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Preview Real-Time Dedispersion for Fast Radio Transient Surveys, using Auto Tuning on Many-Core Accelerators

Real-Time Dedispersion for Fast Radio Transient Surveys, using Auto Tuning on Many-Core Accelerators Alessio Scloccoa,b, Joeri van Leeuwenb,c, Henri E. Bala, Rob V. van Nieuwpoortd aFaculty of Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands bASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, Dwingeloo, the Netherlands cAstronomical Institute “Anton Pannekoek”, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands dNLeSC, Netherlands eScience Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Abstract 6 1Dedispersion, the removal of deleterious smearing of impulsive signals by the interstellar matter, is one of the most 0intensiveprocessingstepsinanyradiosurveyforpulsarsandfasttransients. Weherepresentastudyoftheparallelization 2 of this algorithm on many-core accelerators, including GPUs from AMD and NVIDIA, and the Intel Xeon Phi. We find nthat dedispersion is inherently memory-bound. Even in a perfect scenario, hardware limitations keep the arithmetic aintensity low, thus limiting performance. We next exploit auto-tuning to adapt dedispersion to different accelerators, J observations, and even telescopes. We demonstrate that the optimal settings differ between observational setups, and 6 that auto-tuning significantly improves performance. This impacts time-domain surveys from Apertif to SKA. ] Keywords: Pulsars: general – Astronomical instrumentation, methods and techniques – Techniques: miscellaneous M I . h1. Introduction andRawlings,2004). Inthesesurveys,thedispersionmea- p sures are a priori unknown, and can only be determined - Astronomicalphenomenasuchaspulsars(Hewishetal., o in a brute-force search. This search generally runs on off- 1968) and fast radio bursts (FRBs; Lorimer et al., 2007) r site supercomputers. These range from e.g., the CM-200 tconsist of millisecond-duration impulsive signals over a s in the Foster et al. (1995) Arecibo survey, to gSTAR for abroad radio-frequency range. As the electromagnetic the Parkes HTRU (Keith et al., 2010), and Cartesius for [ waves propagate through the interstellar material (ISM) the LOFAR LOTAAS (Coenen et al., 2014) surveys. In 1between us and the source, they are dispersed (Lorimer thelatterthededispersionstepamountstooverhalfofall vand Kramer, 2005). This causes lower radio frequencies required pulsar-search processing. For the SKA, this pro- 5 to arrive progressively later, and without correction this cessing will amount to many PFLOPS for both SKA-Mid 6 results in a loss of signal-to-noise, that often makes the 1 (cf. Magro, 2014) and SKA-Low (Keane et al., 2014). source undetectable when integrating over a wide observ- 1 Above and beyond these pure compute requirements, 0ing bandwidth. This frequency-dependent delay can be the similar and often simultaneous search for FRBs de- .removed in a process called dedispersion. Complete re- 1 mands that this dedispersion is done near real time. Only 0moval can be achieved by reverting all phases through a then can these fleeting events be immediately followed up 6convolution of the signal with the inverse of the modeled by telescopes at other energies (Petroff et al., 2015). 1ISM (coherent dedispersion; Hankins and Rickett, 1975). : We aim to achieve the required performance by paral- vIncompletebutmuchfasterremoval,especiallywhenmany lelizing this algorithm for many-core accelerators. Com- idispersion measure trials are required, can be achieved by X pared to similar attempts made by Barsdell et al. (2012) appropriately shifting in time the signal frequency chan- r andArmouretal.