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Preview Real photons from vacuum fluctuations in optomechanics: the role of polariton interactions

Real photons from vacuum fluctuations in optomechanics: the role of polariton interactions Marc-Antoine Lemonde and Aashish A. Clerk Department of Physics, McGill University, 3600 rue University, Montreal, QC Canada H3A 2T8 (Dated: June 30, 2015) We study nonlinear interactions in a strongly driven optomechanical cavity, in regimes where the interactions give rise to resonant scattering between optomechanical polaritons and are thus stronglyenhanced. We useaKeldyshformulationandself-consistentperturbation theory, allowing ustoincludeselfenergydiagramsatallordersintheinteraction. Ourmainfocusisunderstanding how non-equilibrium effects are modified by the polariton interactions, in particular the generation of non-zero effective polariton temperatures from vacuum fluctuations (both in the incident cavity drive and in the mechanical dissipation). We discuss how these effects could be observed in the 5 output spectrum of the cavity. Our work also provides a technical toolkit that will be useful for 1 studies of more complex optomechanical systems. 0 2 PACSnumbers: 42.50.Wk,42.50.Ex,07.10.Cm n u I. INTRODUCTION J 9 The rapidly growing field of cavity optomechanics 2 seeks to understand the interaction between photons ] and mechanical motion in driven electromagnetic cav- h ities, hopefully in truly quantum regime [1, 2]. The - p past few years have seen many breakthroughs, including - t laser cooling of mechanical motion to the ground state + n [3, 4], and the optomechanical generation of squeezed a - u light leaving the cavity [5–7]. Although the basic radia- q tionpressureinteractionbetweenamechanicalresonator [ and cavity photons is intrinsically nonlinear, almost all FIG. 1: (Color online) (a) A generic optomechanical cavity: the remarkable achievements in the field to date rely on a cavity mode of frequency ωC and damping rate κ is driven 2 byalaseratfrequencyω ,andiscoupledviaradiationpres- v working in strongly driven regimes where the dynamics L suretoadampedmechanicalmode(resonancefrequencyω , 1 is essentially linear. To see truly nonlinear effects in the M damping rate γ). The temperature of the mechanical bath is 7 simplest setting, one needs to achieve a single photon, T . (b) The single-photon optomechanical interaction g can 6 single phonon optomechanical coupling g which exceeds M be made resonant in the basis of optomechanical polaritons; 1 0 boththemechanicalfrequencyωM andthecavitydamp- the resulting enhanced interaction shown schematically and ing rate κ [8–11]. With the exception of experiments described in Eq. (8). . 1 using cold atoms [12, 13] this parameter regime remains 0 challenging for experiments. 5 Nonlinear effects which only require g ∼ κ can be system using a Keldysh formulation [22, 23] and per- 1 achievedinslightlymorecomplexsettingswherethenon- turbation theory; we begin this paper by providing a : v linear interaction becomes resonant. This can occur in more complete discussion of this approach to optome- i X anoptomechanicalsetupwithtwoopticalmodes[14,15]. chanics, emphasizing the subtleties involved in treating Alternatively, this can occur in a standard single mode dissipation. Ourworkthuscontributestoagrowingbody r a optomechanical cavity which is driven, such that the in- of work using the Keldysh technique to address various teraction becomes resonant in a basis of dressed states quantum optics contexts [24–28]. Unlike our previous (so-called optomechanical polaritons). This occurs both study,wegobeyondasimplelowest-ordertreatmentand inregimesofweakdriving[16,17]andstrongdriving[17]; introduceaself-consistentperturbationtheory. Thiscor- similarphysicscanalsooccurinmembrane-in-the-middle respondstoaninfinitepartialresummationofself-energy styleoptomechanicalsystems[18]. Notethatsuchstrong diagrams, and extends the range of couplings and tem- driving regimes, where the drive-enhanced optomechani- peratures that we can address. cal coupling exceeds dissipative rates, has been achieved Our work also address a new set of physical phe- in several experiments [19–21]. nomena. Ref. 17 focused on understanding the cav- Inthispaper,webothexpanduponandextendthere- ity density of states (DOS), the quantity probed in sults previously reported in Ref. 17. We consider a stan- optomechanically-induced transparency (OMIT) exper- dard single-cavity optomechanical system that is driven iments [19, 29–31]. Here, we instead focus on the non- (possibly strongly), in a regime where the nonlinear in- equilibrium state of this system: what are the effective teraction is resonantly enhanced. We again address this temperatures of the optomechanical polaritons? Of par- 2 ticular interest is how vacuum fluctuations can result in 2. New instabilities non-zero effective temperatures. Such effects are often termed “quantum heating” [32–36]; the simplest exam- For a red-detuned laser, we find that a leading-order ple is the amplification of zero-point fluctuations by a treatment of the nonlinear interaction suggests new kind parametric amplifier. Though often described using dis- of parametric instability not present in the linearized parate terms, this physics has been studied in a wide theory, where one polariton mode acts as an incoherent variety of systems ranging from driven nonlinear oscil- pump mode for the other, see Sec. VD. Including higher lators [32–35], superconducting circuits [37, 38] and cir- ordertermsstabilizesthesystemasexpected,seeFig.11. cuitquantumelectrodynamics[39]tophasetransitionsin driven-dissipative many-body systems [27]. It also sets a limittotheminimummechanicaltemperatureachievable using cavity cooling [40]. 