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Preview Real-time density matrix renormalization group dynamics of spin and charge transport in push-pull polyenes and related systems

Real-time density matrix renormalization group dynamics of spin and charge transport in push-pull polyenes and related systems Tirthankar Dutta1,2,∗ and S. Ramasesha1,† 2 1Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India 1 0 2Condensed Matter Theory Unit, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for 2 Advanced Scientific Research, Jakkur Post, Bangalore 560064, India. n Inthispaperweinvestigatetheeffectofterminalsubstituentsonthedynamicsofspinandcharge a transportindonor-acceptorsubstitutedpolyenes(D−(CH) −A)chains,alsoknownaspush-pull J x polyenes. We employ a long-range correlated model Hamiltonian for the D−(CH)x−A system, 7 andtime-dependentdensitymatrix renormalization grouptechniquefortimepropagating thewave 2 packet obtained by injecting a hole at a terminal site, in the ground state of the system. Our studies reveal that the end groups do not affect spin and charge velocities in any significant way, ] l but change the amount of charge transported. We have compared these push-pull systems with e donor-acceptor substituted polymethineimine (PMI), D−(CHN) −A,systems in which besides - x r electron affinities, the nature of pz orbitals in conjugation also alternate from site to site. Wenote t that spin and charge dynamics in the PMIs are very different from that observed in the case of s . push-pull polyenes, and within the time scale of our studies, transport of spin and charge leads to t a theformation of a “quasi-static” state. m PACSnumbers: 72.15.Nj,72.80.Le,71.10.Fd - d n o I. INTRODUCTION of spin and charge transport in unsubstituted polyenes, c which are a class of π-conjugated organic materials, us- [ ingthedoubletimewindowtargeting(DTWT)td-DMRG 4 Conjugated organic materials have a variety of ap- technique developed by us.12 In the present paper we v plications. They are already being used in organic extend our studies to address non-equilibrium spin and 0 light emitting diodes (OLEDS) and organic thin-film chargedynamicsin the push-pull polyenes,characterized 3 transistors.1–4 They are also considered to be potential by the presence of an electron donating (push) group, 1 candidates for single-molecule electronic and spintronic and an electron accepting (pull) group, schematically 0 devices. The issue of spin and charge transport in π- represented as D−(CH) −A. Presence of the donor . x 2 conjugatedorganicsystems,therefore,isofprimeimpor- andacceptor groupspolarizes the π-electronbridge such 0 tance. Thus,itisbothimportantandnecessarytounder- that there is partial charge transfer from the donor to 1 standtheroleofchemicalmodifications(substituents)on the acceptor group. The electronic structure of a push- 1 the dynamics of spin and charge transport in these sys- pull polyene can be described by two canonical valence : v tems. Electrons in these molecular materials experience bond (VB) structures, namely, a neutral polyene struc- i strong electron correlations by virtue of reduced dimen- X ture and a zwitterionic structure, also known as charge sionalityandtheseinteractionsarealsolong-rangedsince transfer(CT) configuration, where an electron is trans- r a the systems are semiconducting. Therefore, to study ferred from D to A.13 This leads to the naive expecta- transport of charge and spin in these systems, it is nec- tion that these groups will have significant influence on essary to have appropriate models as well as techniques. spin-chargedynamics. The push-pull polyeneshavebeen Dynamics in interacting systems can be studied either so far studied mostly in the context of nonlinear optical in the frequency or in the real-time