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Recasting a model atomistic glassformer as a system of icosahedra Rhiannon Pinney HH Wills Physics Laboratory, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol, BS8 1TL, UK and Bristol Centre for Complexity Science, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TS, UK Tanniemola B. Liverpool School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TW, UK C. Patrick Royall 6 HH Wills Physics Laboratory, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol, BS8 1TL, UK 1 School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock Close, Bristol, BS8 1TS, UK and 0 Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol, BS8 1FD, UK∗ 2 Weconsider a binary Lennard-Jonesglassformer whose super-Arrheniusdynamics arecorrelated n with the formation of icosahedral structures. Upon cooling these icosahedra organize into meso- a J clusters. We recast this glassformer as an effective system of icosahedra which we describe with a population dynamics model. This model we parameterize with data from the temperature regime 1 accessible to molecular dynamics simulations. We then use the model to determine the population 1 of icosahedra in mesoclusters at arbitrary temperature. Using simulation data to incorporate dy- namics into the model we predict relaxation behavior at temperatures inaccessible to conventional ] t approaches. Ourmodelpredictssuper-Arrheniusdynamicswhoserelaxationtimeremainsfinitefor f o non-zerotemperature. s . t a I. INTRODUCTION transition. Clearly, any discussion of the nature of the m glass transition itself requires extensive extrapolation of - Among the challenges of the glass transition is to un- data. Significantly,thelimitofthisaccessible4-5decades d derstandhowsolidityemergeswithlittleapparentchange corresponds roughly to the Mode-Coupling temperature n o in structure. Indeed, whether the glass transition has a TMCT which in d = 3 leads to a crossover to a regime c thermodynamic (implying structural) or dynamical ori- where relaxation is believed to occur in a qualitatively [ gin remains unclear [1, 2]. It has been proposed that differentfashionthroughcooperativebehavior[2,26,27]. upon cooling, icosahedral arrangements of atoms might Recentlyithasbecomepossibletoaccesscertainprop- 1 v forminsupercooledliquids[3]andthatdynamicalarrest ertiesofthisdeeplysupercooledregime. Oneapproachis 4 may be related to a (geometrically frustrated) transition to vapor deposit onto a substrate cooled below the tem- 6 to a phase of such icosahedra [4]. It is now possible to peratureatwhichthesystemcanusuallybe equilibrated 4 identify geometric motifs such as icosahedra and related [28, 29]. Alternatively, by immobilizing or “pinning” a 2 locally favored structures (LFS) using computer simula- subset of particles a transition to an “ideal glass” can 0 tion[5–15]andparticle-resolvedstudiesincolloidexperi- be induced that is accessible to simulation [30, 31] and . 1 ments[16–19]. Furtherevidenceofincreasingnumbersof experiments with colloids [32]. Other methods include 0 LFS upon cooling is also found in metallic glassformers the observation of a transition in distributions of over- 6 [20, 21]. laps in configuration space [33, 34] and so-called large 1 The discovery of dynamic heterogeneity, i.e. locally deviations where trajectory sampling of moderately su- : v fastandslowregions[22,23]hasspurredattemptstocor- percooled liquids indicates a dynamical transition to a Xi relate LFSsuch asicosahedrawith the dynamicallyslow state rich in LFS with very slow dynamics [35, 36]. It is regions. This hasmetwithsomesuccess[7,8,11–14,24] alsopossibletodecomposethe systemintoarangeofge- r a however such correlation does not by itself demonstrate ometricmotifs. Suchanapproachindicatedthatthereis a mechanismfor arrest[24,25] andin anycase is depen- no thermodynamic transition [9, 10]. However obtaining dent on the model system under consideration [14]. A dynamical information in the deeply supercooled