REALLY ESSENTIAL MEDICAL IMMUNOLOGY Arthur Rabson,Ivan M.Roitt,Peter J.Delves S E C O N D E D I T I O N SECOND EDITION Really Essential Medical Immunology Arthur Rabson MB, BCh, FRCPath Department of Pathology Tufts University School of Medicine Boston USA Ivan M. Roitt DSc, HonFRCP, FRCPath, FRS Department of Immunology & Molecular Pathology Royal Free & University College Medical School London UK Peter J. Delves PhD Department of Immunology & Molecular Pathology Royal Free & University College Medical School London UK © 2005 A. Rabson, I.M. Roitt, P.J. Delves Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd Blackwell Publishing, Inc., 350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5020, USA Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd, 550 Swanston Street, Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia The right of the Authors to be identified as the Authors of this Work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. First published 2000 Reprinted 2001 Second edition 2005 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rabson, Arthur. Really essential medical immunology / Arthur Rabson, Ivan M. Roitt, Peter J. Delves.—2nd ed. p. ; cm. Rev. ed. of: Really essential medical immunology / Ivan Roitt and Arthur Rabson. 2000. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-4051-2115-7 1. Clinical immunology. [DNLM: 1. Immunity. QW 540 R116r 2005] I. Roitt, Ivan M. (Ivan Maurice) II. Delves, Peter J. III. Roitt, Ivan M. (Ivan Maurice). Really essential medical immunology. IV. Title. RC582.R65 2005 616.07’9—dc22 200400393 ISBN 1-4051-2115-7 Acatalogue record for this title is available from the British Library Set in 10/12.5 Palatino by SNPBest-set Typesetter Ltd., Hong Kong Printed and bound in India by Replika Press Pvt., Ltd Commissioning Editor: Martin Sugden Managing Editor: Geraldine Jeffers Production Editors: Fiona Pattison & Alice Nelson Production Controller: Kate Charman For further information on Blackwell Publishing, visit our website: The publisher’s policy is to use permanent paper from mills that operate a sustainable forestry policy, and which has been manufactured from pulp processed using acid-free and elementary chlorine-free practices. Furthermore, the publisher ensures that the text paper and cover board used have met acceptable environmental accreditation standards. iii Contents Part 1 The Basis of Immunology Part 4 Immunity to Infection 1 Innate Immunity, 1 11 Adversarial Strategies During Infection, 114 2 Specific Acquired Immunity, 17 12 Prophylaxis, 127 Part 2 The Recognition of Antigen Part 5 Clinical Immunology 3 Antibodies, 27 13 Immunodeficiency, 135 4 Membrane Receptors for Antigen, 41 14 Hypersensitivity, 148 5 The Primary Interaction with Antigen, 50 15 Transplantation, 164 Part 3 The Acquired Immune Response 16 Tumor Immunology, 177 6 The Anatomy of the Immune Response, 62 17 Autoimmune diseases, 188 7 Lymphocyte Activation, 75 Glossary, 211 8 The Production of Effectors, 82 Index, 213 9 Control Mechanisms, 97 10 Ontogeny, 105 CHAPTER 1 1 Innate immunity External barriers against infection, 1 Complement has a range of defensive biological functions, 9 Phagocytic cells kill microorganisms, 2 Complement can mediate an acute inflammatory The polymorphonuclear neutrophil, 2 reaction, 10 The macrophage, 2 Macrophages can also do it, 10 Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on phagocytic cells Humoral mechanisms provide a second defensive recognize and are activated by pathogen-associated strategy, 11 molecular patterns (PAMPs), 4 Acute phase proteins increase in response to infection, 12 Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize PAMPs and cause cytokine Extracellular killing, 13 release, 5 Natural killer (NK) cells are part of the innate immune Microbes are engulfed by phagocytosis, 5 system, 13 Killing by reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs), 6 Natural killer cells also produce cytokines which regulate Other killing mechanisms, 7 inflammation and acquired immune function, 14 Complement facilitates phagocytosis, 7 Eosinophils, 14 Complement and its activation, 7 intact, is impermeable to most infectious agents. When We live in a potentially hostile world filled with a there is skin loss, as for example in burns, infection bewildering array of infectious agents against becomes a major problem. Additionally, most bacteria which we have developed a series of defense fail to survive for long on the skin because of the direct mechanisms at least their equal in effectiveness inhibitory effects of lactic acid and fatty acids in sweat and ingenuity. It is these defense mechanisms that and sebaceous secretions and the low