3. Two-phonon cavity heating Here, we show that quantum heating effects in an op- tomechanicalsystemleadtoobservablesignaturesinthe Weshowthatnonlinearheatingofthecavity(asman- output spectrum of the cavity, i.e. the spectrum of out- ifest in the cavity spectrum) are greatly enhanced for put light that would be measured using a photomulti- red-detunedlaserdrivesnearthesecondmechanicalside- plier. Unlike an OMIT experiment, such an experiment band (a detuning ∆ ≈ −2ω ); this is a simple con- M probes both the DOS of the cavity (as modified by the sequence of the lower optomechanical polariton being optomechanicalinteractions),aswellastheeffectivetem- mostly phononic in this regime, causing effects to be perature of the optomechanical polaritons. This “quan- enhanced by the typically large phonon lifetime (see tum heating” is already present at the level of the lin- Fig. 12). earized theory of the optomechanical cavity; here, we in- vestigatehowitismodifiedbythenonlinearinteractions. Ourworkistimely,giventhatthegenerationofrealpho- tons from mechanical vacuum fluctuations was recently B. Organization of the paper probed experimentally by Lecocq et al. [41]. The remainder of this paper is organized as follow. We begin in Sec. II by introducing the basic driven op- tomechanical system studied in this work, and review- ing the linearized theory. We also pay careful attention A. Main findings to the coupling to dissipative baths, and to how quan- tum heating effects can arise even without nonlinear- Our work has many technical aspects to it that will ity. In Sec. III, we introduce the basic aspects of the hopefully be an aid in further studies of nonlinear quan- Keldysh technique as applied to optomechanics, focus- tum optomechanics (e.g. optomechanical lattices [42– ing first on the linearized system. In Sec. IV, we de- 46]). It also predicts several new physical phenomena, velop a Keldysh perturbation theory to treat the nonlin- in particular: ear optomechanical interaction, and introduce our self- consistent approach. In Sec. V, we discuss how the non- linearinteractionmodifiesthenon-equilibriumphysicsof thesystem. Wepresentaphysicalpicturewhereinterac- tioneffectscanbemappedontoacouplingstoadditional 1. Polariton thermalization “self-generated”dissipativebaths. Wealsoinvestigatein this section the new kind of parametric heating which In the standard linearized theory of a driven op- arises with a red-detuned laser. In Sec. VI, we discuss tomechanical cavity, quantum heating leads to very the observable consequences of our predictions on the different effective temperatures for the two polariton cavity output spectrum. We present our conclusions in modes (i.e. normal modes of the linearized theory), c.f. Sec. VII. Eqs. (24). The nonlinear interaction tends to dilute this effect, as it allows energy exchange between the polari- tons and favours their thermalization. We study this II. SYSTEM, TREATMENT OF DISSIPATION competitionindetailfortworepresentativecases: alaser AND LINEARIZED THEORY drive at the red-mechanical sideband (see Fig. 8), and a laserdrivedetunedfurthertotheredwherenonlinearef- A. Hamiltonian in the polariton basis fectsaremoreimportant(seeFig.10). Theeffectsofthe nonlinear interaction on this quantum heating physics can be seen experimentally in the cavity output spec- We consider a standard optomechanical system where trum by tuning the nonlinear interactions into and out the frequency of a driven cavity mode is modulated lin- of resonance, see Fig. 9. early by the position of a mechanical resonator (Fig. 1). 3 TheHamiltoniangoverningitsdynamicsisgivenby[1,2] Note that E tends to zero as G approaches the critical − value at the instability G . As Hˆ does not conserve Hˆ =ω aˆ†aˆ+ω ˆb†ˆb+gaˆ†aˆ(ˆb+ˆb†) crit L C M the total number of photons and phonons, the operators +i(a¯ine−iωLtaˆ†−H.c.)+Hˆdiss. (1) cˆ−,cˆ+ mix photon/phonon annihilationand creationop- erators: Here, aˆ is the cavity mode, with frequency ω and ˆb the mechanical mode with frequency ωM. TheCparame- ˆb=αb,−cˆ−+αb,+cˆ++α¯b,−cˆ†−+α¯b,+cˆ†+, (5a) ter g is the single-photon optomechanical coupling and dˆ=α cˆ +α cˆ +α¯ cˆ† +α¯ cˆ†. (5b) d,− − d,+ + d,− − d,+ + a¯ is proportional to the amplitude of a classical drive in at frequency ωL. Finally, Hˆdiss describes dissipation due Thecoefficientsαb/d,± andα¯b/d,± arefunctionsof∆/ωM to the coupling to bosonic environments (both for the and G/ω ; their explicit form in the case ∆ = −ω is M M mechanics and the cavity). Going into a rotating frame given in Eqs. (A1)-(A4) of Appendix A. As the excita- at the drive frequency and displacing the cavity field by tions described by cˆ ,cˆ have both phononic and pho- − + its classical value, induced by the coherent drive (i.e. toniccomponents,werefertothemaspolaritonsinwhat aˆ(t) → e−iωLt(a¯ + dˆ(t))), the Hamiltonian of Eq. (1) follows. can be expanded into a quadratic part, known as the Having diagonalized the linearized optomechanical linearized optomechanical Hamiltonian, and a nonlinear Hamiltonian, we now express the nonlinear Hamiltonian interaction term such that Hˆ in the polariton basis. We obtain interactions that NL do not conserve the total number of polaritons, Hˆ =Hˆ +Hˆ +Hˆ , (2a) L NL diss Hˆ =−∆dˆ†dˆ+ω ˆb†ˆb+G(dˆ+dˆ†)(ˆb+ˆb†), (2b) Hˆ = (cid:88) (cid:16)gA cˆ†cˆ† cˆ† +gB cˆ†cˆ† cˆ +H.c.