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WIENESRT UDIEN ZURT IBETOLOGUINEDB UDDHISMUSKUNDE HERAUSGEGVEOBNE N ERNSTS TEINKELLNER HEFT 44 WIEN1 999 ARBEITSKFROERTI ISB ETISUCNHDBE U DDHISTISSTCUHDEI EN UNIVERSWIITEANT ROBERTK RITZER REBIRTAHN DC AUSATION INT HEY OGACARAAB HIDHARMA WIEN1 999 ARBEITSKFROERTI ISB ETISUCNHOBE U OOHISTISSTCUHDEI EN UNIVERSWIITEANT IMPRESSUM VerlegeArr:b eitskfrUeTrii sb etisucnhdBe u ddhistSitsucdhiee n UniversitiitsAAKHc,a mpSupsi talg2a-s4sH,eo f21,0 9W0i en Herausgeubnedflir r d enI nhavletr antwortlich: ProfE.rn stS teinkelRleniesrn,e rs6tr,1a0 B3eW0 i en Druck: ErnstB ecvaGre s.m.bL.iHc.h,t ga1s0s1,e1 5W0i en Acknowledgements Iw oullidtk oet hahnekrt ehf elo lwionpge loepw,i thwohouste helIcp o unlodht a vcemo pletthewidos k r:P orefsrssAo ramaki NorsihtPioS.,.J a ,iE nliizaKbeentnMhei ym,a Kkait saunmYdia ,am be Nobusyh.oIi m usatl tshoa Pnorkef ssomrb etLSr acmhithafuosre n suggeasn tuimnbogefc rr o recttomi yot nrsa ns(lhCaatpi2to)en.r iii Contents Preface vii ...................................................................................................... I.I ntroduction ..... ,. .....................................1.. ........... ................... ............. A.B ackgrou..n..d... ................................................................................ 1 B.C oncernitnhgeB iograpohfAy s abga. .. .. . 5 .... ..................................... 1.R eservataiboonustt h eA uthorsohfit ph Ae bhidharmasa.m5u ccaya 2.A saIigaH'lsn ayaSncah oo.l.....................7. .................................... 3.T heA uthorsohfit ph eY ogiiciira.b.h.ii.m.i. .......1.3. ........................... C.T heS ourcoefst heE xpositoifPo nr atztyasamutpiida int hAe bhidharmasam.u..c..c.a.y.a. ...............1...8. .................... .... D. ThAeb hidharmakoass Yaobghaii4cayaraba h idha...r...m....a... ........1 9 IIT.r ansloaftt hiEeox np osiotfPi raotint yaaamutpadina t he Abbidbarmaaamuccayaan Adb bidbarmasamuccayabbalya 21 A.I ntroducSteocrtyi .o...n... .................................................................. 21 1.Q uestio...n...s.. ................................. ,. ...................................2... 1. .... 2.A nswer.s. . ...................................2.1. .......................... ...................... B.D etailAends wertsoQ uestio..n...s.. .... ................2.4. ........................... 1.C haracter..i...s...t...i...c.. ......................... ............................ .......... 24 2.A nalysiinstM oe mberosf t hPe ratztyasamFuortpmiiudlaa. .. 26 .... .. 3.S etosf M embers... ....................................................................... 27 4.D eterminaotfti hoeCn o nditiOopnearla tiooftn hsMe e mber...s... 30 5.D eterminaotfti hoeFn u nctioofnt sh eM embers .. 32 ........... ............. 6.T heI nclusoifotnh eM emberosf t hFeo rmulai nt heC ategories ofD efileme.n..t.. .................................................... �.......5.2. ......... 7.I mpor.t.,.. . ..................................................................................... 54 8.P rofundi.t...y... .............................................................................. 57 9.V arieti.e.s.. .. .. .................................6.2. ................. ..... ....................... 10.P rogresasnidvR ee gressOirvdee r ...... .. ..... . 65 .... ................. ............ m. TheTw o-LifetiImS eisn glefTohledo royf C ausati..o..n.... ......... 67 A.T woL ifetismo erT hree?. ........................ .. 67 ............. .. .......... .............. B.F romt heS ixtShta geo ft hDe asabhumik..a..s.u.tr..a. ....72 .. ..... ... ....... iv 1.C oncernitnhgeT e xt. ........ .. ................. . ....... .......... .... ...............7 ...2 . .. 2.T ranslatfiroonmts h eD asabhum...i....k...a.... ............................... 74 3.C omparisooftn h eT woV ersio..n...s.. ........................................... 75 4.C oncernitnhgeC ommentaoryn t hDe asabhumik..a....s..u....t.. r7a7 5.T ranslatfiroonmts h eC ommenta.ry... ........................................... 77 6.A nalysoifts h eC omment... ........................................................... 