(2012),wepresentaperformanceanaly- anels (incoherent dedispersion; from now on referred to sisthatismorecomplete,andintroduceanovelmany-core plainly as dedispersion). This dedispersion is a basic al- algorithm that can be tuned for different platforms and gorithm in high-time-resolution radio astronomy, and one observational setups. To our knowledge, this is the first of the building blocks of surveys for fast phenomena with attempt at designing a brute-force dedispersion algorithm modern radio telescopes such as the Low Frequency Ar- that is highly portable and not fine-tuned for a specific ray (LOFAR; van Leeuwen and Stappers, 2010; Stappers platform or telescope. etal.,2011)andtheSquareKilometerArray(SKA; Carilli To summarize our contributions, in this paper we: (1) provide an in-depth analysis of the arithmetic intensity Email addresses: [email protected](AlessioSclocco), (AI) of brute-force dedispersion, finding analytically and [email protected](JoerivanLeeuwen),[email protected](HenriE. empirically that it is memory bound; (2) show that auto- Bal),[email protected](RobV.van Nieuwpoort) tuningcanadaptthealgorithmtodifferentplatforms,tele- Preprint submitted to Elsevier January 7, 2016 scopes, and observational setups; (3) demonstrate that Algorithm 1 Pseudocode of the brute-force dedispersion many-coreacceleratorscanachievereal-timeperformance; algorithm. (4) quantify the impact that auto-tuning has on perfor- fordm=0→ddo mance; (5) compare different platforms using a real-world forsample=0→sdo dSample=0 scientific application; and (6) compare the performance of forchan=0→cdo OpenCL and OpenMP for the Intel Xeon devices. dSample+=input[chan][sample+∆(chan,dm)] In Section 2 we describe the brute-force dedispersion endfor algorithm, our parallel implementation and its optimiza- output[dm][sample]=dSample endfor tions; and the theoretical analysis of the dedispersion AI. endfor Wenextpresentourexperiments(Section3),results(Sec- tion4)andfurtherdiscussion(Section5). Finally,relevant literature is discussed in Section 6, and Section 7 summa- Arithmetic Intensity (AI), i.e. the ratio between the per- rizes our conclusions. formed floating-point operations and the number of bytes accessed in global memory. In many-core architectures the gap between computational capabilities and memory 2. The Brute-Force Dedispersion Algorithm bandwidthiswide,andahighAIisthusaprerequisitefor high performance (Williams et al., 2009). Unfortunately, In dispersion (Lorimer and Kramer, 2005), the highest the AI for Algorithm 1 is inherently low, with only one frequencyinacertainbandf isreceivedattimet ,while h x floating point operation per four bytes loaded from global lowersimultaneouslyemittedfrequencycomponentsf ar- i memory. For dedispersion, riveatt +k. ForfrequenciesexpressedinMHzthisdelay x in seconds is: 1 1 AI = < (2) (cid:18) (cid:19) 4+(cid:15) 4 1 1 k ≈4150×DM × − (1) f2 f2 where (cid:15) represents the effect of accessing the delay table i h and writing the output. This low AI shows that brute- HeretheDispersionMeasureDM representstheprojected force dedispersion is memory bound on most architec- number of free electrons between the source and the re- tures. Its performance is thus limited not by computa- ceiver. In incoherent dedispersion, the lower frequencies tional capabilities, but by memory bandwidth. One way are shifted in time and realigned with the higher ones, to increase AI and thus improve performance, is to re- thus approximating the original signal. duce the number of reads from global memory, by imple- In a survey, the incoming signal must be brute-force menting some form of data reuse. In Algorithm 1 some dedispersed for thousands of possible DM values. As ev- datareuseappearspossible. Forsomefrequencies, thede- ery telescope pointing direction or beam can be processed lay is the same for two close DMs, dm and dm , so that i j independently, performance of the dedispersion algorithm ∆(c,dm )=∆(c,dm ). Then, one input element provides i j can be improved by means of large-scale parallelization. two different sums. With data reuse, d×s×c 1 AI< = (3) 2.1. Sequential Algorithm 4×((s×c)+(d×s)+(d×c)) 4×(1 + 1 + 1) d s c The input of this algorithm is a frequency-channelized The bound from Equation 3 theoretically goes toward in- timeseries,representedasac×tmatrix,withcfrequency finity, but in practice the non-linear delay function di- channelsandttimesamplesneededtodedisperseonesec- vergesrapidlyatlowerfrequencies. Thereisneverenough ondofdata. Theoutputisasetofddedispersedtrial-DM data reuse to approach the upper bound of Equation 3; time-series, each of length s samples per second, repre- for a more in-depth discussion see Sclocco et al. (2014). sentedasad×smatrix. Alldataaresingleprecisionfloat- We