pH which they can establish a state of immunity against infection generate. An exception is Staphylococcus aureus, which (Latin immunitas, freedom from) and whose often infects the relatively vulnerable hair follicles and operation provides the basis for the delightful glands. subject called “Immunology.” Mucus secreted by the membranes lining the inner Anumber of nonspecific antimicrobial systems surfaces of the body acts as a protective barrier to block (e.g. phagocytosis) have been recognized which the adherence of bacteria to epithelial cells. Microbial are innatein the sense that they are not intrinsically and other foreign particles trapped within the ad- affected by prior contact with the infectious agent hesive mucus are removed by mechanical stratagems and are usually present before the onset of the such as ciliary movement, coughing and sneezing. infectious agent. The innate response is not Among other mechanical factors that help protect the enhanced by previous exposure to the foreign epithelial surfaces, one should also include the wash- organism and the response time is very rapid ing action of tears, saliva and urine. Many of the secret- usually occurring in minutes or hours. We shall ed body fluids contain bactericidal components, such discuss these systems and examine how, in the as acid in gastric juice, spermine and zinc in semen, state of specific acquired immunity, their lactoperoxidase in milk, and lysozyme in tears, nasal effectiveness can be greatly increased. secretions and saliva. Atotally different mechanism is that of microbial an- tagonism where the normal bacterial flora of the body suppresses the growth of many potentially pathogenic bacteria and fungi. This is due to competition for EXTERNAL BARRIERS AGAINST INFECTION essential nutrients or by the production of microbici- The simplest way to avoid infection is to prevent the dal substances. For example, pathogen invasion of the microorganisms from gaining access to the body. The vagina is limited by lactic acid produced by commen- major line of defense is of course the skin which, when sal organisms which metabolize glycogen secreted by 2 PART 1—The basis of immunology Figure 1.1 Ultrastructure of neutrophil. The multilobed nucleus and two main types of cytoplasmic granules are well dis- played. (Courtesy of Dr D. McLaren.) the vaginal epithelium. When protective commensals much of the lysozyme, alkaline phosphatase (figure are disturbed by antibiotics, susceptibility to oppor- 1.2c) and membrane-bound cytochrome b . 558 tunistic infections such as Candida albicansand Clostrid- ium difficileis increased. The macrophage If microorganisms do penetrate the body, two fur- ther innate defensive operations come into play, the These cells derive from bone marrow promonocytes destructive effect of soluble chemical factors such as which, after differentiation to blood monocytes bactericidal enzymes and the mechanism of phagocy- (figure 1.2a), finally settle in the tissues as mature tosis—literally “eating” by the cell (Milestone 1.1). macrophages where they constitute the mononuclear phagocyte system (figure 1.2d). They are present throughout the connective tissue and around the PHAGOCYTIC CELLS basement membrane of small blood vessels and are KILL MICROORGANISMS particularly concentrated in the lung (figure 1.2f, alveolar macrophages), liver (Kupffer cells), and lining The polymorphonuclear neutrophil of spleen sinusoids and lymph node medullary si- This cell shares a common hematopoietic stem cell pre- nuses, where they are strategically placed to filter off cursor with the other formed elements of the blood and foreign material. Other examples are mesangial cells is the dominant white cell in the bloodstream. It is in the kidney glomerulus, brain microglia and osteo- a nondividing, short-lived cell with a multilobed nu- clasts in bone. Unlike the polymorphonuclear neu- cleus (figures 1.1 & 1.2a,b) and an array of granules trophils, they are long-lived cells with significant which are of two main types (figure 1.1): (i) the primary rough-surface endoplasmic reticulum and mitochon- azurophil granule, which develops early and contains dria. Whereas the neutrophils provide the major de- myeloperoxidase together with most of the nonoxida- fense against pyogenic (pus-forming) bacteria, as a tive antimicrobial effectors, including defensins, rough generalization it may be said that macrophages bactericidal/permeability-increasing (BPI) protein are at their best in combating those bacteria (figure and cathepsin G, and (ii) the peroxidase-negative sec- 1.2e), viruses and protozoa that are capable of living ondary specific granules, containing lactoferrin and within the cells of the host. CHAPTER 1—Innate immunity 3 Milestone 1.1—Phagocytosis a b e c d Figure M1.1.1 Reproductions of some of the illustrations in Metchnikoff’s book, Comparative Pathology of Inflammation (1893).