(cid:17) L M NL σσ(cid:48)σ(cid:48)(cid:48) σ σ(cid:48) σ(cid:48)(cid:48) σσ(cid:48)σ(cid:48)(cid:48) σ σ(cid:48) σ(cid:48)(cid:48) Hˆ =gdˆ†dˆ(ˆb†+ˆb). (2c) σ,σ(cid:48),σ(cid:48)(cid:48)=± NL +(A cˆ +A cˆ +H.c.). (6) − − + + In the above, we have defined the laser detuning ∆ = ωL−ωC andthemany-photoncouplingconstantG=a¯g; Here, the constants gA/B and A are all proportional we take a¯,g >0 without loss of generality [55]. σσ(cid:48)σ(cid:48)(cid:48) σ to g (see Eqs. (A7)-(A9) of Appendix A). Note that the Our general approach is to diagonalize the quadratic linear terms in Hˆ (∝ A ) arise from normal ordering part of the Hamiltonian, Hˆ (thus treating it exactly), NL σ L Hˆ in the polariton basis; physically, while the zero- and then treat the terms due to nonlinear interaction NL (Hˆ ) as a perturbation. Unlike treatments based on polariton state is the vacuum of HˆL, this is no longer NL true when we include the nonlinear interaction. polaron-transformed Hamiltonians [8, 9], we do not re- quire the coherent driving of the cavity to be so small that it too can be treated perturbatively. We focus ex- B. Resonant polariton interactions clusively on a red-detuned laser (∆ < 0), and only re- quire the cavity drive to be weak enough so that G2 < −ω ∆/4 ≡ G2 . For drives stronger than this critical As discussed in previous works [16, 17] (and later in M crit value (or for a blue-detuned laser), the linearized coher- [48]), we can enhance the effects of even a weak single- ent Hamiltonian Hˆ is unstable, and corresponds to a photoncouplingg bytuningGand∆suchthatthenon- L linear processes in Eq. (6) that scatters a + polariton detuned parametric amplifier driven beyond threshold. into two − polaritons (∝ gB ) become resonant. This This critical value also coincides with the onset of the −−+ requires E [∆,G] = 2E [∆,G]; for a given laser detun- well-knownstaticoptomechanicalinstability[1,47]. Op- + − ingintherange∆∈[−2ω ,−ω /2],thiscanalwaysbe erating near this instability has been investigated as an M M achieved by tuning G=G [∆], where alternativepromisingwaytoenhancethenonlinearinter- res action[18]. Notethatthisinstabilityisalsocloselyanal- (cid:112) 17∆2ω2 −4(∆4+ω4 ) ogous to the superradiant phase transition in the driven G [∆]≡ M√ M . (7) res Dicke model studied in [27]. (10 −∆ωM) Focusing on ∆ < 0 and G2 < −ω ∆/4, Eq. (2b) can M Once G is tuned to achieve this resonance condition, bediagonalizedviaaBogoliubovtransformationtoyield: one can show using standard perturbation theory that Hˆ = (cid:88) E cˆ†cˆ . (3) all non-resonant nonlinear processes are suppressed by L σ σ σ a factor of κ/(E −E ) ∝ κ/ω compared to the res- σ=± + − M onant process, where κ is the cavity damping rate (see Here, cˆ destroys an excitation in the eigenmode of Hˆ [17] for more details). In addition, in this regime, the ± L with energy E >0, given by relative modification of the polariton energies and wave- ± functions due to the linear terms in Eq. (6) are strongly 1 (cid:18) (cid:113) (cid:19)1/2 suppressed by a factor of (g/ω )2. Thus, if we focus E = √ ω2 +∆2± (ω2 −∆2)2−16G2∆ω . M ± 2 M M M on parameters near this resonant regime, in the resolved (4) sideband regime (κ/ω (cid:28) 1), and for weak nonlinear M 4 interaction (g/ω (cid:28) 1), we can both ignore the renor- M malization of polariton energies and wavefunctions, and make a rotating wave approximation on Eq. (6), keep- ing only the resonant interaction. The coherent system Hamiltonian in this regime thus reduces to Hˆ = (cid:88) E cˆ†cˆ +g˜(cˆ†cˆ cˆ +H.c.), (8) eff σ σ σ + − − σ=± where g˜ = gB is the effective nonlinear coupling (see −−+ Eq. (A8) in Appendix A). Shown in Fig. 2(a) is the de- pendence of G as a function of laser detuning ∆, as res well as the behaviour of g˜ on ∆, when G is tuned to be G . Fortherestofthispaper,wefocusonthedynamics res governed by the effective coherent Hamiltonian Hˆ . eff C. Coupling to dissipative reservoirs We now turn to a more careful consideration of the effects of dissipation on our system. As is standard in optomechanics, both the mechanics and the cavity are taken to be linearly coupled to independent, Markovian bosonic baths (i.e. baths with constant DOS over the frequency range of interest). This is analogous to the approach taken in input-output treatment of dissipation (see, e.g. [49, 50]). As we are interested in possibly large many-photonoptomechanicalcouplingsG,caremuststill be taken, as the eigenstates of our coherent Hamiltonian arepolaritons,notindividualphotonsorphonons;similar issues have recently been addressed in strongly-coupled FIG.2: (Coloronline)(a)G ,thevalueofthemany-photon res circuit QED systems [51]. Moreover, the strong driving coupling which leads a resonant nonlinear interaction, as a ofthecavitycanalsoleaddirectlyto“quantumheating” function of laser detuning ∆ (c.f. Eq. (7)); the correspond- effects, which manifest themselves directly in the treat- ingeffectivenonlinearcouplingg˜(c.f.Eq.(8))isalsoplotted. ment of the cavity dissipation. We describe these effects (b)and(c)Coefficientsrelatingtheoptomechanicalpolaritons (eigenstatesofthelinearizedHamiltonian)tooriginalphoton more in what follows. andphononoperators(c.f.Eqs.