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Reasons for Deviation from the Truth – Sh. Rabi’ Al-Madkhali PDF

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Preview Reasons for Deviation from the Truth – Sh. Rabi’ Al-Madkhali

REASONS FOR FROM THE TRUTH SHAIKH UBAD IK ABDILLEHAL-JAER ‘SAN MUWAMMAD BIN HAD AL ADK Reasons For Deviation From The Truth by Shaikh Rabr bin Hadi al-Madkhali \WITIT ADDITIONS KROME Shaikh Uhaid ibn Abdillah Al-Tabiri Shaikh Muhammad bin Iadi al-Madihali © COPYRIGHT SALAFT PUBTICATIONS 2015 AN righrs resend. No par of hit ook may be raprintet or eeosiced or als nay reo hy any electron mecha or other means, new knew er fern Invented, Including Phercopying a3 recording, wihout prior permission fra the publishers lest ition: July 2015 CC; Rasmadbae 1496 AL Seen Salat Publicasions, 472 Coventry Roal, Mirainghia, Unie ingevm, b1DEuS eena.sns.a9e telai773.0083 Loxzu.r7s.sez Feil: Admring@spubscom salndsounds.com Soladtado.com SalaiBookstere;com ‘Twitter @SalaPubs (@ealafimagidcom @salefitadia GSabRcolatone ISBN: sTeterz7-s Printed by Mog Puan io Turkey Contents Preface Introdiction from shed Atsbaa 1 a:khat 1 Reasons For Deviations 3 Bete Upoa the Trt wt Twotril Doubts Komnve an Shaika “Ubayd ib *abdilah al Abn. 2 shelkb hula Bin Rad al- Wada 8 appends 20 ‘Who are dhe Pious Predacessors (SAKSHI? cu 38 Append a ‘The Ashi'ir (Asari ae no rom Ahlis Sunaia wal Jama‘oa a ‘Tre Firs Slage ‘ay Hey oF the We‘ tala Denying the Atebutes of il due toe taut 4 “The Second Stage - The way of fbn Kullab: Ta, Denying the Mtenalagsol Lhe Attributes of sIish oa “The Third Stage Abuliasan AL Ash ar: Upon The way of bl us-Sunmah wal Jeane * Agpendix 3 8 ‘The Scholats of abs Sacmaa ‘The Scholars axe our Llders The Scholars sre Educators. ” Appondia a ot ‘th Sufts are nol (sum Ablus Susth wal amu... 6 at dows mum Malik ties say about Ue Suis? 6 war does iam ash-Shafl i and ls Students say skoutthe Sufi? oa ‘what ie Abu Hantfabs fits ousition on tae Sule? 8 the Posiloa of ¢rner Scholars fcom the Paat on she Sulis “ Append. 86 ‘he Unintentionsl Eres and Sli athe Scholars w- 66 Preface “This book has buuu Lranseribed from a tepe entitled stab ALtahi hich | troslated a ‘Reasons For Deviation’ by Sho.ch Kabr"bin Fad al-Magdktal with aedltional cement Ing Shalhh “Utuyd lgabis and shersh oauhamaae bie Al‘Madkisi, This Louk, by ATI's germission, will ald our unde-standing in the Bold of calling people to the truth, adhering to eand ts pense T have referenoul Lae Verses and Prophetic. naprations usted ay the scholars, a case the How of the tem, | ave od words in arackets and xemaved amy repested sents Lag are usually appareet inlecluees ‘hae soughl aporoval from all free scholars and they Have aceepted its publcallon. May Allah seward Abii Muhanad Wadim altsan-shah.a getdate of she Faculty of Hadith from abe University of Maciel (4201/1299) for theekng the trauslalse a Unis book, ay Alla maks this teatise sacerely fr His sake. May He 4d Son a Day wtwn wealth and childvea wll wot aval us Tdeed actions azo ia accordance with one’s iatenllon and ‘svory person ill have what he tends. Absa ah btn Kabah Labusuad 22 Rajah 3/12 une 2012 AL-dadinah Nabarwiyyts Saud Arabia Introduction from Shetkh ‘Abdullah AL-Bukhart Allabs blessings upon Bis slaves are many and from these blessings isthe presence ofthe scholars. Dear brothers, allt, has plaoed in every geveratior scholars of lam’ They remove from the Religian the distorions of the excessive the fate claim of the