regime key limitation here is that direct detection of LFS and beyondthataccessibletosimulationremainsachallenge. dynamic heterogeneity is only possible in the first 4-5 Here,weconsiderabinaryLennnard-Jonesglassformer decadesofdynamicslowingaccessibletoparticle-resolved whosedynamicsarestronglycorrelatedwithLFS,which experiments on colloids [16] and computer simulation. areicosahedra[8,13,14]. Inparticular,theoccurrenceof This compares to 14 decades of slowing corresponding super-Arrhenius dynamics coincides with the emergence to the glass transition in molecular systems and diver- of a population of icosahedra (Figs. 1 and 2) [8, 13]. gence of relaxation time at a putative thermodynamic We build on this observation and use the population of icosahedra and its dynamics to predict the behavior in the regime beyond that accessible to computer simula- tion. To do this, we introduce a stochastic model for ∗ [email protected] the population dynamics of icosahedra which we param- 2 a 1010 105 100 0.5 1 1.5 2 FIG. 2: (Color online) “Angell” plot of relaxation time as a b function of inversetemperature. Circles; simulation data. Dashed red line; Arrhenius. Dashed green line; population dynamics model prediction. Solid navyline; as described by Geometric Frustration [4]. Thinner, solid pale blueline; MCT fit to thedata across theregion 0.58≤T ≤1. Thin, solid red line; VFT fit to data T ≤1. Inset: proportion of particles identified as being part of an icosahedra as a function of temperature. Circles; simulation data. Solid red line; fitted model. Simulations are limited toT &0.56 (blue shaded region indicates inaccessibility). Black dashed lines corresponds to TVFT =0.456 and TMCT =0.57. ulation data, however it indicates there is no divergence of the relaxation time at finite temperature. Our model captures the super-Arrhenius behavior of FIG. 1: (Color online) Snapshots showing thesimulated the system with reasonable accuracy. The largest dis- system. Large, colored particles indicate those identified as crepancy between the predictions of the model and the being part of icosahedra. Small, gray particles are all other simulation data occurs during the first few decades of particles. Sizes are not to scale. (a) At high temperatures (T =1.0), we see very few, small mesoclusters and (b) at super-Arrhenius dynamics around 0.7& T &0.6. These low temperatures (T =0.58) a network of very large first few decades of arrest are well-described by Mode- mesoclusters forms (red particles). These mesoclusters Coupling theory. MCT takes as its input two-point cor- percolate at around T =0.6. relations. These are entirely neglected in our analysis which focuses on higher order correlations, and we at- tribute the discrepancy predominantly to our neglect of MCT. This paper is divided as follows: we discuss the sim- eterize in the regime accessible to simulation. We then ulation details in section II, and describe our model in use the model to obtain the population of icosahedrafor sectionIII. Results are shownin sectionIV, and we con- all temperatures. In the simulation accessible regime we clude with a summary and discussion in section V. show that the population and lifetime of the domains of icosahedrawhichwetermmesoclusters iscorrelatedwith thesuper-Arrheniusdynamics. Usingthecalculatedpop- II. SIMULATION DETAILS ulation of icosahedra we predict the dynamical behavior ofthe systematalltemperatures. Inparticularwemake the following assumptions: the dynamical behaviour of We simulate the Wahnstro¨m equimolar additive bi- the system is democratically represented by particles in nary Lennard-Jones model [37]. The size ratio is 5/6 differentsizedmesoclustersoficosahedraandthosenotin and the well depth between all species is identical. icosahedra. The dynamics of particles not in icosahedra The mass of the large particles is twice that of the we assume to be Arrhenius. The dynamics of particles small. We use molecular dynamics simulations of N = in mesoclusters we determine from parameterisation of 1372,10976,87808 particles. We equilibrate for at least mesocluster lifetimes using simulation. The model pre- 100τ in the NVT ensemble before sampling inthe NVE α dictsasuper-Arrheniusdynamicscomparabletothesim- ensemble. Hereτ isthestructuralrelaxationtimewhich α 3 is determined from a stretched exponential fit to the in- 101 termediate scattering function. We identify icosahedra a Data withthetopologicalclusterclassification(TCC)andcon- ∝ n0.52 siderthosewhichlastlongerthan0.1τ (thedistributions α of whichcanbe seen inFig. 