domain. The dy- response.13–15 namics of strongly interacting systems in the frequency domainhasbeenpossibledue tothe Lanczosandcorrec- In this paper we report our time-dependent DMRG tion vector techniques5–8 using both exact diagonaliza- studies on the spin and charge transport in push-pull tion method for small systems, and the density matrix polyenes and compare these results with those on poly- renormalization group (DMRG) method for large sys- methine imines whicharequasione-dimensionalsystems tems. with alternate C and N atoms in the conjugation back- bone. The organizationof the paper is as follows: In the Studying dynamics in the real-time domain throws a next section we provide details about the model Hamil- lotmorelightintothe transportmechanism. Exacttime tonianandthecomputationalmethodusedinthisstudy. dependent techniques are possible only for small inter- In Sec. III we present our results with discussions. Sec- acting systems. The advent of the time-dependent den- tion IV concludes the paper. sity matrix renormalization group (td-DMRG) method has allowed the study of out-of-equilibrium dynamics inlargelow-dimensionalstronglycorrelatedsystems.9–11 Recently,wehaveinvestigatednon-equilibriumdynamics 2 II. MODEL AND COMPUTATIONAL For studying the dynamics of spin and charge trans- METHODOLOGY port, an initial wave packet | ψ(0)i is constructed by annihilating an up spin electron from the first site of a push-pull polyene of N sites, in the ground state, |φ0 i, The Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) Hamiltonian16 with gs dimerization and site energies is appropriate for describ- |ψ(0)i=c |φ0 i. (3) 1,↑ gs ing the lowenergyphysics ofπ-conjugatedsystems. The PPP model Hamiltonian is given by Thewavepacket|ψ(0)ievolvesundertheinfluenceofthe PPPHamiltonian[Eq. (1)]followingthetime-dependent N−1 Schr”odinger equation and temporal dependence of site HˆPPP = Xi=1 Xσ t0[1−(−1)iδ](cˆ†i,σcˆi+1,σ+h.c.) tchhiasrgweavdeenpsaictykehtncia(nt)ib,eacnodmspiutetesdpains,density hszi(t)i, of N N U i (1) + ǫinˆi+ 2 nˆi(nˆi−1) hni(t)i=hψ(t)|(ni,σ+ni,−σ)|ψ(t)i, (4) Xi=1 Xi=1 1 hsz(t)i= hψ(t)|(n −n )|ψ(t)i. (5) + Vij(nˆi−zi)(nˆj −zj). i 2 i,σ i,−σ Xi>j Here, |ψ(t)i is the wave packet at time t. Here, N is the number of carbon atoms in the polyene Real-time dynamics of the initial wave packet is stud- chain, cˆ†i,σ (cˆi,σ) creates (annihilates) an electron with iedusingtheDTWTscheme,12withthefollowingspecifi- spinorientationσinthep orbitaloftheithcarbonatom, cations: numberofdensitymatrixeigenvectors(DMEVs) z t is the average transfer integral and, δ (0 ≤ δ ≤ 1) is retained, m = 300, time-step for evolution ∆τ = 0.0066 0 the bond alternation parameter. The orbital energy and fs, total evolution time T = 33.0 fs, the number of time on-site Coulomb repulsion of the p orbital on the ith stepsineachwindowiskeptat130whichcorrespondsto z carbon atom are given by ǫ and U , respectively and nˆ 0.858 fs, and the number of windows is 39. Although we i i i is the number operator on the ith site. V is the inter- compute charge (spin) density at all the sites, we focus ij site Coulomb repulsion between sites i and j, and z is only on the quantities hn (t)i and hn (t)i and, hsz(t)i i 1 L 1 the on-site chemical potential at the ith site. In case and hsz(t)i at the terminal sites attached to the sub- L of unsubstituted polyene systems,18 U = 11.26 eV, ǫ stituents as these are sufficient for our purpose. i i = 0 and z = 1, for all sites, t = −2.4 eV and δ = i 0 Another class of donor-acceptor substituted systems 0.07. The intersite interaction between electrons, V , is ij examined are the polymethine imines (PMI), with the interpolatedaccordingtotheOhnoscheme,17 betweenU molecularformulaD−(CHN) −A.22–25 Thesesystems for r = 0 and e2 for r → ∞ as, x r