O. Morrone (eds), Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de la República the following families: Veronicellidae, Pupillidae, Achatinellidae, Strophocheilidae, Endodontidae, Argentina 2: 1170-1177. Missouri Botanical Gardens. Limacidae, Zonitidae, Streptaxidae, Systrophiidae, Acavidae, Bulimulidae, Helicidae, and the Succineidae family of amphibian habits. The bibliographical review presented here includes 200 national and international publications. Keywords: Freshwater mollusks, terrestrial mollusks, bibliographical index, Chile INTRODUCCIÓN El bicentenario marca un hito cronológico en la historia republicana y constituye un marco referencial para el desarrollo de la malacología en el país, lo que justifica el presente índice bibliográfico. Este tiene como objetivo reunir, tras una exhaustiva revisión de la literatura, las principales referencias bibliográficas sobre los moluscos dulceacuícolas y terrestres de Chile. Los moluscos dulceacuícolas incluyen una pequeña fracción de las clases Gastrópoda y Bivalvia, que agrupan especies de cuatro órdenes y 10 familias (Hidrobiidae, Chilinidae, Physidae, Lymnaeidae, Planorbidae, Ancylidae, Ampullariidae, Thiaridae, Hyríidae y Sphaeriidae), que se han adaptado a vivir en cuerpos de agua dulce, con algunas excepciones que viven en condiciones de salinidad en sistemas hidrográficos continentales de la zona altiplánica. Por otra parte, los moluscos terrestres reúnen alrededor de 135 especies agrupadas en las siguientes familias: Veronicellidae, Pupillidae, Achatinellidae, Strophocheilidae, Endodontidae, Limacidae, Zonitidae, Streptaxidae, Systrophiidae, Acavidae, Bulimulidae, Helicidae y la familia Succineidae de hábitos anfibios. Los avances más recientes sobre el estado de los moluscos dulceacuícolas corresponden a las investigaciones de Valdovinos (2006) y Parada y Peredo (2006), que sintetizan el conocimiento de los gastrópodos y bivalvos dulceacuícolas de Chile. Posteriormente las contribuciones más relevantes se refieren a las especies Recibido: 30 - jun - 2010 Sudamericanas del género Pisidium (Ituarte 2007). Aspectos tanto distribucionales como taxonómicos han sido Aceptado: 21- oct - 2010. estudiados por Parada et al. (2007) Parada y Peredo (2008). Las especies exóticas han sido tratadas por Letelier et

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