3(a)) to suppressthe effects ofthermalfluctuations. Oursimulationandanalysispro- R tocol are detailed in [13, 38]. The Wanstro¨m mixture has been shown to crystallise toaFrank-Kasperphase[39]. Indeedsomesimulationsof N =1372particles crystallisedat temperaturesT ≤0.6; 100 clearly evidenced by a substantial increase in the popu- lation of icosahedra at fixed temperature. These simula- tions were discarded. No crystallisation was observed in 102 103 n the larger systems. We plot the structural relaxation time τα with an Ar- b 100 2.5 rhenius form for T & 1 and a Vogel-Fulcher-Tamman 2.0 (VFT) form for lower temperatures in Fig. 2. The VFT 10−1 1.5 formreadsτ =τ exp[D/(T−T )]wherethefragilitypa- 1.0 α 0 0 IrpnarmeFdeiitgcet.rs2Dawd=eiv0ear.l7sgo9e9nincaedniodcfattτheαetathteemaMpteeomrdaept-ueCrraeotuauptrleiwnThg0ict=hemo0pu.4er5rfia6t-. ≥P(l t)1100−−32 0000....9876 ture T =0.57, fitted across the region 0.58≤T ≤1. 0.59 MCT 0.58 10−4 III. POPULATION DYNAMICS MODEL 10−5 10−1 100 101 102 103 104 InFig. 1,weseedomainsoficosahedrawhichweterm t / τArr α mesoclusters. We define the size of a mesocluster, m, by the number of icosahedra that comprise it; i.e. how FIG. 3: (Color online) (a) The radius of gyration for many particles found at the center of anicosahedronare different size mesoclusters (here, size is determined by numberof particles). Data (red crosses) fitted with contained in the mesocluster; so here we only concern ourselves with m≥1 (m= 0 refers to particles that are R2∝n1/d, where d is thefractal dimension, and thefitted value 1/d=0.52; d=1.92. (b) Distribution of icosahedra not in an icosahedron). lifetimes for a range of temperatures, scaled by the We make the assumption that any change in meso- Arrheniustimescale, τArr. cluster size is a change in m of ±1. This assumption α means that even large mesoclusters (which in practise might break in two) can only decrease by incrementally. Thusmesoclusterscission,orindeedcoalescence,isnota The steady state solution for the master equation (so- featureofourmodel. Theratesatwhichthemesocluster lution when p˙ =0 for all m) is: m size increases or decreases are given by g and r respec- tively. Themasterequationforthe populationdynamics model reads: pm = gmr−1pm−1 = g1r·····g·mr−1p1 (2) m 2 m p˙1 =g0p0+r2p2−[g1+r1]p1 If gm,rm are assumed constant across all m (for a given T),g =g andr =r,wecandenotetheratioasa“de- p˙m =gm−1pm−1+rm+1pm+1−[gm+rm]pm cay pmarameter” am= g/r. This results in p = am−1p , p˙M =gM−1pM−1−rMpM (1) so all p can be determined from just twomparameter1s. m where p is the probability that a particle is in a meso- We impose M p = 1 and M p = φ(T) m m=0 m m=1 m cluster of size m. We set a limit at m=M which is the where φ(T) is the expected proportion of particles to be P P largestpossiblemesoclusterthatcanbeformedgiventhe in icosahedra at that temperature as shown in Fig. 2 relative populationof particles in icosahedra,φ. Consid- inset [and Fig. 5(b)]. In the high temperature Arrhe- ering geometric frustration we expect φ < 1 and set a nius regime T ≥ 1, and at slightly lower temperatures maximum value for the relative population φ =0.75. (T ≥ 0.7), the mesocluster size distribution is well de- max This in turn constrains the largestnumber of icosahedra scribed by a decaying exponential p = am−1p . The m 1 in a mesocluster, M. While the limit of the parameter φ parametrisationis discussed in section IIIB. ischosen,ratherthandetermined,resultsobtainedinthe