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Preview Realizing strong light-matter interactions between single nanoparticle plasmons and molecular excitons at ambient conditions

Realizing strong light-matter interactions between single nanoparticle plasmons and molecular excitons at ambient conditions Gu¨lis Zengin,1,∗ Martin Wers¨all,1,∗ Sara Nilsson,1 Tomasz J. Antosiewicz,1,2 Mikael K¨all,1 and Timur Shegai1,† 1Department of Applied Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, 412 96 Go¨teborg, Sweden 2Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Banacha 2c, 02-097 Warszawa, Poland (Dated: March 11, 2015) Realizingstronglight-matterinteractionsbetweenindividual2-levelsystemsandresonatingcav- ities in atomic and solid state systems opens up possibilities to study optical nonlinearities on a singlephotonlevel,whichcanbeusefulforfuturequantuminformationprocessingnetworks. How- ever, these efforts have been hampered by unfavorable experimental conditions, such as cryogenic temperatures and ultrahigh vacuum, required to study such systems and phenomena. Although severalattemptstorealizestronglight-matterinteractionsatroom-temperatureusingplasmonres- onances have been made, successful realizations on the single nanoparticle level are still lacking. 5 Here, we demonstrate strong coupling between plasmons confined within a single silver nanoprism 1 andexcitonsinmolecularJ-aggregatesatambientconditions. Ourfindingsshowthatdeepsubwave- 0 length mode volumes, V, together with quality factors, Q, tha√t are reasonably high for plasmonic 2 nanostructures result in a strong coupling figure-of-merit – Q/ V as high as ∼6×103 µm−3/2, a r value comparable to state-of-art photonic crystal and microring resonator cavities. This suggests a that plasmonic nanocavities, and specifically silver nanoprisms, can be used for room-temperature M quantum optics. 0 PACSnumbers: 78.67.Bf,71.35.-y,73.20.Mf,78.66.Qn 1 ] Strong light-matter interactions are not only interest- to name a few. Despite these progresses, there has been l l ing from a fundamental quantum optics point of view, considerablylesssuccessinachievinganddemonstrating a h e.g. forstudyingentanglementanddecoherence,butalso light-matterinteractionsinthestrongcouplingregimein - becauseoftheirrelevanceforhigh-endemergingapplica- these structures. s e tions such as quantum cryptography [1], quantum net- Most experiments aiming at realization of strong cou- m works [2], single atom lasers [3], ultrafast single photon pling utilize electronic excitations in a special kind of . switches [4] and quantum information processing [5–7]. dye molecule aggregates, so-called J-aggregates, moti- t a These phenomena rely on a quantum emitter strongly vated by their exceptionally high oscillator strength and m interacting with a resonant cavity, which leads to cavity narrow resonances even at room temperature [25]. Re- - and emitter mode hybridization and vacuum Rabi split- cent studies along these lines include a variety of macro- d ting [8]. In the time domain, these strong light-matter scopicorensembletypesystemssuchaspropagatingsur- n interactions manifest themselves as a coherent exchange face plasmons in thin metal films, low-Q Fabry-P´erot o c of energy between the cavity and the emitter occurring resonators and various nanoparticle arrays or assemblies [ on timescales faster than both cavity and emitter dissi- coupled to a large number of excitons [26–30], as well pative dynamics – a situation that is dramatically dif- as single nanoparticle measurements [8, 31–34]. How- 2 v ferentfromirreversiblespontaneousemission. Tradition- ever, to date there remain ambiguities in interpretation 3 ally this kind of quantum optical phenomena have been of the plasmon-exciton interactions in these structures 2 studied in atomic [9, 10] and solid state systems [11– [18], which from the quantum optics perspective trans- 1 13], which are associated with considerable experimental lates into uncertainty in the number of excitons involved 2 challenges such as ultrahigh vacuum, cryogenic temper- in the coupling process as well as into a question of 0 . atures, and fabrication issues. whetherplasmonicnanocavitiesareatallcapableofreal- 1 A possible solution to these challenges could be to izing strong light-matter interactions at its fundamental 0 5 usenoblemetalnanoparticlesinsteadofphotoniccrystal