REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL SELF CONTAINED REPORT NAPLES CAMPGROUND 295 SEBAGO ROAD NAPLES, MAINE 04055 Dates of Value As Is - November 9, 2012 As Completed - May 1, 2014 As Stabilized - May 1, 2015 Date of Report November 30, 2012 Client Gail Sarrazin, AVP Credit Department Manager Androscoggin Bank SBA and Granite State Development 30 Lisbon Street PO Box 1407 Lewiston, Maine 04243 Appraiser Brian P. Diskin, #CG585 Maineland Consultants 30 Exchange Street Portland, Maine 04101 M a i n e l a n d C O N S U L T A N T S REAL ESTATE APPRAISALS • FLOOD DETERMINATIONS November 30, 2012 Gail Sarrazin AVP, Credit Department Manager Androscoggin Bank SBA and Granite State Development 30 Lisbon Street PO Box 1407 Lewiston, Maine 04234 Re: Real Estate Appraisal Self Contained Report Naples Campground 295 Sebago Road Naples, Maine 04055 Dear Ms. Sarrazin: In accordance with your request, I, Brian P. Diskin, inspected the above captioned property for the purpose of forming an opinion as to the as is, as completed and as stabilized market values as of November 9, 2012, May 1, 2014 and May 1, 2015 respectively. Note: this does not include map R5 Lot 23. The subject is a 111-site seasonal campground with owner’s quarters all situated on 54.3 acres with a proposed expansion of 45 sites to be fully operational in 2015. The subject is located in the rural and shoreland zones per the town of Naples. The analysis and conclusions within the attached self contained report are based upon field research, interviews with market participants, and publicly available data collected by the appraiser. The accompanying report has been prepared in accordance with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice. Included is a summary description and analysis of the real estate, all pertinent data, valuation methodology, supporting relevant exhibits, and addenda to the attached report. It is our opinion that the as is, as completed and as stabilized market values for the subject’s fee simple interest are as follows: AS IS MARKET VALUE FOR REAL ESTATE ONLY-11/9/2012 $1,505,000 ONE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS 30 EXCHANGE STREET, PORTLAND, MAINE 04101 (207) 774-6226 FAX (207) 774-2503 WWW.MAINELANDCONSULTANTS.COM TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I - INTRODUCTION SUMMARY OF SALIENT FACTS AND IMPORTANT CONCLUSIONS ................................................. 1 INTENDED USE/USER OF APPRAISAL ........................................................................................... 1, 3 DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 5 SCOPE OF WORK ................................................................................................................................ 6 UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS ............................................................. 7 CONTAMINATED LAND AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES ................................................................ 9 PART II - FACTUAL DATA AREA ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................. 10 NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 29 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LAND USE RESTRICTIONS ......................................................................... 30 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 31 HIGHEST & BEST USE ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................... 37 THE APPRAISAL PROCESS............................................................................................................... 39 PART III - ANALYSES AND CONCLUSIONS INCOME CAPITALIZATION APPROACH ............................................................................................ 41 SALES COMPARISON APPROACH ................................................................................................... 58 FINAL RECONCILIATION.................................................................................................................... 66 CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................... 68 PART IV - APPENDIX APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................................... 69 Legal Description ...................................................................................................................................... Zoning Excerpts ........................................................................................................................................ Property Exhibits ....................................................................................................................................... FF&E ......................................................................................................................................................... Income & Expense Data ........................................................................................................................... Occupancy Report .................................................................................................................................... Comparable Improved Sales Data Sheets ................................................................................................ Client Engagement Letter ......................................................................................................................... Appraiser Qualifications ............................................................................................................................ 