80 C.F romt heS avitarkiiodfti hbeYh ougmiiic iira.b...h....ft...m...i.... ........ 82 1.G enerRaelm arks ConcetrnhieSn agr lSrecat ion. .. ............8.. 2 . .. ..... 2.T ranslaotfiP ohna sTew o:P reseLnitf teo F uturLief e... .............. 83 3.A nalysoifPs h asTew oo ft hSe arlProrat i.o...n... ................;... ..8.7. . D.T heT wo-lifetimes/SCianugslaetfSioyolsndt em int hAe bhidharmasam..u.c.c.a..y..a.. . ................... ........ . 9 .0. . ... ..... IV. TheF unctioonfts h eI ndivildM ueambers... ..... ................... ... .9.3. ... A. Introdu...c..t...i... o.n .................... .. ... . ............................. ....... ....... .9..3. . B.C oncernitnhgeT woP aralPlaesls ag.e.s. ...... ........... .....9..4.. ... ... .......... C.D iscussoifoInn dividMueamlb er.s.. ... ............ .................. ......9..6.. . ... I.I gnoran..c...e . ..... ........................ .. ...... ............. ..................... .. ... 9. 6. . 2.K armicF orce.s... ........................................................................ 97 3.I ndividEuxails ten...c...e... ........................................................... 102 4.T heS ixS ense..s... ........................................................................ 109 5.C ontact 110 ......................................................................................... 6.F eeli.n...g.. ................................................................................... 130 7.S ubconscDieosuis r...e.. .............................................................- .. 148 V.T heA bhidharmasamuacndcV aaysaub andohnu Saf!1.skiirapraVtyijaiiyiianf!1.a. m................ ................... ...1.. 7..5 .. . .... A.I ntroduc..t..i...o...n... ......................................................................... 175 B.V asubandohnSu arrzskiirapraVityjaiiyiian.rrza... m... ........................ 176 1.W hatw asV asubandhOuw'ns O pinio.n...?... ............................... 176 2.T heS arvastivadin DePfirnaittiiosna:rrz dh.i...v...ij....ii....ii...n...a. 178 3.V asubandhDue'fisn itiiontn h Ae bhidharmakosabhii�ya: TheS ixV rjiiiin..a...s.... ............................................................... 183 4.V asubandhDue'fisn itiiontn h Pe ratltyasamutpiidavyiikhyii: SarrzskiirapariVibjhiiiiiivniatm.a ..rrz. ...... . ... 189 ..... ..... .. ................ .... C.V asubandhPuo'ssi tions-SautorrYa ongtaickaar ..a...?... ................. 193 D.T heA bhidharmasaomnSu acrrzcsakyiiar apraVityjaiiyiian.rrz.a... m.. 204 VI.P ratityasamutpaiinddta h eC ittaviprayuktasa..rp...s...k..ii...r...a.s 2 09 A.I ntroduc..t..i...o...n . ........................... ......... ..................2 .0..9.. . ............... v B.C ittaviprayuktianSs aarTflvassktiiirva,a. ds.a . ..........2.1.1. ................... ... 1.C ittriviprayuktiants haeSTfl asrvkaiisrtaiLsvia tdear atu.re 211 ........... 2.T heR elationbsehtiwpe tehne S arvastivaanddi n thYeo gacaLrias ts . . .. ... .. 217 .............................................................. 3.S aTflghabhSeiidmaa,ga rnidt, h eR eopening of theS arvastiLviasdti n ..... . . . 219 ...................... .................................. C.C ittaviprayukint YaosgaacTflas.r.k.a...ii. ..r...a....s... .......................... 225 1.C ittaviprakiyiruakinst Y aosgaacTfliisTreax t.s... ............................2 25 2.T heA bhidharmasamucocna yabhii-DJa theC ittaviprayuktasaTflsk.ii.ras . . 229 ................................................ 3.Y ogaciiIrnat erpretoaftSiarovnass tiviidin Cittaviprakiyiruaktsa s.aTfls .. . 231 ..................................................... 4.Y ogacaCria ttaviprayukta.saTfl.s.kiira.s. .248 ....................................... 5.K iilDae,s aan,dS aTflkhyaiin dt heE leveVinj fiap.tis 276 .................... 6.C onclusi.on . .............................2..7..7.. ........ ................... .................... Bibliogarphy . . ............................2..8..2 . ............. ............................................. Index 303 ......................................................................................................... vii Preface Thibso oiksa s tuodfyY ogacaabrdhaha irmcae ntered a around transloaftt hieeox np iotsioofnc on�tdionoerdi gin(partaiityotan­ sampuadta)i nt hAeb hdiharmasamyuaac ncdta hAeb hihdarma­ samuycabcha�ayaIa. t tetmopi td enttihsfyeo urocfet sh iesx pos,i tion andIs hoiwt rse latiboontsthhoS i apr vastaibvdhahaidrinma an dt o oth,em rotslrya theearrl Yy,og acatreax tIa sl.s o efviindde nce suggestthiarnteg l evpaonrtt iooftn hsAe b hdiharmsaakb�ohyaa,s ome ofw hichha vbee epnr evioduesslcyra isbS aeudt raanrtieine k sas,e ntial agreewmietnYhto gacaabrhahi adrma. Ane xaminaotfti hoSena rvtaisvaldieitrna tsuhroew tsh aatn exposiotfic oonn ditioorniegdi nastiimoinlt aotr h aotf t he Abhihdamrasacmcuacyaan nboetf ounidna nyS arvastwiovrakd.i n Howevtehre,ar reme a nfye atucroemsm otnot heex posiitnti hoen Abhihdarmauscacmaaynasd e vepraasls aognce osn ditoiroingeidn ation int hYeg oacabrhuam.iI n tshtiusdI ys ,ho w hmoawt erfiraotlmh e Yogarcaabhuhamsui n dergfounret dhoecrt rdienvaell opamnedn t renfiemrieti nt hAe bhdiharmmauscacyaaa nd Athbhedih ar­ma samuycabcha�ay.aI a lssou gegstth atth Dea sabumhikaswuatsar a sourfcoepr o rtiooftn hsee x posiitnbi ootnthsh Ye ogacaraanbdh umi thAebh diharmascaamyuac. Likel arpgoer tiooftn hsYe o gacraabhu,tm hiAeb hdiharma­ samuccaalytah,oi utg ghie sne rcallalsys aisafi Y eodg actaerxadt o,e s nocto ntmauicnih n t hwea yo fe xpliYcoigtalcyta erram inoTlhoeg y. termasly aaviiijanaan db ijaa re usspeadr iinngt lhAyeb hdiharma­ samuycaca,an dt hedyo n oatp peiantr h eex opsitoifop nr aytai­t samudtpaaH.o wevIes ru,g gtehsttah tce o ncoefap lta yav,ijo iira naat leaast th eooryfc auosriab yts ieeudnsd,ie erwslh atthA ebh idharma­ samcuyacas ayasb ouctno ditioornineagodtin ii nt herd eifrfeent conttehxaetr si:so ifcnn ogd itidhoanremidang s e netrhapeolr c,e osfs rebiarnttdhh me,e chaonfci osngmio tni. viii · When Ifi rsatp proatchhAeebh di hdarsmaaumcca,Iy a attemtpot ed usteh Aeb hidhramakoiis�ayboafhV asubainndo hrudt eorc ompatrhee Yogacaarbaih dahrmfao unidn tAhbhedi harmamsuacycaaw ith Sarvastaibvihaddhriamn.a A ftaelrtl h,Ae b hhiadrmoasbkah�iiyhaa s generallcyo nbseiednte orb eead c ompnediuomfV aihbii�ika abdhhairmpae ppewrietdVh a subanodchcu'ass iloanpasfler so m ortdhoox.yH owevearl,t hoIuw gahs1i warfer otmh set atrhta t Vasubaonftdehfnua voapr oss ittihhoanteo rh icso mmentiadteonrtsi fy asS autraInw taisikn ac,r eaismipnrgelasyss Ic e odm patrhetedw toe xts byt hsei milbaertiwteVyea ns uban"dShauu'tsr aonptiinkiaaon"ndt s h e Yogacaproas itwihoincc,ha gne nerbaetl rlayc teotd h Yeo giircbaiihu.m i p Thihsa lse amdet os usptehcVatat s ubaanldrheuaa cdcyte eYdo gacara doctrwihnehene w rottheAe bh idahrmako�syaa.b hii Returnitnotg h teh rceoen teoxfct osn ditoiroingeidn Iah taivoen , noticeidn, tchaeso eft haer isoifna glc lo nditidohanreamds a, connecbteitownet ehnee x posiotfic oonnsd itioned iontr hieg ination Abhdaihrmsaamuccaanydta h Yeo giiciiurmiaa bnhde xposiotfit ohnes civtptiraakytuassakrrziiriants hs ea mtee xItnsa .lo lft hepsaes sawgee s, finds imielxaprl anaftoiorbo snesr vaasbpleeoc ftt sh feu nctioofn ing causaensdr esuflotersx ,a mptlhefe:a ctth ats etrhioeef cs a usaensd resuilsut nsb rno-ktehfea ctth aatp articcualuashrea os nliyt s approprreisauetlteTtc h,.e esxep lanaatlailpo pnetsaoa lr einterpretation oft hset atemoefcn otnsd itioneda totrriigtbiotun htaBeetu did odnh" aI:f thiesx istthsac,to m eisn teox isteannc"deB "e;c aoufts eho er igination oft hitsh,ao tr iginTahtiersse .i"n terpraest1 sa htoiwio,snb ,a seodna theoorfcy a usabtysi eoend s. Them ajodri fferbeentcweet ehnYe o gacaanrdaS arvastivadin categoorfci tietspa rvaiyuktasalrrzieisnskt iihrfeaa cstt h aYto gacara considertso b etm heerme dleys ignaftrieoqnuseo,nf at slpye ocft s causatainodnn o,rt e adlh armRaesad.lh armaarsne o rte quitrheed ; very noafct ounrdei ttihoinneagdsds e,s criintb hepedr atityasaa mutpiid exposiitsis ounffisc,it eoen xtp lhaoiwnt heoyp ercaatues aAlsll ayi.n i hassu gge(s1t9e7d17 1:0 V)a,s ubandhu's Sautroaftn htei ka criticisms reayl oift tchietv ptiraaytuaaks1!lskiiarrasesi mitloat rh Yeo gacara dismiosfts hacela tegaosmr eyr dee signIantt ihoins. sIs thuodtwyh ,a t

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