(5))asafunctionoflaserde- tuning∆withG=G [∆]. In(b),weplotthe“normal”co- res efficientswhichrelatepolaritondestructionoperatorstopho- 1. Cavity dissipation in the presence of optomechanical ton/phonon destruction operators, i.e. αb,σ =(cid:104)0,0|cˆσˆb†|0,0(cid:105), coupling and driving with |0,0(cid:105) being the polariton vacuum. In (c) we plot the “anomalous” coefficients, i.e. α¯ = (cid:104)0,0|cˆ ˆb|0,0(cid:105); these co- b,σ σ efficients are directly related to the existence of “quantum Consider first the interaction between the cavity and heating” effects in the linearized theory (c.f. Eq. (15)). its dissipative reservoir. In the original lab frame, the cavity-bath interaction will have the following generic form [49] drive frequency via the unitary Hˆκ=(cid:88)j ωjfˆj†fˆj, Hˆκint=i(cid:114)2πκρC (cid:88)j (cid:16)fˆj†−fˆj(cid:17)(aˆ+aˆ†). Uˆ =exp−iωLtaˆ†aˆ+(cid:88)fˆj†fˆj. (10) (9) j Note that we transform both cavity and bath oper- wherefˆj istheanihiliationoperatorforcavitybathmode ators. The result is that in our interaction picture, j (frequency ωj), κ the damping rate of the photons in- terms in Eq. (9) which conserve excitation number are side the cavity and ρC is the bath DOS. As we consider time-independent,whereastheremainingexcitationnon- a Markovian bath, we take κ and ρC to be frequency conserving terms are rapidly oscillation at a frequency independent. ±2ω ≈±2ω (ω (cid:29)|∆|). Sinceω ismuchlargerthan L C C C We next transform to an interaction picture at the all other energy scales in the rotating frame (i.e. ω (cid:29) C 5 E ,|∆|,ω ,g,κ),andsincethebathoscillatorsnecessar- If these transitions were the only dynamics of the − po- σ M ilyhavepositiveenergiesω >0,theserapidlyoscillating laritons,theywouldindeedcausethemtoreachathermal j terms can never become resonant. We can thus safely state at temperature Tcav, with a thermal occupancy: − make a rotating-wave approximation, and drop them. With this rotating-wave approximation, the cavity- 1 α¯2 bwartithinHgatmheiltcoanviiatny athnennihbileactoiomneospteirmaetoirnadseppeenrdEenqt..(2Rbe)-, nB[E−,T−cav]= eE−/kBT−cav −1 = αd2,−−d,−α¯d2,−. (15) one obtains a standard-rotating wave system-bath inter- We thus see the two crucial ingredients needed to ob- action tainanon-zeroeffectivetemperatureinabosonicsystem Hˆ =(cid:88)(ω −ω )fˆ†fˆ =(cid:88)ω˜ fˆ†fˆ, (11) where the physical bath temperature is zero. We needed κ j L j j j j j both a coherent drive (yielding effective negative energy j j Hˆint =i(cid:114) κ (cid:88)(cid:16)fˆ†dˆ−fˆdˆ†(cid:17), (12) bpaatrhammetordice-saminpoliufirerinttyepraectiniotnerapcictitounrse)(,i.aen.dcoahecroehnetreinnt- κ 2πρ j j C teractions which do not conserve particle number, and j hence yield α¯ (cid:54)= 0). In a completely analogous fash- d,− Note crucially that in this final rotating frame, the ion, one can also associate an effective temperature Tcav + transformed bath frequencies ω˜ can be negative (they j describing the quantum heating of the + polaritons. We extend down to −ω ). While this may seem innocuous, L stress that these effective temperatures have nothing to things become more interesting when we re-write this do with nonlinear interactions. interactionintermsofpolaritonoperators(c.f.Eqs.(5)): For a concrete example of this effective temperature Hˆκint =i(cid:114)2πκρ (cid:88)fˆj†(cid:0)αd,σcˆσ+α¯d,σcˆ†σ(cid:1)+h.c. (13) pthheysricesd, mcoencshiadnericatlhesidspebecainadl,ca∆se=of−aωcMav.ityOnderivfiendast C j,σ (c.f. Eqs. (A1)-(A4)): The anomalous terms which create or destroy two ex- (cid:16) (cid:112) (cid:17)2 citations here should not be dropped; as the polariton 1− 1±2G/ω energies Eσ (cid:28) ωL ∼ ωC, these terms can be resonant nB[E±,T±cav](cid:12)(cid:12)∆=−ωM = 4(cid:112)1±2G/ω M . (16) in our interaction picture, as bath modes having ω˜ < 0 M j can be involved. Physically, such processes involve the Note that n [E ,Tcav] diverges when G approaches the creation of both a polariton and a bath excitation, while B − − onsetofparametricinstability, G→ω /2. Inthislimit, at the same time a (classical) drive photon is absorbed. M E →0,andthedivergenceofn [E ,Tcav]isequivalent Such heating processes thus involve the interplay of the − B − − to a fixed effective temperature Tcav (cid:39) ω /4 = |∆|/4 system drive and the bath zero-point fluctuations, and − M near the instability. Such behaviour is generic for quan- are at the heart of quantum activation [32–35]. tum heating near parametric instabilities. The type of quantum heating phenomena described here is generic, and is found in a variety of related sys- 2. Quantum heating and effective temperature tems, though the generic nature of the mechanism is of- ten not appreciated. Analogous effective temperatures The anomalous, excitation non-conserving terms in also arise in mean-field treatments of driven dissipative Eq. (13) can lead to polariton heating even if the cav- phase transitions. For example, the study of the driven- ity dissipation is at zero temperature. We can natu- dissipative Dicke model in Ref. 27 finds an effective tem- rally associate an effective temperature to this heating perature near the transition identical to that quoted af- by computing Golden Rule transition rates [50]. Con- ter Eq. (16). The physical origin is analogous to that sidering first the lower-energy − polaritons. Hˆint will κ in our system: it arises from the interplay of coherent causetransitionsuphillinenergybetweenaninitialstate parametric-amplifierinteractionscombinedwithacoher- having N −1 polaritons and a final state having N po- ent linear driving. laritons at a rate Γ ∝ N|α¯ |2. Similarly, it will N,N−1 d,− causetransitionsdownhillinenergyfromtheN toN−1 polariton state at a rate Γ ∝ N|α |2. If these N−1,N d,− 3. Mechanical dissipation transitions were due to a bath in true thermal equilib- rium at temperature T, detailed balance dictates that Γ /Γ =exp(−E /k T). In our case, we can Wenowturntotheinteractionbetweenthemechanical N,N−1 N−1,N − B use the ratio of these rates to define the effective tem- resonator and its dissipative bath. The starting interac- perature Tcav of the cavity dissipation as seen by the − tion is analogous to Eq. (9) for the cavity dissipation, − polaritons: e−E−/kBT−cav ≡ ΓN,N−1 = α¯d2,−. (14) Hˆγ=(cid:88)j ωjgˆj†gˆj, Hˆγint=i(cid:114)2πγρM (cid:88)j (cid:16)gˆj†−gˆj(cid:17)(cid:16)ˆb+ˆb†(cid:17), Γ α2 N−1,N d,− (17) 6 where gˆ is a bath annihilation operator, γ the mechan- DOS can be treated as constant (recall that E (cid:28) ω ). j σ C ical damping rate and ρ is the constant DOS of the