have alternately donor (C) and acceptor (N) atoms in conjugation. The bonding in this polymer corresponds 2 −1/2 28.794 to ···−CH =N−CH =N −··· and both carbonand V = 14.397 + r2 . (2) ij (cid:20)(cid:18)U +U (cid:19) ij(cid:21) nitrogenatomsareinsp2 hybridization. Thissystemhas i j beenstudiedextensivelyforlinearandnon-linearoptical We have used single-bond length of 1.495 ˚A, double- properties. The nitrogen2pz orbitalsarelowerinenergy bond length of 1.299 ˚A, and a bond angle of 120o be- than the carbon 2pz orbitals and intra-orbital repulsion tweensuccessivebonds. Theseparametershavecorrectly of the nitrogen 2pz orbitals are greater than that of the predicted a whole range of properties of the low-lying carbon 2pz orbitals, both these can be rationalized on states of conjugated systems in general and polyenes in the basis of the more compact 2p orbitals in nitrogen particular.19–21 When push and pull groups are intro- compared to carbon. The transfer integrals for C = N duced, we assume that only the energies of those p or- and C −N are −2.767 eV and −2.317 eV, respectively; z bitals to which the push and pull groups are attached, C =N andC−N bondlengthsare1.273˚Aand1.425˚A; change due to inductive effect and all other parameters UC =11.26eV,UN =12.34eV;ǫC =0.0eV,ǫN =−2.96 of the model remain unchanged. The donor group raises eV. The initial wave packet is constructed as before [see the orbital energy of the first carbon atom to which it Eq. (3)] and time evolvedby the DTWT scheme using a is attached by +ǫ , while the acceptor group lowers the smaller time-step of ∆τ = 0.0033 fs, necessitated by the D orbital energy of the last carbon atom to which it is at- larger transfer integrals. tachedby−ǫ ,whereǫ andǫ >0. Weassumethatǫ A D A D = −ǫ (symmetric push-pull polyenes). We have stud- A ied push-pull polyenes of 30 and 40 carbon atoms with III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION terminalpushandpullgroups,andhavevariedthepush- pullstrength|ǫ|. Although,presenceofthepushandpull groups destroys both the electron-hole and the inversion In the absence of source and sink, the charge and spin symmetry, the total spin invariance of the Hamiltonian, of the hole decouple (spin-charge separation) and oscil- remains preserved. late between sites 1 and L, with time. Hence, the time 3 TABLEI:Variationin ϑhL and ϑsL inthedimerized(δ=0.07) ϑF ϑF Hubbard model with chain lengths 30 and 40, for U = 2.0, |t| 4.0and6.0. Thesamequantitiesfortheδ =0.07PPPmodel is also quoted. M and Q stand for model and quantities, respectively. @M U = 2.0 U = 4.0 U = 6.0 PPP Q@@ |t| |t| |t| N 30 40 30 40 30 40 30 40 ϑh/ϑ 1.33 1.32 1.35 1.39 1.30 1.18 5.05 4.80 L F ϑs/ϑ 0.97 0.91 0.69 0.80 0.68 0.80 2.49 2.63 L F inthetimeevolutionprofilesofhn (t)iandhsz(t)i. From 1 1 thesetimes,thechargeandspinvelocitiesoftheinjected hole are calculated as, ϑs/h = L and ϑs/h = 2L . L τs/h 2L τs/h L L The dynamics ofspin andchargetransportin systems with reduced dimensionality and electron-electron inter- actions, are expected to be different from each other, owing to spin-charge separation. When electron corre- lationsareabsent,thechargeandspinvelocities,ϑh and L ϑs,areequalto the Fermivelocity, ϑ . Fromourearlier L F td-DMRG studies26 we havefound thatthe Fermiveloc- itiesoftight-bindingchainsoflengths30and40are2.63 and 2.72 (˚A/fs) respectively, for δ = 0.0, and 2.43 and 2.49(˚A/fs), respectively,for δ = 0.07. TableI presents a comparison of the ratio of ϑh/ϑ and ϑs/ϑ , for Hub- L F L F bard chains of 30 and 40 sites with different U values |t| FIG. 1: (color online) Temporal variation of hn (t)i and and δ = 0.07. These quantities are also computed for i hsz(t)i for dimerized (δ = 0.07) push-pull polyenes. Panels dimerized PPP chains with 30 and 40 sites, with |ǫ| = i (I) and (II) are for N = 30 chains while (III) and (IV) are 0.0,andcomparedwith those ofHubbardchains. As ev- for N = 40 chains. Panels (I) and (III) give evolution of identfromTableI,the valuesofthe ratiosofϑh/ϑ and L F charge while (II) and (IV) give spin density evolution. In ϑs/ϑ are much higher in the PPP model compared to L F each panel, bottom box gives the evolution of site 1 and the the Hubbard model, due to the presence of long-range top box, evolution at the end of the chain L. In the charge electron-electron interactions. densitypanels((I)and(III))|ǫ|is0.0eV,0.5eV,1.0eV,1.5 eV and 2.0 eV for curves from top to bottom in the hn (t)i As with unsubstituted polyenes,12 in push-pull 1 boxes, and from bottom to top in the hnL(t)i boxes. The polyenes (Fig. 1) the spin propagates slower than the same is the case in the spin density panels ((II) and (IV)). charge with τs > τh (ϑs < ϑh ). However, L/2L L/2L L/2L L/2L In color, |ǫ| = 0.0 eV (black), 0.5 eV (red), 1.0 eV (green), wefindthattheDandAgroupshavenosignificanteffect 1.5 eV (blue), 2.0 eV (maroon) curves. The positions of τh 2L on spin and charge velocities in the push-pull polyenes. and τh in (I) and (III), and τs and τs in (II) and (IV), L 2L L Consequently,the chargeandspinvelocitiesinpush-pull are indicated with arrows. polyenes remain almost equal to those in unsubstituted polyenes (Table II). The push-pull substitution however, has an effect on the amount of charge transported, as evolution profiles of hn (t)i and hsz(t)i (i = 1 and L), i i seenfromthedepthsoftheminimainthetimeevolution consist of a series of maxima and minima. The time τh L profiles of hn (t)i and hn (t)i. However, depth of the taken for the charge of the hole, and τs for the spin of 1 L L minima in hsz(t)i or hsz(t)i do not change (see Fig. 1), thehole,topropagatefromsite1tositeL,isrepresented 1 L implying that the push-pull groups have no influence on by the time at which the first major minimum (dip) ap- the spin degree of freedom of the hole. pearsinthe timeevolutionprofileofhn (t)iandhsz(t)i, L L respectively. Time requiredby the charge degree of free- This implies that even though the spin and charge ve- dom, τh , andspin degree offreedom, τs , ofthe hole to locities in D −(CH) −A polyenes remain largely un- 2L 2L x traveltheroundtripfromsite1→L→1,isrepresented affected by the donor-acceptor strengths, the amount of by the time at which the second major minima appears charge transferred in unit time decreases with increase 4 TwAithBLchEaIinI:lVenagritahti(oLn)o,finτLhsyamnmdeτtLsri(cfsp)uasnhd-p,uϑlhLlpaonldyeϑnsLe(c˚Aha/ifnss) 6 N = 30 ττhsLL 1.5 N = 30 11//∆∆EECS p oPfPlePngmtohd,e3l0paanrdam40etseirtsesa,rwe,itth0d=iff−er2e.4ntevVa,luUes=of1|1ǫ.|2(6eVeV).,Tanhde h/sτ304.5 0.75 nverse ga δ = 0.07; L = 1.397(N −1−δ) ˚A, N being the number of i 3 sites, and O stands for Observables. 0 N O |ǫ|=0.0 |ǫ|=0.5 |ǫ|=1.0 |ǫ|=1.5 |ǫ|=2.0 N = 40 N = 40 τLh 2.45 2.45 2.44 2.44 2.42 6 1.5 τs 4.96 4.92 4.90 4.87 4.83 p 30 ϑϑLhLsL 186..1550 186..2520 186..2557 186..3507 186..3771 h/sτ404.5 0.75 inverse ga ϑh/ϑs 2.02 2.01 2.01 2.00 2.00 3 (cid:18) L L(cid:19) 0 τh 3.35 3.34 3.30 3.25 3.19 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 L |ε| |ε| τs 6.10 6.08 6.05 6.03 6.01 L 40 ϑh 16.24 16.28 16.42 16.74 17.05 L ϑsL 8.92 8.95 8.99 9.02 9.05 FIG.2: Variationinτh/s(fs),left-handtopandbottomplots, L (cid:18)ϑhL/ϑsL(cid:19) 1.82 1.82 1.83 1.86 1.88 faunndct1i/o∆nEofc/sstr(eenVg−th1),ofripguhts-hh-apnudlltgorpouapnsd(b|ǫo|t=tom0.0p,lo0t.s5,,a1s.0a, 1.5 and 2.0), for polyene chains of 30 and 40 sites. in |ǫ| as seen from the decrease in depth of the minima, whenaholeisdopedatthedonorsite. Wecanexpectthe opposite of when we dope an electron at the donor site; in push-pull polyenes (where the charge and spin of the more charge