limit. These questions are crucial for potential quan- 1 andmicroringresonatorcavities[14–18]. Thisisbecause tum optics applications, since those require involvement : metal nanostructures can trap electromagnetic fields on of only a single exciton [8, 12, 13]. v i subwavelength scales as so-called surface plasmon exci- Here we realized light-matter interaction in the strong X tations. These plasmonic nanocavities possess a number coupling regime between plasmons confined within sin- r of desirable properties, such as room temperature oper- gle isolated silver nanoprisms and molecular excitons in a ation, deep subwavelength mode volumes and nanoscale J-aggregates at ambient conditions (Fig. 1). Our obser- dimensions that have been shown to lead to many re- vations were facilitated by the weakly radiating nature markable phenomena including single-molecule Raman of the silver nanoprisms and their small mode volumes spectroscopy [19–21], tip-enhanced imaging [22], ultra- (V = 1−7×104 nm3). We found that the plasmon- compact nanolasers [23] and enhanced-fluorescence [24] exciton systems in our study exhibit Q-factors up to 2 extinction spectrum of J-aggregates exhibiting a narrow peakat588nm(ω =2.11eV).Whenasilvernanoprism 0 supporting a plasmon resonance matching the J-band (Fig. 1b) is placed in close proximity to the molecules, a coupled hybrid system exhibiting very significant mode splittingintoupper(ω )andlower(ω )hybridplasmon- + − exciton branches is formed, signaling the realization of a strong coupling scenario (Fig. 1c). A possible dye- nanoparticle arrangement that could lead to such scat- teringspectrumisschematicallyshowninFig.1–assup- ported by scanning and transmission electron (SEM and cryo-TEM) and atomic force (AFM) microscopies show- ingthatJ-aggregatesformthin∼3nmplanarsheetsand silver nanoprisms reside above or below them (Fig. S1). Figure 1 shows that silver nanoprisms can indeed stronglyinteractwithJ-aggregates. Torevealthefactors affectingthecouplingprocess,wemeasuredandanalyzed scattering spectra from ∼20 isolated plasmon-exciton FIG. 1. (color online) Molecular excitons, nanoparticle plas- systems, structurally characterized them and performed mons and coupling between them monitored by absorp- electrodynamics finite-difference time domain (FDTD) tion/scattering spectroscopy and electron microscopy. (a) calculations. Individual silver nanoprisms’ spectra were Left: Absorption spectrum of TDBC J-aggregates in wa- measured using hyperspectral imaging – an approach ter and chemical structure of TDBC monomer. Middle: that allows for parallel sampling of many isolated par- SchematicviewofaJ-aggregatesheet. Right: Cryo-TEMim- ticles[4,5](Fig. S3). Controlexperimentsensuringthat age of several overlapped J-aggregate sheets. (b) Left: Scat- thescatteringdipsindeedoriginatefromplasmon-exciton tering spectrum of a bare nanoprism with a quality factor of 17.6. Middle: Schematic view of a silver nanoprism. Right: coupling were performed: monitoring spectral evolution SEM image of the prism. (c) Left: Scattering spectrum of asafunctionofJ-aggregatephotodecomposition(Fig.3), single nanoprism strongly coupled to J-aggregates, resulting fluorescence of hybrid systems (Fig. S8) and bare silver in a pronounced scattering dip. The hybrid plasmon-exciton nanoparticle scattering measurements (Fig. S4, S9). branches, ω and ω , are split by 295 meV, while their full + − To determine whether the plasmon-exciton system widthsathalfmaximaare200meVand130meVrespectively. is strongly coupled, we describe our scattering spec- Middle: Schematic view of the coupled system. Right: SEM tra in terms of the classical coupled harmonic oscillator image of the corresponding prism. Scale bars are 50 nm. model, which predicts upper and lower plasmon-exciton branches in agreement with the quantum mechanical ∼20,splitting-to-dampingratios(2g/γ )ashighas∼1.5 Jaynes-Cummings picture [26, 39, 40]: pl and vacuum Rabi splitting up to ∼280 meV involving (cid:114) N ∼ 70-85 excitons in the mode volume. Furthermore, 1 δ2 ω = (ω +ω )± g2+ , (1) our morphological and spectral measurements and anal- ± 2 pl 0 4 ysis of a wide range of samples reveal complex spectral features as a result of diversity of silver nanoprisms and Here g is the coupling rate, ωpl and ω0 are plasmon and inhomogeneous distribution of J-aggregates