thus categorize the algorithm as memory-bound. In ing point numbers; their real-life rates are e.g. 36 GB/s this conclusion we differ from previous literature such as inputand72GB/soutputforthepulsarsearchwithAper- Barsdell et al. (2010) and Barsdell et al. (2012). The im- tif on the Westerbork telescope (van Leeuwen, 2014). portance of the above mentioned data reuse in dedisper- Dedispersion (sequential pseudocode shown in Algo- sion was identified early on and implemented in e.g. the rithm 1) then consists of three nested loops, and every tree dedispersion algorithm (Taylor, 1974). That fast im- output element is the sum of c samples: one for each fre- plementationhasthedrawbackofassumingthedispersion quency channel. Which samples are part of each sum de- sweep is linear. Several modern pulsar and FRB surveys pendsontheapplieddelay(i.e. ∆)that, asweknowfrom with large fractional bandwidths have used modified tree Equation1, isanon-linearfunctionoffrequencyandDM. algorithmsthatsumoverthequadraticnatureofthesweep These delays can be computed in advance, so they do not (e.g. Manchester et al. (2001), Masui et al. (2015)). contribute to the algorithm’s complexity. Therefore, the complexity of this algorithm is O(d×s×c). 2.2. Parallelization In the context of many-core accelerators, there is an- We first determine how to divide and organise the work other,extremelyimportantalgorithmiccharacteristic: the of different threads, and describe these in OpenCL ter- 2 minology. We identify three main algorithm dimensions: Platform CEs GFLOP GB Watt /s /s DM, time and frequency. Time and DM are independent, AMDHD7970 64×32 3,788 264 250 andidealforparallelization,avoidinganyinter-andintra- NVIDIAGTX680 192×8 3,090 192 195 thread dependency. In our implementation, each OpenCL NVIDIAGTXTitan 192×14 4,500 288 250 work-item (i.e.thread)is associatedwitha different(DM, NVIDIAK20 192×13 3,519 208 225 time) pair and it executes the innermost loop of Algo- IntelXeonPhi5110P 2×60 2,022 320 225 IntelXeonE5-2620 6×1 192 42 95 rithm 1. An OpenCL work-group (i.e. group of threads) combines work-items that are associated with the same Table1: Characteristicsoftheusedplatforms. DM, but with different time samples. This proposed organization also simplifies memory ac- Survey s (Hz) BW (MHz) n f (MHz) chan cess, using coalesced reads and writes. Different small LOFAR 200,000 6 32 138−145 Apertif 20,000 300 1,024 1,420−1,729 requests can then be combined in one bigger operation. This well-known optimization is a performance requisite Table2: Surveyname,samplingrates,bandwidthBW,totalnum- for many-core architectures, especially for memory-bound berofchannelsn andfrequencyrangefforthetwoexperimental chan algorithms like dedispersion. Our output elements are setups. written to adjacent, and aligned, memory locations. The reads from global memory are also coalesced but, due to a larger pipeline, input and output are assumed to reside the shape of the delay function, are not always aligned. onthedevice. Wethusdonotmeasuredatatransfersover The worst-case memory overhead is at most a factor two the PCI-e bus. (Sclocco et al., 2014). The experimental set ups (Table 2) are based on two To exploit data reuse, we compute more than one DM different pulsar surveys, one for a hypothetical high-time per work-group. So, the final structure of our many-core resolution LOFAR survey comparable to the LOFAR Pi- dedispersion algorithm consists of two-dimensional work- lot Pulsar Survey (Coenen et al., 2014) and one for the groups. In this way a work-group is associated with more planned Apertif pulsar/FRB survey (van Leeuwen, 2014). thanoneDM,sothatitswork-itemscaneithercollaborate For both, trial DMs start at 0 and increment by 0.25 toloadthenecessaryelementsfromglobaltolocalmemory pc/cm3. These two setups stress different characteristics (afastmemoryareathatissharedbetweenthework-items of the algorithm – the Apertif setup, at 20 MFLOP per of a same work-group) or rely on the cache. DM, is three times more compute intensive than LOFAR The general structure of the algorithm can be specif- at 6 MFLOP per DM. Yet the higher Apertif frequencies ically instantiated by configuring five user-controlled pa- cause reduced