will be transported from the donor in these injectedholeafterdecoupling,oscillatebackandforthbe- casesas|ǫ|increases. Ourresultsindicate thatpush-pull tweensites1andL)intheD−(CHN) −Asystems,the x substitutionsdonotalterthemany-bodycharacterofthe oscillations are damped and the spin and charge of the D−(CH)x−Apolyenes,andthatspinandchargeveloc- injected hole do not return after reaching the chain end. ities are controlled by the correlation strength while the This is demonstrated by the observation that, although magnitudeofchargetransferiscontrolledbythestrength the first dip in the time evolution profiles of hn (t)i and L of the substituents. hsz(t)i are well defined, there are no well defined sec- L ond (major) minima in the hn (t)i and hsz(t)i curves as To understandin detail, the reasonfor the inability of 1 1 a function of time. This may be because the hopping the donor and acceptor groups to alter the many-body of an electron between unlike atoms is not a degener- character of the D−(CH) −A polyenes, we compute x ate resonant tunneling process and hence, is not strictly the inverse of the chargegap (∆E ) and spin gap (∆E ) c s reversible. ofthepush-pullpolyenes. IfE (N+1), E (N−1)and gs gs Egs(N) denote the groundstate energies of the (N +1)- In order to investigate the fate of the injected hole, particle, (N−1)-particle and N-particlesystems respec- we study the temporal variationof totalchargeand spin tively, then the charge gap is given by, densities in the left and right halves of PMI chains of 30 and 40 sites, for |ǫ| = 0.0 (Fig. 4). The total charge ∆E =E (N +1)+E (N −1)−2E (N). (6) c gs gs gs and spin densities for the left (right) half are defined as, Similarly, the spin gap is defined as, hNL(R)(t)i= j∈L(R) hnj(t)i,andhSLz(R)(t)i= j∈L(R) hsz(t)i (L ∈P[1,N/2], R ∈ [N/2 + 1,N]), respPectively. ∆E =E (Sz =3/2)−E (Sz =1/2), (7) j s 0 tot 0 tot These quantities serve as simple but effective probes to where, E (Sz =3/2)andE (Sz =1/2)arethelowest understand the motion of charge and spin of the hole, 0 tot 0 tot energy states of the D−(CH) −A polyenes with Sz as they travel from the half of the system where charge x tot injection occured to the opposite half of the system. If 3/2 and 1/2, respectively. In Fig. 2, we have plotted the variation in τh/s and 1/∆E as a function of the the time evolutionprofiles of these observables show sig- L c/s nificant oscillatory behavior, it implies that the charge strength of the push-pull groups. It is clearly observed and spin propagate back and forth between the ends of that the donor-acceptor groups fail to alter either of the the system. However, if the oscillatory behavior is not gaps, as a result of which, the velocities of the spin and pronounced and both the observables attain some aver- charge remain unaffected. age value, it signifies that the charge (spin) moves in a Comparing Figs. 1 and 3 it is clear that the dynam- suchamanner thata “quasi-static”state is generatedin ics of spin and charge transport in the D−(CHN) − which charge (spin) distribution of the system remains x A chains is very different from that in the push-pull unchanged within the time of study. It is observed from polyenes, owing to the different U values and site ener- Fig. 4that forboth the chainlengths, hSz(t)igoes from R gies of carbon and nitrogen atoms. For example, unlike 0.0 to −0.25 while, hSz(t)i goes from an initial value of L 5 (I) (II) N(t)>R151.67.55 30-site PMI chain <<NNLR((tt))>> 30-site PMI chain <<SSzzLR((tt))>> 0 zS(t)>R < < > and 15 -0.25> and <N(t)L141.32.55 -0.5 z<S(t)L 21 N(t)>R20.25 40-site PMI chain 40-site PMI chain 0 zS(t)>R < < > and 19.5 -0.25> and <N(t)L18.75 -0.5 z<S(t)L 18 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 time (fs) time (fs) FIG. 4: Variation in hN (t)i (plots in left