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REARRANGEMENTS IN GROUND AND EXCITED STATES edited by Paul de Mayo Photochemistry Unit Department of Chemistry The University of Western Ontario London, Ontario, Canada 1 1980 ACADEMIC PRESS A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers New York London Toronto Sydney San Francisco COPYRIGHT © 1980, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: Rearrangements in ground and excited states. (Organic chemistry series ; ) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Rearrangements (Chemistry)—Addresses, essays, lectures. I. Mayo, Paul de. II. Series: Organic chemistry series (New York) ; QD281.R35R42 547. Γ39 79-51675 ISBN 0-12-481301-1 (v. 1) PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 80 81 82 83 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin. A. L. J. Beckwith (161) Department of Organic Chemistry, The Univer­ sity of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia Jerome A. Berson (311) Department of Chemistry, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Richard D. Bowen (55) University Chemistry Laboratory, Cambridge, CB2 1EW, England Jayaraman Chandrasekhar (1) Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 8520 Erlangen, Federal Republic of Germany D. H. Hunter (391) Department of Chemistry, University of West­ ern Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5B7, Canada K. U. Ingold (161) Division of Chemistry, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa K1A OR6, Canada W. M. Jones (95) Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611 Martin Saunders (1) Department of Chemistry, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 J. B. Stothers (391) Department of Chemistry, University of West­ ern Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5B7, Canada Paul von Ragué Schleyer (1) Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 8520 Erlangen, Federal Republic of Germany E. W. Warnhoff (391) Department of Chemistry, University of West­ ern Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5B7, Canada Dudley H. Williams (55) University Chemistry Laboratory, Cambridge CB2 1EW, England vii FOREWORD This volume had an elder sibling, but that was by another sire. Nonethe­ less a family resemblance remains. In both cases the term "rearrange­ ment" has been interpreted to mean what the editor wanted it to, at, following the precedent set by Humpty Dumpty, whatever cost, provided the interest justified it. The subjects of these separate essays, while not covering the entire span of possibilities, do indeed enclose much territory. When compared with the previously mentioned work on rearrangements ("Molecular Rearrangements," Part I, 1963) one may see, in part, the remarkable and vigorous development of chemistry over the past fifteen years. One can discern at least three major surges of creative activity. First, the flood from the lower reaches of the periodic table now makes it impossible for the educated chemist to insist (while looking askance at boron) that, with the exception of sulfur, the essentials of chemistry are contained in the first row. Second, the period of the previous volume coincided with, and so missed, the photochemical renascence, the latter being such that virtually all laboratories are now equipped with the pale blue lights which have provided rearrangements in abundance. The prin­ ciples guiding these excited state transformations are beginning to emerge, and chemistry is no longer a single surface subject. Indeed, even the ubiquitous interest in energy hypersurfaces dates from the birth of the earlier volumes. Further, some aspects of photochemistry were the stimu­ lus for, perhaps, the most fruitful concept of this period: the emergence, or, better, recognition of the view that the orbitals of reacting molecules guided their transformation by placing barriers on certain pathways, hitherto apparently as permitted as others, in order to maintain symmetry or maximum overlap: the orbital correlation diagram has, in this period, already found its way into the undergraduate text. The third supernova is, therefore, the descent of orbital theory into the marketplace. In short, it has become respectable, indeed barely highbrow, to be a theoretician; and their mixing in polite society at meetings with experimentalists has be­ come a commonplace and a stimulation. All these changes—imagine the state of the art of the subjects of these essays fifteen years ago—in a subject deemed, by some, dead. As previously, the essays are intended to be critical, stimulating, per­ sonal, and creative: they are not intended to be comprehensive, though adequate referencing should make them a starting point for research. ix X FOREWORD Some subjects will be found absent. In some of these too little change has occurred in fifteen years to justify a new treatment. In other instances adequate treatment elsewhere rendered an essay unnecessary. And it must be admitted some lacunae are caused by the willingness of the spirit of some potential authors, but, alas, their weakness of the flesh. . . . The arrangement is roughly the following: first, ground state transfor­ mations; a bridge passage of theory, with a codetta of those interesting transformations that start on the ground state surface and finished in the excited state; and, finally, transformations on upper surfaces. But the separation is, in part, a formalism: silicon chemistry includes photo­ chemistry, and cis-trans isomerism may be thermal—a sign that chemis­ try, once a whole and then fragmented, is gradually becoming unified again. PAUL DE MAYO "Contrariwise", continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be: but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic." L. Carroll . . . Western culture has been profoundly affected by the findings, the methodology, the attitudes, and the outlook of scientists. It is not wholly the fault of scientists that what has passed into the general culture is grossly distorted in two critical ways. One is the mistaken identification of science with rationality. The other is the exaggerated dichotomy between science and nonscience.