(a) Four leukocytes from the frog, enclosing anthrax bacilli. Some are alive and unstained; others, which have been killed, have taken up the vesuvine dye and have been colored. (b) Draw- ing of an anthrax bacillus, stained by vesuvine, in a leukocyte of the frog. The two figures represent two phases of movement of the same frog leukocyte which contains stained anthrax bacilli within its phagocytic vacuole. (c and d) Aforeign body (colored) in a starfish larva surrounded by phagocytes which have fused to form a multinucleate plasmodium, shown at higher power in (d). (e) This gives a feel for the dynamic attraction of the mobile mes- enchymal phagocytes to a foreign intruder within a starfish larva. The perceptive Russian zoologist, Elie Metchnikoff (1845– 1916), recognized that certain specialized cells mediate de- fenseagainst microbial infections, so fathering the whole concept of cellular immunity. He was intrigued by the motile cells of transparent starfish larvae and made the critical observation that a few hours after the introduction of a rose thorn into these larvae these motile cells sur- rounded it. Ayear later, in 1883, he observed that fungal spores can be attacked by the blood cells of Daphnia, a tiny metozoan which, also being transparent, can be studied directly under the microscope. He went on to extend his investigations to mammalian leukocytes, showing their ability to engulf microorganisms, a process which he termed phagocytosis. Because he found this process to be even more effective in animals recovering from infection, he came to a some- what polarized view that phagocytosis provided the main, if not the only, defense against infection. He went on to de- fine the existence of two types of circulating phagocytes: Figure M1.1.2 Caricature of Professor Metchnikoff (from the polymorphonuclear leukocyte, which he termed a Chanteclair, 1908, 4, p. 7).(Reproduction kindly provided by The “microphage,” and the larger “macrophage.” Wellcome Institute Library, London.) 4 PART 1—The basis of immunology (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Figure 1.2 Cells involved in innate immunity.(a) Monocyte, show- (Giemsa). (e) Macrophages in monolayer cultures after phagocytosis ing “horseshoe-shaped” nucleus and moderately abundant pale of mycobacteria (stained red) (Carbol-Fuchsin counterstained with cytoplasm. Note the three multilobed polymorphonuclear neu- Malachite Green.) (f) Numerous plump alveolar macrophages trophils and the small lymphocyte (bottom left) (Romanowsky). (b) within air spaces in the lung. (g) Basophil with heavily staining Four polymorphonuclear neutrophils and one eosinophil. The mul- granules compared with a neutrophil (below). (h) Mast cell from tilobed nuclei and the cytoplasmic granules are clearly shown, those bone marrow. Round central nucleus surrounded by large darkly of the eosinophil being heavily stained. (c) Polymorphonuclear staining granules. Two small red cell precursors are shown at the bot- neutrophil showing cytoplasmic granules stained for alkaline phos- tom (Romanowsky). (i) Tissue mast cells in skin stained with Tolui- phatase. (d) Inflammatory cells from the site of a brain hemorrhage dine Blue. The intracellular granules are metachromatic and stain showing the large active macrophage in the center with phagocy- reddish purple. (The slides for (a), (c), (d), (g) and (h) were very kind- tosed red cells and prominent vacuoles. To the right is a monocyte ly provided by Mr M. Watts. (b) was kindly supplied by Professor with horseshoe-shaped nucleus and cytoplasmic bilirubin crystals J.J. Owen; (e) by Professors P. Lydyard and G. Rook; (f) by Dr Meryl (hematoidin). Several multilobed neutrophils are clearly delineated Griffiths and (i) by Professor N. Woolf.) recognizing PAMPs expressed on the surface of infec- Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on tious agents. These PAMPs are essentially polysaccha- phagocytic cells recognize and are activated rides and polynucleotides that differ minimally from by pathogen-associated molecular patterns one pathogen to another but are not found in the host. (PAMPs) By and large the PRRs are lectin-like and bind multiva- Phagocytes must have mechanisms to enable them to lently with considerable specificity to exposed micro- distinguish friendly self-components from unfriendly bial surface sugars. Engagement of the PRR generates and potentially dangerous microbial agents. Phago- a signal through a NFkB (nuclear