around the exciton resonance energies and δ = ωpl −ω0 is the de- nanostructures,includingalmost100%transparencydips tuning. The plasmon-exciton branches can be directly and distinct Fano shaped scattering spectra. accessed from the scattering data (Fig. 1c). Assuming To achieve strong coupling between a cavity and an the exciton resonance and width are homogeneous over emitter, it is essential to combine a high-Q/low-V cav- the whole set of experiments (ω0 ≈ 2.11 eV and γ0 ≈ ity with a high oscillator strength of the emitter. For 100meV),weobtainthevacuumRabisplittingΩR =2g, this reason, we specifically chose silver nanoprisms and plasmon resonance and plasmon linewidth from Eq. (1) (cid:112) J-aggregates, since the former possess low damping due asΩR =2 (ω+−ω0)(ω0−ω−),ωpl =ω++ω−−ω0and to small geometrical volumes and high crystalline qual- γpl = γ+ +γ− −γ0 , where γ± is the full width at half ity,whilethetransitiondipolemomentµ ofthelatteris maximum of the corresponding plasmon-exciton branch. J largeduetoasingleelectronexcitationbeingdelocalized ThequalityfactoriscalculatedasQ= ωpl. Thecoupled γpl over many adjacent molecules – all contributing to the oscillatormodelisanalternativetodirectdetermination oscillator strength [25]. The specific molecule we use is of Ω via anti-crossing at zero detuning, which is typi- R a cyanine dye called TDBC that forms J-aggregates in callyusedincaseofe.g. tunablephotoniccrystalcavities watersolutionwithasingleexcitondelocalizedover∼15 [6]. Herethenanocavityresonancesarenottunable,how- molecules at room temperature [2]. Figure 1a shows the ever, by looking at the upper and lower plasmon-exciton 3 allow to infer whether the system satisfies the strong coupling condition and on the other to estimate N and V through the standard relation for the coupling rate (cid:112) g/γ ∼ Q N/V [11]. That said, in Fig. 2a we plot pl 2g/γ as a function of L−2 (mimicking dependence on pl V)andobservethatseveralplasmon-excitonsystemsex- hibit strong coupling, i.e. 2g/γ > 1. We also ob- pl serve that 2g/γ increases for smaller particles, how- pl ever, the correlation is not very strong, which is likely due to the diversity of the nanoprisms and inhomoge- neous distribution of molecules around them. To verify whether such spread is realistic, we performed electro- dynamic FDTD calculations (Fig. S6), which show that silver nanoprisms indeed can be expected to have Q val- uesintherangeof8-14andthemodevolumeintherange of V =1−7×104 nm3 in good correlation with geomet- rical volume. Such mode volume dispersion agrees well with the 2g/γ spread shown in Fig. 2a. We would like pl √ FIG. 2. (color online) Distribution of single nanoparticle pa- to stress here that a quantity Q/ V, which character- rameters extracted using the coupled oscillator model. (a) Ratio between Rabi splitting and plasmon damping (2g) as izes the cavity in terms of its coupling ability and there- γpl fore referred to in the literature as the figure-of-merit afunctionofinvertedgeometricalvolume(L−2). Strongcou- for strong coupling related phenomena [11, 43], is about pling is reached when 2g > γ is fulfilled. Inset: energy pl density (cid:15)|E|2 distribution around a silver nanoprism, show- ∼6.3×103 µm−3/2 in case of silver nanoprisms studied ing that V is well approximated by geometrical volume, i.e. here (Q = 20 and V = 10000 nm3 = 10−5 µm3), which V ∼ L2. (b) Distributions of Rabi splitting Ω , (c) plas- is only 5 times smaller than state-of-art photonic crystal R mondampingγpl,(d)plasmonresonancefrequenciesωpl,(e) cavities∼3.2×104µm−3/2(Q=10000andV =0.1µm3 quality factors, and (f) nanoprisms’ side lengths. – parameters taken from Ref. [11]). This implies that plasmonicnanoparticles,especiallyintheformofweakly radiating single crystalline nanoprisms studied here, are branches for all measured nanoprisms (Fig. S5), we ob- indeed very prominent alternatives to photonic crystal serve that the resulting curves resemble an anti-crossing and microring resonator cavities. behavior with Ω of ∼170 meV, in good agreement with R Fig. 2b. The analysis reveals that ω , γ , Q and Ω To elucidate how many excitons contribute to the pl pl R of the coupled plasmon-exciton systems are distributed observed interactions, we used the experimentally ob- acrossabroadrangeofvalues(Fig.2b-e),reflectingvari- tained values for g together with numerically