In contrast, a similar statement does not hold for the M (Markovian) bath. In what follows, we consider the me- mechanical dissipation: we will be probing the mechan- chanical bath to be at temperature T and define the ical bath at frequencies E which could be significantly M σ mean number of excitations inside the bath at ω as different from the mechanical frequency ω . As such, M M it is not a priori obvious that the bath spectral density n¯Mth ≡nB[ωM,TM], (18) can be treated as flat. For simplicity we will nonetheless usetheMarkovbathapproximationforthemechanicsin with n [ω,T] being the Bose-Einstein distribution. B whatfollows(consistentwiththemajorityofworksinop- As the mechanics is undriven, the bath Hamiltonian tomechanics). For the weak dissipation limit of interest, and bath-system interaction are unchanged under the the main effects of a non-flat bath spectral density could transformation of Eq. (10) to the rotating frame at the be easily incorporated into our calculations. One would laser frequency. This time, we re-write the interaction in simply make the mechanical contribution κ to the in- termsofpolaritonoperatorsusingEqs.(5)beforemaking M trinsic polariton decay rates (c.f. Eq. (23)) proportional further approximations. This difference from the treat- to the mechanical bath density of states at the relevant mentofcavitydissipationstemsfromthefactthatunlike polariton energy. ω , ω is comparable to E . It is thus crucial to go to C M σ the eigenstates basis of polaritons before assessing which terms may be safely dropped. In the polariton basis, we D. Lindblad master equation and effective have: polariton dissipation Hˆint =i(cid:114) γ (cid:88) (cid:16)gˆ†−gˆ (cid:17)(α +α¯ )(cid:0)cˆ +cˆ†(cid:1). γ 2πρ j j b,σ b,σ σ σ For further insight, it is useful to use the form of the M j,σ=± system-bath couplings in Eqs. (12) and (20) to derive an (19) approximate Linblad master equation for the dynamics of polaritons in our system. While we do not use such WecannowconsidertheroleoftermsinEq.(19)that a master equation in our analysis, it provides a useful do not conserve excitation number. In contrast to our comparison point. Using the standard derivation (see, treatment of the cavity dissipation, here such anomalous e.g., [49]) valid for weakly coupled Markovian baths, we terms can be dropped in a rotating-wave approximation. obtain: As there is no mechanical drive, there are no effective negativeenergymechanicalbathmodes,andhencethese ρˆ˙(t)=−i(cid:104)Hˆ ,ρˆ(t)(cid:105) eff terms can never be made resonant. Thus, we finally ob- κ κ tain a simple rotating-wave interaction between the me- + −(n¯0 +1)D[cˆ ]ρˆ+ −n¯0D[cˆ† ]ρˆ, chanical bath and the polaritons: 2 − − 2 − − κ κ + +(n¯0 +1)D[cˆ ]ρˆ+ +n¯0D[cˆ†]ρˆ, (21) Hˆint =i(cid:114) γ (cid:88) (cid:104)(α +α¯ )gˆ†cˆ +H.c.(cid:105) (20) 2 + + 2 + + γ 2πρ σ σ j σ M j,σ=± with the Lindblad super operator D[cˆσ]ρˆdefined as As there are no excitation non-conserving terms in D[cˆ ]ρˆ≡2cˆ ρˆ(t)cˆ† −cˆ†cˆ ρˆ(t)−ρˆ(t)cˆ†cˆ . (22) σ σ σ σ σ σ σ Eq.(20), itiseasytoconfirmthattheeffectivetempera- ture of the mechanical dissipation seen by the polaritons The effective polariton damping rates appearing in is simply equal to the physical temperature of the me- Eq. (21) are chanical dissipation. As already emphasized, quantum heatingrequiresboththepresenceofcoherentparametric- κ =γ(α +α¯ )2+κ(cid:0)α2 −α¯2 (cid:1)≡κmech+κcav. σ b,σ b,σ d,σ d,σ σ σ amplifiertypeinteractionsandthepresenceofacoherent (23) drive. Here, while the coherent paramp interactions are present,thereisnocoherentdrivingofthemechanics; as Here,wehaveintroducedκmech(κcav)asthecontribution σ σ such, there is no quantum heating effects involving the to the damping rate of the σ polariton coming from the mechanicalbath. Weseethatevenifboththecavityand interaction with the mechanical resonator (cavity) dissi- mechanical baths have identical physical temperatures, pative bath. The corresponding effective bath thermal thepolaritonsseethemas havingdifferenteffective tem- occupancies are peratures. Thedrivennatureofthesystemthusgivesus 1 (cid:104) (cid:105) interesting non-equilibrium physics even at the level of n¯0 = γ(α +α¯ )2n [E ,T ]+κα¯2 , (24a) the linearized (i.e. quadratic Hamiltonian) theory. σ κσ b,σ b,σ B σ M d,σ We end this subsection with a caveat on the valid- κmechn [E ,T ]+κcavn [E ,Tcav] = σ B σ M σ B σ σ (24b) ity of treating dissipation via Markovian baths. For the κmech+κcav σ σ cavity dissipation, this is an excellent approximation, as we are always probing the bath in a narrow interval of Here,T isthe(physical)temperatureofthemechanical M width ∼E around ω , an interval over which the bath bath (cf. Eq. (18)), Tcav is the temperature of the cavity σ C σ 7 bath as seen by the σ polariton (cf. Eq. (15)) and the different coefficients α are given in Eq. (5). As expected, Eq. (24b) represents a bosonic mode coupled indepen- dently to two disipative baths. An analogous expression holds for the effective mechanical occupancy used to de- scribecavity-coolingexperiments[40]. Notethatwehave made a standard secular approximation, allowing us to drop dissipative terms that do not conserve the number ofeachpolaritonsindependentlyinEq.(21); thisisvalid for the regime of interest E ,|E −E |(cid:29)κ,γ. σ + − The thermal occupation number of the effective baths giveninEqs.