factor-kappa B) tran- cytic cells have therefore evolved a system of receptors scription factor pathway which alerts the cell to danger called pattern recognition receptors(PRRs) capable of and initiates the phagocytic process. CHAPTER 1—Innate immunity 5 LBP LPS LBP LPS Toll-like TLR CD14 receptor Adaptor MyD88 Serine/threonine IRAK kinase INGESTION TNF receptor associated TRAF factor NFkB inducing L NFkB IkB NIK kinase L E C C YTI IKK Kinase C O G HA NFkB IkB P P Translocation to Ubiquitin nucleus degradation Transcription factor Expression of proinflammatory genes Figure 1.3 Activation of a phagocytic cell by a Gram-negative nucleus, where it upregulates genes encoding defensive factors such lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (endotoxin) danger signal. Circulating as tumor necrosis factor (TNF), antibiotic peptides and the nicoti- LPS is complexed by LPS-binding protein (LBP) and captured by the namide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidase which CD14 surface scavenging receptor. This signals internalization of the generates reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs). The TLR appears to complex and activates the Toll-like receptor (TLR), which then initi- control the type of defensive response to different microbes. Thus ates a phosphorylation cascade mediated by different kinase en- TLR4 engineers the response to Gram-negative bacteria and LPS zymes. As a result the transcription factor nuclear factor-kappa B while TLR2 plays a key role in yeast and Gram-positive infections. (NFkB) is released from its inhibitor IkB and translocates to the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize PAMPs and Microbes are engulfed by phagocytosis cause cytokine release Before phagocytosis can occur, the microbe must Toll-like receptors are a family of at least 10 trans- first adhere to the surface of the polymorph or membrane proteins that recognize various microbial macrophage through recognition of a PAMP. The products. For example TLR2 recognizes Gram- resulting signal initiates the ingestion phase by positive bacterial peptidoglycan, TLR4 is specialized activating an actin–myosin contractile system which for the recognition of Gram-negative bacterial results in pseudopods being extended around the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (endotoxin) and TLR3 and particle (figures 1.4 & 1.5a). As adjacent receptors TLR5 are important in the recognition of virus derived sequentially attach to the surface of the microbe, the double-stranded RNA. When the TLRs are activated plasma membrane is pulled around the particle just they trigger a biochemical cascade with activation of like a “zipper” until it is completely enclosed in a NFkB and ultimately synthesis of proinflammatory vacuole called a phagosome (figures 1.4 & 1.5b). cytokines and other antimicrobial peptides that lead Within 1min the cytoplasmic granules fuse with the to the development of adaptive immunity (figure phagosome and discharge their contents around the 1.3). imprisoned microorganism (figure 1.5c), which is now 6 PART 1—The basis of immunology 1 2 3 4 BACTERIUM PHAGOCYTE Adherence through Membrane activation Initiation of Chemotaxis PAMP recognition through ‘danger’ signal phagocytosis 5 6 7 8 GRANULES Phagosome Fusion Killing and Release of degradation Figure 1.4 Phagocytosis and killing of a formation digestion products bacterium. (a) (b) (c) Figure 1.5 Adherence and phagocytosis. (a) Phagocytosis of Candi- degranulated and two lysosomal granules (arrowed) are fusing with da albicansby a polymorphonuclear neutrophil. Adherence to the the phagocytic vacuole. Two lobes of the nucleus are evident (¥5000). surface initiates enclosure of the fungal particle within arms of cyto- (c) Higher magnification of (b) showing fusing granules discharging plasm (¥15000). (b) Phagolysosome formation by a neutrophil their contents into the phagocytic vacuole (arrowed) (¥33000). 30min after ingestion of C. albicans. The cytoplasm is already partly (Courtesy of Dr H. Valdimarsson.) subject to a formidable battery of microbicidal ating reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide mechanisms. phosphate (NADPH). Electrons pass from the NADPH to a unique plasma membrane cytochrome (cyt b ), which reduces molecular oxygen directly to Killing by reactive oxygen 558 superoxide anion (figure 1.6). Thus, the key reaction intermediates (ROIs) catalysed by this NADPH oxidase, which Trouble starts for the invader from the moment initiates the formation of ROIs, is: phagocytosis is initiated. There is a dramatic increase in activity of the hexose monophosphate shunt gener- NADPH+O æoæxidæaseÆNADP++◊O-(superoxide anion) 2 2