evaluated ations in particle morphology (Fig. 2f) as well as in the V, and compared them using the standard relations for number of excitons contributing to the coupling process, the coupling rate and the vacuum field. For the two √ (cid:113) N. Since g = Nµ |E |, where |E | = (cid:126)ω is limiting cases representing the data (g = 140 meV, J vac vac 2(cid:15)(cid:15)0V V = 10000 nm3 and g = 50 meV, V = 70000 nm3), √ the vacuum field and V is the mode volume [11], we weestimate Nµ = g ≈170−190Debye. µ isin- should comment on the physical meaning of V for plas- J |Evac| J dependently evaluated from the extinction measurement monic cavities. Following [7, 42], we note that in case in water solution of J-aggregates ≈20.5 Debye (Fig. S2) of small plasmonic nanoparticlesis the mode volume is and thus the overall number of excitons contributing to well approximated by the geometrical volume, becasue g is ≈ 70−85, while the number of TDBC monomers the energy density – (cid:15)|E|2 is concentrated mostly in the is ∼ 1000. Although, the current realization is rather metal(Fig.2ainset). ThisimpliesthatV isgivenbythe far from the quantum optics limit, by extrapolating the nanoprismsidelengh,L,asV ∼L2sincethenanoprism’s couplingdowntoasingleexcitonweobtaing =15meV, heightisconstant10nm. Thus,thecouplingprocesscan which can be realistically increased by further compress- be seen as given by only two parameters – N and L. ing the mode volume and increasing µ . Forfurtheranalysisweshouldfirstconfineourselvesto J a specific criterion of strong coupling taken as 2g > γ The plasmon-exciton system used in our study is pl in this study. This is a rather strict criterion in com- amenable for realizing a wide range of light-matter in- parison to 2g > (γ −γ )/2 or 2g > (γ +γ )/2 used teractions (Fig. 2a). To illustrate this diversity we have pl 0 pl 0 in other works [6, 34] and therefore satisfaction of this chosenandcharacterizedfiveofthenanoprismsingreater strict condition automatically implies satisfaction of all detail. The realized coupling regimes range from very theweakerones. Theparametersextractedfromthecou- strong to weak. Figure 3a shows a strongly coupled pled oscillator model – 2g, ω and γ – on one hand plasmon-excitonsystemwithaRabisplittingof162meV, pl pl 4 Interestingly,thespectruminFig.3dexhibitsanearly completesuppressionofscatteringinthestrongcoupling regime (i.e. zero-scattering), with 2g ≈ 200 meV dom- inating over γ ≈ 174 meV. From Ref. [8, 14], it can pl be shown that very pronounced dips in scattering re- sponse can be achieved when √2g (cid:29) 1, which is true γ0γpl for both Fig. 1c and Figs. 3a,d, suggesting that strong coupling is accompanied not only by large splitting but also by nearly complete suppression of scattering. The phenomenon of zero scattering requires that the absorp- tion cross-section of these nanostructures should be also strongly suppressed, in accordance with the optical the- orem. To illustrate this, we perform FDTD caclula- tions using realistic nanoprism-J-aggregate parameters (Fig. 3f), which indicate that spectral dips are present not only in scattering but also in absorption – as antici- pated in case of strong coupling [18]. Finally, in Fig. 3e, we observe an asymmetric Fano lineshape in the plasmon-exciton system, arising due to FIG. 3. (color online) Diversity of plasmon-exciton interac- interaction between narrow J-aggregate resonance and a tions. (a) A single nanoparticle–J-aggregate system shown broaddetunedplasmonresonance(ω ≈1.83 eV(cid:28)ω ). together with laser-induced J-aggregate photodegradation 2 pl 0 and10minutesaftercontinuouslaserilluminationforstrongly This example aims at illustrating similarities between coupled 2g > (γ ,γ ), (b) intermediate coupling – γ > various aspects of plasmon related phenomena often re- pl 0 pl 2g > γ0 and (c) weak coupling regimes 2g (cid:28) γpl. (d) Near- ferredasFanoresonances,strongcouplingorelectromag- completesuppressionofscattering(zero-scattering)ataround netically induced transparency. theJ-band(588nm)inthestrongcouplingregime. (e)Fano- shapedscatteringspectrum. SEMimagesofthenanoparticles In all five cases presented in Fig. 3, independently of areshownininsets. Thescalebarsare50nm. (f)FDTDcal- therealizedscenario,thescatteringdipsgraduallydisap- culated absorption and scattering, note the splitting of both peared upon