box marked L(R) as (I)) and hSz (t)i (plots in right box marked as (II)) L(R) with time, for unsubstituted PMI chains (|ǫ| = 0.0) of 30 and40sites. SolidcurvescorrespondtohN (t)iandhSz(t)i, L L respectively, and dashed curves correspond to hN (t)i and R hSz(t)i. R To understandthis “quasi-static”statein moredetail, we plot the time evolution profiles of charge and spin densities on carbon and nitrogen atoms in both halves of unsubstituted PMI chains of 30 and 40 sites (Fig. 5). These quantities are defined as, hN (t)i= hn (t)i; hSz (t)i= hsz(t)i, (8) L,C j L,C j jX∈C jX∈C hN (t)i= hn (t)i; hSz (t)i= hsz(t)i, (9) R,C j R,C j FIG. 3: (color online) Temporal variation in hni(t)i and jX∈C jX∈C hsz(t)i for polymethine imine system. Panels (I) and (II) i are for N = 30 chains while (III) and (IV) are for N = 40 hNL,N(t)i= hnj(t)i; hSLz,N(t)i= hszj(t)i, (10) chains. Panels (I) and (III) give evolution of charge while jX∈N jX∈N (II) and (IV) give spin density evolution. In each panel, hN (t)i= hn (t)i; hSz (t)i= hsz(t)i, (11) bottomboxgivestheevolutionofsite1andthetopbox,evo- R,N j R,N j lutionattheendofthechainL. Inthechargedensitypanels jX∈N jX∈N ((I)and(III))|ǫ|is0.0eV,0.5eV,1.0eV,1.5eVand2.0eV (12) for curvesfrom top tobottom in thehn (t)iboxes, andfrom 1 bottom to top in the hn (t)i boxes. The same is the case in where L ∈ [1,N/2]and R ∈ [N/2+1,N]. It is observed L the spin density panels ((II) and (IV)). In color, |ǫ| = 0.0 from Figs. 5(II) and 5(IV) that the oscillations in time, eV(black),0.5eV(red),1.0eV(green),1.5eV(blue),2.0eV of hSz (t)i and hSz (t)i, are opposite in phase, L/R,C L/R,N (maroon) curves. In top boxes of the panels (I), (II), (III) signifyingthat spindensities onthe carbonandnitrogen and (IV), τLh and τLs havebeen indicated byblack arrow. atoms (in both half) are antiferromagnetically coupled to each other. However, the total spin density carried by carbon atoms in both halves is found to be less than −0.5 to −0.25. Once these quantities have attained the that carried by the nitrogen atoms. Furthermore it is value of −0.25, they start to oscillate with time about seen that with time, both hSz (t)i and hSz (t)i de- L,C L,N this average value. The charge densities for the left and crease, while hSz (t)i and hSz (t)i increase in mag- R,C R,N righthalves of the PMI chains are however,found to be- nitude, keeping the total spin density in either half at have little differently. In the case of the 30 site chain it −0.25. From Figs. 5(I) and 5(III) we see that the av- is observed that, hN (t)i and hN (t)i take the average erage value of hN (t)i is less than hN (t)i, and L R L/R,C L/R,N valuesof∼14.25and∼14.75,whileforthelongerchainof thetotalchargedensitycarriedbynitrogenatomsonthe 40 sites, these quantities oscillate about a mean value of righthalfof PMI chains is more comparedto that in the ∼19.5. Thesedatasuggestthatinthe(CHN) systems, left half in line with the fact that the nitrogens are the x with increase in system size, within the computational “acceptor” atoms, being more electronegative. The op- time a “quasi-static” state is achieved more rapidly. posite is seen for the carbon atoms. The time evolution 6 (I) (II) (U = 12.34 eV), the average site charge on N atoms N carbon (C) is slightly larger than 1.0 which is observed from the > and <N(t)>L,N7.95 -0.105 nitrogen (N) z> and <S(t)>L,N 1cah1na.d2r6gteheeVdiennaisntiidtaylǫsdCtias=ttrei.b0u.O0t,niotnthheiencoatthrhbeeornnheuaatntrodam,lsdguraoeruetnosdlUigsCthattl=ye <N(t)L,C4.65 -0-.04.53 z<S(t)L,C eglaetcitornonofdtehfiecicehnatrignetahned(CspHinNd)exgrseyessteomf.freTehduosm, porfotphae- 12 hole in this polarized background results in formation <N(t)>R,N10.95 0 z<S(t)>R,N obfotthheth“equchaasir-gsetaatnicd”ssptiantefr,owmhircehtuornncinegfotromthede,spitreevoefnints- <N(t)> and