(24)andtheircorrespondingtemperatures, defined as n [E ,T0] ≡ n¯0, are plotted in Fig. 3 as a B σ σ σ function of the detuning ∆. Anticipating our interest in nonlinear interactions, for each ∆ we adjust the control laser amplitude so that G=G (i.e. the value that will res make the nonlinear interaction resonant, c.f. Eq. (7)); this can be done for any ∆ ∈ [−2ω ,−ω /2]. One M M sees that even when the physical bath temperature is zero, quantum heating effects can yield effective polari- tontemperaturesaslargeas∼0.1quanta(solidcurves). At non-zero physical temperature (dashed curves), these quantumheatingeffectspersist,butareswampedbythe contribution of mechanical noise at the edges of the de- tuningrangeconsidered. Thisissimplybecausenearthe limits of the detuning range, one polariton species is al- mostallphononic(seeFig.2)andbecomesverysensitive to thermal fluctuations of the mechanical bath. Returning to zero physical bath temperature, another strikingfeatureinFig.3(c)isthesuddendropineffective FIG. 3: (Color online) (a) Damping rates κ of the σ = ± temperatureforthemorephonon-likepolaritonbranchat σ polaritons(cf.Eq.(23))inthelinearizedtheory(i.e.g˜=0),as theedgesofthedetuninginterval. Asitwillbeofinterest afunctionofthedetuning∆. Foreach∆,wetunethecavity in what follows, we discuss this behaviour for detunings controldrivetomaintainG=G (∆). Near∆=−2ω ,the res M near ∆=−2ωM in more detail; here, one sees a sudden -(+)polaritondampingtendstoγ (κ)asitismostlyphonon drop in n¯0 and T0. As ∆ → −2ω , G → 0, and the (photon) like; the converse is true near ∆ = −ω /2. (b) − − M res M −polaritonbecomessimplyaphonon. Expandingn¯0 to Thermaloccupationnumbersn¯0 oftheeffectivebathcoupled − σ lowestorderinG /ω forT =0andγ (cid:28)κ, onegets to the σ polaritons (cf. Eq. (24)) also when g˜ = 0 and G = res M M G . Here, n¯M characterises the (physical) temperature of res th the mechanical bath (cf. Eq. (18)). (c) The temperatures corresponding to the thermal occupation n¯0 (k =1) in the σ B n¯0 = κ α¯2 ≈ 19Gω2rM2esκ . (25) 1sa0m−4earnegdimωMe /aκs p=an5e0l.s (a) and (b). For each curves, γ/κ = − κ− d,− γ+ 8G2resκ 9 ω2 M III. KELDYSH DESCRIPTION OF THE LINEARIZED SYSTEM We see there are two competing effects associated with non-zero G . The numerator reflects the parametric As shown in the previous section, the driven nature res heating associated with the linearized optomechanical of the system leads to non-equilibrium physics even at interaction. The denominator in contrast reflects that the level of the linearized theory (i.e. the two polari- the phonon-like polariton has its lifetime decrease as ton species see different effective temperatures). Con- G increases and it becomes more photon like; this is sequently, we need to use the Keldysh formalism [23] in res just standard optomechanical optical damping. The re- ordertodescribethedynamicsandtoproperlyconstruct sult is that the net quantum heating is maximized for a perturbation theory that treats the nonlinear interac- [G /ω ]2 ∼ γ/κ), corresponding to a laser detuning tion present in Hˆ (Eq. (8)). In this section, we quickly res M eff ∆+2ω ∼ γ/κ; the maximum occupancy n¯0 that can introduce this approach, considering first the linearized M σ be obtained is 1 (as seen in Fig. 3(b)). Hamiltonian of Eq. (2b) and the couplings with the en- 8 8 vironmentgivenbyEqs.(12)and(20). Wewillalsomap used in our previous work [17]. Here, we instead follow the resulting free Keldysh theory onto the simple master a different but equivalent route to obtain the bare Green equation previously derived (Eq. (21)), again working in functions and Keldysh action. the regime where polaritons have a well defined energy The goal here is to write the different Green functions (i.e. κ (cid:28) E ). We stress however that even without such that our description of the linearized theory in the σ σ interactions, the Keldysh approach is more general than Keldysh formalism is completely equivalent to the mas- a Lindblad-style master equation, as it is not restricted ter equation of Eq. (21). As discussed before, Eq. (21) to Markovian baths. describes two independent bosonic modes with simple In the Keldysh formalism, we represent our linearized Markovian damping rates κ (cf. Eq. (23)) and energies σ optomechanicalsystembyafieldtheorywhichisgeneral E (cf. Eq. (4)). Consequently, the retarded (advanced) σ enough to allow the system to be in an arbitrary, non- Greenfunctions,whichgivetheresponsefunctionsofthe equilibriumstate. Inthisfieldtheory,therearetwotime- system, have to adopt the simple following form: dependent fields (classical and quantum) corresponding toeachannihilationoperatorintheoriginaltheory. Con- GR[ω]=(cid:8)GA[ω](cid:9)∗ = 1 , (30) σ σ ω−E +iκ /2 sequently, the quadratic action that conserves the num- σ σ ber of particles of our two independent bosonic modes i.e. a polariton has an energy E and a lifetime 1/κ . σ σ (polaritons) will have the following general form: We now construct the Keldysh Green functions using the same approach. As is standard [23], we define a dis- ∞ ∞ S = (cid:88) (cid:90) (cid:90) dtdt(cid:48)(c∗ (t),c∗ (t))G−1(t−t(cid:48))(cid:18)cσ,cl(t(cid:48))(cid:19). tribution function f[ω] that relates the Keldysh and the L σ,cl σ,q σ c (t(cid:48)) retarded Green functions, such that σ,q σ=± −∞−∞ (26) GK[ω]≡−2i(2f[ω]+1)Im[GR[ω]]. (31) σ σ This function f[ω] parameterizes the occupation of dif- Here, the c (t) are complex functions of time and σ,q/cl ferentpolaritonenergyeigenstates. Asanexample,fora G−1(t−t(cid:48)) is the (operator) inverse of the unperturbed σ system in thermal equilibrium at a certain temperature, (i.e. g˜=0)Greenfunction. Thelatterisgivenbya2×2 f[ω] would be the corresponding Bose-Einstein distribu- matrix tion and Eq. (31) would be an exact statement of the (cid:18)GK(t) GR(t)(cid:19) fluctuation-dissipation theorem [23]. In the particular Gσ(t)= GσA(t) σ0 . (27) casestudiedhere,thefreepolaritonshavesharplypeaked σ single particle DOS ρ [ω] (cf. Eqs. (29) and (30) with σ IntermsofHeisenbergpictureoperators,eachelementis κσ (cid:28) Eσ), such