Upon cooling, at around T ≈0.6 the number of icosa- range 0.6 ≤ φ ≤ 0.9 exhibit only slight quantitative hedra is sufficiently large that the mesoclusters form a max differences and have no impact on our conclusions. percolating network (see Fig. 3; the change in slope in- 4 dicates percolationat mesoclusters with &500 particles, a 0.04 whichcorrespondstom&70). Nowthispercolationdoes not correspond to arrest, because the icosahedra have a T) (10.02 limited lifetime [13]. Indeed, the Angell plot in Fig. 2 k shows no significant feature when the LFS begin to per- colate. Howeverpercolationleads to a peakin the meso- 0 1 1.5 2 clustersizedistribution,whichnecessitatessomeexplicit b 20 considerations for the population dynamics model. We introduce a Gaussian-like weighting function, Wm(T) to T) accountfor the peak thatformsin the distributionwhen (010 k percolation occurs. W (T) is a system-size dependent m parameter that controls the location and width of the 0 distributionpeakconstrainedsuchthatthelargestmeso- 1 1.5 2 1/T cluster does not exceed M. The steady state solution in the percolated regime is then pm =a(T)Wm(T)pm−1. FIG. 4: The parameters (a) k1 and (b)k0 that describethe To describe the dynamics, given the population of slope and intercept (respectively) of themesocluster icosahedra,we proceedas follows. From the mesocluster lifetimes in theT-dependentregime. size distributions, we candetermine the super-Arrhenius contribution to τ : α linearexpressions;aT-dependentexpressionforsmallm τ =τArr l (T)p (T) (3) and a T-independent expression for large m. α α m m m X Here τArr is the relaxation time assuming Arrhenius be- 10k1(T)m+k0(T) for m≤m∗ l = (4) haviour, extrapolated from the high-temperature T > 1 m (10h1m+h0 for m>m∗ value. Each icosahedron is categorised according to the ∗ Here, m is the point at which the two expressions are largest mesocluster it joins during its lifetime. The life- equal, i.e. the (feasible) solution to (k (T)m+k (T))− time of an icosahedron is determined by the amount of 1 0 (h m+h )=0. (h andh arelistedintableI.andk (T) (simulation) time that has elapsed between the first and 1 0 0 1 0 andk (T)aredescribedinthefollowingsection)Athigh last instance of an icosahedron being identified by the 1 temperatures, the mesocluster lifetimes are dominated TCC. The mesoclusterlifetimes, l , arethe averagelife- m by the temperature-dependent expression corresponding times of the icosahedra in the corresponding size cate- to m ≤ m∗. At low temperatures, the mesoclusters are gory. able to grow large enough to pass this “threshold” into Theexpressionaboveisbasedonthefollowingassump- a regime where the mesocluster lifetimes are no longer tions: (1) the dynamics of each particle in the system relatedtothetemperatureandarefunctionsofsizeonly. is represented democratically and (2) particles not in icosahedra have Arrhenius dynamics. We therefore at- tribute all super-Arrhenius behavior to the emergence A. Mesocluster lifetime parameters of the icosahedra. As noted above this is motivated by thecorrelationbetweenicosahedraandfragilityinmodel [8, 15] and metallic glassformers [40]. Given the popu- Throughout the model descriptions, we utilise a lations of the mesoclusters as a function of temperature smoothing function with the following form: and extrapolating the dynamical trends we see, we pre- dict τ at temperatures far beyond those accessible to α B (j)=0.5 1+tanh[Y(j−X)] (5) simulation (see Fig. 2). i Since the emergence of the population of icosahedra (cid:16) (cid:17) whereiisafunctionindicator,j isthevariableandX,Y is associated with super-Arrhenius dynamics, we con- are fitted values. All functions and values are listed in sider the dynamical behavior of the system by compari- table III. sonwith anArrhenius relaxationtime τArr which we as- α The temperature-dependent regime of the lifetime sumethe systemwouldhavewerenoicosahedrato form. model has two parameters described as follows: Fig. 