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Real and complex random neutrino mass matrices and θ 13 Janusz Gluza1 and Robert Szafron1 1Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, Uniwersytecka 4, PL-40007 Katowice, Poland Recently it has been shown that one of the basic parameters of the neutrino sector, so called θ angle is very small, but quite probably non-zero. We argue that the small value of θ can 13 13 still be reproduced easily by a wide spectrum of randomly generated models of neutrino masses. For that we consider real and complex neutrino mass matrices, also including sterile neutrinos. A qualitative difference between results for real and complex mass matrices in the region of small θ 13 valuesisobserved. Weshowthatstatisticallythepresentexperimentaldataprefersrandommodels of neutrino masses with sterile neutrinos. PACSnumbers: 14.60.Pq;02.10.Yn,14.60.Lm 2 Since their first appearance in modern science neutri- Probability 1 nos have played an important part in our understanding 0 Dirac ofthelawsofparticlephysics. Toseehowimportantthe 0.25 2 weak interaction of neutrinos is in Nature lets just men- n tion the mechanism in which the Sun is shining [1]. It 0.2 Majorana a J is also very well known that they influence evolution of 0.15 See(cid:45)Saw the whole Universe as their tiny masses have an impact 3 0.1 on the dynamics of the expansion of the Universe [2, 3]. ] Without any doubt the investigation of the properties of 0.05 h these particles can reveal many interesting, hidden until p now physical phenomena or explain many hypothetical R - 10(cid:45)5 10(cid:45)4 10(cid:45)3 10(cid:45)2 10(cid:45)1 1 p ideas. e The theory of neutrino oscillations requires nonzero h neutrino masses as well as nonzero neutrino mixing an- FIG. 1: Frequency probability for R parameter obtained [ gles. from 107 randomly generated three dimensional different 3 types of matrices. No constraints given by Eqs.3-7 are ap- TheT2KCollaborationrecentlyannouncedthatanew v plied. measurement [4] has yielded a nonzero θ for CP con- 8 13 7 serving case with δCP = 0 (results at 90% confidence 2 level), i.e. Naturalness means that the neutrino mass matrices are 7 0.03≤ sin22θ ≤0.28, normal mass hierarchy, (1) generated randomly. Apart from neutrino physics, see . 13 1 e.g. [11, 17], random matrices came to be an eminent 0.04≤ sin22θ ≤0.34, inverted mass hierarchy.(2) 1 13 tool used in many different fields of science, including 1 The Minos collaboration published similar results few day-to-day life problems [18]. 1 days later [5]. These results with nonzero θ are of pri- Let us first consider a symmetric, three dimensional : 13 v mary importance for the future of particle physics [6, 7]. matrixwithrandomelementsintherange[−1,1]. Phys- i X Present global fits of the data give [8] (at 1 σ C.L., icallythiscaserealizesMajoranatypeofneutrinos. Simi- [34]) larly,weconsideralsoDiracneutrinos(generatedbygen- r a eral real random matrices) and so-called see-saw neutri- 7.05·10−5 eV2 ≤ ∆m2 ≤8.34·10−5 eV2, (3) 21 noswithmassesm definedthroughrelationmTM−1m 2.07·10−3 eV2 ≤ ∆m232 ≤2.75·10−3 eV2, (4) (hereagainmatriceνsmD andmRaregeneratedDranRdomlDy 0.39≤ sin2θ ≤0.5, (5) in the range [−1,1]). Next, we apply the singular value 23 0.291≤ sin2θ ≤0.324, (6) decomposition theorem [19] to calculate the mixing ma- 12 trixU whichdiagonalizestherandommatriceswestarted 0.008≤ sin2θ ≤0.036. (7) 13 from. Usingthestandardparametrisation,weareableto There are many theoretical models which tune the linkexperimentalmixinganglestotheelementsofmatrix space of possible neutrino parameters to get agreement U, e.g. sin2θ =|U |2. 13 13 with these experimental data. The new data from the InFig.1werecoveroneoftheresultsdiscussedalready T2K collaboration generated a new challenge for that. in [11], see Fig.1. Here R = ∆m2 /∆m2 is the ratio of 21 32 Frequently the pattern of a flavour symmetry is invoked, the smallest to the next smallest values of differences of forrecenttheoreticaladjustmentsofthenonzeroθ mix- squared neutrino masses, m <m <m . Both in Fig.1 13 1 2 3 ing angle, see e.g. [10]. Here we face the problem differ- andnextplotsresultsaregeneratedbasedon107random entlyaskinghownaturalaresmall,nonzerovaluesofθ . mass matrices. Hall et al. approach has an advantage of 13 2 Probability Probability 0.07 Complex 0.07 Complex Real Real 0.05 0.05 Data Data 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 Θ Θ 13 13 Π Π Π Π 5Π Π Π Π Π Π 5Π Π 12 6 4 3 12 2 12 6 4 3 12 2 FIG.2: Frequencyprobabilityforθ obtainedfrom107ran- FIG.3: Frequencyprobabilityforθ obtainedfrom107ran- 13 13 domly generated real and imaginary three dimensional sym- domly generated real and imaginary three dimensional sym- metric matrices (Majorana neutrinos). No constraints given metricmatrices(Majorananeutrinos). ConstraintsbyEqs.3- by Eqs.3-6 are applied. Gray vertical band represents exper- 6 are applied at the 3σ level. Gray vertical band represents imental values of θ , Eq.7 at the 1σ level. experimental values of θ , Eq.7 at the 3σ level. 