delays, with more potential for data reuse. rameters. Two parameters control the number of work- We thus try two complementary scenarios: one is more items per work-group in the time and DM dimensions, computationallyintensive,butpotentiallyoffersmoredata thus regulating parallelism. Two parameters control the reuse, and one that is less computationally intensive, but number of elements per work-item. The last parameter precludes almost any data reuse. specifies whether local memory or cache are employed for We auto-tune the five algorithm parameters described data reuse. These parameters determine source code gen- in Section 2, for each of the six platforms of Table 1, in eration at run time. Because we do not know, a priori, both observational setups. We use 12 different input in- the optimal configuration of these parameters, we rely on stances between 2−4,096 (Sclocco et al., 2014), and mea- auto-tuning, i.e. we try all meaningful combinations and sure our performance metric, the number of single preci- select the best performing one. sion floating-point operations per second. 3. Experimental Setup 4. Results Inthissectionwedescribehowtheexperimentsarecar- ried out; all information necessary for replication is de- 4.1. Auto-Tuning tailed in Sclocco et al. (2014). Table 1 lists the plat- forms used, and reports basic details such as number of For the Apertif case, the optimal number of work-items OpenCL Compute Elements (CEs) (i.e. cores), peak per- per work-group identified by auto-tuning is the highest formance, peak memory bandwidth and thermal design for the GTX 680 (1,024). The other three GPUs require power (TDP). between256and512,whilethetwoIntelplatformsrequire We run the same code on every many-core accelerator; the lowest number (i.e. between 16 and 128). As detailed the source code1 is implemented in C++ and OpenCL. in Sclocco et al. (2014), the optimal configuration is more The accelerators are part of the Distributed ASCI Super- variable with smaller input instances, where optimization computer 4 (DAS-4) 2. As dedispersion is usually part of space is small. Results for the LOFAR setup are more stable. It has 1https://github.com/isazi/Dedispersion less available data reuse, easing the identification of the 2http://www.cs.vu.nl/das4/ optimum. Thenumberofwork-itemsperwork-groupstay 3 500 200 HD7970 HD7970 450 GTX 680 GTX 680 GTX Titan GTX Titan 400 K20 K20 Xeon Phi 150 Xeon Phi 350 Xeon E5-2620 Xeon E5-2620 real-time real-time 300 P/s P/s O 250 O 100 L L F F G 200 G 150 50 100 50 0 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 Dispersion Measures Dispersion Measures Figure1: Performanceofauto-tuneddedispersion,Apertif(higheris Figure 2: Performance of auto-tuned dedispersion, LOFAR (higher better). isbetter). similar for the GPUs, and is somewhat lowered for the the Intel CPU and Xeon Phi; the Phi is 1.5 times faster Intel platforms. than the multi-core CPU. Even for similar total numbers of work-items per work- The results for the LOFAR scenario (Fig. 2) are differ- group,thetwounderlyingparameters(Section2)maydif- ent. Absolute performance is lower. This is caused by fer. For e.g. the HD7970, the Apertif work-group is as the reduced available data reuse, resulting in lower algo- 8×32 work-items, while LOFAR it is composed by 64×4 rithm AI. Next, the GPUs are closer in performance; now work-items. IntheApertifsetuptheauto-tuningidentifies the HD7970 is only 1.4 times faster than the GTX Ti- aconfigurationthatintensivelyexploitstheavailabledata tan. With less data reuse available, memory bandwidth reuse,whileintheLOFARsetuptheoptimalconfiguration becomes increasingly more important, leveling the differ- relies more on the device occupancy. ences. On average, the HD7970 is just 1.9 times faster This result is important: accelerated dedispersion al- thantheNVIDIAGPUs,and6timesfasterthantheIntel gorithm has no single optimal configuration – it must be CPU and Xeon Phi. adapted to the exact observational setup. Inbothfigures,onlyscenariosabovethe“real-time”line The subsequent auto tuning the amount of work per candedisperseonesecondofdatainlessthanonesecondof work-item again exploits each accelerator’s advantage, computation. Thisisafundamentalrequirementformod- such