laser-induced J-aggregate degradation, im- cross sections. plying that the diversity arises directly from plasmon- exciton interactions. Indeed, SEM images confirm that in each case a spectrum originated from an isolated whileγ =109meVandQ≈20.2,resultinginavalueof nanoprism. Fluorescence spectra of these plasmon- pl 2g ofabout1.5–averyhighnumberforbothplasmonic exciton systems (Fig. S8) are much broader than flu- γpl orescence of the free J-aggregates in solution, indicat- and photonic systems [6, 8, 34]. Importantly, Fig. 3a ing strong interaction between J-aggregates and surface shows a system with relatively modest Rabi splitting of plasmons. Note that control experiments on bare silver ∼162meV,whilethemaximumobservedinthisstudyis nanoprisms showed that the laser illumination does not ∼280meV,yetitisdeepinthestrongcouplingregime– affect the nanoparticles’ shape and spectra (Fig. S9). achieved due to relatively high Q in this case. In Fig. 3b we show the scattering spectrum for a nanoprism resem- Inconclusion, stronglight-matterinteractionsrealized bling a case of intermediate coupling (γ > 2g > γ ). in the single crystal nanoprisms studied here outper- pl 0 Here,2g =151meV,whileγ =184meVandQ≈11.6. form all previously reported realizations, including Ag pl The characteristic of this regime is that the dip is not as nanorods [8] and Au dimers [34] in terms of degree of pronounced as in the strong coupling case – a result of cou√pling – 2g/γpl – and strong coupl√ing figure-of-merit increasedγ andanaverageQ. However,couplinginthe Q/ V. We note that 2g/γ and Q/ V are more rele- pl pl intermediate regime is still more pronounced than in the vant for the description of strong coupling than the vac- weak coupling case shown in Fig. 3c, where the scatter- uum Rabi splitting alone, no matter how high the lat- ing spectrum is only slightly suppressed at the position ter is. 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Antosiewicz, Mikael K¨all, and Timur Shegai Department of Applied Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, 412 06 G¨oteborg, Sweden Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw, Banacha 2c, 02-097 Warszawa, Poland CONTENTS environment and pH. By optimizing these parameters, the aqueous solution of TDBC dye was prepared at References 5 concentration of ∼ 10 µM in 5 mM NaOH. 50 µl of Ag solution was mixed with 50 µl of J-aggregate solution. Methods 6 The mixture was let for incubation overnight. The J-aggregate/Ag nanoparticles mixture was then applied S1: Structural characterization of J-aggregates/Ag to a TEM grid precoated with polylysine. nanoparticle hybrids 7 S2: Extinction of a free J-aggregate 8 Optical measurements Single particle dark-field S3: Hyperspectral imaging 9 scattering and fluorescence measurements were per- formed in an inverted microscope (Nikon TE-2000E) S4: Bare Ag nanoprisms statistics 10 equippedwithvariablenumericalapertureoilimmersion objective (100X, NA = 0.5-1.3, Nikon). A tunable liquid S5: Mode anti-crossing and scattering data for all crystal filter (VariSpec, 400-720 nm), that is transpar- nanoparticles 10 ent for light of only certain wavelength and linear polar- ization was used together with iXon EM-CCD detector S6: Numerical calculations of electromagnetic near (Andor) for hyperspectral imaging. Nearly isotropic in- fields, mode volumes and quality factors for plane polarization response of the nanoprisms justifies uncovered silver nanoprisms 11 usage of the tunable filter in a single polarization chan- nel. The transmission window of the liquid crystal filter S7: Numerical calculations of scattering and was 10 nm. The liquid crystal filter was set to perform absorption cross-sections of nanoprisms interacting wavelength steps of 1 nm between successive images and with J-aggregate sheets 12 synchronized with the CCD-chip. The hyperspectral im- ages were recorded in sequences with wavelengths rang- S8: Fluorescence data for five exemplary ing from 500-720 nm and 535-650 nm for the dark-field nanoparticles with diverse coupling 13 and fluorescence measurements respectively. In case of S9: Control measurements on bare Ag nanoprisms 14 triangular nanoprisms studied here, the method has an additional technical advantage, that is, many of the par- References 14 ticlesturnedouttobeaggregatesofseveralsilverprisms, thereby effectively lowering the