that for the σ polariton, the function defined as f[ω] of Eq. (31) can be approximated as f[ω] (cid:39) f[Eσ]. Finally,ifweinsistthattheaverageoccupancyofthepo- GR(t)=(cid:8)GA(t)(cid:9)∗ ≡−iθ(t)(cid:104)[cˆ (t),cˆ†(0)](cid:105), (28a) lariton matches that in the master equation description, σ σ σ σ then we must have f[E ]=n¯0. We thus have GK(t)≡−i(cid:104){cˆ (t),cˆ†(0)}(cid:105), (28b) σ σ σ σ σ GK[ω]=−2i(2n¯0 +1)Im[GR[ω]]. (32) where the expectations are taken with respect to the ini- σ σ σ tialdensitymatrixwithoutnonlinearinteraction(g˜=0). Describing the linearized theory in the Keldysh for- Here, GR(t) and GA(t) are the standard unperturbed malism using the bare Green functions (30) and (32) is σ σ retarded and advanced Green functions, which govern thus completely equivalent to the Lindblad master equa- the linear response properties of the unperturbed sys- tion(21). Werecallthatthetwoassumptionsunderlying tem. They are also related to the unperturbed DOS of these two equivalent descriptions are that the polaritons each polariton, given by have sharply peaked DOS (i.e. dissipation is weak) and thatcouplingbetweenthe+and−polaritonsduetodis- 1 ρ0[ω]=− Im[GR[ω]]. (29) sipation is negligible (i.e. secular approximation made to σ π σ derive Eq. (21), see Sec. IID). Finally, we note that it is possible to derive exact Finally, GK(t) is known as the (unperturbed) Keldysh σ Langevin equations from the linear Keldysh action given Green function. It encodes knowledge of the energy dis- in Eq. (26). Briefly, one first decouples the quadratic tribution function of each polariton (as we will see more quantum-field terms via an exact Hubbard-Stratonovich clearly below). transormation; this introduces new fields ξenv(t) which With these definitions in hand, one could follow the σ have a Gaussian action. One can then exactly do the standard approach used in input-output theory and de- integrals over quantum and classical fields. The result- rive the Heisenberg-Langevin equations from the coher- ingfunctionaldeltafunctioncorrespondstotheLangevin ent Hamiltonian of Eq. (8) and the particular form of equations: the system baths coupling given by Eqs. (12) and (20). From there, one can directly get the bare Green func- ∂ c (t)=−(cid:16)iE + κσ(cid:17)c (t)−ξenv(t), (33) tions by calculating Eqs. (28). This approach has been t σ σ 2 σ σ 9 where the noise ξenv(t) is Gaussian with zero mean. The σ only non-zero noise correlation functions are given by (cid:104)ξenv(t)[ξenv(t(cid:48))]∗(cid:105)=κ (n¯0 +1/2)δ(t−t(cid:48))δ . (34) Classical vertexQuantum vertex σ σ(cid:48) σ σ σ,σ(cid:48) Asexpected,Eqs.(33)and(34)representtwouncoupled damped harmonic oscillators each in contact with their respective finite temperature Markovian baths. IV. KELDYSH PERTURBATIVE TREATMENT OF POLARITON INTERACTIONS A. Self energies and dressed Green functions FIG.4: (Coloronline)Diagramsrepresentingtheselfenergies Have established the Keldysh formulation of the lin- up to second order in g˜ in the Keldysh formalism. The clas- earized optomechanical theory, we can now address the sical vertices are composed of only one quantum component effectsofthenonlinearinteractionasaperturbation. We while the quantum vertex is composed of three. assume throughout this section that the drive laser has been tuned to make the non-linear interaction resonant, i.e. G=Gres, and thus consider only the resonant inter- wheretheautocorrelationfunctionsoftheξσ(t)noiseare action process given in Eq. (8). unchanged by the nonlinear interactions. We have sup- First,theactiongeneratedbythenonlinearinteraction pressed the explicit time-dependence of fields here for in Hˆ (Eq. (8)) in the cl-q basis is clarity. eff We will not use these approximate quantum Langevin S = √g˜ (cid:90) ∞dt(cid:0)c∗ c c +2c∗ c c equations further, but proceed in a way that does not NL +,q −,cl −,cl +,cl −,q −,cl neglect terms that are cubic in the quantum fields. As 2 −∞ +c∗ c c +C.c.(cid:1), (35) we are interested in weak nonlinear couplings g˜, we will +,q −,q −,q compute the self energy (Σ[ω]) of our Keldysh Green functions perturbatively to order g˜2. At this order, all where the time dependence of the fields are implicit for relevant scattering processes (see Fig. 4) conserve the clarity. Diagrammatically, each terms in the nonlinear numberofpolaritonsindependently(i.e.theselfenergies action corresponds to a vertex shown in Fig 4(a). The arediagonalinthe+/-index). Consequently, theDyson vertices with a single quantum field correct the classical equation that gives the Green functions in presence of saddle point, interactionscanbeseparatelywrittenforeachpolariton. ∂(S∂Lc∗+(StN)L)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) =(cid:90) ∞ dt(cid:48)(cid:2)GR+(t−t(cid:48))(cid:3)−1c+,cl(t(cid:48)) (cid:18)GσK[ω] GσR[ω](cid:19)−1 =G [ω]−1−(cid:18)ΣKσ [ω] ΣAσ[ω](cid:19). +,q c±,q=0 −∞ GσA[ω] 0 σ ΣRσ[ω] 0 g˜ (38) + √ c (t)c (t), (36a) 2 −,cl −,cl Here, we used GσA,R,K[ω] to distinguish the full Green ∂(S∂Lc∗+(StN)L)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) =(cid:90) ∞ dt(cid:48)(cid:2)GR−(t−t(cid:48))(cid:3)−1c−,cl(t(cid:48)) ftuunrbcteidonosn(eis.eG. Aσin,Rcl,uKd[iωn]g. the effects of g˜) from the unper- −,q c±,q=0 −√∞ + 2g˜c (t)c∗ (t). (36b) +,cl −,cl 1. Retarded self energies and interaction-induced polariton damping and thus correspond to a classical nonlinear potential. The term with three quantum fields is more of a purely quantum effect. It could be interpreted as an effective Thediagramsrelatedtothesecondorderretardedself nonlinearity of the quantum noise. energiesareshowninFig.4(b). Fromthese,onestraight- One can still derive Langevin equations from the re- forwardly calculates sulting nonlinear action if one ignores the terms which κ κ +κ are cubic in quantum fields. In this approximation, one ΣR[ω]=Ceff − − + , (39a) − − 4 ω−(E −E )+iκ−+κ+ obtains modified versions of the Langevin equations in + − 2 κ κ Eq. (33): ΣR[ω]=Ceff + − , (39b) + + 2 ω−2E +iκ − − κ ∂ c =−(iE + −)c −2ig˜c∗c −ξenv, (37a) t − − 2 − + − − with ΣA[ω] = {ΣR[ω]}∗. As discussed in detail in [17], σ σ ∂ c =−(iE + κ+)c −ig˜c c −ξenv, (37b) the self energies ΣRσ[ω] describe the hybridization be- t + + 2 + − − + tween the near-resonant |+(cid:105) and |−,−(cid:105) polariton states. 