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Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series Advisory Board P.I. Cameron Queen Mary and Westfield College M.A.I. Chaplain University ofDundee K. Erdmann Oxford University L.C.G. Rogers UniversityofCambridge E. Siili Oxford University I.F. Toland UniversityofBath Other books in this series A First Course in Discrete Mathematics 1. Anderson Analytic Methods for Partial Differential Equations G. Evans, ]. Blackledge, P. Yard1ey Applied Geometry for Computer Graphics and CAD, Second Edition D. Marsh Basie Linear Algebra, Second Edition T.S. Blyth and E.F. Robertson Basie Stochastic Processes Z. Brzeiniak and T. Zastawniak Complex Analysis ]M. Howie Elementary Differential Geometry A. Press1ey Elementary Number Theory G.A. ]ones and ].M. ]ones Elements of Abstract Analysis M. 6 Searc6id Elements of Logic via Numbers and Sets D.L. ]ohnson Essential Mathematical Biology N.F. Britton Essential Topology M.D. Cross1ey Fields, Flows and Waves: An Introduction to Continuum Models D.F. Parker Further Linear Algebra T.S. Blyth and E.F. Robertson Geometry R. Fenn Groups, Rings and Fields D.A.R. Wallace Hyperbolic Geometry ]. W. Anderson Information and Coding Theory G.A. ]ones and ].M. ]ones Introduction to Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series P.P.G. Dyke Introduction to Ring Theory P.M. Cohn Introductory Mathematics: Algebra and Analysis G. Smith Linear Functional Analysis B.P. Rynne and M.A. Youngson Mathematics for Finance: An Introduction to Financial Engineering M. Capinksi and T. Zastawniak Matrix Groups: An Introduction to Lie Group Theory A. Baker Measure, Integral and Probability, Second Edition M. Capitiksi and E. Kopp Multivariate Calculus and Geometry, Second Edition S. Dineen Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations G. Evans, ]. Blackledge, P. Yard1ey Probability Models ].Haigh Real Analysis ]M. Howie Sets, Logic and Categories P. Cameron Special Relativity NM.]. Woodhouse Symmetries D.L. ]ohnson Topics in Group Theory G. Smith and O. Tabachnikova Vector Calculus P.e. Matthews John M. Howie Real Analysis With 35 Figures , Springer John M. Howie, CBE, MA, D.Phil, DSc, Hon D.Univ, FRSE School of Mathematics and Statistics, Mathematical Institute, University of St Andrews, North Haugh, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9SS, Scotland Qmr iIbuttation rImrmIJ rtprIIduud", /cind pmniJJiDII of: Aptech Syotems, !ne., PubIiIben of Ihe GAUSS Mathema1iall anei Slatillial S,-... 23804 5.E. KenI-JCaDsIey RaId, MIpIe v.u.y, WA!II03II, USA. Tel: (206) 432 -78551'1x (206) 432 -7832 emaiJ: ~ URL:www.optech.cum American StaIioticaI AIIOCiadon: 0wIce VoiS No 1,1995 artide by KS anei JCW Heiner",.. Riop allhe Northem Shnanpnb' JlIII! 32 fis 2 Sprinsor-VerfI&: Malhemalial in I!duation anei Raean:h Voi 4 '-3 1995 artide by iIIImIn E MIedor, lIaIric:e AmIbein anei 0Ii>u GIoor 'mustraled MaIhematia: VIlUllizltion al Malhemaliall 0bjedI' JlIII! 9 fis II, CJrisiIIIIIy pubIiIhed u • CD ROM 'DIuItnted MaIhematid by TELOS: ISBN 0-387-14222-3, German ediIioa by Birl<baIllOr.ISBN }'7643-510D-4. Mathemalial in Education anei Raean:h Voi 4 Iuue 3 1995 artide by Ric:hanI J GayIord anei Kazume Nishidare"ralIic: J!naineerinB with CeIIular Automata' JlIII! 35 fig 2. Mathemalial in Education anei Raean:h Voi 5 '-2 1\J915 artide by Michod TIOII 'Tbe ImpIiciIÎZllÎoll of. TMoiI Knot'JlIII! 14- Mathematica in Education anei Raean:h Voi 5 1_ 2 1\J915 artide by !.ee de Cola 'Coins, T..-, Ban anei BeIII: Simulation allhe BinomiaI !'ro as' JlIII! 19 fig 3. MaIhemaIiaI in Education anei Raean:h Voi 5 '-2 1\J915 artide by Ric:hanI GayIord anei Kazume N"ubidate 'Contagioul Sprading' JlIII! 33 fig 1. Malhemalial in Edw:ation anei Raean:h Voi 5 '-2 1\J915 artide by Joe BuhIor anei Stan W..., 'SecretI al the Madelq ConItant' JlIII! 50 fig 1. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Howie, 1000 Mackintosh Real ana1ysis. - (Springer undergraduate mathematics series) 1. Mathematica1 Analysis 1. Tîtle SIS ISBN 978-1-85233-314-0 Library of Congress Cata1oging-in-Publication Data Howie, 1000 M. 0000 Mackintosh) Real ana1ysis I 1000 M. Howie p. an. - (Springer undergraduate mathematics series, ISSN 1615-2085) Indudes bib1iographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-85233-314-0 ISBN 978-1-4471-0341-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-0341-7 1. Mathematica1 ana1ysia. 1. Tide. II. Series. QA300.H694 2001 S15-dc21 00-069839 Apart from any fair deaIing for the purposea of researcb or private study, or aiticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, DesigDs and Patents Act 1988, thia publication may only be reproduced, atored or transmitted, in any fonn or by any means, with the prior pmniasion in writing ofthe publishm, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms of Iicences iasued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries conceming reproduction outside thase terms should be sent to the publishers. Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series ISSN 1615-2085 ISBN 978-1-85233-314-0 springeronline.com o Springer-VeriagLondon 2001 OriginaIly published by Springer-Ve rIag London Limited in 2001 The use of registered names, trademarks etc. in thia pub1ication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant Jaws and regu1ations and therefore free for general use. The publisher maltes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in thia book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omiasîons that may bemade. Typesetting: Camera ready by the author 1213830-5432 Printed on acid-free paper SPIN 11338116 To my grandchildren Catriona, Sarah, Karen and Fiona, who may some day want to read this book Preface From the point ofview ofstrict logic, a rigorous course on real analysis should precedea courseoncalculus. Strict logic, is, however,overruledby both history and practicality. Historically,calculus, withitsoriginsinthe 17thcentury,came first, and made rapid progress on the basis of informal intuition. Not until well through the 19th century was it possible to claim that the edifice was constructed on sound logical foundations. As for practicality, every university teacher knows that students are not ready for even a semi-rigorous course on analysis until they have acquired the intuitions and the sheer technical skills that come from a traditional calculus course. Real analysis, I have always thought, is the pons asinorv.m1 of modern mathematics. This shows, I suppose, how much progress we have made in two thousand years, for it is a great deal more sophisticated than the Theorem of Pythagoras, which once received that title. All who have taught the subject know how patient one has to be, for the ideas take root gradually, even in students of good ability. This is not too surprising, since it took more than two centuries for calculus to evolve into what we now call analysis, and even a gifted student, guided by an expert teacher, cannot be expected to grasp all of the issues immediately. I have not set out to do anything very original, since in a field as well establishedasrealanalysisoriginalitytooeasilybecomeseccentricity. Although it is important to demonstrate the limitations of a visual, intuitive approach by means of some "strange" examples of functions, too much emphasis on "pathology" gives altogether the wrong impression ofwhat analysis is about. I hope that I have avoided that error. It is, of course, possible to handle many of the fundamental ideas of real analysiswithin themoregeneralframeworkofmetricspaces. Assuredlythis has advantages, but I have preferred to take the moreconcrete approach, believing The bridge of asseSj that is, the bridge between elementary mathematics, which 1 asses can understand, into higher regions ofthought. VIII Real Analysis as I do that to add abstraction to the difficulties facing the student is to make the subject unnecessarily daunting. By the same token, though many of the notions apply to both real and complex numbers, it seemed that there was little to gained by drawing attention to this aspect. My experience suggests that the central notion of a limit is more easily approached in the context of sequences, and I take this as a starting point. Sequences, and the closely related topic ofseries, occupy Chapter 2. Chapter 3 (Continuity), Chapter 4 (Differentiation) and Chapter 5 (The Riemann In tegral) form the core of the book. Chapter 6 introduces the logarithmic and exponential functions, and the crucial concept ofuniform convergence is intro duced in Chapter 7 (Sequences and series offunctions). Any authorsettingout to write a bookon real analysis has to decide where to introduce the circular functions sin and cos. Logically one ought to delay their introduction until it can be done "properly", and this is what I would do if I ever wished (perish the thought!) to write a rigorous GOUT'S d'Analyse in the grand French manner. Theremust, however, be few students setting out on a first course in analysis who are unfamiliar with sines and cosines, and I am certainly not the first author to adopt the practical policy of regarding these functions as provisionally "known", pending proper definitions. The proper definitions are given in Chapter 8. It is all too easy