3(b)showsthelifetimedistributionofallicosahedra whose lifetimes are ≥ 0.1τ across a range of tempera- α tures (0.58≤T ≤2.5)scaledby the Arrhenius timescale k (T)=d T−3+d T−2+d T−1+d (6) 0 3 2 1 0 τArr. The lifetime distributions collapse onto each other α at temperatures T &1 but spread out at T .1. The mesoclusterlifetimes aremodeledasafunctionof 0.039B (1) for k (T)<h steizmep(enruamtubreers.oWf peafirttictihpeatminegsoiccolussatheerdlriafe)tifmoresawraitnhgetwoof k1(T)=(0 k1 T for k00(T)≥h00 (7) 5 The coefficients for di in the expression for k0 have dif- 0.25 ferent values for the two ranges T > 0.7 and T ≤ 0.7. a 1372 10976 These are listed in table II. 0.2 87808 1372 N h0 h1 10976 0.15 1372 0.0232 0.3733 T) 87808 10976 0.0033 0.8423 φ( 87808 0.00047 1.2 0.1 TABLE I: Fitted parameter valuesfor lifetime model (Eq. 0.05 4). 0 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 1/T Region d0 d1 d2 d3 b 0.02 k0(T),T >0.7 -1.0256 0.5033 0.0733 0 1372 k0(T),T ≤0.7 -202.77 398.73 -262.4 57.8 10976 87808 0.015 TABLE II: Fitted parameter valuesfor lifetime model (Eq. 1372 6). 10976 T) 87808 (1 0.01 p 0.005 B. Mesocluster population dynamics parameters 0 Our model for φ is shown in Fig. 5(a), and described 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 1/T as follows (coefficients d listed in table IV): i FIG. 5: (Color online) Data (points) and model descriptions (lines) of (a) thepopulation of particles in φ(T)=B 1 exp d T−2+d T−1+d icosahedra, φ and (b) p1. Note that these models are very φ T 2 1 0 similar regardless of system size. (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 +φ 1−B (8) max φ T " (cid:18) (cid:19)# where B (1/T) controls the transition to a plateau. Us- ingsimulφationdataonthe numberofparticlesthatcom- a(T)=Ba(T)exp d2T−2+d1T−1+d0 priseatypicalmesoclusterof(arbitrary)sizem,weinfer (cid:18) (cid:19) a linear relation between the proportion of particles in +0.6 1−B (T) (11) a icosahedra, φ, and the size of mesocluster that could be (cid:16) (cid:17) formedifalltheparticlesinicosahedraweretoaggregate where B (T) is a smoothing function (Eq. 5). a into a single mesocluster. We use this linear relation as The maximum in a(T) occurs at percolation. Beyond our model for M: this (T . 0.6), the system is dominated by the large percolatingmesocluster (largem) and small-mesocluster (small m) effects become increasingly negligible. In this 1 M(φ)= Nφ−7.1 (9) simulationinaccessibleregime,we assigna fixedvalueto 7.66 a(T) for simplicity. (cid:16) (cid:17) The function W (T) has a Gaussian-like form: where N is the total number of particles in the system m (1372, 10976,87808). Our model for p1 is shown in Fig. 5(b) and described (m−µ)2 below (coefficients di listed in table IV): Wm(T)=1+BW(m)Gexp − 2σ2 (12) ! where µ and σ are temperature-dependent parameters p1(T)=exp d3T−3+d2T−2+d1T−1+d0 (10) that control the location and width of the peak in the (cid:16) (cid:17) distribution,andGischosenforeachT inordertosatisfy M The decay parameter a is plotted in Fig. 6(a) and de- p = φ(T). The parameters µ and σ only apply m=1 m scribed as follows (coefficients d listed in table IV): to T <0.7, and are only defined in this range. i P 6 a 10−1 Bi(j) N X Y 0.9 B (1/T) 1372 1.95 -30 φ 0.9 10976 1.95 -30 10−2 0.8 87808 1.9 -30 0.8 B (T) 1372 0.56 50 10−3 0.7 a 10976 0.54 50 0.7 m 87808 0.55 50 p 0.65 10−4 0.65 Bµ(φ) 1372 0.41 -15 0.62 10976 0.42 -12 0.62 87808 0.43 -10 10−5 B (φ) 1372 0.14 5.3 σ 10976 0.06 20 10−6 87808 0.07 17 0 20 40 60 80 100 B (m) All 10 0.1 m W B (T) All 1.67 -17 g1 b 1 c 104 TABLE III: Fitted values for smoothing function (Eq. 5) 103 parameters relating to population model components. φ) a(T)0.5 µ(102 101 Fctn. N d0 d1 d2 d3 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 d 104 φ(T) 110397726 --1144..790262 1101..504735 --11..699368 1 2 1/T 87808 -14.697 10.482 -1.627 n = 1372 σφ()102 p1(T) 1372 -12.551 1.588 9.737 -4.673 10976 -12.932 3.053 8.079 -4.109 n = 10976 n = 87808 100 87808 -13.366 4.678 6.330 -3.568 0.2 0.4 0.6 a(T) 1372 -10.718 13.104 -4.091 φ 10976 -10.642 12.914 -3.991 87808 -10.750 13.182 -4.129 FIG. 6: (Color online) (a) High temperaturedata fitted µ(φ) 1372 18.546 -165.35 794.51 with an exponential decay as described in Eq. 2. Model 10976 16.780 -99.817 3439 description of (b) thedecay parameter, (c) thepeak location 87808 -173.14 2537 1013.9 (“mean” mesocluster size) parameter, µ and (d) peak width σ(φ) 1372 4.5 0.18 (“standard deviation”) parameter, σ for different system 10976 5.3 0.17 sizes. 