as the high number of registers in the K20 and Ti- ern radio telescopes, whose extreme data rate precludes tan,adaptingthealgorithmtodifferentscenarios(Sclocco data storage and off-line processing. We show that GPUs et al., 2014). can scale to bigger instances and/or to a multi-beam sce- The last tunable parameter is the explicit use of local nario, and still satisfy the real-time constraints. memory, present on the GPUs, to exploit data reuse, over What was the impact of auto-tuning on performance? just hardware cache. Again auto-tuning adjusted the in- Figure 3 shows the histogram of performance in the op- teraction of different parameters for highest performance timization space. The optimum lies far from the typical dedispersion in each platform. configuration. Because optimal configurations depends on Insummary,wefindthatoptimalconfigurationscannot multipleparameters, liketheplatformusedtoexecutethe beidentifiedapriori,andthatauto-tuningistheonlyfea- algorithm, and specific observational parameters, it will siblewaytoproperlyconfigurethededispersionalgorithm, notbetrivial,evenforanexperienceduser,tomanuallyse- because of the number and interaction of parameters, and lect the best configuration without extensive tuning. This their impact on AI. claim is also supported by the high signal-to-noise ratio of the optimal configurations, as detailed in Sclocco et al. 4.2. Impact of Auto-Tuning on Performance (2014). In Fig. 1 we show the performance achieved by auto- In summary, we satisfy a realistic real-time constraint tuned dedispersion for the Apertif case. All platforms in almost every test case, which allows for massive multi- show a performance increase with the dimension of the beaming. Optimal configurations are difficult to guess in input instance, and plateauing afterwards. Note how the this optimization space, and therefore auto-tuning has a tunedalgorithmscalesbetterthanlinearlyuptothismaxi- critical impact on the performance. mum,andthenscaleslinearly. TheHD7970achieveshigh- est performance, the Intel CPU and the Xeon Phi are at 4.3. Data Reuse and Performance Limits thebottom,andthethreeNVIDIAGPUsoccupythemid- To simulate a scenario with perfect data reuse, we tune dle of this figure. On average, the HD7970 is 2.7 times and measure the performance of dedispersion using the fasterthantheNVIDIAGPUs,and11.3timesfasterthan valuezeroforallDMtrials. InthecaseofForApertif,the 4 6 20 HD7970 HD7970 Average 18 GTX 680 5 GTX Titan 16 K20 Xeon Phi rationsnfigu 34 Speedup 111 0248 Xeon E5-2620 o C 2 6 4 1 2 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 GFLOP/s Dispersion Measures Figure3: Exampleofaperformancehistogram,forthecaseorAper- Figure 5: Speedup over a parallel CPU implementation, LOFAR tif2,048DMs. (higherisbetter). 6 GTX 680 90 Xeon Phi (OpenCL) GTX Titan Xeon Phi (OpenMP) 5 XeonK P2h0i 75 Xeon E5-2620 (OpenCL) Xeon E5-2620 (OpenMP) Xeon E5-2620 4 60 p Speedu 3 GFLOP/s 45 2 30 1 15 0 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 Dispersion Measures Dispersion Measures Figure 4: Speedup over a generically tuned configuration, Apertif Figure6: ComparingOpenCLandOpenMPimplementationsonthe (higherisbetter). TheHD7970GPUismissingbecausethereareno CPUandXeonPhi,Apertif(higherisbetter). validconfigurationsofthealgorithmthatdonotexploitdatareuse. We find that auto-tuned dedispersion on GPUs is ∼5 difference is negligible (cf. Fig. 11 in Sclocco et al. 2014). times faster than generically tuned in the Apertif setup Datareusewasalreadymaximized. FortheLOFARsetup (Fig.4),andstill1.5–2.5timesfasterintheLOFARsetup. (cf. Fig. 12 in Sclocco et al. 2014), the performance im- Effectively exploiting data reuse is a main performance proves,approachingtheApertifsetup. Theincreaseddata driver for a high-performance dedispersion algorithm, es- reuse is exploited until the hardware is saturated. peciallyforthoseplatformswherethegapbetweenfloating Performance is predominantly determined by the point peak performance and memory bandwidth is wide. amount of possible data reuse, which is a function of real-life frequencies and DM values. This tests our hy- We also compare the performance of our auto-tuned al- pothesis that even with perfect data reuse, high AI can- gorithm