10 The resonant nonlinear processes underlying this hy- 2. Keldysh self energies bridization(seeFig.4(b))areresponsibleforthesharply peaked self energies of Eqs. (39) (κσ (cid:28) Eσ). We have We now turn to the Keldysh self energies, which are introduced effective cooperativites Cσeff to parameterize also directly calculated from the diagrams of Fig. 4(c). howstrongthedecayratesresultingfromtheseprocesses Here, we parametrize each Keldysh self energies via a are (i.e. imaginary part of the self energy) on resonance, thermal occupancy factor n¯int associated with the inter- σ compared to the intrinsic polariton linewidth. Defining action, defined such that Γint[ω]=−2Im(cid:2)ΣR[ω](cid:3), (40) ΣK[ω]≡−2i(2n¯int+1)Im(cid:2)ΣR[ω](cid:3). (43) σ σ σ σ σ we have This parametrization is always possible if we let the n¯int σ tobefrequencydependent. However,wefindthemtobe Ceff ≡ Γi−nt[E+−E−] = 16g˜2(n¯0−−n¯0+), (41a) frequency independent and given by − κ κ (κ +κ ) − − − + n¯0(n¯0 +1) (n¯0)2 Ceff ≡ Γi+nt[2E−] = 4g˜2(2n¯0−+1). (41b) n¯i−nt = +n¯0 −−n¯0 , n¯i+nt = 2n¯0−+1. (44) + κ κ κ − + − + − + We stress that these results (as well as the self-energy The definitions of Ceff,Ceff are analogous to the defi- results above) are based on only keeping the nonlinear − + nition of the standard optomechanical cooperativity C = polariton interaction in Eq. (8), and thus assume that 4G2/κγ as the cavity-induced “optical damping” of the E (cid:39)2E . + − mechanics to the intrinsic mechanical damping. The ef- fective cooperativities are plotted in Fig. 5 as a function of the detuning (keeping G=Gres for all detunings). B. Self-consistent calculation A crucial feature of the interaction-induced polariton damping described by Eqs. (41) is their explicit temper- Theself-energyresultsdiscussedsofar(andinRef.17) ature dependence. This is a direct consequence of the only retain diagrams to leading order in g. To capture multi-particle nature of the relevant decay process. For higher order effects and effectively resum diagrams at the − polariton, we have Γint ∝ (n¯0 −n¯0), as expected − − + all orders in perturbation theory, one can make the dia- forabosonicpolarizationbubble;asimilardampingrate grams in Fig. 4 self-consistent. One simply replaces all is found for an oscillator coupled quadratically to an os- internalpropagatorsinthediagramsbyfulldressedprop- cillator bath [52]. In true thermal equilibrium, the fact agators. Theselfenergythusbecomesafunctionalofthe that E > E guarantees this factor is positive, yield- + − full dressed Green function, and the Dyson equation be- ing Γint >0. Our system however is not in true thermal − comes a self-consistent equation for the full Green func- equilibrium: as discussed in the previous section, it is tion. Solving this self-consistent Dyson equation allows possibletohave(n¯0 −n¯0)<0byhavingsuitablydiffer- − + to capture a particular ensemble of processes at all or- ent effective temperatures for the two polariton species. ders in g. Note that a related self-consistent Keldysh One thus finds that the interactions can lead to nega- approach was previously used to study a nonlinear para- tive damping: Γint < 0. The physics of this regime and − metric amplifier near threshold [24–26]. the possibility of true instability are discussed further in In practice, one solves such self-consistent equations Sec. VD. iteratively: in each step, one calculates the self energy The retarded polariton self energies presented here di- using the current versions of the full Green functions, rectly lead to an interaction-induced modification of the andthenusesthesetoupdatetheGreenfunctionswhich polariton DOS, ρσ[ω], given by will be used for the self-energy calculation in the next iteration. Applying this iterative procedure until con- (cid:20) (cid:21) ρ [ω]≡−1Im(cid:2)GR[ω](cid:3)=−1Im 1 , vergence solves the self-consistent Dyson equation. To σ π σ π ω−E +iκ /2−ΣR[ω] improve the accuracy of our approach, we have applied σ σ σ (42) this iterative strategy for the results shown in Fig. 5 to Signatures of g in the DOS (and corresponding changes Fig. 12. For each calculation, we have performed 20 it- to OMIT-style experiments) were the focus of our pre- erations, which turns out to be more than enough to get vious work [17]. For strong enough nonlinear coupling excellenceconvergenceoftheGreenfunctions. Notethat g, the self energies turn from simply describing an extra by using this self-consistent approach, n¯int, as defined in σ broadening of the polaritons, to describing the coherent Eq. (43), becomes frequency dependent. hybridization of the resonant |+(cid:105) and |−,−(cid:105) polariton Asexpected,theself-consistentapproachdoesnotcon- states. Thekeyconsequenceofthisisthatthesinglepeak verge if the nonlinear interactions become too strong. inthe+polaritonDOSsplits. Furtherdetailsaboutthis Convergence is not solely controlled by the magnitude splitting(andhowitcanbemeasuredviaanOMIT-type ofg˜, butisprimarilydeterminedbytheeffectivecooper- experiment) can be found in Ref. 17. ativities Ceff defined in Eqs. (41). These cooperativities σ

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