13 13 pure simplicity. A modified versions have been consid- try is violated (which is the case for randomly generated ered in many papers, see e.g. [12–16]. complex mass matrices) then θ must be different from 13 Let us note that the see-saw neutrino masses are triv- zero. We found that frequency probability for the phys- ially not well defined if elements of M approach zero in ical CP violating phase δ which emerges from randomly R relation mTM−1m , which can happen as elements of generated mass matrices is constant (so this is a trivial D R D M andM aregeneratedinthe[−1,1]range. Thuswe plotandwedonotshowithere. Frompuremathematics D R willconsideronlyDiracandMajoranatypeofneutrinos. (a probability measure) follows that in such case a prob- To disentangle these two types of neutrinos is of great ability to get δ equal to zero or π is zero, so probability importance for neutrino physics [20]. If we connect the distributions should tend to zero for θ13 → 0, what can mechanism of generation of their tiny masses with some be seen on histograms, see solid line in Fig. 2. If Eqs.3-6 heavy states, this issue starts to be important for high are applied, a number of mass matrices which cover the energy colliders like e+e− [21, 22], e−e− [23] and LHC experimentally interesting values of θ13 decreases. For [24]. instance, using 1σ cuts in Eqs.3-6, only 4886 real and 4686 complex matrices remain out of initial 107 random We can extend this discussion to the case where el- matrices. Using 3σ cuts we are left with 31853 real and ements of the neutrino mass matrix involve complex 29141 complex matrices, see Fig.3. Comparing between phases (random numbers with modulus in the interval Dirac and Majorana cases more mass matrices in Majo- [0,1] and a phase in a range [0;2π]). It might seem ranacasesurvivethecuts. Themainconclusionremains that real and imaginary matrices should produce qual- however the same as in the case where no cuts Eqs.3-6 itatively the same results: situation differs only as an areapplied: therearemorematriceswhichreproduceex- additionaldegreeoffreedom(phase)entersineachentry perimental data for real matrices and complex matrices of the mass matrix. However, this is not true, as in fact donotcondenseintheexperimentallyinterestingregion. theydiffer. Thischangedoesnotaffecttheshapesofthe eigenvalues distributions in a significant way but other Itisinterestingthatthelastexperimentaldataimplies observablesdistributionslikeelementsofthemixingma- the presence of a fourth sterile neutrino [25–28]. Usually trix may change. This is exactly the case for θ . the so called 3+1 and 3+2 models of sterile neutrinos 13 Fig.2showstheresultsofnumericalpredictionsforθ , are considered [35]. We then inspect the mass matri- 13 additional constraints given by Eqs.3-6 are not applied. ces of dimensions four and five. Here we focus on an Wecanseethattherealandimaginaryrandommatrices element |U13|2 and define an effective angle such that behave qualitatively differently in vicinity of small θ13 sin2θ13 =|U13|2, sowecancomparetheresultsobtained and real matrices fit better. That frequency probability from models with different number of neutrinos. of random complex matrices tends to zero with θ → 0 In a case of more than three dimensional mass matri- 13 can be understood in the following way. For real matri- ces relations among the elements of the mixing matrix cesCPcomplexphaseiszeroorπ andCPisnotviolated and experimentally defined mixing angles are more in- when θ =0 and therefore there is no direct restriction volved, therefore we will consider this case without cuts 13 on values of θ . Reversing the argument, if CP symme- driven by Eqs.3-7 and without a discussion of the im- 13 3 Probability Probability Complex 3x3 0.07 4x4 Real 0.07 0.05 5x5 Data 