to an optimized CPU version. This CPU ver- not be achieved because of the limitations of real hard- sion of the algorithm is parallelized using OpenMP in- ware (in contrast with the conclusions of Barsdell et al. stead of OpenCL, with different threads computing differ- 2010). Wethereforeconcludethatbrute-forcededispersion ent chunks of DM values and time samples. It includes all ismemory-boundforeverypracticalandrealisticscenario. meaningful optimizations described in Section 2.2, and is vectorizedusingIntel’sAdvancedVectorExensions(AVX) intrinsics. Like the OpenCL version, it is automatically 5. Discussion auto-tuned. For both observational setups (cf. Fig. 5 for LOFAR), the many-core implementation is considerably Wefirstcomparetheperformanceoftheauto-tuned ver- faster than a highly optimized, and tuned, CPU imple- sus a generically tuned algorithm. In the latter, tuning is mentation. confinedtoamono-dimensionalconfigurationofthework- The OpenMP code generator was also extended to gen- groups and the work-items compute only one DM value. erate native code for the Xeon Phi, and we compared Thisstrategyiswidelyappliedbyprogrammers;butasthe the Intel CPU and Xeon Phi, using both OpenCL and algorithm’s AI is unaffected, data reuse is not optimized. OpenMP. In the Apertif case (Figure 6) the OpenCL im- 5 plementation is faster than the OpenMP one for smaller (2013), and while their approach focuses on the compiler, inputs, while the opposite is true for larger ones, and this itstillreliesonauto-tuningtomapalgorithmsandhetero- behavior holds for both platforms. In the LOFAR case, geneous platforms in an optimal way. In recent years, we however, thissamebehaviorappliesonlytotheXeonPhi, havebeenworkingonparallelizingandimplementingradio withtheXeonE5-2620showingaperformancedegradation astronomykernelsonmultiandmany-coreplatforms(van for bigger inputs that is consistent with the experiments Nieuwpoort and Romein, 2011), and using auto-tuning to of Armour et al. (2012). Overall improvements to the In- achieve high performance on applications like the LOFAR tel OpenCL compiler could improve the Xeon Phi’s per- beam former (Sclocco et al., 2012). What makes our cur- formance, as we were able to achieve a 51% improvement rentworkdifferent,isthatwedonotonlyuseauto-tuning in performance on this platform using a tuned OpenMP to achieve high performance, but measure its impact, and implementation. show that the optimal configurations are difficult to guess without thorough tuning. 5.1. Multi-Beam Performance While there are no previous attempts at auto-tuning dedispersionformanycores,thereareafewpreviousGPU In the conclusions of Section 4.2 we highlighted how implementations documented in literature. First, in Bars- dedispersionperformancecanallowformulti-beamscenar- dell et al. (2010) dedispersion is listed as a possible can- ios. Apertif will be need to dedisperse 2,000 DMs in real- didate for acceleration, together with other astronomy al- timefor450differentbeams,thusrequiring18.5TFLOP/s gorithms. While we agree that dedispersion is a poten- just for dedispersion. Using our best performing acceler- tially good candidate for many-core acceleration because ator, the AMD HD7970, it is possible to dedisperse 2,000 of its inherently parallel structure, we believe their per- DMs in 0.08 seconds; 9 beams per GPU could be dedis- formance analysis to be too optimistic, and the AI esti- persed in real-time. Enough memory is available. There- mate in Barsdell et al. (2010) to be unrealistically high. fore,the18.5TFLOP/sdedispersioninstrumentforAper- In fact, we showed in this paper that dedispersion’s AI is tif could be implemented using 2015 technology with ∼50 low in all realistic scenarios, and that the algorithm is in- GPUs. WithaHD7970modelwithdoublethememory,12 herently memory-bound. The same authors implemented, beams could be dedispersed at once, reducing the system in a follow-up paper (Barsdell et al., 2012), dedispersion size to only 38 GPUs. for NVIDIA GPUs, using CUDA as their implementation For its real-life impact, we compute an upper bound framework. However, we do not completely agree with on the power necessary for dedispersion on Apertif from theperformanceresultspresentedinBarsdelletal.