to present mathematics as a set of truths inscribed on tablets ofstone, complete and perfect. By variousfootnotes and index entries I havesoughttoemphasisethat thesubject wascreatedby real people. Muchin terestinginformationonthesepeoplecanbefound intheSt AndrewsHistoryof Mathematics archive (http://www-history.mes.st-and.ae.uk/history/). The book contains many worked examples, as well as 190 exercises, for which briefsolutions are provided at the end ofthe book. I retired in 1997 after 27 years in the University of St Andrews. It is a pleasure to record thanks to the University, and in particular to the School of Mathematicsand Statistics, for their generosityin continuingto give meaccess to a desk and to the various facilities ofthe Mathematical Institute. I am grateful to my colleague John O'Connor for his help in creating the diagrams. Warmest thanks aredue alsoto mycolleaguesKenneth Falconerand Lars Olsen,whosecommentsonthemanuscripthave, Ihope,eliminatedserious errors. The responsibility for any imperfections that remain is mine alone. John M. Howie University ofSt Andrews November, 2000 Contents 1. Introductory Ideas. ......................................... 1 1.1 Foreword for the Student: Is Analysis Necessary? ............. 1 1.2 The Concept of Number. .................................. 3 1.3 The Language ofSet Theory ............................... 4 1.4 Real Numbers. ........................................... 7 1.5 Induction................................................ 12 1.6 Inequalities.............................................. 18 2. Sequences and Series 27 2.1 Sequences............................................... 27 2.2 Sums, Products and Quotients 33 2.3 Monotonic Sequences 37 2.4 Cauchy Sequences ........................................ 42 2.5 Series................................................... 47 2.6 The Comparison Test 50 2.7 Series ofPositive and Negative Terms 58 3. Functions and Continuity. .................................. 63 3.1 Functions, Graphs 63 3.2 Sums, Products, Compositions; Polynomialand Rational Func- tions 66 3.3 Circular Functions. ....................................... 70 3.4 Limits.................................................. 73 3.5 Continuity............................................... 81 3.6 Uniform Continuity 90 3.7 Inverse Functions. ........................................ 94 x Contents 4. Differentiation.............................................. 99 4.1 The Derivative. .......................................... 99 4.2 The Mean Value Theorems 105 4.3 Inverse Functions 110 4.4 Higher Derivatives 113 4.5 Taylor's Theorem 116 5. Integration 119 5.1 The Riemann Integral. 119 5.2 Classes ofIntegrable Functions 126 5.3 Properties ofIntegrals 131 5.4 The Fundamental Theorem 138 5.5 Techniques ofIntegration 143 5.6 Improper Integrals ofthe First Kind 150 5.7 Improper Integrals ofthe Second Kind 158 6. The Logarithmic and Exponential Functions 165 6.1 A Function Defined by an Integral 165 6.2 The Inverse Function 168 6.3 Further Propertiesofthe Exponential and LogarithmicFunctions176 7. Sequences and Series ofFunctions 181 7.1 Uniform Convergence 181 7.2 Uniform Convergence ofSeries 192 7.3 Power Series 201 8. The Circular Functions 217 8.1 Definitions and Elementary Properties 217 8.2 Length 220 9. Miscellaneous Examples 229 9.1 Wallis's Formula 229 9.2 Stirling's Formula 230 9.3 A Continuous, Nowhere Differentiable Function 234 Solutions to Exercises 237 The Greek Alphabet 269 Bibliography 271 Index 273 1 Introductory Ideas 1.1 Foreword for the Student: Is Analysis Necessary? In writing this book my assumption has been that you have encountered the fundamental ideas of analysis (function, limit, continuity, differentiation, inte gration) in a standard course on calculus. For many purposes there is no harm at all in an informal approach, in which a continuous function is one whose graph has no jumps and a differentiable function is one whose graph has no sharp corners, and in which it is "obvious" that (say) the sum oftwo or more continuous functions is continuous. On the other hand, it is not obvious from the graph that the function f defined by ={ f(x) Xsin(lfx) ifxi- 0 o = ifx 0 = is continuous but not differentiable at x 0, since the function takes the value o infinitely often in any interval containing0, and so it is not really possible to drawthegraphproperly.Moresignificantly,sincethesinefunction iscontinuous it might seem obvious that the function S defined by S(x) =sinx _ sin2x + sin3x _ ... 1 2 3 J. M. Howie, Real Analysis © Springer-Verlag London Limited 2001

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