throughput of the mea- surements. Onlysinglenanoparticledatawasanalyzedin METHODS this study. In dark-field measurements, an air dark-field condenser (Nikon, NA = 0.8-0.95) was used. Tungsten Sample preparation The Ag colloidal particles halogen lamp was used to illuminate the sample. Even were synthesized by the light-induced ripening process when driven at the maximum power, the light intensity [1]. TDBC dye (5,6-Dichloro-2- [[5,6-dichloro-1-ethyl-3- from the lamp was still low enough to ensure no signif- (4-sulfobutyl)-benzimidazol-2-ylidene]-propenyl]-1-ethyl- icant photodegradation of the dye samples. For fluores- 3-(4-sulfobutyl)-benzimidazolium hydroxide, inner salt, cence measurements, the sample was illuminated with a sodium salt) was purchased from FEW Chemicals. The 532 nm laser at power of 100 W/cm2 in epi-illumination formation of J-aggregates from monomers depends on mode. The colored Rayleigh scattering and fluorescence a number of factors including dye concentration, ionic images were taken by Nikon D300s DSLR camera. 7 FIG.S1. StructuralcharacterizationoffreeandcoupledJ-aggregates. (a)SEMofAgnanoprism–J-aggregate(pink)composites ontopofgoldfilm(grainybackground). (b)TopographyofJ-aggregatesheetsontopofsiliconsubstrateasrecordedbyAFM. Top: a single layer. Bottom: bi- and tri- layers of J-aggregates. (c) J-aggregate sheets characterized by cryo-TEM. Inset: a single folded flake. Electron microscopy High-vacuum scanning elec- S1: STRUCTURAL CHARACTERIZATION OF tron microscopy (SEM) with 2 kV acceleration voltage J-AGGREGATES/AG NANOPARTICLE was used for imaging the single nanoparticles. As de- HYBRIDS scribed in the sample preparation section, the particles were applied on top of a copper-grid substrate contain- The results of our morphological characterization are ingseveraldistincthollowquadrants. Eachquadrantwas summarized in Figure S1. The data show that J- supported with a very thin membrane on which the par- aggregates are organized in large planar sheets of about ticles finally landed. Furthermore, in the center of the ∼3 nm thickness (see AFM scan) – somewhat similar to copper-grid, an asymmetric alignment mark was present 2D materials e.g. graphene. Multiple layers, folded re- which enabled us to locate and map out the quadrant gionsanddefectsaresometimesseenasevidencedbydif- of interest. Each particle inside a given quadrant was ferent level of contrast observed in both AFM and cryo- correlated with a corresponding optical image, based on TEM images. AFM Scans along various directions (see which a correlated SEM-optical map was obtained. Fig. S1b Bottom) show that the height profile varies 8 optical data presented in Figs. 1-3 probably originates from J-aggregates whose lateral dimensions are compa- rable,butnotmuchlargerthanthesizeofthenanoprism. These reasonably small J-aggregates are hard to directly visualize in SEM, nonetheless the structures shown in Figure S1a provide a reasonable idea of the plasmon- molecule organization. This hypothesis is additionally supported by numerical simulations using realistic di- mensions and oscillator strength for the J-aggregate lay- ers (see Figs. S7-S9). S2: EXTINCTION OF A FREE J-AGGREGATE Free dye parameters An extinction measurement performed on free J-aggregates in water solution can be used to evaluate independently. In these estimations, it FIG. S2. Extinction optical density spectrum of 15 µM J- is important to have in mind that the exciton is strongly aggregateTDBCdyemoleculesmixedin0.2mMNaOHbuffer delocalizedovermanymoleculesformingtheJ-bandand solution. The measurement was conducted with the solution that each of the molecules involved contributes to the placed in a 0.4 cm thick quartz cuvette. total oscillator strength of the transition. For TDBC, the literature suggests the room-temperature delocaliza- in steps of about 2.5-3 nm, indicating occasional forma- tion to occur over N ≈ 15 molecules, irrespectively of d tion of bi-, tri- and multi-layers. The lateral size distri- the actual physical size of the aggregate, which can be bution of J-aggregate flakes is rather broad and ranges much larger [2]. Keeping the delocalization in mind, one fromaboutfewtensofnanometerstotensofmicrons(see can obtain the absorption cross-section of the exciton as cryo-TEM). The largest of them can be easily observed σJ ≈ 2.3nDmNld ≈ 2.15×10−14 cm2, where