(2012) the TDPs (Table 1): the proposed GPU solution re- for two reasons: first, they do not completely exploit data quires12.5kWwhilethetraditionalCPUsolutionrequires reuse, and we have shown here how important data reuse 46.5kW.Wecanthereforeconcludethat, inthisscenario, is for performance; and second, part of their results are using many-core accelerators does not only provide a 9.8 not experimental, but derived from performance models. times reduction in the size of the system, when compared Another GPU implementation of the dedispersion algo- toatraditionalCPU-basedsolution,butitalsolowersthe rithmispresentedinMagroetal.(2011). Alsointhiscase power consumption by a factor of 3.7. This improvement thereisnomentionofexploitingdatareuse. Infact, some in energy efficiency is in part architectural, and in part of the authors of this paper published, shortly after Ma- caused by auto-tuning. Using the results of Section 4.2 groetal.(2011),anothershortpaper(Armouretal.,2012) it is possible to determine that the power that would be in which they affirm that their previously developed algo- required by an average configuration is 22.5 kW: we can rithm does not perform well enough because it does not thus conclude that auto-tuning is responsible for around exploitdatareuse. Unfortunately,thispaperdoesnotpro- 50% of the total power savings. vide sufficient detail on either the algorithm or on exper- imental details, such as frequencies and time resolution, 6. Related Work for us to repeat their experiment. Therefore, we cannot verify the claimed 50% of theoretical peak performance. In the literature, auto-tuning is considered a viable However, we believe this claim to be unrealistic because technique to achieve performance that is both high and dedispersion has an inherently low AI, and it cannot take portable. Inparticular,Lietal.(2009)showthatitispos- advantage of fused multiply-adds, which by itself already sible to use auto-tuning to improve performance of even limits the theoretical upper bound to 50% of the peak on highly-tuned algorithms, and Datta et al. (2008) affirm the used GPUs. that application specific auto-tuning is the most practical A different approach to both brute-force and tree based way to achieve high performance on multi-core systems. dedispersion has been proposed by Zackay and Ofek Highly relevant here is the work of Du et al. (2012), with (2014). Thisnewalgorithmhaslowercomputationalcom- whom we agree that auto-tuning can be used as a perfor- plexity than brute-force dedispersion, and appears to be mance portability tool, especially with OpenCL. Another faster than the implementations of both Magro et al. attempt at achieving performance portability on hetero- (2011) and Barsdell et al. (2012). Although the experi- geneous systems has been made by Phothilimthana et al. mental results highlighted in our paper show higher per- 6 formance than the results presented in Zackay and Ofek that,eveninaperfectscenariowheredatareuseisunreal- (2014), we believe this algorithm has potential; and that isticallyhigh,theperformanceofdedispersionislimitedby it, too, could benefit from auto-tuning to further improve the constraints imposed by real hardware, and approach- performance in real-life implementations. ing the theoretical AI bound of the algorithm becomes impossible. 7. Conclusions References In this paper, we analyzed the brute-force dedispersion algorithm, and presented our many-core implementation. A.Hewish,S.J.Bell,J.D.H.Pilkington,P.F.Scott,R.A.Collins, Observation of a Rapidly Pulsating Radio Source, Nature 217 We analytically proved that dedispersion is a memory- (1968)709–713. bound algorithm and that, in any real world scenario, its D. R. Lorimer, M. Bailes, M. A. McLaughlin, D. J. Narkevic, performance is limited by low arithmetic intensity. With F. Crawford, A Bright Millisecond Radio Burst of Extragalactic the experiments presented in this paper, we also demon- Origin,Science318(2007)777. D.Lorimer,M.Kramer,Handbookofpulsarastronomy,2005. strated that by using auto-tuning it is possible to obtain T. H. Hankins, B. J. Rickett, Pulsar Signal Processing, in: Meth- high performance for dedispersion. 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