295 Sebago Road Naples, Maine -1- SUMMARY OF SALIENT FACTS AND IMPORTANT CONCLUSIONS Owner of Record: Crepeau Investments, 295 Sebago Road, Naples, Maine 04055 Location of Property: 295 Sebago Road, Naples, Maine 04055 Tax Map Reference: Map R5 Lot 22: Does not include Map R5 Lot 23 Intended Use/ User: The intended use of the appraisal is to assist the client/intended users, Androscoggin Bank, SBA, Granite State Development and/or affiliates, in underwriting purposes. Values Appraised: As Is: Market value of the real estate with allocations to goodwill and FF&E Prospective as completed: Market value of the real estate with allocations to goodwill and FF&E Prospective as stabilized: Market value of the real estate with allocations to goodwill and FF&E Property Rights Appraised: Fee Simple Estate Dates of Value: As is: November 9, 2012, the date of inspection Prospective as completed: May 1, 2014, the date of completion Prospective as stabilized: May 1, 2015, the date of stabilization Date of Report: November 30, 2012 Market Conditions: Mixed market conditions Zoning/Status: Rural Area; legally nonconforming Site Description 54.3 acres Flood Hazard: Zone C; none of the subject parcel is located in a SFHA per FEMA Map #230050 0015 & 18 B, dated 4/01/82 Improvements: 111-site seasonal campground with camp office/store/owner’s quarters, recreation hall, three bath houses, in-ground swimming pool, recycling shed and supporting infrastructure; Proposed 45 full service sites Easements/Encroachments: Typical utility easements, which are not adverse. There are no apparent encroachments. Highest & Best Use: As If Vacant Land –recreational campground As Improved – recreational campground 295 Sebago Road Naples, Maine -2- Value Indicators: As Is Income Capitalization Approach $1,505,000 Sales Comparison Approach N/A Cost Approach N/A As Is Final Market Value Conclusion: $1,505,000 Prospective Upon Completion Income Capitalization Approach $2,335,000 Sales Comparison Approach N/A Cost Approach N/A Prospective Upon Completion Market Value Conclusion: $2,335, 000 Prospective Upon Stabilization Income Capitalization Approach $2,430,000 Sales Comparison Approach $2,615,000 Cost Approach N/A Prospective Upon Stabilization Market Value Conclusion: $2,430,000 Extraordinary Assumptions and/or Hypothetical Conditions: 1.) The subject is completed in a professional workman like manner per plans and specifications; 2.) The subject receives approvals from all regulatory agencies; and 3.) There is no significant change in the economy prior to the completion of proposed improvements. The user of this appraisal is cautioned, as with any extraordinary assumption or hypothetical condition, if the conditions to the appraisal are not met or they change, it could have a direct impact on the values reported herein. Market Time: 6 to 12 months Exposure Time: 6 to 12 months 295 Sebago Road Naples, Maine -3- Subject Property Identification of the Real Estate The subject is located at 295 Sebago Road in Naples, Maine. It is identified on the Town of Naples assessor’s map as Map R5 Lot 22. The subject is a 111-site seasonal campground with camp office/store/owner’s quarters, recreation hall, three bath houses, in-ground swimming pool, recycling shed and supporting infrastructure. It is located between the Sebago Road and Trickey Pond. The site is 54.2 acres with an estimated 450’ of road frontage. The subject is located in the Rural area, Limited Residential District and Shoreland zone (250’ from water). The subject is considered legally non conforming as it predates current zoning. Purpose of the Appraisal The purpose of the appraisal is to estimate the as is, prospective as completed and prospective upon stabilization market values with allocations to FF&E, goodwill and real estate. Intended Use/ User The intended use of the appraisal is to assist the client/intended user, Androscoggin Bank, SBA and Granite State Development and/or affiliates, in underwriting purposes. Property Rights Appraised The subject is an owner-occupied campground that is operated as a hospitality facility for transient guests. The subject’s marketable rights are best characterized as fee simple, defined as: "Absolute ownership unencumbered by any other interest or estate, subject only to limitations imposed by the governmental powers of taxation, eminent domain, police power, and escheat." The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 5th Edition at 78. 295 Sebago Road Naples, Maine -4- Property/Sale History The subject has operated as a seasonal and transient campground since its approval in 2003. It was approved for 116 sites but was modified in 2007 for the relocation of the recreation hall thus 5 sites were lost and now operates as 111 sites. The original campground consisted of 26.1 acres with 28.2 acres added in 2007. There has been a conceptual plan presented to the Naples Planning Board for an additional ±143 sites but no approvals have been granted. A new conceptual plan is being developed for 45 sites (Phase I). Designing and engineering is currently being undertaken and will be presented to the regulatory agencies for approvals in 2013. Phase I will encompass ±14 acres. Phase I is anticipated to be completed for the camping season in 2014. There will be an estimated ±14 acres remaining for future expansion. The subject predated current zoning. Zoning was approved in 2008. Campgrounds are not a permitted use in the subject’s rural zone. The subject is legally non-conforming. Per Naples Planning Board minutes (August and September 2008) the subject’s 2 parcels were combined prior to the enactment of the current zoning thus the campground could expand onto the parcel purchased in 2007 (28.2 acres). This grandfathered use allowing for future expansion provides the subject a competitive advantage that other parcels in this same zone do not have. The subject is not currently listed for sale or under any purchase and sales contract. Easements/Encroachments Typical utility easements are referenced in the deed, which is not adverse to marketability. No encroachments were noted. Tax Assessment Data for Map R5 Lot 22 Land: $ 440,532 Building: $ 392,181 Total: $ 832,713 Mil Rate 2012-2013: $ 12.30 Taxes: $10,242.37 The Town of Naples assessment ratio is reported at 100%. The assessment appears reasonable as compared to similar properties within Naples. Assessed values are created using mass appraisal technique. At a given point in time, a pricing system is developed using