87808 7 0.1 TABLE IV: Fitted parameter values for all population model components. The parameters µ and σ are given by (coefficients d i listed in table IV): behavior which is accompanied by the emergence of a µ(φ)=B (φ) d φ2+d φ+d µ 2 1 0 population of icosahedra found in mesoclusters which (cid:16) 0.75N −7.1 (cid:17) grow upon supercooling [7, 8, 13]. These two dynami- + 1−Bµ(φ) (13) calregimesareindicatedintheAngellplotinFig. 2and 7.66 (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:16) (cid:17) the population of icosahedra is shown in the inset. σ(φ)=exp d B (φ)+d (14) Motivated by these observations, we propose that the 0 σ 1 (cid:18) (cid:19) correlation between icosahedra and super-Arrhenius dy- namics continues to lower temperature. This gives us a means to predict the relaxation behavior of the system with smoothing functions Bµ(φ) and Bσ(φ), and N the at arbitrary temperature under the assumptions made total number of particles in the system. in constructing the model (section III). The dynamical behavior we predict from measurements of cluster life- times. The global dynamical behavior is shown in the IV. RESULTS Angell plot in Fig. 2 and discussed in section V. Be- low we consider some further dynamical features of the Our approachis basedonthe observationthatat high model. temperaturethereisArrheniusbehaviorinthedynamics In Fig. 7(a) we compare the results of the population and very few icosahedra, but at the onset temperature dynamics model (pm = a(T)Wm(T)pm−1) for the size (T ≈ 1 [13]), there is a crossover to super-Arrhenius distributionofmesoclusterswithsimulationdata. Inthe on 7 0 0 a 100 0.65 10−2 a 103 103 0.58 10−1 00..6652 10−3 00..5587 102 0.57 0.56 0.65 10−2 000...6662 1100−−54 00..5565 102 101 0.55 00..6652 pm10−3 00..5599 100 101 102 103 lm 10100 0 101 102 103 00..662 0.58 101 0.6 0.59 0.58 10−4 0.59 0.58 0.58 10−150 0 101 102 103 10100 0 101 102 103 m m b 10−2 b 1372 1372 10976 87808 102 10976 87808 10−3 m p m m* l 10−4 101 10−150 0 101 102 103 104 10 0 101 102 103 m m FIG. 7: (Color online) (a) Mesocluster probability FIG. 8: (Color online) (a) Mesocluster lifetimes. distributions. Simulation data (points) fitted with the Simulation data (points) fitted with thelifetime model probability model (lines) as descibed in equation 1. Inset: (lines) as described in equation 4. Small mesoclusters (lower thepredicted distributions for some temperatures values of m) have highly T-dependentlifetimes, but at some inaccessible to simulations. (b) The probability distribution large enough mesocluster size, the lifetimes become for different system sizes at a fixed temperature (T =0.58). T-independentand are determined only bythe mesocluster The decay parameter is almost unchanged across system size. Inset: the predicted mesocluster lifetimes for some sizes, but µ,σ and consequently p have strong system size temperatures inaccessible to simulations. (b) The resulting m dependence. However, note that the distribution shapes are, lifetime model for a fixedtemperature, T =0.58, for approximately,compressed/stretched versions of each other. different system sizes. The sudden increase in slope in (b) occurs at thepoint m∗, where the T-dependentdescription crosses to theT-independentcurve. inset, we show the predicted mesocluster distributions for temperatures inaccessible to simulations. The popu- lationdistributionmodelresultsfordifferentsystemsizes between the functions for large and small m in Eq. 4 atafixedtemperature(T =0.58)areshowninFig. 