R,C 47..655 -0.15 z<S(t)> and R,C jeenceItnrigoenutnaicssuailbtlysrteiutqnuuftiaervdeosrPraeMbvleeIr.scahlaoinfsp,olτaLhrizaantdionτLsanadreis1h.e7n5cefs, -0.3 and 3.65 fs for N = 30, and 2.01 fs and 6.60 fs for N 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 time (fs) time (fs) = 40. We find that the ϑ /ϑ ratios for the N = 30 h s is 2.08 and for N = 40, 3.29. The ϑ /ϑ ratio for a h s (III) (IV) PMI chain of 30 sites agrees well with that of push-pull 14 polyenewithN =30(|ǫ|=0). However,thisratioforN N(t)>L,N12 carbon (C) 0 z(t)>SL,N t=o4p0u(s|hǫ-|p=ul0l)pioslmyeuncehohfigshaemreinsitzhee.PTMhIischiasinopcpoomspitaeretdo d < 10 nirtrogen (N) -0.15 d < the behavior exhibited by push-pull polyenes, where the n n <N(t)> aL,C 68 -0-.04.53 z(t)> a<SL,C bϑdooht/nhϑosptorslaaytteiuonreadsteeac,nriednadpseiocslaytwminiteghthtihinnacetreitmahsieinnπegs-,ccothhhaeeirnϑenhlec/neϑgsltehrna.gttihIonss 14 for transport are rather long. It also appears that al- > > (t)N12 0 (t)N ternate donor-acceptorsites along the chain enhance the > and <NR,10 -0.15 > and <NR, vsuelbosctiittiueesnotfsbaottthhechtearrmgeinaanldsitsepsinin. Wthee(hCavHeNal)sxossytsutdeimeds N(t)R,C 8 -0.3 N(t)R,C agnrodupassdwoitnhotthaeffepcotlytheneecsh,atrhgeesatnrdensgptihnvoeflothceitipeus,sohr-ptuhlel < 6 < nature of the “quasi-static” state. 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 time (fs) time (fs) FIG.5: Variationintotalchargeandspindensitiesofcarbon IV. CONCLUSIONS and nitrogen atoms, with time, in the left and right halves of unsubstitutedPMI chains (|ǫ|= 0.0) with 30and 40 sites. Top and bottom boxes correspond to N = 30 and 40 sites, To conclude, our studies show that the velocities of respectively. Solid and dashed curves pertain to carbon and charge and spin transport are not affected by push-pull nitrogen, respectively. In the top box, plots marked (I) refer substituents, although the magnitude of charge trans- to charge density variation and plots marked (II) refer to port depends on the push-pull strength. In the related spin density variation, in left (upper plots) and right (lower (CHN) system we find that, due to the underlying po- x plots) half of the system, respectively. The same holds for larized structure both the spin and charge transport are plots marked as (III) and (IV), in thebottom box. affected, and charge travels much faster than spin com- pared to push-pull systems. Furthermore, the transport of charge and spin results in the formation of a “quasi- profiles of total spin densities on carbon and nitrogen in static” state in which the injected hole resides in both both halves, compared to the total charge densities, are halves of the system, almost in equal amount. We also found to be more oscillatory. notethatinthePMIsthefinitesizeeffectsareverylarge All these observations suggest that the “quasi-static” compared to the push-pull polyenes, suggesting much state is characterizedby charge and spin of the hole dis- longer π-coherence lengths. tributed between the left and right halves of the chain in almost equal amount, the positive or hole charge pre- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS dominantly residing on carbon atoms while the spin, on nitrogenatoms. TheN atomsbeingmoreelectronegative than the C atoms (ǫ = −2.96 eV, ǫ = 0.0 eV), prefer This workwassupportedby DST India andthe Swedish N C being electron rich by accommodating more charge den- Research Link Program under the Swedish Research sity. However, due to large on-site Coulomb repulsion Council. 7 ∗ Electronic address: [email protected] (1991). † Electronic address: [email protected] 15 M.Blanchard-Desce,J.M.Lehn,M.Barzoukas,I.Ledoux, 1 A. Dodabalapur, L. Torsi, and H. E. Katz, Science, 268, and J. 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