* G. Vickers Reprinted with permission of MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. CONTENTS OF OTHER VOLUMES VOLUME 2 Rearrangements: A Theoretical Approach Nicolaos D. Epiotis, Sason Shaik, and William Zandar Rearrangements Involving Boron Andrew Pelter Molecular Rearrangements of Organosilicon Compounds A. G. Brook and A. R. Bassindale The Polytopal Rearrangement at Phosphorus F. H. Westheimer Rearrangements in Coordination Complexes W. G. Jackson and A. M. Sarge son Fluxional Molecules: Reversible Thermal Intramolecular Rearrangements of Metal Carbonyls F. A. Cotton and B. E. Hanson Index VOLUME 3 Chemical Generation of Excited States N. J. Turro and V. Ramamurthy Cis-Trans Isomerism of Olefins J. Saltiel and J. L. Charit on xiii xiv CONTENTS OF OTHER VOLUMES Photochemical Rearrangements in Trienes W. G. Dauben, E. L. Mclnnis, and D. M. Michno The Di-7r-Methane (Zimmerman) Rearrangement Howard E. Zimmerman Photochemical Rearrangements of Enones David I. Schuster Photochemical Rearrangements of Conjugated Cyclic Dienones Kurt Schaffner and Martin Demuth Rearrangements of the Benzene Ring D. Bryce-Smith and A. Gilbert Photorearrangements via Biradicals of Simple Carbonyl Compounds Peter J. Wagner Photochemical Rearrangements Involving Three-Membered Rings Michel Nastasi and Jacques Streith Photochemical Rearrangements of Five-Membered Heterocycles Albert Padwa Photochemical Rearrangements of Coordination Compounds Franco Scandola Index ESSAYA I REARRANGEMENTS OF CARBOCATIONS MARTIN SAUNDERS, JAYARAMAN CHANDRASEKHAR, AND PAUL VON RAGUÉ SCHLEYER I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. DIRECTLY OBSERVABLE CARBOCATIONS 3 A. Rapid Degenerate 1,2-Shifts 5 B. Deuterium Perturbation Method for the Nonclassical Ion Problem 8 C. Hydride Shifts to More Distant Carbons . . .. 11 D. Solvents and Solvent Effects 14 III. MULTIPLE REARRANGEMENT REACTIONS 22 A. Monte-Carlo Methods of Analysis 23 B. Use of Graphs to Elucidate Rearrangement Mechanisms 24 IV. THEORETICAL STUDIES 34 A. Migratory Aptitudes 34 B. Effect of Ring Size on the Ease of 1,2-Shifts . . 41 C. Rearrangements in Cycloalkenyl Cations . . .. 44 V. CONCLUSIONS 47 REFERENCES 48 I. INTRODUCTION Rearrangements are characteristic of carbonium ion reactions. Carban- ions, free radicals, and other intermediates are far less prone to such transformations. Carbocations are electron-deficient species; they do not possess enough electrons to satisfy the octet rule for each atom and simultaneously to provide two electrons for each bond. Electron distribu­ tions that differ significantly from classical bonding models result. Often a repositioning of the nuclei occurs in order to increase the number of bonding contacts. In effect, carbocations have a lower inherent structural integrity than more electron-rich species; carbocation potential energy surfaces are flatter, and the tendency to rearrange and to form bridged or otherwise delocalized structures is great. The first work in which carbonium ion rearrangements were observed was carried out in nucleophilic solvents where cation lifetimes were 1 REARRANGEMENTS IN GROUND AND EXCITED STATES, VOL. I Copyright © 1980 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. ISBN 0-12-481301-1 2 MARTIN SAUNDERS ET AL immeasurably short (7). Under these conditions, the rates of individual rearrangement steps could not be determined. The structures of the car- bocation intermediates themselves could be inferred only indirectly from, for example, the rate- or product-determining transition states in a solvolysis. Carbocation systems capable of undergoing degenerate rear­ rangement to the same chemical structure are illustrative. If isotopie or other labels in the products observed are not distributed statistically, it is generally assumed that classical carbocation intermediates that do not have sufficient time to equilibrate before quenching are involved. When the statistical mixture of products is obtained, either fully equilibrated sets of classical cations or symmetrically bridged species (the so-called nonclassical ions) are considered to be responsible. Kinetic data have often been used to attempt to differentiate between these possibilities. However, solvolysis rates give information only about the transition states between the starting materials and the ions. The transition states are not always closely related in structure and energy to the ions them­ selves. Quantitative prediction of solvolysis data is not yet possible. As a result, the interpretation of solvolytic data in order to draw conclusions about the structures of the ions often involves uncertainty and engenders controversy. Since the appearance of Part I of this volume's predecessor (2), several major developments have occurred that have increased our understanding of carbonium ions and their rearrangements. First, carbocations as stable species in solution in nonbasic media can now be investigated directly (3). Many new techniques have been developed for this purpose or have been applied to carbocation problems. Second, the chemistry of gas-phase ions has come of age (4). Although not much structural information can be obtained directly, an increasing body of invaluable quantitative data on the energies and reactions of ions in the gas phase is being assembled, which, inter alia, facilitates the interpretation of processes occurring in solution. We can now begin to ascertain the degree to which solvent affects the properties of ions (5). Third, theoretical calculations have become a valuable source of de­ tailed information not available otherwise (6). The structures of only a few stable carbocations and of no rearrangement transition states are known experimentally. Ground and transition state structures can, however, be calculated theoretically with a sufficiently high degree of accuracy, at least for some interpretative purposes. Fourth, it is now appreciated that typical solvolysis reactions, espe­ cially of primary and secondary substrates, do not involve "free" carbo­ cation intermediates but rather highly solvated "cationoid" species with partially positive character (7). Nucleophilic solvent assistance can play a

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