7(b). described in section III. Largersystemsallowforlargermesoclusters,resultingin Themesoclusterlifetimesdifferwithsystemsizewhich the location of the peak having system-size dependence. we explainas follows. Letus assume thatinthe thermo- However,the systemsstillpercolateatthe sametemper- dynamic limit, eachmesocluster size hasa fixedlifetime. ature (T ≈0.6). We imagine that in a simulation box, percolating meso- In the simulation accessible regime we can directly clusters of a given size correspond to a distribution of measure the dynamical properties of the mesoclusters. larger mesoclusters in the thermodynamic limit, rather These we show in Fig. 8(a) which plots the mean life- than being a fixed size. So in the thermodynamic limit timeoficosahedraasafunctionofmesoclustersize. This these larger mesoclusters would have a distribution of increases strongly with m, while retaining some temper- lifetimes, but here we assign a single lifetime for each ature dependence. The mesocluster lifetime model [Eqs. sampled size. Crucially, this effect varies with system 4]for different systemsizes (for fixed T =0.58)is shown size. in Fig. 8(b). This shows the behaviour of the model In Fig. 9 we show the structural relaxation time our predictions. Note thecusp-likefeatureshowninthis log- modelpredictsfordifferentsystemsizesacrossthewhole ∗ log representation which is due to the meeting point m rangeofT (Eq. 3). Despitethestrongsystemsizedepen- 8 models in which a phase transition is encountered would 104 τArr leadtodynamicaldivergence[41]. Itisalsopossiblethat α furtherrefinementmayfittherelaxationtimedatabetter VFT 103 1372 than our current approach[Fig. 2], which might provide 10976 further insight into the question as to whether there is a 87808 thermodynamicglasstransition. Atthisstageweobserve τα 102 thatourmodelwhichpredictsnothermodynamictransi- tion actually over-estimates the super-Arrhenius nature ofthedynamics. Thiswouldlendsupporttotheobserva- 101 tionthat within this frameworkthere shouldbe no tran- sitionasalsofoundinother treatmentsofLFS [4,9,10]. 100 WealsoplotinFig. 2predicationsfromgeometricfrus- 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 1/T tration [4]. Here τα(T) = τ∞exp(∆E∗(T)+E∞/kBT) where E∞ is the Arrhenius contribution. Below the on- FIG. 9: (Color online) The α relaxation time as predicted set temperature T the super-Arrhenius contribution by thepopulation dynamics model across thethree different on ψ system sizes. The system size dependencein p and l ∆E = 0, for T < T , ∆E(T) = Bk T 1− T m m on B c Ton produce only very minor differences themodel τ . α where B =650, ψ =8/3 and Tc =0.65. We s(cid:16)ee that t(cid:17)he results, also predicated on icosahedra, seem to describe thedynamicalbehaviorinasimilarwaytoourmodel. It is possible that certain aspects of geometric frustration dence in both the mesocluster population distributions are captured by our approach. and lifetimes, the resulting relaxation times are scarcely One explanation for the rather strong increase in τ effected by the system size. α exhibited in Fig. 2 might be that our model doesn’t include mesocluster scission or coalescence, because the mesocluster size increases/decreasesonly by one. Larger V. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION changes in mesocluster size might lead to closer agree- ment with simulation data, but would not change the We havepresentedanapproachtopredictthe dynam- picture in a qualitative fashion. System sizes for simula- ics of a glass forming liquid at arbitrary temperatures. tions which representcertain properties of deeply super- This we have done by decomposing a model glassformer cooledsystemsaresmall[33,35,36],butitis tantalizing intoaneffectivesystemofmesoclustersof locallyfavored toconsiderparameterizingthemodelwithsuchdata. Al- structureswhosepopulationisdescribedbyapopulation ternatively one can consider how the network geometry dynamicsmodelwhichweparameterizewithresultsfrom mightbeinfluencedbycertainscalingpropertiesnearan