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 Θ Π Π Π Π 5Π Π 13 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 (cid:200)U14(cid:200) 12 6 4 3 12 2 FIG. 4: Shifts in the direction of small values of θ with FIG. 5: Probability distributions for |U | elements of the 13 14 increasing number of sterile neutrinos. No constraints given neutrino mixing matrix when the constraint Eq.7 for θ is 13 by Eqs.3-6 are applied. applied. The gray vertical band stands for 3σ values which follow from global fits [32]. pact of additional mixing matrix parameters of four and Probability five dimensional mass matrices. We proceed as in the Complex previous case and generate random matrices and then Real calculatethemixingmatrix. InFig.4weshowresultsfor 0.07 Data Majorana (symmetric) real matrices of different dimen- sions. We observe that the more neutrinos we have the 0.05 bigger number of random matrices reproduce the exper- imental value of the θ parameter. Similar results give 0.03 13 Dirac neutrinos. We have no clear explanation why the probability of 0.01 getting small values for θ13 grows with dimensionality of 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 (cid:200)U24(cid:200) matrices. There is a mathematical law of Wigner [29] connected with real symmetric random matrices which FIG. 6: Probability distributions for |U | elements of the states that their eigenvalues accumulate around zero 24 neutrino mixing matrix when the constraint Eq.7 for θ is (Wigner’s semicircle law [30] is exact in the limit of infi- 13 applied. The gray vertical band stands for upper bounds de- nite dimensions of matrices). To our knowledge, there is rived by MINOS [33]. no relation connecting the distributions of the values of elements of eigenvectors with the dimensionality of real symmetric matrices. distribution argument suggests.) It is interesting that Nonetheless,letustrytounderstandtheresultweob- analyses of recent experiments predict non-zero values tained. Intheanarchicalmodelofneutrinomasses,when forthem[31,32]. InFig.5andFig.6theplotsaregiven no cuts on parameters are applied, mixing angles have for real and complex neutrino Majorana mass matrices very similar probability distributions. This is because (Diracpatternsareverysimilar). Wecanseethatproba- every element of the mass matrix has exactly the same bilitydistributionsforbothrealandcomplexcasesreach probability distribution. Therefore, if the dimension of a maximum at larger values of |U | (|U | (cid:39) 0.7 14 14 max the mass matrix grows, the unitarity of the mixing ma- for a real case, |U | (cid:39) 0.58 for a complex case) 14 max trixconstrainssumsofsquaredmodulusofmixingmatrix when compared with |U | (|U | (cid:39) 0.1, real case; 24 24 max elements,andanaveragevalueofeachofelementsofthe |U | (cid:39) 0.4, complex case). This is in agreement 14 max mixingmatrixwilldecreasewithincreasingdimensional- with fits discussed in [32] (|U |2 < |U |2 for both low µ4 e4 ity. Thisforcestheprobabilitydistributiontotakehigher and high energy neutrino experimental fits). In Fig.5 we values for small angles as the dimension grows, a kind of can see that the most frequent values of |U | do not co- 14 pattern obtained in Fig.4. incide with its experimentally preferable region, though We can make a step further and consider for the first in this experimental region they can also be substantial. time implications of nonzero θ on values of elements More involved analyses including other experimental 13 |U | and |U | in the 3+1 sterile model when the con- constraints and various mass hierarchies in 3 + 1 and 14 24 straint Eq.7 for θ is applied. (Without cuts, probabil- 3+2modelsgobeyondthisBriefReportandareleftfor 13 ity distributions for |U | and |U | are practically the a future work. 14 24 same as for θ in Fig.2, as the just discussed equal- In conclusion, though random matrices can not solve 13 4 fundamentalproblemsinneutrinophysics,theygenerate 702 (2011) 220 [arXiv:1104.0602 [hep-ph]]. intriguinghintsonthenatureofneutrinomassmatrices. [16] S. -F. Ge, D. A. Dicus and W. W. Repko, arXiv:1108.0964 [hep-ph]. [17] B.Dziewit,K.Kajda,J.Gluza,andM.Zralek,Phys.Rev. D74 (2006) 033003. We would like to thank Marek Gluza and Radomir [18] Deift,P.,Universalityformathematicalandphysicalsys- Sevillanoforusefuldiscussionsandcarefulreadingofthe tems, arXiv:0603038 [math-ph]. manuscript. 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