D is the ex- in scattering. tinction optical density (∼2.25 at maximum), n is the m Silver nanoparticles were found to lie flat either above concentration of monomers (15 µM = 9 × 1015 cm−3) or below J-aggregate sheets (see Fig. S1a). As is seen and l is the light path length (0.4 cm) in the extinc- from those examples, due to very broad size distribution tion measurement. Transition dipole moment charac- of J-aggregates, some of them can in principle be much terizing the delocalized exciton is then given by [3], larger than nanoprisms. If such a system is observed µ = ( 3 (cid:126)σ γ (cid:15) λ)0.5 , where γ is the FWHM of the J 4π2 J 0 0 0 in a scattering experiment, most of the aggregate would extinction spectrum (in s−1), (cid:15) – vacuum permittivity 0 not couple to the plasmon mode at all, but the non- and λ is the resonance wavelength. Substituting all the interacting part would nevertheless contribute to scat- measuredparameters,weobtainthechargedisplacement tering at J-band wavelength a situation that was never d≈4.3 ˚A and the dipole moment µ =ed≈20.5 Debye J observedinexperiments. Wethereforeconcludethatthe of one exciton. 9 FIG.S3. Illustrationofhyperspectralimagingforsinglenanoparticlemeasurements. Thelowercentralimagedisplaystheactual dark-field scattering map, where each colorful spot corresponds to Rayleigh scattering emitted by a single Ag nanoparticle or aggregate. Particles(1)and(2)aremarkedwithvioletcirclesandtheircorrespondingspectraareshownnexttothedark-field map. SEM images and color-coded dark-field images recorded at wavelength corresponding to peaks and dips in the spectra are shown in the inset. Upper figure sequence show the change in pixel intensity for five different wavelengths using the same dark-field image with a tunable liquid crystal filter applied in front of the CCD. S3: HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGING Inthisstudytheexperimentsweredonebyusingahy- spectra together with their SEM images are shown. The perspectral imaging technique utilizing a tunable liquid first particle (p1) exhibits a suppressed scattering at crystal filter. The concept of “spectroscopy by imag- around the J-aggregate resonance, however, the mode ing” is illustrated in Fig. S3. Rayleigh scattering images splittingdoesnotovercometheplasmonresonancewidth. in dark-field configuration were recorded at a number of Thesecondparticle(p2),ontheotherhand,showsmuch spectrally narrow intervals controlled by a tunable fil- wider splitting which clearly overwhelms both plasmon ter. The scattering spectrum was then reconstructed by andmoleculardecoherenceratesandthereforeentersthe monitoring the intensity of a given particle as a func- true strong coupling regime. Vacuum Rabi splitting for tion of wavelength. This procedure allows for parallel thecaseofparticle(2)reachesabout300meV,wellabove sampling of many isolated particles over the entire vis- theplasmonresonancewidth,asshowninFig. S3. These ible range and tremendously increases the throughput two particles, and the brief analysis of their spectral dif- of single nanoparticle spectroscopy measurements [4, 5]. ferences, aim at illustrating the power of hyperspectral Dark-field scattering images of silver nanoparticles/J- imaging for single particle spectroscopy. aggregateshybridsrecordedinthiswayareshowninthe top row of Fig. S3 (for five exemplary wavelengths 500, 560, 580, 600, and 620 nm). The images are approxi- mately35×35µm. Tworepresentativesinglenanoprism 10 S4: BARE AG NANOPRISMS STATISTICS FIG. S4. Distribution of ω , γ side lengths and quality factors for bare silver nanoprisms not interacting with J-aggregates. pl pl The values are based on optical and SEM measurements on single nanoparticle. Average values correspond to ω ≈2.07 eV, pl γ ≈170meV,L≈80nmandQ≈12,whichagreeswellwiththeaveragevaluesofcorrespondingparametersextractedusing pl thecoupledoscillatormodelandshowninFig. 2ofthemaintext,aswellaswithSEMdataforcouplednanoprismsshownin Fig. 2f. S5: MODE ANTI-CROSSING AND SCATTERING DATA FOR ALL NANOPARTICLES FIG. S5. (a) Hybridized mode frequencies (ω ,ω ) plotted against the detuning δ. The plot resembles anti-crossing behavior + − with average vacuum Rabi splitting of Ω ≈170 meV. (b) Scattering spectra for all studied nanoparticles, ordered according R to detuning.

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