simulations. Thelifetime ofmesoclustersofLFSarealso assumed transition [42]. parameterized with simulations Under the assumptions Ourmodelunderestimatestheinitialincreaseinstruc- aboveandthatthe super-Arrheniusdynamicscanbe at- turalrelaxationtime inthe dynamicalregimewhereitis tributed to the population of particles in mesoclusters well described by MCT (Fig. 2). It is tempting to sug- of icosahedra, our model predicts dynamical behaviour gestthatthis is relatedto ouremphasis onicosahedrain at arbitrary temperature. In its present form the model describing the dynamical slowdown. In the temperature predictsthatthereisnothermodynamicglasstransition. regimeinquestion,LFS(icosahedra)arerelativelyfewin We have considered different system sizes and find that number and there is no percolating network. Moreover while the population and lifetime components of the it is possible that in this regime, dynamical slowdown model are strongly system size dependent, the resulting may be dominated by lower-order correlations such as relaxation time is scarcely dependent on system size. the 2-body, 3-body etc. These arguments are supported Whether or not there is a thermodynamic transition, by Banerjee et al. [43] and Nandi et al. [44] who have in the sense of a divergence in relaxation timescales at suggestedthattwo-pointbasedrelaxationtimes strongly finite temperature, boils down to whether the lifetime of increase before higher-order contributions. In Fig. 2 we icosahedra in mesoclusters lm, diverges. In Fig. 8(a) we showtheMCTfitwhichdescribesthesimulationdataac- see that it does not. Although our data are compatible curately for 0.7 & T & 0.6 but diverges at T = 0.57 MCT with dynamical divergence of lm, — that is to say lm [45]. One imagines that better agreement might be ob- can be fitted in the regime accessible to simulation such tained by including contributions from MCT in this dy- that it diverges at finite temperature — better fits are namical range, noting that these can be systematically obtained with non-divergent behaviour. extended at least to 4th order [46]. At deeper super- Now since the population dynamics model itself does coolings where MCT diverges, our population dynamics not exhibit a phase transition, perhaps one could argue model presumably captures other dominant relaxation thatitisnaturalthatwedonotfindadivergenceinrelax- pathways absent from MCT [27], at least for the Wahn- ationtime. Onemightimaginethatpopulationdynamics str¨ommodel. Thusitisinthedeeplysupercooledregime 9 beyondMCTwhose dynamicsremaininaccessibleto the terials are well known to exhibit correlations between particle-resolved techniques of computer simulation and non-Arrheniusdynamicsandtheemergenceoficosahedra colloid experiment where our approachhas most to con- [21]. These models also exhibit networks of icosahedra, tribute. Other possibilities to explainthe discrepancy at whoseemergenceseemssimilarlyrelatedtothecrossover weaksupercooling(T >T )include amorphousorder to super-Arrhenius dynamics as the Wahnstro¨m model MCT distinct from icosahedra. The correlation of the dynam- we consider [48, 49]. ics with the icosahedrais high in the Wahnstro¨mmodel, butitisnotperfect[14]. Considerationsfromotherwork [24, 47] suggest that other contributions from the struc- Acknowledgements ture may also contribute to the dynamics [20]. Before closing, we comment on the generality of our results. Recently, [14] a number of models have been The authors would like to thank Andrea Cavagna, compared. Of those, the Wahnstro¨m model considered Daniele Coslovich, Jens Eggers, Bob Evans, Rob Jack, hereexhibitsthestrongestcorrelationsbetweenstructure Gilles Tarjus and Francesco Turci for many helpful dis- anddynamics,soonemightexpectthis tobemostlikely cussions. CPR would like to acknowledge the Royal So- to exhibit a structure-based transition at finite temper- ciety for financial support and the European Research ◦ ature. 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