fare and to Fal interpcetatlors of ignore.” The scholars spcak with truth aad clablish Juste therewith, They are present i every age 48a essing Fam alah, :1om amongst them, and rightfully, is our She and teacher, jst as Imam Wslie sad about hic -eacer Jaan ‘The Prophet sid "need ash ll ie for this Lscac atte fad of evry century those whe vil revive the rely [i Sehole” Sov APSatarweseta (99) aid SP SURE Ale OEE annie This sen hg adh whlch same secolat grade oe being accepted dua a tany dferoatchuis of wieatons BE Nga oP pats wSighejue as Beak ae deals, ‘he tuntzor aes in every seston wea Ss kv edges They sill femove ow sae altorsone ofthe exces, the fi can ef he a lle lletprertons ofthe nora [Surnmarlsed’. (11), tbe teacaer of teacaens” He is the “aoroursbie cholar, Lhe atubatdtth Abu Muhcromad Rab bin Hidi alMadkali, May Allah protect Ibi, ale over him, and cause others to bene from hie Brothers, we are in need af adwce Isat Uke likes af che scholars thass sha are frm grocnded in know edge, Le students of knowledge spectically need this advice espacielly ding the times of tals and Lelbulalous Limes volo poeple af cesres create mail and confusion, fe, thls blessed aight, allah ws, wil be listening to fan sheik, say allah pote. hua nel stemgten bien in is advice ro his sons and students, thls adele wil Esai us, by Bre permission of Aah, the Most glad ald us la bela sbedientts Alida the Wat igh We sill uow atk ou leacaer Lo give kis advice to us, may Allah pratacr hi and wacch over ut Reasons For Deviation 1 begin to the name of allt the Most Mereful, the Most Xtind. All praise is due ta Allah, we peice Bim and see its aid andl forgivenes He seek rfuge i alla from the evil oF ‘uc aolivas aac Lom the evil wba viesalees, Whoimowver Allah guldes there is sone to misguide and, shomsoever ‘Alls leaves unguidee there is none that can guide, Tresiy that rane has che right ta be worshipped except Allah and that Muhamerad Pj Je He slave and Messonge yak arity deshy omit 0 you at believe! sce Allah oy doing al hat tte hes dered an by estan fom al kat He has Fnbden) ase should 3 feared [Obey Him, be Hunkl bo him. and remember im alnejeh and fe aot exzept Ina slate ism. (as Mesims) with complete submission to 0 ual! to dutiful to your Lond, Whe created you tiom a single person (Adam), and from hit (Adam) He created his wife Hass (Eve), and from them both He created mery suse and women azul lear Allah Uhrough Whoa "surah al rman 02 you demand sour mutual (eights), and (do mot tut the relstions of} the wombs tKinstig) Surely, lh Fer an Watcher aver ya” (0 you whe belie! Keep your duty to Alla ane fear Him, and szeak (always) the truth. He will direct yer to do vighteous good deeds ati wl lecgive you yor sins. And whosoever obey ahh and His otessenger Sgt he has indsed achieved a great ackievement (22, he will be saved from the Hellfie and made le vksr Parad) Topraceed ths mest erful speech isthe speech oll, snd the Boat example is the example of the Prophet ati the mal evil w things ane Ute newly invented matters. Every arily, invented matter is an Luovalion, every. inmavation is _misguldaace and avery rigqidance leas ony ko the Fee (brothers, sons eral beloved nes, this is @ great gocasion, for us to meet inthis siace, not for any worldly oeneit, ut father, ar the sake fall and Ge lia aloe, t hope all our intentions sre up this, ths au inet is to -zeet and renin caca other for the saze of alla, with * Saat -abvatis7, 7

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