recent sales data. This system is used to price all property in the community. The value herein (as is) is higher than the assessment due to the assessment relying strictly on the cost approach and no other valuation scenarios. It is also likely that the land assessment does not fully consider the subject’s grandfathered use and/or expansion potential. Effective Dates of the Appraisal The effective date of this appraisal for the as is value is November 9, 2012, the date of inspection. The effective date of this appraisal for the prospective as completed value is May 1, 2014, the date of completion. The effective date of this appraisal for the prospective as stabilized value is May 1, 2015, the date of stabilization. The date of this report is November 30, 2012. Exposure Period and Marketing Time The value estimate contained in this report is based upon a 6- to 12-month exposure time prior to the hypothetical consummation of a sale on the effective date of the appraisal. If properly priced and marketed, the property would be expected to sell within a 6- to 12-month marketing period. 295 Sebago Road Naples, Maine -5- DEFINITIONS Market Value Market value as defined in the Interagency Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines (Federal Register, Volume 75, No. 237, Page 77472) as: The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus. Implicit in this definition are the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: $ Buyer and seller are typically motivated; $ Both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider their own best interests; $ A reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market; $ Payment is made in terms of cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of financial arrangements comparable thereto; and $ The price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale. Client “The client may be an individual, group, or entity, and may engage and communicate with the appraiser directly or through an agent.” Source: USPAP 2012-2013 Edition Going-Concern Value 1.) AThe market value of all the tangible and intangible assets of an established and operating business with an indefinite life, as if sold in aggregate; more accurately termed the market value of the going concern. 2.) The value of an operating business enterprise. Goodwill may be separately measured but is an integral component of going-concern value when it exists and is recognizable.@ Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 5th ed. at 88 Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment (FF&E) “Business trade fixtures and personal property, exclusive of inventory.” Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 5th ed. at 85 Marketing Time “An opinion of the amount of time it might take to sell a real or personal property interest at the concluded market value level during the period immediately after the effective date of an appraisal. Marketing differs from exposure time, which is always presumed to precede the effective date of an appraisal.” Source: The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal, 5th Edition at 121 Exposure Time “Estimated length of time that the property interest being appraised would have been offered on the market prior to the hypothetical consummation of a sale at market value on the effective date of the appraisal.” Source: USPAP 2012-2013 Edition Prospective Value A forecast of value expected to occur at specified future date. A prospective value estimate is most frequently utilized in connection with real estate projects that are proposed, under construction, under conversion to a new use, or that have otherwise not achieved sellout or a stabilized level of long-term occupancy at the time the appraisal report is written. 295 Sebago Road Naples, Maine -6- SCOPE OF WORK Prior to developing the appraisal, we identified with the client the intended use and intended user, and the value (as is, prospective as completed and prospective as stabilized market values) to be appraised. To complete this appraisal, we have made a number of independent investigations and analyses. We have relied upon data collected in the marketplace from sources deemed to be reliable and on data in our office files on sales and other transactions in Maine over long periods of time. Our comprehensive database is periodically updated for use in all assignments. Listed below is a summary of steps taken in this assignment. Area and Neighborhood Analysis We have consulted with town officials, local real estate brokers and fellow appraisers to ascertain development patterns and trends for the subject's market area. Property Description and Analysis The Town of Naples assessment records, Code Enforcement Office, and Planning Department were researched, as well as the FIRM flood hazard maps. The description of the property is based on personal inspection along with the owners, Conrad and Pamela Crepeau. Building sizes are based upon measurements in the field and owner’s information. Sales Comparison Approach Transfers of improved properties in Naples and competing areas were researched. An attempt was made to contact buyers, sellers and real estate brokers involved in the conveyances to verify transaction data and ensure that the sales were arm’s length. The subject is the type of property that is most often purchased and operated by an owner user. Details of the sales are included in this report. Several sales are available for analysis purposes. Income Approach The income and expense statements were reviewed with owners and compared to similar operations in southern Maine. A stabilized income and expense are presented and valued via direct capitalization technique. Cost Approach The subject is of mixed age and condition being constructed in varying stages. In estimating all forms of depreciation makes the cost approach very subjective and unreliable. The cost approach was not completed. Final Reconciliation The appropriate and applicable methods of estimating the subject's market value are analyzed and reviewed.